ENTRY 23092 20230320 23162309200000001 SUBENT 23092001 20230320 23162309200100001 BIB 13 52 2309200100002 TITLE Thermal neutron capture cross-section of Ge-76 2309200100003 AUTHOR (G.Meierhofer,P.Kudejova,L.Canella,P.Grabmayr,J.Jochum,2309200100004 J.Jolie, N.Warr) 2309200100005 INSTITUTE (2GERTUE) G.Meierhofer, P.Grabmayr, J.Jochum 2309200100006 (2GERMUN) L.Canella, P.Kudejova 2309200100007 (2GERKLN) J.Jolie, P.Kudejova, N.Warr 2309200100008 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,40,61,2009) 2309200100009 #doi:10.1140/epja/i2008-10741-0 2309200100010 Ge-76 capture cross sections. 2309200100011 (J,EPJ/A,48,20,2012) 2309200100012 #doi:10.1140/epja/i2012-12020-y 2309200100013 Ge-77 gamma-spectrum after Ge-76 neutron capture. 2309200100014 Re-measurement with the same facility and same samples.2309200100015 (J,EPJ/CS,2,05002,2010) 2309200100016 #doi:10.1051/epjconf/20100205002 2309200100017 Preliminary scheme for 77Ge decay. 2309200100018 FACILITY (REAC,2GERMUN) PGAA facility at the Research reactor 2309200100019 FRM II in Munich. 2309200100020 REL-REF (I,,P.Kudejova+,J,JRN,278,691,2008) 2309200100021 Details of PGAA facility. 2309200100022 (R,,A.R.Farhan+,J,NDS,81,417,1997) 2309200100023 Decay data for Ge. 2309200100024 (R,,Z.Chunmei,J,NDS,95,59,2002) 2309200100025 Decay data for Au-198 2309200100026 (O,23107001,G.Meierhofer+,J,PR/C,81,027603,2010) 2309200100027 Data for Ge-74 2309200100028 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 2309200100029 DETECTOR (HPGE) Two Compton-suppressed HPGe detectors. 2309200100030 Efficiency of 60% and 36%. 2309200100031 Both are shielded against neutrons and other background2309200100032 radiation by combinations of Pb, Li-6, Cd-113. 2309200100033 METHOD (ACTIV) 2309200100034 ADD-RES (DECAY) Ge-77 beta decay data (E-gamma, relative and 2309200100035 absolute intensities) in Table A.3 of EPJ/A,48,20,2012,2309200100036 compiled in data base XUNDL. 2309200100037 STATUS (DEP,23062001) Ge-76 previous prelim. results. 2309200100038 COMMENT This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry 2309200100039 BMBF (05CD5VT1). 2309200100040 This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry 2309200100041 BMBF (05A08VT1). A travel grant by the Ancient Charm 2309200100042 EU-NEST was provided for NW. 2309200100043 HISTORY (20090819C) M.M. 2309200100044 (20111105U) M.M. Misprint in year of REL-REF 2309200100045 Z.Chunmei,J,NDS,95,59 was corrected 2003 -> 2002. 2309200100046 Misprint was originated from reference list in the 2309200100047 article J,EPJ/A,40,61,2009 . 2309200100048 (20120712A) M.M. Two references were added - 2309200100049 J,EPJ/A,48,20,2012, J,EPJ/CS,2,05002,2010 . 2309200100050 BIB information was added. 2309200100051 Subents 005-009 were added. 2309200100052 (20230212U) SD: Correction in Subent 004. 2309200100053 (20230320A) SD: Correction in Subents 006-009. 2309200100054 ENDBIB 52 0 2309200100055 NOCOMMON 0 0 2309200100056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 2309200199999 SUBENT 23092002 20120712 22332309200200001 BIB 13 59 2309200200002 REACTION (32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77-M,,SIG) 2309200200003 REL-REF (A,,W.S.Lyon+,J,PR,107,1056,1957) 2309200200004 (A,11823004,E.der Mateosian+,J,PR,108,766,1957) 2309200200005 (A,21342005,H.Weigmann,J,ZP,167,549,1962) 2309200200006 (A,22521007,W.Mannhart+,J,ZP,210,13,1968) 2309200200007 Data agree within the errors. 2309200200008 SAMPLE A: 468.7 mg mass, activation times 60,120,180 s, 2309200200009 waiting time 4, 9, 14,19 s, measurement time 175 s. 2309200200010 The pill-shaped samples of isotopically enriched GeO2 2309200200011 (87.1+-1.2)% of Ge-76. 12 mm diameter, about 2 mm 2309200200012 thickness. Two samples (A and B) were used. 2309200200013 To monitor the neutron flux at the target position a 2309200200014 gold foil (mass 28.7 +- 0.6 mg) of the same diameter 2309200200015 was placed behind the pill. 2309200200016 INC-SPECT Cold neutron beam of mean energy 1.8 meV , flux 2309200200017 7.3E+9 n/(cm**2*sec) at spot size of 1.4cm x 3.8 cm 2309200200018 at target position. Stopped by BC4 plate at one meter 2309200200019 behind the target chamber. 