ENTRY 22964 20230518 23172296400000001 SUBENT 22964001 20230518 23172296400100001 BIB 15 54 2296400100002 TITLE Measurement of thermal neutron cross section and 2296400100003 resonance integral for (n,gamma) reaction in 152Sm 2296400100004 AUTHOR (M.Karadag, H.Yuecel, M.Guray Budak) 2296400100005 INSTITUTE (2TUKANR) Experimental site 2296400100006 (2TUKGZU) 2296400100007 REFERENCE (J,ANE,34,188,2007) Main reference, data are given 2296400100008 REL-REF (M,22871001,H.Yuecel+,J,ANE,32,1,2005) Experimental 2296400100009 and analysis details 2296400100010 (I,,H.Yuecel+,J,ANE,31,681,2004) Experimental details 2296400100011 METHOD (ACTIV,SITA) 2296400100012 DETECTOR (HPGE) Resolution 1.80 keV at 1332.5 keV g-energy of 2296400100013 Co-60 and 0.97 keV for 122 keV of Co-57. Relative 2296400100014 efficiency is 22.6%. Resolution of detector was 2296400100015 determined using standard radionuclides of Cd-109, 2296400100016 Co-57, Cr-51, Te-123m, Sn-113, Sr-85, Cs-137, 2296400100017 Co-60 and Y-88 2296400100018 INC-SOURCE (AM-BE) Three 592 GBq 241Am-Be isotopic neutron source 2296400100019 immersed in paraffin moderator shielded with lead 2296400100020 INC-SPECT Alpha-beryllium source was immersed in paraffin. 2296400100021 Thermal neutron flux was (1.5+-0.2)E+4 and 2296400100022 epithermal neutron flux was (1.4+-0.1)E+3 n/cm2/sec. 2296400100023 Each irradiations were performed with and without 2296400100024 cadmium shield 2296400100025 DECAY-DATA (62-SM-153,46.50HR,DG,69.67,0.0485, 2296400100026 DG,103.18,0.298, 2296400100027 DG,760.) Last three gamma lines - from 2296400100028 the excited Eu-153 obtained via B- decay of Sm-153 2296400100029 SAMPLE Manganese Mn-O2 and Samarium Sm2-O3 oxide powders were2296400100030 diluted with the finely grained Al2-O3 powder by 2296400100031 99.0 - 96.6%. Each sample was filled in polystyrene 2296400100032 cylindrical tube (height/diam = aprx 2, walls 1 mm 2296400100033 thick, internal diameter 5.0 mm) and irradiated with 2296400100034 and without cylindrical cadmium shield case 2296400100035 COMMENT Values below are similar to those given in REF.2, 2296400100036 SUBENT 22964001 2296400100037 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-EDD) Error of energy value for Sm-153, 103 keV 2296400100038 line 2296400100039 CORRECTION Corrections for background were made with the help of 2296400100040 irradiating a bare cadmium case, for self-shielding - 2296400100041 with the help of procedure given in J,ANE,31,681,2004 2296400100042 Following information is used for calculation thermal 2296400100043 neutron self-shielding correction factor: 2296400100044 Element Atomic weight, Microscopic cross-sections (b)2296400100045 M (g/mol) --------------------------- 2296400100046 Absorption, Scattering, Total 2296400100047 8-O 15.9994 1.9/10**4 3.78 3.78 2296400100048 13Al 26.9815 0.231 1.41 1.64 2296400100049 25Mn 54.9380 13.41 2.17 15.58 2296400100050 was corrected in Subents 2,3. ASSUMED, MISC-COL were 2296400100051 deleted; information moved to CORRECTION. 2296400100052 HISTORY (20070720C) SM 2296400100053 (20130203A) SD: INC-SOURCE was corrected. ASSUMED, 2296400100054 MISC-COL were deleted; information moved to CORRECTION.2296400100055 (20230518A) SD: Corrections in Subents 002, 003. 