ENTRY            22754   20200117                             22852275400000001 
SUBENT        22754001   20200117                             22852275400100001 
BIB                  9         29                                 2275400100002 
TITLE      Measurement of (n,2n) cross-sections for several       2275400100003 
           dosimetry reactions between 12 and 20 MeV.             2275400100004 
AUTHOR     (M.Sakuma, S.Iwasaki, H.Shimada, N.Odano, K.Suda,      2275400100005 
           J.R.Dumais, K.Sugiyama)                                2275400100006 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNTOH)                                              2275400100007 
REFERENCE  (R,JAERI-M-92-027,278,1992) Main Ref. 197Au(n,2n) data 2275400100008 
           (J,PNE,26,231,1991) First author S.Iwasaki.            2275400100009 
             Graphs of cross section ratios Nb/Al, Au/Al.         2275400100010 
           (R,JAERI-M-93-046,257,1993) First author S.Iwasaki.    2275400100011 
            Other data of this report are in Entry 22751.         2275400100012 
FACILITY   (DYNAM,2JPNTOH) Tohoku University 4.5-MV Dynamitron    2275400100013 
            Accelerator of Fast Neutron Laboratory.               2275400100014 
INC-SOURCE (D-T)  T(d,n)He-4 reaction. Incident deuteron beam     2275400100015 
            energy about 3 MeV. Air-cooled Ti-T target, Ti-layer  2275400100016 
            of 11 mm diameter, 10.1 mg/cm**2 thickness, on copper 2275400100017 
            backing of 0.5mm thickness, mounted in thin copper    2275400100018 
            chamber (circular tube of 70 mm long, 14mm outer      2275400100019 
            diameter, 1 mm thick wall, end plate of 0.5 mm thick).2275400100020 
            Beam profile was measured to be two-dimensional       2275400100021 
            Gaussian distribution of 4-mm FWHM.                   2275400100022 
INC-SPECT   Neutron intensity was monitored with NE-213 detector. 2275400100023 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) NE-213 liquid scintillation detector,2" diameter2275400100024 
            2" thickness. For neutron intensity monitoring.       2275400100025 
           (HPGE)  80 cc high-purity germanium detector calibrated2275400100026 
            with a set of standard gamma-ray source. For gamma-ray2275400100027 
            of sample foils.                                      2275400100028 
HISTORY    (20081006C)  M.M.                                      2275400100029 
           (20200117A) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected in Subents 002-0052275400100030 
           ERR-ANALYS updated in Subents 002-009.                 2275400100031 
ENDBIB              29          0                                 2275400100032 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2275400100033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 2275400199999 
SUBENT        22754002   20200117                             22852275400200001 
BIB                  9         53                                 2275400200002 
REACTION   ((41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG)/                      2275400200003 
           (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG))                          2275400200004 
SAMPLE         Rectangular foils 10mmx10mmx0.5mm(thickness) .     2275400200005 
            Sample set was composed of two Al foils sandwiched    2275400200006 
            between Nb foils with Au foil opposite the target.    2275400200007 
METHOD     (ACTIV) 1-st series of irradiations for c-s ratios:    2275400200008 
               Neutron energy 19.9-12.8 MeV, angle for irradiation2275400200009 
            0-140 deg., d+ energy 3.26MeV, beam current 10 microA,2275400200010 
            irradiation time 50 hours.                            2275400200011 
           (TOF)   Angular spectra of source neutrons were        2275400200012 
            measured by TOF technique at angles from 0 to 150 deg 2275400200013 
            at intervals of 10 or 5 deg.                          2275400200014 
           (GSPEC) Gamma-rays from samples were measured.         2275400200015 
DECAY-DATA (41-NB-92-M,10.15D,DG,934.53,0.990)                    2275400200016 
            Measured gamma-ray 934.53+-0.05 keV with emission     2275400200017 
            probability 0.990+-0.002 .  HL error 0.02 d.          2275400200018 
           (11-NA-24,14.959HR,B-,,,DG,1368.633,0.99994)           2275400200019 
            Measured gamma-ray 1368.633+-0.006 with emission      2275400200020 
            probability 0.99994+-0.002. HL error 0.004 hr.        2275400200021 
            Decay data from J.H.Baard,W.L.Ziip,H.J.Nolthenius,19892275400200022 
            Nuclear Data Guide for Reactor Neutron Metrology,     2275400200023 
            Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, Netherlands.        2275400200024 
ANALYSIS    Cross sections ratio was derived from ratio of        2275400200025 
            reaction-rates.                                       2275400200026 
CORRECTION - Fluctuation of neutron flux during irradiation.      2275400200027 
           - Difference of neutron flux between foils.            2275400200028 
           - Nonmonochromaticity of irradiating neutrons.         2275400200029 
           - Contribution of parasitic D(d,n)He-3 neutrons to     2275400200030 
             reaction rate of Al-27(n,alpha)Na-24 .               2275400200031 
