ENTRY            23031   20131215                             22382303100000001 
SUBENT        23031001   20131215                             22382303100100001 
BIB                 18         75                                 2303100100002 
TITLE       Neutron activation cross-sections at (14.6+-0.3) MeV  2303100100003 
AUTHOR     (H.M.Agrawal, Kailash Pandey, K.Surendra Babu,         2303100100004 
           Ashok Kumar, R.Pepelnik)                               2303100100005 
INSTITUTE  (2GERKIG)  Institute of Physics, GKSS Research Centre, 2303100100006 
             Geesthacht, Germany. R.Pepelnik, experimental site   2303100100007 
           (3INDIND)  Physics Department, G.B. Pant University,   2303100100008 
             Pantnagar 263 145, India. H.M.Agrawal, Corresponding 2303100100009 
             author. E-mail address: hma001@rediffmail.com;       2303100100010 
             K.Pandey                                             2303100100011 
           (3KORKAE)  Nuclear Data Evaluation Lab KAERI,          2303100100012 
             South Korea.  K.Surendra Babu                        2303100100013 
           (3INDTRM)   Reactor Physics Design Division, BARC,     2303100100014 
             Trombay, Mumbai, India. A.Kumar                      2303100100015 
REFERENCE  (J,ANE,35,1713,2008)                                   2303100100016 
           #doi:10.1016/j.anucene.2008.02.004                     2303100100017 
                                Main reference, data are given    2303100100018 
REL-REF    (M,,H.M.Agrawal+,J,NIM/A,366,349,1995) H.M.Agrawal,    2303100100019 
              R.Pepelnik, method of neutron energy determination  2303100100020 
           (I,,R.Pepelnik+,J,JRC,72,393,1982) J. of Radioanal.    2303100100021 
             Chem., v.72,p.393-403. R.Pepelnik et al.,            2303100100022 
              experimental details                                2303100100023 
           (I,,R.Pepelnik+,J,NIM/A,226,411,1984)  Nucl. Instrum.  2303100100024 
             Methods, v. 226,p.411. R.Pepelnik et al.,            2303100100025 
             Experimental details                                 2303100100026 
           (I,,H.-U.Fanger+,J,JRC,61,147,1981) J. of Radioanal.   2303100100027 
            Chemistry, v. 61, p. 147, 1981. Experimental details  2303100100028 
FACILITY   (ACCEL,2GERKIG)  High-intensity neutron generator      2303100100029 
            KORONA with a usable fast neutron flux of 3.x 10**12  2303100100030 
            n/cm2/s, a fast rabbit system suitable for cyclic     2303100100031 
            irradiations and measurements for short-lived         2303100100032 
            activities.                                           2303100100033 
INC-SOURCE (D-T)  A mixed D-T gas are accelerated towards an inner2303100100034 
             target cylinder (80 * 42 mm) and react with hydrogen 2303100100035 
             isotopes of the self-regenerating Sc-TD gas. Beam    2303100100036 
             current is 340 milli-A, accelerating voltage 180 MV  2303100100037 
INC-SPECT  .Narrow 14 MeV neutron beam, neutron flux              2303100100038 
            3.E+10 n/cm2/sec +- 5%. (Zr/Nb) and Ni-foil activation2303100100039 
            methods used for neutron energy determination which   2303100100040 
            is 14.6 +- 0.3 MeV                                    2303100100041 
METHOD     (ACTIV,COINC) Activation, coincidence                  2303100100042 
           (SITA)  The standard solution of known mass is filled  2303100100043 
             into the capsules of the same type are used in       2303100100044 
             actual irradiation.                                  2303100100045 
PART-DET   (G,N)                                                  2303100100046 
DETECTOR   (GELI)  Ge(Li) detector with a relative efficiency of  2303100100047 
             17% is used for gamma detection at a distance of     2303100100048 
             56.5 mm from the sample                              2303100100049 
           (LONGC) For neutron flux determination                 2303100100050 
MONITOR    (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG)                           2303100100051 
           .A homogeneously mixed STANDARD solution of radioactive2303100100052 
            sources containing 54Mn, 57Co, 88Y, 133Ba, 137Cs      2303100100053 
            isotopes,  emitting c-rays of 80.9, 122.1, 136.5,     2303100100054 
            276.4, 302.9, 356.0, 383.8, 661.6, 634.8, 898.0,      2303100100055 
            1836.0 keV, respectively.                             2303100100056 
MONIT-REF  (,G.Winkler+,J,ANE,10,601,1983)  G.Winkler,T.B.Ryves,  2303100100057 
               Annals Nucl.Energy, 10 (11), 601, 1983.            2303100100058 
SAMPLE     .Powdered as well as liquid samples are irradiated on  2303100100059 
            the axis of thin cylindrical target in polyethylene   2303100100060 
            containers (7 * 10 mm)                                2303100100061 
CORRECTION .For coincidence summing                               2303100100062 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)  Total error                                   2303100100063 
           (ERR-1,0.1,3.)  error of the peak area estimation.     2303100100064 
           (ERR-2)  Error in flux and gamma-ray efficiency        2303100100065 
                    calibration                                   2303100100066 
