ENTRY 22943 20170824 22652294300000001 SUBENT 22943001 20170824 22652294300100001 BIB 18 67 2294300100002 TITLE Measurement of the H-2(n,gamma)H-3 Reaction Cross- 2294300100003 section between 10 and 550 keV. 2294300100004 AUTHOR (Y.Nagai,T.Kobayashi,T.Shima,T.Kikuchi,K.Takaoka, 2294300100005 M.Igashira,J.Golak,R.Skibinski,H.Witala,A.Nogga, 2294300100006 W.Gloeckle,H.Kamada) 2294300100007 INSTITUTE (2JPNOSA) Nagai, Shima 2294300100008 (2JPNTIT) Kobayashi, Kikuchi, Takaoka 2294300100009 -Department of Applied Physics, 2294300100010 Igashira - Research Lab.for Nuclear Reactors.2294300100011 (3POLUJK) Golak, Skibinski, Witala 2294300100012 -Smoluchowski Inst.of Physics. 2294300100013 (2GERJUL) Nogga -Inst. fuer Kernphysik (Theorie). 2294300100014 (2GERBOC) Gloeckle -Inst. fuer Theoretische Physic II. 2294300100015 (2JPNJPN) Kamada -Kyushu Inst.of Technology,Kitakyushu 2294300100016 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,74,025804,2006) Main Reference. 2294300100017 (J,NIM/A,402,408,1998) - prelim. data at 30.5 and 2294300100018 54.2 keV given. 2294300100019 REL-REF (M,,T.Ohsaki+,J,NIM/A,425,302,1999) Exp.details 2294300100020 for 10<En<80 keV. 2294300100021 (M,,M.Igashira+,C,93FRIBOU,,992,1993) - Anti-Compton 2294300100022 NaI(Tl) spectrometer description; Exp.details for 2294300100023 En=531 keV. 2294300100024 (M,22417001,Y.Nagai+,J,PR/C,56,3173,1997) Exp.details. 2294300100025 FACILITY (VDGT,2JPNTIT) Bunched proton beams of 1.5 nsec width 2294300100026 were provided from 3.2 MV Pelletron Accelerator. 2294300100027 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Li-7(p,n)Be-7 Reaction. 2294300100028 METHOD (GSPEC) Repeating three runs on H2O, Au and blank 2294300100029 samples cyclically. 2294300100030 (TOF) Incident neutron energy spectrum was measured 2294300100031 by Time-of-flight technique. 2294300100032 DETECTOR (GLASD) Li-6-glass Scintillation Detector for TOF, was 2294300100033 set 34 cm away from Li-7 target at angle 14 (10-80keV)2294300100034 and 9.6 (531 keV) degree with respect to proton beam 2294300100035 direction. 2294300100036 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) ENDF/B-VI,MAT=7925. 2294300100037 SAMPLE .H2 O enriched in H2 to 99.99%, of 90 mm diameter, 2294300100038 20 mm thickness, contained in acrylic container of 2294300100039 internal diameter 90 mm and thickness 0.5 mm. 2294300100040 .Au sample of 90 mm diameter and 1 mm thickness. 2294300100041 PART-DET (G) Prompt gamma-ray from capture in H-3 ground state. 2294300100042 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Gamma-ray peak intensities in net spectrum were2294300100043 analyzed by stripping method, using the response 2294300100044 function of NaI(Tl) spectrometers. 2294300100045 CORRECTION .Corrections were made for multiple scattering and 2294300100046 shielding of incident neutrons in sample, for gamma- 2294300100047 ray absorption by sample, for finite size of sample. 2294300100048 Correction factors are presented in MISC-COL. 2294300100049 MISC-COL (MISC1) Correction factor for multiple scattering 2294300100050 in Au sample. 2294300100051 (MISC2) Correction factor for multiple scattering 2294300100052 in H2O sample. 2294300100053 (MISC3) Correction factor for shielding in Au sample. 2294300100054 (MISC4) Correction factor for shielding in H2O sample. 2294300100055 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty is the result of combined 2294300100056 uncertainties: 2294300100057 (ERR-1) Gamma-ray yield statistics (2-8%), maximal, 2294300100058 (ERR-2) Response function of NaI(Tl) spectrometer, 2294300100059 (ERR-3) Absolute cross section of Au, 2294300100060 (ERR-4) Correction factor. 2294300100061 ADD-RES (COMP) Comparison exp.results with calculated ones. 2294300100062 (RRATE) Reaction rate was obtained with uncertainty 2294300100063 about 8% via formula as dependence of temperature2294300100064 and Avogadro's number. 