ENTRY            23087   20100215                             22202308700000001 
SUBENT        23087001   20100215                             22202308700100001 
BIB                 12         29                                 2308700100002 
TITLE      .Energy degrader technique for light-charged particle  2308700100003 
            spectroscopy at LOHENGRIN                             2308700100004 
AUTHOR     (A.Oberstedt, S.Oberstedt, D.Rochman)                  2308700100005 
INSTITUTE  (2SWDSWD)  Department of Natural Sciences, Oerebro     2308700100006 
               Universitet, Oerebro, Sweden. A.Oberstedt.         2308700100007 
           (2FR ILL)  S.Oberstedt, D.Rochman. Experimental site   2308700100008 
REFERENCE  (C,2007CORSEN,,99,2007)   Main reference. Graphs       2308700100009 
                            for Li-7, Li-8                        2308700100010 
           (C,2007NICE,1,379,2007)  International Conference      2308700100011 
             on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology 2007      2308700100012 
             Graphs for Be-9. Experimental details.               2308700100013 
           #doi:10.1051/ndata:07353                               2308700100014 
REL-REF    (I,,A.Oberstedt+,J,NP/A,761,173,2005)    Detailed      2308700100015 
                               description of data treatment      2308700100016 
           (M,,,J,NIM/A,570,51,2007) Adaption of LOHENGRIN device 2308700100017 
             for light particles detection                        2308700100018 
           #doi:10.1016/j.nima.2006.10.004                        2308700100019 
FACILITY   (REAC,2FR ILL)  Laue-Langevin high-flux reactor        2308700100020 
INC-SPECT  .Supposed Maxwellian. Flux 5.4E+14 neutron/cm2/sec     2308700100021 
METHOD     (EDE,EDEG)  Energy degrader as 10 micrometer thick     2308700100022 
             nickel foil by the recoil mass separator LOHENGRIN   2308700100023 
             at Institute Laue-Langevin                           2308700100024 
           (REC,ASEP)  Recoil mass separation                     2308700100025 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SOLST,SOLST)                                    2308700100026 
SAMPLE     .235U-O2 sample of 500 microgram/cm2 thickness, size   2308700100027 
            7.0 * 0.5 cm2 coated with 0.25 micrometer Ni cover.   2308700100028 
CORRECTION .Corrected for burn-up, ionic charge, energy loss and  2308700100029 
            electric field corrections                            2308700100030 
HISTORY    (20100215C)  S.M.                                      2308700100031 
ENDBIB              29          0                                 2308700100032 
COMMON               1          3                                 2308700100033 
EN-DUMMY                                                          2308700100034 
EV                                                                2308700100035 
   2.53E-02                                                       2308700100036 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2308700100037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 2308700199999 
SUBENT        23087002   20100215                             22202308700200001 
BIB                  6         11                                 2308700200002 
REACTION  1(92-U-235(N,F)4-BE-9,TER,FY/DE,,MXW/RAW) Units 1/MEV/HR2308700200003 
          2(92-U-235(N,F)4-BE-9,TER,FY/DE,,MXW/RAW) Units 1/MEV/HR2308700200004 
          3(92-U-235(N,F)4-BE-9,TER,FY/DE,,MXW/RAW) Units 1/MEV/HR2308700200005 
METHOD     (EDE)   Without energy degrader                        2308700200006 
EN-SEC     .Secondary energy for different curves averaged to     2308700200007 
            obtain a unique value                                 2308700200008 
ANALYSIS  1.Full 9Be yield                                        2308700200009 
          2.9Be 3+ ions yield                                     2308700200010 
          3.9Be 2+ ions yield                                     2308700200011 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)  Error bars on graph                        2308700200012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.4 from 2007NICE, p.376, left half-panel    2308700200013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 2308700200014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2308700200015 
DATA                 7         12                                 2308700200016 
E          DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2DATA      32308700200017 
DATA-ERR  3                                                       2308700200018 
ARB-UNITS                                                         2308700200020 
  5.66       71.15       12.47     34.47        5.13      8.07    2308700200021 
      1.83                                                        2308700200022 
  6.65       77.75       12.47     33.74        5.13      7.34    2308700200023 
      2.57                                                        2308700200024 
  7.64       66.38       10.64     27.87        3.67      2.57    2308700200025 
      1.47                                                        2308700200026 
  8.66       66.75        9.90     24.94        2.93              2308700200027 
  9.59       94.62       16.14     30.07        4.77      2.57    2308700200029 
      1.83                                                        2308700200030 