           - Finite dimensions of sample foils.                   2275400200032 
           - Self-absorption of gamma-rays in the foils.          2275400200033 
           - Sum-coincidence effect of cascade gamma-rays for Al  2275400200034 
             samples was evaluated experimentally to be less 1%,  2275400200035 
             was included in uncertainties of efficiencies..      2275400200036 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 2.5 - 7.0 % is given as      2275400200037 
             error bar on Fig.2                                   2275400200038 
           (ERR-S,0.7,2.0) Uncertainty in counting statistics of  2275400200039 
                           gamma-ray - 0.7-2.0 %.                 2275400200040 
           (ERR-1,2.1,4.5) Uncertainty in detection efficiency    2275400200041 
                           of gamma-ray - 2.1-4.5 %.              2275400200042 
           (ERR-2,,0.1) Uncertainty in sample mass < 0.1%.        2275400200043 
           (ERR-3,,0.1) Uncertainty in sample purity < 0.1 %.     2275400200044 
           (ERR-4,0.1,0.2) Uncertainty in decay half-life of      2275400200045 
                           nuclei - 0.1-0.2%.                     2275400200046 
           (ERR-5,0.002,2.6) Uncertainty in emission probability  2275400200047 
                             of gamma-ray - 0.002-2.6%            2275400200048 
                             (2.6% -for gamma-rays from Au-196).  2275400200049 
           (ERR-6,,0.1) Uncertainty due corrections < 0.1% .      2275400200050 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2 of JAERI-M-92-027,278(triangl.,1-st exp.)2275400200051 
             Fig.3 of Progr.Nucl.En.,26(1991)231                  2275400200052 
           (COREL,22754003) Data from Run 2                       2275400200053 
HISTORY    (20200117A) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected, STATUS,          2275400200054 
           ERR-ANALYS updated. DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                 2275400200055 
ENDBIB              53          0                                 2275400200056 
COMMON               2          3                                 2275400200057 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                2275400200058 
MEV        NO-DIM                                                 2275400200059 
0.16495E-010.16805E-01                                            2275400200060 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2275400200061 
DATA                 3         10                                 2275400200062 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2275400200063 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2275400200064 
 12.788     3.6878    0.15523                                     2275400200065 
 13.698     3.9773    0.20154                                     2275400200066 
 14.844     4.0598    0.18604                                     2275400200067 
 14.853     4.1372    0.18644                                     2275400200068 
 16.066     4.9625    0.24825                                     2275400200069 
 17.430     5.9704    0.31026                                     2275400200070 
 17.438     5.8617    0.30986                                     2275400200071 
 18.669     6.6556    0.38798                                     2275400200072 
 19.583     7.5498    0.38778                                     2275400200073 
 19.911     7.9145    0.38738                                     2275400200074 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 2275400200075 
ENDSUBENT           74          0                                 2275400299999 
SUBENT        22754003   20200117                             22852275400300001 
BIB                  9         54                                 2275400300002 
REACTION   ((41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG)/                      2275400300003 
           (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG))                          2275400300004 
SAMPLE        Rectangular foils 20mm x 5mm x 0.5mm(thickness) in  2275400300005 
              second irradiation, except Au foils of 0.2mm thick. 2275400300006 
            Sample set was composed of two Al foils sandwiched    2275400300007 
            between Nb foils with Au foil opposite the target.    2275400300008 
METHOD     (ACTIV) 2-nd series of irradiations for c-s ratios:    2275400300009 
               Neutron energy 19.4-12.7 MeV, angle for irradiation2275400300010 
            0-140 deg., d+ energy 2.85MeV, beam current 10 microA,2275400300011 
            irradiation time 36 hours.                            2275400300012 
           (TOF)   Angular spectra of source neutrons were        2275400300013 
            measured by TOF technique at angles from 0 to 150 deg 2275400300014 
            at intervals of 10 or 5 deg.                          2275400300015 
           (GSPEC) Gamma-rays from samples were measured.         2275400300016 
DECAY-DATA (41-NB-92-M,10.15D,DG,934.53,0.990)                    2275400300017 
            Measured gamma-ray 934.53+-0.05 keV with emission     2275400300018 
            probability 0.990+-0.002 .  HL error 0.02 d.          2275400300019 
           (11-NA-24,14.959HR,B-,,,DG,1368.633,0.99994)           2275400300020 