           (ERR-3,1.,2.)  summing correction error.               2303100100067 
           .Gamma ray intensity errors are taken into account     2303100100068 
            individually                                          2303100100069 
STATUS     (TABLE)  From Table 2 of ANE,35,1713                   2303100100070 
HISTORY    (20081017C)   SM                                       2303100100071 
           (20110206A) SD: DOI identifier was corrected. Refs.    2303100100072 
           moved to REF-REF:  Nucl.Instr.& Methods A366,349,1995; 2303100100073 
            J. of Radioanal.Chem., 72, 393,1982;                  2303100100074 
            Nucl.Instr.& Methods 226,411, 1984                    2303100100075 
           (20131215U) SD: INSTITUTE=3KORPUE -> 3KORKAE ("Pohang" 2303100100076 
           in the article is incorrect, Y.O.Lee, 2013-11-07).     2303100100077 
ENDBIB              75          0                                 2303100100078 
COMMON               3          3                                 2303100100079 
EN         EN-ERR     ERR-2                                       2303100100080 
MEV        MEV        PER-CENT                                    2303100100081 
   14.6       0.3          3.                                     2303100100082 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2303100100083 
ENDSUBENT           82          0                                 2303100199999 
SUBENT        23031002   20081017                             22032303100200001 
BIB                  4         11                                 2303100200002 
REACTION   (39-Y-89(N,A)37-RB-86-M,,SIG)                          2303100200003 
DECAY-DATA (37-RB-86-M,61.02SEC,DG,556.,0.982)                    2303100200004 
SAMPLE     .Yttrium powder 99% purity, isotopic abundance 100 %,  2303100200005 
            atomic weight 88.9059                                 2303100200006 
REL-REF    (A,41240028,A.A.Filatenkov+,R,RI-252,199905)           2303100200007 
           (A,32204003,S.V.Byegun+,J,IZV,64,(5),1017,2000)        2303100200008 
           (A,22187016,K.Kawade+,S,JAERI-M-90,171,199010)         2303100200009 
           (A,22434011,Y.Kasugai+,J,ANE,25,(18),1485,1998)        2303100200010 
           (D,22452003,R.Doczi+,J,PR/C,58,(4),2577,199810)        2303100200011 
           (D,22363005,K.Yamauchi+,S,JAERI-M-94-019,252,199311)   2303100200012 
           (D,11590037,E.T.Bramlitt+,J,PR,131,2649,196309)        2303100200013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 2303100200014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2303100200015 
DATA                 2          1                                 2303100200016 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  2303100200017 
MB         MB                                                     2303100200018 
   1.78       0.06                                                2303100200019 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2303100200020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 2303100299999 
SUBENT        23031003   20081017                             22032303100300001 
BIB                  4          9                                 2303100300002 
REACTION   (39-Y-89(N,INL)39-Y-89-M,,SIG)                         2303100300003 
DECAY-DATA (39-Y-89-M,15.28SEC,DG,909.,0.991)                     2303100300004 
SAMPLE     .Yttrium powder 99% purity, Yttrium oxide Y2-O2        2303100300005 
            99.9% purity, isotopic abundance 100 %, atomic weight 2303100300006 
            88.9059                                               2303100300007 
REL-REF    (A,30156004,E.Rurarz+,J,APP/B,2,553,1971)              2303100300008 
           (A,22452002,R.Doczi+,J,PR/C,58,(4),2577,199810)        2303100300009 
           (D,11874002,K.G.Broadhead+,J,PR,139,B1525,1965)        2303100300010 
           (D,20082003,P.Bornemisza-Paupertl+,J,OAW,176,227,1968) 2303100300011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2303100300012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2303100300013 
DATA                 2          1                                 2303100300014 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  2303100300015 
MB         MB                                                     2303100300016 
    451.      22.                                                 2303100300017 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2303100300018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 2303100399999 
SUBENT        23031004   20081017                             22032303100400001 
BIB                  5         17                                 2303100400002 
REACTION   (39-Y-89(N,2N)39-Y-88,,SIG)                            2303100400003 
DECAY-DATA (39-Y-88,106.65D,DG,898.,0.94,                         2303100400004 
                            DG,1836.,0.994)                       2303100400005 
SAMPLE     .Yttrium powder 99% purity, isotopic abundance 100 %,  2303100400006 
            atomic weight 88.9059                                 2303100400007 
REL-REF    (A,32204002,S.V.Byegun+,J,IZV,64,(5),1017,2000)        2303100400008 
           (A,41298029,A.A.Filatenkov+,R,RI-252,199905)           2303100400009 
           (A,31494004,N.I.Molla+,J,RCA,80,189,1998)              2303100400010 
           (A,31532002,R.M.Klopries+,J,RCA,76,3,1997)             2303100400011 
           (D,30614002,Huang-Jian-Zhou+,R,INDC(CPR)-16,198908)    2303100400012 
