ENTRY 22960 20220829 23122296000000001 SUBENT 22960001 20220829 23122296000100001 BIB 14 41 2296000100002 TITLE Measurements of gamma rays from keV-neutrons capture 2296000100003 reaction by Zr-90, Zr-94 2296000100004 AUTHOR (K.Ohgama, M.Igashira, T.Ohsaki) 2296000100005 INSTITUTE (2JPNTIT) 2296000100006 REFERENCE (C,2005NOTRED,,373,2005) 2296000100007 (T,OHGAMA,2005) 2296000100008 Kazuya Ohgama, PhD thesis submitted to Tokyo 2296000100009 Institute of Technology, final data in table 2296000100010 FACILITY (VDGT,2JPNTIT) 3 MV Pelletron 2296000100011 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) 1.5 ns width, 4 MHz repetition rate, proton 2296000100012 beam current 7.5 to 8.5 uA. 2296000100013 DETECTOR (NAICR) NaI(Tl) with 15.2 cm diam.x30.5 cm length 2296000100014 with a Compton-suppression NaI(Tl) with 33.0 cm 2296000100015 diam.x35.6 cm length, 125 deg with respect to proton. 2296000100016 (GLASD) 6Li glass detector for neutron detection for 2296000100017 (5 mm diam.x5 mm length for En=15-100 keV, 102 mm 2296000100018 diam.x6.4 mm thick for En=550 keV) 2296000100019 METHOD (TOF,PHWT) 2296000100020 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2296000100021 MONIT-REF (,P.G.Young,3,ENDF/B-VI,7925,1991) 2296000100022 SAMPLE 90ZrO2 (95.6% enrichment, 99.90% chemical purity, 2296000100023 2.7 mm thick, 20.0 mm diam.) 2296000100024 90ZrO2 (97.7% enrichment, 99.63% chemical purity, 2296000100025 2.9 mm thick, 20.0 mm diam.) 2296000100026 94ZrO2 (92.6% enrichment, 99.94% chemical purity, 2296000100027 2.8 mm thick, 20.0 mm diam., 1.88E-3 atoms/b) 2296000100028 197Au (99.99% chemical purity, 1.0 or 2.0 mm thick, 2296000100029 20.0 mm diam., 5.85E-3 or 11.7E-3 atoms/b) 2296000100030 CORRECTION Corrected for 2296000100031 - self-shielding due to samples for captures 2296000100032 - multiple scattering due to samples for captures 2296000100033 - gamma-ray scattering and absorption in sample 2296000100034 - gamma-ray source position dependence of efficiency 2296000100035 - pulse-height spectrum extrapolation 2296000100036 - chemical and isotopic impurities on capture yield 2296000100037 - attenuation of neutron counts due to samples 2296000100038 STATUS (APRVD) Proof-read by Kazuya Ohgama (2022-08-31) 2296000100039 HISTORY (20070621C) SM 2296000100040 (20070808A) Digitized data in SAN 004, 005, 006 added. 2296000100041 (20220829D) On. 006-006 deleted (digitzed prelim. data)2296000100042 (20220829A) On. Recompiled. 010-013 added. 2296000100043 ENDBIB 41 0 2296000100044 NOCOMMON 0 0 2296000100045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 2296000199999 SUBENT 22960002 20220829 23122296000200001 BIB 4 4 2296000200002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(N,G)40-ZR-91,PAR,MLT,,SPA) 2296000200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty 2296000200004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of 2005NOTRED,,373,2005 2296000200005 HISTORY (20220829A) On 2296000200006 ENDBIB 4 0 2296000200007 COMMON 1 3 2296000200008 E-MIN 2296000200009 MEV 2296000200010 0.6 2296000200011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2296000200012 DATA 4 2 2296000200013 EN-MEAN EN-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR 2296000200014 KEV KEV PRT/REAC PRT/REAC 2296000200015 48. 