ENTRY            22872   20161111                             22552287200000001 
SUBENT        22872001   20161111                             22552287200100001 
BIB                 16         86                                 2287200100002 
TITLE      .Measurement of Neutron Capture Cross Section of       2287200100003 
            Np-237 from 0.02 to 100 eV                            2287200100004 
AUTHOR     (O.Shcherbakov, K.Furutaka, S.Nakamura, H.Sakane,      2287200100005 
           K.Kobayashi, S.Yamamoto, J.-I.Hori, H.Harada)          2287200100006 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNJNC) O.Shcherbakov, K.Furutaka, S.Nakamura,       2287200100007 
                     H.Sakane, H.Harada                           2287200100008 
           (2JPNKTO) K.Kobayashi, S.Lee, H.-J. Cho, Y.Fujita,     2287200100009 
                     S.Yamamoto, Jun-Ichi Hori - Research Reactor 2287200100010 
                     Institute.                                   2287200100011 
REFERENCE  (J,NST,42,(2),135,200502)  Main reference, Sigma and   2287200100012 
                     Res. integrals are given                     2287200100013 
           (S,JAERI-C-2005-03,121,2005) First author H.Harada .   2287200100014 
             Figure of ratios of measured average CS to CS of     2287200100015 
           Kobayashi, Weston, JENDL-3.3, ENDF/B-VI .              2287200100016 
           (C,2004SANTA,,1007,200410)  Graph for 0.02 - 1 eV      2287200100017 
REL-REF    (O,22843001,H.Harada+,S,JAERI-C-2005-03,121,2005)      2287200100018 
            Data for Np-238 in Entry 22843 .                      2287200100019 
           (O,22872001,H.Harada+,S,JAERI-C-2005-03,121,2005)      2287200100020 
            Data for Np-237 measured by gamma-spectroscopy .      2287200100021 
DETECTOR   (BF3)    For neutron flux monitoring                   2287200100022 
           (BGO) Capture gamma-ray detector consists of two       2287200100023 
               halves, each containing 8 optically separated BGO  2287200100024 
               crystals 1700 mm in length which form a cylindrical2287200100025 
               scintillation layer having internal and external   2287200100026 
               diameters 110 and 210 mm respectively. Total volume2287200100027 
               of liquid scintillator is 8.54 liters.             2287200100028 
FACILITY   (LINAC,2JPNKTO)  Electron Linear accelerator, 30 MeV   2287200100029 
              electron beam energy.                               2287200100030 
            .Pulse duration 100 ns, repetition rate 100Hz, average2287200100031 
             electron current 35 micro-A for 0.3 eV - 1 keV       2287200100032 
             neutron energy                                       2287200100033 
            .Pulse duration 3 microsec, repetition rate 50Hz,     2287200100034 
             average electron current 70 micro-A for 0.02 eV -    2287200100035 
             1 keV neutron energy                                 2287200100036 
INC-SOURCE (PHOTO) Electron on water-cooled tantalum target       2287200100037 
INC-SPECT  .Evaporation neutron spectrum with average energy      2287200100038 
            0.7 MeV. Slow neutrons produced by moderating of fast 2287200100039 
            neutrons in 10 cm thick water moderator               2287200100040 
METHOD     (TOF)  .Flight path is 24.2m, electron beam            2287200100041 
                   directed to 135 degree relative to flight path 2287200100042 
           (PHD)  .Pulse height discrimination                    2287200100043 
           (STTA) .Stack target measurements                      2287200100044 
MONITOR    ((MONIT1)93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,SIG)                 2287200100045 
              at thermal point .                                  2287200100046 
           (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG)  For neutron flux          2287200100047 
MONIT-REF  ((MONIT1),P.F.Rose,R,BNL-NCS-17541,1991) Evaluation    2287200100048 
             ENDF/B-VI, Brookhaven National Laboratory            2287200100049 
           (,K.Shibata+,J,NST,39,1125,2002) JENDL-3.3             2287200100050 
CORRECTION .For multiple scattering and self-shielding in samples 2287200100051 
SAMPLE     .Neptunium oxide Np-O2 powder, weight 1.13 gram packed 2287200100052 
            in aluminum  disk container 30 mm diameter, 0.4 mm    2287200100053 
            thick walls. Purity of sample is 99.6% by weight.     2287200100054 
            Radioactive purity is  99.9% with admixture of Pu239  2287200100055 
            less than 0.1%.                                       2287200100056 
            Thickness of the sample is 0.359 gram/cm2. Major      2287200100057 
            impurities are Ga, K, P, Rb, S about 4 milligram in   2287200100058 
            total weight.                                         2287200100059 
           .Dummy sample - an identical aluminum  container       2287200100060 
            without neptunium oxide - for background measurements 2287200100061 
           .Boron powder encapsulated in cylinder aluminum        2287200100062 
            thin-walled (0.2 mm) container 52 mm diameter,        2287200100063 
            sample material thickness is 0.494 gram/cm2, elemental2287200100064 
            purity 99.9%, B-10 content 93%                        2287200100065 
ERR-ANALYS  Contributions to the total uncertainties due to:      2287200100066 