2309200200020 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2309200200021 MONIT-REF (V1002484,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,2006) 2309200200022 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198,2.69517D,DG,411.8,0.9558) 2309200200023 Half-life error 0.0002 d, intensity error 0.0012. 2309200200024 DECAY-DATA (32-GE-77-M,52.9SEC,DG,159.7,0.103,DG,215.5,0.216) 2309200200025 Half-life error 0.6 s, intensity errors 0.011 and 2309200200026 0.033, respectively. 2309200200027 ANALYSIS Two transitions (159.7 IT and 215.5 keV after beta- 2309200200028 decay in As-77) were used to define c-s average for 2309200200029 7 runs. 2309200200030 Using 1/v law for cold and thermal neutrons,the thermal2309200200031 capture cross-section for germanium at v=2200 m/s was 2309200200032 obtained by thermal cross-section of gold. 2309200200033 CORRECTION For self-absorption - correction factors 0.999 for Ge 2309200200034 target, 0.978 for gold foil. 2309200200035 Contribution from the target inhomogeneity was 2309200200036 estimated from the mass inhomogeneity folded by 2309200200037 the beam distribution. 2309200200038 For gamma-ray attenuation - 0.936 and 0.953 values for2309200200039 159.7 keV and 215.5 keV, respectively. 2309200200040 COMMENT Of authors. Total uncertainty can be reduced from 16 mb2309200200041 to 11 mb under assumption, that emission probabilities 2309200200042 of Ge-77m are independent of each other. 2309200200043 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty, mainly due to 2309200200044 (ERR-4,10.7,15.3) Emission probabilities uncertainties 2309200200045 10.7%-15.3%. 2309200200046 (ERR-5,1.8,3.4) Uncertainty of peak area - 1.8% - 3.4%.2309200200047 (ERR-6,2.4,3.2) Uncertainty of detector efficiency - 2309200200048 2.4%-3.2%. 2309200200049 (ERR-7,0.7,1.0) Uncertainty of correction for decay 2309200200050 during activation - 0.7% - 1.0% . 2309200200051 (ERR-8,1.3,1.4) Uncertainty of correction for decay 2309200200052 during waiting and measurement - 1.3% - 1.4% . 2309200200053 (ERR-1) Uncertainty of target inhomogeneity. 2309200200054 (ERR-9,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of gamma-ray 2309200200055 attenuation -0.1% . 2309200200056 (ERR-10,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of neutron 2309200200057 self-shielding - 0.1% . 2309200200058 (ERR-2) Uncertainty of number of Ge-76 nuclei. 2309200200059 (ERR-3) Uncertainty of gold reference. 2309200200060 STATUS (TABLE) Tables 3,6 of reference J,EPJ/A,40,61. 2309200200061 ENDBIB 59 0 2309200200062 COMMON 6 3 2309200200063 EN MONIT MONIT-ERR ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 2309200200064 EV B B PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2309200200065 0.0253 98.65 0.09 2. 1.4 2.8 2309200200066 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2309200200067 DATA 2 1 2309200200068 DATA ERR-T 2309200200069 MB MB 2309200200070 115. 16. 2309200200071 ENDDATA 3 0 2309200200072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 2309200299999 SUBENT 23092003 20120712 22332309200300001 BIB 14 74 2309200300002 REACTION (32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77-G,M+,SIG) 2309200300003 Contribution of short-lived isomeric state is not 2309200300004 subtracted ( beta-decay ). 2309200300005 REL-REF (A,11447038,L.Seren+,J,PR,72,888,1947) 2309200300006 (A,11823005,E.der Mateosian+,J,PR,108,766,1957) 2309200300007 Data agree within the errors. 2309200300008 (D,11507038,H.Pomerance,J,PR,88,412,1952) 2309200300009 (D,,W.S.Lyon+,J,PR,107,1056,1957) 2309200300010 SAMPLE Two samples - 2309200300011 A: 468.7 mg mass, activation time 1200 s, waiting time 2309200300012 480 s, measurement time 55200 s; 2309200300013 B: 503.9 mg mass, activation time 1800 s, waiting time 2309200300014 720 s, measurement time 55076 s. 2309200300015 To monitor the neutron flux at the target position a 2309200300016 gold foil (mass 28.7 +- 0.6 mg) of the same diameter 2309200300017 was placed behind the pill. 2309200300018 The pill-shaped samples of isotopically enriched GeO2 2309200300019 (87.1+-1.2)% of Ge-76. 