2.26 0.09 2296000200016 550. 170. 2.27 0.21 2296000200017 ENDDATA 4 0 2296000200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 2296000299999 SUBENT 22960003 20220829 23122296000300001 BIB 3 3 2296000300002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,PAR,MLT,,AV) 2296000300003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty 2296000300004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of 2005NOTRED,,373,2005 2296000300005 ENDBIB 3 0 2296000300006 COMMON 1 3 2296000300007 E-MIN 2296000300008 MEV 2296000300009 0.6 2296000300010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2296000300011 DATA 4 2 2296000300012 EN-MEAN EN-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR 2296000300013 KEV KEV PRT/REAC PRT/REAC 2296000300014 48. 2.49 0.11 2296000300015 550. 170. 2.38 0.14 2296000300016 ENDDATA 4 0 2296000300017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 2296000399999 NOSUBENT 22960004 20220829 23122296000400001 NOSUBENT 22960005 20220829 23122296000500001 NOSUBENT 22960006 20220829 23122296000600001 NOSUBENT 22960007 20220829 23122296000700001 SUBENT 22960008 20220829 23122296000800001 BIB 4 6 2296000800002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,MLT/DE,,SPA) 2296000800003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistical uncertainty and systematic 2296000800004 uncertainty due to unfolding 2296000800005 STATUS (TABLE) In Fig.5 of 2005NOTRED,,373,2005 2296000800006 HISTORY (20070911R) Received by email from Jun Nishiyama 2296000800007 (20220829A) On. REACTION(SF8): AV -> SPA 2296000800008 ENDBIB 6 0 2296000800009 COMMON 3 3 2296000800010 EN +EN-RSL -EN-RSL 2296000800011 KEV KEV KEV 2296000800012 48. 52. 33. 2296000800013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2296000800014 DATA 3 128 2296000800015 E DATA DATA-ERR 2296000800016 MEV PT/RCT/MEV PT/RCT/MEV 2296000800017 0.600 4.988E-01 4.542E-01 2296000800018 0.650 8.513E-01 3.901E-01 2296000800019 0.700 1.062E+00 3.506E-01 2296000800020 0.750 8.302E-01 4.804E-01 2296000800021 0.800 3.978E-01 3.938E-01 2296000800022 0.850 5.920E-01 4.616E-01 2296000800023 0.900 1.340E+00 4.473E-01 2296000800024 0.950 2.534E+00 4.459E-01 2296000800025 1.000 1.531E+00 4.437E-01 2296000800026 1.050 1.284E+00 4.461E-01 2296000800027 1.100 1.407E-01 1.393E-01 2296000800028 1.150 5.746E-01 4.446E-01 2296000800029 1.200 1.155E-01 1.143E-01 2296000800030 1.250 7.540E-01 4.245E-01 2296000800031 1.300 9.162E-01 4.645E-01 2296000800032 1.350 9.385E-01 5.555E-01 2296000800033 1.400 3.070E-01 3.039E-01 2296000800034 1.450 1.201E-01 1.189E-01 2296000800035 1.500 2.028E+00 6.957E-01 2296000800036 1.550 2.028E+00 5.649E-01 2296000800037 1.600 1.196E+00 3.791E-01 2296000800038 1.650 1.513E+00 3.590E-01 2296000800039 1.700 8.591E-01 3.295E-01 2296000800040 1.750 5.571E-01 2.697E-01 2296000800041 1.800 6.036E-01 2.318E-01 