            Measured gamma-ray 1368.633+-0.006 with emission      2275400300021 
            probability 0.99994+-0.002. HL error 0.004 hr.        2275400300022 
            Decay data from J.H.Baard,W.L.Ziip,H.J.Nolthenius,19892275400300023 
            Nuclear Data Guide for Reactor Neutron Metrology,     2275400300024 
            Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, Netherlands.        2275400300025 
ANALYSIS    Cross sections ratio was derived from ratio of        2275400300026 
            reaction-rates.                                       2275400300027 
CORRECTION - Fluctuation of neutron flux during irradiation.      2275400300028 
           - Difference of neutron flux between foils.            2275400300029 
           - Nonmonochromaticity of irradiating neutrons.         2275400300030 
           - Contribution of parasitic D(d,n)He-3 neutrons to     2275400300031 
             reaction rate of Al-27(n,alpha)Na-24 .               2275400300032 
           - Finite dimensions of sample foils.                   2275400300033 
           - Self-absorption of gamma-rays in the foils.          2275400300034 
           - Sum-coincidence effect of cascade gamma-rays for Al  2275400300035 
             samples was evaluated experimentally to be less 1%,  2275400300036 
             was included in uncertainties of efficiencies..      2275400300037 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 2.5 - 7.0 % is given as      2275400300038 
             error bar on Fig.2                                   2275400300039 
           (ERR-S,0.7,2.0) Uncertainty in counting statistics of  2275400300040 
                           gamma-ray - 0.7-2.0 %.                 2275400300041 
           (ERR-1,2.1,4.5) Uncertainty in detection efficiency    2275400300042 
                           of gamma-ray - 2.1-4.5 %.              2275400300043 
           (ERR-2,,0.1) Uncertainty in sample mass < 0.1%.        2275400300044 
           (ERR-3,,0.1) Uncertainty in sample purity < 0.1 %.     2275400300045 
           (ERR-4,0.1,0.2) Uncertainty in decay half-life of      2275400300046 
                           nuclei - 0.1-0.2%.                     2275400300047 
           (ERR-5,0.002,2.6) Uncertainty in emission probability  2275400300048 
                             of gamma-ray - 0.002-2.6%            2275400300049 
                             (2.6% -for gamma-rays from Au-196).  2275400300050 
           (ERR-6,,0.1) Uncertainty due corrections < 0.1% .      2275400300051 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2 of JAERI-M-92-027,278(circles, 2-nd exp.)2275400300052 
             Fig.3 of Progr.Nucl.En.,26(1991)231                  2275400300053 
           (COREL,22754002) Data from Run 1                       2275400300054 
HISTORY    (20200117A) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected, STATUS,          2275400300055 
           ERR-ANALYS updated. DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                 2275400300056 
ENDBIB              54          0                                 2275400300057 
COMMON               2          3                                 2275400300058 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                2275400300059 
MEV        NO-DIM                                                 2275400300060 
0.16495E-010.16805E-01                                            2275400300061 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2275400300062 
DATA                 3         17                                 2275400300063 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2275400300064 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2275400300065 
 12.832     3.6558    0.77316E-01                                 2275400300066 
 13.017     3.7291    0.62212E-01                                 2275400300067 
 13.660     3.6990    0.77516E-01                                 2275400300068 
 13.897     3.5231    0.77516E-01                                 2275400300069 
 14.720     4.0006    0.62411E-01                                 2275400300070 
 15.012     4.1646    0.77516E-01                                 2275400300071 
 15.974     4.3909    0.77515E-01                                 2275400300072 
 16.285     4.8180    0.62012E-01                                 2275400300073 
 17.198     5.4795    0.10852                                     2275400300074 
 17.487     5.3334    0.10852                                     2275400300075 
 17.490     5.7365    0.93218E-01                                 2275400300076 
 18.326     6.8495    0.15503                                     2275400300077 
 18.574     6.9059    0.15523                                     2275400300078 
 19.166     7.2646    0.15523                                     2275400300079 
 19.306     7.0754    0.18604                                     2275400300080 
 19.511     7.4118    0.20154                                     2275400300081 
 19.512     7.4893    0.18584                                     2275400300082 
ENDDATA             19          0                                 2275400300083 
ENDSUBENT           82          0                                 2275400399999 
SUBENT        22754004   20200117                             22852275400400001 
BIB                  9         53                                 2275400400002 
REACTION   ((79-AU-197(N,2N)79-AU-196,,SIG)/                      2275400400003 
