ENTRY            22995   20211103                             23052299500000001 
SUBENT        22995001   20211103                             23052299500100001 
BIB                 16         81                                 2299500100002 
TITLE       The 14-C(n,gamma) cross section between 10 keV        2299500100003 
            and 1 MeV                                             2299500100004 
AUTHOR     (R.Reifarth, M.Heil, C.Forssen, U.Besserer, A.Couture, 2299500100005 
           S.Dababneh, L.Doerr, J.Goerres, R.C.Haight,F.Kaeppeler,2299500100006 
           A.Mengoni, S.O'Brien, N.Patronis, R.Plag, R.S.Rundberg,2299500100007 
           M.Wiescher, J.B.Wilhelmy)                              2299500100008 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,77,015804,2008) Main reference. New analysis,  2299500100009 
                             Final results.                       2299500100010 
           (R,INDC(GER)-0053,2021) Revised values of Karlsruhe    2299500100011 
           cross sections.                                        2299500100012 
           (C,2006CERN,,(223),200606) Re-analysis of prelim.data. 2299500100013 
                       Paper number 223.                          2299500100014 
           (J,NP/A,758,787,2005)   Preliminary results            2299500100015 
REL-REF    (I,,A.Antilla+,J,NIM,147,501,1977) Experimental details2299500100016 
                                         and C-15 decay-data      2299500100017 
           (I,,H.Beer+,J,NIM/A,337,492,1994) Experimental details 2299500100018 
           (A,,H.Beer+,J,AJ,387,258,1992) Previous activation     2299500100019 
            result for Maxwell-averaged cross section with        2299500100020 
            kT=23.3 keV. Agrees, if new sample mass is taken into 2299500100021 
            account and a similar dead-time problem like during   2299500100022 
            this experiment is assumed.                           2299500100023 
INSTITUTE  (2GERKFK) Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut fuer   2299500100024 
              Kernphysik, Germany. F.Kaeppeler, R.Plag,           2299500100025 
              S.Dababneh, M.Heil;                                 2299500100026 
              Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Tritiumlabor. L.Doerr, 2299500100027 
              U.Besserer.                                         2299500100028 
           (1USALAN) Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos,  2299500100029 
              New Mexico, USA. R.Reifarth, A.Couture, R.C.Height, 2299500100030 
              R.S.Rundberg, J.B.Wilhelmy.                         2299500100031 
           (1USALRL)  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,     2299500100032 
              Livermore, California, USA. C.Forssen, N.Patronis.  2299500100033 
           (2SWDCTH)  Fundamental Physics, Chalmers University    2299500100034 
              of Technology, Goeteborg,  Sweden.    C.Forssen.    2299500100035 
           (1USANOT)  University of Notre Dame, Physics Depart.,  2299500100036 
              Notre Dame,  Indiana, USA. S.O'Brien, J.Goerres,    2299500100037 
              M.Wiescher.                                         2299500100038 
           (2ZZZCER) CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland.        2299500100039 
              A.Mengoni.                                          2299500100040 
           (2GRCIOA)  Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Department of   2299500100041 
              Physics, The University of Ioannina, Ioannina,      2299500100042 
              Greece. N.Patronis.                                 2299500100043 
FACILITY   (VDG,2GERKFK)   3.7 MV Van de Graaff accelerator       2299500100044 
ANALYSIS    The main difference of this article data from that    2299500100045 
            of the preliminary in REFERENCE NP/A,758 is discovery 2299500100046 
            of the huge dead time effect during the experiment.   2299500100047 
METHOD     (ACTIV)  Cyclic activation technique                   2299500100048 
           (GSPEC)                                                2299500100049 
INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) A metallic Li-7 target of different Li-7 layer 2299500100050 
             thicknesses with protons of different energies above 2299500100051 
             the (P,N) reaction threshold.                        2299500100052 
INC-SPECT   Spectrum at the place of the sample is determined     2299500100053 
            by averaging of the down- and upstream gold monitor   2299500100054 
            samples.                                              2299500100055 
            Neutron fluxes between 1.E+7 - 1.E+9 1/cm**2/s .      2299500100056 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) A High-purity germanium detector with a relative2299500100057 
