ENTRY            23132   20130110                             22342313200000001 
SUBENT        23132001   20130110                             22342313200100001 
BIB                 17        197                                 2313200100002 
TITLE      Resonance parameters for 197Au + n below 200 eV        2313200100003 
AUTHOR     (C.Massimi, A.Borella, S.Kopecky, C.Lamboudis,         2313200100004 
            M.C.Moxon, P.Schillebeeckx, G.Vannini)                2313200100005 
INSTITUTE  (2ITYUBO,2ZZZGEL)                                      2313200100006 
           (2UK UK ) Hyde Copse, Marchan,3 United Kingdom         2313200100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NC/B,125,517,2010)                                  2313200100008 
           #doi:10.1393/ncb/i2010-10847-9                         2313200100009 
           (J,KPS,59,1689,2011) Same Res.Par. at 4.9 eV given     2313200100010 
REL-REF    (I,,M.Flaska+,J,NIM/A,531,392,2004)                    2313200100011 
           Description of the accelerator and its neutron         2313200100012 
            producing target                                      2313200100013 
           (I,,C.Coceva+,R,IRMM-06,1996)                          2313200100014 
           IRMM internal report GE/R/ND/06/96                     2313200100015 
          1(I,,S.Kopecky+,J,NP/A,773,173,2006)                    2313200100016 
           Detailed description of the exp. setup for             2313200100017 
            transmission measurements.                            2313200100018 
          2(I,,A.Borella+,J,NIM/A,577,636,2007)                   2313200100019 
           Description of the method and of the calculation of    2313200100020 
            weighting function                                    2313200100021 
SAMPLE     Temperature at the sample position was continuously    2313200100022 
           monitored. The average temperature was used in the     2313200100023 
           resonance shape analysis to account for Doppler effect.2313200100024 
          1 Samples of thickness                                  2313200100025 
            - 10.0 microm (5.861E-5 at/b),                        2313200100026 
              20.0 microm (1.163E-4 at/b),                        2313200100027 
              50.0 microm(2.906E-4 at/b)                          2313200100028 
           using 50 Hz frequency and natural Cd filter to prevent 2313200100029 
           overlapping between neutron bunches;                   2313200100030 
            - 3.0 mm (1.757E-2 at/b) using 800 Hz frequency and   2313200100031 
            B-10 filter to prevent overlapping between neutron    2313200100032 
            bunches.                                              2313200100033 
          2 At 12.5 m flight path (and 50 Hz frequency) - samples 2313200100034 
           of thickness 0.5 mm (3.097E-3 at/b) using Co,Bi,Na     2313200100035 
           filters for background, with and without natural Cd    2313200100036 
           filter to prevent overlapping between neutron bunches. 2313200100037 
           At  30 m flight path:                                  2313200100038 
           - 50 Hz frequency and natural Cd filter to prevent     2313200100039 
           overlapping, samples of thickness                      2313200100040 
           1.0mm(6.007E-3 at/b) using Na filter for background,   2313200100041 
           0.5mm(3.097E-3 at/b) using W,Co,Na filters for         2313200100042 
           background,                                            2313200100043 
           0.5 mm (3.097E-3 at/b), 0.1 mm (5.945E-4 at/b),        2313200100044 
           50.0 microm (2.906E-4at/b), 10.0 microm (5.861E-5at/b),2313200100045 
           5.0 microm (2.772 at/b) using Na filter for background;2313200100046 
           - 800 Hz frequency and B-10 filter to prevent          2313200100047 
           overlapping, samples of thickness                      2313200100048 
           1.0mm (6.07E-3at/b), 0.5 mm(3.097E-3 at/b),            2313200100049 
           0.1 mm (5.940E-4 at/b);                                2313200100050 
           0.1 mm (5.940E-4 at/b) using Na filter for background; 2313200100051 
           0.1 mm (5.940E-4 at/b) using S filter for background.  2313200100052 
          3 0.1 mm thick Au foil was placed at a 7 m distance from2313200100053 
           the neutron producing target. The areal density of the 2313200100054 
           Au filter (5.886E-4 at/b) was similar compared to the  2313200100055 
           one of the capture sample (5.945E-4 at/b).             2313200100056 
FACILITY   (LINAC,2ZZZGEL) GELINA at IRMM .                       2313200100057 
INC-SOURCE (PHOTO) Pulsed white neutron source. Electron pulses   2313200100058 
            (max.repetition rate 800 Hz, peak current up to 12 A  2313200100059 
           in 10 ns time interval) are accelerated up to 150 MeV. 2313200100060 
           Post-acceleration magnet compresses electron bunches   2313200100061 
           to width < 1 ns (peak current 120 A).                  2313200100062 
           Electrons generate bremsstrahlung in rotating uranium  2313200100063 
           target - neutrons were mainly produced by gamma,n and  2313200100064 
           gamma,f reactions.                                     2313200100065 
