ENTRY            22951   20220102                             23072295100000001 
SUBENT        22951001   20220102                             23072295100100001 
BIB                 12         42                                 2295100100002 
TITLE       Neutron-neutron final state interaction in the        2295100100003 
            H-2(n,p)2n reaction at En = 17.4-MeV.                 2295100100004 
AUTHOR     (W.Von Witsch, X.Ruan, H.Witala)                       2295100100005 
INSTITUTE  (2GERBON)  Von Witsch                                  2295100100006 
           (3CPRAEP)  Ruan                                        2295100100007 
           (3POLUJK)  Witala                                      2295100100008 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,74,014001,2006)  Main reference                2295100100009 
METHOD     (EDE,COINC)                                            2295100100010 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2GERBON)                                        2295100100011 
SAMPLE      The target consisted of a 10-mm long steel cylinder   2295100100012 
           lined with graphite on the inside and had a diameter   2295100100013 
           of 10-mm, which was closed at both ends with nominally 2295100100014 
            75-mum-thick kapton foils and filled with deuterium   2295100100015 
            gas at a pressure of 20.9-bar. Because of the bulging 2295100100016 
            of the foils, their thickness was almost 30% smallest 2295100100017 
            at the center and the effective target length was     2295100100018 
            14.2-mm.                                              2295100100019 
INC-SOURCE (D-D) The neutron beam was produced via                2295100100020 
            the H-2(d,N)He-3 reaction with 15-MeV deuterons       2295100100021 
            incident on a 42-mm long gas target, which was closed 2295100100022 
            with 10 mu-meter thick Havar foils.                   2295100100023 
INC-SPECT   At a typical deuteron beam intensity of 500-Na, the   2295100100024 
            high-energy neutron flux in the monoenergetic peak    2295100100025 
            from the d(d,n)He-3 reaction was 2.9E+6/S/cm**2 at the2295100100026 
            scattering target with an average energy En=17.36 MeV 2295100100027 
            and an energy spread of 170 keV(FWHM)                 2295100100028 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SIBAR,SIBAR)   A counter telescope consisting   2295100100029 
             of three 150 mm2 Si-surface barrier detectors,       2295100100030 
             two delta-E detectors of 220 and 506 mu-meter thick, 2295100100031 
             respectively, and 1500 micro-meter thick E-detector. 2295100100032 
             The last detector was calibrated from the back with  2295100100033 
             alpha-particles from Am-241 source for monitoring    2295100100034 
             of its performance during the measurements.          2295100100035 
           (COIN,SIBAR,SIBAR) The three detectors were operated   2295100100036 
             in a conventional fast-slow coincidence.             2295100100037 
ADD-RES    (COMP) MONTE-CARLO simulations based on rigorous three 2295100100038 
            body calculations using Cd-bonn and two other high-   2295100100039 
            quality potentials for the nucleon-nucleon            2295100100040 
            interaction.                                          2295100100041 
HISTORY    (20070131C) SM/MM                                      2295100100042 
           (20070309A) Last corrections have been done - SM.      2295100100043 
           (20220102A) SD: Correction in Subent 002.              2295100100044 
ENDBIB              42          0                                 2295100100045 
COMMON               2          3                                 2295100100046 
EN         EN-RSL-FW                                              2295100100047 
MEV        KEV                                                    2295100100048 
      17.36       170.                                            2295100100049 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2295100100050 
ENDSUBENT           49          0                                 2295100199999 
SUBENT        22951002   20220102                             23072295100200001 
BIB                  5          7                                 2295100200002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(N,2N)1-H-1,,DE,P,RAW)    Number of counts per   2295100200003 
                                           channel                2295100200004 
FLAG       (1.) Data used to extract neutron-neutron scattering   2295100200005 
                length (Full squares of Fig. 3).                  2295100200006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty  2295100200007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.3 of Phys.Rev.,C74(2006)014001             2295100200008 
HISTORY    (20220102A) SD: SF3=X -> 2N; SF7=P in REACTION code.   2295100200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 2295100200010 
COMMON               2          3                                 2295100200011 
E-ERR-DIG  ERR-DIG                                                2295100200012 
MEV        ARB-UNITS                                              2295100200013 
 0.5768E-02 4.5280                                                2295100200014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2295100200015 
DATA                 4         43                                 2295100200016 
E          DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                             2295100200017 
MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  NO-DIM                           2295100200018 
 10.855       741.7      144.76                                   2295100200019 
 10.937       793.4      165.43                                   2295100200020 
 11.034       648.6      124.08                                   2295100200021 
 11.116       958.8      175.77                                   2295100200022 
 11.199       441.8       82.71                                   2295100200023 
 11.309       658.9      124.08                                   2295100200024 
 11.378       679.5      113.74                                   2295100200025 
 11.474       607.1      113.74                                   2295100200026 
 11.570       245.2       51.70                                   2295100200027 
 11.666       462.3       62.04                                   2295100200028 
 11.749       751.8      113.74                                   2295100200029 
 11.845       989.6      144.76                                   2295100200030 
 11.941       700.1      113.73                                   2295100200031 