2296000800042 1.850 3.976E-01 2.146E-01 2296000800043 1.900 8.816E-01 2.164E-01 2296000800044 1.950 7.902E-01 1.949E-01 2296000800045 2.000 4.389E-01 1.841E-01 2296000800046 2.050 4.254E-01 1.864E-01 2296000800047 2.100 7.158E-02 7.086E-02 2296000800048 2.150 1.941E-01 1.849E-01 2296000800049 2.200 5.962E-01 1.823E-01 2296000800050 2.250 4.821E-01 2.102E-01 2296000800051 2.300 6.508E-01 1.563E-01 2296000800052 2.350 8.665E-01 1.615E-01 2296000800053 2.400 5.137E-01 1.328E-01 2296000800054 2.450 2.393E-01 1.390E-01 2296000800055 2.500 2.605E-01 1.281E-01 2296000800056 2.550 2.440E-01 1.278E-01 2296000800057 2.600 2.320E-01 1.345E-01 2296000800058 2.650 3.442E-01 1.309E-01 2296000800059 2.700 3.867E-01 1.496E-01 2296000800060 2.750 2.977E-01 1.227E-01 2296000800061 2.800 2.623E-01 1.374E-01 2296000800062 2.850 3.252E-01 1.236E-01 2296000800063 2.900 4.191E-01 1.075E-01 2296000800064 2.950 4.573E-01 1.252E-01 2296000800065 3.000 4.052E-01 1.050E-01 2296000800066 3.050 3.095E-01 1.069E-01 2296000800067 3.100 2.478E-01 1.133E-01 2296000800068 3.150 2.944E-01 1.216E-01 2296000800069 3.200 3.518E-01 1.035E-01 2296000800070 3.250 2.993E-01 1.039E-01 2296000800071 3.300 2.260E-01 9.906E-02 2296000800072 3.350 2.136E-01 9.233E-02 2296000800073 3.400 2.563E-01 9.233E-02 2296000800074 3.450 3.337E-01 9.606E-02 2296000800075 3.500 3.321E-01 1.039E-01 2296000800076 3.550 2.313E-01 9.646E-02 2296000800077 3.600 2.250E-01 9.864E-02 2296000800078 3.650 3.414E-01 9.056E-02 2296000800079 3.700 3.932E-01 7.546E-02 2296000800080 3.750 3.457E-01 8.079E-02 2296000800081 3.800 2.857E-01 8.224E-02 2296000800082 3.850 2.139E-01 7.938E-02 2296000800083 3.900 1.308E-01 7.496E-02 2296000800084 3.950 1.036E-01 7.268E-02 2296000800085 4.000 1.459E-01 7.036E-02 2296000800086 4.050 1.962E-01 6.722E-02 2296000800087 4.100 2.323E-01 7.271E-02 2296000800088 4.150 2.791E-01 7.491E-02 2296000800089 4.200 3.175E-01 7.525E-02 2296000800090 4.250 3.019E-01 7.121E-02 2296000800091 4.300 2.427E-01 6.707E-02 2296000800092 4.350 1.796E-01 7.014E-02 2296000800093 4.400 1.236E-01 7.021E-02 2296000800094 4.450 9.324E-02 6.732E-02 2296000800095 4.500 1.386E-01 6.984E-02 2296000800096 4.550 2.595E-01 7.364E-02 2296000800097 4.600 3.608E-01 6.862E-02 2296000800098 4.650 3.556E-01 6.727E-02 2296000800099 4.700 2.796E-01 6.948E-02 2296000800100 4.750 2.427E-01 6.597E-02 2296000800101 4.800 2.806E-01 7.071E-02 2296000800102 4.850 3.204E-01 7.646E-02 2296000800103 4.900 2.948E-01 7.622E-02 2296000800104 4.950 2.263E-01 6.555E-02 2296000800105 5.000 1.710E-01 5.792E-02 2296000800106 5.050 1.436E-01 5.583E-02 2296000800107 5.100 1.371E-01 5.880E-02 2296000800108 5.150 1.574E-01 5.960E-02 2296000800109 5.200 1.905E-01 5.264E-02 2296000800110 5.250 1.856E-01 4.924E-02 2296000800111 5.300 1.295E-01 5.060E-02 2296000800112 5.350 1.019E-01 5.338E-02 2296000800113 5.400 1.901E-01 5.282E-02 2296000800114 5.450 3.599E-01 4.987E-02 2296000800115 5.500 4.786E-01 5.060E-02 2296000800116 5.550 4.685E-01 5.549E-02 2296000800117 5.600 3.784E-01 5.457E-02 2296000800118 5.650 2.929E-01 