ENTRY 23134 20180921 22712313400000001 SUBENT 23134001 20180921 22712313400100001 BIB 15 89 2313400100002 TITLE Inelastic scattering of fast neutrons from excited 2313400100003 states in 56Fe. 2313400100004 AUTHOR (R.Beyer,R.Schwengner, R.Hannaske, A.R.Junghans, 2313400100005 R.Massarczyk,M.Anders,D.Bemmerer, A.Ferrari,A.Hartmann,2313400100006 T.Koegler, M.Roeder, K.Schmidt, A.Wagner) 2313400100007 INSTITUTE (2GERZFK,2GERDRE,2GERPTB) 2313400100008 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,927,41,2014) CS data on figures. 2313400100009 #doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2014.03.010 2313400100010 (J,EPJ/A,54,58,2018) 2313400100011 #doi:10.1140/epja/i2018-12492-7 2313400100012 Gamma-rays angular distributions. Inelastic scattering 2313400100013 cross section of 56Fe for the first excited state 2313400100014 corrected for the gamma-ray angular distribution. 2313400100015 (T,BEYER,2014) In German. Data on figures. 2313400100016 (J,EPJ/CS,8,07007,2010) Preliminary. 2313400100017 #doi:10.1051/epjconf/201000807007 2313400100018 (S,ISINN-18,127,2011) First author A.Wagner. Prelim. 2313400100019 (R,EUR-23883,27,2010) Preliminary. 2313400100020 #doi:10.2787/23116 2313400100021 Proc. of Scientific Workshop on Neutron Measurements, 2313400100022 Theory and Applications. Nuclear Data for Sustainable 2313400100023 Nuclear Energy. 28-30 April, 2009, Geel, Belgium. 2313400100024 Edited by F.-J. Hambsch. 2313400100025 Preliminary c-s on Fig.5 . 2313400100026 REL-REF (I,,R.Beyer+,J,NIM/A,575,449,2007) 2313400100027 Details of setup. 2313400100028 (I,,R.Beyer+,J,NIM/A,723,151,2013) 2313400100029 Details of the neutron-beam profile, the determination2313400100030 of the neutron flux and the neutron spectrum; 2313400100031 details of the acquisition system and of the dead-time2313400100032 correction. 2313400100033 (O,,R.Beyer+,J,EPJ/A,54,58,2018) The gamma-ray 2313400100034 angular distribution in fast neutron inelastic 2313400100035 scattering from iron. 2313400100036 FACILITY (LINAC,2GERZFK) Superconducting Electron Linac. 2313400100037 Electron beam energy 30 MeV; average current 15 microA.2313400100038 INC-SOURCE (PHOTO) nELBE Electron Linac for beams with high 2313400100039 Brilliance and low Emittance at Helmholtz-Zentrum 2313400100040 Dresden-Rossendorf. Electrons are accelerated up to 2313400100041 40 MeV. Bremsstrahlung radiation is induced by 2313400100042 impinging a high intensity electron beam on a liquid 2313400100043 lead loop. 2313400100044 Fast neutrons from 0.1 to 10 MeV are generated via 2313400100045 photonuclear reactions on lead. 2313400100046 INC-SPECT Neutron energy distribution of the nELBE neutron source2313400100047 was measured with U-235 fission chamber. 2313400100048 Neutron intensity on target was ~2*10**4 n/s/cm**2. 2313400100049 Neutron fluence is on Fig.5 of NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313400100050 SAMPLE Natural iron, diameter 20mm, thickness 8mm, mass 2313400100051 19.787g, areal density 6.211E-2 56-Fe atoms per barn. 2313400100052 Isotopic composition: Fe-54 - 5.85%, Fe-56 - 91.75%, 2313400100053 Fe-57 - 2.12%, Fe-58 - 0.28%. Mass 19.82 g. 2313400100054 (26-FE-56,NAT=0.9175) 2313400100055 DETECTOR (FISCH) U-235 fission chamber to measure primary 2313400100056 neutron flux. 2313400100057 (HPGE) HPGe detector, efficiency of 100% relative to a 2313400100058 NaI detector of 7.6 cm diameter and 7.6 cm length was 2313400100059 used to measure gamma rays. Positioned at a distance 2313400100060 20 cm from the target and at an angle 125 deg relative 2313400100061 to the beam direction. The energy and efficiency 2313400100062 calibration was performed using 22Na, 60Co, 226Ra 2313400100063 standard calibration sources. 2313400100064 METHOD (TOF) Time-of-flight method. 2313400100065 Time resolution of 10 ns (FWHM); flight path 6175 mm. 2313400100066 (COINC) Gammas-neutrons coincidence. 2313400100067 CORRECTION Gamma-ray spectra were extracted by setting gates of 122313400100068 channels width, corresponding to 11.72 ns, on the time 2313400100069 axis in the net matrix after background subtraction. 