ENTRY 23032 20230213 23142303200000001 SUBENT 23032001 20230213 23142303200100001 BIB 18 126 2303200100002 TITLE Measurements of activation cross sections of (n,p) 2303200100003 and (n,alpha) reactions in the energy range of 2303200100004 3.5-5.9 MeV using a deuterium gas target 2303200100005 AUTHOR (M.Furuta, T.Shimizu, H.Hayashi, I.Miyazaki, 2303200100006 H.Yamamoto, M.Shibata, K.Kawade) 2303200100007 REFERENCE (J,ANE,35,1652,2008) 2303200100008 #doi:10.1016/j.anucene.2008.02.010 2303200100009 Main reference, data are given 2303200100010 (S,JAEA-C-2008-008,56,2008) 2303200100011 REL-REF (R,,R.B.Firestone,B,FIRESTONE,,,1996) Decay data taken 2303200100012 INSTITUTE (2JPNNAG) Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya 2303200100013 University, Nagoya, Japan. M.Furuta, T.Shimizu, 2303200100014 H.Hayashi, I.Miyazaki, H.Yamamoto, K.Kawade. Experi- 2303200100015 mental site. 2303200100016 Radioisotope Research Center, Nagoya University, 2303200100017 Nagoya, Japan. M.Shibata, Corresponding author. 2303200100018 E-mail address: i45329a@nucc.cc.nagoya-u.ac.jp 2303200100019 FACILITY (VDG,2JPNNAG) Van de Graaff accelerator (KN-VdG) at 2303200100020 Nagoya University, accelerating voltage is 1 -13.5 MV 2303200100021 INC-SOURCE (D-D) The gas cell is filled with D2 at 1.6E+5 Pa and 2303200100022 is separated from the vacuum of the accelerator by a 2303200100023 2.2-micrometer thick Havar foil, which acts as 2303200100024 a window. 2303200100025 INC-SPECT 80% lay in the high-energy region, 20% in low-energy 2303200100026 region. For energy determination Al/In method is used.2303200100027 METHOD (ACTIV) 2303200100028 (STTA) Samples were sandwiched between two indium 2303200100029 monitor foils 2303200100030 SAMPLE Metallic samples were of rectangular form 10*10 mm 2303200100031 and 0.1 - 0.5 mm thick. Powder samples were wrapped 2303200100032 in a cartridge paper 1 - 2 mm thick. 2303200100033 Indium monitor metal sample is 0.2 mm thick, 150 mil- 2303200100034 ligram weight, 99.9% purity, In-115 abundance 95.71% 2303200100035 DETECTOR (HPGE) Well-type high purity Ge detector for sample 2303200100036 activity measurements; 2303200100037 Closed-end-type high purity Ge detector for 2303200100038 monitor In-115-m activity measurements 2303200100039 MONITOR (49-IN-115(N,INL)49-IN-115-M,,SIG) 2303200100040 DECAY-MON (49-IN-115-M,4.486HR,DG,336.2,0.459) 2303200100041 (12-MG-27,9.458MIN,DG,843.7,0.718) 2303200100042 MONIT-REF (,,3,JENDL-D-99,,2002) 2303200100043 JENDL Dosimetry file 99: K.Kobayashi et al., 2002. 2303200100044 JAERI, p.1344. 2303200100045 Monitor cross sections : 2303200100046 ------------------------ 2303200100047 energy 27Al(n,p) 115In(n,n') 27Al(n,p)/115In(n,n') 2303200100048 MeV mb mb No-dim 2303200100049 3.00 1.44 340.40 0.0043 2303200100050 3.20 2.75 337.82 0.0081 2303200100051 3.40 4.05 335.24 0.0121 2303200100052 3.60 5.36 330.50 0.0162 2303200100053 3.80 6.65 325.03 0.0205 2303200100054 4.00 8.52 319.57 0.0267 2303200100055 4.20 12.07 314.69 0.0384 2303200100056 4.40 15.62 318.04 0.0491 2303200100057 4.60 19.17 321.99 0.0595 2303200100058 4.80 22.72 325.93 0.0697 2303200100059 5.00 27.11 329.87 0.0822 2303200100060 5.20 34.05 333.81 0.1020 2303200100061 5.40 40.99 337.76 0.1214 2303200100062 5.60 47.93 341.70 0.1403 2303200100063 5.80 54.87 345.64 0.1587 2303200100064 6.00 60.15 348.40 0.1726 2303200100065 6.20 60.47 347.35 0.1741 2303200100066 6.40 60.78 342.77 0.1773 2303200100067 6.60 61.10 337.94 0.1808 2303200100068 6.80 61.41 333.10 0.1844 2303200100069 7.00 62.51 328.27 0.1904 2303200100070 CORRECTION Corrections were made for low-energy neutrons. 