4.929E-02 2296000800119 5.700 2.336E-01 4.277E-02 2296000800120 5.750 1.735E-01 3.930E-02 2296000800121 5.800 9.946E-02 4.129E-02 2296000800122 5.850 2.743E-02 2.716E-02 2296000800123 5.900 2.297E-02 2.274E-02 2296000800124 5.950 4.585E-02 4.539E-02 2296000800125 6.000 4.582E-02 4.536E-02 2296000800126 6.050 2.986E-02 2.956E-02 2296000800127 6.100 4.730E-03 4.682E-03 2296000800128 6.150 2.233E-02 2.211E-02 2296000800129 6.200 4.516E-02 3.673E-02 2296000800130 6.250 6.322E-02 3.593E-02 2296000800131 6.300 8.467E-02 3.567E-02 2296000800132 6.350 1.223E-01 3.696E-02 2296000800133 6.400 1.820E-01 3.888E-02 2296000800134 6.450 2.517E-01 3.912E-02 2296000800135 6.500 3.034E-01 3.685E-02 2296000800136 6.550 3.101E-01 3.481E-02 2296000800137 6.600 2.658E-01 3.357E-02 2296000800138 6.650 1.893E-01 3.007E-02 2296000800139 6.700 1.103E-01 2.232E-02 2296000800140 6.750 5.073E-02 1.332E-02 2296000800141 6.800 1.672E-02 6.212E-03 2296000800142 6.850 2.652E-03 2.367E-03 2296000800143 6.900 6.220E-04 6.158E-04 2296000800144 6.950 1.828E-04 1.810E-04 2296000800145 ENDDATA 130 0 2296000800146 ENDSUBENT 145 0 2296000899999 SUBENT 22960009 20220829 23122296000900001 BIB 4 6 2296000900002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,MLT/DE,,SPA) 2296000900003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistical uncertainty and systematic 2296000900004 uncertainty due to unfolding 2296000900005 STATUS (TABLE) In Fig.5 of 2005NOTRED,,373,2005 2296000900006 HISTORY (20070911R) Received by email from Jun Nishiyama 2296000900007 (20220829A) On. REACTION(SF8): AV -> SPA 2296000900008 ENDBIB 6 0 2296000900009 COMMON 3 3 2296000900010 EN +EN-RSL -EN-RSL 2296000900011 KEV KEV KEV 2296000900012 546. 114. 146. 2296000900013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2296000900014 DATA 3 138 2296000900015 E DATA DATA-ERR 2296000900016 MEV PT/RCT/MEV PT/RCT/MEV 2296000900017 0.600 2.340E-01 2.317E-01 2296000900018 0.650 4.758E-01 3.855E-01 2296000900019 0.700 3.891E-01 3.649E-01 2296000900020 0.750 3.809E-01 3.771E-01 2296000900021 0.800 1.823E-02 1.805E-02 2296000900022 0.850 2.129E-01 2.107E-01 2296000900023 0.900 2.343E-02 2.320E-02 2296000900024 0.950 3.820E-02 3.782E-02 2296000900025 1.000 9.446E-01 6.300E-01 2296000900026 1.050 7.603E-01 6.126E-01 2296000900027 1.100 9.007E-01 6.108E-01 2296000900028 1.150 5.764E-01 5.706E-01 2296000900029 1.200 7.355E-01 5.864E-01 2296000900030 1.250 1.015E+00 6.053E-01 2296000900031 1.300 1.155E+00 6.068E-01 2296000900032 1.350 1.222E+00 6.065E-01 2296000900033 1.400 1.239E+00 5.040E-01 2296000900034 1.450 9.196E-01 5.398E-01 2296000900035 1.500 6.952E-01 4.645E-01 2296000900036 1.550 2.592E-01 2.566E-01 2296000900037 1.600 4.789E-01 3.733E-01 2296000900038 1.650 8.335E-01 4.293E-01 2296000900039 1.700 1.080E+00 4.589E-01 2296000900040 1.750 9.060E-01 4.073E-01 2296000900041 1.800 8.572E-01 3.823E-01 2296000900042 1.850 9.921E-01 3.819E-01 2296000900043 1.900 9.307E-01 3.800E-01 2296000900044 1.950 7.735E-01 3.337E-01 2296000900045 2.000 6.684E-01 3.282E-01 2296000900046 2.050 6.627E-01 