ENTRY 22976 20230403 23172297600000001 SUBENT 22976001 20230403 23172297600100001 BIB 18 148 2297600100002 TITLE Measurement of neutron activation cross sections in 2297600100003 the energy range from 8 MeV to 15 MeV 2297600100004 AUTHOR (W.Mannhart, D.Schmidt) 2297600100005 INSTITUTE (2GERPTB) 2297600100006 REFERENCE (R,PTB-N-53,2007) Report of the Physikalisch- 2297600100007 Technischen Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany. 2297600100008 Main reference, data tables and figures are given 2297600100009 (C,2004SANTA,1,609,2004) W. Mannhart, D. Schmidt, 2297600100010 Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (Eds.: 2297600100011 R.C. Haight, M.B. Chadwick, T. Kawano, P. Talou), 2297600100012 AIP Conf. Proceedings, American Institute of Physics,2297600100013 Melville, NY, USA, Vol. 769 (2005) p. 609. 2297600100014 Experimental details . 2297600100015 C-s of Zn-64(np), Zn-64(n,2n), Cu-63(n,2n), Cu-65(n,2n)2297600100016 on Figs. 1-4. 2297600100017 (C,88MITO,,1025,1988) First author G.Boerker. 2297600100018 Preliminary data for Al-27(N,A) and Mg-24(N,P) c-s. 2297600100019 (C,97TRIEST,1,505,1997) Preliminary data of 2297600100020 V-51(n,p)Ti-51, Cr-52(n,p)V-52 - figures only. 2297600100021 (C,91JUELIC,,288,1991) First author J.W.Meadows. 2297600100022 Preliminary data of Fe-54(n,a)Cr-51, Fe-54(n,p)Mn-54 2297600100023 cross sections. 2297600100024 (C,91JUELIC,,282,1991) First author D.L.Smith. 2297600100025 Preliminary data of Ni-58(n,p)Co-58, Nb-93(n,2n) 2297600100026 cross sections. 2297600100027 REL-REF (R,22201001,S.Cabral+,J,NSE,106,308,1990) 2297600100028 Data for reaction H-2(D,N+P) differential c-s. 2297600100029 (N,,J.Kantele+,J,NIM,112,501,1973) Method of 2297600100030 correction due to the 511-keV gamma annihilation 2297600100031 in flight 2297600100032 .Nuclear Data Sheets: http://www-nds.iaea.org/ensdf/: 2297600100033 Decay constants of the reaction products 2297600100034 FACILITY (CYCLO,2GERPTB) Compact cyclotron CV28 operating in a 2297600100035 pulsed mode with 1 ns pulse duration and aprx. 1 MHz 2297600100036 repetition rate. Deuterons of 4.1 to 12.3 MeV were 2297600100037 directed on a deuterium gas target. Typical beam 2297600100038 current was 2 micro-A 2297600100039 INC-SOURCE (D-D) Target is deuterium gas in a cell 3 cm long 2297600100040 and 1 cm in diameter pressurized to 200 kPA 2297600100041 INC-SPECT .Neutron energy resolution is between 100 and 130 keV, 2297600100042 energy uncertainty +- 20 keV 2297600100043 METHOD (TOF) For neutron energy determination, flight path 2297600100044 12 m 2297600100045 (ACTIV) Each irradiation was accompanied by a separate 2297600100046 measurement with an empty gas cell to compensate for 2297600100047 low-energy neutrons generated in the materials of the 2297600100048 target (GAS-OUT). 2297600100049 (STTA) 2297600100050 PART-DET (N,G,FF) 2297600100051 DETECTOR (SCIN) NE213 detector for neutron registration 2297600100052 (HPGE) For measurements of the radioactivity of the 2297600100053 irradiated samples. Volume 300 cm3, normal effici- 2297600100054 ency 70%. Detector calibrated with a series of 2297600100055 standard sources between 60 and 1836 keV, 2297600100056 uncertainty of the calibration is 1.5%. 2297600100057 (FISCH) U-238 fission chamber for neutron fluence 2297600100058 monitoring via FF - for U-238 monitor 2297600100059 MONITOR The neutron fluence was monitored by means of a 2297600100060 low-mass 238U (enriched to 99.98%) fission chamber or 2297600100061 by means of two aluminum foils in a sandwich geometry. 2297600100062 Comment of Wolf Mannhart (2012-05-31) via 2297600100063 communication with N.Otsuka (IAEA,NDS): 2297600100064 ***** 2297600100065 Only in the case of the 27Al(n,a) monitor with a 2297600100066 maximum breakup correction of about 10% a direct 2297600100067 renormalization of the data is possible in a good 2297600100068 approximation. However for the 238U(n,f) monitor the 2297600100069 direct renormalization delivers a wrong result. If 2297600100070 one studies Figs. 1 and 2 of C,88MITO,p1025, one 2297600100071 will recognize that more than one half of the 2297600100072 counted 238U(n,f) events in the experiment results 2297600100073 from the low-energy neutrons of the D(d,np) reaction 2297600100074 in the case of a primary neutron energy of 14 MeV. 2297600100075 ***** 2297600100076 CORRECTION .After subtraction of the GAS-OUT measurements from 2297600100077 the measured data, corrections were applied for the 2297600100078 breakup neutrons. The magnitude of the correction 2297600100079 depends on the reaction cross section and on the 2297600100080 neutron energy. The error of the correction is 3% of 2297600100081 the experimental value (R) describing the actual 2297600100082 ratio of breakup-to-monoenergetic neutrons 2297600100083 .Corrections were made also: 2297600100084 For summing losses in the photon counting 2297600100085 For the variation of the photon efficiency over the 2297600100086 finite size of samples 2297600100087 For photon attenuation in the sample 2297600100088 For positron annihilation in flight 2297600100089 For dead time effects 2297600100090 For variation of neutron fluence in time 2297600100091 For fission fragment losses 2297600100092 For zero extrapolation of the fission events 2297600100093 For neutron scattering from the gas target, fission 2297600100094 chamber and support structures 2297600100095 COVARIANCE Comment of Wolf Mannhart (2012-05-31) 2297600100096 via communication with N.Otsuka (NDS, IAEA) : 2297600100097 ***** 2297600100098 The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty is 2297600100099 given as ERR-1 and enables, in combination with the 2297600100100 ERR-T values, the generation of the complete 2297600100101 covariance matrix. 2297600100102 Off-diagonal elements of monitor cross sections are 2297600100103 treated as negligible (i.e., treated as uncorrelated)2297600100104 because one considers the magnitude of the relative 2297600100105 covariance from the monitor cross sections is usually2297600100106 small compared with the relative covariance from the 2297600100107 cross section ratio. 2297600100108 The covariance matrix of the primary cross section 2297600100109 ratios is therefore obtained by subtracting a certain2297600100110 uncertainty component of monitor cross section from 2297600100111 the "diagonal" elements of the constructed matrix. 2297600100112 The magnitude of this component is 1.5% (independent 2297600100113 on the neutron energy) for the 238U(n,f) monitor and 2297600100114 between 0.5% and 3.2% (energy-dependent) for the 2297600100115 27Al(n,a) monitor. 2297600100116 ***** 2297600100117 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 2297600100118 U-238 MONITOR lines were moved in ASSUMED because 2297600100119 measured c-s are not directly proportional to U-238 2297600100120 c-s due to breakup neutron correction, strongly 2297600100121 depending from U-238 c-s (see comment of W.Mannhart 2297600100122 in MONITOR lines). 2297600100123 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) Error of the neutron energy scale - 20 keV 2297600100124 STATUS (APRVD) W.Mannhart, 20090302, 20120704 . 2297600100125 HISTORY (20080122C) S.M. 2297600100126 (20080820A) Corrected after Dr. W.Mannhart remarks - 2297600100127 S.M. 2297600100128 (20090220A) Corrected after Dr. N.Otsuka remarks - 2297600100129 ERR-T heading in percent changed to DATA-ERR - S.M. 2297600100130 (20120305A) M.M. Reference J,NSE,106,308,1990 was 2297600100131 moved in REL-REFs. 2297600100132 MONITOR and MONIT-REF lines were moved in proper 2297600100133 Subents. 2297600100134 MONIT-REF M.Wagner,Report INDC(AUS)-014 (1991),IAEA, 2297600100135 Vienna, Austria was deleted because does not contain 2297600100136 monitor values for Al-27(n,a) reaction. 2297600100137 References C,88MITO,,1025,1988, C,97TRIEST,1,505,1997, 2297600100138 C,91JUELIC,,288,1991, C,91JUELIC,,282,1991 were added. 2297600100139 Comments of W.Mannnhart were added in COVARIANCE and 2297600100140 MONITOR lines. 2297600100141 U-238 MONITOR lines were moved in ASSUMED . 2297600100142 Correction of errors was done according to comment of 2297600100143 N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA) - only two coded errors have to be2297600100144 given - ERR-T and ERR-1 (as fully correlated part of 2297600100145 total uncertainty). 2297600100146 Entry was sent 29.06.2012 to author Wolf Mannhart 2297600100147 to approve. Reply 30.06.2012: "I will respond as soon 2297600100148 as I have checked the details". 2297600100149 (20230403A) SD: Correction in Subent 023. 2297600100150 ENDBIB 148 0 2297600100151 COMMON 1 3 2297600100152 EN-ERR 2297600100153 KEV 2297600100154 20. 2297600100155 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297600100156 ENDSUBENT 155 0 2297600199999 SUBENT 22976002 20120305 22302297600200001 BIB 11 59 2297600200002 REACTION (12-MG-24(N,P)11-NA-24,,SIG) 2297600200003 COMMENT Of authors. The data of present work deviate 2297600200004 substantially from a previous publication 2297600200005 C,88MITO,,1025,1988, which was based on a preliminary 2297600200006 value of the fission deposit mass. 2297600200007 Of compiler. In C,88MITO,,1025,1988 - only figures. 2297600200008 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297600200009 breakup neutron correction, 2297600200010 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297600200011 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297600200012 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297600200013 238U(n,f) 2297600200014 ------------------ 2297600200015 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297600200016 6.50 825.7 2297600200017 6.70 887.0 2297600200018 7.00 940.3 2297600200019 7.30 968.0 2297600200020 7.50 980.7 2297600200021 7.75 991.0 2297600200022 8.00 993.5 2297600200023 8.50 1000. 2297600200024 9.00 997.9 2297600200025 10.00 986.8 2297600200026 11.00 983.0 2297600200027 11.50 983.0 2297600200028 12.00 985.0 2297600200029 13.00 1013. 2297600200030 14.00 1130. 2297600200031 14.50 1155. 2297600200032 15.00 1198. 2297600200033 ....................... 2297600200034 DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,14.9590HR,DG,1368.6,1.0) 2297600200035 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297600200036 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Mg-24 content2297600200037 is (78.99+-0.04)%, Mg-25 content is (10.00+-0.01)%, 2297600200038 fission deposit mass 159.6+-0.9 microgram. 2297600200039 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297600200040 distance 90.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297600200041 CORRECTION .Corrected for the Mg-25(n,x)Na-24 secondary reaction 2297600200042 cross section ( n,np and n,d) by using data of 2297600200043 Y.Ikeda+: 2297600200044 REL-REF (R,,Y.Ikeda+,R,JAERI-1312,1988) 2297600200045 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297600200046 ERR-T, which enables the generation of the complete 2297600200047 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297600200048 MISC-COL (MISC1) Correction factor of the secondary reaction 2297600200049 (MISC2) Absolute total error in physical units 2297600200050 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma). 2297600200051 Considered ucertainties: 2297600200052 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297600200053 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297600200054 - Photon detector calibration (1.5%) 2297600200055 - Half-life (0.0012 hr) 2297600200056 - Error of the energy scale (20 keV) 2297600200057 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines 2297600200058 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297600200059 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A1 2297600200060 STATUS (TABLE) Table A1 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.53 2297600200061 ENDBIB 59 0 2297600200062 COMMON 1 3 2297600200063 ERR-1 2297600200064 PER-CENT 2297600200065 2.11 2297600200066 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297600200067 DATA 6 26 2297600200068 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC2 MISC1 2297600200069 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB NO-DIM 2297600200070 14.740 0.091 166.3 4.26 7.1 1.0168 2297600200071 14.147 0.093 197.6 4.17 8.2 1.0084 2297600200072 13.609 0.096 210.5 4.03 8.5 1.0053 2297600200073 13.425 0.097 213.5 3.93 8.4 1.0044 2297600200074 13.187 0.099 182.7 3.79 6.9 1.0033 2297600200075 12.976 0.099 194.2 3.78 7.3 1.0022 2297600200076 12.703 0.100 188.7 3.67 6.9 1.0008 2297600200077 12.446 0.101 196.7 3.63 7.1 2297600200078 12.273 0.101 171.4 3.56 6.1 2297600200079 12.116 0.101 164.5 3.58 5.9 2297600200080 11.839 0.104 168.4 3.43 5.8 2297600200081 11.654 0.106 190.6 3.47 6.6 2297600200082 11.399 0.109 168.7 3.41 5.8 2297600200083 11.223 0.110 164.6 3.42 5.6 2297600200084 10.998 0.112 153.8 3.29 5.1 2297600200085 10.751 0.113 159.0 3.26 5.2 2297600200086 10.551 0.115 152.9 3.22 4.9 2297600200087 10.264 0.120 155.2 3.23 5.0 2297600200088 10.069 0.123 147.4 3.28 4.8 2297600200089 9.837 0.126 132.9 3.29 4.4 2297600200090 9.547 0.131 134.8 3.20 4.3 2297600200091 9.265 0.136 117.0 3.22 3.8 2297600200092 9.111 0.139 127.6 3.24 4.1 2297600200093 8.907 0.144 121.0 3.19 3.9 2297600200094 8.556 0.150 113.6 3.21 3.6 2297600200095 8.334 0.155 118.1 3.15 3.7 2297600200096 ENDDATA 28 0 2297600200097 ENDSUBENT 96 0 2297600299999 SUBENT 22976003 20120305 22302297600300001 BIB 8 46 2297600300002 REACTION (13-AL-27(N,P)12-MG-27,,SIG) 2297600300003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297600300004 breakup neutron correction, 2297600300005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297600300006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297600300007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297600300008 238U(n,f) 2297600300009 ------------------ 2297600300010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297600300011 6.50 825.7 2297600300012 6.70 887.0 2297600300013 7.00 940.3 2297600300014 7.30 968.0 2297600300015 7.50 980.7 2297600300016 7.75 991.0 2297600300017 8.00 993.5 2297600300018 8.50 1000. 2297600300019 9.00 997.9 2297600300020 10.00 986.8 2297600300021 11.00 983.0 2297600300022 11.50 983.0 2297600300023 12.00 985.0 2297600300024 13.00 1013. 2297600300025 14.00 1130. 2297600300026 14.50 1155. 2297600300027 15.00 1198. 