ENTRY 22877 20231026 23192287700000001 SUBENT 22877001 20231026 23192287700100001 BIB 14 57 2287700100002 TITLE New cross section measurements for neutron-induced 2287700100003 reactions on Cr, Ni, Cu, Ta and W isotopes obtained 2287700100004 with the activation technique 2287700100005 AUTHOR (V.Semkova, R.Capote, R.J.Tornin, A.J.Koning, 2287700100006 A.Moens, A.J.M.Plompen) 2287700100007 INSTITUTE (2ZZZGEL,3BULBLA,3ZZZIAE,2NEDNRG) 2287700100008 REFERENCE (C,2007NICE,1,559,2007) 2287700100009 (C,2008VILLIG,,75,2008) 2287700100010 003-004,006,008,011,015 data sets in figs 2287700100011 (S,EUR-22794,117,2007) 2287700100012 002-003,005-010,013,019-021 data sets in figs 2287700100013 (J,JP/CS,1555,012010,2020) Data for 58Ni(n,pa)54Mn and 2287700100014 63(n,pa)59Fe 2287700100015 #doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1555/1/012010 2287700100016 REL-REF (I,22820001,V.Semkova+,J,NP/A,730,255,2004) 2287700100017 Detail description of measurement technique 2287700100018 FACILITY (VDG,2ZZZGEL)) 7-MV Van de Graaff accelerator 2287700100019 INC-SOURCE (D-T) Ed=1,2,3,4 MeV. 2287700100020 Ti/T target (2 mg/cm2 thick) on Ag backing (0.4 mm 2287700100021 thick). 2287700100022 Distance between the sample stack and the center of 2287700100023 target varied from 3 cm (for 10 mm diam. samples) to 2287700100024 7 cm (for 30 mm diam. samples). 2287700100025 Neutron energy and yield distribution were determined 2287700100026 by EnergySet code based on DROSG-2000 and Ziegler's 2287700100027 stopping power. 2287700100028 INC-SPECT Neutron flux density distributions were determined by 2287700100029 the spectral index method by using the following 2287700100030 dosimetry reactions: 2287700100031 115In(n,n')115mIn, 58Ni(n,p)58Co, 27Al(n,p)27Mg, 2287700100032 27Al(n,a)24Na, 56Fe(n,p)56Mn, 93Nb(n,2n)92mNb 2287700100033 in combination with TOF measurements. 2287700100034 METHOD (ACTIV,GSPEC) 2287700100035 DETECTOR (HPGE) Coaxial HPGe detector. Calibration was done 2287700100036 with standard point sources and also by MCNP5. 2287700100037 (LONGC) Neutron flux fluctuation monitor 2287700100038 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) ENDF-B/VI 2287700100039 CORRECTION Corrected for 2287700100040 - gamma-ray self-absorption, 2287700100041 - detection efficiency 2287700100042 - irradiation and measurement geometry, 2287700100043 - neutron flux fluctuation during irradiation 2287700100044 - secondary neutrons. 2287700100045 - dead time effects 2287700100046 - low energy neutron background 2287700100047 - neutron flux and energy distribution inside the 2287700100048 stack of sample and monitor foils 2287700100049 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by Valentina Semkova (2017-11-09) 2287700100050 HISTORY (20081015C) M.M. 2287700100051 (20090914A) M.M. Reference C,2008VILLIG was added. 2287700100052 Request for the newer data was sent to A.Plompen. 2287700100053 (20171108R) On. Data received from V.Semkova. 2287700100054 (20171108A) On. Major revision in 002-020. 021 deleted.2287700100055 (20231026A) VS. Reference JP/CS,1555,012010,2020 added.2287700100056 Subents 003 and 005 updated. Subents 002, 004, 006-020 2287700100057 ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. Subents 006-007,019-020 2287700100058 SF3 corrected. 2287700100059 ENDBIB 57 0 2287700100060 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287700100061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 2287700199999 SUBENT 22877002 20231026 23192287700200001 BIB 7 9 2287700200002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,X)23-V-48,,SIG) 2287700200003 SAMPLE Natural Cr (30 mm diam.x5 mm), nominal weight 25500 mg.2287700200004 DECAY-DATA (23-V-48,15.9735D,DG,983.525,0.9989) 2287700200005 CORRECTION Corrected for coincidence summing effect 2287700200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287700200007 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287700200008 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287700200009 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287700200010 (20231026U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287700200011 ENDBIB 9 0 2287700200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287700200013 