           (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG))                          2275400400004 
SAMPLE         Rectangular foils 10mmx10mmx0.5mm(thickness) .     2275400400005 
            Sample set was composed of two Al foils sandwiched    2275400400006 
            between Nb foils with Au foil opposite the target.    2275400400007 
METHOD     (ACTIV) 1-st series of irradiations for c-s ratios:    2275400400008 
               Neutron energy 19.9-12.8 MeV, angle for irradiation2275400400009 
            0-140 deg., d+ energy 3.26MeV, beam current 10 microA,2275400400010 
            irradiation time 50 hours.                            2275400400011 
           (TOF)   Angular spectra of source neutrons were        2275400400012 
            measured by TOF technique at angles from 0 to 150 deg 2275400400013 
            at intervals of 10 or 5 deg.                          2275400400014 
           (GSPEC) Gamma-rays from samples were measured.         2275400400015 
DECAY-DATA (79-AU-196-G,6.183D,DG,355.73,0.869)                   2275400400016 
            Measured gamma-ray 355.73+-0.05 keV with emission     2275400400017 
            probability 0.869+-0.010 .  HL error 0.010 d.         2275400400018 
           (11-NA-24,14.959HR,B-,,,DG,1368.633,0.99994)           2275400400019 
            Measured gamma-ray 1368.633+-0.006 with emission      2275400400020 
            probability 0.99994+-0.002. HL error 0.004 hr.        2275400400021 
            Decay data from J.H.Baard,W.L.Ziip,H.J.Nolthenius,19892275400400022 
            Nuclear Data Guide for Reactor Neutron Metrology,     2275400400023 
            Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, Netherlands.        2275400400024 
ANALYSIS    Cross sections ratio was derived from ratio of        2275400400025 
            reaction-rates.                                       2275400400026 
CORRECTION - Fluctuation of neutron flux during irradiation.      2275400400027 
           - Difference of neutron flux between foils.            2275400400028 
           - Nonmonochromaticity of irradiating neutrons.         2275400400029 
           - Contribution of parasitic D(d,n)He-3 neutrons to     2275400400030 
             reaction rate of Al-27(n,alpha)Na-24 .               2275400400031 
           - Finite dimensions of sample foils.                   2275400400032 
           - Self-absorption of gamma-rays in the foils.          2275400400033 
           - Sum-coincidence effect of cascade gamma-rays for Al  2275400400034 
             samples was evaluated experimentally to be less 1%,  2275400400035 
             was included in uncertainties of efficiencies..      2275400400036 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 2.5 - 7.0 % is given as      2275400400037 
             error bar on Fig.3                                   2275400400038 
           (ERR-S,0.7,2.0) Uncertainty in counting statistics of  2275400400039 
                           gamma-ray - 0.7-2.0 %.                 2275400400040 
           (ERR-1,2.1,4.5) Uncertainty in detection efficiency    2275400400041 
                           of gamma-ray - 2.1-4.5 %.              2275400400042 
           (ERR-2,,0.1) Uncertainty in sample mass < 0.1%.        2275400400043 
           (ERR-3,,0.1) Uncertainty in sample purity < 0.1 %.     2275400400044 
           (ERR-4,0.1,0.2) Uncertainty in decay half-life of      2275400400045 
                           nuclei - 0.1-0.2%.                     2275400400046 
           (ERR-5,0.002,2.6) Uncertainty in emission probability  2275400400047 
                             of gamma-ray - 0.002-2.6%            2275400400048 
                             (2.6% -for gamma-rays from Au-196).  2275400400049 
           (ERR-6,,0.1) Uncertainty due corrections < 0.1% .      2275400400050 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.3 of JAERI-M-92-027,278(triangl.,1-st exp),2275400400051 
             Fig.4 of Progr.Nucl.En.,26(1991)231                  2275400400052 
           (COREL,22754005) Data from Run 2                       2275400400053 
HISTORY    (20200117A) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected, STATUS,          2275400400054 
           ERR-ANALYS updated. DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                 2275400400055 
ENDBIB              53          0                                 2275400400056 
COMMON               2          3                                 2275400400057 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                2275400400058 
MEV        NO-DIM                                                 2275400400059 
0.15647E-010.57175E-01                                            2275400400060 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2275400400061 
DATA                 3         12                                 2275400400062 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2275400400063 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2275400400064 
 12.778     16.794    0.68125                                     2275400400065 
 12.779     17.213    0.94327                                     2275400400066 
 13.682     18.498    0.99491                                     2275400400067 
 13.699     18.130    0.94174                                     2275400400068 
 14.836     17.979    0.78605                                     2275400400069 