2297600300028 DECAY-DATA (12-MG-27,9.458MIN,DG,843.8,0.718) 2297600300029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297600300030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick.Al-27 content 2297600300031 is 100%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297600300032 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297600300033 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297600300034 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297600300035 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297600300036 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297600300037 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297600300038 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297600300039 Considered ucertainties: 2297600300040 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297600300041 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297600300042 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297600300043 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.012 min) 2297600300044 - DG intensity in DECAY-DATA (0.004) 2297600300045 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297600300046 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A2 2297600300047 STATUS (TABLE) Table A2 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.54 2297600300048 ENDBIB 46 0 2297600300049 COMMON 1 3 2297600300050 ERR-1 2297600300051 PER-CENT 2297600300052 1.71 2297600300053 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297600300054 DATA 5 24 2297600300055 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297600300056 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297600300057 14.921 0.103 65.8 2.91 1.9 2297600300058 14.421 0.103 69.2 2.90 2.0 2297600300059 14.240 0.103 73.1 2.92 2.1 2297600300060 14.126 0.103 74.9 3.03 2.3 2297600300061 14.001 0.103 77.0 3.02 2.3 2297600300062 13.789 0.103 78.8 3.03 2.4 2297600300063 13.515 0.103 80.8 3.08 2.5 2297600300064 13.159 0.103 86.5 3.14 2.7 2297600300065 12.980 0.103 87.3 3.18 2.8 2297600300066 12.680 0.103 85.9 3.22 2.8 2297600300067 12.521 0.103 89.5 3.12 2.8 2297600300068 12.134 0.106 91.7 3.05 2.8 2297600300069 12.124 0.106 89.0 3.19 2.8 2297600300070 11.522 0.106 98.4 3.03 3.0 2297600300071 11.160 0.108 104.9 3.12 3.3 2297600300072 11.149 0.108 101.0 3.14 3.2 2297600300073 10.943 0.108 97.9 3.09 3.0 2297600300074 10.673 0.108 98.5 3.09 3.0 2297600300075 10.392 0.110 91.3 3.02 2.8 2297600300076 10.061 0.113 97.1 2.91 2.8 2297600300077 9.878 0.114 98.0 3.01 3.0 2297600300078 9.291 0.117 88.7 2.92 2.6 2297600300079 8.948 0.120 80.8 3.21 2.6 2297600300080 7.980 0.132 78.2 2.97 2.3 2297600300081 ENDDATA 26 0 2297600300082 ENDSUBENT 81 0 2297600399999 SUBENT 22976004 20120305 22302297600400001 BIB 9 48 2297600400002 REACTION (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 2297600400003 COMMENT Of authors. The data of present work supersede those of2297600400004 C,88MITO,,1025,1988. 2297600400005 Of compiler. In C,88MITO,,1025,1988 - only figures. 2297600400006 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297600400007 breakup neutron correction, 2297600400008 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297600400009 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297600400010 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297600400011 238U(n,f) 2297600400012 ------------------ 2297600400013 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297600400014 6.50 825.7 2297600400015 6.70 887.0 2297600400016 7.00 940.3 2297600400017 7.30 968.0 2297600400018 7.50 980.7 2297600400019 7.75 991.0 2297600400020 8.00 993.5 2297600400021 8.50 1000. 2297600400022 9.00 997.9 2297600400023 10.00 986.8 2297600400024 11.00 983.0 2297600400025 11.50 983.0 2297600400026 12.00 985.0 2297600400027 13.00 1013. 2297600400028 14.00 1130. 2297600400029 14.50 1155. 2297600400030 15.00 1198. 2297600400031 DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,14.9590HR,DG,1368.6,1.0) 2297600400032 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297600400033 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Al-27 content2297600400034 is 100%, fission deposit mass 159.6+-0.9 microgram. 2297600400035 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297600400036 distance 90.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297600400037 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297600400038 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297600400039 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297600400040 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297600400041 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297600400042 Considered ucertainties: 2297600400043 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297600400044 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297600400045 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297600400046 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.0012 hr) 2297600400047 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297600400048 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A3 2297600400049 STATUS (TABLE) Table A3 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.55 2297600400050 ENDBIB 48 0 2297600400051 COMMON 1 3 2297600400052 ERR-1 2297600400053 PER-CENT 2297600400054 2.11 2297600400055 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297600400056 DATA 5 28 2297600400057 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297600400058 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297600400059 14.740 0.091 111.8 4.39 4.9 2297600400060 14.147 0.093 121.6 4.22 5.1 2297600400061 13.609 0.096 126.2 4.03 5.1 2297600400062 13.425 0.097 125.5 3.93 4.9 2297600400063 13.187 0.099 120.2 3.78 4.5 2297600400064 12.976 0.099 120.8 3.76 4.5 2297600400065 12.703 0.100 119.5 3.62 4.3 2297600400066 12.446 0.101 119.3 3.61 4.3 2297600400067 12.273 0.101 114.9 3.51 4.0 2297600400068 12.116 0.101 115.2 3.54 4.1 2297600400069 11.839 0.104 116.7 3.40 4.0 2297600400070 11.654 0.106 109.2 3.40 3.7 2297600400071 11.654 0.106 108.5 3.39 3.7 2297600400072 11.654 0.106 108.8 3.46 3.8 2297600400073 11.399 0.109 112.0 3.37 3.8 2297600400074 11.223 0.110 107.0 3.30 3.5 2297600400075 10.998 0.112 110.5 3.25 3.6 2297600400076 10.751 0.113 101.8 3.20 3.3 2297600400077 10.551 0.115 99.4 3.20 3.2 2297600400078 10.264 0.120 89.1 3.14 2.8 2297600400079 10.069 0.123 88.2 3.24 2.9 2297600400080 9.837 0.126 84.4 3.20 2.7 2297600400081 9.547 0.131 79.6 3.18 2.5 2297600400082 9.265 0.136 72.8 3.13 2.3 2297600400083 9.111 0.139 71.0 3.24 2.3 2297600400084 8.907 0.144 65.1 3.17 2.1 2297600400085 8.556 0.150 57.5 3.21 1.8 2297600400086 8.334 0.155 45.8 3.18 1.5 2297600400087 ENDDATA 30 0 2297600400088 ENDSUBENT 87 0 2297600499999 SUBENT 22976005 20120305 22302297600500001 BIB 9 53 2297600500002 REACTION (14-SI-28(N,P)13-AL-28,,SIG) 2297600500003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297600500004 breakup neutron correction, 2297600500005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297600500006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297600500007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297600500008 238U(n,f) 2297600500009 ------------------ 2297600500010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297600500011 6.50 825.7 2297600500012 6.70 887.0 2297600500013 7.00 940.3 2297600500014 7.30 968.0 2297600500015 7.50 980.7 2297600500016 7.75 991.0 2297600500017 8.00 993.5 2297600500018 8.50 1000. 2297600500019 9.00 997.9 2297600500020 10.00 986.8 2297600500021 11.00 983.0 2297600500022 11.50 983.0 2297600500023 12.00 985.0 2297600500024 13.00 1013. 2297600500025 14.00 1130. 2297600500026 14.50 1155. 2297600500027 15.00 1198. 2297600500028 DECAY-DATA (13-AL-28,2.2414MIN,DG,1778.9,1.0) 2297600500029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297600500030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Si-28 content2297600500031 is (92.2297+-0.0002)%, Si-29 content is (4.6832+- 2297600500032 0.0005)%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297600500033 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297600500034 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297600500035 CORRECTION .Corrected for the Si-29(n,n+p)Al-28 secondary 2297600500036 reaction cross section. Si-29(n,x)Al-28 contribution 2297600500037 is less than 0.1% 2297600500038 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297600500039 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297600500040 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297600500041 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297600500042 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297600500043 Considered ucertainties: 2297600500044 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297600500045 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297600500046 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297600500047 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.0012 min) 2297600500048 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297600500049 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297600500050 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A4 2297600500051 STATUS (TABLE) Table A4 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.56 2297600500052 (COREL,22674002) 22976.005 supersedes 22674.002 . 2297600500053 In 22674002- the same DATA values and preliminary 2297600500054 errors. 2297600500055 ENDBIB 53 0 2297600500056 COMMON 1 3 2297600500057 ERR-1 2297600500058 PER-CENT 2297600500059 1.61 2297600500060 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297600500061 DATA 5 19 2297600500062 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297600500063 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297600500064 13.967 0.104 271.4 3.25 8.8 2297600500065 13.395 0.104 259.9 3.67 9.5 2297600500066 13.094 0.104 270.8 3.32 9.0 2297600500067 12.464 0.106 263.1 3.27 8.6 2297600500068 11.551 0.106 258.3 3.11 8.0 2297600500069 11.293 0.106 258.8 3.23 8.4 2297600500070 11.103 0.108 245.6 3.19 7.8 2297600500071 10.370 0.110 258.3 3.09 8.0 2297600500072 9.910 0.114 250.4 2.86 7.2 2297600500073 9.622 0.116 227.0 2.71 6.2 2297600500074 9.374 0.118 225.8 2.86 6.5 2297600500075 9.039 0.120 233.4 2.79 6.5 2297600500076 8.615 0.124 236.9 2.71 6.4 2297600500077 8.391 0.128 205.5 2.93 6.0 2297600500078 7.985 0.132 213.8 2.66 5.7 2297600500079 7.666 0.140 254.2 2.77 7.0 2297600500080 7.383 0.144 213.4 2.81 6.0 2297600500081 7.151 0.148 188.5 2.71 5.1 2297600500082 6.943 0.154 178.2 3.07 5.5 2297600500083 ENDDATA 21 0 2297600500084 ENDSUBENT 83 0 2297600599999 SUBENT 22976006 20120305 22302297600600001 BIB 9 54 2297600600002 REACTION (14-SI-29(N,P)13-AL-29,,SIG) 2297600600003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297600600004 breakup neutron correction, 2297600600005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297600600006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297600600007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297600600008 238U(n,f) 2297600600009 ------------------ 2297600600010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297600600011 6.50 825.7 2297600600012 6.70 887.0 2297600600013 7.00 940.3 2297600600014 7.30 968.0 2297600600015 7.50 980.7 2297600600016 7.75 991.0 2297600600017 8.00 993.5 2297600600018 8.50 1000. 2297600600019 9.00 997.9 2297600600020 10.00 986.8 2297600600021 11.00 983.0 2297600600022 11.50 983.0 2297600600023 12.00 985.0 2297600600024 13.00 1013. 2297600600025 14.00 1130. 2297600600026 14.50 1155. 2297600600027 15.00 1198. 2297600600028 DECAY-DATA (13-AL-29,6.56MIN,DG,1273.4,0.906) 2297600600029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297600600030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Si-29 content2297600600031 is (4.6832+-0.0005)%, Si-30 isotopic content is 2297600600032 (3.0872+-0.0005)%, deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297600600033 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297600600034 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297600600035 CORRECTION .Corrected for the Si-30(n,X)Al-29 secondary reaction 2297600600036 n,np, n,d cross section using data given in the ADL-3 2297600600037 evaluated library. 2297600600038 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297600600039 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297600600040 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297600600041 MISC-COL (MISC1) Correction factor of the secondary reaction 2297600600042 (MISC2) Absolute total error in physical units 2297600600043 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297600600044 Considered ucertainties: 2297600600045 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297600600046 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297600600047 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297600600048 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.06 min) 2297600600049 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.006, absolute) 2297600600050 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297600600051 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297600600052 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A5 2297600600053 STATUS (TABLE) Table A5 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.57 2297600600054 (COREL,22674003) 22976.006 supersedes 22674.003 . 2297600600055 In 22976006- DATA values and errors were revised. 2297600600056 ENDBIB 54 0 2297600600057 COMMON 1 3 2297600600058 ERR-1 2297600600059 PER-CENT 2297600600060 1.74 2297600600061 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297600600062 DATA 6 19 2297600600063 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC2 MISC1 2297600600064 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB NO-DIM 2297600600065 13.967 0.104 125.0 3.81 4.8 1.0115 2297600600066 13.395 0.104 131.3 3.97 5.2 1.0054 2297600600067 13.094 0.104 123.1 3.83 4.7 1.0022 2297600600068 12.464 0.106 115.8 3.83 4.4 1.0006 2297600600069 11.551 0.106 98.5 4.35 4.3 1.0001 2297600600070 11.293 0.106 111.1 4.43 4.9 2297600600071 11.103 0.108 95.4 4.07 3.9 2297600600072 10.370 0.110 90.4 3.57 3.2 2297600600073 9.910 0.114 89.3 3.94 3.5 2297600600074 9.622 0.116 77.0 3.58 2.8 2297600600075 9.374 0.118 66.8 4.33 2.9 2297600600076 9.039 0.120 68.9 4.26 2.9 2297600600077 8.615 0.124 68.8 3.97 2.7 2297600600078 8.391 0.128 78.6 4.25 3.3 2297600600079 7.985 0.132 61.6 4.11 2.5 2297600600080 7.666 0.140 54.3 4.44 2.4 2297600600081 7.383 0.144 50.4 4.63 2.3 2297600600082 7.151 0.148 56.5 3.95 2.2 2297600600083 6.943 0.154 50.8 4.58 2.3 2297600600084 ENDDATA 21 0 2297600600085 ENDSUBENT 84 0 2297600699999 SUBENT 22976007 20120305 22302297600700001 BIB 8 51 2297600700002 REACTION (14-SI-30(N,A)12-MG-27,,SIG) 2297600700003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297600700004 breakup neutron correction, 2297600700005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297600700006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297600700007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297600700008 238U(n,f) 2297600700009 ------------------ 2297600700010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297600700011 6.50 825.7 2297600700012 6.70 887.0 2297600700013 7.00 940.3 2297600700014 7.30 968.0 2297600700015 7.50 980.7 2297600700016 7.75 991.0 2297600700017 8.00 993.5 2297600700018 8.50 1000. 2297600700019 9.00 997.9 2297600700020 10.00 986.8 2297600700021 11.00 983.0 2297600700022 11.50 983.0 2297600700023 12.00 985.0 2297600700024 13.00 1013. 2297600700025 14.00 1130. 2297600700026 14.50 1155. 2297600700027 15.00 1198. 2297600700028 DECAY-DATA (12-MG-27,9.458MIN,DG,843.8,0.718) 2297600700029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297600700030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Si-30 content2297600700031 is (3.0872+-0.0005)%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 2297600700032 microgram. Placed at zero degree direction to beam 2297600700033 axis at distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 2297600700034 gas cell. 2297600700035 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297600700036 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297600700037 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297600700038 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297600700039 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297600700040 Considered ucertainties: 2297600700041 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297600700042 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297600700043 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297600700044 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.012 min) 2297600700045 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.004, absolute) 2297600700046 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297600700047 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297600700048 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A6 2297600700049 STATUS (TABLE) Table A6 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.58 2297600700050 (COREL,22674004) 22976.007 supersedes 22674.004 . 