ENTRY 23107 20230212 23142310700000001 SUBENT 23107001 20230212 23142310700100001 BIB 11 51 2310700100002 TITLE Thermal neutron capture cross-section of Ge-74. 2310700100003 AUTHOR (G.Meierhofer,P.Grabmayr,J.Jochum,P.Kudejova,L.Canella,2310700100004 J.Jolie) 2310700100005 INSTITUTE (2GERTUE) G.Meierhofer, P.Grabmayr, J.Jochum 2310700100006 (2GERMUN) L.Canella, P.Kudejova 2310700100007 (2GERKLN) J.Jolie 2310700100008 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,81,027603,2010) 2310700100009 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.81.027603 2310700100010 Data of Ge-74 capture c-s. 2310700100011 (J,EPJ/A,48,20,2012) 2310700100012 #doi:10.1140/epja/i2012-12020-y 2310700100013 Gamma-spectrum. 2310700100014 (J,EPJ/CS,2,05002,2010) 2310700100015 #doi:10.1051/epjconf/20100205002 2310700100016 Euro Phys. Journal Web of Conference. 2310700100017 Preliminary data for 74Ge cross sections. 2310700100018 FACILITY (REAC,2GERMUN) PGAA facility at the Research reactor 2310700100019 FRM II in Munich. 2310700100020 REL-REF (R,,A.R.Farhan+,J,NDS,86,785,1999) 2310700100021 Decay data for Ge-75 2310700100022 (R,,A.R.Farhan+,J,NDS,81,417,1997) 2310700100023 Decay data for Ge-77. 2310700100024 (R,,Z.Chunmei,J,NDS,95,59,2002) 2310700100025 Decay data for Au-198 . 2310700100026 (I,,P.Kudejova+,J,JRN,278,691,2008) 2310700100027 #doi:10.1007/s10967-008-1506-9 2310700100028 Details of facility for prompt gamma activation in 2310700100029 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2310700100030 (O,23092001,G.Meierhofer+,J,EPJ/A,40,61,2009) 2310700100031 Detailed description of the analysis and the results 2310700100032 of the cross-section measurement of the 76Ge(n,g) 2310700100033 reactions. 2310700100034 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 2310700100035 INC-SPECT Cold neutron beam of mean energy 1.8 meV , flux 2310700100036 2.9E+9 n/(cm**2*sec) . 2310700100037 DETECTOR (HPGE) 2310700100038 METHOD (ACTIV) 2310700100039 HISTORY (20100514C) M.M. 2310700100040 (20111105U) M.M. Misprint in year of REL-REF 2310700100041 Z.Chunmei,J,NDS,95,59 was corrected 2003 -> 2002. 2310700100042 Misprint was originated from reference list in the 2310700100043 article J,PR/C,81,027603,2010 . 2310700100044 (20120712A) M.M. Two references were added - 2310700100045 J,EPJ/A,48,20,2012, J,EPJ/CS,2,05002,2010 . 2310700100046 BIB information was added. Subent 008 was added. 2310700100047 Free text in MONIT (explanation of code B,NEUT.RES) 2310700100048 was deleted in Subents 002-004 according to comment of2310700100049 N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA). 2310700100050 (20151216A) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected in Subent 004. 2310700100051 STATUS 'COREL' deleted. 2310700100052 (20230212A) SD: Correction in Subents 005-007. 2310700100053 ENDBIB 51 0 2310700100054 NOCOMMON 0 0 2310700100055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 2310700199999 SUBENT 23107002 20120712 22332310700200001 BIB 11 59 2310700200002 REACTION (32-GE-74(N,G)32-GE-75-M,,SIG) 2310700200003 SAMPLE Two samples - 2310700200004 A: 435.7 mg mass, activation time 1200 s, waiting time 2310700200005 300 s, measurement time 14100 s; 2310700200006 B: 401.5 mg mass, activation time 1500 s, waiting time 2310700200007 660 s, measurement time 10800 s. 2310700200008 GeO2 powder as target material, isotopically depleted 2310700200009 in Ge-76 (about 0.6% Ge-76, 38.3% Ge-74). Pressed into 2310700200010 pill-shaped targets of 12 mm diameter. 2310700200011 Isotopic abundances from Table 3 of 2310700200012 J,EPJ/CS,2,05002,2010 : 2310700200013 (32-GE-70,ENR=0.2277) 2310700200014 (32-GE-72,ENR=0.3006) 2310700200015 (32-GE-73,ENR=0.0832) 2310700200016 (32-GE-74,ENR=0.3827) 2310700200017 (32-GE-76,ENR=0.0060) 2310700200018 Gold foil of the same diameter to monitor neutron flux 2310700200019 at target position. 2310700200020 Irradiated together. 