2303200100071 Magnitude of these corrections are: 2303200100072 ... 2303200100073 Reaction Magnitude,% 2303200100074 min max 2303200100075 27Al(n,p)27Mg 11 71 2303200100076 28Si(n,p)28Al 28 83 2303200100077 29Si(n,p)29Al 24 52 2303200100078 41K(n,p) 41Ar 12 42 2303200100079 51V(n,p) 51Ti 23 75 2303200100080 61Ni(n,p)61Co 19 54 2303200100081 65Cu(n,p)65Ni 31 60 2303200100082 64Zn(n,p)64Cu 8 35 2303200100083 67Zn(n,p)67Cu 14 37 2303200100084 69Ga(n,p)69mZn 22 45 2303200100085 79Br(n,p)79mSe 10 33 2303200100086 92Mo(n,p)92mNb 18 50 2303200100087 69Ga(n,a)66Cu 38 74 2303200100088 93Nb(n,a)90mY 18 40 2303200100089 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total error 2303200100090 Source of error - experimental errorS 2303200100091 (ERR-S,0.5,72.) Error range of counting statistics. 2303200100092 Min error = 0.5%. The uncertainty of counting 2303200100093 statistics for most of the data is 30% or less. 2303200100094 (ERR-SYS) Systematic error called "experimental" by 2303200100095 the authors. Includes ERR-S, ERR-2 to ERR-11,ERR-13 2303200100096 (MONIT-ERR) General error of In115(n,n') monitor 2303200100097 cross sections 2303200100098 (ERR-1) Error of the Al-27(n,p)/In-115(n,n') cross 2303200100099 sections 2303200100100 (ERR-2,4.,42.) Error range for low-energy neutrons 2303200100101 (ERR-3,,11.) Max fluctuation of neutron fluence rate 2303200100102 (ERR-4) Detector efficiency error (Eg = 80-300 keV) 2303200100103 (ERR-5) Detector efficiency error (Eg > 300 keV) 2303200100104 (ERR-6,1.2,4.5) Error range for efficiency calibration 2303200100105 (ERR-7,,0.6) Max true coincidence sum error 2303200100106 (ERR-8) Sample weight error 2303200100107 (ERR-9,,0.6) Max sample thickness error 2303200100108 (ERR-10,0.02,2.5) Error range for gamma self-absorp. 2303200100109 (ERR-11) Gamma-ray peak area evaluation 0.5 2303200100110 (ERR-12,0.004,24.3) Error range gamma emission prob. 2303200100111 (ERR-13,,15.) The uncertainty of background low-energy 2303200100112 neutrons for most of the data is 15% or less. 2303200100113 (ERR-14,0.004,24.3) Error of the monitor decay 2303200100114 gamma-ray intensity 2303200100115 (ERR-15) Error due to the nuclear data. Includes 2303200100116 MONIT-ERR, ERR-12 and decay errors 2303200100117 (HL-ERR) Error of the In-115-m half life 2303200100118 STATUS (TABLE) Table 6 from JAEA-C-2008-008,56,2008 2303200100119 HISTORY (20081022C) SM 2303200100120 (20101223U) addition of ref. JAEA-C-2008-006 2303200100121 (20110310U) SD: ref. JAEA-C-2008-006 corrected on 2303200100122 JAEA-C-2008-008. 2303200100123 (20220218U) SD: Monitor: 13-AL-27(N,P)12-MG-27 deleted2303200100124 (used for neutron energy determination only). HL-ERR 2303200100125 deleted (error included in ERR-15). 2303200100126 (20230213A) SD: Correction in Subent 008. 2303200100127 ERR-14 deleted (absent in the article). 2303200100128 ENDBIB 126 0 2303200100129 COMMON 7 6 2303200100130 EN-ERR MONIT-ERR ERR-1 ERR-4 ERR-5 ERR-8 2303200100131 ERR-11 2303200100132 KEV PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303200100133 PER-CENT 2303200100134 100. 