           Water-filled Be containers as moderators.              2313200100066 
INC-SPECT  Direct - fast neutron spectrum with very good time     2313200100067 
           resolution.                                            2313200100068 
            Moderated - slow neutron spectrum at reduced energy   2313200100069 
           resolution.                                            2313200100070 
METHOD     (TOF)  0.5 ns resolution.                              2313200100071 
          1(TRN) Neutron detectors were placed at 49.345+-0.006 m 2313200100072 
           distance from neutron producing target. Samples were   2313200100073 
           placed almost halfway between detector and neutron     2313200100074 
           producing target. Angle between the flight path and    2313200100075 
           the normal to the moderator was -9 deg.                2313200100076 
           (FNB) Sample changer was also used to place black      2313200100077 
           resonance filters (i.e. S, Na, Co, W, and Ag) for      2313200100078 
           background determination applying the black resonance  2313200100079 
           technique. All measurements have been performed        2313200100080 
           with at least one fixed black resonance filter in beam.2313200100081 
           The background level at 4.9 eV for a sample out        2313200100082 
           measurement was < 1% and about 10% for measurements    2313200100083 
           with a 10 microm thick Au sample in the beam.          2313200100084 
           30mm diameter neutron beam at the sample position.     2313200100085 
           (PHD) Pulse-height window selects the alpha-peak of    2313200100086 
           Li-6(n,alpha) reaction to distinguish a neutron event  2313200100087 
           from background events.                                2313200100088 
          2 Capture measurements at nominal flight path distances 2313200100089 
           of 12.5 m, 30 m , 60 m (angle between the flight path  2313200100090 
           and the normal to the moderator is 18, 0 and 9 degrees,2313200100091 
           respectively).Moderated neutron beam was collimated to 2313200100092 
           75 mm diameter at the sample position.                 2313200100093 
           At about 1m from the sample a shielding of boron-oxide 2313200100094 
           and paraffin together with a 10 cm thick lead wall,    2313200100095 
           was placed to reduce the background.                   2313200100096 
           Pulse height weighting technique was used to create    2313200100097 
           detector response proportional to the energy of the    2313200100098 
           registered gamma.                                      2313200100099 
          3 Self-indication measurements at 30 m flight path using2313200100100 
           the same setup as for capture measurements.            2313200100101 
           Au filter (squared metal disc 21.7x22.0 cm, areal      2313200100102 
           density of 5.886*10-4 atoms/barn,nominal thickness     2313200100103 
           0.11 mm) was placed at the beginning of the neutron    2313200100104 
           beam pipe, far from the measurement station.           2313200100105 
PART-DET  1(N)                                                    2313200100106 
          2(G)                                                    2313200100107 
DETECTOR   Response function was investigated using MONTE Carlo   2313200100108 
           calculation - REL-REFs of M.Flaska+, C.Coceva+.        2313200100109 
           Fe-56(n,gamma) capture measurements at 60 m Flight Path2313200100110 
            (A.Borella+, Int.Workshop on P&T and ADS Development, 2313200100111 
           SCK*CEN, Mol, Belgium, 6-8 October,2003) - to validate 2313200100112 
           resolution function.                                   2313200100113 
          1(BF3) BF3 proportional counters - to monitor           2313200100114 
           output and stability of the accelerator and to         2313200100115 
           normalize the sample-in and sample-out measurements to 2313200100116 
           the same total neutron intensity.                      2313200100117 
           (GLASD) Li-glass scintillator (NE 912), enriched to 95%2313200100118 
           in Li-6 of 1/4 inch (6.35mm) thickness, 4 inch(101.6mm)2313200100119 
           diameter, viewed by a photo-multiplier.                2313200100120 
           Background as a function of TOF was derived by black   2313200100121 
           resonance technique.                                   2313200100122 
          2(SCIN) C6D6 liquid scintillator array. Each detector   2313200100123 
           was positioned at an angle of 125 degrees with respect 2313200100124 
           to the direction of the neutron beam.                  2313200100125 
           Each scintillator was coupled to a quartz windowed     2313200100126 
            (boron free) photomultiplier.                         2313200100127 
           Threshold for the deposited energy of the detection    2313200100128 
           system at 12.5 m, 30 m, and 60 m was set to 200 keV,   2313200100129 
           150 keV and 150 keV, respectively.                     2313200100130 
           Linearity and resolution of the C6D6 detectors were    2313200100131 