           (A,20513008,S.M.Qaim+,R,EUR-5182E,939,197409)          2303100400013 
           (A,22637004,C.Konno+,R,JAERI-129,199310)               2303100400014 
           (A,20614011,M.Bormann+,J,ZP/A,277,203,197606)          2303100400015 
           (A,12077017,L.R.Greenwood,S,ASTM-STP-956,743,1987)     2303100400016 
           (D,11504008,H.A.Tewes+,R,UCRL-6028-T,196006)           2303100400017 
MISC-COL   (MISC)  Averaged summing correction factor at 56.5 mm  2303100400018 
             sample-detector distance, (1.0195+1.0205)/2          2303100400019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 2303100400020 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2303100400021 
DATA                 3          1                                 2303100400022 
DATA       ERR-T      MISC                                        2303100400023 
MB         MB         NO-DIM                                      2303100400024 
    950.      75.          1.0200                                 2303100400025 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2303100400026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 2303100499999 
SUBENT        23031005   20081017                             22032303100500001 
BIB                  5         17                                 2303100500002 
REACTION   (57-LA-139(N,A)55-CS-136,,SIG)                         2303100500003 
DECAY-DATA (55-CS-136,13.13D,DG,340.57,0.485,                     2303100500004 
                             DG,1048.1,0.797)                     2303100500005 
SAMPLE     .Lantanium oxide 99% purity, isotopic abundance 99.91%,2303100500006 
            atomic weight 138.9055                                2303100500007 
REL-REF    (D,41293004,V.K.MAIDANYUK+,C,97OBNIN,,161,199706)      2303100500008 
           (A,22108005,R.Woelfle+,J,ARI,39,407,1988)              2303100500009 
           (A,31410003,M.Achour+,C,86HARROG,1,130,198608)         2303100500010 
           (D,30581007,E.Zupranska+,J,APP/B,11,583,198011)        2303100500011 
           (D,30127004,P.Kulisic+,J,NP,73,548,196511)             2303100500012 
           (D,21997002,S.M.Qaim+,J,RCA,35,9,1984)                 2303100500013 
           (D,21440010,R.F.Coleman+,J,PPS,73,215,1959)            2303100500014 
           (A,,M.Bormann+,J,ZP/A,277,203,1976)                    2303100500015 
           (A,,L.R.Greenwood,S,ASTM-STP-956,743,1987)             2303100500016 
           (D,,H.A.Tewes+,R,UCID-6028,1960)                       2303100500017 
MISC-COL   (MISC)  Averaged summing correction factor at 56.5 mm  2303100500018 
             sample-detector distance, (1.047+1.0397)/2           2303100500019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 2303100500020 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2303100500021 
DATA                 3          1                                 2303100500022 
DATA       ERR-T      MISC                                        2303100500023 
MB         MB         NO-DIM                                      2303100500024 
    2.57      0.12         1.0434                                 2303100500025 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2303100500026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 2303100599999 
SUBENT        23031006   20081017                             22032303100600001 
BIB                  4         15                                 2303100600002 
REACTION   (57-LA-139(N,P)56-BA-139,,SIG)                         2303100600003 
DECAY-DATA (56-BA-139,83.04MIN,DG,165.84,0.238)                   2303100600004 
SAMPLE     .Lanthanum oxide 99% purity, isotopic abundance 99.91%,2303100600005 
            atomic weight 138.9055                                2303100600006 
REL-REF    (A,22434000,Y.Kasugai+,J,ANE,25,(18),1485,1998)        2303100600007 
           (A,41293002,V.K.MAIDANYUK+,C,97OBNIN,,161,199706)      2303100600008 
           (D,31410002,M.Achour+,C,86HARROG,1,130,198608)         2303100600009 
           (D,11274087,E.B.Paul+,J,CJP,31,267,1953)               2303100600010 
           (D,21440011,R.F.Coleman+,J,PPS,73,215,1959)            2303100600011 
           (D,32205017,S.V.Begun+,J,NSTS,2,(1),425,200208)        2303100600012 
           (D,20509006,E.Havlik+,J,APA,34,209,197109)             2303100600013 
           (A,,J.Csikai+,J,ANE,18,1,1991)                         2303100600014 
           (A,12033009,R.G.Wille+,J,PR,118,242,1960)              2303100600015 
           (D,12872002,A.Bari+,J,JRC,75,189,1982)                 2303100600016 
           (A,40223004,V.N.Levkovskiy+,J,YF,8,(11),7,196807)      2303100600017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 2303100600018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2303100600019 
DATA                 2          1                                 2303100600020 
DATA       ERR-T                                                  2303100600021 
MB         MB                                                     2303100600022 
    4.43      0.22                                                2303100600023 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2303100600024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 2303100699999 
SUBENT        23031007   20081017                             22032303100700001 
BIB                  5          8                                 2303100700002 
REACTION   (47-AG-107(N,INL)47-AG-107-M,,SIG)                     2303100700003 