2310700200021 DECAY-DATA (32-GE-75-M,47.7SEC,DG,139.68,0.394) 2310700200022 HL=47.7+-0.5sec, Ig=(39.4+-0.8) % 2310700200023 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2310700200024 MONIT-REF (V1002484,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,2006) 2310700200025 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198,2.69517D,DG,411.8,0.9558) 2310700200026 Half-life error 0.00021 d, intensity error 0.0012. 2310700200027 ANALYSIS Comparing the peak areas of Ge-75 decay with 2310700200028 reference gold peak , the c-s were obtained relative 2310700200029 to Au c-s using exp. peak areas accounting for the 2310700200030 emission probability, detector efficiency, neutron 2310700200031 self-shielding, gamma-ray attenuation in target, decay2310700200032 during the waiting period. 1/v low for Au and Ge c-s 2310700200033 was supposed. 2310700200034 CORRECTION For nuclei decayed during irradiation. 2310700200035 For self-absorption - correction factors 0.999 for Ge 2310700200036 target, 0.978 for gold foil. 2310700200037 Contribution from the target inhomogeneity was 2310700200038 estimated from the mass inhomogeneity folded by 2310700200039 the beam distribution. 2310700200040 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty. 2310700200041 (ERR-1) Emission probabilities uncertainty. 2310700200042 (ERR-2,2.8,5.4) Uncertainty of peak area. 2310700200043 (ERR-3) Uncertainty of detector efficiency. 2310700200044 (ERR-4,1.5,2.3) Uncertainty of correction for decay 2310700200045 during activation/waiting/measurement due to beam 2310700200046 shutter. 2310700200047 (ERR-5,0.5,1.1) Uncertainty of correction for decay 2310700200048 during activation/waiting/measurement due to half-life 2310700200049 time. 2310700200050 (ERR-6) Uncertainty of target inhomogeneity. 2310700200051 (ERR-7,,0.2) Maximal uncertainty of gamma-ray 2310700200052 attenuation. 2310700200053 (ERR-8,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of neutron 2310700200054 self-shielding - 0.1% . 2310700200055 (ERR-9) Uncertainty of number of Ge-74 nuclei. 2310700200056 (ERR-10) Uncertainty of monitored neutron flux. 2310700200057 MISC-COL (MISC1) Activation time 2310700200058 (MISC2) Waiting time 2310700200059 (MISC3) Measurement time. 2310700200060 STATUS (TABLE) Table III of J,PR/C,81,027603,2010. 2310700200061 ENDBIB 59 0 2310700200062 COMMON 8 6 2310700200063 EN MONIT MONIT-ERR ERR-1 ERR-3 ERR-6 2310700200064 ERR-9 ERR-10 2310700200065 EV B B PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2310700200066 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2310700200067 0.0253 98.65 0.09 2.0 1.8 2. 2310700200068 0.2 2.7 2310700200069 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2310700200070 DATA 5 12 2310700200071 DATA ERR-T MISC1 MISC2 MISC3 2310700200072 MB MB SEC SEC SEC 2310700200073 132.8 7.3 1200. 5. 180. 2310700200074 132.2 9.7 60. 5. 120. 2310700200075 129.8 8.2 60. 5. 120. 2310700200076 129.4 7.2 180. 5. 180. 2310700200077 132.0 7.7 180. 30. 240. 2310700200078 131.0 7.6 120. 5. 120. 2310700200079 134.2 7.8 120. 5. 120. 2310700200080 132.0 7.7 120. 5. 120. 2310700200081 125.1 6.9 1500. 5. 180. 2310700200082 130.2 7.5 120. 5. 120. 2310700200083 130.0 7.5 120. 5. 120. 2310700200084 128.7 7.5 120. 5. 120. 2310700200085 ENDDATA 14 0 2310700200086 ENDSUBENT 85 0 2310700299999 SUBENT 23107003 20120712 22332310700300001 BIB 11 71 2310700300002 REACTION (32-GE-74(N,G)32-GE-75,,SIG) Total capture c-s. 2310700300003 SAMPLE Two samples - 2310700300004 A: 435.7 mg mass, activation time 1200 s, waiting time 2310700300005 300 s, measurement time 14100 s; 2310700300006 B: 401.5 mg mass, activation time 1500 s, waiting time 2310700300007 660 s, measurement time 10800 s. 2310700300008 GeO2 powder as target material, isotopically depleted 2310700300009 in Ge-76 (about 0.6% Ge-76, 38.3% Ge-74). Pressed into 2310700300010 pill-shaped targets of 12 mm diameter. 2310700300011 Isotopic abundances from Table 3 of 2310700300012 J,EPJ/CS,2,05002,2010 : 2310700300013 (32-GE-70,ENR=0.2277) 2310700300014 (32-GE-72,ENR=0.3006) 2310700300015 (32-GE-73,ENR=0.0832) 2310700300016 (32-GE-74,ENR=0.3827) 2310700300017 (32-GE-76,ENR=0.0060) 2310700300018 Gold foil of the same diameter to monitor neutron flux 2310700300019 at target position. 