ENTRY            22728   20121107                             22342272800000001 
SUBENT        22728001   20121107                             22342272800100001 
BIB                 15         32                                 2272800100002 
TITLE       .Partial cross section determination of the reaction  2272800100003 
            12-C (n,n'), Q=-9.641 MeV, using a DD neutron source  2272800100004 
AUTHOR     (D.Schmidt, B.R.L.Siebert)                             2272800100005 
INSTITUTE  (2GERPTB)                                              2272800100006 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM/A,342,544,1994) Main reference, graphs are given2272800100007 
FACILITY   (ACCEL,2GERPTB)   Braunschweig PTBs TOF facility,      2272800100008 
               pulsed deuteron current = 0.6 micro-A, pulse width 2272800100009 
               1.5 nanosec, repetition rate 1 MHz                 2272800100010 
REL-REF    (I,,H.J.Brede+,J,NIM,169,349,1980)  Description of     2272800100011 
                 the accelerator and method                       2272800100012 
CORRECTION     B.R.L.Siebert+,R,PTB-ND-20,1981  Description of    2272800100013 
              correction methods for the scattering experiments   2272800100014 
INC-SOURCE (D-D)  D2 gas target, length 3.0 cm, diameter 1.1 cm,  2272800100015 
                  pressure 200 kPa, backing 500 micron gold,      2272800100016 
                  entrance foil 5 micron Mo                       2272800100017 
DETECTOR   (SCIN)  5 NE-213 scintillation detectors positioned at 2272800100018 
              12.5 degree spacing in a fixed angles               2272800100019 
MONITOR    (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG)                                2272800100020 
METHOD     (TOF)                                                  2272800100021 
           (SITA)  Interchanged irradiation of carbon and         2272800100022 
                   polyethylene samples                           2272800100023 
SAMPLE      .Cylinder carbon sample 2.45 cm diameter, 5.0 cm      2272800100024 
            height                                                2272800100025 
            .Polyethylene monitor sample of the same dimensions   2272800100026 
ANALYSIS   .Scattered breakup neutrons were subtracted using      2272800100027 
            a method of Monte-Carlo simulation                    2272800100028 
STATUS     .From curves in main reference                         2272800100029 
HISTORY    (20050719C)  SD/SM                                     2272800100030 
           (20121107U) SD: Ref. on R,PTB-ND-20 was corrected and  2272800100031 
               moved to CORRECTION as free information (in EXFOR  2272800100032 
               no code for PTB-ND reports). Page in ref. was      2272800100033 
               corrected (NIM/A,342,534 -> NIM/A,342,544).        2272800100034 
ENDBIB              32          0                                 2272800100035 
COMMON               2          3                                 2272800100036 
Q-VAL      EN-ERR                                                 2272800100037 
MEV        KEV                                                    2272800100038 
   -9.641     10.                                                 2272800100039 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2272800100040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 2272800199999 
SUBENT        22728002   20050719                             21732272800200001 
BIB                  4          7                                 2272800200002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(N,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA)                           2272800200003 
REL-REF    (A,,A.TAKAHASHI+,J,NST,25,215,1988)                    2272800200004 
ERR-ANALYS (ANG-ERR-D)  Digitizing error                          2272800200005 
           (ANG-ERR)    Angle error                               2272800200006 
           (ERR-DIG)    Digitizing error                          2272800200007 
           (DATA-ERR)   Error from the curve                      2272800200008 
STATUS     (CURVE)    Fig.6-8 of main reference                   2272800200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 2272800200010 
COMMON               2          3                                 2272800200011 
ANG-ERR-D  ERR-DIG                                                2272800200012 
ADEG       PER-CENT                                               2272800200013 
0.5          0.2                                                  2272800200014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2272800200015 
DATA                 5         68                                 2272800200016 
EN         ANG-CM     ANG-ERR    DATA-CM    DATA-ERR              2272800200017 
MEV        ADEG       ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                 2272800200018 
 14.060      29.537    3.1972     6.5709      1.0434              2272800200019 
 14.060      32.029    2.2837     7.0401      0.87568             2272800200020 
 14.060      34.958    2.9728     8.0645      1.0047              2272800200021 
 14.060      43.908    3.2012     7.0318      0.89293             2272800200022 
 14.060      46.508    2.9688     5.2635      0.71550             2272800200023 
 14.060      49.397    3.2012     6.8859      0.67271             2272800200024 
 14.060      57.714    2.9688     5.0484      0.71714             2272800200025 
 14.060      60.355    2.9688     7.0564      0.79112             2272800200026 
 14.060      63.448    2.5120     4.6889      0.63740             2272800200027 
 14.060      71.833    2.9688     5.8494      0.74278             2272800200028 
 14.060      74.149    2.7484     5.2720      0.66946             2272800200029 
 14.060      77.146    2.2877     4.8185      0.61187             2272800200030 
 14.060      82.783    2.5120     6.1556      0.59823             2272800200031 
 14.060      87.859    3.4175     5.2060      0.50860             2272800200032 
 14.060      95.415    2.9728     4.9091      0.55165             2272800200033 