2313400100070 Corecctions applied: for backgrounds; 2313400100071 for dead time; 2313400100072 for the attenuation of the emitted gamma rays in the 2313400100073 target material ( correction factors are in Table 1 of 2313400100074 J,NP/A,927,41,2014); 2313400100075 for neutron multiple scattering. 2313400100076 The neutron flux was corrected for attenuation of the 2313400100077 neutron beam in the target. 2313400100078 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty includes the statistical 2313400100079 uncertainty of the peak areas in the gamma spectra and 2313400100080 (ERR-1,,4.) the uncertainties of the neutron flux 2313400100081 ( value was received from the author). 2313400100082 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by the author R.Schwengner 28.07.2016 2313400100083 HISTORY (20110719C) M.M. 2313400100084 (20160628A) M.M. 2313400100085 NP/A,927,41,2014 and T,BEYER were added in REFERENCE. 2313400100086 (20160708R) Data were received from the author 2313400100087 R.Schwengner. Subents 003-018 were added. 2313400100088 (20180920A) VS. Ref. Eur.Phys.J.A,54(2018)58 added. 2313400100089 Inl. scatt. cr. sec. to the first exited state 2313400100090 corrected for the angular distr. compiled in subent.0192313400100091 ENDBIB 89 0 2313400100092 NOCOMMON 0 0 2313400100093 ENDSUBENT 92 0 2313400199999 SUBENT 23134002 20160628 22512313400200001 BIB 4 16 2313400200002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG) 2313400200003 Inelastic neutron scattering cross section to the first2313400200004 excited state 2+ 847.keV. 2313400200005 REL-REF (A,10529004,F.G.Perey+,C,71KNOX,1,191,197103) 2313400200006 Good agreement with measurements by Perey+ up to the 2313400200007 threshold of the second excited level at 2085 keV. 2313400200008 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313400200009 Request of data was sent to R.Beyer and A.Junghans, 2313400200010 roland.beyer@fzd.de , a.junghans@fzd.de 20-07-2011; 2313400200011 to A.Wagner a.wagner@fzd.de 22-09-2011. 2313400200012 Fig.12 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313400200013 Preliminary data on: 2313400200014 Fig.6 of S,ISINN-18,127,2011, 2313400200015 Fig.4 of J,EPJ/CS,8,07006,2010, 2313400200016 Fig.5 of R,EUR-23883,27,2010. 2313400200017 HISTORY (20160708A) M.M. Data were added. 2313400200018 ENDBIB 16 0 2313400200019 COMMON 1 3 2313400200020 E-LVL 2313400200021 KEV 2313400200022 847. 2313400200023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313400200024 DATA 3 30 2313400200025 EN DATA ERR-T 2313400200026 MEV B B 2313400200027 0.847 0.085 0.009 2313400200028 0.889 0.251 0.023 2313400200029 0.934 0.341 0.032 2313400200030 0.984 0.519 0.041 2313400200031 1.038 0.547 0.046 2313400200032 1.095 0.607 0.045 2313400200033 1.158 0.617 0.050 2313400200034 1.227 0.567 0.045 2313400200035 1.301 0.507 0.041 2313400200036 1.383 0.710 0.053 2313400200037 1.472 0.836 0.058 2313400200038 1.571 0.845 0.058 2313400200039 1.680 0.811 0.056 2313400200040 1.800 0.734 0.050 2313400200041 1.934 0.974 0.064 2313400200042 2.084 1.067 0.069 2313400200043 2.252 1.051 0.069 2313400200044 2.442 1.079 0.072 2313400200045 2.655 1.005 0.070 2313400200046 2.899 0.959 0.078 2313400200047 3.177 0.879 0.088 2313400200048 3.498 0.722 0.093 2313400200049 3.870 0.681 0.098 2313400200050 4.305 0.589 0.098 2313400200051 4.818 0.494 0.100 2313400200052 5.428 0.470 0.104 2313400200053 6.163 0.465 0.110 2313400200054 7.060 0.439 0.110 2313400200055 8.168 0.392 0.105 2313400200056 9.562 0.390 0.118 2313400200057 ENDDATA 32 0 2313400200058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 2313400299999 SUBENT 23134003 20160628 22512313400300001 BIB 3 6 2313400300002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG) 2313400300003 Inelastic neutron scattering cross section to the 2313400300004 excited state 4+ 2085.keV. 2313400300005 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313400300006 Fig.12 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313400300007 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313400300008 ENDBIB 6 0 2313400300009 COMMON 1 3 2313400300010 E-LVL 2313400300011 KEV 2313400300012 2085. 