DATA 4 5 2287700200014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287700200015 MEV MEV MB MB 2287700200016 17.3 0.2 0.128 0.013 2287700200017 18.1 0.2 0.22 0.03 2287700200018 19.1 0.2 0.5 0.04 2287700200019 19.5 0.2 0.59 0.03 2287700200020 20.6 0.1 1.18 0.1 2287700200021 ENDDATA 7 0 2287700200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2287700299999 SUBENT 22877003 20231026 23192287700300001 BIB 7 22 2287700300002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,P+A)25-MN-54,,SIG) 2287700300003 SAMPLE Natural Ni (14 mm diam.x5 mm), nominal weight 5000 mg. 2287700300004 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-54,312.12D,DG,834.848,0.99976) 2287700300005 COMMENT By authors: 2287700300006 Contribution of 55Mn(n,2n)54Mn is less than 1% if the 2287700300007 cross section is 800 mb and Mn impurity is 100 ppm; 2287700300008 Contribution of 54Fe(n,p)54Mn is less than 0.1% if the2287700300009 cross section is 200 mb and Fe impurity is 40 ppm. 2287700300010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty determined by error 2287700300011 propagation of the partial uncertainties of the: 2287700300012 (ERR-S) counting statistics including the studied and 2287700300013 monitor reactions. 2287700300014 (ERR-1) ratio of the detector efficiencies for the 2287700300015 reaction and monitor gamma-rays. 2287700300016 (ERR-2) correction factor for the low energy neutron 2287700300017 background 2287700300018 (ERR-3) coincidence-summing correction factor 2287700300019 (ERR-4) monitor reaction 2287700300020 (ERR-5) other factors 2287700300021 STATUS (TABLE,,V.Semkova+,J,JP/CS,1555,012010,2020) Table 4. 2287700300022 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287700300023 (20231026A) Data updated. ERR-ANALYS added. 2287700300024 ENDBIB 22 0 2287700300025 COMMON 3 3 2287700300026 ERR-1 ERR-3 ERR-5 2287700300027 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2287700300028 3.1 0.4 2. 2287700300029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2287700300030 DATA 7 5 2287700300031 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-2 2287700300032 ERR-4 2287700300033 MEV MEV MB MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2287700300034 PER-CENT 2287700300035 15.6 0.3 2.97 0.2 1.6 2287700300036 1.6 2287700300037 16.8 0.3 7.06 0.37 3.0 1.5 2287700300038 2.1 2287700300039 18.0 0.2 17.4 2.0 2.4 1.5 2287700300040 2.2 2287700300041 19.1 0.2 26.2 1.4 2.4 1.5 2287700300042 3.0 2287700300043 20.6 0.1 35.4 3.0 1.7 1.5 2287700300044 5.1 2287700300045 ENDDATA 14 0 2287700300046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 2287700399999 SUBENT 22877004 20231026 23192287700400001 BIB 8 13 2287700400002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)27-CO-56,,SIG) 2287700400003 SAMPLE Natural Ni (14 mm diam.x5 mm), nominal weight 5000 mg. 2287700400004 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-56,77.233D,DG,846.771,0.99935) 2287700400005 CORRECTION Corrected for coincidence summing effect 2287700400006 COMMENT By authors: 2287700400007 Potential interference from 58Ni(n,3n)56Ni (low 2287700400008 threshold) and 58Ni(n,3p)56Mn (Coulomb barrier 2287700400009 exists) were discarded. 2287700400010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287700400011 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287700400012 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287700400013 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287700400014 (20231026U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287700400015 ENDBIB 13 0 2287700400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287700400017 DATA 4 9 2287700400018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287700400019 MEV MEV MB MB 2287700400020 15.2 0.3 0.038 0.004 2287700400021 15.5 0.3 0.074 0.007 2287700400022 16.2 0.3 0.11 0.01 2287700400023 16.8 0.2 0.206 0.015 2287700400024 17.8 0.2 0.35 0.05 2287700400025 18.3 0.2 0.44 0.03 2287700400026 19.3 0.2 0.62 0.07 2287700400027 19.9 0.2 0.77 0.05 2287700400028 20.6 0.1 1. 