3. 4. 3. 1.5 0.12303200100135 0.5 2303200100136 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2303200100137 ENDSUBENT 136 0 2303200199999 SUBENT 23032002 20081022 22032303200200001 BIB 5 7 2303200200002 REACTION (13-AL-27(N,P)12-MG-27,,SIG) 2303200200003 DECAY-DATA (12-MG-27,9.458MIN,DG,843.7,0.718) 2303200200004 SAMPLE .Metal sample 99.2% purity, weight 54 milligram, 2303200200005 thickness 0.2 mm, abundance 100% 2303200200006 REL-REF (A,22837002,T.SHIMIZU+,J,ANE,31,975,2004) 2303200200007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-HL) Error of half-life 2303200200008 (ERR-IDD) Error of decay gamma intensity 2303200200009 ENDBIB 7 0 2303200200010 COMMON 3 3 2303200200011 ERR-15 ERR-HL ERR-IDD 2303200200012 PER-CENT MIN NO-DIM 2303200200013 3.1 0.012 0.004 2303200200014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2303200200015 DATA 4 22 2303200200016 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-SYS 2303200200017 MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303200200018 5.93 45.4 21. 21. 2303200200019 5.84 43.4 36. 36. 2303200200020 5.61 37.7 10. 9.3 2303200200021 5.48 43.8 66. 66. 2303200200022 5.25 33.6 11. 11. 2303200200023 5.15 32.3 16. 15. 2303200200024 5.10 30.7 6.8 6.1 2303200200025 5.01 24.6 13. 12. 2303200200026 4.80 22.6 6.7 6.0 2303200200027 4.70 23.2 13. 12. 2303200200028 4.56 18.5 9.1 8.6 2303200200029 4.49 15.8 8.6 8.0 2303200200030 4.38 15.3 6.2 5.4 2303200200031 4.32 14.2 6.8 6.1 2303200200032 4.14 11.0 7.7 7.1 2303200200033 4.05 9.3 11. 11. 2303200200034 3.87 7.2 7.8 7.1 2303200200035 3.82 6.9 8.9 8.3 2303200200036 3.80 6.7 7.8 7.1 2303200200037 3.66 5.8 11. 10. 2303200200038 3.57 5.2 6.3 5.5 2303200200039 3.20 1.7 13. 13. 2303200200040 ENDDATA 24 0 2303200200041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 2303200299999 SUBENT 23032003 20081022 22032303200300001 BIB 5 12 2303200300002 REACTION (14-SI-28(N,P)13-AL-28,,SIG) 2303200300003 DECAY-DATA (13-AL-28,2.2414MIN,DG,1779.0,1.0) 2303200300004 SAMPLE .Natural Si-O2 oxide, 99.99% purity, weight 55 2303200300005 milligram, thickness 0.85 mm, abundance 92.23% 2303200300006 REL-REF (A,31097003,M.BIRK+,J,NIM,21,197,1963) 2303200300007 The data in JENDL-3.3 and ENDF/B-VI agree with the 2303200300008 present results within 40%. The present values agree 2303200300009 with the previous result (Birk+, 1963) within 30% at 2303200300010 around 6 MeV. 2303200300011 (A,22674002,W.Mannhart+,J,NSTS,2,(1),218,200208)The 2303200300012 present values smoothly connect with the previous 2303200300013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-HL) Error of half-life 2303200300014 ENDBIB 12 0 2303200300015 COMMON 2 3 2303200300016 ERR-15 ERR-HL 2303200300017 PER-CENT MIN 2303200300018 3.0 0.0012 2303200300019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2303200300020 DATA 4 7 2303200300021 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-SYS 2303200300022 MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303200300023 5.93 82.4 25. 24. 2303200300024 5.61 40.7 11. 10. 2303200300025 5.26 28.8 23. 23. 2303200300026 5.01 18.1 18. 18. 2303200300027 4.81 13.9 29. 29. 2303200300028 4.42 3.40 21. 20. 2303200300029 4.23 2.18 17. 17. 