ENTRY 22763 20180316 22702276300000001 SUBENT 22763001 20180316 22702276300100001 BIB 17 77 2276300100002 TITLE Excitation functions of natTi(n,x)46,47,48Sc processes 2276300100003 in the energy range of 12.5 - 19.6 MeV 2276300100004 AUTHOR (N.I.Molla, S.M.Qaim, H.Liskien, R.Widera) 2276300100005 INSTITUTE (2GERJUL,2ZZZGEL) 2276300100006 REFERENCE (J,ARI,42,337,1991) Main reference 2276300100007 REL-REF (M,,H.Lisken+,J,ARI,41,83,1990) Details of exp. method.2276300100008 SAMPLE About 5g Ti metal powder (>99.9%) was pressed at 2276300100009 10t/cm2 and disk (2cm in diam., 0.5 cm - thick) was 2276300100010 obtained. Fifteen such samples, each sandwiched 2276300100011 between pairs of aluminum sheets (2 cm diam. x0.1cm), 2276300100012 were suspended from a graduated ring. 2276300100013 FACILITY (VDG,2ZZZGEL) 2276300100014 INC-SOURCE (D-T) A 3 mg/cm2 T-Ti target was used. The target 2276300100015 was backed by a 4 cm diameter silver sheet of 0.3 mm 2276300100016 thickness, fixed in an aluminum tube of 1 mm wall 2276300100017 thickness. The silver sheet was cooled by a thin 2276300100018 water film. 2276300100019 INC-SPECT Neutron flux density is given as MISC in Subent 002. 2276300100020 METHOD (ACTIV) The samples were activated in different 2276300100021 angular positions with respect to the beam direction. 2276300100022 In this way the neutron energy variation with angle 2276300100023 from the source reaction could be used for the exci- 2276300100024 tation function measurement. 2276300100025 (GSPEC) Gamma-ray spectroscopy. 2276300100026 DETECTOR (GELI) 35 cm**3 Ge(Li) detector to measure sample 2276300100027 activity induced. 2276300100028 MONITOR 1(1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA) A proton recoil telescope, 2276300100029 positioned at an angle of 16 degrees relative to the 2276300100030 deuteron beam direction and at a source to radiator 2276300100031 distance of 80 cm, was used for the absolute fluence 2276300100032 determination. The fluence at other angles was deter- 2276300100033 mined by using the known angular distribution of the 2276300100034 source reaction. The fluence rates averaged over the 2276300100035 sample volumes were in the range 0.6 to 1.8E+6 2276300100036 neutrons/cm**2/sec. 2276300100037 2(13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 2276300100038 In addition, the activities from the 13-Al-27(N,A)- 2276300100039 reaction in the aluminum foils were detected with 2276300100040 gamma-ray spectroscopy using the same equipment as 2276300100041 for the activity measurements for the molybdenum 2276300100042 sheets. 2276300100043 MONIT-REF 1(,C.A.Uttley,R,IAEA-227,3,1983) 2276300100044 2(,H.Vonach,R,IAEA-227,59,1983) 2276300100045 References for neutron flux monitoring. 2276300100046 CORRECTION .The neutron fluence measurements with the recoil te- 2276300100047 lescope were corrected for distortions by the target 2276300100048 assembly. The activation of the samples were correc- 2276300100049 ted for the neutron source intensity variations with 2276300100050 time, neutron attenuation and multiple scattering. 2276300100051 The count rate in the activity measurements were cor-2276300100052 rected for the small differences between counting and2276300100053 calibration geometry, for coincidence and pile-up 2276300100054 losses and for gamma self-absorption within the 2276300100055 samples. 