 12.038       689.7      103.40                                   2295100200032 
 12.134       906.8      144.76                                   2295100200033 
 12.230       472.5       62.04                                   2295100200034 
 12.313       948.1      124.08                                   2295100200035 
 12.395       989.5      124.07                                   2295100200036 
 12.505       875.7      113.74                                   2295100200037 
 12.601       762.0       93.06                                   2295100200038 
 12.698      1134.2      134.42                                   2295100200039 
 12.794       968.7      103.40                                   2295100200040 
 12.877       917.0       82.71                                   2295100200041 
 12.987      1320.2      134.42                                   2295100200042 
 13.083      1103.1      113.74                                   2295100200043 
 13.179      1165.1      113.74                                   2295100200044 
 13.275      999.62       82.72                                   2295100200045 
 13.358      1134.0      103.40                                   2295100200046 
 13.454      1092.6       72.38                                   2295100200047 
 13.564      1506.2      103.40                                   2295100200048 
 13.647      1444.1       93.06                                   2295100200049 
 13.743      1630.2      113.74                                   2295100200050 
 13.840      1775.0      103.40                                   2295100200051 
 13.950      1806.0       93.06                                   2295100200052 
 14.046      2343.6      124.08                                   2295100200053 
 14.142      2271.2      103.40                                   2295100200054 
 14.225      2860.5      124.07      1.                           2295100200055 
 14.321      2912.2      113.73      1.                           2295100200056 
 14.432      3253.4      103.40      1.                           2295100200057 
 14.528      2984.5       72.37      1.                           2295100200058 
 14.624      2777.7       93.05      1.                           2295100200059 
 14.734      2240.0       72.37      1.                           2295100200060 
 14.816      1702.4       51.69      1.                           2295100200061 
ENDDATA             45          0                                 2295100200062 
ENDSUBENT           61          0                                 2295100299999 
SUBENT        22951003   20220102                             23072295100300001 
BIB                  6          8                                 2295100300002 
REACTION   (0-NN-1(N,EL)0-NN-1,BA,AMP,,RAW,DERIV)                 2295100300003 
ANALYSIS    Data obtained from analysis of proton spectra         2295100300004 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Proton energy                                   2295100300005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty  2295100300006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Footnote on page 014001-4 of of                2295100300007 
                                       Phys.Rev.,C74(2006)014001  2295100300008 
           (DEP,22951002)                                         2295100300009 
HISTORY    (20220102A) SD: FLAG -> MISC. STATUS updated.          2295100300010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2295100300011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2295100300012 
DATA                 3          7                                 2295100300013 
DATA       DATA-ERR   MISC                                        2295100300014 
FERMI      FERMI      MEV                                         2295100300015 
      -19.2       11.4   14.225                                   2295100300016 
      -11.6        4.0   14.321                                   2295100300017 
      -19.1        2.4   14.432                                   2295100300018 
      -15.6        1.5   14.528                                   2295100300019 
      -17.0        1.7   14.624                                   2295100300020 
      -16.2        1.5   14.734                                   2295100300021 
      -17.0        1.3   14.816                                   2295100300022 
ENDDATA              9          0                                 2295100300023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 2295100399999 
SUBENT        22951004   20220102                             23072295100400001 
BIB                  5         15                                 2295100400002 
REACTION  1(0-NN-1(N,EL)0-NN-1,BA,AMP,,,DERIV)                    2295100400003 
          2(0-NN-1(N,EL)0-NN-1,BA,AMP,,,DERIV)                    2295100400004 
          3(0-NN-1(N,EL)0-NN-1,BA,AMP,,,DERIV)                    2295100400005 
METHOD    1. Data obtained from analysis based on                 2295100400006 
                calculations with "CD-Bonn" NN potential          2295100400007 
          2. Data obtained from analysis based on                 2295100400008 
                calculations with "Nijm I" NN potential           2295100400009 
          3. Data obtained from analysis based on                 2295100400010 
                calculations with "Bonn-B" NN potential           2295100400011 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Systematic error                             2295100400012 
           (ERR-S) Statistical error                              2295100400013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text on p.014001-4 of Phys.Rev.,C74(2006)0140012295100400014 
           (DEP,22951002)                                         2295100400015 
           (DEP,22951003)                                         2295100400016 
HISTORY    (20220102U) SD: STATUS updated.                        2295100400017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 2295100400018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2295100400019 
DATA                 7          1                                 2295100400020 
DATA      1ERR-S     1ERR-SYS   1DATA      2ERR-S     2DATA      32295100400021 
ERR-S     3                                                       2295100400022 
FERMI      FERMI      FERMI      FERMI      FERMI      FERMI      2295100400023 
FERMI                                                             2295100400024 
   -16.52      0.69       0.52     -16.25      0.64     -15.98    2295100400025 
  0.64                                                            2295100400026 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 2295100400027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 2295100499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 2295199999999