           - to statistical errors,                               2287200100067 
           - neutron self-shielding and multiple scattering       2287200100068 
            corrections - max. 2.1% for Np; for B - negligible    2287200100069 
            at 0.01 - 10 eV energy range, up to 0.25% at 100 eV,  2287200100070 
           - the background subtraction,                          2287200100071 
           (ERR-1) the uncertainty of absolute normalization at   2287200100072 
           thermal point - 2.3 % ( error of reference CS was not  2287200100073 
            included) .                                           2287200100074 
           (MONIT1-ERR) Np-237 capture CS uncertainty at thermal  2287200100075 
           point .                                                2287200100076 
            Uncertainty due to un-uniform thickness of NpO2       2287200100077 
            sample was assumed to be negligible ( << 1.%) .       2287200100078 
HISTORY    (20050516C)  SM  Data from main reference, SAN 002, 0032287200100079 
           (20071120A)  Three new SUBENTs added. BIB-information  2287200100080 
                        updated - SM                              2287200100081 
           (20090218A) MONIT1 moved from subent 002 to 001        2287200100082 
                       Neutron flux monitor reaction corrected    2287200100083 
                       Subent 006 deleted, duplicate with 002     2287200100084 
           (20161111A) M.M. Ref. S,JAERI-C-2005-03,121,2005 was   2287200100085 
           added. BIB information was updated.                    2287200100086 
           EN-NRM=0.0253 was added in Subent 001.                 2287200100087 
           ERR-ANALYS was added in Subent 001.                    2287200100088 
ENDBIB              86          0                                 2287200100089 
COMMON               4          3                                 2287200100090 
MONIT1     EN-NRM     MONIT1-ERR ERR-1                            2287200100091 
B          EV         PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2287200100092 
       181.  0.0253    3.3         2.3                            2287200100093 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2287200100094 
ENDSUBENT           93          0                                 2287200199999 
SUBENT        22872002   20161111                             22552287200200001 
BIB                  5         13                                 2287200200002 
REACTION   (93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,SIG,,AV)  Averaged over      2287200200003 
               energy interval given in the data table            2287200200004 
REL-REF    (A,22858002,K.Kobayashi+,J,NST,39,111,2002) For 0.02 - 2287200200005 
                0.06, 2.8 - 5.2 and 16.0 - 45.0 eV neutron energy 2287200200006 
           (D,22858006,K.Kobayashi+,J,NST,39,111,2002) Other EN   2287200200007 
           (A,10887002,L.W.Weston+,J,NSE,79,184,1981)             2287200200008 
           (A,,P.F.Rose,R,BNL-NCS-17541,1991)                     2287200200009 
           (A,,K.Shibata+,J,NST,39,1125,2002)  For 0.3 - 100 eV   2287200200010 
           (D,,K.Shibata+,J,NST,39,1125,2002)  For 0.02-0.1 eV    2287200200011 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)   Total error                                  2287200200012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 1 of NST,42,(2),135,2005                 2287200200013 
           (COREL,22858002)                                       2287200200014 
HISTORY    (20090218A) MONIT moved to subent 001                  2287200200015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2287200200016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2287200200017 
DATA                 4         13                                 2287200200018 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA       ERR-T                            2287200200019 
EV         EV         B          B                                2287200200020 
  0.02        0.03      184.7        7.3                          2287200200021 
  0.03        0.06      134.9        3.7                          2287200200022 
  0.06        0.1       101.4        2.9                          2287200200023 
  0.1         0.3        66.5        3.1                          2287200200024 
  0.3         0.85      290.5        7.2                          2287200200025 
  0.85        2.8       148.3        3.8                          2287200200026 
  2.8         5.2        69.9        2.3                          2287200200027 
  5.2         8.0       105.3        3.2                          2287200200028 
  8.0        16.0        95.4        2.6                          2287200200029 
 16.0        28.0       100.9        2.8                          2287200200030 
 28.0        45.0        51.1        1.7                          2287200200031 
 45.0        73.0        70.0        2.0                          2287200200032 
 73.0       100.0        43.8        1.6                          2287200200033 
ENDDATA             15          0                                 2287200200034 
ENDSUBENT           33          0                                 2287200299999 
SUBENT        22872003   20161111                             22552287200300001 
BIB                  4          4                                 2287200300002 
