ENTRY            22920   20190101                             22732292000000001 
SUBENT        22920001   20190101                             22732292000100001 
BIB                 12         51                                 2292000100002 
TITLE       Evidence of three-body force effects in neutron-      2292000100003 
            deuteron scattering at 95 MeV.                        2292000100004 
AUTHOR     (P.Mermod, J.Blomgren, A.Hildebrand,C.Johansson,J.Klug,2292000100005 
           M.Osterlund,S.Pomp, U.Tippawan,B.Bergenwall, L.Nilsson,2292000100006 
           N.Olsson, O.Jonsson, A.Prokofiev, P.-U.Renberg,        2292000100007 
           P.Nadel-Turonski, Y.Maeda, H.Sakai, A.Tamii)           2292000100008 
INSTITUTE  (2SWDUPP) Klug, Blomgren, Bergenwall, Hildebrand,      2292000100009 
                      Johansson, Mermod, Nilsson, Pomp, Tippawan, 2292000100010 
                      Olsson, Osterlund -                         2292000100011 
                      Dept.of Neutron Research,Uppsala University;2292000100012 
                     Jonsson, Prokofiev, Renberg, Nilsson -       2292000100013 
                      Swedberg Lab.,                              2292000100014 
                     Nadel-Turonski- Dept. of Radiation Sciences  2292000100015 
           (2SWDFOI) Olsson - Swedish Defence Res.Agency          2292000100016 
           (2JPNTOK) Maeda, Sakai, Tamii -Dep.of Physics          2292000100017 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,72,061002,2005) Main Ref.                      2292000100018 
           (J,NIM/A,489,282,2002) Details of neutron beam facility2292000100019 
              and SCANDAL detector setup.                         2292000100020 
           (J,PR/C,71,024002,2005) Details of analysis.           2292000100021 
           (C,2004SANTA,1,688,2004)     graph                     2292000100022 
           (J,PR/C,74,054002,2006) Data confirmed in Fig.15.      2292000100023 
            Details of experiment and data analysis.              2292000100024 
REL-REF    (A,22914001,P.Mermod+,J,PL/B,597,243,2004)             2292000100025 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2SWDUPP) SCANDAL experimental setup at          2292000100026 
                            the Swedberg Laboratory - TSL         2292000100027 
INC-SOURCE (P-LI7)                                                2292000100028 
INC-SPECT  .High-energy peak neutrons of 94.8 MeV and 2.7 MeV FWHM2292000100029 
            Flux about 4.E4 n/(cm2*sec) at target position.       2292000100030 
            Relative neutron fluences were determined by two      2292000100031 
            independent monitors based on U-238(n,f) reaction.    2292000100032 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) SCANDAL setup consist of two identical arms     2292000100033 
                  equipped with :                                 2292000100034 
            -2mm thick veto scintillator for charged particle     2292000100035 
             rejection,                                           2292000100036 
            -Two converter scintillators of 20 mm and 10 mm thick 2292000100037 
             for neutron-proton conversion,                       2292000100038 
            -2 mm thick deltaE plastic scintillator for triggering2292000100039 
            -two drift chambers for proton tracking,              2292000100040 
            -2 mm thick deltaE plastic scintillator for triggering2292000100041 
           (TELES,CSICR,CSICR)  array of 12 CsI crystal detectors.2292000100042 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical Uncertainty                        2292000100043 
           (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty typically 5-12 %.     2292000100044 
            due to uncertainties in solid angle,event selection   2292000100045 
            and corrections.                                      2292000100046 
           (ERR-1) Absolute normalization uncertainty.            2292000100047 
COMMENT    Corresponding author e-mail : jan.blomgren@tsl.uu.se   2292000100048 
HISTORY    (20060518C) M.M./SM                                    2292000100049 
           (20070628U)  4th Reference was added.   M.M.           2292000100050 
           (20080701U) 5th Reference was added.    M.M.           2292000100051 
           (20190101U) SD: Small addition in Subent 002.          2292000100052 
           HISTORY code updated for 20070628; 20080701 (A -> U).  2292000100053 
ENDBIB              51          0                                 2292000100054 
COMMON               4          3                                 2292000100055 
EN         EN-RSL-FW  ANG-ERR    ERR-1                            2292000100056 
MEV        MEV        ADEG       PER-CENT                         2292000100057 
94.8        2.7        0.5           4.                           2292000100058 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2292000100059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 2292000199999 
SUBENT        22920002   20190101                             22732292000200001 
BIB                  7         21                                 2292000200002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,DA)                                 2292000200003 
MONITOR    (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,SIG)                              2292000200004 
MONIT-REF  (,J.KLUG+,J,PR/C,68,064605,2003)  - Absolute           2292000200005 
            cross-sections are obtained by normalization to the   2292000200006 
            C(N,N) total elastic scattering cross-section         2292000200007 
SAMPLE      Water (H2-O) and heavy water (D2-O) contained in      2292000200008 
