ENTRY            23105   20170828                             22652310500000001 
SUBENT        23105001   20170828                             22652310500100001 
BIB                 15         64                                 2310500100002 
TITLE       Measurement of neutron activation cross sections for  2310500100003 
            major elements of water, air and soil between 30 and  2310500100004 
            70 MeV.                                               2310500100005 
AUTHOR     (H.Yashima, K.Terunuma, T.Nakamura, M.Hagiwara,        2310500100006 
           N.Kawata, M.Baba)                                      2310500100007 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNTOH)                                              2310500100008 
REFERENCE  (J,NSTS,4,70,2004)                                     2310500100009 
FACILITY   (ISOCY,2JPNTOH) AVF Cyclotron of the Cyclotron and     2310500100010 
            Radioisotope Center.                                  2310500100011 
INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Protons of 30,35,40,50,60,70 MeV bombarded     2310500100012 
            natural Li target. 5 % energy loss in target.         2310500100013 
            1-m-long tapered iron and concrete collimator.        2310500100014 
INC-SPECT   Neutron energy spectrum was measured using TOF method 2310500100015 
            by liquid scintillation detector.                     2310500100016 
            Obtained neutron spectra are given on Fig.2 of        2310500100017 
            J,NSTS,4,70,200403.                                   2310500100018 
            Characteristics of neutron fields:                    2310500100019 
           Proton  Li-target  Peak      Peak           Percentage 2310500100020 
           energy  thickness  neutron   neutron        of peak    2310500100021 
            MeV      mm       energy    intensity      neutrons   2310500100022 
                               MeV      n/MeV/sr/muC    %         2310500100023 
             30.    2.98      27.       1.25E+9        54.9       2310500100024 
             35.    2.70      31.       2.25E+9        49.7       2310500100025 
             40.    2.97      37.       3.58E+9        45.3       2310500100026 
             50.    4.10      46.       3.87E+9        40.1       2310500100027 
             60.    6.03      56.       6.07E+9        36.9       2310500100028 
             70.    8.51      66.       7.72E+9        37.6       2310500100029 
SAMPLE      Samples were placed within collimator, 250 cm from    2310500100030 
            target in 0-deg direction.                            2310500100031 
METHOD     (TOF) For neutron spectrum measurement.                2310500100032 
           (ACTIV) Samples were irradiated two times:             2310500100033 
            1 hour to measure short half-life radionuclides,      2310500100034 
            10 hours - long.                                      2310500100035 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) 14-cm-diameter, 10-cm-long NE213 liquid         2310500100036 
           scintillation detector, placed at 11 m from Li target  2310500100037 
           in forward direction at 0-deg.                         2310500100038 
           (HPGE) To measure gammas from sample after irradiation 2310500100039 
            several times.                                        2310500100040 
ANALYSIS    Activation reaction rates were estimated by the peak  2310500100041 
            counts of gamma-ray spectra, the peak efficiency of   2310500100042 
            HPGe detector (calculated by EGS4 code).              2310500100043 
            Ratio of peak reaction rate from Emin to Emax and the 2310500100044 
            total reaction rate from Eth to Emax - peak-to total  2310500100045 
            ratio of reaction rate - was estimated using measured 2310500100046 
            neutron flux and cross-section data of ENDF/B-VI.     2310500100047 
CORRECTION  For self-absorption of gamma-rays in samples,         2310500100048 
            for the coincidence-summing effect,                   2310500100049 
            for beam current fluctuation during irradiation,      2310500100050 
            for contribution of low-energy tail neutrons.         2310500100051 
ADD-RES    (COMP) PHITS calculations.                             2310500100052 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T)    Total error.                                2310500100053 
            The following error components are included:          2310500100054 
           (ERR-S,,10.) statistical error,                        2310500100055 
           (ERR-1,,5.)  error of peak efficiency,                 2310500100056 
           (ERR-2)     error of beam intensity,                   2310500100057 
           (ERR-3)     error of peak area estimation for positron 2310500100058 
                       emission  nuclides,                        2310500100059 
           (ERR-4)     error of neutron fluence,                  2310500100060 
           (ERR-5,5.,40.) error of correction for contribution of 2310500100061 
                          low energy   neutron.                   2310500100062 
HISTORY    (20100531C)  M.M.                                      2310500100063 
           (20170828A) SD: REACTION code corrected in Subent 009. 2310500100064 
           ERR-ANALYS update (comma added in ERR-S,ERR-1).        2310500100065 
           DATA-ERR -> ERR-T.                                     2310500100066 
ENDBIB              64          0                                 2310500100067 
COMMON               3          3                                 2310500100068 
ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4                                       2310500100069 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    2310500100070 
 1.         30.        3.                                         2310500100071 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2310500100072 
ENDSUBENT           71          0                                 2310500199999 
SUBENT        23105002   20170828                             22652310500200001 
BIB                  3          4                                 2310500200002 
REACTION   (7-N-14(N,2N)7-N-13,,SIG)                              2310500200003 
DECAY-DATA (7-N-13,9.96MIN,AR,511.,1.996)                         2310500200004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310500200005 