3.391E-01 2296000900047 2.100 5.925E-01 3.037E-01 2296000900048 2.150 4.207E-01 3.352E-01 2296000900049 2.200 2.754E-01 2.726E-01 2296000900050 2.250 2.350E-01 2.327E-01 2296000900051 2.300 3.268E-01 2.536E-01 2296000900052 2.350 4.176E-01 2.586E-01 2296000900053 2.400 4.800E-01 2.259E-01 2296000900054 2.450 5.376E-01 2.308E-01 2296000900055 2.500 6.115E-01 2.068E-01 2296000900056 2.550 6.245E-01 2.038E-01 2296000900057 2.600 5.360E-01 2.128E-01 2296000900058 2.650 4.954E-01 2.027E-01 2296000900059 2.700 4.933E-01 2.276E-01 2296000900060 2.750 4.969E-01 1.930E-01 2296000900061 2.800 4.781E-01 2.136E-01 2296000900062 2.850 4.002E-01 1.741E-01 2296000900063 2.900 3.325E-01 1.551E-01 2296000900064 2.950 3.518E-01 1.725E-01 2296000900065 3.000 4.417E-01 1.692E-01 2296000900066 3.050 5.511E-01 1.733E-01 2296000900067 3.100 6.206E-01 1.740E-01 2296000900068 3.150 5.403E-01 1.851E-01 2296000900069 3.200 3.516E-01 1.507E-01 2296000900070 3.250 3.223E-01 1.446E-01 2296000900071 3.300 4.720E-01 1.441E-01 2296000900072 3.350 4.712E-01 1.437E-01 2296000900073 3.400 2.733E-01 1.387E-01 2296000900074 3.450 2.038E-01 1.515E-01 2296000900075 3.500 3.475E-01 1.584E-01 2296000900076 3.550 4.502E-01 1.514E-01 2296000900077 3.600 3.927E-01 1.586E-01 2296000900078 3.650 3.124E-01 1.453E-01 2296000900079 3.700 2.937E-01 1.075E-01 2296000900080 3.750 2.708E-01 1.123E-01 2296000900081 3.800 2.223E-01 1.262E-01 2296000900082 3.850 2.244E-01 1.362E-01 2296000900083 3.900 3.018E-01 1.278E-01 2296000900084 3.950 3.672E-01 1.256E-01 2296000900085 4.000 3.398E-01 1.206E-01 2296000900086 4.050 2.435E-01 1.059E-01 2296000900087 4.100 1.475E-01 1.069E-01 2296000900088 4.150 8.214E-02 8.132E-02 2296000900089 4.200 7.125E-02 7.054E-02 2296000900090 4.250 1.648E-01 1.011E-01 2296000900091 4.300 3.386E-01 1.011E-01 2296000900092 4.350 4.375E-01 1.130E-01 2296000900093 4.400 3.491E-01 9.905E-02 2296000900094 4.450 1.739E-01 8.510E-02 2296000900095 4.500 1.000E-01 9.184E-02 2296000900096 4.550 1.656E-01 1.037E-01 2296000900097 4.600 2.507E-01 1.064E-01 2296000900098 4.650 2.591E-01 1.034E-01 2296000900099 4.700 2.087E-01 1.023E-01 2296000900100 4.750 1.609E-01 9.551E-02 2296000900101 4.800 1.436E-01 9.174E-02 2296000900102 4.850 1.536E-01 9.948E-02 2296000900103 4.900 1.838E-01 1.017E-01 2296000900104 4.950 2.280E-01 1.030E-01 2296000900105 5.000 2.680E-01 9.974E-02 2296000900106 5.050 2.726E-01 9.106E-02 2296000900107 5.100 2.301E-01 8.928E-02 2296000900108 5.150 1.817E-01 8.768E-02 2296000900109 5.200 1.913E-01 8.354E-02 2296000900110 5.250 2.655E-01 8.395E-02 2296000900111 5.300 3.353E-01 8.876E-02 2296000900112 5.350 3.392E-01 9.312E-02 2296000900113 5.400 2.929E-01 9.368E-02 2296000900114 5.450 2.470E-01 8.510E-02 2296000900115 5.500 2.124E-01 8.809E-02 2296000900116 5.550 1.680E-01 8.439E-02 2296000900117 5.600 1.223E-01 7.745E-02 2296000900118 5.650 1.161E-01 6.851E-02 2296000900119 5.700 1.598E-01 6.543E-02 2296000900120 5.750 2.025E-01 7.273E-02 2296000900121 5.800 1.857E-01 7.348E-02 2296000900122 5.850 1.151E-01 6.360E-02 2296000900123 5.900 