2297600700051 In 22976007- DATA values and errors were slightly 2297600700052 revised. 2297600700053 ENDBIB 51 0 2297600700054 COMMON 1 3 2297600700055 ERR-1 2297600700056 PER-CENT 2297600700057 1.71 2297600700058 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297600700059 DATA 5 16 2297600700060 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297600700061 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297600700062 13.967 0.104 68.8 5.66 3.9 2297600700063 13.395 0.104 69.8 5.27 3.7 2297600700064 13.094 0.104 61.9 5.19 3.2 2297600700065 12.464 0.106 58.3 5.32 3.1 2297600700066 11.551 0.106 55.0 5.36 3.0 2297600700067 11.293 0.106 49.1 6.29 3.1 2297600700068 11.103 0.108 43.8 5.89 2.6 2297600700069 10.370 0.110 44.0 4.70 2.1 2297600700070 9.910 0.114 33.8 6.66 2.3 2297600700071 9.622 0.116 20.4 7.13 1.5 2297600700072 9.374 0.118 18.6 10.86 2.0 2297600700073 9.039 0.120 14.4 11.64 1.7 2297600700074 8.615 0.124 10.1 15.54 1.6 2297600700075 8.391 0.128 6.9 20.50 1.4 2297600700076 7.985 0.132 2.6 43.02 1.1 2297600700077 7.666 0.140 3.3 34.22 1.1 2297600700078 ENDDATA 18 0 2297600700079 ENDSUBENT 78 0 2297600799999 SUBENT 22976008 20120305 22302297600800001 BIB 9 54 2297600800002 REACTION ((22-TI-46(N,P)21-SC-46,,SIG)+ 2297600800003 (22-TI-47(N,X)21-SC-46,,SIG,,RAB)) Sum of 2297600800004 (Ti-46(N,P)Sc-46,SIG)+0.902*(TI-47(N,X)SC-46,SIG), 2297600800005 "0.902" is the ratio of isotopic abundances, Eq (1) 2297600800006 of R,PTB-N-53,2007. 2297600800007 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297600800008 breakup neutron correction, 2297600800009 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297600800010 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297600800011 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297600800012 238U(n,f) 2297600800013 ------------------ 2297600800014 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297600800015 6.50 825.7 2297600800016 6.70 887.0 2297600800017 7.00 940.3 2297600800018 7.30 968.0 2297600800019 7.50 980.7 2297600800020 7.75 991.0 2297600800021 8.00 993.5 2297600800022 8.50 1000. 2297600800023 9.00 997.9 2297600800024 10.00 986.8 2297600800025 11.00 983.0 2297600800026 11.50 983.0 2297600800027 12.00 985.0 2297600800028 13.00 1013. 2297600800029 14.00 1130. 2297600800030 14.50 1155. 2297600800031 15.00 1198. 2297600800032 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-46,83.79D,DG,889.3,0.99984) 2297600800033 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297600800034 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Ti-46 content2297600800035 is (8.25+-0.03)%, Ti-47 content is (7.44+-0.02)%, 2297600800036 fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297600800037 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297600800038 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297600800039 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297600800040 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297600800041 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297600800042 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297600800043 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297600800044 Considered ucertainties: 2297600800045 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297600800046 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297600800047 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297600800048 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.04 d) 2297600800049 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.00001, absolute)2297600800050 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297600800051 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297600800052 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A7 2297600800053 HISTORY (20120305A) FCT -> RAB in REACTION according to the 2297600800054 comment of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA). 2297600800055 STATUS (TABLE) Table A7 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.59 2297600800056 ENDBIB 54 0 2297600800057 COMMON 1 3 2297600800058 ERR-1 2297600800059 PER-CENT 2297600800060 1.65 2297600800061 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297600800062 DATA 5 22 2297600800063 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297600800064 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297600800065 14.921 0.103 292.6 3.72 10.9 2297600800066 14.347 0.103 287.3 3.88 11.2 2297600800067 14.126 0.103 286.8 4.71 13.5 2297600800068 13.921 0.103 296.2 3.62 10.7 2297600800069 13.447 0.103 289.3 3.56 10.3 2297600800070 12.964 0.103 279.6 4.12 11.5 2297600800071 12.943 0.103 279.8 4.55 12.7 2297600800072 12.438 0.106 288.0 4.17 12.0 2297600800073 12.181 0.106 286.3 3.42 9.8 2297600800074 11.880 0.106 294.6 4.32 12.7 2297600800075 11.445 0.106 275.7 3.44 9.5 2297600800076 11.149 0.107 261.1 6.03 15.7 2297600800077 10.962 0.108 266.9 3.52 9.4 2297600800078 10.383 0.110 275.3 3.51 9.7 2297600800079 9.901 0.113 282.9 3.44 9.7 2297600800080 9.647 0.115 266.6 3.16 8.4 2297600800081 9.332 0.118 276.4 3.98 11.0 2297600800082 8.878 0.120 241.9 3.80 9.2 2297600800083 8.450 0.127 249.3 3.18 7.9 2297600800084 7.986 0.132 232.3 3.25 7.6 2297600800085 7.667 0.139 225.2 4.46 10.0 2297600800086 7.404 0.143 210.9 4.13 8.7 2297600800087 ENDDATA 24 0 2297600800088 ENDSUBENT 87 0 2297600899999 SUBENT 22976009 20120305 22302297600900001 BIB 10 58 2297600900002 REACTION ((22-TI-47(N,P)21-SC-47,,SIG)+ 2297600900003 (22-TI-48(N,X)21-SC-47,,SIG,,RAB)) Sum of 2297600900004 (Ti-47(N,P)Sc-47,SIG)+9.909*(TI-48(N,X)SC-46,SIG), 2297600900005 "9.909" is the ratio of isotopic abundances, Eq (1) 2297600900006 of main reference 2297600900007 COMMENT Of author. Derivation of the 48Ti(n,x)47Sc cross 2297600900008 section would require the precise knowledge of the 2297600900009 shape of the 47Ti(n,p)47Sc cross section, which is 2297600900010 presently not given. 2297600900011 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297600900012 breakup neutron correction, 2297600900013 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297600900014 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297600900015 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297600900016 238U(n,f) 2297600900017 ------------------ 2297600900018 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297600900019 6.50 825.7 2297600900020 6.70 887.0 2297600900021 7.00 940.3 2297600900022 7.30 968.0 2297600900023 7.50 980.7 2297600900024 7.75 991.0 2297600900025 8.00 993.5 2297600900026 8.50 1000. 2297600900027 9.00 997.9 2297600900028 10.00 986.8 2297600900029 11.00 983.0 2297600900030 11.50 983.0 2297600900031 12.00 985.0 2297600900032 13.00 1013. 2297600900033 14.00 1130. 2297600900034 14.50 1155. 2297600900035 15.00 1198. 2297600900036 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-47,3.3492D,DG,159.4,0.683) 2297600900037 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297600900038 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Ti-47 content2297600900039 is (7.44+-0.02)%, Ti-48 isotopic content is (73.72+- 2297600900040 0.03)%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297600900041 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297600900042 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297600900043 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297600900044 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297600900045 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297600900046 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297600900047 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297600900048 Considered ucertainties: 2297600900049 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297600900050 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297600900051 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297600900052 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.0006 d) 2297600900053 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.004, absolute) 2297600900054 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297600900055 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297600900056 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A8 2297600900057 STATUS (TABLE) Table A8 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.60 2297600900058 HISTORY (20120305A) FCT -> RAB in REACTION according to the 2297600900059 comment of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA). 2297600900060 ENDBIB 58 0 2297600900061 COMMON 1 3 2297600900062 ERR-1 2297600900063 PER-CENT 2297600900064 1.74 2297600900065 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297600900066 DATA 5 22 2297600900067 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297600900068 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297600900069 14.921 0.103 267.8 2.98 8.0 2297600900070 14.347 0.103 224.3 3.05 6.8 2297600900071 14.126 0.103 203.2 2.91 5.9 2297600900072 13.921 0.103 197.6 2.89 5.7 2297600900073 13.447 0.103 173.8 2.80 4.9 2297600900074 12.964 0.103 160.1 2.91 4.7 2297600900075 12.943 0.103 154.6 2.83 4.4 2297600900076 12.438 0.106 148.8 2.95 4.4 2297600900077 12.181 0.106 145.9 2.53 3.7 2297600900078 11.880 0.106 147.8 3.09 4.6 2297600900079 11.445 0.106 136.9 2.68 3.7 2297600900080 11.149 0.107 135.0 3.20 4.3 2297600900081 10.962 0.108 132.5 2.75 3.6 2297600900082 10.383 0.110 129.0 2.53 3.3 2297600900083 9.901 0.113 120.3 2.85 3.4 2297600900084 9.647 0.115 117.1 2.60 3.0 2297600900085 9.332 0.118 115.4 2.69 3.1 2297600900086 8.878 0.120 115.0 2.65 3.1 2297600900087 8.450 0.127 106.4 2.49 2.7 2297600900088 7.986 0.132 103.8 2.54 2.6 2297600900089 7.667 0.139 101.9 2.59 2.6 2297600900090 7.404 0.143 98.0 2.64 2.6 2297600900091 ENDDATA 24 0 2297600900092 ENDSUBENT 91 0 2297600999999 SUBENT 22976010 20120305 22302297601000001 BIB 10 52 2297601000002 REACTION (22-TI-48(N,P)21-SC-48,,SIG) 2297601000003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297601000004 breakup neutron correction, 2297601000005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297601000006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297601000007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297601000008 238U(n,f) 2297601000009 ------------------ 2297601000010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297601000011 6.50 825.7 2297601000012 6.70 887.0 2297601000013 7.00 940.3 2297601000014 7.30 968.0 2297601000015 7.50 980.7 2297601000016 7.75 991.0 2297601000017 8.00 993.5 2297601000018 8.50 1000. 2297601000019 9.00 997.9 2297601000020 10.00 986.8 2297601000021 11.00 983.0 2297601000022 11.50 983.0 2297601000023 12.00 985.0 2297601000024 13.00 1013. 2297601000025 14.00 1130. 2297601000026 14.50 1155. 2297601000027 15.00 1198. 2297601000028 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-48,43.67HR,DG,983.5,1.0011) 2297601000029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297601000030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Ti-48 content2297601000031 is (73.72+-0.03)%, Ti-49 isotopic content is (5.41+- 2297601000032 0.02)%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297601000033 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297601000034 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297601000035 CORRECTION .Correction was made for Ti-49(N,X)Sc-48 reaction 2297601000036 cross section based on the experimental data of Ikeda:2297601000037 REL-REF (R,,Y.Ikeda+,R,JAERI-1312,1988) 2297601000038 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297601000039 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297601000040 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297601000041 MISC-COL (MISC1) Correction factor of the secondary reaction 2297601000042 (MISC2) Absolute total error in physical units 2297601000043 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297601000044 Considered ucertainties: 2297601000045 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297601000046 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297601000047 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297601000048 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.09 hr) 2297601000049 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0058, absolute) 2297601000050 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297601000051 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297601000052 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A9 2297601000053 STATUS (TABLE) Table A9 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.61 2297601000054 ENDBIB 52 0 2297601000055 COMMON 1 3 2297601000056 ERR-1 2297601000057 PER-CENT 2297601000058 1.71 2297601000059 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297601000060 DATA 6 22 2297601000061 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC2 MISC1 2297601000062 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB NO-DIM 2297601000063 14.921 0.103 62.46 4.14 2.59 1.0105 2297601000064 14.347 0.103 67.75 4.00 2.71 1.0062 2297601000065 14.126 0.103 63.50 3.81 2.42 1.0048 2297601000066 13.921 0.103 67.18 3.78 2.54 1.0038 2297601000067 13.447 0.103 63.31 3.53 2.23 1.0021 2297601000068 12.964 0.103 59.93 3.39 2.03 1.0009 2297601000069 12.943 0.103 55.88 3.31 1.85 1.0009 2297601000070 12.438 0.106 54.52 3.24 1.77 1.0006 2297601000071 12.181 0.106 52.32 2.99 1.56 1.0004 2297601000072 11.880 0.106 52.63 3.13 1.65 1.0002 2297601000073 11.445 0.106 46.49 2.83 1.32 2297601000074 11.149 0.107 43.78 2.89 1.27 2297601000075 10.962 0.108 41.49 2.71 1.12 2297601000076 10.383 0.110 38.31 2.63 1.01 2297601000077 9.901 0.113 33.84 2.65 0.90 2297601000078 9.647 0.115 30.19 2.50 0.75 2297601000079 9.332 0.118 28.02 2.53 0.71 2297601000080 8.878 0.120 24.04 2.52 0.61 2297601000081 8.450 0.127 19.95 2.48 0.49 2297601000082 7.986 0.132 15.44 2.52 0.39 2297601000083 7.667 0.139 12.68 2.62 0.33 2297601000084 7.404 0.143 11.59 2.66 0.31 2297601000085 ENDDATA 24 0 2297601000086 ENDSUBENT 85 0 2297601099999 SUBENT 22976011 20120305 22302297601100001 BIB 9 51 2297601100002 REACTION (23-V-51(N,P)22-TI-51,,SIG) 2297601100003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297601100004 breakup neutron correction, 2297601100005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297601100006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297601100007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297601100008 238U(n,f) 2297601100009 ------------------ 2297601100010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297601100011 6.50 825.7 2297601100012 6.70 887.0 2297601100013 7.00 940.3 2297601100014 7.30 968.0 2297601100015 7.50 980.7 2297601100016 7.75 991.0 2297601100017 8.00 993.5 2297601100018 8.50 1000. 2297601100019 9.00 997.9 2297601100020 10.00 986.8 2297601100021 11.00 983.0 2297601100022 11.50 983.0 2297601100023 12.00 985.0 2297601100024 13.00 1013. 2297601100025 14.00 1130. 2297601100026 14.50 1155. 2297601100027 15.00 1198. 2297601100028 DECAY-DATA (22-TI-51,5.76MIN,DG,320.1,0.931) 2297601100029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297601100030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. V-51 content 2297601100031 is (99.750+-0.004)%, fission deposit mass 2297601100032 101.6+-0.6 microgram . 