            Data are presented on Fig.3 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310500200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2310500200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310500200008 
DATA                 3          6                                 2310500200009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310500200010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310500200011 
27.        11.80       3.87                                       2310500200012 
31.         6.02       1.89                                       2310500200013 
37.         5.66       1.76                                       2310500200014 
46.         5.69       1.82                                       2310500200015 
56.         4.96       1.60                                       2310500200016 
66.         4.03       1.29                                       2310500200017 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2310500200018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 2310500299999 
SUBENT        23105003   20170828                             22652310500300001 
BIB                  3          4                                 2310500300002 
REACTION   (7-N-14(N,X)6-C-11,,SIG)                               2310500300003 
DECAY-DATA (6-C-11,20.4MIN,AR,511.,1.995)                         2310500300004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310500300005 
            Data are presented on Fig.3 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310500300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2310500300007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310500300008 
DATA                 3          5                                 2310500300009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310500300010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310500300011 
31.         3.51       1.14                                       2310500300012 
37.         2.85       0.93                                       2310500300013 
46.         2.85       0.95                                       2310500300014 
56.         3.15       1.02                                       2310500300015 
66.         3.23       1.04                                       2310500300016 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2310500300017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 2310500399999 
SUBENT        23105004   20170828                             22652310500400001 
BIB                  3          4                                 2310500400002 
REACTION   (7-N-14(N,X)4-BE-7,,SIG)                               2310500400003 
DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,53.28D,DG,477.6,0.103)                         2310500400004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310500400005 
            Data are presented on Fig.3 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310500400006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2310500400007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310500400008 
DATA                 3          2                                 2310500400009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310500400010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310500400011 
46.         1.90       1.14                                       2310500400012 
66.         3.76       1.48                                       2310500400013 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 2310500400014 
ENDSUBENT           13          0                                 2310500499999 
SUBENT        23105005   20170828                             22652310500500001 
BIB                  3          4                                 2310500500002 
REACTION   (8-O-16(N,2N)8-O-15,,SIG)                              2310500500003 
DECAY-DATA (8-O-15,122.SEC,AR,511.,1.998)                         2310500500004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310500500005 
            Data are presented on Fig.4 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310500500006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2310500500007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310500500008 
DATA                 3          6                                 2310500500009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310500500010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310500500011 
27.        32.70      11.08                                       2310500500012 
31.         9.66      3.04                                        2310500500013 
37.        11.10      3.52                                        2310500500014 
46.        20.50      6.58                                        2310500500015 
56.        22.10      7.08                                        2310500500016 
66.        23.10      7.42                                        2310500500017 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2310500500018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 2310500599999 
SUBENT        23105006   20170828                             22652310500600001 
BIB                  3          4                                 2310500600002 
REACTION   (8-O-16(N,X)7-N-13,,SIG)                               2310500600003 
DECAY-DATA (7-N-13,9.96MIN,AR,511.,1.996)                         2310500600004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310500600005 
            Data are presented on Fig.4 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310500600006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2310500600007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310500600008 
DATA                 3          5                                 2310500600009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310500600010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310500600011 
31.        0.20       0.10                                        2310500600012 
37.        0.39       0.16                                        2310500600013 
46.        1.02       0.35                                        2310500600014 
56.        2.27       0.73                                        2310500600015 
66.        2.42       0.79                                        2310500600016 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2310500600017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 2310500699999 
SUBENT        23105007   20170828                             22652310500700001 
BIB                  3          4                                 2310500700002 
REACTION   (8-O-16(N,X)6-C-11,,SIG)                               2310500700003 
