ENTRY 22781 20230213 23142278100000001 SUBENT 22781001 20230213 23142278100100001 BIB 14 44 2278100100002 TITLE .Neutron capture cross section of 18O and its 2278100100003 astrophysical implications 2278100100004 AUTHOR (J.Meissner, H.Schatz, J.Goerres, H.Herndl, M.Wiescher,2278100100005 H.Beer, F.Kaeppeler) 2278100100006 INSTITUTE (2GERKFK) Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut fuer 2278100100007 Kernphysik III, Karlsruhe, Germany . H.Beer and 2278100100008 F.Kaeppeler. Experimental site 2278100100009 (1USANOT) Department of Physics, University of Notre 2278100100010 Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. J.Meissner, H.Schatz,2278100100011 J.Goerres, H.Herndl, M.Wiescher 2278100100012 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,53,459,1996) Main reference, data given 2278100100013 REL-REF (I,22255001,H.Beer+,J,AJ,379,420,1991) H.Beer, G.Rupp, 2278100100014 F.Voss,F.Kaeppeler. Fast cyclic neutron activation 2278100100015 technique, ENTRY 22255 2278100100016 (M,22306001,H.Beer+,J,NIM/A,337,492,1994) H.Beer, 2278100100017 G.Rupp,G.Walter,F.Voss,F.Kaeppeler. Experim.details 2278100100018 (R,,J.W.Olness+,J,NP/A,378,539,1982) F-19 decay data 2278100100019 FACILITY (VDG,2GERKFK) 3.75 MV Van de Graaff accelerator at 2278100100020 the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe FZKA. 2278100100021 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Li target was made of evaporating metallic 2278100100022 lithium onto 1 mm thick water-cooled copper backing. 2278100100023 INC-SPECT .Neutron energies of 25, 129, 152, 250, and 370 keV 2278100100024 were obtained by varying incident proton energies 2278100100025 DETECTOR (SCIN,GLASD) 6-Li glass detector at zero degree to 2278100100026 the beam axis - for neutron flux monitoring 2278100100027 (HPGE) Gamma detection made by well-shielded high 2278100100028 purity 35% Ge detector with resolution 2 keV at 2278100100029 1.3 MeV gamma energy. 2278100100030 METHOD (ACTIV) 2278100100031 (STTA) Simultaneous irradiation of sample and 2278100100032 monitor 2278100100033 SAMPLE .Three samples were used consisting of a mixture of 2278100100034 200 milligram Kr-nat with 509, 1064. 1602 milligram 2278100100035 97% enriched 18-O. Gas mixture were confined in 2278100100036 stainless steel spheres with inner diameter 19 mm 2278100100037 and wall thickness 0.5 mm 2278100100038 DECAY-DATA (8-O-19,26.91SEC,DG,1357.,0.504,DG,197.,0.958) 2278100100039 ADD-RES (G-SPC) 2278100100040 HISTORY (20080603C) SM 2278100100041 (20101105A) SD: Subent 006 deleted. Data are from 2278100100042 another experiment and authors. This was done after 2278100100043 consultation with Dr.F.Kaeppeler. 2278100100044 (20200809U) SD: Small correction in DECAY-DATA. 2278100100045 (20230213A) SD: Correction in Subent 005. 2278100100046 ENDBIB 44 0 2278100100047 NOCOMMON 0 0 2278100100048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 2278100199999 SUBENT 22781002 20080603 21992278100200001 BIB 10 26 2278100200002 REACTION (8-O-18(N,G)8-O-19,,SIG,,MXW) Averaged over Maxwell 2278100200003 spectrum of incident neutrons 2278100200004 MONITOR (36-KR-86(N,G)36-KR-87,,SIG,,MXW) 2278100200005 DECAY-MON (36-KR-87,1.27HR,DG,407.,0.496) 2278100200006 MONIT-REF (22253009,H.Beer,J,AJ,375,823,1991) 2278100200007 INC-SPECT .Nearly Maxwellian at incident proton energy = 1912keV,2278100200008 just above Li-7(p,n)Be-7 reaction threshold 2278100200009 ANALYSIS .Data obtained by the weighted averaging of results 2278100200010 for eight runs given below by the method given in 2278100200011 REL-REF of this SUBENT 2278100200012 Sample mass 18-O n,g cs 2278100200013 natKr,mg 18-O,mg micro-barn 2278100200014 244.4 1048.7 6.18+-0.5 2278100200015 6.17+-0.5 2278100200016 211.0 765.2 9.33+-0.75 2278100200017 7.75+-0.62 2278100200018 211.0 1602.4 9.76+-0.78 2278100200019 8.55+-0.68 2278100200020 211.0 1602.4 9.97+-0.80 2278100200021 13.3+-1.1 2278100200022 REL-REF (R,,A.P.ZUKER+,J,PRL,21,39,1968) 2278100200023 COMMENT !By compiler. KT is denoted in the main reference as 2278100200024 mean energy. Whereas this one is (3/2)*kT = 37.5 keV. 2278100200025 25 keV is parameter of the Maxwell energy distribution2278100200026 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified 2278100200027 STATUS (TABLE) From Table II of main reference 2278100200028 ENDBIB 26 0 2278100200029 NOCOMMON 0 0 2278100200030 DATA 3 1 2278100200031 KT DATA DATA-ERR 2278100200032 KEV MICRO-B MICRO-B 2278100200033 25. 