                  efficiency of 100%. The detector efficiency was 2299500100058 
             determined with a set of calibration sources and via 2299500100059 
             the 13-Al-27(P,G)14-Si-28  reaction.                 2299500100060 
CORRECTION  Correction for dead time of about factor of three (!) 2299500100061 
MONITOR    (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198-G,,SIG,,MXW)                  2299500100062 
           (13-AL-27(P,G)14-SI-28,,SIG)  For detector calibration 2299500100063 
SAMPLE      C-14 mass was determined with the help of its BETA-   2299500100064 
            activity and is 283 +- 3 mg. The sample was           2299500100065 
            sandwiched between two thin gold foils.               2299500100066 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)   Total error equal to quadratic sum of its    2299500100067 
                     constituents                                 2299500100068 
           (ERR-S,2.,8.)  Error of counting statistics 2.-8.%.    2299500100069 
           (ERR-1)   Error due to the gamma detector efficiency   2299500100070 
           (ERR-2,2.,10.) error of the negutron flux determination2299500100071 
            * all other uncertainties are smaller than 2%.        2299500100072 
HISTORY    (20080214C)  SM                                        2299500100073 
           (20081222A) M.M. Reference 2007CERN,223 was added.     2299500100074 
            Reference (J,AJ,387,258,1992) was moved in REL-REF    2299500100075 
            lines (previous activation result).                   2299500100076 
            ERR-ANALYS was corrected, ERR-S, ERR-2, ERR-3 were    2299500100077 
            deleted from COMMON as min/max errors.                2299500100078 
           (20101105A) SD: ERR-ANALYS corrected: min/max errors   2299500100079 
            are shown in description.                             2299500100080 
           (20170825U) SD: Syntax of 2006CERN ref. corrected.     2299500100081 
           (20211103A) SD: Corrections in all Subents.            2299500100082 
           Subent 004 added.                                      2299500100083 
ENDBIB              81          0                                 2299500100084 
COMMON               1          3                                 2299500100085 
ERR-1                                                             2299500100086 
PER-CENT                                                          2299500100087 
    5.                                                            2299500100088 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2299500100089 
ENDSUBENT           88          0                                 2299500199999 
SUBENT        22995002   20211103                             23052299500200001 
BIB                  9         13                                 2299500200002 
REACTION   (6-C-14(N,G)6-C-15,,SIG,,MXW)                          2299500200003 
INC-SOURCE  Li-7 target thickness is 30 u-m, proton energy is     2299500200004 
            1912 keV, 30 keV above Li-7(p,n) reaction threshold   2299500200005 
INC-SPECT  Spectrum can be approximated by Maxwellian with        2299500200006 
           temperature kT = 23.3 keV                              2299500200007 
DECAY-MON  (79-AU-198-G,2.694D,DG,411.8,0.9552)                   2299500200008 
MONIT-REF  (22099002,W.Ratynski+,J,PR/C,37,595,1988)              2299500200009 
ERR-ANALYS (MONIT-ERR) Uncertainty in monitor reaction            2299500200010 
COMMENT    Note that in this case the neutron energy is           2299500200011 
           given in the center-of-mass system                     2299500200012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table V of Phys.Rev.,C77(2008)015804           2299500200013 
           (SPSDD,22995004) Renormalized.                         2299500200014 
HISTORY    (20211103A) SD: MONIT/ERR added. Subent superseded.    2299500200015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2299500200016 
COMMON               3          3                                 2299500200017 
KT-NRM     MONIT      MONIT-ERR                                   2299500200018 
KEV        MB         MB                                          2299500200019 
  25.         586.       8.                                       2299500200020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2299500200021 
DATA                 4          1                                 2299500200022 
KT         DATA       ERR-T      ERR-T                            2299500200023 
KEV        MICRO-B    MICRO-B    PER-CENT                         2299500200024 
   23.3        7.1        0.5       6.7                           2299500200025 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2299500200026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 2299500299999 