2297601100033 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297601100034 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297601100035 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297601100036 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297601100037 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297601100038 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297601100039 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297601100040 Considered ucertainties: 2297601100041 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297601100042 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297601100043 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297601100044 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.01 min) 2297601100045 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.004, absolute) 2297601100046 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297601100047 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297601100048 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A10 2297601100049 STATUS (TABLE) Table A10 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.62 2297601100050 COMMENT Of authors.The data of present experiment supersede 2297601100051 previous results of C,97TRIEST,1,505,1997. 2297601100052 Of compiler. In C,97TRIEST,1,505,1997 - only plot. 2297601100053 ENDBIB 51 0 2297601100054 COMMON 1 3 2297601100055 ERR-1 2297601100056 PER-CENT 2297601100057 1.67 2297601100058 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297601100059 DATA 5 15 2297601100060 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297601100061 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297601100062 14.466 0.106 26.94 3.63 0.98 2297601100063 14.073 0.106 27.79 3.51 0.98 2297601100064 13.872 0.106 29.73 3.48 1.03 2297601100065 13.440 0.106 29.42 3.33 0.98 2297601100066 13.327 0.106 29.34 3.38 0.99 2297601100067 12.851 0.106 29.21 3.32 0.97 2297601100068 12.634 0.108 28.84 3.25 0.94 2297601100069 12.427 0.108 28.55 3.27 0.93 2297601100070 11.962 0.108 27.23 3.28 0.89 2297601100071 11.401 0.110 25.25 3.32 0.84 2297601100072 10.872 0.110 22.54 3.21 0.72 2297601100073 10.410 0.113 21.31 3.12 0.66 2297601100074 9.920 0.115 18.30 2.89 0.53 2297601100075 8.908 0.125 15.38 3.14 0.48 2297601100076 7.858 0.139 13.04 3.00 0.39 2297601100077 ENDDATA 17 0 2297601100078 ENDSUBENT 77 0 2297601199999 SUBENT 22976012 20120305 22302297601200001 BIB 9 52 2297601200002 REACTION (23-V-51(N,A)21-SC-48,,SIG) 2297601200003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297601200004 breakup neutron correction, 2297601200005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297601200006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297601200007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297601200008 238U(n,f) 2297601200009 ------------------ 2297601200010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297601200011 6.50 825.7 2297601200012 6.70 887.0 2297601200013 7.00 940.3 2297601200014 7.30 968.0 2297601200015 7.50 980.7 2297601200016 7.75 991.0 2297601200017 8.00 993.5 2297601200018 8.50 1000. 2297601200019 9.00 997.9 2297601200020 10.00 986.8 2297601200021 11.00 983.0 2297601200022 11.50 983.0 2297601200023 12.00 985.0 2297601200024 13.00 1013. 2297601200025 14.00 1130. 2297601200026 14.50 1155. 2297601200027 15.00 1198. 2297601200028 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-48,43.67HR,DG,983.5,1.0011) 2297601200029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297601200030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. V-51 content 2297601200031 is (99.750+-0.004)%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 2297601200032 microgram 2297601200033 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297601200034 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297601200035 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297601200036 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297601200037 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297601200038 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297601200039 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297601200040 Considered ucertainties: 2297601200041 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297601200042 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297601200043 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297601200044 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.09 hr) 2297601200045 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0058, absolute) 2297601200046 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297601200047 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297601200048 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A11 2297601200049 STATUS (TABLE) Table A11 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.63 2297601200050 COMMENT Of authors.The data of present experiment supersede 2297601200051 previous results of C,97TRIEST,1,505,1997. 2297601200052 Of compiler. In C,97TRIEST,1,505,1997 - only 2297601200053 experimental details for 51V(n,a)48Sc reaction. 2297601200054 ENDBIB 52 0 2297601200055 COMMON 1 3 2297601200056 ERR-1 2297601200057 PER-CENT 2297601200058 1.71 2297601200059 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297601200060 DATA 5 15 2297601200061 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297601200062 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297601200063 14.466 0.106 16.63 4.11 0.68 2297601200064 14.073 0.106 15.86 4.38 0.69 2297601200065 13.872 0.106 15.36 3.73 0.57 2297601200066 13.440 0.106 13.94 3.45 0.48 2297601200067 13.327 0.106 13.79 3.45 0.48 2297601200068 12.851 0.106 11.60 3.43 0.40 2297601200069 12.634 0.108 11.34 3.16 0.36 2297601200070 12.427 0.108 10.73 3.85 0.41 2297601200071 11.962 0.108 9.27 3.13 0.29 2297601200072 11.401 0.110 7.80 3.22 0.25 2297601200073 10.872 0.110 6.60 4.21 0.28 2297601200074 10.410 0.113 5.64 2.93 0.17 2297601200075 9.920 0.115 4.68 3.81 0.18 2297601200076 8.908 0.125 2.51 4.25 0.11 2297601200077 7.858 0.139 0.793 4.28 0.034 2297601200078 ENDDATA 17 0 2297601200079 ENDSUBENT 78 0 2297601299999 SUBENT 22976013 20120305 22302297601300001 BIB 10 55 2297601300002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,P)23-V-52,,SIG) 2297601300003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297601300004 breakup neutron correction, 2297601300005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297601300006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297601300007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297601300008 238U(n,f) 2297601300009 ------------------ 2297601300010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297601300011 6.50 825.7 2297601300012 6.70 887.0 2297601300013 7.00 940.3 2297601300014 7.30 968.0 2297601300015 7.50 980.7 2297601300016 7.75 991.0 2297601300017 8.00 993.5 2297601300018 8.50 1000. 2297601300019 9.00 997.9 2297601300020 10.00 986.8 2297601300021 11.00 983.0 2297601300022 11.50 983.0 2297601300023 12.00 985.0 2297601300024 13.00 1013. 2297601300025 14.00 1130. 2297601300026 14.50 1155. 2297601300027 15.00 1198. 2297601300028 DECAY-DATA (23-V-52,3.743MIN,DG,1434.1,1.000) 2297601300029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297601300030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. CR-52 content2297601300031 is (83.789+-0.018)%, Cr-53 content is (9.501+-0.017)%,2297601300032 fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297601300033 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297601300034 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297601300035 CORRECTION .Corrections were made for Cr-53(n,x)V-52 reaction CS 2297601300036 using data taken from the ENDF/B-VI library. 2297601300037 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297601300038 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297601300039 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297601300040 MISC-COL (MISC1) Correction factor of the secondary reaction 2297601300041 (MISC2) Absolute total error in physical units 2297601300042 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297601300043 Considered ucertainties: 2297601300044 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297601300045 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297601300046 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297601300047 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.005 min) 2297601300048 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.014, absolute) 2297601300049 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297601300050 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297601300051 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A12 2297601300052 STATUS (TABLE) Table A12 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.64 2297601300053 COMMENT Of authors. A mistake in the data analysis has been 2297601300054 eliminated and the data of present experiment supersede2297601300055 previous results of C,97TRIEST,1,505,1997. 2297601300056 Of compiler. In C,97TRIEST,1,505,1997 - only plot. 2297601300057 ENDBIB 55 0 2297601300058 COMMON 1 3 2297601300059 ERR-1 2297601300060 PER-CENT 2297601300061 2.14 2297601300062 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297601300063 DATA 6 15 2297601300064 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC2 MISC1 2297601300065 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB NO-DIM 2297601300066 14.466 0.106 77.51 4.11 3.19 1.0053 2297601300067 14.073 0.106 83.82 3.99 3.34 1.0038 2297601300068 13.872 0.106 85.27 3.94 3.36 1.0031 2297601300069 13.440 0.106 83.59 3.84 3.21 1.0016 2297601300070 13.327 0.106 84.09 3.82 3.21 1.0011 2297601300071 12.851 0.106 83.08 3.83 3.18 1.0000 2297601300072 12.634 0.108 79.63 3.69 2.94 2297601300073 12.427 0.108 74.88 3.67 2.75 2297601300074 11.962 0.108 74.14 3.67 2.72 2297601300075 11.401 0.110 66.60 3.78 2.52 2297601300076 10.872 0.110 61.72 3.67 2.27 2297601300077 10.410 0.113 56.38 3.50 1.97 2297601300078 9.920 0.115 52.59 3.29 1.73 2297601300079 8.908 0.125 48.46 3.46 1.68 2297601300080 7.858 0.139 36.44 3.44 1.25 2297601300081 ENDDATA 17 0 2297601300082 ENDSUBENT 81 0 2297601399999 SUBENT 22976014 20120305 22302297601400001 BIB 9 52 2297601400002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,2N)24-CR-51,,SIG) 2297601400003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297601400004 breakup neutron correction, 2297601400005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297601400006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297601400007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297601400008 238U(n,f) 2297601400009 ------------------ 2297601400010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297601400011 6.50 825.7 2297601400012 6.70 887.0 2297601400013 7.00 940.3 2297601400014 7.30 968.0 2297601400015 7.50 980.7 2297601400016 7.75 991.0 2297601400017 8.00 993.5 2297601400018 8.50 1000. 2297601400019 9.00 997.9 2297601400020 10.00 986.8 2297601400021 11.00 983.0 2297601400022 11.50 983.0 2297601400023 12.00 985.0 2297601400024 13.00 1013. 2297601400025 14.00 1130. 2297601400026 14.50 1155. 2297601400027 15.00 1198. 2297601400028 DECAY-DATA (24-CR-51,27.7025D,DG,320.1,0.0992) 2297601400029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297601400030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. CR-52 content2297601400031 is (83.789+-0.018)%, Cr-50 content is (4.345+-0.013)%,2297601400032 fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297601400033 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297601400034 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297601400035 CORRECTION .A separate measurement of the Cr-50(n,G)Cr-51 reaction2297601400036 cross section, performed below the threshold of the 2297601400037 (N,2N) reaction, resulted in the negligible 2297601400038 contribution to the main cross section 2297601400039 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297601400040 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297601400041 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297601400042 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297601400043 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297601400044 Considered ucertainties: 2297601400045 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297601400046 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297601400047 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297601400048 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.0024 d) 2297601400049 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0005, absolute) 2297601400050 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297601400051 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297601400052 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A12 2297601400053 STATUS (TABLE) Table A13 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.65 2297601400054 ENDBIB 52 0 2297601400055 COMMON 1 3 2297601400056 ERR-1 2297601400057 PER-CENT 2297601400058 1.69 2297601400059 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297601400060 DATA 5 8 2297601400061 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297601400062 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297601400063 14.466 0.106 351.0 4.13 14.5 2297601400064 14.073 0.106 295.6 3.93 11.6 2297601400065 13.872 0.106 244.8 3.79 9.3 2297601400066 13.440 0.106 161.2 3.61 5.8 2297601400067 13.327 0.106 137.9 3.71 5.1 2297601400068 12.851 0.106 59.4 5.30 3.2 2297601400069 12.634 0.108 31.6 5.57 1.8 2297601400070 12.427 0.108 10.5 19.62 2.1 2297601400071 ENDDATA 10 0 2297601400072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 2297601499999 SUBENT 22976015 20120305 22302297601500001 BIB 11 32 2297601500002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,P)25-MN-54,,SIG) 2297601500003 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 2297601500004 MONIT-REF (,M.Wagner+,B,PH-DAT,13,(5),1990) M.Wagner, H. Vonach, 2297601500005 A. Pavlik, B. Strohmaier, S. Tagesen, J. Martinez- 2297601500006 Rico, Physics Data 13-5 (1990). 2297601500007 IRK-90 evaluation. 2297601500008 DECAY-MON (11-NA-24,14.9590HR,DG,1368.6,1.0) 2297601500009 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-54,312.12D,DG,834.8,0.99976) 2297601500010 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297601500011 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. FE-54 content2297601500012 is (5.845+-0.035)%. 2297601500013 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297601500014 distance 38.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297601500015 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297601500016 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297601500017 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297601500018 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297601500019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297601500020 Considered ucertainties: 2297601500021 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297601500022 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.06 hr) 2297601500023 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.00001, absolute)2297601500024 - Error of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines. 2297601500025 - Al-27 monitor uncertainty from 0.5 to 3.2 % . 2297601500026 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297601500027 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A14 2297601500028 STATUS (TABLE) Table A14 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.66 2297601500029 (COREL,13867003) In 13867.003 - ANL data of 2297601500030 C,91JUELIC,,288,1991. 2297601500031 COMMENT Of authors. The present data supersede previously given2297601500032 values of C,91JUELIC,,288,1991 ( Fig.3, PTB 2297601500033 measurement). 