2313400300013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313400300014 DATA 3 14 2313400300015 EN DATA ERR-T 2313400300016 MEV B B 2313400300017 2.252 0.021 0.002 2313400300018 2.442 0.064 0.006 2313400300019 2.655 0.074 0.006 2313400300020 2.899 0.137 0.011 2313400300021 3.177 0.148 0.011 2313400300022 3.498 0.144 0.015 2313400300023 3.870 0.168 0.018 2313400300024 4.305 0.187 0.021 2313400300025 4.818 0.154 0.027 2313400300026 5.428 0.250 0.030 2313400300027 6.163 0.294 0.035 2313400300028 7.060 0.326 0.038 2313400300029 8.168 0.335 0.041 2313400300030 9.562 0.402 0.054 2313400300031 ENDDATA 16 0 2313400300032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2313400399999 SUBENT 23134004 20160628 22512313400400001 BIB 3 6 2313400400002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG) 2313400400003 Inelastic neutron scattering cross section to the 2313400400004 excited state 6+ 3388.keV. 2313400400005 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313400400006 Fig.12 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313400400007 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313400400008 ENDBIB 6 0 2313400400009 COMMON 1 3 2313400400010 E-LVL 2313400400011 KEV 2313400400012 3388. 2313400400013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313400400014 DATA 3 6 2313400400015 EN DATA ERR-T 2313400400016 MEV B B 2313400400017 4.818 0.026 0.007 2313400400018 5.428 0.021 0.005 2313400400019 6.163 0.021 0.004 2313400400020 7.060 0.037 0.006 2313400400021 8.168 0.051 0.007 2313400400022 9.562 0.051 0.018 2313400400023 ENDDATA 8 0 2313400400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2313400499999 SUBENT 23134005 20160628 22512313400500001 BIB 4 7 2313400500002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,,SIG) 2313400500003 Total inelastic neutron scattering cross section . 2313400500004 ANALYSIS Deduced from the measured intensities of the 847 keV 2313400500005 transition. 2313400500006 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313400500007 Fig.7 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313400500008 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313400500009 ENDBIB 7 0 2313400500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2313400500011 DATA 3 31 2313400500012 EN DATA ERR-T 2313400500013 MEV B B 2313400500014 0.847 0.085 0.009 2313400500015 0.889 0.251 0.023 2313400500016 0.934 0.341 0.032 2313400500017 0.984 0.519 0.041 2313400500018 1.038 0.547 0.046 2313400500019 1.095 0.607 0.045 2313400500020 1.158 0.617 0.050 2313400500021 1.227 0.567 0.045 2313400500022 1.301 0.507 0.041 2313400500023 1.383 0.710 0.053 2313400500024 1.472 0.836 0.058 2313400500025 1.571 0.845 0.058 2313400500026 1.680 0.811 0.056 2313400500027 1.800 0.734 0.050 2313400500028 1.934 0.974 0.064 2313400500029 2.084 1.067 0.069 2313400500030 2.252 1.072 0.069 2313400500031 2.442 1.143 0.072 2313400500032 2.655 1.099 0.070 2313400500033 2.899 1.208 0.077 2313400500034 3.177 1.291 0.083 2313400500035 3.498 1.320 0.085 2313400500036 3.870 1.434 0.094 2313400500037 4.305 1.422 0.093 2313400500038 4.818 1.434 0.094 2313400500039 5.428 1.526 0.098 2313400500040 6.163 1.490 0.099 2313400500041 7.060 1.494 0.099 2313400500042 8.168 1.319 0.090 2313400500043 9.562 1.345 0.103 2313400500044 11.348 1.316 0.126 2313400500045 ENDDATA 33 0 2313400500046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 2313400599999 SUBENT 23134006 20160628 22512313400600001 BIB 5 9 2313400600002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 2313400600003 Gamma-ray production cross section feeding the 2313400600004 2+ 847keV state of Fe-56. 2313400600005 EN-SEC (E,G) Gamma energy 2313400600006 ANALYSIS Deduced from the measured intensities of the 2313400600007 corresponding depopulating gamma-rays. 2313400600008 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313400600009 Fig.10 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313400600010 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313400600011 ENDBIB 9 0 2313400600012 COMMON 2 3 2313400600013 E LVL-FIN 2313400600014 KEV KEV 2313400600015 1238. 