ENTRY            22959   20090626                             22132295900000001 
SUBENT        22959001   20090626                             22132295900100001 
BIB                 15         70                                 2295900100002 
TITLE      .Stellar (n, GAMMA) Cross Section of 62Ni              2295900100003 
AUTHOR     (H.Nassar, M.Paul, I.Ahmad, D.Berkovits, M.Bettan,     2295900100004 
           P.Collon, S.Dababneh, S.Ghelberg, J.P.Greene, A.Heger, 2295900100005 
           M.Heil, D.J.Henderson, C.L.Jiang, F.Kaeppeler,         2295900100006 
           H.Koivisto, S.O'Brien, R.C.Pardo, N.Patronis,          2295900100007 
           T.Pennington, R.Plag, K.E.Rehm, R.Reifarth, R.Scott,   2295900100008 
           S.Sinha, X.Tang, R.Vondrasek)                          2295900100009 
INSTITUTE  (2GERKFK)   Dababneh, Heil, Kaeppeler, Plag. Forsch-   2295900100010 
             ungszentrum Karlsruhe Institut fur Kernphysik,       2295900100011 
             Karlsruhe, Germany. Experimental site                2295900100012 
           (3ISLHEB)   Nassar, Paul, Ghelberg, Patronis           2295900100013 
             Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University,       2295900100014 
             Jerusalem, Israel.                                   2295900100015 
           (3ISLSOR)   Berkovits, Bettan. Soreq Nuclear Research  2295900100016 
              Center, Yavne, Israel.                              2295900100017 
           (2SF JYV)   Koivisto. Department of Physics, University2295900100018 
              of Jyvaeskylae, Finland.                            2295900100019 
           (2GRCIOA)   Patronis. Department of Physics, The       2295900100020 
              University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece.           2295900100021 
           (1USAANL)   Ahmad, Green, Henderson, Jiang, Pardo,     2295900100022 
             Pennington, Rehm, Scott, Sinha, Tang, Vondrasek.     2295900100023 
              Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA.2295900100024 
           (1USANOT)   Collon, O'Brien. Physics Department,       2295900100025 
              University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. 2295900100026 
           (1USALAN)   Heger, Reifarth. Los Alamos National       2295900100027 
              Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA.            2295900100028 
REFERENCE  (J,PRL,94,092504,2005) Main reference (28.4 +/- 2.8 mb)2295900100029 
           (W,PAUL,20090626) M.Paul, Revised data(25.7 +/- 2.6 mb)2295900100030 
REL-REF    (N,,H.Beer+,J,PR/C,21,534,1980) Experimental details   2295900100031 
           (R,10608006,G.H.E.Sims+,J,JIN,32,2839,197010)  Ni-62   2295900100032 
               (n,gamma) sigma for thermal energy                 2295900100033 
           (R,10608009,G.H.E.Sims+,J,JIN,32,2839,197010)  Ni-62   2295900100034 
               (n,gamma) RES.integral for 0.5 eV min-energy       2295900100035 
           (R,20625016,E.Gryntakis+,J,JRC,69,131,1978)  Ni-64     2295900100036 
               (n,gamma) sigma for thermal energy                 2295900100037 
           (R,20625017,E.Gryntakis+,J,JRC,69,131,1978)  Ni-64     2295900100038 
               (n,gamma) RES.integral for 0.5 eV min-energy       2295900100039 
FACILITY   (VDG,2GERKFK)  3.7 MV Van de Graaff accelerator.       2295900100040 
                   Proton energy is 1911 keV, just above reaction 2295900100041 
                   Li-7(p,n)Be-7 threshold                        2295900100042 
           (REAC,3ISLSOR)  Thermal neutron source for the         2295900100043 
            calibration of AMS method.                            2295900100044 
INC-SOURCE (P-LI7)  Li-7(p,n)Be-7 reaction                        2295900100045 
INC-SPECT  .Quasi-Maxwellian neutron spectrum with the mean       2295900100046 
            energy kT = 25 +- 0.5 keV. Upper cutoff energy is     2295900100047 
            106 keV. Total neutron flux is (3.68+-0.14)E+15 n/cm2 2295900100048 
DETECTOR   (GLASD) For ajusting neutron energy                    2295900100049 
           (GELI)  For gamma-ray detection for the auxilary       2295900100050 
                   experiment of the calibration of AMS method.   2295900100051 
METHOD     (TOF)   Time-of-Flight for ajusting neutron spectrum   2295900100052 
                   by Li-6 glass detector                         2295900100053 
           (AMS)   Accelerator mass spectrometry performed at the 2295900100054 
                   Argonne National Lab., USA.                    2295900100055 
           (STTA)  Stack-target irradiation                       2295900100056 
SAMPLE     .A 36.8 milligram metal powder sample enriched to 95%  2295900100057 
            in Ni-63. Metal powder was dispersed in a camphor     2295900100058 
            matrix (more than 95% C10-H16-O. 53 milligram). After 2295900100059 
            irradiation the metal was recovered (36.2 mg) by      2295900100060 
            subliming the camphor under vacuum.                   2295900100061 