2296400100056 ENDBIB 54 0 2296400100057 COMMON 1 3 2296400100058 ERR-EDD 2296400100059 KEV 2296400100060 0.17 2296400100061 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2296400100062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 2296400199999 SUBENT 22964002 20230518 23172296400200001 BIB 9 44 2296400200002 REACTION (62-SM-152(N,G)62-SM-153,,SIG) 2296400200003 MONITOR (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,SIG) 2296400200004 MONIT-REF (,V.McLane+,R,BNL-NCS-44945,2001) Nuclear datafile 2296400200005 ENDF/B-VI 2296400200006 DECAY-MON (25-MN-56,2.5789HR,DG,846.754,0.989) 2296400200007 REL-REF (A,,V.P.Kolotov+,J,JRN,257,501,2003) 2296400200008 (A,,F.De Corte+,J,JRN,257,493,2003) 2296400200009 (A,,R.L.Zimmerman+,J,NP/A,95,683,1967) 2296400200010 (A,,A.Simonits+,J,JRN,81,397,1984) 2296400200011 (A,,V.McLane+,R,BNL-NCS-44945,2001), ALSO 2296400200012 JEFF-3.1 (2005), IAEA (1987), JENDL-3.3(2002), 2296400200013 BROND 2.0(1998) 2296400200014 (D,,S.I.Kafala+,J,JRN,215,193,1997) 2296400200015 (D,,F.De Corte+,J,JRN,133,43,1989) 2296400200016 (D,,E.Fehr+,R,KAPL-2000-12,(1),3,1960) 2296400200017 MISC-COL (MISC6) Thermal neutron self-shielding 2296400200018 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error of Sm-152(n,g) as the square root 2296400200019 of the quadratic sum of all its constituents 2296400200020 (ERR-S) Statistical error for 1.65*(dispersion) 2296400200021 confidence level for Sm-152 2296400200022 (ERR-1) Error of detection efficiency for Sm-152 2296400200023 (ERR-2) Error of the sample mass for Sm-152 2296400200024 (ERR-3) Error of the HALF-LIFE (not specified) 2296400200025 (ERR-4) Error of the isotopic abundance 2296400200026 (ERR-5) Error of the Sm-153 gamma-ray emission 2296400200027 probability 2296400200028 (ERR-6) Error of the Sm-152 thermal neutron self- 2296400200029 shielding factor 2296400200030 (ERR-7) Error of the Sm-152 cadmium transmission 2296400200031 factor 2296400200032 (ERR-8) Statistical error for 1.65*(dispersion) 2296400200033 confidence level for 55-Mn 2296400200034 (ERR-9) Error of detection efficiency for 55-Mn 2296400200035 (ERR-10) Error of the sample mass for 55-Mn 2296400200036 (ERR-11) Error of the 56-Mn half-life 2296400200037 (ERR-12) Error of the Mn-56 gamma-ray emission 2296400200038 probability 2296400200039 (ERR-13) Error of the 55Mn thermal neutron self- 2296400200040 shielding factor 2296400200041 (MONIT-ERR) Monitor thermal neuron cross section error 2296400200042 STATUS (TABLE) From table 4 of Ann.Nucl.En.,34,188,2007 2296400200043 HISTORY (20230518A) SD: ERR-T and MONIT-ERR deleted from COMMON2296400200044 section. MONIT-ERR deleted from DATA section. 2296400200045 ERR-14 renamed: MONIT-ERR. 2296400200046 ENDBIB 44 0 2296400200047 COMMON 16 9 2296400200048 ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 2296400200049 ERR-6 ERR-7 ERR-8 ERR-9 ERR-10 ERR-11 2296400200050 ERR-12 ERR-13 MONIT-ERR MISC6 2296400200051 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2296400200052 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2296400200053 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2296400200054 0.18 2.55 0.01 0.45 0.60 1.342296400200055 0.1 0.80 0.39 2.75 0.01 0.0042296400200056 0.30 0.1 0.75 0.913 2296400200057 ENDCOMMON 9 0 2296400200058 DATA 4 1 2296400200059 EN DATA ERR-T MONIT 2296400200060 EV B B B 2296400200061 0.025 204.8 7.9 13.3 2296400200062 ENDDATA 3 0 2296400200063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 2296400299999 