2310700300020 Irradiated together. 2310700300021 DECAY-DATA (32-GE-75-G,82.78MIN,DG,198.6,0.0119,DG,264.6,0.114) 2310700300022 HL=82.78+-0.04min, Ig=(1.19+-0.12)% for 198.6 keV, 2310700300023 Ig=(11.4+-1.1)% for 264.6 keV. 2310700300024 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2310700300025 MONIT-REF (V1002484,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,2006) 2310700300026 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198,2.69517D,DG,411.8,0.9558) 2310700300027 Half-life error 0.00021 d, intensity error 0.0012. 2310700300028 ANALYSIS Comparing the peak areas of Ge-75 decay with 2310700300029 reference gold peak , the c-s were obtained relative 2310700300030 to Au c-s using exp. peak areas accounting for the 2310700300031 emission probability, detector efficiency, neutron 2310700300032 self-shielding, gamma-ray attenuation in target, decay2310700300033 during the waiting period. 1/v low for Au and Ge c-s 2310700300034 was supposed. 2310700300035 CORRECTION For nuclei decayed during irradiation. 2310700300036 For self-absorption - correction factors 0.999 for Ge 2310700300037 target, 0.978 for gold foil. 2310700300038 Contribution from the target inhomogeneity was 2310700300039 estimated from the mass inhomogeneity folded by 2310700300040 the beam distribution. 2310700300041 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty. 2310700300042 (ERR-1,9.6,10.0) Emission probabilities uncertainty, 2310700300043 line dependent. 2310700300044 (ERR-2,0.8,3.3) Uncertainty of peak area. 2310700300045 (ERR-3,1.5,1.8) Uncertainty of detector efficiency. 2310700300046 (ERR-4,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of correction for 2310700300047 decay during activation/waiting/measurement due to beam2310700300048 shutter. 2310700300049 (ERR-5,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of correction for 2310700300050 decay during activation/waiting/measurement due to 2310700300051 half-life time. 2310700300052 (ERR-6) Uncertainty of target inhomogeneity. 2310700300053 (ERR-7,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of gamma-ray 2310700300054 attenuation. 2310700300055 (ERR-8,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of neutron 2310700300056 self-shielding - 0.1% . 2310700300057 (ERR-9) Uncertainty of number of Ge-74 nuclei. 2310700300058 (ERR-10,2.3,2.7) Uncertainty of monitored neutron flux,2310700300059 detector dependent. 2310700300060 FLAG (1.) Measured by 1st detector, 264.6 keV gamma, 2310700300061 sample A. 2310700300062 (2.) Measured by 2nd detector, 198.6 keV gamma, 2310700300063 sample A. 2310700300064 (3.) Measured by 2nd detector, 264.6 keV gamma, 2310700300065 sample A. 2310700300066 (4.) Measured by 1st detector, 264.6 keV gamma, 2310700300067 sample B. 2310700300068 (5.) Measured by 2nd detector, 198.6 keV gamma, 2310700300069 sample B. 2310700300070 (6.) Measured by 2nd detector, 264.6 keV gamma, 2310700300071 sample B. 2310700300072 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of J,PR/C,81,027603,2010 2310700300073 ENDBIB 71 0 2310700300074 COMMON 5 3 2310700300075 EN MONIT MONIT-ERR ERR-6 ERR-9 2310700300076 EV B B PER-CENT PER-CENT 2310700300077 0.0253 98.65 0.09 2. 0.2 2310700300078 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2310700300079 DATA 3 6 2310700300080 DATA ERR-T FLAG 2310700300081 MB MB NO-DIM 2310700300082 507. 52. 1. 2310700300083 516. 57. 2. 2310700300084 494. 51. 3. 2310700300085 492. 51. 4. 2310700300086 498. 56. 5. 2310700300087 480. 50. 6. 2310700300088 ENDDATA 8 0 2310700300089 ENDSUBENT 88 0 2310700399999 SUBENT 23107004 20151216 22462310700400001 BIB 12 89 2310700400002 REACTION (32-GE-74(N,G)32-GE-75-G,M-,SIG) Direct to ground 2310700400003 capture c-s. 2310700400004 SAMPLE Two samples - 2310700400005 A: 435.7 mg mass, activation time 1200 s, waiting time 2310700400006 300 s, measurement time 14100 s; 2310700400007 B: 401.5 mg mass, activation time 1500 s, waiting time 2310700400008 660 s, measurement time 10800 s. 2310700400009 GeO2 powder as target material, isotopically depleted 2310700400010 in Ge-76 (about 0.6% Ge-76, 38.3% Ge-74). Pressed into 2310700400011 pill-shaped targets of 12 mm diameter. 