ENTRY            22989   20130523                             22362298900000001 
SUBENT        22989001   20130523                             22362298900100001 
BIB                 14         33                                 2298900100002 
TITLE      Measurement of thermal neutron cross section and       2298900100003 
            resonance integral for the 170Er(n,g)171Er reaction   2298900100004 
            by using a 55Mn monitor                               2298900100005 
AUTHOR     (H.Yucel, M.G.Budak, M.Karadag)                        2298900100006 
INSTITUTE  (2TUKTUK) Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK),      2298900100007 
            Tandogan-Ankara                                       2298900100008 
           (2TUKGZU)                                              2298900100009 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,76,034610,2007)                                2298900100010 
INC-SOURCE (AM-BE) 241Am-Be source                                2298900100011 
INC-SPECT  thermal flux=(1.5+/-0.2)E+04 neutrons/cm2/s,           2298900100012 
           epithermal flux=(1.4+/-0.1)E+03 neutrons/cm2/s,        2298900100013 
           epithermal spectrum shape factor alpha=0.083+/-0.016   2298900100014 
REL-REF    (N,,H.Yucel+,J,ANE,31,681,2004)                        2298900100015 
           Description on Am-Be neutron irradiator and            2298900100016 
            determination of epithermal spectrum shape factor     2298900100017 
SAMPLE     Cd filter: Cylinder box with 1 mm thick, 10 mm diam.,  2298900100018 
            20 mm height.                                         2298900100019 
           MnO2 and Er2O3 powders (analytical grade) filled in    2298900100020 
            polystyrene tubes with 1 mm wall thick and            2298900100021 
            6.5 mm internal diam.                                 2298900100022 
           Five samples for Cd-covered irradiation, and five      2298900100023 
            samples for bare irradiation.                         2298900100024 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Irradiated for 3 to 5 half-lives, cooling time 2298900100025 
            chosen to minimize dead time losses and eliminate the 2298900100026 
            possible contribution of 843.8 keV gamma-ray from 27Mg2298900100027 
            (9.45 min) to the 846.7 keV peak of 56Mn              2298900100028 
           (GSPEC) Counted for 15 to 45 hrs (171Er), for 2.5 to   2298900100029 
            10 hrs (56Mn)                                         2298900100030 
ANALYSIS   Westcott factor g=1 assumed for both Er and Mn         2298900100031 
DECAY-DATA (68-ER-171,7.516HR,DG,308.291,0.64)                    2298900100032 
DECAY-MON  (25-MN-56,2.5789HR,DG,846.754,0.989)                   2298900100033 
STATUS     (APRVD) Haluk Yucel (2013-05-24)                       2298900100034 
HISTORY    (20130523C) On                                         2298900100035 
ENDBIB              33          0                                 2298900100036 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2298900100037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 2298900199999 
SUBENT        22989002   20130523                             22362298900200001 
BIB                  4         19                                 2298900200002 
REACTION   (68-ER-170(N,G)68-ER-171,,SIG)                         2298900200003 
MONITOR    (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,SIG)                           2298900200004 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)  Total uncertainty (5.4% for Er, 4.2% for Mn)  2298900200005 
           (ERR-1)  Counting statistics for Er           (0.83%)  2298900200006 
           (ERR-2)  Counting statistics for Mn           (0.39%)  2298900200007 
           (ERR-3)  Detection efficiency for Er           (2.5%)  2298900200008 
           (ERR-4)  Detection efficiency for Mn           (2.8%)  2298900200009 
           (ERR-5)  Sample mass for Er                   (0.01%)  2298900200010 
           (ERR-6)  Sample mass for Mn                   (0.01%)  2298900200011 
           (ERR-7)  Half-life for Er                     (0.03%)  2298900200012 
           (ERR-8)  Half-life for Mn                    (0.004%)  2298900200013 
           (ERR-9)  Isotopic abundance for Er            (0.24%)  2298900200014 
           (ERR-10) Gamma-ray intensity for Er            (4.7%)  2298900200015 
           (ERR-11) Gamma-ray intensity for Mn            (3.0%)  2298900200016 
           (ERR-12) Thermal neutron self-shielding for Er (0.5%)  2298900200017 