847. 2313400600016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313400600017 DATA 3 15 2313400600018 EN DATA ERR-T 2313400600019 MEV B B 2313400600020 2.252 0.021 0.002 2313400600021 2.442 0.064 0.006 2313400600022 2.655 0.074 0.006 2313400600023 2.899 0.137 0.011 2313400600024 3.177 0.148 0.011 2313400600025 3.498 0.178 0.014 2313400600026 3.870 0.228 0.016 2313400600027 4.305 0.287 0.020 2313400600028 4.818 0.342 0.023 2313400600029 5.428 0.418 0.028 2313400600030 6.163 0.483 0.033 2313400600031 7.060 0.533 0.036 2313400600032 8.168 0.509 0.037 2313400600033 9.562 0.581 0.046 2313400600034 11.348 0.578 0.059 2313400600035 ENDDATA 17 0 2313400600036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 2313400699999 SUBENT 23134007 20160628 22512313400700001 BIB 5 9 2313400700002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 2313400700003 Gamma-ray production cross section feeding the 2313400700004 2+ 847keV state of Fe-56. 2313400700005 EN-SEC (E,G) Gamma energy 2313400700006 ANALYSIS Deduced from the measured intensities of the 2313400700007 corresponding depopulating gamma-rays. 2313400700008 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313400700009 Fig.10 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313400700010 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313400700011 ENDBIB 9 0 2313400700012 COMMON 2 3 2313400700013 E LVL-FIN 2313400700014 KEV KEV 2313400700015 1811. 847. 2313400700016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313400700017 DATA 3 13 2313400700018 EN DATA ERR-T 2313400700019 MEV B B 2313400700020 2.655 0.020 0.006 2313400700021 2.899 0.112 0.008 2313400700022 3.177 0.145 0.025 2313400700023 3.498 0.174 0.033 2313400700024 3.870 0.152 0.021 2313400700025 4.305 0.126 0.019 2313400700026 4.818 0.158 0.026 2313400700027 5.428 0.184 0.015 2313400700028 6.163 0.151 0.033 2313400700029 7.060 0.175 0.021 2313400700030 8.168 0.148 0.029 2313400700031 9.562 0.164 0.020 2313400700032 11.348 0.127 0.025 2313400700033 ENDDATA 15 0 2313400700034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2313400799999 SUBENT 23134008 20160628 22512313400800001 BIB 5 9 2313400800002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 2313400800003 Gamma-ray production cross section feeding the 2313400800004 2+ 847keV state of Fe-56. 2313400800005 EN-SEC (E,G) Gamma energy 2313400800006 ANALYSIS Deduced from the measured intensities of the 2313400800007 corresponding depopulating gamma-rays. 2313400800008 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313400800009 Fig.10 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313400800010 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313400800011 ENDBIB 9 0 2313400800012 COMMON 2 3 2313400800013 E LVL-FIN 2313400800014 KEV KEV 2313400800015 2095. 847. 2313400800016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313400800017 DATA 3 6 2313400800018 EN DATA ERR-T 2313400800019 MEV B B 2313400800020 3.177 0.027 0.005 2313400800021 3.498 0.031 0.006 2313400800022 3.870 0.036 0.005 2313400800023 4.305 0.034 0.006 2313400800024 4.818 0.028 0.005 2313400800025 5.428 0.015 0.004 2313400800026 ENDDATA 8 0 2313400800027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2313400899999 SUBENT 23134009 20160628 22512313400900001 BIB 5 9 2313400900002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 2313400900003 Gamma-ray production cross section feeding the 2313400900004 2+ 847keV state of Fe-56. 2313400900005 EN-SEC (E,G) Gamma energy 2313400900006 ANALYSIS Deduced from the measured intensities of the 2313400900007 corresponding depopulating gamma-rays. 2313400900008 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313400900009 Fig.10 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313400900010 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313400900011 ENDBIB 9 0 2313400900012 COMMON 2 3 2313400900013 E LVL-FIN 2313400900014 KEV KEV 2313400900015 2113. 847. 