REACTION   (93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,RI,,LIM)                     2287200300003 
REL-REF    (R,22858002,K.Kobayashi+,J,NST,39,111,2002)            2287200300004 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)   Total error.                                 2287200300005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 2 of NST,42,(2),135,2005                 2287200300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2287200300007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2287200300008 
DATA                 4          2                                 2287200300009 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA       ERR-T                            2287200300010 
EV         EV         B          B                                2287200300011 
  0.3        100.        807.       19.                           2287200300012 
  0.5        100.        506.       14.                           2287200300013 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 2287200300014 
ENDSUBENT           13          0                                 2287200399999 
SUBENT        22872004   20161111                             22552287200400001 
BIB                  7         12                                 2287200400002 
REACTION   (93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,SIG)                         2287200400003 
EXP-YEAR   (2003) Final results, Nov 2003                         2287200400004 
ANALYSIS   .Results of calculation from exp. data by program      2287200400005 
            "SumSig4.mcd"                                         2287200400006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not specified              2287200400007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Delivered by INTERNET from O.Shcherbakov       2287200400008 
                   et al. via N.Ohtsuka, 2007-10-27               2287200400009 
FLAG       (1.)  For En = 0.0185 - 0.3495 eV: 100 ch group-->     2287200400010 
           (2.)  For En = 0.3543 - 0.5995 eV:  25 ch group-->     2287200400011 
           (3.)  For En = 0.6326 - 1.138 eV:   50 ch group-->     2287200400012 
                --> Authors remarks                               2287200400013 
HISTORY    (20071120C)  SM                                        2287200400014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 2287200400015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2287200400016 
DATA                 4         88                                 2287200400017 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                             2287200400018 
EV         B          B          NO-DIM                           2287200400019 
   0.01846     170.6     37.16     1.                             2287200400020 
   0.01893     266.5     37.56     1.                             2287200400021 
   0.01941     220.5     35.59     1.                             2287200400022 
   0.01992     241.3     33.98     1.                             2287200400023 
   0.02044     212.8     32.02     1.                             2287200400024 
   0.02098     202.6     29.2      1.                             2287200400025 
   0.02155     219.7     28.54     1.                             2287200400026 
   0.02214     179.6     27.11     1.                             2287200400027 
   0.02276     223.3     25.65     1.                             2287200400028 
   0.0234      159.4     23.92     1.                             2287200400029 
   0.02407     193.5     22.79     1.                             2287200400030 
   0.02476     167.      22.06     1.                             2287200400031 
   0.02549     193.5     20.66     1.                             2287200400032 
   0.02625     184.      19.04     1.                             2287200400033 
   0.02705     165.2     18.23     1.                             2287200400034 
   0.02788     182.5     17.16     1.                             2287200400035 
   0.02875     159.      16.53     1.                             2287200400036 
   0.02966     164.      15.74     1.                             2287200400037 
   0.03062     176.6     15.03     1.                             2287200400038 
   0.03163     162.7     14.19     1.                             2287200400039 
   0.03268     159.5     13.4      1.                             2287200400040 
   0.03379     159.5     12.78     1.                             2287200400041 
   0.03495     136.4     11.79     1.                             2287200400042 
   0.03618     154.8     11.34     1.                             2287200400043 
   0.03747     142.3     10.81     1.                             2287200400044 
   0.03883     137.6     10.1      1.                             2287200400045 
   0.04027     147.4     9.818     1.                             2287200400046 
   0.04179     132.1     9.458     1.                             2287200400047 
   0.0434      129.4     8.834     1.                             2287200400048 
   0.0451      141.7     8.661     1.                             2287200400049 
   0.0469      129.1     8.161     1.                             2287200400050 
   0.04882     125.9     7.757     1.                             2287200400051 
   0.05085     124.1     7.437     1.                             2287200400052 
   0.05301     120.8     7.178     1.                             2287200400053 