0.1 2287700400029 ENDDATA 11 0 2287700400030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2287700499999 SUBENT 22877005 20231026 23192287700500001 BIB 8 26 2287700500002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,P+A)26-FE-59,,SIG) 2287700500003 SAMPLE Natural Cu (20 mm diam.x5 mm), nominal weight 14000 mg.2287700500004 DECAY-DATA (26-FE-59,44.495D,DG,1099.245,0.565, 2287700500005 DG,1291.590,0.432) 2287700500006 COMMENT By authors: 2287700500007 Impurities of Fe, Co and Ni can contribute to 59Fe 2287700500008 production via 58Fe(n,g)59Fe, 59Co(n,p)59Fe and 2287700500009 62Ni(n,a)59Fe, respectively. However, there were no 2287700500010 traces produced by other high cross section 2287700500011 reactions on the above mentioned elements in the 2287700500012 measured spectra. 2287700500013 CORRECTION Corrected for coincidence summing effect 2287700500014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty determined by error 2287700500015 propagation of the partial uncertainties of the: 2287700500016 (ERR-S) counting statistics including the studied and 2287700500017 monitor reactions. 2287700500018 (ERR-1) ratio of the detector efficiencies for the 2287700500019 reaction and monitor gamma-rays. 2287700500020 (ERR-2) correction factor for the low energy neutron 2287700500021 background 2287700500022 (ERR-3) coincidence-summing correction factor 2287700500023 (ERR-4) monitor reaction 2287700500024 (ERR-5) other factors 2287700500025 STATUS (TABLE,,V.Semkova+,J,JP/CS,1555,012010,2020) Table 5. 2287700500026 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287700500027 (20231026A) Data updated. ERR-ANALYS added. 2287700500028 ENDBIB 26 0 2287700500029 COMMON 3 3 2287700500030 ERR-1 ERR-3 ERR-5 2287700500031 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2287700500032 2.5 0.4 2. 2287700500033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2287700500034 DATA 7 3 2287700500035 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-2 2287700500036 ERR-4 2287700500037 MEV MEV MB MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2287700500038 PER-CENT 2287700500039 17.4 0.2 0.0453 0.0026 3.7 0.5 2287700500040 1.6 2287700500041 19.0 0.2 0.196 0.013 2.0 0.5 2287700500042 2.8 2287700500043 19.9 0.2 0.362 0.03 3.0 1.5 2287700500044 4.5 2287700500045 ENDDATA 10 0 2287700500046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 2287700599999 SUBENT 22877006 20231026 23192287700600001 BIB 7 9 2287700600002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,X)71-LU-178-M,,SIG) 2287700600003 SAMPLE Natural Ta (15 mm diam.x1 mm), nominal weight 2900 mg. 2287700600004 DECAY-DATA (71-LU-178-M,23.1MIN,DG,426.36,0.970) 2287700600005 CORRECTION Corrected for coincidence summing effect 2287700600006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287700600007 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287700600008 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287700600009 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287700600010 (20231026A) VS. SF3: A->X; ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287700600011 ENDBIB 9 0 2287700600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287700600013 DATA 4 8 2287700600014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287700600015 MEV MEV MB MB 2287700600016 14.0 0.2 0.18 0.02 2287700600017 14.8 0.2 0.278 0.02 2287700600018 17.0 0.2 0.63 0.06 2287700600019 18.0 0.2 0.7 0.04 2287700600020 18.8 0.2 0.83 0.07 2287700600021 19.3 0.2 0.85 0.05 2287700600022 19.9 0.2 0.91 0.06 2287700600023 20.6 0.1 0.95 0.07 2287700600024 ENDDATA 10 0 2287700600025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2287700699999 SUBENT 22877007 20231026 23192287700700001 BIB 7 9 2287700700002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,X)71-LU-178-G,,SIG) 2287700700003 SAMPLE Natural Ta (15 mm diam.x1 mm), nominal weight 2900 mg. 2287700700004 DECAY-DATA (71-LU-178-G,28.4MIN,DG,1340.8,0.0342) 2287700700005 CORRECTION Corrected for coincidence summing effect 2287700700006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287700700007 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287700700008 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287700700009 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287700700010 (20231026A) VS. SF3: A->X; ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287700700011 ENDBIB 