2313400900016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313400900017 DATA 3 11 2313400900018 EN DATA ERR-T 2313400900019 MEV B B 2313400900020 3.177 0.073 0.007 2313400900021 3.498 0.120 0.013 2313400900022 3.870 0.125 0.011 2313400900023 4.305 0.102 0.012 2313400900024 4.818 0.111 0.009 2313400900025 5.428 0.100 0.011 2313400900026 6.163 0.088 0.009 2313400900027 7.060 0.073 0.011 2313400900028 8.168 0.066 0.015 2313400900029 9.562 0.061 0.013 2313400900030 11.348 0.041 0.014 2313400900031 ENDDATA 13 0 2313400900032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2313400999999 SUBENT 23134010 20160628 22512313401000001 BIB 5 9 2313401000002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 2313401000003 Gamma-ray production cross section feeding the 2313401000004 2+ 847keV state of Fe-56. 2313401000005 EN-SEC (E,G) Gamma energy 2313401000006 ANALYSIS Deduced from the measured intensities of the 2313401000007 corresponding depopulating gamma-rays. 2313401000008 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313401000009 Fig.10 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313401000010 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313401000011 ENDBIB 9 0 2313401000012 COMMON 2 3 2313401000013 E LVL-FIN 2313401000014 KEV KEV 2313401000015 2273. 847. 2313401000016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313401000017 DATA 3 11 2313401000018 EN DATA ERR-T 2313401000019 MEV B B 2313401000020 3.177 0.019 0.002 2313401000021 3.498 0.071 0.008 2313401000022 3.870 0.083 0.009 2313401000023 4.305 0.080 0.009 2313401000024 4.818 0.062 0.007 2313401000025 5.428 0.061 0.008 2313401000026 6.163 0.043 0.006 2313401000027 7.060 0.045 0.009 2313401000028 8.168 0.042 0.011 2313401000029 9.562 0.026 0.008 2313401000030 11.348 0.030 0.008 2313401000031 ENDDATA 13 0 2313401000032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2313401099999 SUBENT 23134011 20160628 22512313401100001 BIB 5 9 2313401100002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 2313401100003 Gamma-ray production cross section feeding the 2313401100004 2+ 847keV state of Fe-56. 2313401100005 EN-SEC (E,G) Gamma energy 2313401100006 ANALYSIS Deduced from the measured intensities of the 2313401100007 corresponding depopulating gamma-rays. 2313401100008 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313401100009 Fig.10 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313401100010 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313401100011 ENDBIB 9 0 2313401100012 COMMON 2 3 2313401100013 E LVL-FIN 2313401100014 KEV KEV 2313401100015 2523. 847. 2313401100016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313401100017 DATA 3 9 2313401100018 EN DATA ERR-T 2313401100019 MEV B B 2313401100020 3.498 0.024 0.003 2313401100021 3.870 0.056 0.006 2313401100022 4.305 0.066 0.007 2313401100023 4.818 0.064 0.006 2313401100024 5.428 0.100 0.008 2313401100025 6.163 0.106 0.013 2313401100026 7.060 0.048 0.008 2313401100027 8.168 0.086 0.017 2313401100028 9.562 0.038 0.008 2313401100029 ENDDATA 11 0 2313401100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2313401199999 SUBENT 23134012 20160628 22512313401200001 BIB 5 9 2313401200002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 2313401200003 Gamma-ray production cross section feeding the 2313401200004 2+ 847keV state of Fe-56. 2313401200005 EN-SEC (E,G) Gamma energy 2313401200006 ANALYSIS Deduced from the measured intensities of the 2313401200007 corresponding depopulating gamma-rays. 2313401200008 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313401200009 Fig.10 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313401200010 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313401200011 ENDBIB 9 0 2313401200012 COMMON 2 3 2313401200013 E LVL-FIN 2313401200014 KEV KEV 2313401200015 2600. 847. 2313401200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313401200017 DATA 3 8 2313401200018 EN DATA ERR-T 2313401200019 MEV B B 2313401200020 3.870 0.045 0.006 2313401200021 4.305 0.059 0.007 2313401200022 4.818 0.056 0.008 2313401200023 5.428 0.066 0.008 2313401200024 6.163 0.071 0.008 2313401200025 7.060 0.108 0.021 2313401200026 8.168 0.076 0.012 2313401200027 9.562 0.085 0.020 2313401200028 ENDDATA 10 0 2313401200029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2313401299999 SUBENT 23134013 20160628 22512313401300001 BIB 5 9 2313401300002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 2313401300003 Gamma-ray production cross section feeding the 2313401300004 2+ 847keV state of Fe-56. 