2310700400012 Isotopic abundances from Table 3 of 2310700400013 J,EPJ/CS,2,05002,2010 : 2310700400014 (32-GE-70,ENR=0.2277) 2310700400015 (32-GE-72,ENR=0.3006) 2310700400016 (32-GE-73,ENR=0.0832) 2310700400017 (32-GE-74,ENR=0.3827) 2310700400018 (32-GE-76,ENR=0.0060) 2310700400019 Gold foil of the same diameter to monitor neutron flux 2310700400020 at target position. 2310700400021 Irradiated together. 2310700400022 DECAY-DATA (32-GE-75-G,82.78MIN,DG,198.6,0.0119,DG,264.6,0.114) 2310700400023 HL=82.78+-0.04min, Ig=(1.19+-0.12)% for 198.6 keV, 2310700400024 Ig=(11.4+-1.1)% for 264.6 keV. 2310700400025 (32-GE-77-G,11.30HR,DG,264.4,0.539) 2310700400026 HL=11.30 hr, Ig=(53.9+-0.5)%. 2310700400027 (32-GE-77-M,52.9SEC,DG,264.7,0.022) 2310700400028 HL=52.9+-0.6sec, Ig=(0.022+-0.004)%. 2310700400029 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2310700400030 MONIT-REF (V1002484,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,2006) 2310700400031 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198-G,2.69517D,DG,411.8,0.9558) 2310700400032 Half-life error 0.00021 d, intensity error 0.0012. 2310700400033 ANALYSIS Comparing the peak areas of Ge-75 decay with 2310700400034 reference gold peak , the c-s were obtained relative 2310700400035 to Au c-s using exp. peak areas accounting for the 2310700400036 emission probability, detector efficiency, neutron 2310700400037 self-shielding, gamma-ray attenuation in target, decay2310700400038 during the waiting period. 1/v low for Au and Ge c-s 2310700400039 was supposed. 2310700400040 CORRECTION -For nuclei decayed during irradiation. 2310700400041 -For self-absorption - correction factors 0.999 for Ge 2310700400042 target, 0.978 for gold foil. 2310700400043 -Contribution from the target inhomogeneity was 2310700400044 estimated from the mass inhomogeneity folded by 2310700400045 the beam distribution. 2310700400046 -Correcting for the feeding from isomeric state by IT 2310700400047 direct c-s was derived. Correction includes the delay 2310700400048 of the feeding (HL=47.7 s) and nuclei in ground state 2310700400049 decaying during activation. Correction was applied to 2310700400050 the number of activated nuclei rather than to the 2310700400051 resulting c-s. 2310700400052 Peak area was corrected for contribution ( about 0.2%)2310700400053 from decay of Ge-77 for 264.6 keV gamma. 2310700400054 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty. 2310700400055 (ERR-1,9.6,10.0) Emission probabilities uncertainty, 2310700400056 line dependent. 2310700400057 (ERR-2,0.8,3.3) Uncertainty of peak area. 2310700400058 (ERR-3,1.5,1.8) Uncertainty of detector efficiency. 2310700400059 (ERR-4,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of correction for 2310700400060 decay during activation/waiting/measurement due to beam2310700400061 shutter. 2310700400062 (ERR-5,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of correction for 2310700400063 decay during activation/waiting/measurement due to 2310700400064 half-life time. 2310700400065 (ERR-6) Uncertainty of target inhomogeneity. 2310700400066 (ERR-7,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of gamma-ray 2310700400067 attenuation. 2310700400068 (ERR-8,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of neutron 2310700400069 self-shielding - 0.1% . 2310700400070 (ERR-9) Uncertainty of number of Ge-74 nuclei. 2310700400071 (ERR-10,2.3,2.7) Uncertainty of monitored neutron flux,2310700400072 detector dependent. 