12 mm diameter, about 2 mm 2309200300020 thickness. Two samples (A and B) were used. 2309200300021 To monitor the neutron flux at the target position a 2309200300022 gold foil (mass 28.7 +- 0.6 mg) of the same diameter 2309200300023 was placed behind the pill. 2309200300024 INC-SPECT Cold neutron beam of mean energy 1.8 meV , flux 2309200300025 7.3E+9 n/(cm**2*sec) at spot size of 1.4cm x 3.8 cm 2309200300026 at target position. Stopped by BC4 plate at one meter 2309200300027 behind the target chamber. 2309200300028 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2309200300029 MONIT-REF (V1002484,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,2006) 2309200300030 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198,2.69517D,DG,411.8,0.9558) 2309200300031 Half-life error 0.0002 d, intensity error 0.0012. 2309200300032 DECAY-DATA (32-GE-77-G,11.30HR,DG,367.4,0.140,DG,558.0,0.161) 2309200300033 Half-life error 0.01 hr, intensity errors 0.003 and 2309200300034 0.004, respectively. 2309200300035 ANALYSIS Thermal neutron cross-section to the ground state was 2309200300036 based on two transitions 367.4 kev and 558.0 keV. 2309200300037 C-S is fed by IT from shorter-lived isomeric state. 2309200300038 Using 1/v law for cold and thermal neutrons,the thermal2309200300039 capture cross-section for germanium at v=2200 m/s was 2309200300040 obtained by thermal cross-section of gold. 2309200300041 CORRECTION For self-absorption - correction factors 0.999 for Ge 2309200300042 target, 0.978 for gold foil. 2309200300043 Contribution from the target inhomogeneity was 2309200300044 estimated from the mass inhomogeneity folded by 2309200300045 the beam distribution. 2309200300046 COMMENT Of authors. Using the transitions with lower 2309200300047 gamma-energies at 211.0 keV and 215.5 keV to derive 2309200300048 cross-section leads to lower values 57.9+-3.3 mb and 2309200300049 58.5+-3.3 mb, respectively. While 714.4 keV transition2309200300050 yields to 69.4+-3.8 mb and 1193.3 keV transition 2309200300051 yields to 66.7+-4.3 mb in agreement with results, 2309200300052 obtained by 367.4 and 558.0 keV transitions, 2309200300053 one has to conclude, that emission probabilities 2309200300054 given for two low-lying energies in REL-REF of 2309200300055 Farhan+ are too high. 2309200300056 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty. 2309200300057 (ERR-4,2.1,2.5) Emission probabilities uncertainties 2309200300058 2.1%-2.5%. 2309200300059 (ERR-5,0.7,1.7) Uncertainty of peak area - 0.7% - 1.7%.2309200300060 (ERR-6,1.8,2.1) Uncertainty of detector efficiency - 2309200300061 1.8%-2.1%. 2309200300062 (ERR-7,,0.2) Uncertainty of correction for decay during2309200300063 activation, maximal - 0.2%. 2309200300064 (ERR-8,,0.2) Uncertainty of correction for decay during2309200300065 waiting and measurement, maximal - 0.2% . 2309200300066 (ERR-1) Uncertainty of target inhomogeneity. 2309200300067 (ERR-9,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of gamma-ray 2309200300068 attenuation -0.1% . 2309200300069 (ERR-10,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of neutron 2309200300070 self-shielding - 0.1% . 2309200300071 (ERR-2) Uncertainty of number of Ge-76 nuclei. 2309200300072 (ERR-3) Uncertainty of gold reference. 2309200300073 STATUS (TABLE) Tables 5, 6 of reference J,EPJ/A,40,61. 2309200300074 HISTORY (20120712A) REACTION was corrected 2309200300075 32-GE-77-G,,SIG -> 32-GE-77-G,M+,SIG 2309200300076 ENDBIB 74 0 2309200300077 COMMON 6 3 2309200300078 EN MONIT MONIT-ERR ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 2309200300079 EV B B PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2309200300080 0.0253 98.65 0.09 2. 1.4 2.8 2309200300081 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2309200300082 DATA 2 1 2309200300083 DATA ERR-T 2309200300084 MB MB 2309200300085 68.8 3.4 2309200300086 ENDDATA 3 0 2309200300087 ENDSUBENT 86 0 2309200399999 SUBENT 23092004 20230212 23142309200400001 BIB 12 43 2309200400002 REACTION (32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77-G,,SIG) 2309200400003 REL-REF (A,,W.S.Lyon+,J,PR,107,1056,1957) Data disagree. 