ENTRY            22861   20180125                             22652286100000001 
SUBENT        22861001   20180125                             22652286100100001 
BIB                 12         46                                 2286100100002 
TITLE       Measurement of thermal neutron cross-sections and     2286100100003 
            resonance integrals for Ga-71(n,gamma)Ga-72 and       2286100100004 
            As-75(n,gamma)As-76 by using Am-241-Be isotopic       2286100100005 
            neutron source                                        2286100100006 
AUTHOR     (M.Karadag,H.Yucel,M.Tan,A.Ozmen)                      2286100100007 
INSTITUTE  (2TUKANR)                                              2286100100008 
           (2TUKTUK) Cazi University, Turkey.                     2286100100009 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM/A,501,524,2003)                                 2286100100010 
SAMPLE     The irradiations of the samples were carried out within2286100100011 
           and without a cylindrical cadmium shield case. The     2286100100012 
           irradiations for eight samples for each element, which 2286100100013 
           are individually prepared from the fresh stocks, were  2286100100014 
           repeated four time, that is, a set of four, with and   2286100100015 
           without Cd-irradiation data for MnO(2), Ga(2)O(3),     2286100100016 
           As(2)O(3) are obtained. The samples were diluted to    2286100100017 
           minimize self-shielding during irradiation. For this,  2286100100018 
           the samples were mechanically mixed with finely grained2286100100019 
           Al(2)O(3) powder by 98.6-96%, since Al-27 isotope has  2286100100020 
           low neutron absorption cross section.                  2286100100021 
           The irradiation times for the (n,gamma) reactions of   2286100100022 
           Mn-55, Ga-71, As-75 were chosen for a period of        2286100100023 
           3-6 half-lives, yielding enough activity to be measured2286100100024 
            in gamma-ray counting system.                         2286100100025 
ADD-RES    (COMP) The results are discussed and compared with     2286100100026 
           previous measurements and the evaluated data in        2286100100027 
           ENDF/B-VI and JENDL-3.2.                               2286100100028 
           Using the nuclear data and the measured cadmium ratios 2286100100029 
           for W- and Au-, alpha-epithermal neutron spectrum shape2286100100030 
           factor has been found to be 0.116+-0.006 for the sample2286100100031 
           irradiation position.                                  2286100100032 
DETECTOR    A reverse-electrode germanium detector with a total   2286100100033 
           active volume of 100-cm*3.                             2286100100034 
INC-SPECT  *EN-RSL* the energy resolution N-type Ge-detector with 2286100100035 
           be-window was 1.80-keV for 1332.5-keV of Co-60 and     2286100100036 
            0.97-keV for 122-keV of Co-57 and its relative        2286100100037 
           efficiency was 22.6%.                                  2286100100038 
INC-SOURCE (AM-BE) The three 592-GBq Am-241-Be isotopic neutron   2286100100039 
           sources immersed in paraffin moderator shielded with   2286100100040 
           lead.                                                  2286100100041 
METHOD     (ACTIV)                                                2286100100042 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tables 6,7 of NIM/A,501,524                    2286100100043 
HISTORY    (20041127C)                                            2286100100044 
           (20041222U) Last checking has been done.               2286100100045 
           (20170824A) SD: FACILITY deleted. INC-SOURCE update.   2286100100046 
           ERR-ANALYS re-compiled. BIB update in all Subents.     2286100100047 
           (20180125A) On. Major revision in 004.                 2286100100048 
ENDBIB              46          0                                 2286100100049 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2286100100050 
ENDSUBENT           49          0                                 2286100199999 
SUBENT        22861002   20170824                             22652286100200001 
BIB                  7         27                                 2286100200002 
REACTION   (31-GA-71(N,G)31-GA-72,,SIG)                           2286100200003 
MONITOR    (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,SIG)                           2286100200004 
DECAY-DATA (31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,834.03,0.9563,DG,629.96,0.248)    2286100200005 
REL-REF    (A,,G.Gleason,J,RRL,23,317,1975)                       2286100200006 
           (A,,T.B.Ryves,J,NE,25,129,1971)                        2286100200007 
           (D,,L.Koester+,J,ZP/A,318,347,1984)                    2286100200008 
           (D,,W.S.Lyon,J,NSE,8,378,1960)                         2286100200009 
CORRECTION The thermal neutron self-shielding factor is 0.998.    2286100200010 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty includes:                    2286100200011 
           (ERR-S) Statistical error (statistics of +-1.65sigma). 2286100200012 
           (ERR-1) Error in detector efficiency                   2286100200013 
           (ERR-2) Error in mass sample                           2286100200014 
           (ERR-3) Error in half-life                             2286100200015 
           (ERR-4) Error in branching ratio                       2286100200016 