   0.05532     116.6     6.919     1.                             2287200400054 
   0.05778     117.7     6.636     1.                             2287200400055 
   0.0604      120.6     6.49      1.                             2287200400056 
   0.06321     115.8     6.177     1.                             2287200400057 
   0.06622     107.2     5.943     1.                             2287200400058 
   0.06945     109.5     5.828     1.                             2287200400059 
   0.07292     100.9     5.695     1.                             2287200400060 
   0.07666     98.83     5.512     1.                             2287200400061 
   0.0807      103.6     5.532     1.                             2287200400062 
   0.08506     95.95     5.387     1.                             2287200400063 
   0.08978     93.27     5.419     1.                             2287200400064 
   0.09491     93.71     5.465     1.                             2287200400065 
   0.1005     89.83     5.519      1.                             2287200400066 
   0.1066     81.86     5.458      1.                             2287200400067 
   0.1132     81.18     5.594      1.                             2287200400068 
   0.1205     76.44     5.804      1.                             2287200400069 
   0.1286     69.63     5.949      1.                             2287200400070 
   0.1374     67.55     6.368      1.                             2287200400071 
   0.1473     70.71     6.829      1.                             2287200400072 
   0.1582     65.71     7.33       1.                             2287200400073 
   0.1703     73.11     8.205      1.                             2287200400074 
   0.1839     60.57     8.812      1.                             2287200400075 
   0.1993     53.49     9.404      1.                             2287200400076 
   0.2166     53.3      9.863      1.                             2287200400077 
   0.2363     59.78    10.68       1.                             2287200400078 
   0.2588     63.7     10.95       1.                             2287200400079 
   0.2846     72.96    10.82       1.                             2287200400080 
   0.3146     95.39    10.8        1.                             2287200400081 
   0.3495     105.4    10.28       1.                             2287200400082 
   0.3543     132.5    20.32       2.                             2287200400083 
   0.3641     98.79    20.26       2.                             2287200400084 
   0.3744     104.2    20.         2.                             2287200400085 
   0.385      135.1    20.19       2.                             2287200400086 
   0.3962     172.8    21.36       2.                             2287200400087 
   0.4079     193.4    21.19       2.                             2287200400088 
   0.42       225.9    22.18       2.                             2287200400089 
   0.4328     299.4    23.67       2.                             2287200400090 
   0.4461     467.7    27.5        2.                             2287200400091 
   0.46       838.6    39.83       2.                             2287200400092 
   0.4746    1477.     59.27       2.                             2287200400093 
   0.4899    1965.     75.67       2.                             2287200400094 
   0.506     1495.     57.74       2.                             2287200400095 
   0.5229     827.2    36.19       2.                             2287200400096 
   0.5406     403.1    24.03       2.                             2287200400097 
   0.5592     223.6    19.3        2.                             2287200400098 
   0.5788     159.     17.57       2.                             2287200400099 
   0.5995     125.8    17.03       2.                             2287200400100 
   0.6326      77.71   11.19       3.                             2287200400101 
   0.6813      58.56   10.85       3.                             2287200400102 
   0.7358      40.21   10.35       3.                             2287200400103 
   0.7971      19.6     9.676      3.                             2287200400104 
   0.8663      37.3     9.537      3.                             2287200400105 
   0.9451      40.93    9.183      3.                             2287200400106 
   1.035       43.18    8.746      3.                             2287200400107 
ENDDATA             90          0                                 2287200400108 
ENDSUBENT          107          0                                 2287200499999 
SUBENT        22872005   20161111                             22552287200500001 
BIB                  7         15                                 2287200500002 
REACTION   (93-NP-237(N,G)93-NP-238,,SIG)                         2287200500003 
EXP-YEAR   (2003) Final results, Oct 2003                         2287200500004 
ANALYSIS   .Results of calculation from exp data by program       2287200500005 
            "SumSig4.mcd"                                         2287200500006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not specified              2287200500007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Delivered by INTERNET from O.Shcherbakov       2287200500008 
                   et al. via N.Ohtsuka, 2007-10-27               2287200500009 
FLAG       (1.)  For En =  0.2953 - 0.3962 eV: 100 ch group-->    2287200500010 
           (2.)  For En =  0.3985 - 0.5993 eV:  20 ch group-->    2287200500011 
           (3.)  For En =  0.6211 - 1.2260 eV: 100 ch group-->    2287200500012 