2303200300030 ENDDATA 9 0 2303200300031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2303200399999 SUBENT 23032004 20081022 22032303200400001 BIB 5 10 2303200400002 REACTION (14-SI-29(N,P)13-AL-29,,SIG) 2303200400003 DECAY-DATA (13-AL-29,6.56MIN,DG,1273.3,0.906) 2303200400004 SAMPLE .Enriched Si-O2 oxide, weight 64 milligram, thickness 2303200400005 2.00 mm, Si-29 abundance 95.65%, Si-28 content 4.12%, 2303200400006 Si-30 content 0.23% 2303200400007 REL-REF (A,22674003,W.MANNHART+,J,NSTS,2,(1),218,200208) The 2303200400008 present values smoothly connect with the previous 2303200400009 result 2303200400010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-HL) Error of half-life 2303200400011 (ERR-IDD) Error of decay gamma intensity 2303200400012 ENDBIB 10 0 2303200400013 COMMON 3 3 2303200400014 ERR-15 ERR-HL ERR-IDD 2303200400015 PER-CENT MIN NO-DIM 2303200400016 3.0 0.06 0.006 2303200400017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2303200400018 DATA 4 5 2303200400019 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-SYS 2303200400020 MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303200400021 5.93 27.0 27. 26. 2303200400022 5.61 22.4 12. 12. 2303200400023 5.26 19.6 26. 26. 2303200400024 5.01 14.2 17. 17. 2303200400025 4.56 9.6 14. 14. 2303200400026 ENDDATA 7 0 2303200400027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2303200499999 SUBENT 23032005 20081022 22032303200500001 BIB 5 8 2303200500002 REACTION (19-K-41(N,P)18-AR-41,,SIG) 2303200500003 DECAY-DATA (18-AR-41,1.822HR,DG,1293.6,0.991) 2303200500004 SAMPLE .Natural K-H-CO3 salt, 99.9% purity, weight 92 2303200500005 milligram, thickness 1.50 mm, abundance 6.7302% 2303200500006 REL-REF (A,21269005,R.Bass+,P,EANDC(E)-57U,1,1965) Agree within2303200500007 experimental error. 2303200500008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-HL) Error of half-life 2303200500009 (ERR-IDD) Error of decay gamma intensity 2303200500010 ENDBIB 8 0 2303200500011 COMMON 3 3 2303200500012 ERR-15 ERR-HL ERR-IDD 2303200500013 PER-CENT HR NO-DIM 2303200500014 3.0 0.002 0.005 2303200500015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2303200500016 DATA 4 4 2303200500017 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-SYS 2303200500018 MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303200500019 5.84 14.3 24. 24. 2303200500020 5.61 16.3 8.2 7.6 2303200500021 5.15 13.6 10. 10. 2303200500022 5.01 14.1 7.9 7.4 2303200500023 ENDDATA 6 0 2303200500024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2303200599999 SUBENT 23032006 20081022 22032303200600001 BIB 5 8 2303200600002 REACTION (23-V-51(N,P)22-TI-51,,SIG) 2303200600003 DECAY-DATA (22-TI-51,5.76MIN,DG,320.1,0.931) 2303200600004 SAMPLE .Natural V2-O3 oxide, 99.99% purity, weight 80 2303200600005 milligram, thickness 1.30 mm, abundance 99.750% 2303200600006 REL-REF (A,12898003,D.L.SMITH+,J,ANE,11,623,198412) Present 2303200600007 values agree with the previous result within 30%. 2303200600008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-HL) Error of half-life 2303200600009 (ERR-IDD) Error of decay gamma intensity 2303200600010 ENDBIB 8 0 2303200600011 COMMON 3 3 2303200600012 ERR-15 ERR-HL ERR-IDD 2303200600013 PER-CENT MIN NO-DIM 2303200600014 3.0 0.01 0.004 2303200600015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2303200600016 DATA 4 9 2303200600017 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-SYS 2303200600018 MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303200600019 5.93 4.5 14. 