9 0 2287700700012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287700700013 DATA 4 4 2287700700014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287700700015 MEV MEV MB MB 2287700700016 17.0 0.2 1.14 0.2 2287700700017 18.0 0.2 1.3 0.15 2287700700018 19.9 0.2 1.5 0.2 2287700700019 20.6 0.1 1.66 0.2 2287700700020 ENDDATA 6 0 2287700700021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2287700799999 SUBENT 22877008 20231026 23192287700800001 BIB 7 9 2287700800002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,P)72-HF-181,,SIG) 2287700800003 SAMPLE Natural Ta (13 mm diam.x0.1 mm), nominal weight 222 mg.2287700800004 DECAY-DATA (72-HF-181,42.39D,DG,482.10,0.805) 2287700800005 CORRECTION Corrected for coincidence summing effect 2287700800006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287700800007 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287700800008 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287700800009 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287700800010 (20231026U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287700800011 ENDBIB 9 0 2287700800012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287700800013 DATA 4 6 2287700800014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287700800015 MEV MEV MB MB 2287700800016 14.01 0.2 2.61 0.14 2287700800017 15.6 0.3 4.56 0.4 2287700800018 18.0 0.2 6.33 0.6 2287700800019 18.8 0.2 6.5 0.6 2287700800020 19.3 0.2 7.2 0.6 2287700800021 20.6 0.1 8.88 0.64 2287700800022 ENDDATA 8 0 2287700800023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2287700899999 SUBENT 22877009 20231026 23192287700900001 BIB 7 9 2287700900002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,X)72-HF-180-M,,SIG) 2287700900003 SAMPLE Natural Ta (13 mm diam.x0.1 mm), nominal weight 222 mg.2287700900004 DECAY-DATA (72-HF-180-M,5.5HR,DG,332.275,0.941) 2287700900005 CORRECTION Corrected for coincidence summing effect 2287700900006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287700900007 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287700900008 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287700900009 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287700900010 (20231026U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287700900011 ENDBIB 9 0 2287700900012 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287700900013 DATA 4 6 2287700900014 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287700900015 MEV MEV MB MB 2287700900016 14.01 0.2 0.09 0.01 2287700900017 15.6 0.3 0.27 0.02 2287700900018 16.3 0.3 0.38 0.03 2287700900019 18.0 0.2 0.94 0.09 2287700900020 19.3 0.2 1.4 0.1 2287700900021 20.6 0.1 2.28 0.2 2287700900022 ENDDATA 8 0 2287700900023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2287700999999 SUBENT 22877010 20231026 23192287701000001 BIB 7 12 2287701000002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,2N)73-TA-180-G,,SIG) 2287701000003 SAMPLE Natural Ta (13 mm diam.x0.1 mm), nominal weight 222 mg.2287701000004 DECAY-DATA (73-TA-180-G,8.154HR,DG,93.4,0.0451) 2287701000005 COMMENT By authors: 2287701000006 Contribution of 181Ta(n,x)180mHf 93.325 keV gammas 2287701000007 was found to be negligible based on measurement of 2287701000008 the decay curve. 2287701000009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287701000010 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287701000011 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287701000012 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287701000013 (20231026U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287701000014 ENDBIB 12 0 2287701000015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287701000016 DATA 4 7 2287701000017 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287701000018 MEV MEV MB MB 2287701000019 14.01 0.2 1263. 80. 2287701000020 15.6 0.3 1187. 90. 2287701000021 16.3 0.3 1033. 70. 2287701000022 17.0 0.2 800. 50. 2287701000023 18.0 0.2 586. 50. 2287701000024 18.8 0.2 523. 50. 2287701000025 19.3 0.2 392. 20. 