ENTRY            22696   20160915                             22522269600000001 
SUBENT        22696001   20160915                             22522269600100001 
BIB                 15         85                                 2269600100002 
TITLE       Incineration of 241-Am induced by thermal neutrons    2269600100003 
AUTHOR     (G.Fioni, M.Cribier, M.Aubert, S.Ayrault, O.Deruelle,  2269600100004 
           M.Fadil, A.Letourneau, T.Bolognese, J.-M.Cavedon,      2269600100005 
           F.Marie, A.Gaudry, F.Gunsing, F.Chartier, R.Plukiene,  2269600100006 
           D.Ridikas, F.Doneddu, I.Almahamid, Ph.Leconte,         2269600100007 
           F.Lelievre, D.A.Shaughnessy, H.Faust, P.Mutti,         2269600100008 
           G.Simpson, J.Martino, R.Olivier, A.Pluquet, M.Spiro,   2269600100009 
           C.Veyssiere, I.Tsekhanovich, S.Roettger)               2269600100010 
INSTITUTE  (2FR SAC)  Fioni, Deruelle, Fadil, Letourneau, Marie,  2269600100011 
             Plukiene, Ridikas,Cribier,Bolognese, Gunsing,        2269600100012 
             Leconte, Lelievre, Martino, Pluquet, Spiro,          2269600100013 
             Veyssiere, Cavedon, Aubert, Chartier, Doneddu,       2269600100014 
             Roettger                                             2269600100015 
           (2FR ILL)  Faust, Mutti, Simpson, Tsekhanovich,        2269600100016 
                      Leconte, Olivier                            2269600100017 
           (1USABRK)  Almahamid, Shaughnessy                      2269600100018 
           (2GERPTB)  Roettger                                    2269600100019 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,693,546,2001)  Main reference                  2269600100020 
           #doi:10.1016/S0375-9474(01)00920-4                     2269600100021 
           (J,NSTS,2,(2),876,200208) Conf.proceedings             2269600100022 
           (J,ASL,49,1,1999)  Preliminary results                 2269600100023 
           (S,AIP-447,52,1998)  Preliminary results               2269600100024 
FACILITY   (REAC,2FR ILL)  Institute Laue-Langevin high-flux      2269600100025 
                           reactor                                2269600100026 
INC-SOURCE (REAC)  Evacuated inclined beam tube                   2269600100027 
METHOD     (MASSP) Mass-spectrometry of irradiated samples        2269600100028 
           (GSPEC) Gamma-spectrum analysis                        2269600100029 
MONITOR    (26-FE-58(N,G)26-FE-59,,SIG)                           2269600100030 
            A 20 mg natural iron wire, canned in a quartz ampoule,2269600100031 
           was irradiated together with each 241Am sample to      2269600100032 
           measure the integral thermal neutron fluence.          2269600100033 
DECAY-MON  (26-FE-59,44.5D,DG,1291.6)                             2269600100034 
SAMPLE      .Twelve samples of 241Am oxide containing each near   2269600100035 
             30 microgram 241Am oxide sealed in quartz ampule     2269600100036 
            .Sample irradiation -                                 2269600100037 
             241Am mass    irradiation duration  neutron flux     2269600100038 
             microgram     days                  n/cm2/sec        2269600100039 
             ------------  --------------------  --------------   2269600100040 
              29.52+-0.53      2.08E-2=30 min.     6.E+14         2269600100041 
              29.94+-0.47      0.95                6.E+14         2269600100042 
              30.21+-0.54      2.01                6.E+14         2269600100043 
              27.89+-0.50      5.02                6.E+14         2269600100044 
              31.52+-0.57     10.98                6.E+14         2269600100045 
              25.24+-0.45     10.98                6.E+14         2269600100046 
              25.32+-0.46     19.03                6.E+14         2269600100047 
              38.14+-0.69     19.03                6.E+14         2269600100048 
              37.92+-0.68      5.01                2.E+13         2269600100049 
              27.95+-0.50     11.01                2.E+13         2269600100050 
              29.81+-0.54     24.0                 2.E+13         2269600100051 
              29.85+-0.54     24.0                 2.E+13         2269600100052 
           .Initial composition of samples is -                   2269600100053 
            Np-237/Am-241 = (25.3 +- 0.8)E-3                      2269600100054 
            Pu-239/Am-241 = (3.63 +- 0.04)E-3                     2269600100055 
            Pu-238/Pu-239 = (11.32 +- 0.20)E-3                    2269600100056 
            Pu-240/Pu-239 = (371.9 +- 1.5 )E-3                    2269600100057 
            Pu-241/Pu-239 = (42.42 +- 0.20)E-3                    2269600100058 
            Pu-242/Pu-239 = (44.58 +- 0.25)E-3                    2269600100059 
PART-DET   (A,G)                                                  2269600100060 
DETECTOR   (HPGE)   Coaxial germanium for gamma detection with    2269600100061 
             relative efficiency 15% having a wide range of gamma 2269600100062 
             detection from 20 keV to several MeV                 2269600100063 
           (SOLST)  High resolution passivated implanted planar   2269600100064 
             silicon (pips) of active area 100 mm2 depleted to    2269600100065 
             300 micrometers, resolution is 11.8 keV for 5.486    2269600100066 
             alpha energy                                         2269600100067 