           (4.)  For En =  1.2380 - 2.0550 eV:  20 ch group-->    2287200500013 
           (5.)  For En =  2.197  - 3.460 eV:  100 ch group-->    2287200500014 
           (6.)  For En =  3.519  - 100 eV :    20 ch group-->    2287200500015 
                --> Authors remarks                               2287200500016 
HISTORY    (20071120C)  SM                                        2287200500017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 2287200500018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2287200500019 
DATA                 4        257                                 2287200500020 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                             2287200500021 
EV         B          B          NO-DIM                           2287200500022 
    0.2953      68.22     15.65       1.                          2287200500023 
    0.3028      72.52     15.07       1.                          2287200500024 
    0.3106      59.32     14.62       1.                          2287200500025 
    0.3186      52.82     14.66       1.                          2287200500026 
    0.327       60.45     14.55       1.                          2287200500027 
    0.3357      80.92     14.22       1.                          2287200500028 
    0.3448      93.14     14.89       1.                          2287200500029 
    0.3542      84.42     14.27       1.                          2287200500030 
    0.3641      77.25     14.16       1.                          2287200500031 
    0.3743     105.7      14.6        1.                          2287200500032 
    0.385      122.7      14.06       1.                          2287200500033 
    0.3962     117.8      13.85       1.                          2287200500034 
    0.3985     111.3      31.72       2.                          2287200500035 
    0.4008     177.5      30.66       2.                          2287200500036 
    0.4031     141.3      32.88       2.                          2287200500037 
    0.4054     153.1      30.35       2.                          2287200500038 
    0.4078     169.6      32.38       2.                          2287200500039 
    0.4102     171.9      33.42       2.                          2287200500040 
    0.4126     154.7      32.56       2.                          2287200500041 
    0.4151     182.4      35.03       2.                          2287200500042 
    0.4175     241.4      34.05       2.                          2287200500043 
    0.42       223.9      33.41       2.                          2287200500044 
    0.4225     230.4      36.59       2.                          2287200500045 
    0.425      197.1      31.32       2.                          2287200500046 
    0.4275     232.4      34.4        2.                          2287200500047 
    0.4301     301.8      34.94       2.                          2287200500048 
    0.4327     280.8      34.66       2.                          2287200500049 
    0.4353     345.4      39.41       2.                          2287200500050 
    0.438      389.8      40.54       2.                          2287200500051 
    0.4406     411.       41.37       2.                          2287200500052 
    0.4433     418.1      40.49       2.                          2287200500053 
    0.446      472.4      44.9        2.                          2287200500054 
    0.4487     538.7      45.8        2.                          2287200500055 
    0.4515     620.6      49.81       2.                          2287200500056 
    0.4543     689.       57.07       2.                          2287200500057 
    0.4571     637.4      47.49       2.                          2287200500058 
    0.4599     881.6      63.27       2.                          2287200500059 
    0.4628     937.8      65.86       2.                          2287200500060 
    0.4657    1030.       69.37       2.                          2287200500061 
    0.4686    1208.       78.81       2.                          2287200500062 
    0.4716    1280.       82.19       2.                          2287200500063 
    0.4745    1490.       91.04       2.                          2287200500064 
    0.4775    1695.      102.4        2.                          2287200500065 
    0.4806    1847.      110.7        2.                          2287200500066 
    0.4836    1841.      107.2        2.                          2287200500067 
    0.4867    2090.      124.6        2.                          2287200500068 
    0.4898    1972.      112.8        2.                          2287200500069 
    0.493     2075.      120.9        2.                          2287200500070 
    0.4962    2019.      119.9        2.                          2287200500071 
    0.4994    1785.      102.5        2.                          2287200500072 
    0.5026    1678.       97.04       2.                          2287200500073 
    0.5059    1568.       92.23       2.                          2287200500074 
    0.5092    1506.       95.45       2.                          2287200500075 
    0.5125    1226.       75.92       2.                          2287200500076 
    0.5159    1132.       72.97       2.                          2287200500077 
    0.5193     938.3      58.99       2.                          2287200500078 
    0.5227     838.5      58.9        2.                          2287200500079 
    0.5262     615.4      45.72       2.                          2287200500080 