13. 2303200600020 5.48 6.1 43. 43. 2303200600021 5.24 4.5 16. 16. 2303200600022 4.72 3.6 13. 13. 2303200600023 4.70 3.9 22. 21. 2303200600024 4.28 1.6 11. 11. 2303200600025 4.05 1.17 15. 15. 2303200600026 3.82 1.01 44. 44. 2303200600027 3.57 0.36 19. 19. 2303200600028 ENDDATA 11 0 2303200600029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2303200699999 SUBENT 23032007 20081022 22032303200700001 BIB 5 11 2303200700002 REACTION (28-NI-61(N,P)27-CO-61,,SIG) 2303200700003 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-61,1.650HR,DG,67.4,0.847) 2303200700004 SAMPLE .Enriched metallic plate, weight 23 milligram, 2303200700005 thickness 1.00 mm, Ni-61 abundance 88.84%, 2303200700006 Ni-58 content 3.45%, Ni-60 content 6.12%, 2303200700007 Ni-62 content 1.40%, Ni-64 content 0.20% 2303200700008 REL-REF (A,21958005,S.M.QAIM+,J,NSE,88,(2),143,198410) Present 2303200700009 values agree with the previous result within 30%, 2303200700010 and smoothly connect with them. 2303200700011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-HL) Error of half-life 2303200700012 (ERR-IDD) Error of decay gamma intensity 2303200700013 ENDBIB 11 0 2303200700014 COMMON 3 3 2303200700015 ERR-15 ERR-HL ERR-IDD 2303200700016 PER-CENT HR NO-DIM 2303200700017 3.0 0.005 0.004 2303200700018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2303200700019 DATA 4 9 2303200700020 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-SYS 2303200700021 MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303200700022 5.48 14.2 54. 54. 2303200700023 5.24 11.9 16. 16. 2303200700024 4.72 7.4 11. 10. 2303200700025 4.59 7.0 14. 14. 2303200700026 4.49 6.4 11. 11. 2303200700027 4.28 5.4 9.0 8.5 2303200700028 4.05 4.7 11. 10. 2303200700029 3.82 4.0 12. 12. 2303200700030 3.57 2.65 11. 11. 2303200700031 ENDDATA 11 0 2303200700032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2303200799999 SUBENT 23032008 20230213 23142303200800001 BIB 6 12 2303200800002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,P)28-NI-65,,SIG) 2303200800003 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-65,2.5172HR,DG,1481.8,0.236) 2303200800004 SAMPLE Enriched Cu-O oxide, weight 60 milligram, thickness 2303200800005 1.10 mm, Cu-65 abundance 99.61%, Cu-63 0.39%, 2303200800006 REL-REF (A,11776002,D.C.Santry+,J,CJP,44,1183,1966) Present 2303200800007 values agree well with the previous result 2303200800008 (D,22703009,Y.Uwamino+,J,NSE,111,391,1992) The previous2303200800009 result is 1.4 times as low as the present values. 2303200800010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-HL) Error of half-life 2303200800011 (ERR-IDD) Error of decay gamma intensity 2303200800012 HISTORY (20230213A) SD: EN: 0.93 MeV -> 5.93 MeV (Confirmed by 2303200800013 Michihiro Shibata, 2022-06-01). 2303200800014 ENDBIB 12 0 2303200800015 COMMON 3 3 2303200800016 ERR-15 ERR-HL ERR-IDD 2303200800017 PER-CENT HR NO-DIM 2303200800018 4.5 0.0003 0.001 2303200800019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2303200800020 DATA 4 2 2303200800021 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-SYS 2303200800022 MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303200800023 5.93 5.1 18. 17. 2303200800024 5.17 5.0 31. 30. 