6.103E-02 5.395E-02 2296000900124 5.950 8.330E-02 5.924E-02 2296000900125 6.000 1.655E-01 7.356E-02 2296000900126 6.050 2.301E-01 7.894E-02 2296000900127 6.100 2.166E-01 7.453E-02 2296000900128 6.150 1.373E-01 6.587E-02 2296000900129 6.200 5.771E-02 4.860E-02 2296000900130 6.250 2.963E-02 2.934E-02 2296000900131 6.300 4.821E-02 4.773E-02 2296000900132 6.350 6.978E-02 6.678E-02 2296000900133 6.400 6.410E-02 6.346E-02 2296000900134 6.450 4.428E-02 4.384E-02 2296000900135 6.500 4.425E-02 4.381E-02 2296000900136 6.550 7.328E-02 6.413E-02 2296000900137 6.600 1.023E-01 6.651E-02 2296000900138 6.650 9.753E-02 6.728E-02 2296000900139 6.700 6.214E-02 5.370E-02 2296000900140 6.750 3.798E-02 3.760E-02 2296000900141 6.800 6.822E-02 6.753E-02 2296000900142 6.850 1.583E-01 1.002E-01 2296000900143 6.900 2.703E-01 9.678E-02 2296000900144 6.950 3.503E-01 8.615E-02 2296000900145 7.000 3.643E-01 7.809E-02 2296000900146 7.050 3.143E-01 6.642E-02 2296000900147 7.100 2.287E-01 5.498E-02 2296000900148 7.150 1.412E-01 4.523E-02 2296000900149 7.200 7.339E-02 3.294E-02 2296000900150 7.250 3.128E-02 1.969E-02 2296000900151 7.300 1.016E-02 9.030E-03 2296000900152 7.350 1.980E-03 1.960E-03 2296000900153 7.400 3.439E-05 3.405E-05 2296000900154 7.450 4.262E-06 4.219E-06 2296000900155 ENDDATA 140 0 2296000900156 ENDSUBENT 155 0 2296000999999 SUBENT 22960010 20220829 23122296001000001 BIB 4 9 2296001000002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(N,G)40-ZR-91,,SIG) 2296001000003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical error and the following errors: 2296001000004 (MONIT-ERR) Au capture cross section (3%)2296001000005 (ERR-1) Weighting-function (1%)2296001000006 (ERR-2) pulse-height spectrum extrapolation (2%)2296001000007 (ERR-3,1.,2.) Self-shielding, multiple scattering(1-2%)2296001000008 (ERR-4,1.,2.) Chemical+isotopic impurities (1-2%)2296001000009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 5.1 of the PhD thesis (2005) 2296001000010 HISTORY (20220829C) On 2296001000011 ENDBIB 9 0 2296001000012 COMMON 3 3 2296001000013 MONIT-ERR ERR-1 ERR-2 2296001000014 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2296001000015 3. 1. 2. 2296001000016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2296001000017 DATA 4 4 2296001000018 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T 2296001000019 KEV KEV MB MB 2296001000020 16. 21. 24.1 1.9 2296001000021 21. 29. 16.0 1.1 2296001000022 29. 45. 22.7 1.2 2296001000023 45. 100. 9.6 0.6 2296001000024 ENDDATA 6 0 2296001000025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2296001099999 SUBENT 22960011 20220829 23122296001100001 BIB 4 9 2296001100002 REACTION (40-ZR-90(N,G)40-ZR-91,,SIG,,SPA) 2296001100003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical error and the following errors: 2296001100004 (MONIT-ERR) Au capture cross section (3%)2296001100005 (ERR-1) Weighting-function (1%)2296001100006 (ERR-2) pulse-height spectrum extrapolation (2%)2296001100007 (ERR-3,1.,2.) Self-shielding, multiple scattering(1-2%)2296001100008 (ERR-4,1.,2.) Chemical+isotopic impurities (1-2%)2296001100009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 5.1 of the PhD thesis (2005) 2296001100010 HISTORY (20220829C) On 2296001100011 ENDBIB 9 0 2296001100012 COMMON 3 3 2296001100013 MONIT-ERR ERR-1 ERR-2 2296001100014 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2296001100015 3. 