    0.5297     641.7      48.25       2.                          2287200500081 
    0.5333     538.6      43.78       2.                          2287200500082 
    0.5368     374.5      36.83       2.                          2287200500083 
    0.5405     385.8      35.66       2.                          2287200500084 
    0.5441     373.1      37.65       2.                          2287200500085 
    0.5478     333.3      32.65       2.                          2287200500086 
    0.5515     263.4      31.85       2.                          2287200500087 
    0.5553     199.       28.96       2.                          2287200500088 
    0.5591     231.2      29.25       2.                          2287200500089 
    0.5629     238.       32.02       2.                          2287200500090 
    0.5668     173.4      28.77       2.                          2287200500091 
    0.5707     178.4      29.69       2.                          2287200500092 
    0.5747     178.9      27.42       2.                          2287200500093 
    0.5787     197.1      28.66       2.                          2287200500094 
    0.5827     133.       29.29       2.                          2287200500095 
    0.5868     120.6      27.79       2.                          2287200500096 
    0.5909     127.9      26.86       2.                          2287200500097 
    0.5951     109.4      26.49       2.                          2287200500098 
    0.5993      86.33     25.8        2.                          2287200500099 
    0.6211      79.68     11.71       3.                          2287200500100 
    0.6441      53.42     11.07       3.                          2287200500101 
    0.6684      34.43     10.27       3.                          2287200500102 
    0.6941      50.62     10.38       3.                          2287200500103 
    0.7213      41.01      9.928      3.                          2287200500104 
    0.7501      31.64      9.908      3.                          2287200500105 
    0.7807      31.89      9.99       3.                          2287200500106 
    0.8132      26.56      9.601      3.                          2287200500107 
    0.8478      33.04      9.455      3.                          2287200500108 
    0.8847      15.81      9.534      3.                          2287200500109 
    0.9239      31.86      9.222      3.                          2287200500110 
    0.9659      42.05      9.081      3.                          2287200500111 
    1.011       20.31      8.775      3.                          2287200500112 
    1.059       31.55      8.53       3.                          2287200500113 
    1.111       44.23      8.636      3.                          2287200500114 
    1.166       42.4       8.555      3.                          2287200500115 
    1.226       87.31      8.664      3.                          2287200500116 
    1.238       83.51     19.46       4.                          2287200500117 
    1.251      118.3      19.17       4.                          2287200500118 
    1.264      138.8      20.12       4.                          2287200500119 
    1.277      229.3      22.53       4.                          2287200500120 
    1.29       314.7      24.75       4.                          2287200500121 
    1.304      548.2      33.37       4.                          2287200500122 
    1.317      664.6      36.43       4.                          2287200500123 
    1.331      649.5      36.26       4.                          2287200500124 
    1.345      532.7      31.62       4.                          2287200500125 
    1.36       379.2      26.08       4.                          2287200500126 
    1.374      318.3      24.12       4.                          2287200500127 
    1.389      326.9      25.26       4.                          2287200500128 
    1.404      324.6      25.09       4.                          2287200500129 
    1.42       449.       27.55       4.                          2287200500130 
    1.435      778.8      39.46       4.                          2287200500131 
    1.451     1325.       61.17       4.                          2287200500132 
    1.467     1810.       79.11       4.                          2287200500133 
    1.484     2104.       91.59       4.                          2287200500134 
    1.5       1614.       71.22       4.                          2287200500135 
    1.517      956.9      45.82       4.                          2287200500136 
    1.534      511.2      29.14       4.                          2287200500137 
    1.552      338.5      24.26       4.                          2287200500138 
    1.57       197.       19.88       4.                          2287200500139 
    1.588      120.9      18.67       4.                          2287200500140 
    1.606      104.3      17.67       4.                          2287200500141 
    1.625       81.53     16.41       4.                          2287200500142 
    1.644       62.05     16.61       4.                          2287200500143 
    1.664       68.92     16.45       4.                          2287200500144 
    1.684       45.48     16.59       4.                          2287200500145 
    1.704       48.12     15.56       4.                          2287200500146 
    1.724       32.89     15.44       4.                          2287200500147 