           (ERR-5) Error in self-shielding factor                 2286100200017 
           (ERR-6) Error in isotopic abundance                    2286100200018 
           (ERR-7) total uncertainty of Mn production includes:   2286100200019 
            * statistical error - 0.39%                           2286100200020 
            * Error in detector efficiency is 2.75%.              2286100200021 
            * Error in mass sample is 0.01%.                      2286100200022 
            * Error in half-life is 0.004%.                       2286100200023 
            * Error in branching ratio is 0.30%.                  2286100200024 
            * Error in self-shielding factor is 0.01%.            2286100200025 
            * Error in monitor thermal neutr. cross-sect. is 0.75%2286100200026 
HISTORY    (20170824A) SD: ERR-ANALYS re-compiled. BIB update.    2286100200027 
            MONIT deleted. SF8=MXW deleted. (sigma0 is corrected  2286100200028 
            for the Westcott factor). COMMENT -> CORRECTION.      2286100200029 
ENDBIB              27          0                                 2286100200030 
COMMON               6          3                                 2286100200031 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      2286100200032 
  2.71       0.01       0.14       0.07        0.01       0.016   2286100200034 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2286100200035 
DATA                 5          1                                 2286100200036 
EN-MEAN    DATA       ERR-T      ERR-S      ERR-7                 2286100200037 
EV         B          B          PER-CENT   PER-CENT              2286100200038 
     0.0253       4.41       0.18   0.42      0.1                 2286100200039 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2286100200040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 2286100299999 
SUBENT        22861003   20180125                             22652286100300001 
BIB                  8         23                                 2286100300002 
REACTION   (31-GA-71(N,G)31-GA-72,,RI)                            2286100300003 
DECAY-DATA (31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,834.03,0.9563,DG,629.96,0.248)    2286100300004 
MONITOR    (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,RI)                            2286100300005 
DECAY-MON  (25-MN-56,2.5789HR,DG,846.75,0.989)                    2286100300006 
REL-REF    (A,,A.Simonits+,J,JRN,81,397,1984)                     2286100300007 
           (D,,R.Van Der Linden+,J,JRC,11,133,1972) Less on 58%   2286100300008 
            THAN present measurement.                             2286100300009 
           (D,,S.P.Harris+,J,PR,79,11,1950)                       2286100300010 
CORRECTION The epithermal self-shielding factors is 0.907.        2286100300011 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty includes:                    2286100300012 
           (ERR-1) error in cadmium ratio is 1.67%                2286100300013 
           (ERR-2) Error in self-shielding factor 0.15%           2286100300014 
           (ERR-3) Error in reference thermal neutron cross-sect. 2286100300015 
           (ERR-4) Error in alpha-shape parameter is 3.02%.       2286100300016 
           (ERR-5) Error in normalization:                        2286100300017 
            * Error in cadmium ratio is 1.60%.                    2286100300018 
            * Error in self-shielding factor 0.20%.               2286100300019 
            * Error in reference thermal neutron cross-sect. 0.75%2286100300020 
            * Error in alpha-shape parameter is 3.61%.            2286100300021 
            * Monitor resonance integral cross-section 2.14%      2286100300022 
HISTORY    (20170824A) SD: ERR-ANALYS re-compiled. BIB update.    2286100300023 
            MONIT deleted.                                        2286100300024 
           (20180125U) On. COMMENT->CORRECTION.                   2286100300025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 2286100300026 
COMMON               4          3                                 2286100300027 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4                            2286100300028 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2286100300029 
  1.67       0.15        4.12      3.02                           2286100300030 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2286100300031 
DATA                 4          1                                 2286100300032 
EN-MIN     DATA       ERR-T      ERR-5                            2286100300033 
EV         B          B          B                                2286100300034 
       0.55       32.3        2.3        0.3                      2286100300035 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2286100300036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 2286100399999 
SUBENT        22861004   20180125                             22652286100400001 
BIB                  8         27                                 2286100400002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(N,G)33-AS-76,,SIG)                           2286100400003 
DECAY-DATA (33-AS-76,25.87HR,DG,559.10,0.45)                      2286100400004 
REL-REF    (D,,W.S.Lyon,J,NSE,8,378,1960) About 61% than the      2286100400005 
            present measurement.                                  2286100400006 
MONITOR    (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,SIG)                           2286100400007 