1. 2. 2296001100016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2296001100017 DATA 4 1 2296001100018 EN-MEAN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T 2296001100019 KEV KEV MB MB 2296001100020 550. 170. 6.6 0.4 2296001100021 ENDDATA 3 0 2296001100022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2296001199999 SUBENT 22960012 20220829 23122296001200001 BIB 4 9 2296001200002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,SIG) 2296001200003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical error and the following errors: 2296001200004 (MONIT-ERR) Au capture cross section (3%)2296001200005 (ERR-1) Weighting-function (1%)2296001200006 (ERR-2) pulse-height spectrum extrapolation (2%)2296001200007 (ERR-3,1.,2.) Self-shielding, multiple scattering(1-2%)2296001200008 (ERR-4,1.,2.) Chemical+isotopic impurities (1-2%)2296001200009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 5.1 of the PhD thesis (2005) 2296001200010 HISTORY (20220829C) On 2296001200011 ENDBIB 9 0 2296001200012 COMMON 3 3 2296001200013 MONIT-ERR ERR-1 ERR-2 2296001200014 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2296001200015 3. 1. 2. 2296001200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2296001200017 DATA 4 4 2296001200018 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA ERR-T 2296001200019 KEV KEV MB MB 2296001200020 15. 25. 50.9 3.4 2296001200021 25. 35. 26.5 1.7 2296001200022 35. 55. 19.6 1.1 2296001200023 55. 100. 18.7 1.0 2296001200024 ENDDATA 6 0 2296001200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2296001299999 SUBENT 22960013 20220829 23122296001300001 BIB 4 9 2296001300002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,SIG,,SPA) 2296001300003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Statistical error and the following errors: 2296001300004 (MONIT-ERR) Au capture cross section (3%)2296001300005 (ERR-1) Weighting-function (1%)2296001300006 (ERR-2) pulse-height spectrum extrapolation (2%)2296001300007 (ERR-3,1.,2.) Self-shielding, multiple scattering(1-2%)2296001300008 (ERR-4,1.,2.) Chemical+isotopic impurities (1-2%)2296001300009 STATUS (TABLE) Table 5.1 of the PhD thesis (2005) 2296001300010 HISTORY (20220829C) On 2296001300011 ENDBIB 9 0 2296001300012 COMMON 3 3 2296001300013 MONIT-ERR ERR-1 ERR-2 2296001300014 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2296001300015 3. 1. 2. 2296001300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2296001300017 DATA 4 1 2296001300018 EN-MEAN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T 2296001300019 KEV KEV MB MB 2296001300020 550. 170. 9.3 0.8 2296001300021 ENDDATA 3 0 2296001300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2296001399999 ENDENTRY 13 0 2296099999999