2309200400004 SAMPLE Two samples - 2309200400005 A: 468.7 mg mass, activation time 1200 s, waiting time 2309200400006 480 s, measurement time 55200 s; 2309200400007 B: 503.9 mg mass, activation time 1800 s, waiting time 2309200400008 720 s, measurement time 55076 s. 2309200400009 To monitor the neutron flux at the target position a 2309200400010 gold foil (mass 28.7 +- 0.6 mg) of the same diameter 2309200400011 was placed behind the pill. 2309200400012 The pill-shaped samples of isotopically enriched GeO2 2309200400013 (87.1+-1.2)% of Ge-76. 12 mm diameter, about 2 mm 2309200400014 thickness. Two samples (A and B) were used. 2309200400015 To monitor the neutron flux at the target position a 2309200400016 gold foil (mass 28.7 +- 0.6 mg) of the same diameter 2309200400017 was placed behind the pill. 2309200400018 INC-SPECT Cold neutron beam of mean energy 1.8 meV , flux 2309200400019 7.3E+9 n/(cm**2*sec) at spot size of 1.4cm x 3.8 cm 2309200400020 at target position. Stopped by BC4 plate at one meter 2309200400021 behind the target chamber. 2309200400022 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2309200400023 MONIT-REF (V1002484,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,,2006) 2309200400024 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198-G,2.69517D,DG,411.8,0.9558) 2309200400025 Half-life error 0.0002 d, intensity error 0.0012. 2309200400026 DECAY-DATA (32-GE-77-G,11.30HR,DG,367.4,0.140,DG,558.0,0.161) 2309200400027 Half-life error 0.01 hr, intensity errors 0.003 and 2309200400028 0.004, respectively. 2309200400029 ANALYSIS Contribution of IT of shorter-lived isomeric state was 2309200400030 approximated as 0.19*sigma-M (sigma-M = data of Subent 2309200400031 002), was subtracted from sigma-G (=data of Subent 003)2309200400032 to derive direct cross-section to ground state. 2309200400033 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty. 2309200400034 (ERR-4) Uncertainty of branching of IT. 2309200400035 To calculate total uncertainty the uncertainties of 2309200400036 used cross-sections (sigma-G and sigma-M) were 2309200400037 supposed to be independent. 2309200400038 STATUS (TABLE) Tables 5, 6 of reference J,EPJ/A,40,61. 2309200400039 (DEP,23092003) 2309200400040 (DEP,23092002) 2309200400041 (SPSDD,23092009) 2309200400042 HISTORY (20120712A) REACTION was corrected 2309200400043 32-GE-77,PAR,SIG -> 32-GE-77-G,,SIG 2309200400044 (20230212U) SD: STATUS updated. 2309200400045 ENDBIB 43 0 2309200400046 COMMON 4 3 2309200400047 EN MONIT MONIT-ERR ERR-4 2309200400048 EV B B PER-CENT 2309200400049 0.0253 98.65 0.09 10.5 2309200400050 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2309200400051 DATA 2 1 2309200400052 DATA ERR-T 2309200400053 MB MB 2309200400054 46.9 4.7 2309200400055 ENDDATA 3 0 2309200400056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 2309200499999 SUBENT 23092005 20120712 22332309200500001 BIB 13 87 2309200500002 REACTION ((32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77,PR,SPC)// 2309200500003 (32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77,PR,SPC)) 2309200500004 The relative intensities in 77Ge were normalized to the2309200500005 strongest transition of 5911.33 keV taken as 100. 2309200500006 Multiplied by 0.01 to obtain NO-DIM data units - 2309200500007 by compiler. 2309200500008 EN-SEC (E-NM,G) Prompt gamma rays energy in nominator. 2309200500009 (E-DN,G) Prompt gamma ray energy in denominator. 2309200500010 SAMPLE Isotopically enriched GeO2 target of mass 580.1 mg. 2309200500011 Second sample of 435.7mg of GeO2 powder depleted in 2309200500012 76Ge - to identify peaks resulting from neutron capture2309200500013 by 74Ge. 2309200500014 Isotopic abundances of the samples in percent: 2309200500015 Enriched: sum of 70Ge, 72Ge, 73Ge - 0.3, 74Ge - 12.7, 2309200500016 76Ge - 87.0. 2309200500017 Depleted: 70Ge - 22.03, 72Ge - 29.57, 73Ge - 8.42, 2309200500018 74Ge - 39.02, 76Ge - 0.58. 2309200500019 GeO2 powder was sealed in a FEP (Fluorinated 2309200500020 Ethylene-Propylene) bag. An empty target consisting 2309200500021 only of the FEP bag (70mg) was irradiated for 2309200500022 background determination. 2309200500023 All targets were exposed for about 15 h, 2309200500024 for the depleted target a lower neutron flux than for 2309200500025 the others. 2309200500026 After the activation, a waiting time of 20 min (5 min) 2309200500027 for the enriched (depleted) target. The decay spectra 2309200500028 of the enriched (depleted) targets were recorded with 2309200500029 the same standard data acquisition (DAQ) equipment for 2309200500030 about 33 h (4 h). 