2294300100065 HISTORY (20070110C) M.M./S.M. 2294300100066 (20070123U) Last corrections have been done 2294300100067 (20170824U) SD: Ref. NIM/A,402,408 was added. Three 2294300100068 refs moved to REL-REF. 2294300100069 ENDBIB 67 0 2294300100070 COMMON 4 3 2294300100071 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2294300100072 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2294300100073 8. 2. 3. 3. 2294300100074 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2294300100075 ENDSUBENT 74 0 2294300199999 SUBENT 22943002 20070110 21822294300200001 BIB 6 18 2294300200002 REACTION (1-H-2(N,G)1-H-3,,SIG,,SPA) 2294300200003 FACILITY Averaged proton beam current about 5.6 microA at 2294300200004 repetition rate 2 MHz. 2294300200005 DETECTOR (SPEC,NAICR) Four NaI(Tl) spectrometers, central 2294300200006 detector of 229 mm diameter, 203 mm length shielded 2294300200007 with Li6-H, B-doped paraffin, Cd shields against 2294300200008 elastically scattered neutrons, lead shield against 2294300200009 background gammas, and plastic annular counter of 2294300200010 51 mm thickness for rejecting cosmic muons. 2294300200011 .Gamma-ray detector was calibrated using standard 2294300200012 sources as Na-22, Co-60, Cs-137 2294300200013 SAMPLE .Samples were placed 12 cm from neutron target at angle2294300200014 0 deg. in respect to proton beam direction. Distance 2294300200015 between spectrometer and sample position - 60cm. 2294300200016 DECAY-DATA (1-H-3,,DG,6.26E+03) 2294300200017 (19-K-40,,DG,1461.) 2294300200018 (81-TL-208,,DG,2615.) 2294300200019 STATUS . Table II of Main Reference 2294300200020 ENDBIB 18 0 2294300200021 NOCOMMON 0 0 2294300200022 DATA 7 2 2294300200023 EN-MEAN DATA ERR-T MISC1 MISC2 MISC3 2294300200024 MISC4 2294300200025 KEV B B NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2294300200026 NO-DIM 2294300200027 30.5 2.23E-06 0.34E-06 1.146 1.835 0.962 2294300200028 0.717 2294300200029 54.2 1.99E-06 0.25E-06 1.121 1.386 0.966 2294300200030 0.727 2294300200031 ENDDATA 8 0 2294300200032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2294300299999 SUBENT 22943003 20070110 21822294300300001 BIB 8 17 2294300300002 REACTION (1-H-2(N,G)1-H-3,,SIG,,SPA) 2294300300003 FACILITY Averaged proton beam current about 12.2 microA at 2294300300004 repetition rate 4 MHz. 2294300300005 DETECTOR (SPEC,NAICR) Anti-Compton NaI(Tl) spectrometer, 2294300300006 shielded with Li6-H Borated paraffin and lead shields 2294300300007 of different shapes. Plus annular detector of 330 mm 2294300300008 diameter and 356 mm length for rejecting cosmic muons.2294300300009 REL-REF (N,,J.H.APPLEGATE+,J,PR/D,35,1151,1987) Details of 2294300300010 detector shielding 2294300300011 SAMPLE .Samples were placed 20 cm from neutron target at angle2294300300012 0 deg. in respect to proton beam direction. Distance 2294300300013 between spectrometer and sample position - 80cm. 2294300300014 INC-SPECT .Quasimononergetic neutron energy spectrum is shown in 2294300300015 Fig.1 of Main Ref. Proton energy was adjusted at 2294300300016 2.26 MeV to produce 531 keV neutrons. 2294300300017 DECAY-DATA (1-H-3,,DG,6.61E+03) 2294300300018 STATUS . Table II of Main Reference 2294300300019 ENDBIB 17 0 2294300300020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2294300300021 DATA 7 1 2294300300022 EN-MEAN DATA ERR-T MISC1 MISC2 MISC3 2294300300023 MISC4 2294300300024 KEV B B NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2294300300025 NO-DIM 2294300300026 531. 3.76E-06 0.41E-06 1.075 1.531 0.982 2294300300027 0.631 2294300300028 ENDDATA 6 0 2294300300029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2294300399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 2294399999999