7.93 0.7 2278100200034 ENDDATA 3 0 2278100200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2278100299999 SUBENT 22781003 20080603 21992278100300001 BIB 10 17 2278100300002 REACTION (8-O-18(N,G)8-O-19,,SIG,,SPA) Averaged over neutron 2278100300003 spectrum width 2278100300004 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2278100300005 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198,2.696D,DG,412.,0.955) 2278100300006 MONIT-REF (,W.Ratynski+,J,PR/C,37,595,1988) 2278100300007 INC-SPECT .Neutron energies 129, 152, 250, 370 keV were obtained 2278100300008 by varying incident proton energies as 1935, 1958, 2278100300009 2030, 2138 keV. Neutron spectrum obtained by Monte- 2278100300010 Carlo simulation. Spectrum widths EN-RSL-FW are read 2278100300011 from Fig.1 of main reference by compiler 2278100300012 SAMPLE .Gold foil was irradiated in front of the gas sample 2278100300013 CORRECTION .Correction was made for different path lengths in 2278100300014 flat and in spherical sample 2278100300015 COMMENT !By compiler. In data section energy is given as 2278100300016 EN-MEAN in correspondence with main reference 2278100300017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified 2278100300018 STATUS (TABLE) From Table II of main reference 2278100300019 ENDBIB 17 0 2278100300020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2278100300021 DATA 4 4 2278100300022 EN-MEAN EN-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR 2278100300023 KEV KEV MICRO-B MICRO-B 2278100300024 129. 22. 13.8 2.1 2278100300025 152. 26. 40.8 5. 2278100300026 250. 38. 28.5 3.7 2278100300027 370. 30. 96. 13. 2278100300028 ENDDATA 6 0 2278100300029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2278100399999 SUBENT 22781004 20080603 21992278100400001 BIB 5 7 2278100400002 REACTION 1(8-O-18(N,0),,EN) Resonance energy 2278100400003 2(8-O-18(N,G),,WID/STR) Strength of resonance 2278100400004 REL-REF (R,,F.MUGHABGHAB+,B,NEUT.CS 1A,,1981) 2278100400005 FLAG (1.) Data based on analysis of previous unpublished 2278100400006 results in REL-REF 2278100400007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified 2278100400008 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of main reference 2278100400009 ENDBIB 7 0 2278100400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2278100400011 DATA 5 5 2278100400012 DATA 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA-MIN 2FLAG 2278100400013 KEV EV EV EV NO-DIM 2278100400014 152. 2.8 E-02 8. E-03 2278100400015 371. 0.75 2278100400016 371. 1.7 0.3 1. 2278100400017 625. 3.8 0.8 1. 2278100400018 746. 1.65 0.3 1. 2278100400019 ENDDATA 7 0 2278100400020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2278100499999 SUBENT 22781005 20230213 23142278100500001 BIB 4 5 2278100500002 REACTION (8-O-19(N,G),,WID) 2278100500003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified 2278100500004 STATUS (TABLE) Tables IV (Er), V of Phys.Rev.,C53(1996)459 2278100500005 HISTORY (20230213A) SD: Ex values were replaced with Er values 2278100500006 in Table IV. EN-SEC deleted. 2278100500007 ENDBIB 5 0 2278100500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2278100500009 DATA 3 4 2278100500010 EN-RES DATA DATA-ERR 2278100500011 KEV EV EV 2278100500012 152. 1.4E-02 4.E-03 2278100500013 371. 0.6 0.1 2278100500014 625. 1.9 0.4 2278100500015 746. 0.5 0.1 2278100500016 ENDDATA 6 0 2278100500017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 2278100599999 NOSUBENT 22781006 20101105 22252278100600001 ENDENTRY 6 0 2278199999999