INC-SPECT  .Neutrons thermalized to 85% - 100%, flux from         2269600100068 
            2.2 x 10**13 n/cm2/sec to 6.0 x 10**14 n/cm2/sec      2269600100069 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)  Total error                                   2269600100070 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty in the neutron flux                2269600100071 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty in detector efficiency             2269600100072 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty in gamma branching                 2269600100073 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty in beta decay                      2269600100074 
HISTORY    (20030317C)  J.O.S.                                    2269600100075 
           (20051201A) Reference and new subents added.           2269600100076 
                       Bib-information added from main reference  2269600100077 
           (20090506U) Upper case in author names changed to lower2269600100078 
           (20110207A) SD: Author's name corrected (M.Gribier =>  2269600100079 
             M.Cribier). DOI added. Conf. abstract ref. deleted.  2269600100080 
             Cosmetic changes in Subents 002-007                  2269600100081 
           (20121229A) SD: Title was changed. REACTION code was   2269600100082 
           changed in Subent 3, DECAY-DATA was added to Subent 4  2269600100083 
           and Subent 7.                                          2269600100084 
           (20151215A) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected in Subent 005.    2269600100085 
           STATUS 'COREL' deleted.                                2269600100086 
           (20160915U) SD: Ref. AIP-447,52 was added.             2269600100087 
ENDBIB              85          0                                 2269600100088 
COMMON               5          3                                 2269600100089 
EN-MEAN    ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4                 2269600100090 
EV         PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              2269600100091 
   2.53E-02  4.0          1.0      2.54      1.90                 2269600100092 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2269600100093 
ENDSUBENT           92          0                                 2269600199999 
SUBENT        22696002   20110207                             22262269600200001 
BIB                  5          9                                 2269600200002 
REACTION   (95-AM-241(N,G)95-AM-242,,SIG,,MXW)                    2269600200003 
DECAY-DATA (95-AM-242-G,16.02HR,DG)                               2269600200004 
SAMPLE      .Several samples of 241Am oxide containing each near  2269600200005 
             30 microgram 241Am oxide sealed in quartz ampule     2269600200006 
STATUS     (TABLE) .From section entitled ('final results of the  2269600200007 
             241Am transmutation study'), NSTS,2,(2),876,200208.  2269600200008 
             Confirmed in final publication: NP/A,693,546,2001    2269600200009 
           (COREL,22941003)                                       2269600200010 
HISTORY    (20051201A)  REACTION SF4 corrected                    2269600200011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2269600200012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2269600200013 
DATA                 2          1                                 2269600200014 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  2269600200015 
B          B                                                      2269600200016 
       696.        48.                                            2269600200017 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2269600200018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 2269600299999 
SUBENT        22696003   20121229                             22342269600300001 
BIB                  5         14                                 2269600300002 
REACTION   (95-AM-241(N,G)95-AM-242-G/T,,SIG/RAT,,MXW)            2269600300003 
DECAY-DATA (95-AM-242-G,16.02HR,DG)                               2269600300004 
SAMPLE      .Several samples of 241-Am oxide containing each near 2269600300005 
             30 microgram 241Am oxide sealed in quartz ampule     2269600300006 
STATUS     (TABLE) .From section entitled ('final results of the  2269600300007 
             241Am transmutation study'), NSTS,2,(2),876,200208.  2269600300008 
             Confirmed in final publication:                      2269600300009 
                                       NP/A,693,546,2001 (p.557)  2269600300010 
           (DEP,22696002)                                         2269600300011 
           (COREL,22941002) Data from C,2009BUDA,81 (see 22941002)2269600300012 
             complement measurements presented in this Subent     2269600300013 
             for Am-241.                                          2269600300014 
HISTORY    (20051201U)  BIB Updated                               2269600300015 
           (20121229A) SD: REACTION code was changed.             2269600300016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 2269600300017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2269600300018 
DATA                 2          1                                 2269600300019 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  2269600300020 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 2269600300021 
      0.914      0.007                                            2269600300022 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2269600300023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 2269600399999 