2310700400073 FLAG (1.) Measured by 1st detector, 264.6 keV gamma, 2310700400074 sample A. 2310700400075 (2.) Measured by 2nd detector, 198.6 keV gamma, 2310700400076 sample A. 2310700400077 (3.) Measured by 2nd detector, 264.6 keV gamma, 2310700400078 sample A. 2310700400079 (4.) Measured by 1st detector, 264.6 keV gamma, 2310700400080 sample B. 2310700400081 (5.) Measured by 2nd detector, 198.6 keV gamma, 2310700400082 sample B. 2310700400083 (6.) Measured by 2nd detector, 264.6 keV gamma, 2310700400084 sample B. 2310700400085 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of J,PR/C,81,027603,2010 2310700400086 (DEP,23107002) capture to metastable (see CORRECTION) 2310700400087 (DEP,23107003) total capture (see CORRECTION) 2310700400088 HISTORY (20151216A) SD: hl=11.30sec -> 11.30hr for Ge-77 in 2310700400089 DECAY-DATA (from Tbl. I of PR/C,81,027603,2010). SF5=M-2310700400090 in REACTION code. 2310700400091 ENDBIB 89 0 2310700400092 COMMON 5 3 2310700400093 EN MONIT MONIT-ERR ERR-6 ERR-9 2310700400094 EV B B PER-CENT PER-CENT 2310700400095 0.0253 98.65 0.09 2. 0.2 2310700400096 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2310700400097 DATA 3 6 2310700400098 DATA ERR-T FLAG 2310700400099 MB MB NO-DIM 2310700400100 375. 51. 1. 2310700400101 384. 56. 2. 2310700400102 362. 50. 3. 2310700400103 360. 50. 4. 2310700400104 366. 55. 5. 2310700400105 348. 49. 6. 2310700400106 ENDDATA 8 0 2310700400107 ENDSUBENT 106 0 2310700499999 SUBENT 23107005 20230212 23142310700500001 BIB 6 25 2310700500002 REACTION (32-GE-74(N,G)32-GE-75-M,,SIG,,AV) 2310700500003 REL-REF (A,22521006,W.Mannhart+,J,ZP,210,13,1968) 2310700500004 (D,11823002,E.der Mateosian+,J,PR,108,766,1957) 2310700500005 (D,21324004,H.Weigmann,J,ZP,167,549,1962) 2310700500006 ANALYSIS Weighted mean of several runs. 2310700500007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty. 2310700500008 (ERR-1) Emission probabilities uncertainty. 2310700500009 (ERR-2,2.8,5.4) Uncertainty of peak area. 2310700500010 (ERR-3) Uncertainty of detector efficiency. 2310700500011 (ERR-4,1.5,2.3) Uncertainty of correction for decay 2310700500012 during activation/waiting/measurement due to beam 2310700500013 shutter. 2310700500014 (ERR-5,0.5,1.1) Uncertainty of correction for decay 2310700500015 during activation/waiting/measurement due to half-life 2310700500016 time. 2310700500017 (ERR-6) Uncertainty of target inhomogeneity. 2310700500018 (ERR-7,,0.2) Maximal uncertainty of gamma-ray 2310700500019 attenuation. 2310700500020 (ERR-8,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of neutron 2310700500021 self-shielding - 0.1% . 2310700500022 (ERR-9) Uncertainty of number of Ge-74 nuclei. 2310700500023 (ERR-10) Uncertainty of monitored neutron flux. 2310700500024 STATUS (TABLE) Tables III, VI of J,PR/C,81,027603,2010. 2310700500025 (DEP,23107002) Several runs data. 2310700500026 HISTORY (20230212A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION code. 2310700500027 ENDBIB 25 0 2310700500028 COMMON 6 3 2310700500029 EN ERR-1 ERR-3 ERR-6 ERR-9 ERR-10 2310700500030 EV PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2310700500031 0.0253 2.0 1.8 2. 0.2 2.7 2310700500032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2310700500033 DATA 2 1 2310700500034 DATA ERR-T 2310700500035 MB MB 2310700500036 130.5 5.6 2310700500037 ENDDATA 3 0 2310700500038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2310700599999 SUBENT 23107006 20230212 23142310700600001 BIB 6 28 2310700600002 REACTION (32-GE-74(N,G)32-GE-75,,SIG,,AV) 2310700600003 REL-REF (A,11447037,L.Seren+,J,PR,72,888,1947) 2310700600004 (A,11507037,H.Pomerance,J,PR,88,412,1952) 2310700600005 (A,11625010,W.S.Lyon,J,NSE,8,378,1960) 2310700600006 (A,22046017,L.Koester+,J,ZP/A,327,129,1987) 2310700600007 ANALYSIS Weighted mean of several runs. 2310700600008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty. 2310700600009 (ERR-1,9.6,10.0) Emission probabilities uncertainty, 2310700600010 line dependent. 2310700600011 (ERR-2,0.8,3.3) Uncertainty of peak area. 2310700600012 (ERR-3,1.5,1.8) Uncertainty of detector efficiency. 2310700600013 (ERR-4,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of correction for 2310700600014 decay during activation/waiting/measurement due to beam2310700600015 shutter. 