 16.056     23.168     1.6777                                     2275400400070 
 17.421     25.724     1.3625                                     2275400400071 
 17.422     26.457     1.4681                                     2275400400072 
 18.646     25.513     1.7825                                     2275400400073 
 19.567     27.321     1.5205                                     2275400400074 
 19.902     27.187     1.4149                                     2275400400075 
 19.903     27.711     1.5721                                     2275400400076 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 2275400400077 
ENDSUBENT           76          0                                 2275400499999 
SUBENT        22754005   20200117                             22852275400500001 
BIB                  9         54                                 2275400500002 
REACTION   ((79-AU-197(N,2N)79-AU-196,,SIG)/                      2275400500003 
           (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG))                          2275400500004 
SAMPLE         Rectangular foils 20mmx5mmx0.5mm(thickness) in     2275400500005 
              second irradiation, except Au foils of 0.2mm thick. 2275400500006 
            Sample set was composed of two Al foils sandwiched    2275400500007 
            between Nb foils with Au foil opposite the target.    2275400500008 
METHOD     (ACTIV) 2-nd series of irradiations for c-s ratios:    2275400500009 
               Neutron energy 19.4-12.7 MeV, angle for irradiation2275400500010 
            0-140 deg., d+ energy 2.85MeV, beam current 10 microA,2275400500011 
            irradiation time 36 hours.                            2275400500012 
           (TOF)   Angular spectra of source neutrons were        2275400500013 
            measured by TOF technique at angles from 0 to 150 deg 2275400500014 
            at intervals of 10 or 5 deg.                          2275400500015 
           (GSPEC) Gamma-rays from samples were measured.         2275400500016 
DECAY-DATA (79-AU-196-G,6.183D,DG,355.73,0.869)                   2275400500017 
            Measured gamma-ray 355.73+-0.05 keV with emission     2275400500018 
            probability 0.869+-0.010 .  HL error 0.010 d.         2275400500019 
           (11-NA-24,14.959HR,B-,,,DG,1368.633,0.99994)           2275400500020 
            Measured gamma-ray 1368.633+-0.006 with emission      2275400500021 
            probability 0.99994+-0.002. HL error 0.004 hr.        2275400500022 
            Decay data from J.H.Baard,W.L.Ziip,H.J.Nolthenius,19892275400500023 
            Nuclear Data Guide for Reactor Neutron Metrology,     2275400500024 
            Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, Netherlands.        2275400500025 
ANALYSIS    Cross sections ratio was derived from ratio of        2275400500026 
            reaction-rates.                                       2275400500027 
CORRECTION - Fluctuation of neutron flux during irradiation.      2275400500028 
           - Difference of neutron flux between foils.            2275400500029 
           - Nonmonochromaticity of irradiating neutrons.         2275400500030 
           - Contribution of parasitic D(d,n)He-3 neutrons to     2275400500031 
             reaction rate of Al-27(n,alpha)Na-24 .               2275400500032 
           - Finite dimensions of sample foils.                   2275400500033 
           - Self-absorption of gamma-rays in the foils.          2275400500034 
           - Sum-coincidence effect of cascade gamma-rays for Al  2275400500035 
             samples was evaluated experimentally to be less 1%,  2275400500036 
             was included in uncertainties of efficiencies..      2275400500037 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 2.5 - 7.0 % is given as      2275400500038 
             error bar on Fig.3                                   2275400500039 
           (ERR-S,0.7,2.0) Uncertainty in counting statistics of  2275400500040 
                           gamma-ray - 0.7-2.0 %.                 2275400500041 
           (ERR-1,2.1,4.5) Uncertainty in detection efficiency    2275400500042 
                           of gamma-ray - 2.1-4.5 %.              2275400500043 
           (ERR-2,,0.1) Uncertainty in sample mass < 0.1%.        2275400500044 
           (ERR-3,,0.1) Uncertainty in sample purity < 0.1 %.     2275400500045 
           (ERR-4,0.1,0.2) Uncertainty in decay half-life of      2275400500046 
                           nuclei - 0.1-0.2%.                     2275400500047 
           (ERR-5,0.002,2.6) Uncertainty in emission probability  2275400500048 
                             of gamma-ray - 0.002-2.6%            2275400500049 
                             (2.6% -for gamma-rays from Au-196).  2275400500050 
           (ERR-6,,0.1) Uncertainty due corrections < 0.1% .      2275400500051 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.3 of JAERI-M-92-027,278(circles, 2-nd exp.)2275400500052 
             Fig.4 of Progr.Nucl.En.,26(1991)231                  2275400500053 
           (COREL,22754004) Data from Run 1                       2275400500054 
HISTORY    (20200117A) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected, STATUS,          2275400500055 
           ERR-ANALYS updated. DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                 2275400500056 