           (ERR-13) Thermal neutron self-shielding for Mn (0.1%)  2298900200018 
           (ERR-14) Cadmium transmission factor for Er    (0.1%)  2298900200019 
           (MONIT-ERR) 55Mn(n,g) thermal cross section   (0.75%)  2298900200020 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table V of Phys.Rev.C76(2007)034610            2298900200021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 2298900200022 
COMMON              14          9                                 2298900200023 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      2298900200024 
ERR-7      ERR-8      ERR-9      ERR-10     ERR-11     ERR-12     2298900200025 
ERR-13     ERR-14                                                 2298900200026 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               2298900200029 
 0.83       0.39       2.5        2.8        0.01       0.01      2298900200030 
 0.03       0.004      0.24       4.7        3.0        0.5       2298900200031 
 0.1        0.1                                                   2298900200032 
ENDCOMMON            9          0                                 2298900200033 
DATA                 5          1                                 2298900200034 
EN         DATA       ERR-T      MONIT      MONIT-ERR             2298900200035 
EV         B          B          B          B                     2298900200036 
 0.0253     8.00       0.56       13.3       0.1                  2298900200037 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2298900200038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 2298900299999 
SUBENT        22989003   20130523                             22362298900300001 
BIB                  4         21                                 2298900300002 
REACTION   (68-ER-170(N,G)68-ER-171,,RI)                          2298900300003 
MONITOR    (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,RI)                            2298900300004 
ERR-ANALYS Sensitivities to uncertainty in the resonance integral 2298900300005 
            are also available in the article. The partial        2298900300006 
            uncertainty in the resonance integral for each        2298900300007 
            source of uncertainty is listed below:                2298900300008 
           (ERR-T)  Total uncertainty                       (8.8%)2298900300009 
           (ERR-1)  alpha-shape parameter                   (1.2%)2298900300010 
           (ERR-2)  Cd cut-off energy                      (0.45%)2298900300011 
           (ERR-3)  Cd ratio for Mn                         (1.8%)2298900300012 
           (ERR-4)  Cd ratio for Er                         (2.9%)2298900300013 
           (ERR-5)  Thermal self-shielding factor for Mn   (0.10%)2298900300014 
           (ERR-6)  Thermal self-shielding factor for Er   (0.50%)2298900300015 
           (ERR-7)  Epithermal self-shielding factor for Mn(0.20%)2298900300016 
           (ERR-8)  Epithermal self-shielding factor for Er(2.30%)2298900300017 
           (ERR-9)  55Mn(n,g) thermal cross section         (1.2%)2298900300018 
           (ERR-10) 170Er(n,g) thermal cross section        (6.9%)2298900300019 
           (ERR-11) Effective resonance energy for Mn      (0.44%)2298900300020 
           (ERR-12) Effective resonance energy for Er      (0.16%)2298900300021 
           (MONIT-ERR) 55Mn(n,g) resonance integral         (3.3%)2298900300022 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table V of Phys.Rev.C76(2007)034610            2298900300023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 2298900300024 
COMMON              12          6                                 2298900300025 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      2298900300026 
ERR-7      ERR-8      ERR-9      ERR-10     ERR-11     ERR-12     2298900300027 
 1.2        0.45       1.8        2.9        0.10       0.50      2298900300030 
 0.20       2.30       1.2        6.9        0.44       0.16      2298900300031 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2298900300032 
DATA                 5          1                                 2298900300033 
EN-MIN     DATA       ERR-T      MONIT      MONIT-ERR             2298900300034 
EV         B          B          B          B                     2298900300035 
 0.55       44.5       4.0        14.0       0.3                  2298900300036 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2298900300037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 2298900399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 2298999999999