2303200800025 ENDDATA 4 0 2303200800026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2303200899999 SUBENT 23032009 20081022 22032303200900001 BIB 5 15 2303200900002 REACTION (30-ZN-64(N,P)29-CU-64,,SIG) 2303200900003 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-64,12.700HR,B+,511.,0.193) Positron annihila- 2303200900004 tion gamma-rays are measured. The probability in the 2303200900005 fifth field represents the intensity of the positrons2303200900006 taken from the table of radioactive isotopes 2303200900007 SAMPLE .Natural Zn metal, 99.99% purity, weight 350 milligram,2303200900008 thickness 0.5 mm, Zn-64 abundance 48.6 % 2303200900009 REL-REF (A,,H.A.HUSSAIN+,J,ARI,34,731,1983) 2303200900010 (A,30529002,C.H.KING+,J,NSF,16,(6),71,197906) 2303200900011 (A,20291003,K.NAKAI+,J,JPJ,17,1215,196208) 2303200900012 (A,30328002,J.RAPAPORT+,J,PR,114,565,195904) 2303200900013 (A,10224002,D.C.SANTRY+,J,CJP,50,2536,1972) The present2303200900014 values agree with the previous result within 30% 2303200900015 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-HL) Error of half-life 2303200900016 (ERR-IDD) Error of decay gamma intensity 2303200900017 ENDBIB 15 0 2303200900018 COMMON 3 3 2303200900019 ERR-15 ERR-HL ERR-IDD 2303200900020 PER-CENT HR NO-DIM 2303200900021 3.0 0.002 0.007 2303200900022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2303200900023 DATA 4 11 2303200900024 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-SYS 2303200900025 MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303200900026 5.48 151. 23. 22. 2303200900027 5.26 165. 5.1 4.1 2303200900028 5.16 166. 5.6 4.7 2303200900029 4.72 190. 6.6 5.9 2303200900030 4.70 160. 7.1 6.5 2303200900031 4.65 158. 7.6 7.0 2303200900032 4.59 154. 6.4 5.6 2303200900033 4.49 111. 5.2 4.3 2303200900034 4.28 156. 6.2 5.4 2303200900035 4.05 127. 5.7 4.8 2303200900036 3.57 136. 6.2 5.4 2303200900037 ENDDATA 13 0 2303200900038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2303200999999 SUBENT 23032010 20081022 22032303201000001 BIB 5 9 2303201000002 REACTION (30-ZN-67(N,P)29-CU-67,,SIG) 2303201000003 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-67,2.576D,DG,184.6,0.487) 2303201000004 SAMPLE .Enriched Zn-O oxide, weight 61 milligram, thickness 2303201000005 1.20 mm, Zn-67 abundance 94.60%, Zn-64 1.113%, 2303201000006 Zn-66 1.95%, Zn-68 2.28%, Zn-70 0.054% 2303201000007 REL-REF .The present values smoothly connect with the previous 2303201000008 result (Nesaraja+, PR/C,68, 024803, 2003). 2303201000009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-HL) Error of half-life 2303201000010 (ERR-IDD) Error of decay gamma intensity 2303201000011 ENDBIB 9 0 2303201000012 COMMON 3 3 2303201000013 ERR-15 ERR-HL ERR-IDD 2303201000014 PER-CENT D NO-DIM 2303201000015 3.1 0.005 0.003 2303201000016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2303201000017 DATA 4 3 2303201000018 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-SYS 2303201000019 MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303201000020 5.48 4.8 41. 41. 2303201000021 5.24 5.3 10. 8.9 2303201000022 4.65 4.0 11. 10. 