2309200500031 Isotopically enriched target (304.1mg) taken from the 2309200500032 same batch was irradiated by a thermal equivalent 2309200500033 neutron flux 1.48*10**9 n/(cm2 s) for 8.26 d - in 2309200500034 coincidence measurement. 2309200500035 INC-SPECT Maximum thermal equivalent neutron flux at the target 2309200500036 position 2.9E+9 n/(cm**2*sec) with mean neutron energy 2309200500037 1.83 meV. 2309200500038 METHOD (COINC) To establish the decay scheme, gamma-gamma 2309200500039 coincidences were measured using both Ge detectors in 2309200500040 coincidence mode. 2309200500041 ANALYSIS Energy calibration, corrected for nonlinearity was 2309200500042 achieved using the numerous background peaks of 19F in 2309200500043 the spectrum of the empty target. The detection 2309200500044 efficiency calibration was performed by utilizing the 2309200500045 decay radiation of 60Co, 133Ba, 152Eu sources placed at2309200500046 the target position and prompt gamma rays produced by 2309200500047 neutron irradiation of N, Cl and Cr. 2309200500048 Transitions in the germanium isotopes were identified 2309200500049 by comparing the spectra of the enriched, the depleted 2309200500050 and the empty targets taken in the singles mode. 2309200500051 If a peak in the depleted spectrum was identified to 2309200500052 be due to neutron capture on 73Ge or on 74Ge, the 2309200500053 corresponding contribution in the enriched spectrum can2309200500054 be subtracted from overlapping peaks in the enriched 2309200500055 spectrum. 2309200500056 The relative intensities in 77Ge were normalized to the2309200500057 strongest transition of 5911.33 keV. 2309200500058 Unless otherwise noted in table A.1, a transition was 2309200500059 placed in the level scheme only if the complete path 2309200500060 from the capture state to the ground state or to the 2309200500061 isomeric state could be reconstructed with 90% CL. 2309200500062 If a coincidence for a transition was observed, that is2309200500063 not part of an established decay path, the energy of 2309200500064 the coincident photon is shown in the misc column. 2309200500065 MISC-COL (MISC) Coincident transition 2309200500066 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. 2309200500067 Uncertainty of the measured gamma-ray energy contains a2309200500068 systematic contribution of 0.10 keV for the energy 2309200500069 calibration added quadratically to the statistical one 2309200500070 which came from the fit after background correction. 2309200500071 COMMENT Of authors. 2309200500072 -The intensities of the delayed gamma rays were 2309200500073 remeasured using the same facility and the same samples2309200500074 as for the experiments with prompt radiation for a 2309200500075 detailed reanalysis. 2309200500076 - 83.5 keV gamma energy is from REL-REF of B.P.Kay+ . 2309200500077 FLAG (1.) Placement in level scheme according to REL-REF of 2309200500078 B.P.Kay+. 2309200500079 (2.) Placement in level scheme according to REL-REF of 2309200500080 Farhan+. 2309200500081 (3.) Identification based on REL-REF of B.P.Kay+. 2309200500082 (4.) Identification based on REL-REF of Farhan+. 2309200500083 (5.) Placement in level scheme suggested by energy. 2309200500084 (6.) Sequence of transitions unclear. 2309200500085 REL-REF (R,,B.P.Kay+,J,PR/C,80,017301,2009) 2309200500086 (R,,A.R.Farhan+,J,NDS,81,417,1997). 2309200500087 STATUS (TABLE) Table A.1 of J,EPJ/A,48,20,2012 . 2309200500088 HISTORY (20120712C) M.M. 2309200500089 ENDBIB 87 0 2309200500090 COMMON 2 3 2309200500091 EN-MEAN E-DN 2309200500092 MILLI-EV KEV 2309200500093 1.8 5911.33 2309200500094 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2309200500095 DATA 12 119 2309200500096 E-NM E-NM-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL-INI LVL-FIN 2309200500097 FLAG FLAG FLAG FLAG MISC MISC 2309200500098 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM KEV KEV 2309200500099 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM KEV KEV 2309200500100 83.5 6.12E-2 0.23 E-2 505. 421. 2309200500101 1. 2. 2309200500102 126.85 .13 0.25E-2 0.12 E-2 619. 