 10.62      105.62       16.14     30.81        2.57              2308700200031 
 11.60       97.19       15.77     25.31        3.67              2308700200033 
 12.61       93.89       14.30     22.00        1.83              2308700200035 
 13.50      110.76       16.87     23.47        3.67              2308700200037 
 14.54      100.12       15.40     17.97        1.47              2308700200039 
 15.55      102.69       15.40     17.24        2.20              2308700200041 
 17.00      106.36       16.87     15.04        5.50              2308700200043 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 2308700200045 
ENDSUBENT           44          0                                 2308700299999 
SUBENT        23087003   20100215                             22202308700300001 
BIB                  6         12                                 2308700300002 
REACTION  1(92-U-235(N,F)4-BE-9,TER,FY/DE,,MXW/RAW) Units 1/MEV/HR2308700300003 
          2(92-U-235(N,F)4-BE-9,TER,FY/DE,,MXW/RAW) Units 1/MEV/HR2308700300004 
          3(92-U-235(N,F)4-BE-9,TER,FY/DE,,MXW/RAW) Units 1/MEV/HR2308700300005 
METHOD     (EDEG)  With energy degrader                           2308700300006 
EN-SEC     .Secondary energy for different curves averaged to     2308700300007 
            obtain a unique value                                 2308700300008 
ANALYSIS  1.Full 9Be yield                                        2308700300009 
          2.9Be 3+ ions yield                                     2308700300010 
          3.9Be 2+ ions yield                                     2308700300011 
ERR-ANALYS (E-ERR)     Error bars on graph                        2308700300012 
           (DATA-ERR)  Error bars on graph                        2308700300013 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.4 from 2007NICE, p.376, right half-panel   2308700300014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 2308700300015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2308700300016 
DATA                10          9                                 2308700300017 
E          E-ERR     1DATA      1DATA-ERR  1E-ERR     2DATA      22308700300018 
DATA-ERR  2E-ERR     3DATA      3DATA-ERR  3                      2308700300019 
MEV        MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  MEV        ARB-UNITS  2308700300020 
ARB-UNITS  MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                        2308700300021 
 19.47      1.4962     118.09     27.873     1.4962     61.980    2308700300022 
     19.071     1.5496     19.071     19.071                      2308700300023 
 20.64      1.6565     56.479     11.736     1.4962     27.139    2308700300024 
     7.3350     1.4962     20.905     5.1345                      2308700300025 
 21.60      1.5496     68.949     12.836     1.6031     31.174    2308700300026 
     7.3350     1.6031     21.271     1.8337                      2308700300027 
 22.87      1.6031     52.445     8.8020     1.5496     18.704    2308700300028 
     4.0342     1.6031     22.738     2.2005                      2308700300029 
 23.56      1.6565     34.108     5.5012     1.6031     11.369    2308700300030 
     2.2005                                                       2308700300031 
 23.78      1.6031     37.775     6.2347     1.6031     11.736    2308700300032 
     2.9340                                                       2308700300033 
 24.79      1.6031     31.174     5.1345     1.6565     8.4352    2308700300034 
     2.2005                                                       2308700300035 
 25.70      1.6565     21.271     3.6675     1.5496     5.1345    2308700300036 
     1.4670                                                       2308700300037 
 26.70      1.6031     26.039     3.6675     1.5496     5.1345    2308700300038 
     1.8337                                                       2308700300039 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 2308700300040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 2308700399999 
SUBENT        23087004   20100215                             22202308700400001 
BIB                  6         10                                 2308700400002 
REACTION  1(92-U-235(N,F)3-LI-7,TER,FY/DE,,MXW/RAW) Units 1/MEV/HR2308700400003 
          2(92-U-235(N,F)3-LI-7,TER,FY/DE,,MXW/RAW) Units 1/MEV/HR2308700400004 
METHOD     (EDE)   Without energy degrader                        2308700400005 
ANALYSIS  1.Full yield                                            2308700400006 
          2.7Li 3+ yield                                          2308700400007 
ERR-ANALYS (E-ERR-DIG)  Secondary energy digitizing error         2308700400008 
           (ERR-DIG)    Data digitizing error                     2308700400009 
           (DATA-ERR)   Error bars on graph                       2308700400010 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.3 Li7 from 2007CORSEN                      2308700400011 
COMMENT    .Preliminary digitizing, bad graphs                    2308700400012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2308700400013 
COMMON               2          3                                 2308700400014 
E-ERR-DIG  ERR-DIG                                                2308700400015 
MEV        ARB-UNITS                                              2308700400016 
 7.4484E-02   0.62066                                             2308700400017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2308700400018 