DECAY-MON  (25-MN-56,2.5789HR,DG,846.75,0.989)                    2286100400008 
CORRECTION The thermal neutron self-shielding factors is 0.997.   2286100400009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty includes:                    2286100400010 
           (ERR-S) Statistical error (statistics of +-1.65sigma). 2286100400011 
           (ERR-1) Error in detector efficiency                   2286100400012 
           (ERR-2) Error in mass sample                           2286100400013 
           (ERR-3) Error in half-life                             2286100400014 
           (ERR-4) Error in branching ratio                       2286100400015 
           (ERR-5) Error in self-shielding factor                 2286100400016 
           (ERR-6) Error in isotopic abundance                    2286100400017 
           (ERR-7) Normalization error:                           2286100400018 
            * statistical error - 0.39%                           2286100400019 
            * Error in detector efficiency is 2.75%.              2286100400020 
            * Error in mass sample is 0.01%.                      2286100400021 
            * Error in half-life is 0.004%.                       2286100400022 
            * Error in branching ratio is 0.30%.                  2286100400023 
            * Error in self-shielding factor is 0.01%.            2286100400024 
            * Error in monitor thermal neutr. cross-sect. is 0.75%2286100400025 
HISTORY    (20170824A) SD: ERR-ANALYS re-compiled. BIB update.    2286100400026 
            MONIT deleted. SF8=MXW deleted. (sigma0 is corrected  2286100400027 
            for the Westcott factor).                             2286100400028 
           (20180125A) On. MONIT-ERR->ERR-7. COMMENT->CORRECTION. 2286100400029 
ENDBIB              27          0                                 2286100400030 
COMMON               6          3                                 2286100400031 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      2286100400032 
  2.23       0.01       0.19         4.44        0.01    0.016    2286100400034 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2286100400035 
DATA                 5          1                                 2286100400036 
EN-MEAN    DATA       ERR-T      ERR-S      ERR-7                 2286100400037 
EV         B          B          PER-CENT   B                     2286100400038 
     0.0253       4.15       0.24     0.26    0.1                 2286100400039 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2286100400040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 2286100499999 
SUBENT        22861005   20180125                             22652286100500001 
BIB                  8         22                                 2286100500002 
REACTION   (33-AS-75(N,G)33-AS-76,,RI)                            2286100500003 
DECAY-DATA (33-AS-76,25.87HR,DG,559.10,0.45)                      2286100500004 
REL-REF    (A,,S.I.Kafala,J,JRN,215,193,1997)                     2286100500005 
           (D,,R.Van Der Linden+,J,JRC,11,133,1972) Less on 35%   2286100500006 
           than the present measurement.                          2286100500007 
MONITOR    (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,RI)                            2286100500008 
DECAY-MON  (25-MN-56,2.5789HR,DG,846.75,0.989)                    2286100500009 
CORRECTION  The epithermal self-shielding factor is 0.900.        2286100500010 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty in As-75 includes:           2286100500011 
           (ERR-1) error in cadmium ratio is 1.70%                2286100500012 
           (ERR-2) Error in self-shielding factor 0.50%           2286100500013 
           (ERR-3) Error in reference thermal neutron cross-sect. 2286100500014 
           (ERR-4) Error in alpha-shape parameter is 2.77%.       2286100500015 
           (ERR-5) Normalization error:                           2286100500016 
            * Error in cadmium ratio is 1.60%.                    2286100500017 
            * Error in self-shielding factor 0.20%.               2286100500018 
            * Error in reference thermal neutron cross-sect. 0.75%2286100500019 
            * Error in alpha-shape parameter is 3.61%.            2286100500020 
            * Monitor resonance integral cross-section 2.14%      2286100500021 
HISTORY    (20170824A) SD: ERR-ANALYS re-compiled. BIB update.    2286100500022 
            MONIT deleted. COMMENT -> CORRECTION.                 2286100500023 
           (20180125U) On. PART-DET deleted.                      2286100500024 
ENDBIB              22          0                                 2286100500025 
COMMON               4          3                                 2286100500026 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4                            2286100500027 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2286100500028 
  1.70       0.50        2.22      2.77                           2286100500029 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2286100500030 
DATA                 4          1                                 2286100500031 
EN-MIN     DATA       ERR-T      ERR-5                            2286100500032 
EV         B          B          B                                2286100500033 
       0.55       63.5        3.8      0.3                        2286100500034 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2286100500035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 2286100599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 2286199999999