2310700600016 (ERR-5,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of correction for 2310700600017 decay during activation/waiting/measurement due to 2310700600018 half-life time. 2310700600019 (ERR-6) Uncertainty of target inhomogeneity. 2310700600020 (ERR-7,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of gamma-ray 2310700600021 attenuation. 2310700600022 (ERR-8,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of neutron 2310700600023 self-shielding - 0.1% . 2310700600024 (ERR-9) Uncertainty of number of Ge-74 nuclei. 2310700600025 (ERR-10,2.3,2.7) Uncertainty of monitored neutron flux,2310700600026 detector dependent. 2310700600027 STATUS (TABLE) Tables IV, VI of J,PR/C,81,027603,2010 2310700600028 (DEP,23107003) Several runs data. 2310700600029 HISTORY (20230212A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION code. 2310700600030 ENDBIB 28 0 2310700600031 COMMON 3 3 2310700600032 EN ERR-6 ERR-9 2310700600033 EV PER-CENT PER-CENT 2310700600034 0.0253 2. 0.2 2310700600035 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2310700600036 DATA 2 1 2310700600037 DATA ERR-T 2310700600038 MB MB 2310700600039 497. 52. 2310700600040 ENDDATA 3 0 2310700600041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 2310700699999 SUBENT 23107007 20230212 23142310700700001 BIB 6 25 2310700700002 REACTION (32-GE-74(N,G)32-GE-75-G,,SIG,,AV) 2310700700003 REL-REF (D,11823003,E.der Mateosian+,J,PR,108,766,1957) 2310700700004 ANALYSIS Weighted mean of several runs. 2310700700005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty. 2310700700006 (ERR-1,9.6,10.0) Emission probabilities uncertainty, 2310700700007 line dependent. 2310700700008 (ERR-2,0.8,3.3) Uncertainty of peak area. 2310700700009 (ERR-3,1.5,1.8) Uncertainty of detector efficiency. 2310700700010 (ERR-4,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of correction for 2310700700011 decay during activation/waiting/measurement due to beam2310700700012 shutter. 2310700700013 (ERR-5,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of correction for 2310700700014 decay during activation/waiting/measurement due to 2310700700015 half-life time. 2310700700016 (ERR-6) Uncertainty of target inhomogeneity. 2310700700017 (ERR-7,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of gamma-ray 2310700700018 attenuation. 2310700700019 (ERR-8,,0.1) Maximal uncertainty of neutron 2310700700020 self-shielding - 0.1% . 2310700700021 (ERR-9) Uncertainty of number of Ge-74 nuclei. 2310700700022 (ERR-10,2.3,2.7) Uncertainty of monitored neutron flux,2310700700023 detector dependent. 2310700700024 STATUS (TABLE) Tables IV, VI of J,PR/C,81,027603,2010 2310700700025 (DEP,23107004) several runs data 2310700700026 HISTORY (20230212A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION code. 2310700700027 ENDBIB 25 0 2310700700028 COMMON 3 3 2310700700029 EN ERR-6 ERR-9 2310700700030 EV PER-CENT PER-CENT 2310700700031 0.0253 2. 0.2 2310700700032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2310700700033 DATA 2 1 2310700700034 DATA ERR-T 2310700700035 MB MB 2310700700036 365. 51. 2310700700037 ENDDATA 3 0 2310700700038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2310700799999 SUBENT 23107008 20120712 22332310700800001 BIB 11 63 2310700800002 REACTION ((32-GE-74(N,G)32-GE-75,PR,SPC)// 2310700800003 (32-GE-74(N,G)32-GE-75,PR,SPC)) 2310700800004 Prompt gamma rays intensities relative to 253.25 keV 2310700800005 gamma ray intensity taken per 100., 2310700800006 divided by 100. to obtain NO-DIM units by compiler. 2310700800007 EN-SEC (E-NM,G) Prompt gamma rays energy in nominator. 2310700800008 (E-DN,G) Prompt gamma ray energy in denominator. 2310700800009 SAMPLE Isotopically enriched in Ge-76 GeO2 target of mass 2310700800010 580.1 mg. 2310700800011 Second sample of 435.7mg of GeO2 powder depleted in 2310700800012 76Ge - to identify peaks resulting from neutron capture2310700800013 by 74Ge. 2310700800014 Isotopic abundances of the samples in percent: 2310700800015 Enriched: sum of 70Ge, 72Ge, 73Ge - 0.3, 74Ge - 12.7, 2310700800016 76Ge - 87.0. 