ENTRY 23089 20120107 22312308900000001 SUBENT 23089001 20120107 22312308900100001 BIB 16 57 2308900100002 TITLE Measurement of keV-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and 2308900100003 Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra of 88Sr 2308900100004 AUTHOR (T.Katabuchi, N.Canh Hai, M.Igashira, S.Kamada, 2308900100005 M.Tajika, M.Mizumoto) 2308900100006 INSTITUTE (2JPNTIT) Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, 2308900100007 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. 2308900100008 T.Katabuchi, corresponding author, 2308900100009 REFERENCE (S,JAEA-C-2009-004,145,2009) Main reference, table for 2308900100010 cross section and graph for gamma spectrum are given 2308900100011 (J,KPS,59,(2),1844,2011) 2308900100012 #doi:10.3938/jkps.59.1844 2308900100013 .Graphs are given 2308900100014 REL-REF (M,22482001,S.Mizuno+,J,NST,36,(6),493,199906) Experi- 2308900100015 mental and analysis details 2308900100016 FACILITY (VDGT,2JPNTIT) The 3-MV PELLETRON accelerator of the 2308900100017 Research Laboratory For Nuclear Reactors at the Tokyo 2308900100018 Institute of Technology. 2308900100019 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Lithium target bombarded by 1.5 ns pulsed 2308900100020 proton beam, pulse width 1.5 ns, repetition rate 4MHz.2308900100021 For neutron energies 10-86 keV proton energy is 1.903 2308900100022 MeV (22 keV above threshold energy of P-Li7 reaction),2308900100023 average proton current 9 micro-a. 2308900100024 INC-SPECT .Broad neutron spectrum with maximum at aprx 35 keV. 2308900100025 The incident neutron energy spectrum was determined 2308900100026 from TOF spectra measured with the 6Li-glass scintil- 2308900100027 lation detector for the blank runs. 2308900100028 PART-DET (G,N) 2308900100029 DETECTOR (NAICR) Anti-Compton Na-I(TL) Spectrometer. Main 2308900100030 detector 15.2 cm diameter by 30.5 cm length, and an 2308900100031 annular NaI(TL) detector 33.0 cm outer diameter and 2308900100032 35.6 cm in length Compton-suppression detector surro- 2308900100033 unding the main detector. 2308900100034 (GLASD) Li-6 glass scintillation detector 5 mm diam. 2308900100035 and 5 mm length for neutron flux monitoring 2308900100036 METHOD (TOF) Flight base is 12 cm 2308900100037 (PHD) Pulse height discrimination 2308900100038 (SITA) Intermittent sample-monitor-blank irradiation 2308900100039 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2308900100040 MONIT-REF (11679023,R.L.Macklin+,J,PR,159,1007,1967). 2308900100041 (,P.G.Young+,3,ENDF/B-VII.0,7925,2006) 2308900100042 SAMPLE .Sr-C-O3 powder in graphite case, purity 99.90%, total 2308900100043 weight 8.392 gram, net weight 4.482 gram, diameter 2308900100044 55.0 mm, thickness (4.2 mm)/(1.437E-3 atoms/b), 2308900100045 isotopic composition: 2308900100046 (38-SR-84,ENR=0.0001) less than 0.01% 2308900100047 (38-SR-86,ENR=0.0002) 2308900100048 (38-SR-87,ENR=0.0008) 2308900100049 (38-SR-88,ENR=0.9990) 2308900100050 .Gold sample for monitor, metallic disk, chemical 2308900100051 purity 99.99%, weight 46.17 gram, thickness (1.0 mm)/ 2308900100052 (5.939E-3 atoms/barn), diameter 55.0 mm, 100% Au-197 2308900100053 CORRECTION .Correction was done for the neutron self-shielding 2308900100054 and multiple scattering in each sample by Monte-Carlo 2308900100055 simulations and for sample impurities. 2308900100056 HISTORY (20100302C) S.M. 2308900100057 (20120107A) One SUBENT 23089004 and REFERENCE code 2308900100058 KPS,59,(2),1844,2011 added. 2308900100059 ENDBIB 57 0 2308900100060 NOCOMMON 0 0 2308900100061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 2308900199999 SUBENT 23089002 20100302 22202308900200001 BIB 6 13 2308900200002 REACTION (38-SR-88(N,G)38-SR-89,,SIG,,AV) Averaged over energy 2308900200003 interval in data section 2308900200004 REL-REF (D,30369005,J.W.Boldeman+,J,NP/A,269,397,197610) 2308900200005 ANALYSIS .Neutron capture cross sections of 88Sr were obtained 2308900200006 by applying a pulse height (PH) weighting technique 2308900200007 on the net PH spectra and by determining the number 2308900200008 of the incident neutrons from well-known 197Au neutron2308900200009 capture cross sections 2308900200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors not specified, probably total error,2308900200011 in percent 2308900200012 MISC-COL (MISC1) The same error in millibarn 2308900200013 (MISC2) Average neutron energy from Table 3 2308900200014 STATUS (TABLE) Data from Table 3 of JAEA-C-2009, p.145 2308900200015 ENDBIB 13 0 2308900200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 2308900200017 DATA 6 6 2308900200018 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR MISC1 MISC2 2308900200019 KEV KEV MB PER-CENT MB KEV 2308900200020 10.0 13.6 52.7 6.9 3.6 11.6 2308900200021 13.6 19.2 2.55 25. 0.65 16.7 2308900200022 19.2 26.0 10.6 8.3 0.88 23.6 2308900200023 26.0 33.9 9.4 6.7 0.63 29.7 2308900200024 33.9 44.5 4.37 8.9 0.38 38.9 2308900200025 44.5 86.8 4.83 5.6 0.27 62.7 2308900200026 ENDDATA 8 0 2308900200027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2308900299999 SUBENT 23089003 20100302 22202308900300001 BIB 2 4 2308900300002 REACTION (38-SR-88(N,G)38-SR-89,,MLT/DE,,AV) Averaged over 2308900300003 energy interval 10.0 - 86.8 keV 2308900300004 STATUS (UNOBT) Fig.3 of JAEA-C-2009. Request for data 2308900300005 sent 2010-02-03 2308900300006 ENDBIB 4 0 2308900300007 COMMON 2 3 2308900300008 EN-MIN EN-MAX 2308900300009 KEV KEV 2308900300010 10. 86.8 2308900300011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2308900300012 NODATA 0 0 2308900300013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 2308900399999 SUBENT 23089004 20120107 22312308900400001 BIB 5 7 2308900400002 REACTION (38-SR-88(N,G)38-SR-89,,SIG,,AV) Averaged over 2308900400003 energy interval 2308900400004 MISC-COL (MISC) Average energy of the energy interval, keV 2308900400005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error bar on the curve, not specified 2308900400006 STATUS (CURVE) Last point from Fig.5 of KPS,59,(2),1876,2011 2308900400007 (PRELM) 2308900400008 HISTORY (20120107C) S.M. 2308900400009 ENDBIB 7 0 2308900400010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2308900400011 DATA 5 1 2308900400012 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR MISC 2308900400013 KEV KEV MB MB KEV 2308900400014 434.1 591.3 1.41 0.3 506.6 2308900400015 ENDDATA 3 0 2308900400016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 2308900499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2308999999999