ENTRY            22709   20011018                             00002270900000001 
SUBENT        22709001   20011018                             00002270900100001 
BIB                 10         21                                 2270900100002 
TITLE      Scattering of polarized neuterons by 3He               2270900100003 
INSTITUTE  (2GERHAM)                                              2270900100005 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,129,666,1969)                                  2270900100006 
INC-SOURCE The targets used were Si3N4 enriched with 15N (about   2270900100007 
           90%) of the total nitrogen content and 6.2 Ci/cm2 of   2270900100008 
           3H absorbed in Ti.                                     2270900100009 
SAMPLE     3He gas of 1 to 2.2atm. in aluminium cylinder          2270900100010 
DETECTOR   (TELES) the telescope which consists of a sandwich of  2270900100011 
           three parallel plate avalanche counters P1-P3, three   2270900100012 
           multiwire proportional counters (two of which are used 2270900100013 
           in parallel) D1 and D2 and an angular filter which     2270900100014 
           defines the direction of the recoil particles within   2270900100015 
           +-3.8 degr. in the scaterring plane and within 14.degr 2270900100016 
           in the plane perpendicular to the scaterring plane.    2270900100017 
           The essential features of the counter elements are:    2270900100018 
           Large effective area (approx.100 cm2), low mass        2270900100019 
            ( 3 mg/cm2 per counter eleement)                      2270900100020 
FACILITY   (VDG)                                                  2270900100021 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors                             2270900100022 
HISTORY    (20011017C)                                            2270900100023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 2270900100024 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2270900100025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 2270900199999 
SUBENT        22709002   20011018                             00002270900200001 
BIB                  2          3                                 2270900200002 
REACTION  1(2-HE-3(N,EL)2-HE-3,,POL/DA)                           2270900200003 
          2(2-HE-3(N,EL)2-HE-3,,POL/DA,,ASY)                      2270900200004 
STATUS     (TABLE) tbl.2                                          2270900200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 2270900200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2270900200007 
DATA                 6         16                                 2270900200008 
EN         ANG-CM     DATA      1ERR-S     1DATA      2ERR-S     22270900200009 
MEV        ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     2270900200010 
  12.00      110.0      13.20      9.700      6.100      4.500    2270900200011 
  12.00      120.0      34.70      6.700      15.60      3.100    2270900200012 
  12.00      130.0      36.10      5.400      16.70      2.500    2270900200013 
  12.00      140.0      26.60      4.100      12.30      1.900    2270900200014 
  12.00      150.0      23.40      3.200      10.80      1.500    2270900200015 
  12.00      160.0      11.50      3.200      5.300      1.500    2270900200016 
  12.00      170.0      7.100      3.700      3.300      1.700    2270900200017 
  16.00      90.00     -38.60      13.00     -7.400      2.500    2270900200018 
  16.00      100.0     -28.10      8.800     -5.400      1.700    2270900200019 
  16.00      110.0      14.60      7.300      2.800      1.400    2270900200020 
  16.00      120.0      37.00      7.800      7.100      1.500    2270900200021 
  16.00      130.0      45.30      7.800      8.700      1.500    2270900200022 
  16.00      140.0      54.10      6.800      10.40      1.300    2270900200023 
  16.00      150.0      41.10      7.300      7.900      1.400    2270900200024 
  16.00      160.0      24.50      4.700      4.700     0.9000    2270900200025 
  16.00      170.0      10.90      5.700      2.100      1.100    2270900200026 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 2270900200027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 2270900299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 2270999999999