           monitored on a weekly basis by measurements of the     2313200100132 
           2.6 MeV gamma-ray from the Th-232 decay chain.         2313200100133 
           (IOCH) B-10 Frisch gridded ionization chambers placed  2313200100134 
           at 80 cm before the capture sample -to monitor shape of2313200100135 
           neutron spectrum. Double chamber was used with cathode 2313200100136 
           loaded with two back-to-back layers of about           2313200100137 
           40 microg/cm2 B-10, effective diameter of 84 mm,       2313200100138 
           evaporated on a 30 microm thick aluminum backing.      2313200100139 
           Chambers were operated with continuous flow of mixture 2313200100140 
           of argon (90%) + methane (10%) at atmospheric pressure.2313200100141 
ANALYSIS   To derive the transmission and the capture yield from  2313200100142 
           the raw TOF spectra the data reduction package AGS     2313200100143 
            (Analysis of Geel Spectra) developed at the IRMM was  2313200100144 
           used - C.Bastian, AGS,"set of UNIX commands for neutron2313200100145 
           data reduction", Proc.Int.Conf. on Neutron Research and2313200100146 
           Industry, Crete, Greece, 1996, Ed. G.Vourvopoulos,     2313200100147 
           SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering,  2313200100148 
           Vol. 2867, 611, 1997 :                                 2313200100149 
           AGS code controls the most important spectra           2313200100150 
           manipulations: dead time correction, background fitting2313200100151 
           and subtraction and normalization; performs full       2313200100152 
           propagation of uncertainties, starting from the        2313200100153 
           uncorrelated uncertainties due to counting statistic;  2313200100154 
           includes complete covariance matrix accounting for both2313200100155 
           uncorrelated and correlated uncertainty components.    2313200100156 
           Resonance shape analysis code REFIT is used to         2313200100157 
           parameterize the data in terms of resonance parameters.2313200100158 
           The code is based on the Reich-Moore approximation of  2313200100159 
           the R-matrix formalism and accounts for self-shielding,2313200100160 
           multiple scattering and Doppler effects, the resolution2313200100161 
           of the spectrometer, neutron sensitivity of the capture2313200100162 
           detection system and attenuation of gamma-rays in      2313200100163 
           sample.                                                2313200100164 
           Normalization of capture yields and self-indication    2313200100165 
            data was done by means of the saturated resonance     2313200100166 
            technique applied to the 4.9-eV Au resonance.         2313200100167 
           For capture measurements with thin samples the         2313200100168 
            normalization was derived from nearby resonances,     2313200100169 
            for which the resonance parameters were determined    2313200100170 
            from the thick sample data.                           2313200100171 
MONITOR    (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,,SIG)   C-s were used to drive      2313200100172 
           (5-B-10(N,TOT),,SIG)       capture yields.             2313200100173 
CORRECTION For dead-time - maximum correction for neutron energies2313200100174 
           below 500 eV was 2%.                                   2313200100175 
            In capture measurement for the flux measurements the  2313200100176 
           dead time was 3500 ns, with a maximum dead-time        2313200100177 
           correction less than 1% at the two stations. The dead  2313200100178 
           time for the capture measurement systems was 2800 ns.  2313200100179 
           For the measurements at the 12.5m and 30m station      2313200100180 
           maximum dead-time corrections were < 20% and 5%,       2313200100181 
           respectively.                                          2313200100182 
           For the attenuation in the exit window of ionization   2313200100183 
           chamber and the attenuation due to the 80 cm air       2313200100184 
           between ionization chamber and target.                 2313200100185 
           For background. In transmission measurement            2313200100186 
           - for sample-out < 1%,                                 2313200100187 
           - for sample-in up to 10% at 4.9 eV .                  2313200100188 
           In capture measurement time-dependent background was   2313200100189 
           monitored during runs having only the sample holder in 2313200100190 
           the neutron beam; additional 0.5 mm thick Pb-208 sample2313200100191 
           measurement was done to estimate the background due to 2313200100192 
           scattered neutrons.                                    2313200100193 
ERR-ANALYS1(ERR-1,,0.5) Uncertainty of normalization factor in    2313200100194 
           transmission measurement                               2313200100195 
HISTORY    (20110719C) M.M.                                       2313200100196 
            Request of data of all resonances was sent to         2313200100197 
