ENTRY            22692   20191119                             22832269200000001 
SUBENT        22692001   20191119                             22832269200100001 
BIB                 12         51                                 2269200100002 
TITLE        Reinvestigation of 85Kr branching in the light of new2269200100003 
            82,84,86Kr neutron capture cross section measurements 2269200100004 
AUTHOR     (P.Mutti,H.Beer,A.Brusegan,F.Corvi)                    2269200100005 
INSTITUTE  (2FR ILL)  Mutti                                       2269200100006 
           (2GERKFK)  Beer                                        2269200100007 
           (2ZZZGEL)  Brusegan, Corvi                             2269200100008 
REFERENCE  (J,NSTS,2,569,2002)   Main reference. Data given       2269200100009 
           (C,98VOLOS,,200,1998) prelim.data                      2269200100010 
FACILITY   (LINAC,2ZZZGEL) Pulsed Geel Linear Accelerator -       2269200100011 
           GELINA beam energy is 100 MeV averaged current 60      2269200100012 
           60 microAmp. Compressed 1 ns electron bursts repetition2269200100013 
           rate 800 Hz                                            2269200100014 
METHOD     (TOF)  Time-Of-Flight, flight base 58.404 m            2269200100015 
INC-SOURCE (PHOTO)   Neutron produced by (gamma,n) and (gamma,f)  2269200100016 
             reactions induced by electron beam of 100 MeV energy.2269200100017 
             Neutrons were moderated in two 40-mm water slabs     2269200100018 
             canned in beryllium and placed immediately above and 2269200100019 
             below of rotary target                               2269200100020 
DETECTOR   (STANK)   C6D6-based liquid scintillators for prompt   2269200100021 
              capture gamma-ray measurement (NE230)               2269200100022 
           (GLASD) 0.25 inch thick lithium glass detector (NE912) 2269200100023 
            for total cross section measurement                   2269200100024 
REL-REF    (R,,P.Ribon,R,CEA-N-1149,1969)                         2269200100025 
            The weighted average of the three resonances of 131Xe,2269200100026 
            at En=46.0, 75.6 and 114.9 eV respectively were used  2269200100027 
            to minimize the effect of multiple scattering         2269200100028 
            of neutrons into the sample.                          2269200100029 
SAMPLE       Natural xenon for the standard placed in a hollow    2269200100030 
             sphere 80 mm inner diam., pressure 20 Bar, mass      2269200100031 
             43.48 gram                                           2269200100032 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)  The uncertainties represent the sum of the    2269200100033 
           contributions from:                                    2269200100034 
            * the statistical errors on both the resonance        2269200100035 
              parameters and the average cross section            2269200100036 
           (ERR-1) 2% relative error due to uncertainties in the  2269200100037 
                   normalization,                                 2269200100038 
           (ERR-2,0.,3.) Error in the energy dependence of the    2269200100039 
           neutron flux ranging from 0 at 1 keV to 3% at 200 keV  2269200100040 
           with logE interpolation,                               2269200100041 
           (ERR-3) an estimated 10% error on the average capture  2269200100042 
            cross section due to uncertainty in the background    2269200100043 
            subtraction and                                       2269200100044 
           (ERR-4)Conservative 5% error on the weighting procedure2269200100045 
HISTORY    (20030311C)  J.O.S.                                    2269200100046 
           (20030311U) Last checking has been done.               2269200100047 
           (20131117A) SD: Ref. on Conf. abstract deleted.        2269200100048 
           ERR-ANALYS updated. Minor corrections. EN-MEAN -> KT   2269200100049 
           and correct values accordingly in Subents 2,3,4.       2269200100050 
           (20190830A) SD: STATUS updated in Subents 002-004.     2269200100051 
           MONITOR deleted; MONIT-REF -> REL-REF with description.2269200100052 
           (20191119U) SD: Ref. C,98VOLOS,,200,1998 added.        2269200100053 
ENDBIB              51          0                                 2269200100054 
COMMON               3          3                                 2269200100055 
ERR-1      ERR-3      ERR-4                                       2269200100056 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    2269200100057 
         2.       10.     5.                                      2269200100058 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2269200100059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 2269200199999 
SUBENT        22692002   20190830                             22822269200200001 
BIB                  4         10                                 2269200200002 
REACTION   (36-KR-82(N,G)36-KR-83,,SIG,,MXW)  Maxwell-averaged cs 2269200200003 
SAMPLE     (36-KR-82,ENR=0.993) 11.05 gram of 99.3% enriched      2269200200004 
           82Kr gas placed in a hollow sphere 80 mm inner         2269200200005 
           diameter, and the same sphere filled with 25.86 gram   2269200200006 
           of the natural krypton                                 2269200200007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Nucl.Sci.Technol.Suppl.,2(2002)5692269200200008 
           (SPSDD,22908003)                                       2269200200009 
HISTORY    (20131117A) SD: EN-MEAN -> KT and values were corrected2269200200010 
           accordingly.                                           2269200200011 
           (20190830A) SD: STATUS updated (COREL -> SPSDD).       2269200200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2269200200013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2269200200014 
DATA                 3         12                                 2269200200015 
KT         DATA       ERR-T                                       2269200200016 
