ENTRY 23061 20090622 22142306100000001 SUBENT 23061001 20090622 22142306100100001 BIB 15 25 2306100100002 TITLE Measurement of the Se-77, Ru-99, Ru-101 and 2306100100003 Te-123(n,alpha) cross sections with thermal neutrons. 2306100100004 AUTHOR (C.Wagemans, J.Wagemans, P.Geltenbort) 2306100100005 INSTITUTE (2FR ILL) P.Geltenbort 2306100100006 (2BLGGHT) C.Wagemans 2306100100007 (2BLGMOL) J.Wagemans 2306100100008 REFERENCE (S,AIP-1090,84,2009) 2306100100009 FACILITY (REAC,2FR ILL) High flux reactor of Inst. Laue-Langevin2306100100010 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 87 m long curved thermal neutron guide. 2306100100011 INC-SPECT Neutron flux at sample position 5.E+8 n/cm**2/sec. 2306100100012 Thermal-to-epithermal flux ratio about 1.E+6 . 2306100100013 DETECTOR (SIBAR) Calibrated surface barrier detector, energy 2306100100014 resolution 20 keV for 5.5 MeV alpha-particles. 2306100100015 METHOD (ASPEC) Alphas energy spectra were obtained. 2306100100016 MONITOR ((MONIT)92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) (n,a) cross sections were 2306100100017 measured relative to U-235 thermal neutron fission 2306100100018 cross-section adopted from ENDF/B-VII . 2306100100019 MONIT-REF (,,3,ENDF/B-VII.0,,2006) 2306100100020 SAMPLE The samples were consecutively mounted in a vacuum 2306100100021 chamber installed at the end of guide. 2306100100022 Calibrated U-235 deposit with the same geometry as 2306100100023 samples used for (n,a) measurement. 2306100100024 CORRECTION No information. 2306100100025 STATUS (APRVD) 22.10.2009, C.Wagemans. 2306100100026 HISTORY (20090622C) M.M. 2306100100027 ENDBIB 25 0 2306100100028 COMMON 2 3 2306100100029 EN MONIT 2306100100030 EV B 2306100100031 0.0253 584.25 2306100100032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2306100100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2306100199999 SUBENT 23061002 20090622 22142306100200001 BIB 7 15 2306100200002 REACTION (34-SE-77(N,A)32-GE-74,PAR,SIG,,MXW) 2306100200003 Cross section for alpha-0,alpha-1,alpha-2 transitions.2306100200004 SAMPLE Se-77 of 99.37 % isotopic enrichment in elemental 2306100200005 chemical form. Preparation method - vacuum evaporation.2306100200006 Layer thickness (76.9 +- 1.5) microg/cm**2 . 2306100200007 EN-SEC (E-LVL,32-GE-74) Final nucleus level energy. 2306100200008 LEVEL-PROP (32-GE-74,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=0.,PARITY=+1.) 2306100200009 (32-GE-74,E-LVL=0.596,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.) 2306100200010 (32-GE-74,E-LVL=1.204,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.) 2306100200011 For compound nucleus: spin-parity 0-, 1- . 2306100200012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. 2306100200013 REL-REF (D,21713006,A.Emsallem+,J,ZP/A,315,201,198309) 2306100200014 Data of REL-REF are used by authors for comparison 2306100200015 with measured data. 2306100200016 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of reference S,AIP-1090,84,2009. 2306100200017 ENDBIB 15 0 2306100200018 NOCOMMON 0 0 2306100200019 DATA 3 3 2306100200020 E-LVL DATA DATA-ERR 2306100200021 MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B 2306100200022 0. 1044. 50. 2306100200023 0.596 15. 1. 2306100200024 1.204 16. 1. 2306100200025 ENDDATA 5 0 2306100200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2306100299999 SUBENT 23061003 20090622 22142306100300001 BIB 6 11 2306100300002 REACTION (44-RU-99(N,A)42-MO-96,PAR,SIG,,MXW) 2306100300003 Cross section for alpha-0 and alpha-1 transitions. 2306100300004 SAMPLE Ru-99 of 98.11 % isotopic enrichment in elemental 2306100300005 chemical form. Preparation method - sputtering. 2306100300006 Layer thickness (70. +- 4.) microg/cm**2 . 2306100300007 EN-SEC (E-LVL,42-MO-96) Final nucleus level energy. 2306100300008 LEVEL-PROP (42-MO-96,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=0.,PARITY=+1.) 2306100300009 (42-MO-96,E-LVL=0.778,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.) 2306100300010 For compound nucleus: spin-parity 2+, 3+ . 2306100300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. 2306100300012 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of reference S,AIP-1090,84,2009. 2306100300013 ENDBIB 11 0 2306100300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2306100300015 DATA 3 2 2306100300016 E-LVL DATA DATA-ERR 2306100300017 MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B 2306100300018 0. 