            cylindrical aluminum  cans of 8.5 cm diameter.        2292000200009 
            Empty can for instrumental background subtraction.    2292000200010 
            Graphite target cylinder of 8 cm diameter for         2292000200011 
            normalization.                                        2292000200012 
CORRECTION  Corrections for dead time.                            2292000200013 
            -Correction for instrumental background and oxygen    2292000200014 
            background.                                           2292000200015 
            -Correction for deuteron breakup.                     2292000200016 
            -Correction for neutron multiple scattering and       2292000200017 
            attenuation inside the target.                        2292000200018 
            -Correction for fraction of events due to low-energy  2292000200019 
            neutrons, CsI efficiency and conversion efficiency.   2292000200020 
STATUS     (TABLE) From Table 1 of Phys.Rev.C72(2005)061002       2292000200021 
           (COREL,22914003) Result from MELDEY set up             2292000200022 
HISTORY    (20190101U) SD: STATUS 'COREL' added.                  2292000200023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 2292000200024 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2292000200025 
DATA                 4         15                                 2292000200026 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-S      ERR-SYS                          2292000200027 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR      MB/SR                            2292000200028 
  15.2      24.99       1.07        3.73                          2292000200029 
  20.4      23.33       0.87        3.04                          2292000200030 
  26.3      17.04       0.53        1.45                          2292000200031 
  32.4      12.26       0.42        0.85                          2292000200032 
  38.7       7.91       0.28        0.57                          2292000200033 
  44.8       4.50       0.23        0.35                          2292000200034 
  51.8       3.14       0.13        0.18                          2292000200035 
  58.3       1.86       0.11        0.10                          2292000200036 
  63.5       1.55       0.11        0.09                          2292000200037 
  69.4       1.10       0.09        0.06                          2292000200038 
  75.0       0.85       0.07        0.06                          2292000200039 
  80.5       0.72       0.08        0.04                          2292000200040 
  87.0       0.59       0.19        0.07                          2292000200041 
  92.7       0.62       0.18        0.07                          2292000200042 
  99.3       0.37       0.19        0.04                          2292000200043 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 2292000200044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 2292000299999 
SUBENT        22920003   20080701                             22002292000300001 
BIB                  8         16                                 2292000300002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,DA,D)                               2292000300003 
MONITOR    (6-C-12(N,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               2292000300004 
MONIT-REF  (22668001,J.RAHM+,J,PR/C,63,044001,2001)  - Absolute   2292000300005 
            cross-sections are obtained by normalization to the   2292000300006 
            H(N,P) elastic scattering differential cross-section  2292000300007 
SAMPLE      1 mm thick C-D2 , C-H2, and graphite foils placed     2292000300008 
            simultaneously in multi-target (MTGT) box.            2292000300009 
DETECTOR   (MWPC) MTGT multiwire proportional counter.            2292000300010 
             Veto and converter scintillators were removed from   2292000300011 
             SCANDAL arms.                                        2292000300012 
METHOD     (EDE) Protons and deuterons were identified by         2292000300013 
                 selection in deltaE/E Two-dimensional plot.      2292000300014 
CORRECTION  Corrections were applied for:                         2292000300015 
            MTGT efficiency, CsI crystal detectors efficiency and 2292000300016 
            contamination from low-energy neutrons                2292000300017 
STATUS     (TABLE) From Table 1 of main Ref.                      2292000300018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 2292000300019 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2292000300020 
DATA                 4          7                                 2292000300021 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-S      ERR-SYS                          2292000300022 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR      MB/SR                            2292000300023 
 105.7       0.552      0.010       0.014                         2292000300024 
 114.3       0.484      0.009       0.012                         2292000300025 
 122.8       0.535      0.010       0.013                         2292000300026 
 131.9       0.488      0.010       0.013                         2292000300027 
 140.4       0.548      0.013       0.014                         2292000300028 
 148.8       0.744      0.016       0.019                         2292000300029 
 158.0       1.172      0.025       0.034                         2292000300030 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 2292000300031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 2292000399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 2292099999999