492. 2309200500103 1. 2309200500104 159.62 .10 28.9E-2 1.1 E-2 160. 0. 2309200500105 2309200500106 197.17 .33 1.25E-2 0.07 E-2 619. 421. 2309200500107 1. 421. 2309200500108 224.88 .10 1.94E-2 0.09 E-2 225. 0. 2309200500109 2309200500110 255.78 .42 0.36E-2 0.10 E-2 760. 505. 2309200500111 1. 2. 3. 4. 2309200500112 279.74 .11 0.82E-2 0.10 E-2 505. 225. 2309200500113 2309200500114 291.80 .16 0.19E-2 0.09 E-2 911. 619. 2309200500115 1. 2309200500116 332.32 .11 0.76E-2 0.13 E-2 492. 160. 2309200500117 1. 2309200500118 392.04 .10 7.79E-2 0.29 E-2 1021. 630. 2309200500119 2309200500120 402.59 .10 4.05E-2 0.15 E-2 1021. 619. 2309200500121 2309200500122 418.61 .26 0.84E-2 0.08 E-2 911. 492. 2309200500123 1. 3. 2309200500124 421.34 .10 60.9E-2 2.1 E-2 421. 0. 2309200500125 2309200500126 423.00 .11 2.8 E-2 0.4 E-2 1053. 630. 2309200500127 2. 470. 1316. 2309200500128 429.10 .14 0.65E-2 0.04 E-2 1048. 619. 2309200500129 5. 831. 4192. 2309200500130 449.72 .11 1.09E-2 0.05 E-2 2309200500131 2309200500132 459.15 .10 13.2E-2 0.6 E-2 619. 160. 2309200500133 2309200500134 469.99 .10 34.3E-2 1.2 E-2 630. 160. 2309200500135 755. 2684. 2309200500136 487.24 .11 0.43E-2 0.20 E-2 1535. 1048. 2309200500137 2309200500138 491.98 .24 7.6 E-2 1.9 E-2 492. 0. 2309200500139 2309200500140 504.79 .10 16.7E-2 0.6 E-2 505. 0. 2309200500141 2309200500142 535.48 .11 0.85E-2 0.05 E-2 760. 225. 2309200500143 1. 2. 225. 625. 2309200500144 600.33 .11 1.00E-2 0.05 E-2 2309200500145 2309200500146 618.86 .24 1.64E-2 0.15 E-2 619. 0. 2309200500147 2309200500148 624.73 .18 0.37E-2 0.20 E-2 1385. 760. 2309200500149 1. 2. 225. 535. 2309200500150 642.19 .12 0.40E-2 0.19 E-2 1664. 1021. 2309200500151 2. 862. 2309200500152 740.46 .11 1.44E-2 0.07 E-2 1359. 619. 2309200500153 2. 459. 2309200500154 755.17 .26 0.72E-2 0.22 E-2 1385. 630. 2309200500155 1. 2. 470. 2309200500156 760.22 .30 0.40E-2 0.25 E-2 760. 0. 2309200500157 1. 2. 2309200500158 766.64 .23 0.37E-2 0.07 E-2 1385. 619. 2309200500159 1. 2. 2309200500160 794.44 .21 0.28E-2 0.04 E-2 2309200500161 2309200500162 825.55 .10 2.99E-2 0.12 E-2 1247. 421. 2309200500163 5. 421. 2309200500164 831.22 .10 11.1E-2 0.5 E-2 1879. 1048. 2309200500165 445. 2309200500166 861.82 .15 51.4E-2 1.8 E-2 1021. 160. 2309200500167 2309200500168 880.37 .17 0.69E-2 0.10 E-2 1385. 505. 2309200500169 1. 2. 2309200500170 884.09 .15 5.0 E-2 0.6 E-2 884. 0. 2309200500171 1. 2. 1068. 2309200500172 888.34 .15 15.1E-2 0.6 E-2 1048. 160. 2309200500173 1147. 2309200500174 893.15 .11 1.21E-2 0.05 E-2 1385. 492. 2309200500175 1. 492. 2309200500176 897.00 .22 0.99E-2 0.11 E-2 2309200500177 2309200500178 935.80 .10 2.69E-2 0.11 E-2 2309200500179 2309200500180 963.88 .17 0.24E-2 0.12 E-2 1385. 421. 2309200500181 1. 2. 3. 4. 2309200500182 1042.09 .12 1.26 E-2 0.09 E-2 2309200500183 2309200500184 1067.66 .11 1.02 E-2 0.05 E-2 1952. 884. 2309200500185 5. 2309200500186 1087.31 .10 8.55 E-2 0.30 E-2 1247. 160. 2309200500187 2309200500188 1113.84 .18 4.0 E-2 1.2 E-2 1535. 421. 2309200500189 2309200500190 1142.45 .11 0.98 E-2 0.04 E-2 2195. 1053. 2309200500191 2309200500192 1145.53 .18 1.70 E-2 0.10 E-2 1775. 630. 2309200500193 2309200500194 1146.95 .18 1.40 E-2 0.12 E-2 2195. 1048. 2309200500195 2309200500196 1173.68 .12 1.11 E-2 0.07 E-2 2195. 1021. 2309200500197 2309200500198 1216.06 .12 2.07 E-2 0.09 E-2 1835. 619. 2309200500199 5. 459. 2309200500200 1242.24 .18 2.4 E-2 0.4 E-2 1664. 421. 2309200500201 2309200500202 1249.43 .18 10.7 E-2 0.5 E-2 1879. 630. 2309200500203 2309200500204 1315.59 .11 1.60 E-2 0.07 E-2 2368. 1053. 2309200500205 2309200500206 1342.90 .12 0.69 E-2 0.11 E-2 2309200500207 2309200500208 1353.94 .10 6.06 E-2 0.22 E-2 1775. 421. 2309200500209 2309200500210 1375.47 .11 1.43 E-2 0.20 E-2 2309200500211 2309200500212 1446.87 .16 1.05 E-2 0.13 E-2 1952. 505. 2309200500213 5. 2309200500214 1448.14 .13 1.15 E-2 0.13 E-2 2309200500215 2309200500216 1457.84 .10 17.3 E-2 0.7 E-2 1879. 421. 2309200500217 2309200500218 1504.05 .12 0.90 E-2 0.06 E-2 1664. 160. 2309200500219 2. 2309200500220 1558.48 .10 9.2 E-2 0.4 E-2 2063. 505. 2309200500221 2309200500222 1571.09 .15 0.50 E-2 0.04 E-2 2063. 492. 2309200500223 2309200500224 1608.73 .27 0.60 E-2 0.09 E-2 2309200500225 2309200500226 1641.85 .23 5.78 E-2 0.21 E-2 2063. 