2303201000023 ENDDATA 5 0 2303201000024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2303201099999 SUBENT 23032011 20081022 22032303201100001 BIB 5 9 2303201100002 REACTION (31-GA-69(N,P)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG) 2303201100003 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-69-M,13.76HR,DG,438.6,0.948) 2303201100004 SAMPLE .Natural Ga2-O3 oxide, 99.99% purity, weight 80 2303201100005 milligram, thickness 1.20 mm, Ga-69 abundance 60.108% 2303201100006 REL-REF (A,22823001,C.D.Nesaraja+,J,PR/C,68,024603,2003) The 2303201100007 Present values smoothly connect with the previous 2303201100008 result 2303201100009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-HL) Error of half-life 2303201100010 (ERR-IDD) Error of decay gamma intensity 2303201100011 ENDBIB 9 0 2303201100012 COMMON 3 3 2303201100013 ERR-15 ERR-HL ERR-IDD 2303201100014 PER-CENT HR NO-DIM 2303201100015 3.0 0.02 0.002 2303201100016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2303201100017 DATA 4 5 2303201100018 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-SYS 2303201100019 MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303201100020 5.48 5.7 47. 47. 2303201100021 5.24 4.2 12. 11. 2303201100022 4.72 3.19 9.4 8.9 2303201100023 4.28 2.15 8.8 8.3 2303201100024 3.57 1.21 10. 9.5 2303201100025 ENDDATA 7 0 2303201100026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2303201199999 SUBENT 23032012 20081022 22032303201200001 BIB 5 9 2303201200002 REACTION (35-BR-79(N,P)34-SE-79-M,,SIG) 2303201200003 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-79-M,3.92MIN,DG,95.7,0.0962) 2303201200004 SAMPLE .Natural K-Br, 99.9% purity, weight 82 milligram, 2303201200005 thickness 1.70 mm, Br-79 abundance 50.69% 2303201200006 REL-REF .The data in FENDL/A-2.0 agree with the present results2303201200007 within 30%. JENDL-3.3 gives total values, not meta- 2303201200008 stable ones. 2303201200009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-HL) Error of half-life 2303201200010 (ERR-IDD) Error of decay gamma intensity 2303201200011 ENDBIB 9 0 2303201200012 COMMON 3 3 2303201200013 ERR-15 ERR-HL ERR-IDD 2303201200014 PER-CENT MIN NO-DIM 2303201200015 4.5 0.01 0.0028 2303201200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2303201200017 DATA 4 3 2303201200018 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-SYS 2303201200019 MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303201200020 5.61 2.6 43. 43. 2303201200021 5.25 2.9 18. 17. 2303201200022 5.17 3.8 20. 20. 2303201200023 ENDDATA 5 0 2303201200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2303201299999 SUBENT 23032013 20081022 22032303201300001 BIB 5 14 2303201300002 REACTION (42-MO-92(N,P)41-NB-92-M,,SIG) 2303201300003 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-92-M,10.15D,DG,934.4,0.9907) 2303201300004 SAMPLE .Enriched Molybdenum metal, weight 72 milligram, 2303201300005 thickness 1.15 mm, Mo-92 abundance 97.01%, 2303201300006 Mo-94 0.86%, Mo-95 0.54%, Mo-96 0.43%, Mo-97 0.26%, 2303201300007 Mo-98 0.51%, Mo-100 0.40% 2303201300008 REL-REF (A,21990002,M.M.RAHMAN+,J,NP/A,435,43,198503) 2303201300009 (A,,W.ZHAO+,R,INDC(CPR)-047/L,1998) 2303201300010 (A,31495005,R.DOCZI+,J,NSE,129,164,199806) Present 2303201300011 values agree well with the previous results and 2303201300012 correlate with the previous result without 2303201300013 discrepancy. 