1.6 0.3 2306100300019 0.778 21. 2. 2306100300020 ENDDATA 4 0 2306100300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2306100399999 SUBENT 23061004 20090622 22142306100400001 BIB 6 11 2306100400002 REACTION (44-RU-101(N,A)42-MO-98,PAR,SIG,,MXW) 2306100400003 Cross section for alpha-0 and alpha-1 transitions. 2306100400004 SAMPLE Ru-101 of 97.73 % isotopic enrichment in elemental 2306100400005 chemical form. Preparation method -suspension spraying.2306100400006 Layer thickness (93. +- 3.) microg/cm**2 . 2306100400007 EN-SEC (E-LVL,42-MO-98) Final nucleus level energy. 2306100400008 LEVEL-PROP (42-MO-98,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=0.,PARITY=+1.) 2306100400009 (42-MO-98,E-LVL=0.787,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.) 2306100400010 For compound nucleus: spin-parity 2+, 3+ . 2306100400011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. 2306100400012 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of reference S,AIP-1090,84,2009. 2306100400013 ENDBIB 11 0 2306100400014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2306100400015 DATA 4 2 2306100400016 E-LVL DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX 2306100400017 MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B MICRO-B 2306100400018 0. 0.4 2306100400019 0.787 4. 1. 2306100400020 ENDDATA 4 0 2306100400021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2306100499999 SUBENT 23061005 20090622 22142306100500001 BIB 7 17 2306100500002 REACTION (52-TE-123(N,A)50-SN-120,PAR,SIG,,MXW) 2306100500003 Cross section for alpha-0 and alpha-1 transitions. 2306100500004 SAMPLE Te-123 of 89.39 % isotopic enrichment in metal 2306100500005 chemical form. Preparation method - electro-deposition.2306100500006 Layer thickness (20.9 +- 1.3) microg/cm**2 . 2306100500007 EN-SEC (E-LVL,50-SN-120) Final nucleus level energy. 2306100500008 LEVEL-PROP (50-SN-120,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=0.,PARITY=+1.) 2306100500009 (50-SN-120,E-LVL=1.171,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.) 2306100500010 For compound nucleus: spin-parity 0+, 1+ . 2306100500011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. 2306100500012 REL-REF (A,21301003,L.Aldea+,C,78BNL,526,19780918) 2306100500013 Neutron Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, ed. by 2306100500014 R.Chrien and W.Kane, Plenum Press, N.Y, 1979. 2306100500015 (D,20612003,A.Emsallem+,J,ZP/A,275,157,1975) 2306100500016 Data of two REL-REFs were used by authors for 2306100500017 comparison with measured data. 2306100500018 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of reference S,AIP-1090,84,2009. 2306100500019 ENDBIB 17 0 2306100500020 NOCOMMON 0 0 2306100500021 DATA 3 2 2306100500022 E-LVL DATA DATA-ERR 2306100500023 MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B 2306100500024 0. 62. 5. 2306100500025 1.171 20. 5. 2306100500026 ENDDATA 4 0 2306100500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2306100599999 SUBENT 23061006 20090622 22142306100600001 BIB 6 14 2306100600002 REACTION (52-TE-123(N,G+A)50-SN-120,SEQ/PAR,SIG,,MXW) 2306100600003 SAMPLE Te-123 of 89.39 % isotopic enrichment in metal 2306100600004 chemical form. Preparation method - electro-deposition.2306100600005 Layer thickness (20.9 +- 1.3) microg/cm**2 . 2306100600006 ANALYSIS Between alpha-0 and alpha-1 lines there is evidence 2306100600007 for the presence of (n,g+a) transitions.In this 2306100600008 two-step process, first a gamma-quantum is emitted by 2306100600009 compound nucleus, followed by emission of an 2306100600010 alpha-particle carrying away all the residual energy of2306100600011 intermediate compound state. 2306100600012 EN-SEC (E-MIN,A) 2306100600013 (E-MAX,A) 2306100600014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. 2306100600015 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of reference S,AIP-1090,84,2009. 2306100600016 ENDBIB 14 0 2306100600017 NOCOMMON 0 0 2306100600018 DATA 4 1 2306100600019 E-MIN E-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 2306100600020 MEV MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B 2306100600021 6.1 7.3 30. 5. 2306100600022 ENDDATA 3 0 2306100600023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2306100699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 2306199999999