           .321.4 mg high-purity Ni-nat sample was used for the   2295900100062 
            calibration of AMS method.                            2295900100063 
MONITOR    ((MONIT)79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG)                  2295900100064 
MONIT-REF  (,W.RATYNSKI+,J,PR/C,37,595,1988)                      2295900100065 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM1,28-NI-62(N,G)28-NI-63,,SIG,,MXW) For E-therm   2295900100066 
           (ASSUM2,28-NI-62(N,G)28-NI-63,,RI) For E-MIN = 0.5 eV  2295900100067 
           (ASSUM3,28-NI-64(N,G)28-NI-65,,SIG,,MXW) For E-therm   2295900100068 
           (ASSUM4,28-NI-64(N,G)28-NI-65,,RI) For E-MIN = 0.5 eV  2295900100069 
              See references under REL-REF                        2295900100070 
HISTORY    (20070717C) SM                                         2295900100071 
           (20090626A) On. Revised cross sections added           2295900100072 
ENDBIB              70          0                                 2295900100073 
COMMON              11          6                                 2295900100074 
KT-NRM     MONIT      MONIT-ERR  ASSUM1     ASSUM1-ERR ASSUM2     2295900100075 
ASSUM2-ERR ASSUM3     ASSUM3-ERR ASSUM4     ASSUM4-ERR            2295900100076 
KEV        MB         MB         B          B          B          2295900100077 
B          B          B          B          B                     2295900100078 
    25.      586.         8.        14.2       0.3       9.6      2295900100079 
       3.5       1.52        0.03       0.98        0.3           2295900100080 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2295900100081 
ENDSUBENT           80          0                                 2295900199999 
SUBENT        22959002   20090626                             22132295900200001 
BIB                  5         12                                 2295900200002 
REACTION   (28-NI-62(N,G)28-NI-63,,SIG,,MXW)                      2295900200003 
            Normalized by f(inf) = 1.05 +/- 0.01                  2295900200004 
REL-REF    (R,,K.H.Guber,J,PR/C,66,028802,2002)                   2295900200005 
            Direct captuer cross section to obtain f(inf)         2295900200006 
           (R,,T.Rauscher+,J,PR/C,71,059903,2005)                 2295900200007 
            Erratum of H.Guber et al. (2002)                      2295900200008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text of main reference                         2295900200009 
           (PRELM) Evaluation of f(inf) was based on an erroneous 2295900200010 
                   formula (see erratum by T.Rauscher et al.).    2295900200011 
           (SPSDD,22959003) Result with f(inf)=0.95 +/- 0.01      2295900200012 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)  Not specified                              2295900200013 
HISTORY    (20090626A) On. REL-REF added and STATUS updated       2295900200014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 2295900200015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2295900200016 
DATA                 4          1                                 2295900200017 
KT         KT-ERR     DATA       DATA-ERR                         2295900200018 
KEV        KEV        MB         MB                               2295900200019 
   25.        0.5        28.4       2.8                           2295900200020 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2295900200021 
ENDSUBENT           20          0                                 2295900299999 
SUBENT        22959003   20090626                             22132295900300001 
BIB                  5          8                                 2295900300002 
REACTION   (28-NI-62(N,G)28-NI-63,,SIG,,MXW)                      2295900300003 
            Normalized by f(inf) = 0.95 +/- 0.01                  2295900300004 
REL-REF    (R,,K.Shibata,J,NST,39,1125,2002)                      2295900300005 
            JENDL-3.3 capture cross section to obtain f(inf)      2295900300006 
STATUS     (TABLE) E-mail from M.Paul                             2295900300007 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)  Not specified                              2295900300008 
HISTORY    (20090626C) On.                                        2295900300009 
           (20090626R) On. Received from M.Paul                   2295900300010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2295900300011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2295900300012 
DATA                 4          1                                 2295900300013 
KT         KT-ERR     DATA       DATA-ERR                         2295900300014 
KEV        KEV        MB         MB                               2295900300015 
   25.        0.5        25.7       2.6                           2295900300016 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2295900300017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 2295900399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 2295999999999