DECAY-DATA (47-AG-107-M,44.3SEC,DG,93.1,0.467)                    2303100700004 
SAMPLE     .Four silver foils 99% purity, isotopic abundance      2303100700005 
            51.84%, atomic weight 107.868                         2303100700006 
REL-REF    (A,30316002,W.Augustyniak+,J,NP/A,237,231,197508)      2303100700007 
           (A,21426010,I.Wagner+,J,OSA,108,185,197111)            2303100700008 
MISC-COL   (MISC)  Summing correction factor at 56.5 mm           2303100700009 
                   sample-detector distance                       2303100700010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2303100700011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2303100700012 
DATA                 3          1                                 2303100700013 
DATA       ERR-T      MISC                                        2303100700014 
MB         MB         NO-DIM                                      2303100700015 
    294.      12.          1.                                     2303100700016 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2303100700017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 2303100799999 
SUBENT        23031008   20081017                             22032303100800001 
BIB                  5          8                                 2303100800002 
REACTION   (47-AG-107(N,P)46-PD-107-M,,SIG)                       2303100800003 
DECAY-DATA (46-PD-107-M,21.3SEC,DG,214.9,0.687)                   2303100800004 
SAMPLE     .Ag2-O oxide 99.99% purity, isotopic abundance         2303100800005 
            51.84%, atomic weight 107.868                         2303100800006 
REL-REF    (A,22433024,Y.Kasugai+,J,ANE,25,(1-3),23,1998)         2303100800007 
           (D,21426009,I.Wagner+,J,OSA,108,185,197111)            2303100800008 
MISC-COL   (MISC)  Summing correction factor at 56.5 mm           2303100800009 
                   sample-detector distance                       2303100800010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2303100800011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2303100800012 
DATA                 3          1                                 2303100800013 
DATA       ERR-T      MISC                                        2303100800014 
MB         MB         NO-DIM                                      2303100800015 
    7.5       0.3          1.                                     2303100800016 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2303100800017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 2303100899999 
SUBENT        23031009   20081017                             22032303100900001 
BIB                  5          9                                 2303100900002 
REACTION   (47-AG-109(N,INL)47-AG-109-M,,SIG)                     2303100900003 
DECAY-DATA (47-AG-109-M,39.6SEC,DG,88.04,0.036)                   2303100900004 
SAMPLE     .Ag2-O oxide 99.99% purity, and four silver foils      2303100900005 
            99% purity, isotopic abundance 51.84%, atomic         2303100900006 
            weight 107.868                                        2303100900007 
REL-REF    (D,30316004,W.Augustinyak+,J,NP/A,247,231,197508)      2303100900008 
           (D,21426014,I.Wagner+,J,OSA,108,185,197111)            2303100900009 
MISC-COL   (MISC)  Summing correction factor at 56.5 mm           2303100900010 
                   sample-detector distance                       2303100900011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2303100900012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2303100900013 
DATA                 3          1                                 2303100900014 
DATA       ERR-T      MISC                                        2303100900015 
MB         MB         NO-DIM                                      2303100900016 
    292.      12.          1.                                     2303100900017 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2303100900018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 2303100999999 
SUBENT        23031010   20081017                             22032303101000001 
BIB                  5          8                                 2303101000002 
REACTION   (47-AG-109(N,P)46-PD-109-M,,SIG)                       2303101000003 
DECAY-DATA (46-PD-109-M,4.69MIN,DG,288.9,0.557)                   2303101000004 
SAMPLE     .Four silver foils 99% purity, isotopic abundance      2303101000005 
            51.84%, atomic weight 107.868                         2303101000006 
REL-REF    (D,30316006,W.Augustinyak+,J,NP/A,247,231,197508)      2303101000007 
           (D,21426013,I.Wagner+,J,OSA,108,185,197111)            2303101000008 
MISC-COL   (MISC)  Summing correction factor at 56.5 mm           2303101000009 
                   sample-detector distance                       2303101000010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2303101000011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2303101000012 
DATA                 3          1                                 2303101000013 
DATA       ERR-T      MISC                                        2303101000014 
MB         MB         NO-DIM                                      2303101000015 
    4.6       0.8          1.                                     2303101000016 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2303101000017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 2303101099999 
ENDENTRY            10          0                                 2303199999999