2276300100056 .Corrections were made for: 2276300100057 - Deviation from calibration geometry - 0.8%; 2276300100058 - Gamma-ray absorption within the sample - 2.4 -11.7%;2276300100059 - Coincident events - 4.5%; 2276300100060 - Activity uncertainty - 4.0 - 5.1% 2276300100061 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty about 6%. Main uncertainty 2276300100062 contributions in the neutron fluence measurements and 2276300100063 in the activity measurements. 2276300100064 (EN-ERR) Scale error 2276300100065 (ERR-1) Total fluence uncertainty -3%. 2276300100066 Total uncertainty in determination of absolute 2276300100067 activity - 4. - 5. % . 2276300100068 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Appl.Rad.Isot.42(1991)337 2276300100069 HISTORY (20031110C) 2276300100070 (20060330U) Correction in according to Memo CP-E/089. 2276300100071 (M.M.) 2276300100072 (20090215A) M.M. Correction of misprint in Subent 003. 2276300100073 BIB information was added. MISC and MISC-ERR were 2276300100074 added in Subent 002. COMMON was added. 2276300100075 (20100714A) M.M. Subent 002 was corrected. 2276300100076 (20180316A) SD: MISC and MISC-ERR were added to Subents2276300100077 003, 004. REACTION code corrected in Subents 003,004 2276300100078 according to remark from V.Semkova. 2276300100079 ENDBIB 77 0 2276300100080 COMMON 1 3 2276300100081 ERR-1 2276300100082 PER-CENT 2276300100083 3. 2276300100084 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2276300100085 ENDSUBENT 84 0 2276300199999 SUBENT 22763002 20100714 22222276300200001 BIB 5 12 2276300200002 REACTION ((22-TI-46(N,P)21-SC-46,,SIG)+ 2276300200003 (22-TI-47(N,X)21-SC-46,,SIG,,RAB)) 2276300200004 ANALYSIS Cross-section normalized to 46-Ti (abundance 8.2%),i.e 2276300200005 assuming that Ti-46(N,P)Sc-48 reaction is the only 2276300200006 contributing process. Contribution of Ti-47(N,NP) 2276300200007 process to formation of Sc-46 was expected to be small.2276300200008 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-46,84.0D,DG,889.,1.,DG,1121.,1.) 2276300200009 MISC-COL (MISC) Neutron flux density, 10**6 1/cm**2/sec. 2276300200010 Average of two measurements. 2276300200011 HISTORY (20100714A) M.M. REACTION was corrected according to 2276300200012 comment W.Mannhart (NDS web-site): 2276300200013 22-TI-0(N,X)21-SC-46,,SIG -> 2276300200014 ENDBIB 12 0 2276300200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2276300200016 DATA 6 15 2276300200017 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T MISC MISC-ERR 2276300200018 MEV MEV MB MB SEE TEXT SEE TEXT 2276300200019 12.59 0.22 294. 18. 0.276 0.008 2276300200020 12.64 0.21 303. 18. 0.254 0.007 2276300200021 13.39 0.30 305. 18. 0.265 0.007 2276300200022 13.43 0.30 312. 19. 0.252 0.007 2276300200023 14.36 0.36 299. 18. 0.277 0.007 2276300200024 14.39 0.35 294. 18. 0.267 0.007 2276300200025 15.82 0.37 299. 18. 0.261 0.008 2276300200026 15.84 0.38 287. 17. 0.274 0.008 2276300200027 16.90 0.37 289. 17. 0.338 0.010 2276300200028 16.96 0.37 282. 17. 0.368 0.011 2276300200029 17.92 0.35 310. 19. 0.408 0.012 2276300200030 17.99 0.35 294. 18. 0.436 0.012 2276300200031 18.81 0.26 320. 19. 0.509 0.014 2276300200032 18.88 0.25 315. 19. 0.532 0.015 2276300200033 19.58 0.23 349. 21. 0.731 0.022 2276300200034 ENDDATA 17 0 2276300200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2276300299999 SUBENT 22763003 20180316 22702276300300001 BIB 4 15 2276300300002 REACTION ((22-TI-47(N,P)21-SC-47,,SIG,,FCT)+ 2276300300003 (22-TI-48(N,X)21-SC-47,,SIG,,FCT)) 2276300300004 Cross-section normalized to 47-Ti + 48-Ti (summed 2276300300005 abundance 81.2%). Contribution of Ti-47(n,p) and 2276300300006 Ti-48(n,np) were considered. Contribution of (n,np) was2276300300007 not negligible since Ti-48 abundance is about 10 times 2276300300008 higher than that of Ti-47. 