2297601500034 ENDBIB 32 0 2297601500035 COMMON 1 3 2297601500036 ERR-1 2297601500037 PER-CENT 2297601500038 2.61 2297601500039 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297601500040 DATA 6 13 2297601500041 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC MONIT 2297601500042 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB MB 2297601500043 14.638 0.204 308.1 8.14 25.1 113.5 2297601500044 14.384 0.202 324.5 7.33 23.8 117.2 2297601500045 14.050 0.200 344.5 6.36 21.9 122.2 2297601500046 13.810 0.197 363.7 5.77 21.0 123.1 2297601500047 13.277 0.193 414.7 4.99 20.7 126.7 2297601500048 12.645 0.188 453.7 4.27 19.4 124.1 2297601500049 12.307 0.186 468.8 4.02 18.9 121.3 2297601500050 11.779 0.183 454.6 3.91 17.8 115.6 2297601500051 11.172 0.179 493.6 4.37 21.6 110.2 2297601500052 10.694 0.176 482.2 4.09 19.7 102.2 2297601500053 10.119 0.174 491.7 4.21 20.7 90.15 2297601500054 9.633 0.174 494.1 3.43 17.0 84.71 2297601500055 9.098 0.174 481.4 3.53 17.0 73.77 2297601500056 ENDDATA 15 0 2297601500057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 2297601599999 SUBENT 22976016 20120305 22302297601600001 BIB 11 32 2297601600002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,A)24-CR-51,,SIG) 2297601600003 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 2297601600004 MONIT-REF (,M.Wagner+,B,PH-DAT,13,(5),1990) M.Wagner, H. Vonach, 2297601600005 A. Pavlik, B. Strohmaier, S. Tagesen, J. Martinez- 2297601600006 Rico, Physics Data 13-5 (1990). 2297601600007 IRK-90 evaluation. 2297601600008 DECAY-MON (11-NA-24,14.9590HR,DG,1368.6,1.0) 2297601600009 DECAY-DATA (24-CR-51,27.7025D,DG,320.1,0.0992) 2297601600010 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297601600011 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. FE-54 content2297601600012 is (5.845+-0.035)%. 2297601600013 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297601600014 distance 38.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297601600015 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297601600016 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297601600017 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297601600018 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297601600019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297601600020 Considered ucertainties: 2297601600021 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297601600022 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.0024 d) 2297601600023 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0005, absolute) 2297601600024 - Error of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines. 2297601600025 - Al-27 monitor uncertainty from 0.5 to 3.2 % . 2297601600026 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297601600027 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A15 2297601600028 STATUS (TABLE) Table A15 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.67 2297601600029 (COREL,13867002) In 13867.002 - ANL data of 2297601600030 C,91JUELIC,,288,1991. 2297601600031 COMMENT Of authors. The present data supersede previously given2297601600032 values of C,91JUELIC,,288,1991 ( Fig.1,2, PTB 2297601600033 measurement). 2297601600034 ENDBIB 32 0 2297601600035 COMMON 1 3 2297601600036 ERR-1 2297601600037 PER-CENT 2297601600038 2.66 2297601600039 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297601600040 DATA 6 13 2297601600041 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC MONIT 2297601600042 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB MB 2297601600043 14.638 0.204 95.83 3.70 3.55 113.5 2297601600044 14.384 0.202 94.78 4.32 4.09 117.2 2297601600045 14.050 0.200 85.33 4.71 4.02 122.2 2297601600046 13.810 0.197 82.27 4.87 4.01 123.1 2297601600047 13.277 0.193 84.84 5.82 4.94 126.7 2297601600048 12.645 0.188 73.03 6.64 4.85 124.1 2297601600049 12.307 0.186 74.15 6.79 5.03 121.3 2297601600050 11.779 0.183 67.48 6.62 4.47 115.6 2297601600051 11.172 0.179 66.73 7.33 4.89 110.2 2297601600052 10.694 0.176 53.82 7.68 4.13 102.2 2297601600053 10.119 0.174 47.61 9.52 4.53 90.15 2297601600054 9.633 0.174 43.59 9.01 3.93 84.71 2297601600055 9.098 0.174 44.23 7.17 3.17 73.77 2297601600056 ENDDATA 15 0 2297601600057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 2297601699999 SUBENT 22976017 20120305 22302297601700001 BIB 12 32 2297601700002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,P)25-MN-56,,SIG) 2297601700003 MONITOR (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 2297601700004 MONIT-REF (,M.Wagner+,B,PH-DAT,13,(5),1990) M.Wagner, H. Vonach, 2297601700005 A. Pavlik, B. Strohmaier, S. Tagesen, J. Martinez- 2297601700006 Rico, Physics Data 13-5 (1990). 2297601700007 IRK-90 evaluation. 2297601700008 DECAY-MON (11-NA-24,14.9590HR,DG,1368.6,1.0) 2297601700009 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-56,2.5789HR,DG,846.8,0.9887) 2297601700010 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297601700011 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. 2297601700012 Fe-56 content is (91.754+-0.036)%, Fe-57 content is 2297601700013 (2.119+-0.010)% 2297601700014 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297601700015 distance 38.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297601700016 CORRECTION .Corrections were made for Fe-57(n,x)Mn-56 reaction CS 2297601700017 based on experimental data taken from : 2297601700018 REL-REF (R,22089001,Y.Ikeda+,R,JAERI-1312,1988) 2297601700019 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297601700020 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297601700021 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297601700022 MISC-COL (MISC1) Correction factor of the secondary reaction 2297601700023 (MISC2) Absolute total error in physical units 2297601700024 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297601700025 Considered ucertainties: 2297601700026 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297601700027 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.0001 hr) 2297601700028 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0030, absolute) 2297601700029 - Error of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines. 2297601700030 - Al-27 monitor uncertainty from 0.5 to 3.2 % . 2297601700031 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297601700032 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A16 2297601700033 STATUS (TABLE) Table A16 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.68 2297601700034 ENDBIB 32 0 2297601700035 COMMON 1 3 2297601700036 ERR-1 2297601700037 PER-CENT 2297601700038 2.56 2297601700039 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297601700040 DATA 7 13 2297601700041 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC2 MONIT 2297601700042 MISC1 2297601700043 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB MB 2297601700044 NO-DIM 2297601700045 14.638 0.204 109.5 2.74 3.0 113.5 2297601700046 1.0038 2297601700047 14.384 0.202 112.3 2.71 3.0 117.2 2297601700048 1.0028 2297601700049 14.050 0.200 113.7 2.72 3.1 122.2 2297601700050 1.0017 2297601700051 13.810 0.197 115.5 2.70 3.1 123.1 2297601700052 1.0011 2297601700053 13.277 0.193 119.4 3.22 3.8 126.7 2297601700054 1.0009 2297601700055 12.645 0.188 113.3 3.34 3.8 124.1 2297601700056 1.0007 2297601700057 12.307 0.186 110.4 3.31 3.7 121.3 2297601700058 1.0005 2297601700059 11.779 0.183 97.6 3.46 3.4 115.6 2297601700060 1.0004 2297601700061 11.172 0.179 94.0 4.17 3.9 110.2 2297601700062 1.0001 2297601700063 10.694 0.176 81.9 3.88 3.2 102.2 2297601700064 2297601700065 10.119 0.174 75.2 4.04 3.0 90.15 2297601700066 2297601700067 9.633 0.174 70.0 3.20 2.2 84.71 2297601700068 2297601700069 9.098 0.174 60.9 3.37 2.1 73.77 2297601700070 2297601700071 ENDDATA 30 0 2297601700072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 2297601799999 SUBENT 22976018 20120305 22302297601800001 BIB 9 50 2297601800002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,P)26-FE-59,,SIG) 2297601800003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297601800004 breakup neutron correction, 2297601800005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297601800006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297601800007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297601800008 238U(n,f) 2297601800009 ------------------ 2297601800010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297601800011 6.50 825.7 2297601800012 6.70 887.0 2297601800013 7.00 940.3 2297601800014 7.30 968.0 2297601800015 7.50 980.7 2297601800016 7.75 991.0 2297601800017 8.00 993.5 2297601800018 8.50 1000. 2297601800019 9.00 997.9 2297601800020 10.00 986.8 2297601800021 11.00 983.0 2297601800022 11.50 983.0 2297601800023 12.00 985.0 2297601800024 13.00 1013. 2297601800025 14.00 1130. 2297601800026 14.50 1155. 2297601800027 15.00 1198. 2297601800028 DECAY-DATA (26-FE-59,44.495D,DG,1099.3,0.568) 2297601800029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297601800030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. CO-59 content2297601800031 is 100%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297601800032 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297601800033 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297601800034 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297601800035 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297601800036 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297601800037 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297601800038 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297601800039 Considered ucertainties: 2297601800040 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297601800041 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297601800042 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297601800043 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.009 d) 2297601800044 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.018, absolute) 2297601800045 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297601800046 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A17 2297601800047 STATUS (TABLE) Table A17 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.69 2297601800048 (COREL,22327004) 22978018 supersedes 22327004 according2297601800049 to authors' comment: 2297601800050 COMMENT Of authors. The present data supersede previously given2297601800051 values of C,94GATLIN,,285,1994 . 2297601800052 ENDBIB 50 0 2297601800053 COMMON 1 3 2297601800054 ERR-1 2297601800055 PER-CENT 2297601800056 3.64 2297601800057 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297601800058 DATA 5 19 2297601800059 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297601800060 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297601800061 14.320 0.106 49.5 4.79 2.4 2297601800062 13.836 0.106 51.2 5.16 2.6 2297601800063 13.338 0.106 53.6 5.47 2.9 2297601800064 12.957 0.106 55.5 5.03 2.8 2297601800065 12.731 0.106 55.6 5.10 2.8 2297601800066 12.468 0.106 55.8 5.67 3.2 2297601800067 12.278 0.106 55.9 5.19 2.9 2297601800068 11.998 0.108 54.2 5.81 3.2 2297601800069 11.736 0.108 54.2 5.60 3.0 2297601800070 11.707 0.108 54.5 5.40 2.9 2297601800071 11.553 0.108 54.5 4.89 2.7 2297601800072 11.301 0.108 53.1 4.96 2.6 2297601800073 11.024 0.110 50.9 5.25 2.7 2297601800074 10.413 0.113 44.8 5.55 2.5 2297601800075 9.981 0.115 39.7 5.92 2.4 2297601800076 9.436 0.120 35.7 6.97 2.5 2297601800077 8.928 0.125 31.7 7.04 2.2 2297601800078 8.555 0.129 31.7 5.98 1.9 2297601800079 8.098 0.134 28.9 5.70 1.7 2297601800080 ENDDATA 21 0 2297601800081 ENDSUBENT 80 0 2297601899999 SUBENT 22976019 20120305 22302297601900001 BIB 9 50 2297601900002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,A)25-MN-56,,SIG) 2297601900003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297601900004 breakup neutron correction, 2297601900005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297601900006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297601900007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297601900008 238U(n,f) 2297601900009 ------------------ 2297601900010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297601900011 6.50 825.7 2297601900012 6.70 887.0 2297601900013 7.00 940.3 2297601900014 7.30 968.0 2297601900015 7.50 980.7 2297601900016 7.75 991.0 2297601900017 8.00 993.5 2297601900018 8.50 1000. 2297601900019 9.00 997.9 2297601900020 10.00 986.8 2297601900021 11.00 983.0 2297601900022 11.50 983.0 2297601900023 12.00 985.0 2297601900024 13.00 1013. 2297601900025 14.00 1130. 2297601900026 14.50 1155. 2297601900027 15.00 1198. 2297601900028 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-56,2.5789HR,DG,846.8,0.9887) 2297601900029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297601900030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. CO-59 content2297601900031 is 100%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297601900032 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297601900033 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297601900034 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297601900035 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297601900036 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297601900037 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297601900038 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297601900039 Considered ucertainties: 2297601900040 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297601900041 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297601900042 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297601900043 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.0001 hr) 2297601900044 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0030, absolute) 2297601900045 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297601900046 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A18 2297601900047 STATUS (TABLE) Table A18 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.70 2297601900048 (COREL,22327003) 22978019 supersedes 22327003 according2297601900049 to authors' comment: 2297601900050 COMMENT Of authors. The present data supersede previously given2297601900051 values of C,94GATLIN,,285,1994 . 2297601900052 ENDBIB 50 0 2297601900053 COMMON 1 3 2297601900054 ERR-1 2297601900055 PER-CENT 2297601900056 1.64 2297601900057 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297601900058 DATA 5 19 2297601900059 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297601900060 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297601900061 14.320 0.106 31.01 3.94 1.22 2297601900062 13.836 0.106 31.21 3.70 1.15 2297601900063 13.338 0.106 30.66 3.59 1.10 2297601900064 12.957 0.106 28.18 3.40 0.96 2297601900065 12.731 0.106 27.77 3.33 0.92 2297601900066 12.468 0.106 26.93 3.27 0.88 2297601900067 12.278 0.106 25.76 3.21 0.83 2297601900068 11.998 0.108 24.43 3.14 0.77 2297601900069 11.736 0.108 23.66 3.07 0.73 2297601900070 11.707 0.108 23.50 3.04 0.71 2297601900071 11.553 0.108 23.03 3.02 0.70 2297601900072 11.301 0.108 21.74 2.95 0.64 2297601900073 11.024 0.110 20.79 2.93 0.61 2297601900074 10.413 0.113 17.82 2.81 0.50 2297601900075 9.981 0.115 15.73 2.76 0.43 2297601900076 9.436 0.120 14.18 2.79 0.40 2297601900077 8.928 0.125 11.69 2.75 0.32 2297601900078 8.555 0.129 10.47 2.78 0.29 2297601900079 8.098 0.134 8.61 2.78 0.24 2297601900080 ENDDATA 21 0 2297601900081 ENDSUBENT 80 0 2297601999999 SUBENT 22976020 20120305 22302297602000001 BIB 10 52 2297602000002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,2N)27-CO-58,,SIG) 2297602000003 ANALYSIS .The measurements were performed after the complete 2297602000004 decay of Co-58-M with a half-life of 9.04 HR 2297602000005 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297602000006 breakup neutron correction, 2297602000007 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297602000008 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297602000009 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297602000010 238U(n,f) 2297602000011 ------------------ 2297602000012 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297602000013 6.50 825.7 2297602000014 6.70 887.0 2297602000015 7.00 940.3 2297602000016 7.30 968.0 2297602000017 7.50 980.7 2297602000018 7.75 991.0 2297602000019 8.00 993.5 2297602000020 8.50 1000. 2297602000021 9.00 997.9 2297602000022 10.00 986.8 2297602000023 11.00 983.0 2297602000024 11.50 983.0 2297602000025 12.00 985.0 2297602000026 13.00 1013. 