2287701000026 ENDDATA 9 0 2287701000027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2287701099999 SUBENT 22877011 20231026 23192287701100001 BIB 6 14 2287701100002 REACTION (74-W-182(N,P)73-TA-182,,SIG) 2287701100003 SAMPLE Natural metallic (13 mm diam. or 1 cmx1 cm, 0.1 or 2287701100004 0.25 mm thick), or 2287701100005 an enriched 182W metal powder canned in a plexiglass 2287701100006 container (180W <0.03%/182W 91.6%/183W 5.03%/ 2287701100007 184W 2.46%/186W 0.91%). 2287701100008 DECAY-DATA (73-TA-182-G,114.43D,DG,1221.4,0.270) 2287701100009 1121.3 keV gamma-line was not adopted to avoid 2287701100010 interference with natural background 2287701100011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287701100012 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287701100013 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287701100014 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287701100015 (20231026U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287701100016 ENDBIB 14 0 2287701100017 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287701100018 DATA 4 4 2287701100019 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287701100020 MEV MEV MB MB 2287701100021 20.6 0.1 16. 1.5 2287701100022 18.0 0.2 11.2 1. 2287701100023 16.1 0.2 7.12 0.8 2287701100024 15.1 0.3 4.6 0.5 2287701100025 ENDDATA 6 0 2287701100026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2287701199999 SUBENT 22877012 20231026 23192287701200001 BIB 6 12 2287701200002 REACTION (74-W-183(N,P)73-TA-183,,SIG) 2287701200003 SAMPLE Natural metallic (13 mm diam. or 1 cmx1 cm, 0.1 or 2287701200004 0.25 mm thick), or 2287701200005 an enriched 183W metal powder canned in a plexiglass 2287701200006 container (182W 2.11%/183W 96.30%/184W 1.58%/ 2287701200007 186W 0.005%). 2287701200008 DECAY-DATA (73-TA-183,5.1D,DG,246.0587,0.27) 2287701200009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287701200010 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287701200011 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287701200012 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287701200013 (20231026U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287701200014 ENDBIB 12 0 2287701200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287701200016 DATA 4 6 2287701200017 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287701200018 MEV MEV MB MB 2287701200019 13.8 0.3 3.32 0.55 2287701200020 15.2 0.3 5.32 0.5 2287701200021 15.5 0.3 6.26 1. 2287701200022 17.6 0.2 8.08 1.33 2287701200023 18.0 0.2 8.94 1.43 2287701200024 19.0 0.2 10.2 1. 2287701200025 ENDDATA 8 0 2287701200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2287701299999 SUBENT 22877013 20231026 23192287701300001 BIB 6 12 2287701300002 REACTION (74-W-184(N,P)73-TA-184,,SIG) 2287701300003 SAMPLE Natural metallic (13 mm diam. or 1 cmx1 cm, 0.1 or 2287701300004 0.25 mm thick), or 2287701300005 an enriched 184W metal powder canned in a plexiglass 2287701300006 container (181W <0.003%/182W 0.82%/183W 1.34%/ 2287701300007 184W 95.2%/186W 2.64%). 2287701300008 DECAY-DATA (73-TA-184,8.7HR,DG,414.01,0.72) 2287701300009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287701300010 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287701300011 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287701300012 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287701300013 (20231026U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287701300014 ENDBIB 12 0 2287701300015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287701300016 DATA 4 7 2287701300017 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287701300018 MEV MEV MB MB 2287701300019 14.8 0.2 3.58 0.2 2287701300020 16.1 0.3 5.85 0.43 2287701300021 17.0 0.3 7.25 0.56 2287701300022 18.0 0.2 8.12 0.63 2287701300023 19.0 0.2 9.36 0.77 2287701300024 19.3 0.2 9.93 0.77 2287701300025 20.5 0.1 10.58 0.91 2287701300026 ENDDATA 9 0 2287701300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2287701399999 SUBENT 22877014 20231026 23192287701400001 BIB 6 13 2287701400002 REACTION (74-W-186(N,P)73-TA-186,,SIG) 2287701400003 SAMPLE Natural metallic (13 mm diam. or 1 cmx1 cm, 0.1 or 2287701400004 0.25 mm thick), or 2287701400005 an enriched 186W metal powder canned in a plexiglass 2287701400006 container (181W <0.005%/182W 0.65%/183W 0.45%/ 2287701400007 184W 2.2%/186W 96.7%). 