2313401300005 EN-SEC (E,G) Gamma energy 2313401300006 ANALYSIS Deduced from the measured intensities of the 2313401300007 corresponding depopulating gamma-rays. 2313401300008 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313401300009 Fig.10 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313401300010 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313401300011 ENDBIB 9 0 2313401300012 COMMON 2 3 2313401300013 E LVL-FIN 2313401300014 KEV KEV 2313401300015 2760. 847. 2313401300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313401300017 DATA 3 5 2313401300018 EN DATA ERR-T 2313401300019 MEV B B 2313401300020 4.305 0.024 0.005 2313401300021 4.818 0.050 0.007 2313401300022 5.428 0.034 0.008 2313401300023 6.163 0.019 0.005 2313401300024 7.060 0.028 0.007 2313401300025 ENDDATA 7 0 2313401300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2313401399999 SUBENT 23134014 20160628 22512313401400001 BIB 5 9 2313401400002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 2313401400003 Gamma-ray production cross section feeding the 2313401400004 2+ 847keV state of Fe-56. 2313401400005 EN-SEC (E,G) Gamma energy 2313401400006 ANALYSIS Deduced from the measured intensities of the 2313401400007 corresponding depopulating gamma-rays. 2313401400008 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313401400009 Fig.10 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313401400010 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313401400011 ENDBIB 9 0 2313401400012 COMMON 2 3 2313401400013 E LVL-FIN 2313401400014 KEV KEV 2313401400015 2985. 847. 2313401400016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313401400017 DATA 3 4 2313401400018 EN DATA ERR-T 2313401400019 MEV B B 2313401400020 4.305 0.022 0.005 2313401400021 4.818 0.037 0.006 2313401400022 5.428 0.045 0.007 2313401400023 6.163 0.030 0.006 2313401400024 ENDDATA 6 0 2313401400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2313401499999 SUBENT 23134015 20160628 22512313401500001 BIB 5 9 2313401500002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 2313401500003 Gamma-ray production cross section feeding the 2313401500004 2+ 847keV state of Fe-56. 2313401500005 EN-SEC (E,G) Gamma energy 2313401500006 ANALYSIS Deduced from the measured intensities of the 2313401500007 corresponding depopulating gamma-rays. 2313401500008 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313401500009 Fig.10 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313401500010 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313401500011 ENDBIB 9 0 2313401500012 COMMON 2 3 2313401500013 E LVL-FIN 2313401500014 KEV KEV 2313401500015 3455. 847. 2313401500016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313401500017 DATA 3 6 2313401500018 EN DATA ERR-T 2313401500019 MEV B B 2313401500020 3.870 0.028 0.003 2313401500021 4.305 0.033 0.003 2313401500022 4.818 0.032 0.003 2313401500023 5.428 0.033 0.003 2313401500024 6.163 0.034 0.003 2313401500025 7.060 0.045 0.006 2313401500026 ENDDATA 8 0 2313401500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2313401599999 SUBENT 23134016 20160628 22512313401600001 BIB 5 9 2313401600002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 2313401600003 Gamma-ray production cross section of states feeding 2313401600004 the 4+ 2085 keV state 2313401600005 EN-SEC (E,G) Gamma energy 2313401600006 ANALYSIS Deduced from the measured intensities of the 2313401600007 corresponding depopulating gamma-rays. 2313401600008 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313401600009 Fig.11 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313401600010 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313401600011 ENDBIB 9 0 2313401600012 COMMON 2 3 2313401600013 E LVL-FIN 2313401600014 KEV KEV 2313401600015 1038. 2085. 