2297602000027 14.00 1130. 2297602000028 14.50 1155. 2297602000029 15.00 1198. 2297602000030 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,70.86D,DG,810.8,0.9945) 2297602000031 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297602000032 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. CO-59 content2297602000033 is 100%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297602000034 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297602000035 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297602000036 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297602000037 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297602000038 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297602000039 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297602000040 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297602000041 Considered ucertainties: 2297602000042 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297602000043 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297602000044 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297602000045 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.06 d) 2297602000046 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0001, absolute) 2297602000047 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297602000048 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A19 2297602000049 STATUS (TABLE) Table A19 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.71 2297602000050 (COREL,22327002) 22978020 supersedes 22327002 according2297602000051 to authors' comment: 2297602000052 COMMENT Of authors. The present data supersede previously given2297602000053 values of C,94GATLIN,,285,1994 . 2297602000054 ENDBIB 52 0 2297602000055 COMMON 1 3 2297602000056 ERR-1 2297602000057 PER-CENT 2297602000058 1.61 2297602000059 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297602000060 DATA 5 13 2297602000061 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297602000062 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297602000063 14.320 0.106 729.5 4.06 29.6 2297602000064 13.836 0.106 680.5 3.76 25.6 2297602000065 13.338 0.106 608.9 3.60 21.9 2297602000066 12.957 0.106 511.4 3.41 17.4 2297602000067 12.731 0.106 462.3 3.33 15.4 2297602000068 12.468 0.106 397.0 3.30 13.1 2297602000069 12.278 0.106 337.3 3.24 10.9 2297602000070 11.998 0.108 265.4 3.21 8.5 2297602000071 11.736 0.108 194.9 3.20 6.2 2297602000072 11.707 0.108 189.7 3.14 6.0 2297602000073 11.553 0.108 145.3 3.07 4.5 2297602000074 11.301 0.108 87.4 3.12 2.7 2297602000075 11.024 0.110 33.5 4.03 1.4 2297602000076 ENDDATA 15 0 2297602000077 ENDSUBENT 76 0 2297602099999 SUBENT 22976021 20120305 22302297602100001 BIB 11 62 2297602100002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,P)27-CO-58,,SIG) 2297602100003 ANALYSIS .The measurements were performed after the complete 2297602100004 decay of Co-58-M with a half-life of 9.04 HR 2297602100005 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297602100006 breakup neutron correction, 2297602100007 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297602100008 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297602100009 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297602100010 238U(n,f) 2297602100011 ------------------ 2297602100012 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297602100013 6.50 825.7 2297602100014 6.70 887.0 2297602100015 7.00 940.3 2297602100016 7.30 968.0 2297602100017 7.50 980.7 2297602100018 7.75 991.0 2297602100019 8.00 993.5 2297602100020 8.50 1000. 2297602100021 9.00 997.9 2297602100022 10.00 986.8 2297602100023 11.00 983.0 2297602100024 11.50 983.0 2297602100025 12.00 985.0 2297602100026 13.00 1013. 2297602100027 14.00 1130. 2297602100028 14.50 1155. 2297602100029 15.00 1198. 2297602100030 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-M,9.04HR,DG) IT = 1.0 2297602100031 (27-CO-58-G,70.86D,DG,810.8,0.9945) 2297602100032 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297602100033 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Ni-58 content2297602100034 is (68.0769+-0.0089)%, 2297602100035 fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297602100036 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297602100037 FLAG (1.) Run#1: distance 90.6 mm from the center of the 2297602100038 D2 gas cell. 2297602100039 (2.) Run#2: distance 59.6 mm from the center of the 2297602100040 D2 gas cell. 2297602100041 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297602100042 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297602100043 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297602100044 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297602100045 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297602100046 Considered ucertainties: 2297602100047 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297602100048 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297602100049 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297602100050 - Co-58g half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.06 d) 2297602100051 - Co-58m half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.11 hr) 2297602100052 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0001, absolute) 2297602100053 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297602100054 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297602100055 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A20 2297602100056 STATUS (TABLE) Table A20 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, pp.72-73 2297602100057 Preliminary data in Table 2 of C,91JUELIC,,282,1991. 2297602100058 (COREL,13513002) In 13513002 - Ni-58(n,p) c-s measured 2297602100059 at ANL from C,91JUELIC,,282,1991. 2297602100060 (COREL,13514002) In 13514002 - Ni-58(n,p) c-s measured 2297602100061 at IRK/LANL from C,91JUELIC,,282,1991. 2297602100062 COMMENT Of authors. Previous data of C,91JUELIC,,282,1991 are 2297602100063 superseded by present data - page 35 of R,PTB-N-53,20072297602100064 ENDBIB 62 0 2297602100065 COMMON 1 3 2297602100066 ERR-1 2297602100067 PER-CENT 2297602100068 1.90 2297602100069 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297602100070 DATA 6 36 2297602100071 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC FLAG 2297602100072 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB NO-DIM 2297602100073 7.980 0.132 655.2 2.70 17.7 2. 2297602100074 8.463 0.117 642.4 3.10 19.9 1. 2297602100075 8.948 0.120 635.1 2.81 17.9 2. 2297602100076 9.135 0.110 638.6 3.03 19.4 1. 2297602100077 9.370 0.108 651.6 3.04 19.8 1. 2297602100078 9.502 0.106 649.2 3.03 19.7 1. 2297602100079 9.658 0.106 631.1 3.00 18.9 1. 2297602100080 9.859 0.103 636.2 2.97 18.9 1. 2297602100081 10.003 0.113 640.5 2.77 17.7 2. 2297602100082 10.061 0.113 621.8 2.72 16.9 2. 2297602100083 10.233 0.099 640.4 3.12 20.0 1. 2297602100084 10.392 0.110 617.7 2.74 16.9 2. 2297602100085 10.563 0.096 617.2 3.08 19.0 1. 2297602100086 10.673 0.108 615.3 2.77 17.0 2. 2297602100087 10.744 0.096 612.5 2.99 18.3 1. 2297602100088 10.911 0.096 606.2 3.11 18.9 1. 2297602100089 10.943 0.108 618.0 2.75 17.0 2. 2297602100090 11.160 0.108 611.9 2.73 16.7 2. 2297602100091 11.392 0.094 596.1 3.09 18.4 1. 2297602100092 11.522 0.106 592.0 2.69 15.9 2. 2297602100093 11.964 0.092 564.6 3.03 17.1 1. 2297602100094 12.124 0.106 558.5 2.72 15.2 2. 2297602100095 12.485 0.089 536.4 3.09 16.6 1. 2297602100096 12.521 0.103 529.8 2.74 14.5 2. 2297602100097 12.680 0.103 515.1 2.77 14.3 2. 2297602100098 12.925 0.087 498.1 3.17 15.8 1. 2297602100099 12.980 0.103 481.6 2.91 14.0 2. 2297602100100 13.159 0.103 470.5 3.06 14.4 2. 2297602100101 13.469 0.085 442.9 3.59 15.9 1. 2297602100102 13.515 0.103 429.4 3.43 14.7 2. 2297602100103 13.789 0.103 406.7 3.95 16.1 2. 2297602100104 13.967 0.103 383.7 4.35 16.7 2. 2297602100105 14.001 0.103 380.6 4.43 16.9 2. 2297602100106 14.014 0.103 382.5 4.49 17.2 2. 2297602100107 14.240 0.103 351.0 5.12 18.0 2. 2297602100108 14.421 0.103 333.9 5.73 19.1 2. 2297602100109 ENDDATA 38 0 2297602100110 ENDSUBENT 109 0 2297602199999 SUBENT 22976022 20120305 22302297602200001 BIB 8 48 2297602200002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,2N)28-NI-57,,SIG) 2297602200003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297602200004 breakup neutron correction, 2297602200005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297602200006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297602200007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297602200008 238U(n,f) 2297602200009 ------------------ 2297602200010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297602200011 6.50 825.7 2297602200012 6.70 887.0 2297602200013 7.00 940.3 2297602200014 7.30 968.0 2297602200015 7.50 980.7 2297602200016 7.75 991.0 2297602200017 8.00 993.5 2297602200018 8.50 1000. 2297602200019 9.00 997.9 2297602200020 10.00 986.8 2297602200021 11.00 983.0 2297602200022 11.50 983.0 2297602200023 12.00 985.0 2297602200024 13.00 1013. 2297602200025 14.00 1130. 2297602200026 14.50 1155. 2297602200027 15.00 1198. 2297602200028 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-57-G,35.60HR,DG,1377.6,0.817) 2297602200029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297602200030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Ni-58 content2297602200031 is (68.0769+-0.0089)%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.62297602200032 microgram. Placed at zero degree direction to beam 2297602200033 axis at distance 59.6 mm from the center of the 2297602200034 D2 gas cell. 2297602200035 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297602200036 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297602200037 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297602200038 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297602200039 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297602200040 Considered ucertainties: 2297602200041 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297602200042 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297602200043 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297602200044 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.06 hr) 2297602200045 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.024, absolute) 2297602200046 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297602200047 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297602200048 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A21 2297602200049 STATUS (TABLE) Table A21 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.73 2297602200050 ENDBIB 48 0 2297602200051 COMMON 1 3 2297602200052 ERR-1 2297602200053 PER-CENT 2297602200054 3.35 2297602200055 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297602200056 DATA 5 9 2297602200057 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297602200058 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297602200059 14.421 0.103 32.72 5.00 1.64 2297602200060 14.240 0.103 27.67 4.93 1.36 2297602200061 14.001 0.103 22.64 4.88 1.10 2297602200062 13.789 0.103 19.13 4.79 0.92 2297602200063 13.515 0.103 12.69 4.81 0.61 2297602200064 13.159 0.103 6.66 5.27 0.35 2297602200065 12.980 0.103 4.34 5.46 0.24 2297602200066 12.680 0.103 1.18 9.01 0.11 2297602200067 12.521 0.103 0.21 27.48 0.06 2297602200068 ENDDATA 11 0 2297602200069 ENDSUBENT 68 0 2297602299999 SUBENT 22976023 20230403 23172297602300001 BIB 11 55 2297602300002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)27-CO-57,,SIG) 2297602300003 ANALYSIS Sigma=Sigma(measured)-1.0055*Sigma(Ni-58(n,2n)), 2297602300004 Equ. (4), page 18 of the R,PTB-N-53,2007 2297602300005 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297602300006 breakup neutron correction, 2297602300007 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297602300008 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297602300009 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297602300010 238U(n,f) 2297602300011 ------------------ 2297602300012 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297602300013 6.50 825.7 2297602300014 6.70 887.0 2297602300015 7.00 940.3 2297602300016 7.30 968.0 2297602300017 7.50 980.7 2297602300018 7.75 991.0 2297602300019 8.00 993.5 2297602300020 8.50 1000. 2297602300021 9.00 997.9 2297602300022 10.00 986.8 2297602300023 11.00 983.0 2297602300024 11.50 983.0 2297602300025 12.00 985.0 2297602300026 13.00 1013. 2297602300027 14.00 1130. 2297602300028 14.50 1155. 2297602300029 15.00 1198. 2297602300030 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-57,271.74D,DG,122.1,0.8560) 2297602300031 (28-NI-57,35.60HR,DG,1377.6,0.817) 2297602300032 SAMPLE Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297602300033 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Ni-58 content2297602300034 is (68.0769+-0.0089)%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.62297602300035 microgram. Placed at zero degree direction to beam 2297602300036 axis at distance 59.6 mm from the center of the 2297602300037 D2 gas cell. 2297602300038 CORRECTION Corrections were made for reaction Ni-58(N,2N)Ni-57 2297602300039 ===>Beta+ ===>Co-57 . See ANALYSIS. 2297602300040 COVARIANCE The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297602300041 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297602300042 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297602300043 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297602300044 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297602300045 Considered uncertainties: 2297602300046 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297602300047 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297602300048 - Photon detector calibration (1.5%) 2297602300049 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.06 hr) 2297602300050 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0017, absolute) 2297602300051 - Error of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines. 2297602300052 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297602300053 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A22 2297602300054 STATUS (TABLE) Table A22 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.74 2297602300055 (DEP,22976022) 2297602300056 HISTORY (20230403A) SD: SF5=IND deleted from REACTION code. 2297602300057 ENDBIB 55 0 2297602300058 COMMON 1 3 2297602300059 ERR-1 2297602300060 PER-CENT 2297602300061 1.62 2297602300062 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297602300063 DATA 5 17 2297602300064 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297602300065 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297602300066 14.421 0.103 623.6 4.17 26.0 2297602300067 14.240 0.103 594.1 4.04 24.0 2297602300068 14.014 0.103 584.6 3.68 21.5 2297602300069 14.001 0.103 578.5 3.84 22.2 2297602300070 13.789 0.103 557.5 3.70 20.6 2297602300071 13.515 0.103 512.0 3.53 18.1 2297602300072 13.159 0.103 466.0 3.36 15.7 2297602300073 12.980 0.103 429.3 3.29 14.1 2297602300074 12.680 0.103 381.7 3.16 12.1 2297602300075 12.521 0.103 355.0 3.12 11.1 2297602300076 12.124 0.106 278.2 3.09 8.6 2297602300077 11.522 0.106 170.1 2.98 5.1 2297602300078 11.160 0.108 124.9 3.49 4.4 2297602300079 10.943 0.108 89.8 3.84 3.5 2297602300080 10.673 0.108 62.2 4.87 3.0 2297602300081 10.392 0.110 35.7 6.19 2.2 2297602300082 10.061 0.113 13.9 11.54 1.6 2297602300083 ENDDATA 19 0 2297602300084 ENDSUBENT 83 0 2297602399999 SUBENT 22976024 20120305 22302297602400001 BIB 9 54 2297602400002 REACTION ((28-NI-61(N,P)27-CO-61,,SIG)+ 2297602400003 (28-NI-62(N,X)27-CO-61,,SIG,,RAB)) Measured data 2297602400004 of 61Ni(n,p)61Co + 3.188*62Ni(n,x)61Co, 2297602400005 "3.188" is the ratio of isotopic abundances, Eq (1) 2297602400006 of main reference 2297602400007 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297602400008 breakup neutron correction, 2297602400009 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297602400010 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297602400011 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297602400012 238U(n,f) 2297602400013 ------------------ 2297602400014 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297602400015 6.50 825.7 2297602400016 6.70 887.0 2297602400017 7.00 940.3 2297602400018 7.30 968.0 2297602400019 7.50 980.7 2297602400020 7.75 991.0 2297602400021 8.00 993.5 2297602400022 8.50 1000. 