2310700800017 Depleted: 70Ge - 22.03, 72Ge - 29.57, 73Ge - 8.42, 2310700800018 74Ge - 39.02, 76Ge - 0.58. 2310700800019 An empty target consisting only of the FEP bag (70mg) 2310700800020 was irradiated for background determination. 2310700800021 METHOD (COINC) For the reconstruction of the level schemes, 2310700800022 coincidence measurement was performed. 2310700800023 An energy calibration, corrected for nonlinearity was 2310700800024 achieved using the numerous background peaks of 19F in 2310700800025 the spectrum of the empty target. The detection 2310700800026 efficiency calibration was performed by utilizing the 2310700800027 decay radiation of 60Co, 133Ba, 152Eu sources placed at2310700800028 the target position and prompt gamma rays produced by 2310700800029 neutron irradiation of N, Cl and Cr. 2310700800030 ANALYSIS Transitions in the germanium isotopes were identified 2310700800031 by comparing the spectra of the enriched, the depleted 2310700800032 and the empty targets taken in the singles mode. 2310700800033 The relative intensities of the peaks were extracted 2310700800034 from the singles spectra recorded. 2310700800035 From the coincidence measurement two lines close to 2310700800036 444 keV were identified. 2310700800037 FLAG (1.) Placement in level scheme according to REL-REF of 2310700800038 B.P.Kay+. 2310700800039 (2.) Placement in level scheme according to REL-REF of 2310700800040 Farhan+. 2310700800041 (3.) Placement and identification based on REL-REF of 2310700800042 Farhan+. 2310700800043 (4.) Correct intensity, energy and placement unclear. 2310700800044 (5.) Energy from REL-REF of Farhan+. 2310700800045 (6.) Also 886 keV -> 762.keV . 2310700800046 (7.) Correct intensity, energy and placement unclear. 2310700800047 Also 901.keV -> 457 keV . 2310700800048 REL-REF (R,,B.P.Kay+,J,PR/C,80,017301,2009) 2310700800049 (R,,A.R.Farhan+,J,NDS,86,785,1999) 2310700800050 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 2310700800051 In Table A.2 of J,EPJ/A,48,20,2012 for Egamma=647.67keV2310700800052 coincident transitions is given as 25. keV - looks as 2310700800053 misprint, there is no such transition 25 keV in Table. 2310700800054 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Not specified. 2310700800055 Uncertainty of the measured gamma-ray energy contains a2310700800056 systematic contribution of 0.10 keV for the energy 2310700800057 calibration added quadratically to the statistical one 2310700800058 which came from the fit after background correction. 2310700800059 ADD-RES (DECAY) Decay scheme was reconstructed for 68 prompt 2310700800060 transitions. 2310700800061 Considering the recoil correction the neutron binding 2310700800062 energy was determined to be (6505.84 +-0.05) keV. 2310700800063 STATUS (TABLE) Tables A.2 of J,EPJ/A,48,20,2012 . 2310700800064 (DEP,23107004) 2310700800065 ENDBIB 63 0 2310700800066 COMMON 2 3 2310700800067 EN-MEAN E-DN 2310700800068 MILLI-EV KEV 2310700800069 1.8 253.25 2310700800070 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2310700800071 DATA 10 65 2310700800072 E-NM E-NM-ERR DATA DATA-ERR LVL-INI LVL-FIN 2310700800073 FLAG FLAG MISC MISC 2310700800074 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM KEV KEV 2310700800075 NO-DIM NO-DIM KEV KEV 2310700800076 52.5 10.8 E-2 0.6 E-2 192. 140. 2310700800077 3. 5. 2310700800078 124.75 0.11 2.12 E-2 0.10 E-2 317. 192. 2310700800079 3. 6. 2310700800080 139.81 0.10 35.8 E-2 0.10 E-2 140. 0. 2310700800081 2310700800082 177.29 0.11 20.2 E-2 0.7 E-2 317. 140. 2310700800083 2310700800084 204.09 0.10 9.5 E-2 0.4 E-2 457. 253. 2310700800085 2310700800086 236.25 0.11 0.98 E-2 0.6 E-2 1137. 901. 2310700800087 3. 2310700800088 253.01 0.10 100. E-2 253. 0. 2310700800089 2310700800090 310.89 0.10 4.02 E-2 0.18 E-2 886. 575. 2310700800091 2. 574. 2310700800092 317.14 0.10 6.14 E-2 0.25 E-2 317. 0. 2310700800093 2. 568. 