KEV        MB         MB                                          2269200200017 
   5.0      263.0      14.5                                       2269200200018 
   8.0      201.8      11.3                                       2269200200019 
  10.0      176.0      10.0                                       2269200200020 
  15.0      138.5       8.0                                       2269200200021 
  20.0      116.5       6.9                                       2269200200022 
  25.0      102.5       6.1                                       2269200200023 
  30.0       92.2       5.6                                       2269200200024 
  40.0       78.6       4.9                                       2269200200025 
  50.0       69.4       4.4                                       2269200200026 
  60.0       62.2       4.0                                       2269200200027 
  80.0       50.8       3.4                                       2269200200028 
 100.0       42.1       2.9                                       2269200200029 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 2269200200030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 2269200299999 
SUBENT        22692003   20190830                             22822269200300001 
BIB                  4         10                                 2269200300002 
REACTION   (36-KR-84(N,G)36-KR-85,,SIG,,MXW)  Maxwell-averaged cs 2269200300003 
SAMPLE     36-KR-84,ENR=0.999) 17.35 gram of 99.9% enriched 84Kr  2269200300004 
           gas placed in a hollow sphere 80 mm inner diameter,    2269200300005 
           and the same sphere filled with 25.86 gram of the      2269200300006 
           natural krypton                                        2269200300007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Nucl.Sci.Technol.Suppl.,2(2002)5692269200300008 
           (SPSDD,22908005)                                       2269200300009 
HISTORY    (20131117A) SD: EN-MEAN -> KT and values were corrected2269200300010 
           accordingly.                                           2269200300011 
           (20190830A) SD: STATUS updated (COREL -> SPSDD).       2269200300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2269200300013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2269200300014 
DATA                 3         12                                 2269200300015 
KT         DATA       ERR-T                                       2269200300016 
KEV        MB         MB                                          2269200300017 
   5.0      134.3       7.4                                       2269200300018 
   8.0       89.3       5.0                                       2269200300019 
  10.0       73.9       4.2                                       2269200300020 
  15.0       53.3       3.1                                       2269200300021 
  20.0       42.8       2.5                                       2269200300022 
  25.0       36.2       2.2                                       2269200300023 
  30.0       31.6       1.9                                       2269200300024 
  40.0       25.4       1.6                                       2269200300025 
  50.0       21.2       1.4                                       2269200300026 
  60.0       18.1       1.3                                       2269200300027 
  80.0       13.7       1.1                                       2269200300028 
 100.0       10.7       1.0                                       2269200300029 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 2269200300030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 2269200399999 
SUBENT        22692004   20190830                             22822269200400001 
BIB                  4         10                                 2269200400002 
REACTION   (36-KR-86(N,G)36-KR-87,,SIG,,MXW)  Maxwell-averaged cs 2269200400003 
SAMPLE     (36-KR-86,ENR=0.999) 18.03 gram of 99.9% enriched      2269200400004 
           86Kr gas placed in a hollow sphere 80 mm inner         2269200400005 
           diameter, and the same sphere filled with 25.86 gram   2269200400006 
           of the natural krypton                                 2269200400007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Nucl.Sci.Technol.Suppl.,2(2002)5692269200400008 
           (SPSDD,22908006)                                       2269200400009 
HISTORY    (20131117A) SD: EN-MEAN -> KT and values were corrected2269200400010 
           accordingly.                                           2269200400011 
           (20190830A) SD: STATUS updated (COREL -> SPSDD).       2269200400012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2269200400013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2269200400014 
DATA                 3         12                                 2269200400015 
KT         DATA       ERR-T                                       2269200400016 
KEV        MB         MB                                          2269200400017 
   5.0        2.91      0.16                                      2269200400018 
   8.0        3.92      0.20                                      2269200400019 
  10.0        4.43      0.22                                      2269200400020 
  15.0        5.07      0.25                                      2269200400021 
  20.0        5.14      0.30                                      2269200400022 
  25.0        4.97      0.29                                      2269200400023 
  30.0        4.74      0.28                                      2269200400024 
  40.0        4.25      0.26                                      2269200400025 
  50.0        3.82      0.24                                      2269200400026 
  60.0        3.46      0.23                                      2269200400027 
  80.0        2.85      0.22                                      2269200400028 
 100.0        2.47      0.22                                      2269200400029 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 2269200400030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 2269200499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 2269299999999