SUBENT        22995003   20211103                             23052299500300001 
BIB                  9         15                                 2299500300002 
REACTION   (6-C-14(N,G)6-C-15,,SIG,,SPA)                          2299500300003 
INC-SOURCE  Li-7 target thickness is 5 mu-m, proton energies are  2299500300004 
            2001 - 2530 keV, above Li-7(p,n) reaction threshold   2299500300005 
INC-SPECT   Unsymmetric broad neutron spectrum with resolution    2299500300006 
            taken by compiler from Fig.3 of main reference.       2299500300007 
            Spectra are typical for mono-energetic experiment with2299500300008 
            wide energy uncertainty (for 150 and 500 keV).        2299500300009 
DECAY-MON  (79-AU-198-G,2.694D,DG,411.8,0.9552)                   2299500300010 
MONIT-REF  (22099002,W.Ratynski+,J,PR/C,37,595,1988)              2299500300011 
MISC-COL   (MISC)  Proton energy                                  2299500300012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS)  Systematic error                            2299500300013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table V of Phys.Rev.,C77(2008)015804           2299500300014 
           (CURVE)   Spectrum width EN-RSL-FW taken from the      2299500300015 
                    curves Fig.3, #2-#3-#4 from above             2299500300016 
HISTORY    (20211103U) SD: MONIT-REF added from Subent 001.       2299500300017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 2299500300018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2299500300019 
DATA                 7          3                                 2299500300020 
EN-MEAN    EN-RSL-FW  DATA       ERR-T      ERR-T      ERR-SYS    2299500300021 
MISC                                                              2299500300022 
KEV        KEV        MICRO-B    MICRO-B    PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2299500300023 
KEV                                                               2299500300024 
   150.       9.  E+01  10.7        1.2       11.                 2299500300025 
      2001.                                                       2299500300026 
   500.       1.3 E+02  17.0        1.5        8.8                2299500300027 
      2291.                                                       2299500300028 
   750.       1.5 E+02  15.8        1.6       10.          5.     2299500300029 
      2530.                                                       2299500300030 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 2299500300031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 2299500399999 
SUBENT        22995004   20211103                             23052299500400001 
BIB                 10         16                                 2299500400002 
REACTION  1((6-C-14(N,G)6-C-15,,SIG,,MXW)/                        2299500400003 
           (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,SPA))                   2299500400004 
          2(6-C-14(N,G)6-C-15,,SIG,,MXW)                          2299500400005 
INC-SOURCE  Li-7 target thickness is 30 mu-m, proton energy is    2299500400006 
            1912 keV, 30 keV above Li-7(p,n) reaction threshold   2299500400007 
INC-SPECT  Spectrum can be approximated by Maxwellian with        2299500400008 
           temperature kT = 23.3 keV                              2299500400009 
DECAY-MON  (79-AU-198-G,3881.0MIN,DG,411.80,0.9558)               2299500400010 
MONIT-REF  (,R.Reifarth+,J,EPJ/P,133,424,2018)                    2299500400011 
ANALYSIS   Cross section value in Subent 22995.002 is             2299500400012 
           renormalized for new gold cross section                2299500400013 
CORRECTION  Correction for revised gold standard: 622.7/586 =1.0622299500400014 
COMMENT    Note that in this case the neutron energy is           2299500400015 
           given in the center-of-mass system                     2299500400016 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table from p.256 of INDC(GER)-0053             2299500400017 
HISTORY    (20211103C) SD                                         2299500400018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 2299500400019 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2299500400020 
DATA                 6          1                                 2299500400021 
KT         DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2ERR-T     2ERR-T     22299500400022 
KEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MICRO-B    MICRO-B    PER-CENT   2299500400023 
   23.3      0.122E-04  0.008E-04  7.5        0.5       6.6       2299500400024 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2299500400025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 2299500499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 2299599999999