2310700800094 321.89 0.21 3.4 E-2 0.5 E-2 575. 253. 2310700800095 2310700800096 443.48 0.11 1.22 E-2 0.09 E-2 584. 140. 2310700800097 2. 4. 1285. 2310700800098 444.95 0.10 16.0 E-2 0.6 E-2 762. 317. 2310700800099 2. 7. 177. 2310700800100 457.24 0.10 12.0 E-2 0.4 E-2 457. 0. 2310700800101 2. 1045. 2310700800102 481.71 0.10 15.0 E-2 0.4 E-2 674. 192. 2310700800103 2310700800104 562.28 0.13 1.35 E-2 0.12 E-2 1137. 575. 2310700800105 2. 574. 2310700800106 568.89 0.23 1.01 E-2 0.20 E-2 886. 317. 2310700800107 2. 317. 2310700800108 570.02 0.20 4.1 E-2 0.8 E-2 762. 192. 2310700800109 3. 2310700800110 574.98 0.10 49.5 E-2 1.7 E-2 575. 0. 2310700800111 2310700800112 632.40 0.29 5.7 E-2 2.1 E-2 886. 253. 2310700800113 2. 253. 2310700800114 647.67 0.11 3.14 E-2 0.13 E-2 2310700800115 25. 2310700800116 673.96 0.15 4.41 E-2 0.30 E-2 674. 0. 2310700800117 3. 2310700800118 679.89 0.12 2.10 E-2 0.13 E-2 1137. 457. 2310700800119 2. 204. 2310700800120 762.51 0.22 3.6 E-2 0.4 E-2 762. 0. 2310700800121 3. 2310700800122 783.58 0.23 1.5 E-2 0.4 E-2 1241. 457. 2310700800123 2. 204. 2310700800124 820.13 0.10 5.08 E-2 0.18 E-2 1137. 317. 2310700800125 3. 2310700800126 840.69 0.52 1.36 E-2 0.15 E-2 1515. 674. 2310700800127 2. 481. 2310700800128 841.44 0.42 5.8 E-2 2.4 E-2 1416. 575. 2310700800129 2310700800130 885.83 0.11 7.85 E-2 0.27 E-2 886. 0. 2310700800131 2310700800132 927.39 0.11 5.00 E-2 0.24 E-2 1502. 575. 2310700800133 2310700800134 987.80 0.14 0.99 E-2 0.09 E-2 1241. 253. 2310700800135 3. 2310700800136 1045.30 0.31 2.1 E-2 0.7 E-2 1502. 457. 2310700800137 2. 204. 457. 2310700800138 1137.15 0.11 4.08 E-2 0.30 E-2 1137. 0. 2310700800139 3. 2310700800140 1175.54 0.11 3.27 E-2 0.24 E-2 1429. 253. 2310700800141 2310700800142 1223.33 0.10 11.5 E-2 0.4 E-2 1798. 575. 2310700800143 2310700800144 1249. 1. 3.2 E-2 1.4 E-2 1502. 253. 2310700800145 2. 253. 2310700800146 1285.29 0.16 1.18 E-2 0.14 E-2 1869. 584. 2310700800147 2. 443. 2310700800148 1416.45 0.11 5.97 E-2 0.21 E-2 1416. 0. 2310700800149 2310700800150 1428.67 0.12 1.07 E-2 0.6 E-2 1429. 0. 2310700800151 1. 2310700800152 1495.98 0.11 4.63 E-2 0.19 E-2 1688. 192. 2310700800153 2310700800154 1502.34 0.11 2.37 E-2 0.13 E-2 1502. 0. 2310700800155 3. 2310700800156 1514.85 0.11 7.63 E-2 0.29 E-2 1515. 0. 2310700800157 2310700800158 1545.06 0.11 6.79 E-2 0.24 E-2 1798. 253. 2310700800159 2310700800160 1606.82 0.40 0.96 E-2 0.17 E-2 2066. 457. 2310700800161 2310700800162 1798.30 0.11 4.48 E-2 0.16 E-2 1798. 0. 2310700800163 2310700800164 1873.27 0.15 6.6 E-2 0.7 E-2 2066. 192. 2310700800165 2310700800166 2091.21 0.15 4.6 E-2 0.9 E-2 2091. 0. 2310700800167 2310700800168 2119.42 0.16 5.4 E-2 1.0 E-2 2312. 192. 2310700800169 2310700800170 4193.90 0.52 4.1 E-2 1.8 E-2 6506. 2312. 2310700800171 2310700800172 4414.54 0.11 7.70 E-2 0.28 E-2 6506. 2091. 2310700800173 253. 2310700800174 4439.95 0.11 10.3 E-2 0.4 E-2 6506. 2065. 2310700800175 2310700800176 4501.58 0.12 2.37 E-2 0.11 E-2 6506. 2003. 2310700800177 3. 2310700800178 4707.51 0.10 25.8 E-2 1.0 E-2 6506. 1798. 2310700800179 2310700800180 4747.80 0.11 3.63 E-2 0.15 E-2 2310700800181 3. 2310700800182 4817.46 0.14 3.25 E-2 0.30 E-2 6506. 1688. 2310700800183 2310700800184 4990.92 0.11 7.94 E-2 0.30 E-2 6506. 1515. 2310700800185 2310700800186 5003.38 0.11 9.4 E-2 0.4 E-2 6506. 1502. 2310700800187 2310700800188 5077.00 0.11 3.09 E-2 0.15 E-2 6506. 1429. 2310700800189 2310700800190 5089.21 0.11 14.5 E-2 0.6 E-2 6506. 1416. 2310700800191 2310700800192 5368.38 0.16 7.8 E-2 1.1 E-2 6506. 1137. 2310700800193 2310700800194 5619.97 0.31 6.2 E-2 0.6 E-2 6506. 886. 2310700800195 2310700800196 5743.20 0.41 3.4 E-2 0.6 E-2 6506. 762. 2310700800197 3. 2310700800198 5831.58 0.32 1.73 E-2 0.11 E-2 6506. 674. 2310700800199 2310700800200 5930.68 0.11 8.6 E-2 0.4 E-2 6505. 575. 2310700800201 2310700800202 6252.24 0.11 36.4 E-2 1.3 E-2 6506. 253. 2310700800203 2310700800204 6505.40 0.11 9.5 E-2 0.4 E-2 6506. 0. 2310700800205 2310700800206 ENDDATA 134 0 2310700800207 ENDSUBENT 206 0 2310700899999 ENDENTRY 8 0 2310799999999