    1.745       40.36     15.85       4.                          2287200500148 
    1.766       43.55     15.3        4.                          2287200500149 
    1.788       28.26     15.49       4.                          2287200500150 
    1.81        21.6      14.93       4.                          2287200500151 
    1.833       13.       15.17       4.                          2287200500152 
    1.855       10.33     14.95       4.                          2287200500153 
    1.879       26.36     14.58       4.                          2287200500154 
    1.902       56.87     15.63       4.                          2287200500155 
    1.927       96.39     16.49       4.                          2287200500156 
    1.951      145.3      17.14       4.                          2287200500157 
    1.977      181.5      18.1        4.                          2287200500158 
    2.002      126.9      16.18       4.                          2287200500159 
    2.028       62.18     15.29       4.                          2287200500160 
    2.055       56.22     14.88       4.                          2287200500161 
    2.197        9.131     6.227      5.                          2287200500162 
    2.353       -3.619     5.938      5.                          2287200500163 
    2.527        2.06      5.795      5.                          2287200500164 
    2.721        7.694     5.593      5.                          2287200500165 
    2.939        5.763     5.321      5.                          2287200500166 
    3.183        3.614     5.182      5.                          2287200500167 
    3.46        11.21      5.062      5.                          2287200500168 
    3.519        9.614    11.37       6.                          2287200500169 
    3.58        14.04     11.09       6.                          2287200500170 
    3.643       20.4      11.4        6.                          2287200500171 
    3.708       47.48     11.36       6.                          2287200500172 
    3.774      140.6      12.9        6.                          2287200500173 
    3.842      826.       31.88       6.                          2287200500174 
    3.911      623.3      24.94       6.                          2287200500175 
    3.983      115.7      12.21       6.                          2287200500176 
    4.057       31.63     10.88       6.                          2287200500177 
    4.132       30.8      10.56       6.                          2287200500178 
    4.21        51.41     10.79       6.                          2287200500179 
    4.29        91.51     11.14       6.                          2287200500180 
    4.373       23.12     10.1        6.                          2287200500181 
    4.458       19.74      9.939      6.                          2287200500182 
    4.545        1.332     9.885      6.                          2287200500183 
    4.635       16.52      9.687      6.                          2287200500184 
    4.727       -0.660     9.523      6.                          2287200500185 
    4.823       64.06     10.56       6.                          2287200500186 
    4.921       72.63      9.977      6.                          2287200500187 
    5.022       17.89      9.233      6.                          2287200500188 
    5.127       13.57      9.118      6.                          2287200500189 
    5.234       27.37      9.451      6.                          2287200500190 
    5.346       17.23      9.115      6.                          2287200500191 
    5.46        15.29      9.147      6.                          2287200500192 
    5.579       36.93      9.45       6.                          2287200500193 
    5.701      580.       22.24       6.                          2287200500194 
    5.828      965.2      32.37       6.                          2287200500195 
    5.959       72.06      9.491      6.                          2287200500196 
    6.094       17.1       9.16       6.                          2287200500197 
    6.234       40.29      9.166      6.                          2287200500198 
    6.378      158.7      10.8        6.                          2287200500199 
    6.528       37.16      8.762      6.                          2287200500200 
    6.683       31.67      8.381      6.                          2287200500201 
    6.844       15.78      8.341      6.                          2287200500202 
    7.011        1.368     7.973      6.                          2287200500203 
    7.184       20.96      7.971      6.                          2287200500204 
    7.363      147.7      10.15       6.                          2287200500205 
    7.549       81.18      8.695      6.                          2287200500206 
    7.742       14.52      7.795      6.                          2287200500207 
    7.943       10.97      7.454      6.                          2287200500208 
    8.152       26.98      7.786      6.                          2287200500209 
    8.369      101.8       8.666      6.                          2287200500210 
    8.594       14.35      7.505      6.                          2287200500211 
    8.829       46.82      7.744      6.                          2287200500212 
    9.074      130.        8.752      6.                          2287200500213 
    9.329      391.3      14.55       6.                          2287200500214 
    9.595       17.16      7.038      6.                          2287200500215 