DECAY-DATA (6-C-11,20.4MIN,AR,511.,1.995)                         2310500700004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310500700005 
            Data are presented on Fig.4 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310500700006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2310500700007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310500700008 
DATA                 3          5                                 2310500700009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310500700010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310500700011 
31.        0.39       0.15                                        2310500700012 
37.        0.81       0.29                                        2310500700013 
46.        3.60       1.17                                        2310500700014 
56.        4.44       1.42                                        2310500700015 
66.        4.17       1.35                                        2310500700016 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2310500700017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 2310500799999 
SUBENT        23105008   20170828                             22652310500800001 
BIB                  3          4                                 2310500800002 
REACTION   (8-O-16(N,X)4-BE-7,,SIG)                               2310500800003 
DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,53.28D,DG,477.6,0.103)                         2310500800004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310500800005 
            Data are presented on Fig.4 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310500800006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2310500800007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310500800008 
DATA                 3          2                                 2310500800009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310500800010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310500800011 
46.         1.90       0.67                                       2310500800012 
66.         1.57       0.69                                       2310500800013 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 2310500800014 
ENDSUBENT           13          0                                 2310500899999 
SUBENT        23105009   20170828                             22652310500900001 
BIB                  4          5                                 2310500900002 
REACTION   (14-SI-0(N,X)13-AL-29,,SIG)                            2310500900003 
DECAY-DATA (13-AL-29,6.6MIN,DG,1273.3,0.891)                      2310500900004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310500900005 
            Data are presented on Fig.5 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310500900006 
HISTORY    (20170828A) SD: SF3=2N -> X in REACTION code.          2310500900007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 2310500900008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310500900009 
DATA                 3          5                                 2310500900010 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310500900011 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310500900012 
27.         7.39       1.15                                       2310500900013 
31.         6.49       1.41                                       2310500900014 
37.         4.38       0.45                                       2310500900015 
56.         4.22       0.92                                       2310500900016 
66.         3.99       0.83                                       2310500900017 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2310500900018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 2310500999999 
SUBENT        23105010   20170828                             22652310501000001 
BIB                  3          4                                 2310501000002 
REACTION   (14-SI-0(N,X)13-AL-28,,SIG)                            2310501000003 
DECAY-DATA (13-AL-28,2.24MIN,DG,1778.9,1.00)                      2310501000004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310501000005 
            Data are presented on Fig.5 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310501000006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2310501000007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310501000008 
DATA                 3          5                                 2310501000009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310501000010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310501000011 
27.        158.        18.9                                       2310501000012 
31.         58.2        6.70                                      2310501000013 
37.         53.3        3.99                                      2310501000014 
56.         62.6       13.1                                       2310501000015 
66.         53.9       11.0                                       2310501000016 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2310501000017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 2310501099999 
SUBENT        23105011   20170828                             22652310501100001 
BIB                  3          4                                 2310501100002 
REACTION   (14-SI-0(N,X)12-MG-27,,SIG)                            2310501100003 
DECAY-DATA (12-MG-27,9.46MIN,DG,843.8,0.73)                       2310501100004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310501100005 
            Data are presented on Fig.5 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310501100006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2310501100007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310501100008 
DATA                 3          5                                 2310501100009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310501100010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310501100011 
27.        13.5       1.71                                        2310501100012 
31.        2.16       0.69                                        2310501100013 
37.        1.47       0.23                                        2310501100014 
56.        1.61       0.34                                        2310501100015 
66.        1.85       0.38                                        2310501100016 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2310501100017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 2310501199999 
SUBENT        23105012   20170828                             22652310501200001 