ENDBIB              54          0                                 2275400500057 
COMMON               2          3                                 2275400500058 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                2275400500059 
MEV        NO-DIM                                                 2275400500060 
0.15647E-010.57175E-01                                            2275400500061 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2275400500062 
DATA                 3         10                                 2275400500063 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2275400500064 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2275400500065 
 13.009     17.403    0.47163                                     2275400500066 
 15.005     18.856    0.52403                                     2275400500067 
 17.467     22.994    0.89086                                     2275400500068 
 17.471     24.828    0.62960                                     2275400500069 
 18.316     27.481    0.83846                                     2275400500070 
 18.550     26.046    0.83922                                     2275400500071 
 19.149     25.732    0.78757                                     2275400500072 
 19.280     25.144    0.78605                                     2275400500073 
 19.485     25.913    0.89162                                     2275400500074 
 19.496     27.065    0.83846                                     2275400500075 
ENDDATA             12          0                                 2275400500076 
ENDSUBENT           75          0                                 2275400599999 
SUBENT        22754006   20200117                             22852275400600001 
BIB                  8         30                                 2275400600002 
REACTION   (11-NA-23(N,2N)11-NA-22,,SIG)                          2275400600003 
MONITOR    (41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG)                        2275400600004 
MONIT-REF  (,,3,IRDF-90,,1990)                                    2275400600005 
SAMPLE      Sodium - in form of NaCl compound, packed in aluminum 2275400600006 
           boxes of 25 x 15 x 10 mm size and 1.5mm wall thickness.2275400600007 
           25mm x 15mmx 0.5mm for niobium.                        2275400600008 
           All samples between Nb foils to determine neutron      2275400600009 
            flux in the sample.                                   2275400600010 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Irradiation for (n,2n) cross sections :        2275400600011 
             Neutron energy 19.4-15.9 MeV, angle for irradiation  2275400600012 
            0- 80 deg., d+ energy 2.83MeV, beam current 10 microA,2275400600013 
            irradiation time 84 hours.                            2275400600014 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 3.5 - 5.5% is given as       2275400600015 
             error bar on Fig.5                                   2275400600016 
           (ERR-S,0.5,2.0) Uncertainty in counting statistics of  2275400600017 
                           gamma-ray - 0.5-2.0 %.                 2275400600018 
           (ERR-1,2.5,4.0) Uncertainty in detection efficiency    2275400600019 
                           of gamma-ray - 2.5-4.0 %.              2275400600020 
           (ERR-2,,0.1) Uncertainty in sample mass < 0.1%.        2275400600021 
           (ERR-3,,0.1) Uncertainty in sample purity < 0.1 %.     2275400600022 
           (ERR-4,0.03,0.6) Uncertainty in decay half-life of     2275400600023 
                           nuclei - 0.03-0.6%.                    2275400600024 
           (ERR-5,0.02,0.5) Uncertainty in emission probability   2275400600025 
                             of gamma-ray - 0.02-0.5%             2275400600026 
                             (2.6% -for gamma-rays from Au-196).  2275400600027 
           (MONIT-ERR,2.2,3.0) Uncertainty of reference cross     2275400600028 
                       section data - 2.2 - 3.0% .                2275400600029 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.5 of JAERI-M-92-027,278                    2275400600030 
HISTORY    (20200117A) SD: STATUS ('PRELM' - deleted),            2275400600031 
           ERR-ANALYS updated. DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                 2275400600032 
ENDBIB              30          0                                 2275400600033 
COMMON               2          3                                 2275400600034 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                2275400600035 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               2275400600036 
0.16751E-01    0.37220                                            2275400600037 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2275400600038 
DATA                 3          5                                 2275400600039 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2275400600040 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2275400600041 
 15.912     59.498     2.7211                                     2275400600042 
 17.199     84.399     3.3994                                     2275400600043 
 18.355     103.54     3.4013                                     2275400600044 
 19.123     105.42     3.4014                                     2275400600045 