2287701400008 DECAY-DATA (73-TA-186-G,10.5MIN,DG,122.3,0.25, 2287701400009 DG,737.5,0.29) 2287701400010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287701400011 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287701400012 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287701400013 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287701400014 (20231026U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287701400015 ENDBIB 13 0 2287701400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287701400017 DATA 4 4 2287701400018 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287701400019 MEV MEV MB MB 2287701400020 16.3 0.3 2.58 0.51 2287701400021 18.0 0.2 4.62 0.61 2287701400022 19.4 0.2 5.82 0.97 2287701400023 20.6 0.1 6.81 1.4 2287701400024 ENDDATA 6 0 2287701400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2287701499999 SUBENT 22877015 20231026 23192287701500001 BIB 6 14 2287701500002 REACTION (74-W-183(N,X)73-TA-182,,SIG) 2287701500003 SAMPLE Natural metallic (13 mm diam. or 1 cmx1 cm, 0.1 or 2287701500004 0.25 mm thick), or 2287701500005 an enriched 183W metal powder canned in a plexiglass 2287701500006 container (182W 2.11%/183W 96.30%/184W 1.58%/ 2287701500007 186W 0.005%). 2287701500008 DECAY-DATA (73-TA-182-G,114.43D,DG,1221.4,0.270) 2287701500009 1121.3 keV gamma-line was not adopted to avoid 2287701500010 interference with natural background 2287701500011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287701500012 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287701500013 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287701500014 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287701500015 (20231026U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287701500016 ENDBIB 14 0 2287701500017 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287701500018 DATA 4 3 2287701500019 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287701500020 MEV MEV MB MB 2287701500021 15.2 0.3 1.4 0.2 2287701500022 17.6 0.2 5.9 1. 2287701500023 20.6 0.1 15. 3. 2287701500024 ENDDATA 5 0 2287701500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2287701599999 SUBENT 22877016 20231026 23192287701600001 BIB 6 12 2287701600002 REACTION (74-W-184(N,X)73-TA-183,,SIG) 2287701600003 SAMPLE Natural metallic (13 mm diam. or 1 cmx1 cm, 0.1 or 2287701600004 0.25 mm thick), or 2287701600005 an enriched 184W metal powder canned in a plexiglass 2287701600006 container (181W <0.003%/182W 0.82%/183W 1.34%/ 2287701600007 184W 95.2%/186W 2.64%). 2287701600008 DECAY-DATA (73-TA-183,5.1D,DG,246.0587,0.27) 2287701600009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287701600010 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287701600011 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287701600012 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287701600013 (20231026U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287701600014 ENDBIB 12 0 2287701600015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287701600016 DATA 4 4 2287701600017 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287701600018 MEV MEV MB MB 2287701600019 15.3 0.2 1.2 0.2 2287701600020 16.4 0.3 2.47 0.41 2287701600021 18.0 0.2 7.4 1. 2287701600022 19.0 0.2 10.6 1. 2287701600023 ENDDATA 6 0 2287701600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2287701699999 SUBENT 22877017 20231026 23192287701700001 BIB 6 12 2287701700002 REACTION (74-W-186(N,X)73-TA-185,,SIG) 2287701700003 SAMPLE Natural metallic (13 mm diam. or 1 cmx1 cm, 0.1 or 2287701700004 0.25 mm thick), or 2287701700005 an enriched 186W metal powder canned in a plexiglass 2287701700006 container (181W <0.005%/182W 0.65%/183W 0.45%/ 2287701700007 184W 2.2%/186W 96.7%). 