    9.873        2.395     6.766      6.                          2287200500216 
   10.16       25.84       6.925      6.                          2287200500217 
   10.47       69.06       7.415      6.                          2287200500218 
   10.78      706.4       22.23       6.                          2287200500219 
   11.11      499.        16.52       6.                          2287200500220 
   11.46       23.49       6.538      6.                          2287200500221 
   11.82       14.54       6.33       6.                          2287200500222 
   12.2        44.42       6.805      6.                          2287200500223 
   12.6       302.6       11.44       6.                          2287200500224 
   13.02       13.65       6.36       6.                          2287200500225 
   13.46        8.071      6.178      6.                          2287200500226 
   13.92        2.923      6.023      6.                          2287200500227 
   14.41        3.397      5.852      6.                          2287200500228 
   14.93       -1.812      5.753      6.                          2287200500229 
   15.47       11.77       5.784      6.                          2287200500230 
   16.04      213.5        8.825      6.                          2287200500231 
   16.64       45.21       5.738      6.                          2287200500232 
   17.28       26.55       5.497      6.                          2287200500233 
   17.96       25.02       5.307      6.                          2287200500234 
   18.67        5.392      5.173      6.                          2287200500235 
   19.43       16.26       5.197      6.                          2287200500236 
   20.24      147.4        7.026      6.                          2287200500237 
   21.1        74.33       5.761      6.                          2287200500238 
   22.01      133.9        6.533      6.                          2287200500239 
   22.99       59.51       5.286      6.                          2287200500240 
   24.03      160.2        6.75       6.                          2287200500241 
   25.14      329.5       10.26       6.                          2287200500242 
   26.34      191.5        7.213      6.                          2287200500243 
   27.62        5.641      4.218      6.                          2287200500244 
   28.99       21.05       4.39       6.                          2287200500245 
   30.47      194.8        7.033      6.                          2287200500246 
   32.07       12.41       4.089      6.                          2287200500247 
   33.8        41.56       4.165      6.                          2287200500248 
   35.67       20.3        3.925      6.                          2287200500249 
   37.7        82.6        4.659      6.                          2287200500250 
   39.9        67.58       4.263      6.                          2287200500251 
   42.31       52.65       3.956      6.                          2287200500252 
   44.94       46.49       3.86       6.                          2287200500253 
   47.83       69.51       3.981      6.                          2287200500254 
   51.        172.5        5.723      6.                          2287200500255 
   54.5        36.33       3.46       6.                          2287200500256 
   58.38       50.15       3.501      6.                          2287200500257 
   62.68       58.07       3.494      6.                          2287200500258 
   67.47       83.41       3.744      6.                          2287200500259 
   72.84       43.69       3.171      6.                          2287200500260 
   78.87       30.94       2.88       6.                          2287200500261 
   85.68       84.14       3.533      6.                          2287200500262 
   93.42       31.52       2.718      6.                          2287200500263 
  102.3        66.57       3.032                                  2287200500264 
  112.4        65.04       2.911                                  2287200500265 
  124.1        39.09       2.447                                  2287200500266 
  137.8        48.01       2.493                                  2287200500267 
  153.9        51.34       2.42                                   2287200500268 
  172.9        49.67       2.317                                  2287200500269 
  195.8        41.95       2.091                                  2287200500270 
  223.4        48.08       2.12                                   2287200500271 
  257.4        35.22       1.827                                  2287200500272 
  299.8        37.63       1.753                                  2287200500273 
  353.5        41.9        1.713                                  2287200500274 
  423.1        26.03       1.422                                  2287200500275 
  515.4        23.61       1.281                                  2287200500276 
  641.6        19.56       1.132                                  2287200500277 
  820.6        14.82       0.9718                                 2287200500278 
 1086.         10.71       0.8492                                 2287200500279 
ENDDATA            259          0                                 2287200500280 
ENDSUBENT          279          0                                 2287200599999 
NOSUBENT      22872006   20090218                             22082287200600001 
ENDENTRY             6          0                                 2287299999999