SUBENT        22696004   20121229                             22342269600400001 
BIB                  4          6                                 2269600400002 
REACTION   (95-AM-242(N,G)95-AM-243,,SIG,,MXW)                    2269600400003 
DECAY-DATA (95-AM-242-G,16.02HR,DG)                               2269600400004 
STATUS     (TABLE).From Abstract of NP/A,693,546,2001             2269600400005 
HISTORY    (20080514A)   Am-242-g changed to Am-242               2269600400006 
           (20080514U) Last checking has been done.               2269600400007 
           (20121229A) SD: DECAY-DATA was added                   2269600400008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 2269600400009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2269600400010 
DATA                 2          1                                 2269600400011 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  2269600400012 
B          B                                                      2269600400013 
       330.        50.                                            2269600400014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2269600400015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 2269600499999 
SUBENT        22696005   20151215                             22462269600500001 
BIB                  7         12                                 2269600500002 
REACTION   (94-PU-242(N,G)94-PU-243,,SIG,,MXW)                    2269600500003 
SAMPLE      10 microgram of 99.932% pure 242Pu electrodeposited   2269600500004 
            on a 4 micron nickel foil                             2269600500005 
MONITOR     Al-1%Co monitor irradiated together with 242Pu sample 2269600500006 
METHOD     (STTA)  Stack target irradiation                       2269600500007 
DECAY-DATA (94-PU-242,3.7E+5YR)                                   2269600500008 
           (94-PU-243,4.956HR,DG,85.,,B-)                         2269600500009 
           (95-AM-243,7370.0YR,A,5275.0,0.874,                    2269600500010 
                              A,5233.0,0.11)                      2269600500011 
STATUS     (TABLE)  From NSTS,2,(2),876,200208.                   2269600500012 
HISTORY    (20151215A) SD: 4.956yr -> 4.956hr in DECAY-DATA       2269600500013 
           following text of NSTS,2,(2),876,2002.                 2269600500014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 2269600500015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2269600500016 
DATA                 2          1                                 2269600500017 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  2269600500018 
B          PER-CENT                                               2269600500019 
        17.        10.                                            2269600500020 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2269600500021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 2269600599999 
SUBENT        22696006   20110207                             22262269600600001 
BIB                  5          6                                 2269600600002 
REACTION   (95-AM-241(N,G)95-AM-242-G,,SIG,,MXW)                  2269600600003 
DECAY-DATA (95-AM-242-G,16.02HR,DG)                               2269600600004 
SAMPLE      .Several samples of 241Am oxide containing each near  2269600600005 
             30 microgram 241Am oxide sealed in quartz ampule     2269600600006 
STATUS     (TABLE).From NP/A,693,546,2001, page 557               2269600600007 
HISTORY    (20051201C)  SM                                        2269600600008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 2269600600009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2269600600010 
DATA                 2          1                                 2269600600011 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  2269600600012 
B          B                                                      2269600600013 
       636.        46.                                            2269600600014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2269600600015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 2269600699999 
SUBENT        22696007   20121229                             22342269600700001 
BIB                  4          6                                 2269600700002 
REACTION   (95-AM-241(N,G)95-AM-242-M,,SIG,,MXW)                  2269600700003 
DECAY-DATA (95-AM-242-M,141.YR)                                   2269600700004 
STATUS     (TABLE).From NP/A,693,546,2001, page 557               2269600700005 
           (DEP,22696002)                                         2269600700006 
HISTORY    (20051201C)  SM                                        2269600700007 
           (20121229A) SD: DECAY-DATA was added                   2269600700008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 2269600700009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2269600700010 
DATA                 2          1                                 2269600700011 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  2269600700012 
B          B                                                      2269600700013 
        60.         4.                                            2269600700014 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2269600700015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 2269600799999 
ENDENTRY             7          0                                 2269699999999