SUBENT 22964003 20230518 23172296400300001 BIB 9 44 2296400300002 REACTION (62-SM-152(N,G)62-SM-153,,RI) 2296400300003 MONITOR (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,RI) 2296400300004 DECAY-MON (25-MN-56,2.5789HR,DG,846.754,0.989) 2296400300005 MONIT-REF (,V.McLane+,R,BNL-NCS-44945,2001) Nuclear datafile 2296400300006 ENDF/B-VI 2296400300007 REL-REF (A,,V.P.Kolotov+,J,JRN,257,501,2003) 2296400300008 (A,,S.I.Kafala+,J,JRN,215,193,1997) 2296400300009 (A,,A.Simonits+,J,JRN,81,397,1984) 2296400300010 (A,,F.De Corte+,J,JRN,133,43,1989) 2296400300011 (A,,R.E.Heft,C,78MAYAG,,495,1978) , 2296400300012 (A,,V.McLane+,R,BNL-NCS-44945,2001), also 2296400300013 JEFF-3.1 (2005), IAEA (1987), JENDL-3.3(2002), 2296400300014 BROND 2.0(1998) 2296400300015 (D,,R.L.Macklin+,C,55GENEVA,5,96,1955) 2296400300016 MISC-COL (MISC6) Epithermal neutron self-shielding 2296400300017 (MISC7) Epithermal neutron spectrum shape parameter 2296400300018 "A" IN THE EXPRESSION 1/E**(1+A) 2296400300019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error as the square root of the 2296400300020 quadratic sum for Sm-152 of all its constituents 2296400300021 Value (214 b) presented in the table is slightly 2296400300022 different (7.04%). 2296400300023 (ERR-1) Error of the epithermal neutron spectrum 2296400300024 shape parameter "a" 2296400300025 (ERR-2) Error of the cadmium cut-off energy 2296400300026 (ERR-3) Error of the cadmium ration for MN-55 2296400300027 (ERR-4) Error of cadmium ratio for Sm-152 2296400300028 (ERR-5) Error of the thermal neutron self-shielding 2296400300029 factor for MN-55 sample 2296400300030 (ERR-6) Error of the thermal neutron self-shielding 2296400300031 factor for Sm152 sample 2296400300032 (ERR-7) Error of the epithermal neutron self-shielding2296400300033 factor for Mn-55 sample 2296400300034 (ERR-8) Error of the epithermal neutron self-shielding2296400300035 factor for Sm-152 sample 2296400300036 (ERR-9) Error of the reference thermal neutron cross 2296400300037 section for Mn-55 2296400300038 (ERR-10) Error of the Mn-55 reference thermal neutrons 2296400300039 cross section 2296400300040 (ERR-11) Error of the Mn-55 effective resonance energy 2296400300041 (ERR-12) Error of the Sm-152 effective resonance energy2296400300042 (MONIT-ERR) Total error of the ref. resonance integral 2296400300043 STATUS (TABLE) From table 4 of Ann.Nucl.En.,34,188,2007 2296400300044 HISTORY (20230518A) SD: ERR-T and MONIT-ERR deleted from DATA 2296400300045 section. 2296400300046 ENDBIB 44 0 2296400300047 COMMON 17 9 2296400300048 ERR-T ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 2296400300049 ERR-6 ERR-7 ERR-8 ERR-9 ERR-10 ERR-11 2296400300050 ERR-12 MISC6 MISC7 MISC7-ERR MONIT-ERR 2296400300051 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2296400300052 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2296400300053 PER-CENT NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PER-CENT 2296400300054 7.42 2.41 0.58 1.71 3.24 0.10 2296400300055 0.10 0.20 2.50 1.10 4.23 0.45 2296400300056 0.09 0.903 0.083 0.016 3.13 2296400300057 ENDCOMMON 9 0 2296400300058 DATA 3 1 2296400300059 EN-MIN DATA MONIT 2296400300060 EV B B 2296400300061 0.55 3038. 14. 2296400300062 ENDDATA 3 0 2296400300063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 2296400399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 2296499999999