BIB                  3          4                                 2310501200002 
REACTION   (14-SI-0(N,X)11-NA-24,,SIG)                            2310501200003 
DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,15.02HR,DG,1368.6,1.00)                      2310501200004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310501200005 
            Data are presented on Fig.5 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310501200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2310501200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310501200008 
DATA                 3          6                                 2310501200009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310501200010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310501200011 
27.         11.7       1.26                                       2310501200012 
31.         5.98       0.38                                       2310501200013 
37.         3.41       0.22                                       2310501200014 
46.         3.16       0.34                                       2310501200015 
56.         3.53       0.38                                       2310501200016 
66.         3.49       0.37                                       2310501200017 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2310501200018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 2310501299999 
SUBENT        23105013   20170828                             22652310501300001 
BIB                  3          4                                 2310501300002 
REACTION   (14-SI-0(N,X)11-NA-22,,SIG)                            2310501300003 
DECAY-DATA (11-NA-22,2.60YR,DG,1274.5,0.999)                      2310501300004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310501300005 
            Data are presented on Fig.5 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310501300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2310501300007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310501300008 
DATA                 3          1                                 2310501300009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310501300010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310501300011 
66.         5.12       1.48                                       2310501300012 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2310501300013 
ENDSUBENT           12          0                                 2310501399999 
SUBENT        23105014   20170828                             22652310501400001 
BIB                  4          5                                 2310501400002 
REACTION   (11-NA-23(N,2N)11-NA-22,,SIG)                          2310501400003 
DECAY-DATA (11-NA-22,2.60YR,DG,1274.5,0.999)                      2310501400004 
REL-REF    (A,22703001,Y.Uwamino+,J,NSE,111,391,1992)             2310501400005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310501400006 
            Data are presented on Fig.6 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310501400007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 2310501400008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310501400009 
DATA                 3          6                                 2310501400010 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310501400011 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310501400012 
27.         122.00     32.2                                       2310501400013 
31.         47.80      5.75                                       2310501400014 
37.         19.30      3.05                                       2310501400015 
46.         18.40      2.19                                       2310501400016 
56.         19.10      2.69                                       2310501400017 
66.         20.40      2.32                                       2310501400018 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 2310501400019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 2310501499999 
SUBENT        23105015   20170828                             22652310501500001 
BIB                  3          4                                 2310501500002 
REACTION   (20-CA-0(N,X)19-K-43,,SIG)                             2310501500003 
DECAY-DATA (19-K-43,22.4HR,DG,617.8,0.800)                        2310501500004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310501500005 
            Data are presented on Fig.7 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310501500006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2310501500007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310501500008 
DATA                 3          2                                 2310501500009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310501500010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310501500011 
37.         1.89       0.24                                       2310501500012 
66.         1.76       0.55                                       2310501500013 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 2310501500014 
ENDSUBENT           13          0                                 2310501599999 
SUBENT        23105016   20170828                             22652310501600001 
BIB                  3          4                                 2310501600002 
REACTION   (12-MG-0(N,X)11-NA-24,,SIG)                            2310501600003 
DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,15.02HR,DG,1368.6,1.00)                      2310501600004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data received from Hiroshi Yashima 15.06.2010. 2310501600005 
            Data are presented on Fig.8 of J,NSTS,4,70,2004 .     2310501600006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2310501600007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2310501600008 
DATA                 3          4                                 2310501600009 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       2310501600010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          2310501600011 
27.         86.7       9.19                                       2310501600012 
37.         35.1       3.71                                       2310501600013 
56.         24.0       6.07                                       2310501600014 
66.         21.8       5.50                                       2310501600015 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 2310501600016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 2310501699999 
ENDENTRY            16          0                                 2310599999999