2287701700008 DECAY-DATA (73-TA-185,49.4MIN,DG,177.59,0.257) 2287701700009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287701700010 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287701700011 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287701700012 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287701700013 (20231026U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287701700014 ENDBIB 12 0 2287701700015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287701700016 DATA 4 5 2287701700017 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287701700018 MEV MEV MB MB 2287701700019 15.2 0.2 0.42 0.04 2287701700020 16.1 0.3 0.98 0.06 2287701700021 17.9 0.2 3.3 0.23 2287701700022 19.3 0.2 6.47 0.53 2287701700023 20.6 0.1 8.59 0.76 2287701700024 ENDDATA 7 0 2287701700025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2287701799999 SUBENT 22877018 20231026 23192287701800001 BIB 6 12 2287701800002 REACTION (74-W-186(N,2N)74-W-185-M,,SIG) 2287701800003 SAMPLE Natural metallic (13 mm diam. or 1 cmx1 cm, 0.1 or 2287701800004 0.25 mm thick), or 2287701800005 an enriched 186W metal powder canned in a plexiglass 2287701800006 container (181W <0.005%/182W 0.65%/183W 0.45%/ 2287701800007 184W 2.2%/186W 96.7%). 2287701800008 DECAY-DATA (74-W-185-M,1.67MIN,DG,131.55,0.0433) 2287701800009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287701800010 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287701800011 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287701800012 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287701800013 (20231026U) VS. ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287701800014 ENDBIB 12 0 2287701800015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287701800016 DATA 4 5 2287701800017 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287701800018 MEV MEV MB MB 2287701800019 13.8 0.2 691. 57. 2287701800020 16.3 0.3 562. 45. 2287701800021 17.9 0.2 306. 26. 2287701800022 19.3 0.2 204. 17. 2287701800023 20.5 0.1 131. 11. 2287701800024 ENDDATA 7 0 2287701800025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2287701899999 SUBENT 22877019 20231026 23192287701900001 BIB 6 12 2287701900002 REACTION (74-W-184(N,X)72-HF-181,,SIG) 2287701900003 SAMPLE Natural metallic (13 mm diam. or 1 cmx1 cm, 0.1 or 2287701900004 0.25 mm thick), or 2287701900005 an enriched 184W metal powder canned in a plexiglass 2287701900006 container (181W <0.003%/182W 0.82%/183W 1.34%/ 2287701900007 184W 95.2%/186W 2.64%). 2287701900008 DECAY-DATA (72-HF-181,42.39D,DG,482.10,0.805) 2287701900009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287701900010 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287701900011 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287701900012 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287701900013 (20231026A) VS. SF3: A->X; ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287701900014 ENDBIB 12 0 2287701900015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287701900016 DATA 4 5 2287701900017 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287701900018 MEV MEV MB MB 2287701900019 14.8 0.2 0.96 0.09 2287701900020 16.3 0.3 1.48 0.11 2287701900021 17.0 0.2 1.73 0.15 2287701900022 18.1 0.2 2. 0.2 2287701900023 20.5 0.1 2.24 0.2 2287701900024 ENDDATA 7 0 2287701900025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2287701999999 SUBENT 22877020 20231026 23192287702000001 BIB 6 12 2287702000002 REACTION (74-W-186(N,X)72-HF-183,,SIG) 2287702000003 SAMPLE Natural metallic (13 mm diam. or 1 cmx1 cm, 0.1 or 2287702000004 0.25 mm thick), or 2287702000005 an enriched 186W metal powder canned in a plexiglass 2287702000006 container (181W <0.005%/182W 0.65%/183W 0.45%/ 2287702000007 184W 2.2%/186W 96.7%). 2287702000008 DECAY-DATA (72-HF-183,1.067HR,DG,783.753,0.66) 2287702000009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2287702000010 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from V.Semkova 2287702000011 (PRELM) Declared as preliminary (V.Semkova, 2017-11-08)2287702000012 HISTORY (20171108A) Numerical data inserted. 2287702000013 (20231026A) VS. SF3: A->X; ERR-ANALYS moved from 001. 2287702000014 ENDBIB 12 0 2287702000015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2287702000016 DATA 4 6 2287702000017 EN EN-RSL-HW DATA DATA-ERR 2287702000018 MEV MEV MB MB 2287702000019 14.8 0.2 0.62 0.09 2287702000020 16.1 0.3 1.01 0.19 2287702000021 17.0 0.3 1.37 0.2 2287702000022 17.9 0.2 1.62 0.2 2287702000023 19.4 0.2 1.86 0.2 2287702000024 20.6 0.1 2.1 0.2 2287702000025 ENDDATA 8 0 2287702000026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2287702099999 NOSUBENT 22877021 20171108 22662287702100001 ENDENTRY 21 0 2287799999999