421. 2309200500227 2309200500228 1673.22 .15 3.2 E-2 0.5 E-2 2178. 505. 2309200500229 2309200500230 1697.40 .12 1.08 E-2 0.06 E-2 2119. 421. 2309200500231 5. 421. 2309200500232 1719.58 .32 1.1 E-2 0.6 E-2 2309200500233 2309200500234 1741.35 .11 1.52 E-2 0.07 E-2 1901. 160. 2309200500235 5. 2309200500236 1756.86 .42 4.0 E-2 1.1 E-2 2178. 421. 2309200500237 2309200500238 1877.02 .11 1.80 E-2 0.07 E-2 2507. 630. 2309200500239 5. 470. 2309200500240 1903.55 .18 3.2 E-2 1.1 E-2 2063. 160. 2309200500241 2309200500242 1953.52 .15 0.84 E-2 0.11 E-2 2309200500243 2309200500244 1961.71 .15 0.80 E-2 0.25 E-2 2309200500245 2309200500246 2026.37 .14 0.55 E-2 .04 E-2 2309200500247 2309200500248 2029.60 .11 1.44 E-2 .08 E-2 2309200500249 2309200500250 2035.48 .13 1.07 E-2 .10 E-2 2195. 160. 2309200500251 2309200500252 2102.59 .15 0.68 E-2 .07 E-2 2309200500253 2309200500254 2150.67 .11 3.21 E-2 .20 E-2 2309200500255 2309200500256 2184.60 .11 1.38 E-2 .07 E-2 2814. 630. 2309200500257 2. 470. 2309200500258 2208.76 .23 1.23 E-2 .30 E-2 2368. 160. 2309200500259 2309200500260 2301.94 .12 0.55 E-2 .22 E-2 2309200500261 2309200500262 2321.63 .65 1.6 E-2 0.4 E-2 2309200500263 2309200500264 2377.28 .40 0.91 E-2 0.17 E-2 2309200500265 2309200500266 2399.16 .35 0.88 E-2 0.25 E-2 2309200500267 2309200500268 2407.27 .32 0.65 E-2 0.24 E-2 2309200500269 2309200500270 2509.51 .23 1.7 E-2 0.4 E-2 2309200500271 2309200500272 2555.18 .11 2.7 E-2 0.7 E-2 2309200500273 2309200500274 2559.48 .15 3.10 E-2 0.13 E-2 2309200500275 2309200500276 2683.76 .15 3.1 E-2 0.4 E-2 2309200500277 470. 2309200500278 2782.91 .11 3.00 E-2 0.12 E-2 3287. 504. 2309200500279 6. 2309200500280 2785.11 .15 1.30 E-2 0.14 E-2 6071. 3287. 2309200500281 6. 2309200500282 2806.05 .42 0.34 E-2 0.09 E-2 2309200500283 2309200500284 2921.14 .28 0.74 E-2 0.63 E-2 2309200500285 2309200500286 2941.21 .27 1.15 E-2 0.25 E-2 2309200500287 2309200500288 3252.7 1.0 0.39 E-2 0.11 E-2 2309200500289 2309200500290 3285.11 .11 1.58 E-2 0.30 E-2 2309200500291 2309200500292 3357.17 .11 2.57 E-2 0.25 E-2 2309200500293 2309200500294 3410.85 .13 1.28 E-2 0.20 E-2 2309200500295 2309200500296 3564.44 .11 2.62 E-2 0.10 E-2 6071. 2507. 2309200500297 5. 470. 2309200500298 3638.68 .42 2.1 E-2 1.0 E-2 2309200500299 2309200500300 3689.09 .35 0.52 E-2 0.07 E-2 2309200500301 2309200500302 3702.92 .15 4.4 E-2 1.1 E-2 6071. 2368. 2309200500303 2309200500304 3875.97 .15 4.72 E-2 0.22 E-2 6071. 2195. 2309200500305 2309200500306 3893.12 .15 6.78 E-2 0.29 E-2 6071. 2178. 2309200500307 2309200500308 3952.53 .11 1.25 E-2 0.07 E-2 6071. 2119. 2309200500309 5. 421. 2309200500310 4007.96 .10 21.0 E-2 1.5 E-2 6071. 2063. 2309200500311 2309200500312 4119.53 .24 1.90 E-2 0.09 E-2 6071. 1952. 2309200500313 5. 2309200500314 4170.19 .34 0.54 E-2 0.10 E-2 6071. 1901. 2309200500315 5. 2309200500316 4192.00 .20 38.5 E-2 1.2 E-2 6071. 1879. 2309200500317 2309200500318 4236.33 .11 4.14 E-2 0.21 E-2 6071. 1835. 2309200500319 5. 458. 2309200500320 4295.92 .11 7.0 E-2 1.0 E-2 6071. 1775. 2309200500321 2309200500322 4407.53 .11 2.45 E-2 0.21 E-2 6071. 1664. 2309200500323 2309200500324 4535.81 .18 3.9 E-2 0.9 E-2 6071. 1535. 2309200500325 2309200500326 4824.31 .11 5.56 E-2 0.27 E-2 6071. 1247. 2309200500327 2309200500328 5018.75 .16 0.53 E-2 0.04 E-2 6071. 1053. 2309200500329 5. 2309200500330 5049.69 .10 56.0 E-2 2.3 E-2 6071. 1021. 2309200500331 470. 2309200500332 5442.06 .18 0.30 E-2 0.07 E-2 6071. 630. 2309200500333 5. 2309200500334 5649.71 .11 1.94 E-2 0.09 E-2 6071. 421. 2309200500335 2309200500336 5911.33 .10 100.0E-2 6071. 160. 2309200500337 2309200500338 ENDDATA 242 0 2309200500339 ENDSUBENT 338 0 2309200599999 SUBENT 23092006 20230320 23162309200600001 BIB 6 24 2309200600002 REACTION (32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77,PAR,SIG,G) 2309200600003 ASSUMED (ASSUM,79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,PAR,SIG,G) 2309200600004 For 247 keV transition. 2309200600005 ANALYSIS Pill of GeO2 was irradiated together with a piece of 2309200600006 gold. Knowing their thickness and masses the 2309200600007 intensities of the prompt gamma rays in the Ge isotopes2309200600008 could be related to the reference transition in gold at2309200600009 247 keV, relying on a cross section of 5.56(8) b from 2309200600010 STI/PUB/1263(http://www-nds.iaea.org/pgaa/tecdoc.pdf). 