2297602400023 9.00 997.9 2297602400024 10.00 986.8 2297602400025 11.00 983.0 2297602400026 11.50 983.0 2297602400027 12.00 985.0 2297602400028 13.00 1013. 2297602400029 14.00 1130. 2297602400030 14.50 1155. 2297602400031 15.00 1198. 2297602400032 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-61,1.650HR,DG,67.4,0.8467) 2297602400033 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297602400034 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Ni-61 content2297602400035 is (1.1399+-0.0006)%, Ni-62 content is (3.6345+- 2297602400036 0.0017)%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297602400037 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297602400038 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297602400039 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297602400040 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297602400041 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297602400042 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297602400043 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297602400044 Considered ucertainties: 2297602400045 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297602400046 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297602400047 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297602400048 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.005 hr) 2297602400049 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0038, absolute) 2297602400050 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297602400051 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297602400052 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A23 2297602400053 STATUS (TABLE) Table A23 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.75 2297602400054 HISTORY (20120305A) FCT -> RAB in REACTION according to the 2297602400055 comment of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA). 2297602400056 ENDBIB 54 0 2297602400057 COMMON 1 3 2297602400058 ERR-1 2297602400059 PER-CENT 2297602400060 1.68 2297602400061 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297602400062 DATA 5 14 2297602400063 EN E-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297602400064 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297602400065 14.421 0.103 83.12 3.23 2.68 2297602400066 14.240 0.103 79.71 3.21 2.56 2297602400067 14.001 0.103 81.93 3.32 2.72 2297602400068 13.789 0.103 82.27 3.25 2.67 2297602400069 13.515 0.103 81.78 3.18 2.60 2297602400070 13.159 0.103 82.29 3.32 2.73 2297602400071 12.980 0.103 80.99 3.18 2.58 2297602400072 12.680 0.103 78.86 3.23 2.55 2297602400073 12.521 0.103 78.45 3.28 2.57 2297602400074 12.124 0.106 76.89 3.21 2.47 2297602400075 10.943 0.108 62.34 3.23 2.01 2297602400076 10.061 0.113 51.06 2.94 1.50 2297602400077 8.948 0.120 38.68 3.63 1.40 2297602400078 7.980 0.132 29.60 3.59 1.06 2297602400079 ENDDATA 16 0 2297602400080 ENDSUBENT 79 0 2297602499999 SUBENT 22976025 20120305 22302297602500001 BIB 8 48 2297602500002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,2N)29-CU-62,,SIG) 2297602500003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297602500004 breakup neutron correction, 2297602500005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297602500006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297602500007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297602500008 238U(n,f) 2297602500009 ------------------ 2297602500010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297602500011 6.50 825.7 2297602500012 6.70 887.0 2297602500013 7.00 940.3 2297602500014 7.30 968.0 2297602500015 7.50 980.7 2297602500016 7.75 991.0 2297602500017 8.00 993.5 2297602500018 8.50 1000. 2297602500019 9.00 997.9 2297602500020 10.00 986.8 2297602500021 11.00 983.0 2297602500022 11.50 983.0 2297602500023 12.00 985.0 2297602500024 13.00 1013. 2297602500025 14.00 1130. 2297602500026 14.50 1155. 2297602500027 15.00 1198. 2297602500028 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-62,9.67MIN,B+,,0.9743) 2297602500029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297602500030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Cu-63 content2297602500031 is (69.17+-0.03)%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 2297602500032 microgram. 2297602500033 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297602500034 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297602500035 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297602500036 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297602500037 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297602500038 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297602500039 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297602500040 Considered ucertainties: 2297602500041 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297602500042 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297602500043 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297602500044 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.03 min) 2297602500045 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0002, absolute) 2297602500046 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297602500047 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297602500048 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A24 2297602500049 STATUS (TABLE) Table A24 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.76 2297602500050 ENDBIB 48 0 2297602500051 COMMON 1 3 2297602500052 ERR-1 2297602500053 PER-CENT 2297602500054 1.61 2297602500055 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297602500056 DATA 5 13 2297602500057 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297602500058 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297602500059 14.327 0.104 512.5 4.25 21.8 2297602500060 13.984 0.104 433.3 4.02 17.4 2297602500061 13.699 0.104 411.5 3.82 15.7 2297602500062 13.531 0.104 383.7 3.71 14.2 2297602500063 13.177 0.104 301.3 3.70 11.2 2297602500064 12.967 0.104 255.2 3.56 9.1 2297602500065 12.690 0.104 201.7 3.26 6.6 2297602500066 12.496 0.105 162.2 3.29 5.3 2297602500067 12.207 0.105 107.0 3.64 3.9 2297602500068 11.909 0.105 54.50 3.09 1.68 2297602500069 11.686 0.106 30.31 3.03 0.92 2297602500070 11.495 0.106 12.46 3.55 0.44 2297602500071 11.190 0.107 1.78 5.18 0.09 2297602500072 ENDDATA 15 0 2297602500073 ENDSUBENT 72 0 2297602599999 SUBENT 22976026 20120305 22302297602600001 BIB 8 48 2297602600002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,P)28-NI-65,,SIG) 2297602600003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297602600004 breakup neutron correction, 2297602600005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297602600006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297602600007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297602600008 238U(n,f) 2297602600009 ------------------ 2297602600010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297602600011 6.50 825.7 2297602600012 6.70 887.0 2297602600013 7.00 940.3 2297602600014 7.30 968.0 2297602600015 7.50 980.7 2297602600016 7.75 991.0 2297602600017 8.00 993.5 2297602600018 8.50 1000. 2297602600019 9.00 997.9 2297602600020 10.00 986.8 2297602600021 11.00 983.0 2297602600022 11.50 983.0 2297602600023 12.00 985.0 2297602600024 13.00 1013. 2297602600025 14.00 1130. 2297602600026 14.50 1155. 2297602600027 15.00 1198. 2297602600028 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-65,2.5172HR,DG,1481.8,0.2359) 2297602600029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297602600030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Cu-65 content2297602600031 is (30.83+-0.03)%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 2297602600032 microgram. 2297602600033 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297602600034 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297602600035 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297602600036 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297602600037 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297602600038 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297602600039 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297602600040 Considered ucertainties: 2297602600041 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297602600042 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297602600043 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297602600044 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.0003 hr) 2297602600045 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0014, absolute) 2297602600046 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297602600047 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297602600048 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A25 2297602600049 STATUS (TABLE) Table A25 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.77 2297602600050 ENDBIB 48 0 2297602600051 COMMON 1 3 2297602600052 ERR-1 2297602600053 PER-CENT 2297602600054 1.72 2297602600055 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297602600056 DATA 5 10 2297602600057 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297602600058 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297602600059 13.967 0.103 20.66 3.98 0.82 2297602600060 13.395 0.103 20.48 4.54 0.93 2297602600061 13.094 0.103 21.36 4.23 0.90 2297602600062 12.464 0.106 19.33 4.65 0.90 2297602600063 11.551 0.106 18.69 4.58 0.86 2297602600064 11.293 0.106 17.35 4.91 0.85 2297602600065 11.103 0.108 19.11 5.59 1.07 2297602600066 10.800 0.108 16.74 3.35 0.56 2297602600067 10.370 0.110 15.78 3.58 0.56 2297602600068 10.209 0.110 15.03 3.12 0.47 2297602600069 ENDDATA 12 0 2297602600070 ENDSUBENT 69 0 2297602699999 SUBENT 22976027 20120305 22302297602700001 BIB 9 52 2297602700002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,2N)29-CU-64,,SIG) 2297602700003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297602700004 breakup neutron correction, 2297602700005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297602700006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297602700007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297602700008 238U(n,f) 2297602700009 ------------------ 2297602700010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297602700011 6.50 825.7 2297602700012 6.70 887.0 2297602700013 7.00 940.3 2297602700014 7.30 968.0 2297602700015 7.50 980.7 2297602700016 7.75 991.0 2297602700017 8.00 993.5 2297602700018 8.50 1000. 2297602700019 9.00 997.9 2297602700020 10.00 986.8 2297602700021 11.00 983.0 2297602700022 11.50 983.0 2297602700023 12.00 985.0 2297602700024 13.00 1013. 2297602700025 14.00 1130. 2297602700026 14.50 1155. 2297602700027 15.00 1198. 2297602700028 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-64,12.700HR,B+,,0.174) 2297602700029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297602700030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Cu-65 content2297602700031 is (30.83+-0.03)%, Cu-63 content is (69.17+-0.03)%, 2297602700032 fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297602700033 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297602700034 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297602700035 CORRECTION .Corrections were made for Cu-63(N,gamma)Cu-64 reaction2297602700036 cross section. The contribution of the (N,gamma) 2297602700037 reaction was measured below the threshold of the 2297602700038 (N,2N) reaction and extrapolated to higher energies 2297602700039 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297602700040 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297602700041 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297602700042 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297602700043 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297602700044 Considered ucertainties: 2297602700045 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297602700046 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297602700047 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297602700048 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.002 hr) 2297602700049 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.002, absolute) 2297602700050 - Errors of isotopic content -see in SAMPLE lines. 2297602700051 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297602700052 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A26 2297602700053 STATUS (TABLE) Table A26 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.78 2297602700054 ENDBIB 52 0 2297602700055 COMMON 1 3 2297602700056 ERR-1 2297602700057 PER-CENT 2297602700058 2.04 2297602700059 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297602700060 DATA 5 23 2297602700061 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297602700062 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297602700063 14.327 0.104 909.2 4.68 42.6 2297602700064 13.984 0.104 836.8 4.45 37.3 2297602700065 13.967 0.104 846.0 3.89 32.9 2297602700066 13.699 0.104 823.6 4.22 34.7 2297602700067 13.531 0.104 807.6 4.11 33.2 2297602700068 13.395 0.104 785.3 3.67 28.8 2297602700069 13.177 0.104 706.2 4.16 29.4 2297602700070 13.094 0.104 703.3 3.51 24.7 2297602700071 12.967 0.104 664.0 4.03 26.8 2297602700072 12.690 0.104 615.3 3.67 22.6 2297602700073 12.496 0.105 574.5 3.72 21.4 2297602700074 12.464 0.105 566.8 3.32 18.8 2297602700075 12.207 0.105 501.5 4.18 21.0 2297602700076 11.909 0.105 383.7 3.60 13.8 2297602700077 11.686 0.106 330.2 3.52 11.6 2297602700078 11.551 0.106 292.1 3.12 9.1 2297602700079 11.495 0.106 267.2 4.19 11.2 2297602700080 11.293 0.107 219.8 3.14 6.9 2297602700081 11.190 0.107 186.5 3.80 7.1 2297602700082 11.103 0.108 170.3 3.20 5.5 2297602700083 10.800 0.108 81.37 3.51 2.85 2297602700084 10.370 0.110 13.32 8.07 1.08 2297602700085 10.209 0.110 4.10 25.15 1.03 2297602700086 ENDDATA 25 0 2297602700087 ENDSUBENT 86 0 2297602799999 SUBENT 22976028 20120305 22302297602800001 BIB 9 51 2297602800002 REACTION (30-ZN-64(N,P)29-CU-64,,SIG) 2297602800003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297602800004 breakup neutron correction, 2297602800005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297602800006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297602800007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297602800008 238U(n,f) 2297602800009 ------------------ 2297602800010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297602800011 6.50 825.7 2297602800012 6.70 887.0 2297602800013 7.00 940.3 2297602800014 7.30 968.0 2297602800015 7.50 980.7 2297602800016 7.75 991.0 2297602800017 8.00 993.5 2297602800018 8.50 1000. 2297602800019 9.00 997.9 2297602800020 10.00 986.8 2297602800021 11.00 983.0 2297602800022 11.50 983.0 2297602800023 12.00 985.0 2297602800024 13.00 1013. 2297602800025 14.00 1130. 2297602800026 14.50 1155. 2297602800027 15.00 1198. 