DATA                 5         20                                 2308700400019 
E          DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2           2308700400020 
MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS             2308700400021 
  5.371     42.837     7.7115                                     2308700400022 
  5.420                           33.201     5.1446               2308700400023 
  6.237                           45.476     3.8450               2308700400024 
  6.324     57.051     6.4335                                     2308700400025 
  7.326                           63.556     7.7115               2308700400026 
  7.367     74.484     7.0761                                     2308700400027 
  8.320     89.983     4.5056                                     2308700400028 
  8.368                           83.560     3.2131               2308700400029 
  9.232     93.910     9.0040                                     2308700400030 
  9.280                           88.130     7.7043               2308700400031 
 10.403     135.77     6.4299                                     2308700400032 
 11.273                           128.77     10.282               2308700400033 
 11.362     135.21     9.6430                                     2308700400034 
 12.358                           157.14     9.6394               2308700400035 
 12.448     161.00     17.983                                     2308700400036 
 13.314     162.99     14.138                                     2308700400037 
 13.316                           159.14     12.853               2308700400038 
 14.311                           184.28     14.138               2308700400039 
 14.492     187.51     21.196                                     2308700400040 
 15.320     171.51     23.784                                     2308700400041 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 2308700400042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 2308700499999 
SUBENT        23087005   20100225                             22202308700500001 
BIB                  6         10                                 2308700500002 
REACTION  1(92-U-235(N,F)3-LI-8,TER,FY/DE,,MXW/RAW) Units 1/MEV/HR2308700500003 
          2(92-U-235(N,F)3-LI-8,TER,FY/DE,,MXW/RAW) Units 1/MEV/HR2308700500004 
METHOD     (EDE)   Without energy degrader                        2308700500005 
ANALYSIS  1.Full yield                                            2308700500006 
          2.8Li 3+ yield                                          2308700500007 
ERR-ANALYS (E-ERR-DIG)  Secondary energy digitizing error         2308700500008 
           (ERR-DIG)    Data digitizing error                     2308700500009 
           (DATA-ERR)   Error bars on graph                       2308700500010 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.3 Li-8 from 2007CORSEN, p.99               2308700500011 
COMMENT    .Preliminary digitizing, bad graphs                    2308700500012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2308700500013 
COMMON               2          3                                 2308700500014 
E-ERR-DIG  ERR-DIG                                                2308700500015 
MEV        ARB-UNITS                                              2308700500016 
 5.8649E-02   0.26719                                             2308700500017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2308700500018 
DATA                 5         20                                 2308700500019 
E          DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2           2308700500020 
MEV        ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS             2308700500021 
  5.349     32.312     2.7653                                     2308700500022 
  5.364                             22.492     3.3691             2308700500023 
  6.363     50.802     5.5273                                     2308700500024 
  6.375                             43.130     5.2204             2308700500025 
  7.300                             32.148     3.0722             2308700500026 
  8.251                             61.990     3.3758             2308700500027 
  8.468     68.144     3.3724                                     2308700500028 
  9.385     62.380     3.3758                                     2308700500029 
  9.436                             58.701     4.9169             2308700500030 
 10.317                             75.953     3.9895             2308700500031 
 10.355     80.253     3.6860                                     2308700500032 
 11.301     84.619     3.9929                                     2308700500033 
 11.353                             80.940     4.9169             2308700500034 
 12.288     91.750     4.2964                                     2308700500035 
 12.293                             88.682     4.2998             2308700500036 
 13.296     85.993     6.7515                                     2308700500037 
 13.345                             83.848     4.9235             2308700500038 
 14.330     91.900     5.5240                                     2308700500039 
 14.340                             86.069     2.4551             2308700500040 
 15.332     89.825     8.9031                                     2308700500041 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 2308700500042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 2308700599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 2308799999999