 19.414     110.47     4.4218                                     2275400600046 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2275400600047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 2275400699999 
SUBENT        22754007   20200117                             22852275400700001 
BIB                  8         30                                 2275400700002 
REACTION   (25-MN-55(N,2N)25-MN-54,,SIG)                          2275400700003 
MONITOR    (41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG)                        2275400700004 
MONIT-REF  (,,3,IRDF-90,,1990)                                    2275400700005 
SAMPLE      Manganese - metallic Mn powder, packed in aluminum    2275400700006 
            rectangular boxes of 25 x 15 x 5 mm size.             2275400700007 
            25mm x 15mmx 0.5mm for niobium.                       2275400700008 
            All samples between Nb foils to determine neutron     2275400700009 
            flux in the sample.                                   2275400700010 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Irradiation for (n,2n) cross sections :        2275400700011 
             Neutron energy 19.4-15.9 MeV, angle for irradiation  2275400700012 
            0- 80 deg., d+ energy 2.83MeV, beam current 10 microA,2275400700013 
            irradiation time 84 hours.                            2275400700014 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 3.5 - 5.5% is given as       2275400700015 
             error bar on Fig.6                                   2275400700016 
           (ERR-S,0.5,2.0) Uncertainty in counting statistics of  2275400700017 
                           gamma-ray - 0.5-2.0 %.                 2275400700018 
           (ERR-1,2.5,4.0) Uncertainty in detection efficiency    2275400700019 
                           of gamma-ray - 2.5-4.0 %.              2275400700020 
           (ERR-2,,0.1) Uncertainty in sample mass < 0.1%.        2275400700021 
           (ERR-3,,0.1) Uncertainty in sample purity < 0.1 %.     2275400700022 
           (ERR-4,0.03,0.6) Uncertainty in decay half-life of     2275400700023 
                           nuclei - 0.03-0.6%.                    2275400700024 
           (ERR-5,0.02,0.5) Uncertainty in emission probability   2275400700025 
                             of gamma-ray - 0.02-0.5%             2275400700026 
                             (2.6% -for gamma-rays from Au-196).  2275400700027 
           (MONIT-ERR,2.2,3.0) Uncertainty of reference cross     2275400700028 
                       section data - 2.2 - 3.0% .                2275400700029 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.6 of JAERI-M-92-027,278                    2275400700030 
HISTORY    (20200117A) SD: STATUS ('PRELM' - deleted),            2275400700031 
           ERR-ANALYS updated. DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                 2275400700032 
ENDBIB              30          0                                 2275400700033 
COMMON               2          3                                 2275400700034 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                2275400700035 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               2275400700036 
0.21057E-010.35595E-02                                            2275400700037 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2275400700038 
DATA                 3          3                                 2275400700039 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2275400700040 
MEV        B          B                                           2275400700041 
 17.226    0.83548    0.16279E-01                                 2275400700042 
 18.372    0.79131    0.25558E-01                                 2275400700043 
 19.147    0.82929    0.27906E-01                                 2275400700044 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 2275400700045 
ENDSUBENT           44          0                                 2275400799999 
SUBENT        22754008   20200117                             22852275400800001 
BIB                  8         29                                 2275400800002 
REACTION   (28-NI-58(N,2N)28-NI-57,,SIG)                          2275400800003 
MONITOR    (41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG)                        2275400800004 
MONIT-REF  (,,3,IRDF-90,,1990)                                    2275400800005 
SAMPLE       Size of high-purity metal foils 25mm x 15mm x 0.2mm  2275400800006 
            for nickel and 25mm x 15mmx 0.5mm for niobium.        2275400800007 
              All samples between Nb foils to determine neutron   2275400800008 
            flux in the sample.                                   2275400800009 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Irradiation for (n,2n) cross sections :        2275400800010 
             Neutron energy 19.4-15.9 MeV, angle for irradiation  2275400800011 
            0- 80 deg., d+ energy 2.83MeV, beam current 10 microA,2275400800012 
            irradiation time 84 hours.                            2275400800013 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 3.5 - 5.5% is given as       2275400800014 
             error bar on Fig.7                                   2275400800015 
           (ERR-S,0.5,2.0) Uncertainty in counting statistics of  2275400800016 
                           gamma-ray - 0.5-2.0 %.                 2275400800017 
