ENTRY            22957   20070605                             21852295700000001 
SUBENT        22957001   20070605                             21852295700100001 
BIB                  9         28                                 2295700100002 
TITLE      .Triaxiality in 105Mo and 107Mo from the low to        2295700100003 
            intermediate spin region                              2295700100004 
AUTHOR     (J.A.Pinston, W.Urban, Ch.Droste, T.Rzaca-Urban,       2295700100005 
           J.Genevey, G.Simpson, J.L.Durell, A.G.Smith,           2295700100006 
           B.J.Varley, I.Ahmad)                                   2295700100007 
INSTITUTE  (2FR GRE)  Pinston, Genevey, Simpson. Laboratoire de   2295700100008 
                      Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie,      2295700100009 
            IN2P3-CNRS/Universitee Joseph Fourier, F-38026        2295700100010 
            Grenoble Cedex, France                                2295700100011 
           (3POLWWA)  Urban, Droste, Rzaca-Urban. Faculty of      2295700100012 
             Physics, Warsaw University, ul. Hoza 69, 00-681      2295700100013 
             Warsaw, Poland                                       2295700100014 
           (2UK MAN)  Durell, Smith, Varley. Department of        2295700100015 
             Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester,     2295700100016 
             Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom                   2295700100017 
           (1USAANL) Ahmad. Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, 2295700100018 
             Illinois 60439, USA                                  2295700100019 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,74,064304,2006) Main reference, data are given 2295700100020 
           (J,PL/B,348,336,1995) Experimental details             2295700100021 
           (J,ZP/A,358,145,1997) Experimental details             2295700100022 
           (J,RSI,69,4120,1998)  Experimental details             2295700100023 
FACILITY   .LOHENGRIN mass spectrometer device of the Institute   2295700100024 
            Laue-Langevin, Grenoble                               2295700100025 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SCIN,SCIN)  EUROGAM2 array with four additional 2295700100026 
                              low-energy photon (LEP) detectors   2295700100027 
METHOD     (COINC,ASEP)                                           2295700100028 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)  Errors not specified                       2295700100029 
HISTORY    (20070605C)  SM                                        2295700100030 
ENDBIB              28          0                                 2295700100031 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2295700100032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 2295700199999 
SUBENT        22957002   20070605                             21852295700200001 
BIB                  4          5                                 2295700200002 
REACTION   (96-CM-248(0,F)42-MO-105,PR,SPC,,REL)  Gamma-rays      2295700200003 
                     from Mo-105. Reference quantity not given    2295700200004 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL-INI,42-MO-105)                                  2295700200005 
FLAG       (1.)  Contaminated line                                2295700200006 
STATUS     .Table I of main reference                             2295700200007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 2295700200008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2295700200009 
DATA                 5         67                                 2295700200010 
E          DATA       DATA-ERR   E-LVL-INI  FLAG                  2295700200011 
KEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  KEV        NO-DIM                2295700200012 
   63.5         9.      2.           309.9                        2295700200013 
   85.1         7.      1.           331.5                        2295700200014 
   94.7       100.      3.            94.7                        2295700200015 
  101.8         9.      1.           348.3                        2295700200016 
  115.5         6.      6.           463.9                        2295700200017 
  127.8         2.3      .4          524.2                        2295700200018 
  137.8        74.      3.           232.5                        2295700200019 
  144.8        77.      3.           377.4                        2295700200020 
  149.8         4.7      .8          396.5                        2295700200021 
  154.0         7.      1.           436.9                        2295700200022 
  157.0         0.3      .1         2046.0                        2295700200023 
  159.0         7.      1.1          507.3                        2295700200024 
  172.5        12.      1.           795.5                        2295700200025 
  175.9         5.5      .7          524.2                        2295700200026 
  177.2         1.2      .3         1352.2                        2295700200027 
  185.6         2.2      .3          649.5                        2295700200028 
  192.7         2.7      .4          524.2                        2295700200029 
  197.3         4.      1.           507.3                        2295700200030 
  207.9         1.4      .3          857.3                        2295700200031 
  210.8         5.      1.           718.1                        2295700200032 
  215.3         2.3      .3          309.9                        2295700200033 
  232.5        21.      1.           232.5                        2295700200034 
  245.6        21.      2.           623.0                        2295700200035 
  246.4        26.0     3.           246.2                        2295700200036 
  246.6         3.      1.           964.7                        2295700200037 
  253.7        14.      1.           348.3                        2295700200038 
  260.5         0.9      .3         1117.8                        2295700200039 
  261.1         3.9      .5          507.3                        2295700200040 
  266.3         6.      1.           662.8                        2295700200041 
  274.7         4.      1.           507.3                        2295700200042 
  277.8         5.4      .9          524.2                        2295700200043 
  282.7        35.      2.           377.4                        2295700200044 
  301.0         4.      1.           649.5                        2295700200045 
  309.9        29.      2.           309.9                        2295700200046 
  314.6         2.1      .3          662.8                        2295700200047 
  339.6         5.      1.           649.5                        2295700200048 
  348.4        11.      1.           348.3                        2295700200049 
  353.6         6.9      .7          880.5                        2295700200050 
  369.2         5.3      .5          463.9                        2295700200051 
  369.8         5.8      .5          507.3                        2295700200052 
  379.8         5.5      .5         1175.3                        2295700200053 
  390.5        35.      2.           623.0                        2295700200054 
  393.3         6.4      .5          857.3                        2295700200055 
  396.5         3.0      .4          396.5                        2295700200056 
  415.1         1.6      .2         1078.0                        2295700200057 
  416.0         6.      2.           649.5                        2295700200058 
  418.0        37.      1.           795.5                        2295700200059 
  457.4         5.      1.           964.7    1.                  2295700200060 
  463.9         2.7      .3          463.9                        2295700200061 
  468.4         3.4      .5         1117.8                        2295700200062 
  483.5         3.3      .4         1364.0                        2295700200063 
  526.0         0.5      .2         1879.                         2295700200064 
  528.1         3.5      .5         1835.4                        2295700200065 
  539.8         1.2      .2         1617.8                        2295700200066 
  552.3        25.      2.          1175.3                        2295700200067 
  557.0        18.      1.          1352.5                        2295700200068 
  583.0         2.3      .5         1947.                         2295700200069 
  600.0         1.5      .4         1716.0                        2295700200070 
  607.0         1.1      .3         2554.                         2295700200071 
  651.0         1.0      .3         2036.                         2295700200072 
  658.0         0.5      .2         2276.                         2295700200073 
  694.0         9.      2.          2046.0                        2295700200074 
  704.0         5.      1.          1879.                         2295700200075 
  708.0         0.4      .2         2426.                         2295700200076 
  756.0         0.6      .3         2792.                         2295700200077 
  826.0         5.      1.          2872.                         2295700200078 
  855.0         2.      1.          2734.                         2295700200079 
ENDDATA             69          0                                 2295700200080 
ENDSUBENT           79          0                                 2295700299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 2295799999999