2276300300009 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-47,3.42D,DG,159.,0.685) 2276300300010 MISC-COL (MISC) Neutron flux density, 10**6 1/cm**2/sec. 2276300300011 Average of two measurements. 2276300300012 HISTORY (20090215A) Misprint in abundance was corrected. 2276300300013 (20180316A) SD: Instead of one REACTION code presented 2276300300014 as sum of reactions using different targets (Ti-0 -> 2276300300015 Ti-47 and Ti-48). MISC and MISC-ERR were added. 2276300300016 ANALYSIS deleted (info moved to REACTION code). 2276300300017 ENDBIB 15 0 2276300300018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2276300300019 DATA 6 15 2276300300020 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T MISC MISC-ERR 2276300300021 MEV MEV MB MB SEE TEXT SEE TEXT 2276300300022 12.59 0.22 17.1 1.1 0.276 0.008 2276300300023 12.64 0.21 18.9 1.1 0.254 0.007 2276300300024 13.39 0.30 17.8 1.1 0.265 0.007 2276300300025 13.43 0.30 21.8 1.3 0.252 0.007 2276300300026 14.36 0.36 25.3 1.5 0.277 0.007 2276300300027 14.39 0.35 27.1 1.6 0.267 0.007 2276300300028 15.82 0.37 46.5 2.8 0.261 0.008 2276300300029 15.84 0.38 43.8 2.6 0.274 0.008 2276300300030 16.90 0.37 68.7 4.1 0.338 0.010 2276300300031 16.96 0.37 61.6 3.7 0.368 0.011 2276300300032 17.92 0.35 87.1 5.2 0.408 0.012 2276300300033 17.99 0.35 82.6 5.0 0.436 0.012 2276300300034 18.81 0.26 110.0 6.6 0.509 0.014 2276300300035 18.88 0.25 99.2 6.0 0.532 0.015 2276300300036 19.58 0.23 117.5 7.1 0.731 0.022 2276300300037 ENDDATA 17 0 2276300300038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2276300399999 SUBENT 22763004 20180316 22702276300400001 BIB 6 12 2276300400002 REACTION ((22-TI-48(N,P)21-SC-48,,SIG)+ 2276300400003 (22-TI-49(N,X)21-SC-48,,SIG,,RAB)) 2276300400004 SAMPLE (22-TI-49,NAT=0.0541) 2276300400005 ANALYSIS Cross-section normalized to 48-Ti (abundance 73.8%), 2276300400006 assuming that the Ti-48(n,p) is the only contributing 2276300400007 reaction. 2276300400008 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-48,1.82D,DG,984.,1.,DG,1038.,0.975,DG,1312.,1.) 2276300400009 MISC-COL (MISC) Neutron flux density, 10**6 1/cm**2/sec. 2276300400010 Average of two measurements. 2276300400011 HISTORY (20180316A) SD: Instead of one REACTION code presented 2276300400012 as sum of reactions using different targets (Ti-0 -> 2276300400013 Ti-47 and Ti-48). MISC and MISC-ERR were added. 2276300400014 ENDBIB 12 0 2276300400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2276300400016 DATA 6 15 2276300400017 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T MISC MISC-ERR 2276300400018 MEV MEV MB MB SEE TEXT SEE TEXT 2276300400019 12.59 0.22 57.6 3.5 0.276 0.008 2276300400020 12.64 0.21 58.8 3.5 0.254 0.007 2276300400021 13.39 0.30 65.0 3.9 0.265 0.007 2276300400022 13.43 0.30 63.4 3.8 0.252 0.007 2276300400023 14.36 0.36 68.7 4.1 0.277 0.007 2276300400024 14.39 0.35 67.7 4.1 0.267 0.007 2276300400025 15.82 0.37 64.0 3.8 0.261 0.008 2276300400026 15.84 0.38 62.5 3.7 0.274 0.008 2276300400027 16.90 0.37 56.5 3.4 0.338 0.010 2276300400028 16.96 0.37 55.2 3.3 0.368 0.011 2276300400029 17.92 0.35 51.4 3.1 0.408 0.012 2276300400030 17.99 0.35 50.6 3.1 0.436 0.012 2276300400031 18.81 0.26 46.1 2.8 0.509 0.014 2276300400032 18.88 0.25 44.7 2.7 0.532 0.015 2276300400033 19.58 0.23 43.9 2.6 0.731 0.022 2276300400034 ENDDATA 17 0 2276300400035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2276300499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2276399999999