 14.060     100.21     2.9728     4.9991      0.56176             2272800200034 
 14.060     107.55     2.7364     4.4101      0.56001             2272800200035 
 14.060     112.34     2.7404     4.5510      0.57790             2272800200036 
 14.060     119.29     2.7364     3.3765      0.80051             2272800200037 
 14.060     124.07     2.2837     3.5782      0.90647             2272800200038 
 14.060     126.12     2.5080     3.5384      0.83787             2272800200039 
 14.060     130.98     2.7404     2.9134      0.93641             2272800200040 
 14.530      29.736    2.5179     5.3229      1.0202              2272800200041 
 14.530      32.668    2.7434     6.3435      1.1482              2272800200042 
 14.530      35.644    2.9823     6.3596      1.0097              2272800200043 
 14.530      43.887    3.2045     6.3196      0.93215             2272800200044 
 14.530      46.644    1.8312     6.0866      0.96733             2272800200045 
 14.530      49.576    2.7501     7.2536      0.92226             2272800200046 
 14.530      57.574    2.5145     7.7021      0.97928             2272800200047 
 14.530      60.540    1.8312     8.0359      0.90207             2272800200048 
 14.530      63.525    2.7467     7.7411      0.96395             2272800200049 
 14.530      71.345    1.8278     6.7320      0.99298             2272800200050 
 14.530      73.842    2.9756     7.3068      0.92901             2272800200051 
 14.530      76.935    2.5178     4.5992      0.78203             2272800200052 
 14.530      81.658    2.9756     6.4393      0.72637             2272800200053 
 14.530      86.986    2.9756     5.0239      0.74104             2272800200054 
 14.530      94.964    2.5179     5.7777      0.73460             2272800200055 
 14.530     100.06     3.2045     4.6284      0.73557             2272800200056 
 14.530     107.58     2.7467     5.1810      0.65874             2272800200057 
 14.530     112.15     2.7501     5.4854      0.69864             2272800200058 
 14.530     119.29     2.7501     4.5205      1.1015              2272800200059 
 14.530     124.13     2.9756     4.0270      0.88807             2272800200060 
 14.530     126.24     2.7467     3.2609      0.76154             2272800200061 
 15.820      29.503    2.9697     9.1346      1.1620              2272800200062 
 15.820      35.698    2.7412     8.3733      1.0631              2272800200063 
 15.820      43.303    2.7412     6.7283      1.0687              2272800200064 
 15.820      49.463    1.8236     6.9521      0.78460             2272800200065 
 15.820      52.192    1.5991     7.2549      0.82022             2272800200066 
 15.820      56.753    3.1981     7.4844      0.75573             2272800200067 
 15.820      66.348    2.2805     7.5559      0.84674             2272800200068 
 15.820      71.180    1.5952     6.7351      0.85336             2272800200069 
 15.820      76.635    2.7412     7.4329      0.83482             2272800200070 
 15.820      81.336    3.1981     4.7496      0.70090             2272800200071 
 15.820      86.756    2.7451     5.9084      0.73725             2272800200072 
 15.820      92.211    2.7373     6.5205      0.73235             2272800200073 
 15.820      94.384    2.7412     4.3834      0.79388             2272800200074 
 15.820     99.537     2.9697     6.2275      0.79381             2272800200075 
 15.820     107.02     2.9735     7.4590      0.93073             2272800200076 
 15.820     112.10     2.5128     6.2222      0.97906             2272800200077 
 15.820     118.82     2.5128     4.6120      0.94559             2272800200078 
 15.820     123.39     4.1119     4.6329      0.94988             2272800200079 
 15.820     125.65     2.9697     2.3241      0.63027             2272800200080 
 15.820     130.47     2.5128     0.97017     0.64011             2272800200081 
 15.820     137.01     2.7412     1.3087      0.56609             2272800200082 
 15.820     141.48     2.5128     1.8580      0.59948             2272800200083 
 15.820     148.30     2.7373     2.1086      0.64286             2272800200084 
 15.820     152.85     2.9736     1.0323      0.63470             2272800200085 
 15.820     159.12     2.7412     1.5693      0.73947             2272800200086 
ENDDATA             70          0                                 2272800200087 
ENDSUBENT           86          0                                 2272800299999 
SUBENT        22728003   20050719                             21732272800300001 
BIB                  3          5                                 2272800300002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(N,INL)6-C-12,PAR,SIG)                          2272800300003 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR-DIG)  Digitizing error                         2272800300004 
           (ERR-DIG)    Digitizing error                          2272800300005 
           (DATA-ERR)   Error from the curve                      2272800300006 
STATUS     (CURVE)  Fig. 9 of main reference                      2272800300007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 2272800300008 
COMMON               2          3                                 2272800300009 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                2272800300010 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               2272800300011 
0.01        0.2                                                   2272800300012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2272800300013 
DATA                 3          3                                 2272800300014 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2272800300015 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2272800300016 
 14.075     58.399     6.3497                                     2272800300017 
 14.528     67.751     5.4810                                     2272800300018 
 15.816     65.780     4.3271                                     2272800300019 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 2272800300020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 2272800399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 2272899999999