            Cristian Massimi - massimi@bo.infn.it 2011-07-28.     2313200100198 
           (20130110U) On. MONIT=4.9 eV deleted.                  2313200100199 
ENDBIB             197          0                                 2313200100200 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2313200100201 
ENDSUBENT          200          0                                 2313200199999 
SUBENT        23132002   20110719                             22282313200200001 
BIB                  6         18                                 2313200200002 
REACTION  1(79-AU-197(N,0),,EN)   Resonance energy.               2313200200003 
          2(79-AU-197(N,EL),,WID) Neutron width.                  2313200200004 
          3(79-AU-197(N,G),,WID) Gamma width.                     2313200200005 
ANALYSIS   (MLA) REFIT code, based on the Reich-Moore             2313200200006 
           approximation of the multi-level R-matrix formalism,   2313200200007 
           was used to calculate the resonance parameters         2313200200008 
           performing a simultaneous fit of several data sets.    2313200200009 
           Adjusted parameters: energy, neutron and radiation     2313200200010 
           width.Resonance energy was determined from transmission2313200200011 
           data at 49.34 m, where the time-energy calibration was 2313200200012 
           adjusted to the U-238 resonance at 6.673 +- 0.001 eV.  2313200200013 
REL-REF    (A,,R.C.Block+,C,94GATLIN,81,1994) Agree within 1%.    2313200200014 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty.                       2313200200015 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text, page 526 of J,NC/B,125,517,2010.         2313200200016 
            Text, last page of J,KPS,58,(1061),2011.              2313200200017 
COMMENT     This work was supported by the European Commission    2313200200018 
           within the Sixth Framework Program through I3-EFNUDAT  2313200200019 
           ,EURATOM contract No. 036434.                          2313200200020 
ENDBIB              18          0                                 2313200200021 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2313200200022 
DATA                 8          1                                 2313200200023 
DATA      1ERR-S     1DATA      2ERR-S     2DATA      3ERR-S     32313200200024 
PARITY     SPIN J                                                 2313200200025 
EV         EV         MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   2313200200026 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 2313200200027 
 4.8995     0.0002     14.96      0.02       121.4      0.3       2313200200028 
   +1.      2.                                                    2313200200029 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 2313200200030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 2313200299999 
SUBENT        23132003   20110719                             22282313200300001 
BIB                  3         10                                 2313200300002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(N,G),,WID/STR) Capture kernel.              2313200300003 
REL-REF    (A,14086002,R.C.Block+,C,94GATLIN,1,81,1994) RPI       2313200300004 
           (A,23067001,Massimi+,J,PR/C,81,044616,2010)  n TOF     2313200300005 
            Deviations on average by 2% and 1%,respectively.      2313200300006 
            Maximum deviation is less than 5%                     2313200300007 
STATUS     (UNOBT)  Request for the data was sent 28-07-2011 to   2313200300008 
            Cristian Massimi - massimi@bo.infn.it .               2313200300009 
            Data are on Fig.3 of J,KPS,58,(1061),2011             2313200300010 
           and on Fig.1 of J,NC/B,125,517,2010                    2313200300011 
           as ratios to kernels measured at RPI and n TOF.        2313200300012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2313200300013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2313200300014 
NODATA               0          0                                 2313200300015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 2313200399999 
SUBENT        23132004   20130110                             22342313200400001 
BIB                  4          8                                 2313200400002 
REACTION  1(79-AU-197(N,TOT),,TRN) Transmission                   2313200400003 
          2(79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,RYL) Capture yield           2313200400004 
          3(79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIF) Self-indication         2313200400005 
ADD-RES    (COMP) Comparison with REFIT code calculations         2313200400006 
STATUS     (UNOBT) Fig.2 of Nuovo.Cim.B125(2010)517               2313200400007 
           Transmission, capture yield and self-indication        2313200400008 
            yields for 5, 10, 20, and 100 um thick samples        2313200400009 
HISTORY    (20130110A) On. REACTION: ,TRN,,RYL -> ,RYL            2313200400010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 2313200400011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2313200400012 
NODATA               0          0                                 2313200400013 
ENDSUBENT           12          0                                 2313200499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 2313299999999