           (ERR-1,2.5,4.0) Uncertainty in detection efficiency    2275400800018 
                           of gamma-ray - 2.5-4.0 %.              2275400800019 
           (ERR-2,,0.1) Uncertainty in sample mass < 0.1%.        2275400800020 
           (ERR-3,,0.1) Uncertainty in sample purity < 0.1 %.     2275400800021 
           (ERR-4,0.03,0.6) Uncertainty in decay half-life of     2275400800022 
                           nuclei - 0.03-0.6%.                    2275400800023 
           (ERR-5,0.02,0.5) Uncertainty in emission probability   2275400800024 
                             of gamma-ray - 0.02-0.5%             2275400800025 
                             (2.6% -for gamma-rays from Au-196).  2275400800026 
           (MONIT-ERR,2.2,3.0) Uncertainty of reference cross     2275400800027 
                       section data - 2.2 - 3.0% .                2275400800028 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.7 of JAERI-M-92-027,278                    2275400800029 
HISTORY    (20200117A) SD: STATUS ('PRELM' - deleted),            2275400800030 
           ERR-ANALYS updated. DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                 2275400800031 
ENDBIB              29          0                                 2275400800032 
COMMON               2          3                                 2275400800033 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                2275400800034 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               2275400800035 
0.10126E-01    0.14684                                            2275400800036 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2275400800037 
DATA                 3          3                                 2275400800038 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2275400800039 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2275400800040 
 17.203     59.031     1.9971                                     2275400800041 
 18.353     65.177     2.4611                                     2275400800042 
 19.134     67.732     2.4637                                     2275400800043 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 2275400800044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 2275400899999 
SUBENT        22754009   20200117                             22852275400900001 
BIB                  6         17                                 2275400900002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(N,2N)79-AU-196,,SIG)                        2275400900003 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) IRDF-90 c-s.              2275400900004 
MONIT-REF  (,N.P.Kochelov+,R,IAEA-NDS-141,1990) International     2275400900005 
            Dosimetry file (IRDF-90) .                            2275400900006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty  2275400900007 
STATUS     (CURVE)   Fig.1 of reference JAERI-M-93-046,257,1993.  2275400900008 
           (DEP,22754004)                                         2275400900009 
           (DEP,22754005)                                         2275400900010 
             Data derived from References                         2275400900011 
             M.Sakuma+,R,JAERI-M-92-027,278,1992  and             2275400900012 
             S.Iwasaki+,J,PNE,26,231,1991                         2275400900013 
             data of ratio to Al-27(n,alpha) cross section( given 2275400900014 
             by IRDF-90 data).                                    2275400900015 
HISTORY    (20081009T) Data are moved from Entry 22751 Subent 002.2275400900016 
           (20200117A) SD: SF9=DERIV deleted from REACTION code.  2275400900017 
            Prev. HISTORY code corrected; ERR-ANALYS updated.     2275400900018 
           COMMENT deleted (info moved to STATUS).                2275400900019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 2275400900020 
COMMON               2          3                                 2275400900021 
EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                                2275400900022 
MEV        B                                                      2275400900023 
0.34251E-010.50352E-02                                            2275400900024 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2275400900025 
DATA                 3          9                                 2275400900026 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2275400900027 
MEV        B          B                                           2275400900028 
 13.037     2.0824    0.51737E-01                                 2275400900029 
 15.064     2.0802    0.32893E-01                                 2275400900030 
 17.514     1.8292    0.42330E-01                                 2275400900031 
 17.516     1.7728    0.42330E-01                                 2275400900032 
 18.601     1.4637    0.32953E-01                                 2275400900033 
 19.192     1.3045                                                2275400900034 
 19.340     1.2623                                                2275400900035 
 19.537     1.2202                                                2275400900036 
 19.584     1.2626                                                2275400900037 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 2275400900038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 2275400999999 
ENDENTRY             9          0                                 2275499999999