2297602800028 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-64,12.700HR,B+,,0.174) 2297602800029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297602800030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Zn-64 content2297602800031 is (48.63+-0.60)%, Zn-66 content is (27.90+-0.27)%, 2297602800032 fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297602800033 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297602800034 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297602800035 CORRECTION .Corrections for Zn-66(N,T)Cu-64 reaction cross section2297602800036 were estimated and found negligible 2297602800037 (ADL-3 was used, 0.06 mb at 15 MeV was negligible ) 2297602800038 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297602800039 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297602800040 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297602800041 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297602800042 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297602800043 Considered ucertainties: 2297602800044 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297602800045 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297602800046 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297602800047 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.002 hr) 2297602800048 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.002, absolute) 2297602800049 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297602800050 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297602800051 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A27 2297602800052 STATUS (TABLE) Table A27 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.79 2297602800053 ENDBIB 51 0 2297602800054 COMMON 1 3 2297602800055 ERR-1 2297602800056 PER-CENT 2297602800057 2.38 2297602800058 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297602800059 DATA 5 17 2297602800060 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297602800061 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297602800062 14.327 0.104 164.1 3.96 6.5 2297602800063 13.984 0.104 173.1 3.57 6.2 2297602800064 13.699 0.104 185.3 3.26 6.0 2297602800065 13.531 0.104 196.6 3.14 6.2 2297602800066 13.177 0.104 205.9 3.04 6.3 2297602800067 12.967 0.104 217.2 2.98 6.5 2297602800068 12.690 0.104 228.5 2.90 6.6 2297602800069 12.496 0.105 236.7 2.91 6.9 2297602800070 12.207 0.105 245.0 3.00 7.4 2297602800071 11.909 0.105 249.8 2.91 7.3 2297602800072 11.495 0.106 250.8 2.99 7.5 2297602800073 10.929 0.108 255.6 2.96 7.6 2297602800074 10.569 0.109 261.5 3.00 7.9 2297602800075 9.979 0.113 248.1 2.91 7.2 2297602800076 9.532 0.115 245.6 2.92 7.2 2297602800077 8.973 0.120 241.2 2.93 7.1 2297602800078 8.495 0.126 235.3 2.92 6.9 2297602800079 ENDDATA 19 0 2297602800080 ENDSUBENT 79 0 2297602899999 SUBENT 22976029 20120305 22302297602900001 BIB 8 48 2297602900002 REACTION (30-ZN-64(N,2N)30-ZN-63,,SIG) 2297602900003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297602900004 breakup neutron correction, 2297602900005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297602900006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297602900007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297602900008 238U(n,f) 2297602900009 ------------------ 2297602900010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297602900011 6.50 825.7 2297602900012 6.70 887.0 2297602900013 7.00 940.3 2297602900014 7.30 968.0 2297602900015 7.50 980.7 2297602900016 7.75 991.0 2297602900017 8.00 993.5 2297602900018 8.50 1000. 2297602900019 9.00 997.9 2297602900020 10.00 986.8 2297602900021 11.00 983.0 2297602900022 11.50 983.0 2297602900023 12.00 985.0 2297602900024 13.00 1013. 2297602900025 14.00 1130. 2297602900026 14.50 1155. 2297602900027 15.00 1198. 2297602900028 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-63,38.47MIN,B+,,0.9274) 2297602900029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297602900030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Zn-64 content2297602900031 is (48.63+-0.60)%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 2297602900032 microgram. 2297602900033 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297602900034 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297602900035 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297602900036 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297602900037 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297602900038 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297602900039 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297602900040 Considered ucertainties: 2297602900041 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297602900042 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297602900043 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297602900044 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.05 min) 2297602900045 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0086, absolute) 2297602900046 - Errors of isotopic content - see in SAMPLE lines.2297602900047 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297602900048 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A28 2297602900049 STATUS (TABLE) Table A28 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.80 2297602900050 ENDBIB 48 0 2297602900051 COMMON 1 3 2297602900052 ERR-1 2297602900053 PER-CENT 2297602900054 2.23 2297602900055 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297602900056 DATA 5 9 2297602900057 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297602900058 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297602900059 14.327 0.104 143.1 4.15 5.9 2297602900060 13.984 0.104 104.8 3.95 4.1 2297602900061 13.699 0.104 82.41 3.81 3.14 2297602900062 13.531 0.104 68.57 3.72 2.55 2297602900063 13.177 0.104 41.09 3.64 1.50 2297602900064 12.967 0.104 26.21 3.58 0.94 2297602900065 12.690 0.104 13.01 3.55 0.46 2297602900066 12.496 0.105 5.59 3.94 0.22 2297602900067 12.207 0.105 0.75 22.76 0.17 2297602900068 ENDDATA 11 0 2297602900069 ENDSUBENT 68 0 2297602999999 SUBENT 22976030 20120305 22302297603000001 BIB 9 53 2297603000002 REACTION (30-ZN-70(N,2N)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG) 2297603000003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297603000004 breakup neutron correction, 2297603000005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297603000006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297603000007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297603000008 238U(n,f) 2297603000009 ------------------ 2297603000010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297603000011 6.50 825.7 2297603000012 6.70 887.0 2297603000013 7.00 940.3 2297603000014 7.30 968.0 2297603000015 7.50 980.7 2297603000016 7.75 991.0 2297603000017 8.00 993.5 2297603000018 8.50 1000. 2297603000019 9.00 997.9 2297603000020 10.00 986.8 2297603000021 11.00 983.0 2297603000022 11.50 983.0 2297603000023 12.00 985.0 2297603000024 13.00 1013. 2297603000025 14.00 1130. 2297603000026 14.50 1155. 2297603000027 15.00 1198. 2297603000028 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-69-M,13.76HR,DG,438.6,0.9477) 2297603000029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297603000030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Zn-70 content2297603000031 is (0.62+-0.03)%, Zn-68 content is (18.75+-0.51)%, 2297603000032 fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297603000033 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297603000034 distance 59.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297603000035 CORRECTION .Corrections were made for Zn-68(N,G)Zn-69-M reaction 2297603000036 cross section. At three energies, below the threshold 2297603000037 of the (N,2N) reaction, the contribution of the (N,G) 2297603000038 reaction was measured. The resulting correction was 2297603000039 extrapolated to higher neutron energies. 2297603000040 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297603000041 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297603000042 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297603000043 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297603000044 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297603000045 Considered ucertainties: 2297603000046 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297603000047 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297603000048 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297603000049 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.02 hr) 2297603000050 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0020, absolute) 2297603000051 - Errors of isotopic content -see in SAMPLE lines. 2297603000052 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297603000053 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A29 2297603000054 STATUS (TABLE) Table A29 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.81 2297603000055 ENDBIB 53 0 2297603000056 COMMON 1 3 2297603000057 ERR-1 2297603000058 PER-CENT 2297603000059 1.63 2297603000060 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297603000061 DATA 5 14 2297603000062 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297603000063 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297603000064 14.327 0.104 600.3 6.01 36.1 2297603000065 13.984 0.104 596.9 5.62 33.5 2297603000066 13.699 0.104 550.5 5.48 30.2 2297603000067 13.531 0.104 554.3 5.44 30.1 2297603000068 13.177 0.104 535.9 5.38 28.8 2297603000069 12.967 0.104 489.4 5.48 26.8 2297603000070 12.690 0.104 474.0 5.21 24.7 2297603000071 12.496 0.105 458.2 5.30 24.3 2297603000072 12.207 0.105 442.2 5.94 26.3 2297603000073 11.909 0.105 387.5 5.50 21.3 2297603000074 11.495 0.106 317.7 6.30 20.0 2297603000075 10.929 0.108 197.4 7.32 14.5 2297603000076 10.569 0.109 121.8 10.37 12.6 2297603000077 9.979 0.113 14.2 55.18 7.8 2297603000078 ENDDATA 16 0 2297603000079 ENDSUBENT 78 0 2297603099999 SUBENT 22976031 20120305 22302297603100001 BIB 9 52 2297603100002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,2N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG) 2297603100003 ASSUMED (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) - used for normalization and 2297603100004 breakup neutron correction, 2297603100005 from ENDF/B-VI.8,9237,2001 . 2297603100006 Values of U-238 c-s are given below. For intermediate 2297603100007 energies - linear interpolation was used. 2297603100008 238U(n,f) 2297603100009 ------------------ 2297603100010 En(MeV) Sigma(mb) 2297603100011 6.50 825.7 2297603100012 6.70 887.0 2297603100013 7.00 940.3 2297603100014 7.30 968.0 2297603100015 7.50 980.7 2297603100016 7.75 991.0 2297603100017 8.00 993.5 2297603100018 8.50 1000. 2297603100019 9.00 997.9 2297603100020 10.00 986.8 2297603100021 11.00 983.0 2297603100022 11.50 983.0 2297603100023 12.00 985.0 2297603100024 13.00 1013. 2297603100025 14.00 1130. 2297603100026 14.50 1155. 2297603100027 15.00 1198. 2297603100028 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-92-M,10.15D,DG,934.4,0.9907) 2297603100029 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297603100030 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Nb-93 content2297603100031 is 100%, fission deposit mass 101.6+-0.6 microgram. 2297603100032 Placed at zero degree direction to beam axis at 2297603100033 distance 90.6 mm from the center of the D2 gas cell. 2297603100034 COVARIANCE .The fully correlated portion of the uncertainty 2297603100035 ERR-T ,which enables the generation of the complete 2297603100036 covariance matrix, is given under ERR-1 2297603100037 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297603100038 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,,,P) Total uncertainty in percent (one sigma) 2297603100039 Considered ucertainties: 2297603100040 - 238U(n,f) monitor cross section (1.5%) 2297603100041 - 238U deposit mass (0.6%) 2297603100042 - Photon detector calibaration (1.5%) 2297603100043 - Half-life in DECAY-DATA (0.02 d) 2297603100044 - Intensity value in DECAY-DATA (0.0004, absolute) 2297603100045 (ERR-1,,,F) The fully correlated portion of the 2297603100046 uncertainty marked as "common" in Table A30 2297603100047 STATUS (TABLE) Table A30 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.82 2297603100048 Preliminary data in Table 3 of C,91JUELIC,,282,1991. 2297603100049 (COREL,13513003) ANL measurement data of Table 3 of 2297603100050 C,91JUELIC,,282,1991. 2297603100051 COMMENT Of authors. "The cross section values and the 2297603100052 uncertainties were revised and supersede previous data"2297603100053 of C,91JUELIC,,282,1991. See page 44 of R,PTB-N-53,20072297603100054 ENDBIB 52 0 2297603100055 COMMON 1 3 2297603100056 ERR-1 2297603100057 PER-CENT 2297603100058 1.90 2297603100059 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297603100060 DATA 5 14 2297603100061 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297603100062 MEV MEV MB PER-CENT MB 2297603100063 13.469 0.085 449.1 3.84 17.2 2297603100064 12.925 0.087 438.3 3.65 16.0 2297603100065 12.485 0.089 425.3 3.54 15.1 2297603100066 11.964 0.092 390.8 3.37 13.2 2297603100067 11.392 0.094 336.7 3.29 11.1 2297603100068 10.911 0.096 268.7 3.21 8.6 2297603100069 10.744 0.096 243.8 3.07 7.5 2297603100070 10.563 0.096 217.7 3.09 6.7 2297603100071 10.233 0.099 159.2 3.05 4.9 2297603100072 9.859 0.103 97.9 3.03 3.0 2297603100073 9.658 0.106 65.3 3.06 2.0 2297603100074 9.502 0.106 29.26 3.31 0.97 2297603100075 9.370 0.108 13.37 3.53 0.47 2297603100076 9.135 0.110 1.18 18.17 0.21 2297603100077 ENDDATA 16 0 2297603100078 ENDSUBENT 77 0 2297603199999 SUBENT 22976032 20120305 22302297603200001 BIB 7 25 2297603200002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,P)27-CO-58-M/T,,SIG/RAT) 2297603200003 ANALYSIS .The isomeric cross section ratio was determined in 2297603200004 following as the growth and decay of the radioactivity2297603200005 via the 810.8 keV gamma line of the ground state of 2297603200006 Co-58 (See Chapter 4 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.12). 2297603200007 The procedure cancels most of the common errors as 2297603200008 sample mass, monitor cross section, gamma intensity 2297603200009 and detector calibration. The remaining errors are 2297603200010 from the subtraction of the separate GAS-OUT measure- 2297603200011 ments, from the correction of the breakup neutrons 2297603200012 and from the counting statistics. 2297603200013 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-M,9.04HR,DG) IT = 1.0 2297603200014 (27-CO-58-G,70.86D,DG,810.8,0.9945) 2297603200015 SAMPLE .Elemental sample of high-purity element in disk- 2297603200016 shaped form, diameter 10 mm, 1 mm thick. Ni-58 content2297603200017 is (68.0769+-0.0089)% placed at zero degree direction 2297603200018 to beam axis at distance 59.6 mm from the center of 2297603200019 the D2 gas cell. 2297603200020 MISC-COL (MISC) Absolute total error in physical units 2297603200021 ERR-ANALYS (HL1-ERR) Error of the half-life of Co-58-M given 2297603200022 under DECAY-DATA 2297603200023 (HL2-ERR) Error of the half-life of Co-58-G given 2297603200024 under DECAY-DATA 2297603200025 STATUS (TABLE) Table A31 of R,PTB-N-53,2007, p.83 2297603200026 (DEP,22976021) 2297603200027 ENDBIB 25 0 2297603200028 COMMON 2 3 2297603200029 HL1-ERR HL2-ERR 2297603200030 HR D 2297603200031 0.11 0.06 2297603200032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2297603200033 DATA 5 10 2297603200034 EN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T MISC 2297603200035 MEV MEV NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM 2297603200036 14.421 0.103 0.535 1.68 0.009 2297603200037 14.001 0.103 0.525 1.80 0.010 2297603200038 13.515 0.103 0.515 1.80 0.009 2297603200039 12.980 0.103 0.509 1.87 0.010 2297603200040 12.521 0.103 0.513 1.54 0.008 2297603200041 12.124 0.106 0.497 2.08 0.010 2297603200042 10.943 0.108 0.482 2.23 0.011 2297603200043 10.061 0.113 0.464 2.24 0.010 2297603200044 8.948 0.120 0.419 3.27 0.014 2297603200045 7.980 0.132 0.422 2.34 0.010 2297603200046 ENDDATA 12 0 2297603200047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 2297603299999 ENDENTRY 32 0 2297699999999