2303201300014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-HL) Error of half-life 2303201300015 (ERR-IDD) Error of decay gamma intensity 2303201300016 ENDBIB 14 0 2303201300017 COMMON 3 3 2303201300018 ERR-15 ERR-HL ERR-IDD 2303201300019 PER-CENT D NO-DIM 2303201300020 3.0 0.02 0.0004 2303201300021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2303201300022 DATA 4 4 2303201300023 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-SYS 2303201300024 MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303201300025 5.84 47.4 18. 17. 2303201300026 5.26 47.4 11. 10. 2303201300027 4.59 32.2 10. 9.1 2303201300028 4.49 26.0 11. 10. 2303201300029 ENDDATA 6 0 2303201300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2303201399999 SUBENT 23032014 20081022 22032303201400001 BIB 5 8 2303201400002 REACTION (31-GA-69(N,A)29-CU-66,,SIG) 2303201400003 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-66,5.120MIN,DG,1039.2,0.074) 2303201400004 SAMPLE .Natural Ga2-O3 oxide, 99.99% purity, weight 80 2303201400005 milligram, thickness 1.20 mm, Ga-69 abundance 60.108% 2303201400006 REL-REF .The 69Ga(n,a)66Cu reaction in JENDL-3.3 and 2303201400007 FENDL/A-2.0 are underestimated. 2303201400008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-HL) Error of half-life 2303201400009 (ERR-IDD) Error of decay gamma intensity 2303201400010 ENDBIB 8 0 2303201400011 COMMON 3 3 2303201400012 ERR-15 ERR-HL ERR-IDD 2303201400013 PER-CENT MIN NO-DIM 2303201400014 25. 0.014 0.018 2303201400015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2303201400016 DATA 4 3 2303201400017 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-SYS 2303201400018 MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303201400019 5.24 5.3 39. 31. 2303201400020 5.17 4.6 36. 27. 2303201400021 5.01 2.6 30. 18. 2303201400022 ENDDATA 5 0 2303201400023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2303201499999 SUBENT 23032015 20081022 22032303201500001 BIB 5 14 2303201500002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,A)39-Y-90-M,,SIG) 2303201500003 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-90-M,3.19HR,DG,202.5,0.973) 2303201500004 SAMPLE .Natural niobium metal sample, 99.90% purity, weight 2303201500005 90 milligram, thickness 0.1 mm, Nb-93 abundance 100% 2303201500006 REL-REF (D,30977002,A.Mannan+,J,PR/C,38,630,1988) 2303201500007 (D,31495022,R.Doczi+,J,NSE,129,164,1998) Data in 2303201500008 JENDL-AF96 agree with the present results within 2303201500009 experimental error, but that those in FENDL-2.1 are 2303201500010 overestimated. The previous result (Mannan and Qaim, 2303201500011 1988) is 1.5 times as low as the present values. 2303201500012 The previous result (Doczi et al., 1998) is 1.5 2303201500013 times as high as the present values. 2303201500014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-HL) Error of half-life 2303201500015 (ERR-IDD) Error of decay gamma intensity 2303201500016 ENDBIB 14 0 2303201500017 COMMON 3 3 2303201500018 ERR-15 ERR-HL ERR-IDD 2303201500019 PER-CENT HR NO-DIM 2303201500020 3.0 0.01 0.004 2303201500021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2303201500022 DATA 4 4 2303201500023 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-SYS 2303201500024 MEV MB PER-CENT PER-CENT 2303201500025 5.24 0.24 22. 22. 2303201500026 4.70 0.12 42. 42. 2303201500027 4.59 0.14 25. 24. 2303201500028 4.49 0.17 67. 67. 2303201500029 ENDDATA 6 0 2303201500030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2303201599999 ENDENTRY 15 0 2303299999999