2309200600011 Alternatively, the partial cross-sections were derived 2309200600012 from the decay peaks of 77Ge observed in the prompt 2309200600013 spectrum. Both approaches are in good agreement, i.e. 2309200600014 within 0.15% and 1.8% depending on the line used for 2309200600015 normalization. 2309200600016 Applying the obtained renormalization factor of 2309200600017 fr = 0.395(15) to the relative intensities given in 2309200600018 table A.1 (=Subent 005) the partial cross-sections can 2309200600019 be calculated. For 862 keV line - 2309200600020 51.4%*0.395=20.3 mb. 2309200600021 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. 2309200600022 STATUS (TABLE) Text, p.4 of Europ.Phys.J.,A48(2012)20 2309200600023 (DEP,23092005) See ANALYSIS. 2309200600024 HISTORY (20120712C) M.M. 2309200600025 (20230320A) SD: EN-DUMMY -> EN. 2309200600026 ENDBIB 24 0 2309200600027 COMMON 4 3 2309200600028 EN ASSUM ASSUM-ERR E 2309200600029 EV B B KEV 2309200600030 0.0253 5.56 0.08 862. 2309200600031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2309200600032 DATA 2 1 2309200600033 DATA DATA-ERR 2309200600034 MB MB 2309200600035 20.3 1.1 2309200600036 ENDDATA 3 0 2309200600037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2309200699999 SUBENT 23092007 20230320 23162309200700001 BIB 4 8 2309200700002 REACTION (32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77,,SIG) 2309200700003 ANALYSIS Derived as sum of c-s for ground and metastable states.2309200700004 STATUS (TABLE) Text, p.4 of Europ.Phys.J.,A48(2012)20 2309200700005 (DEP,23092002) C-S for metastable state. 2309200700006 (DEP,23092004) C-S for ground state. 2309200700007 (SPSDD,23092008) Superseded by new re-measured data. 2309200700008 HISTORY (20120712C) M.M. 2309200700009 (20230320A) SD: EN-DUMMY -> EN. 2309200700010 ENDBIB 8 0 2309200700011 COMMON 1 3 2309200700012 EN 2309200700013 EV 2309200700014 0.0253 2309200700015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2309200700016 DATA 1 1 2309200700017 DATA 2309200700018 MB 2309200700019 161.9 2309200700020 ENDDATA 3 0 2309200700021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2309200799999 SUBENT 23092008 20230320 23162309200800001 BIB 5 9 2309200800002 REACTION (32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77,,SIG) 2309200800003 ANALYSIS Derived as sum of c-s for ground and metastable states.2309200800004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. 2309200800005 STATUS (TABLE) Text, p.4 of Europ.Phys.J.,A48(2012)20 2309200800006 (DEP,23092002) C-S for metastable state, remains 2309200800007 unchanged. 2309200800008 (DEP,23092009) C-S for ground state (re-measured). 2309200800009 HISTORY (20120712C) M.M. 2309200800010 (20230320A) SD: EN-DUMMY -> EN. 2309200800011 ENDBIB 9 0 2309200800012 COMMON 1 3 2309200800013 EN 2309200800014 EV 2309200800015 0.0253 2309200800016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2309200800017 DATA 2 1 2309200800018 DATA DATA-ERR 2309200800019 MB MB 2309200800020 154.6 16.8 2309200800021 ENDDATA 3 0 2309200800022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2309200899999 SUBENT 23092009 20230320 23162309200900001 BIB 5 8 2309200900002 REACTION (32-GE-76(N,G)32-GE-77-G,,SIG) 2309200900003 ANALYSIS With new emission probabilities ( table A.3 of 2309200900004 Eur.Phys.J.,A48(2012)20 compiled in data base XUNDL) 2309200900005 the cross-section was recalculated. 2309200900006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. 2309200900007 STATUS (TABLE) Text, p.6 of Europ.Phys.J.,A48(2012)20 2309200900008 HISTORY (20120712C) M.M. 2309200900009 (20230320A) SD: EN-DUMMY -> EN. 2309200900010 ENDBIB 8 0 2309200900011 COMMON 1 3 2309200900012 EN 2309200900013 EV 2309200900014 0.0253 2309200900015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2309200900016 DATA 2 1 2309200900017 DATA DATA-ERR 2309200900018 MB MB 2309200900019 39.9 4.9 2309200900020 ENDDATA 3 0 2309200900021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2309200999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 2309299999999