2313401600016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313401600017 DATA 3 10 2313401600018 EN DATA ERR-T 2313401600019 MEV B B 2313401600020 3.498 0.034 0.005 2313401600021 3.870 0.060 0.009 2313401600022 4.305 0.074 0.006 2313401600023 4.818 0.096 0.009 2313401600024 5.428 0.105 0.009 2313401600025 6.163 0.127 0.010 2313401600026 7.060 0.127 0.010 2313401600027 8.168 0.123 0.014 2313401600028 9.562 0.128 0.021 2313401600029 11.348 0.148 0.025 2313401600030 ENDDATA 12 0 2313401600031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2313401699999 SUBENT 23134017 20160628 22512313401700001 BIB 5 9 2313401700002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 2313401700003 Gamma-ray production cross section of states feeding 2313401700004 the 4+ 2085 keV state 2313401700005 EN-SEC (E,G) Gamma energy 2313401700006 ANALYSIS Deduced from the measured intensities of the 2313401700007 corresponding depopulating gamma-rays. 2313401700008 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313401700009 Fig.11 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313401700010 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313401700011 ENDBIB 9 0 2313401700012 COMMON 2 3 2313401700013 E LVL-FIN 2313401700014 KEV KEV 2313401700015 1303. 2085. 2313401700016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313401700017 DATA 3 7 2313401700018 EN DATA ERR-T 2313401700019 MEV B B 2313401700020 4.818 0.026 0.007 2313401700021 5.428 0.021 0.005 2313401700022 6.163 0.021 0.004 2313401700023 7.060 0.037 0.006 2313401700024 8.168 0.051 0.007 2313401700025 9.562 0.051 0.018 2313401700026 11.348 0.100 0.021 2313401700027 ENDDATA 9 0 2313401700028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2313401799999 SUBENT 23134018 20160628 22512313401800001 BIB 5 9 2313401800002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG,G) 2313401800003 Gamma-ray production cross section of states feeding 2313401800004 the 4+ 2085 keV state. 2313401800005 EN-SEC (E,G) Gamma energy 2313401800006 ANALYSIS Deduced from the measured intensities of the 2313401800007 corresponding depopulating gamma-rays. 2313401800008 STATUS (TABLE) From author R.Schwengner. 2313401800009 Fig.11 of J,NP/A,927,41,2014. 2313401800010 HISTORY (20160628C) M.M. Subent was added. 2313401800011 ENDBIB 9 0 2313401800012 COMMON 2 3 2313401800013 E LVL-FIN 2313401800014 KEV KEV 2313401800015 1771. 2085. 2313401800016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313401800017 DATA 3 5 2313401800018 EN DATA ERR-T 2313401800019 MEV B B 2313401800020 4.305 0.026 0.004 2313401800021 4.818 0.066 0.007 2313401800022 5.428 0.042 0.007 2313401800023 6.163 0.041 0.008 2313401800024 7.060 0.043 0.008 2313401800025 ENDDATA 7 0 2313401800026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 2313401899999 SUBENT 23134019 20180921 22712313401900001 BIB 5 10 2313401900002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,INL)26-FE-56,PAR,SIG) 2313401900003 REL-REF (R,20005002,R.Beyer+,J,EPJ/A,54,58,2018) 2313401900004 Legendre coefficient a2 and a4 of the 56Fe 847 keV 2313401900005 gamma rays angular distribution. 2313401900006 CORRECTION The data were corrected for the gamma-ray angular 2313401900007 distribution W(teta=125degree) using the results 2313401900008 publised in Eur. Phys. J. A 54(2018)58 2313401900009 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted on Fig.12 of Eur. Phys. J. A 54(2018)582313401900010 HISTORY (20180919R) Numerical data received from R.Beyer. 2313401900011 (20180920C) VS. 2313401900012 ENDBIB 10 0 2313401900013 COMMON 1 3 2313401900014 E-LVL 2313401900015 KEV 2313401900016 847. 2313401900017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2313401900018 DATA 3 16 2313401900019 EN DATA ERR-T 2313401900020 KEV B B 2313401900021 847. 6.53E-02 8.52E-03 2313401900022 889. 1.97E-01 2.19E-02 2313401900023 934. 2.73E-01 2.95E-02 2313401900024 984. 4.35E-01 3.91E-02 2313401900025 1038. 4.88E-01 4.59E-02 2313401900026 1095. 5.48E-01 4.51E-02 2313401900027 1158. 5.35E-01 4.75E-02 2313401900028 1227. 5.25E-01 4.60E-02 2313401900029 1301. 4.96E-01 4.40E-02 2313401900030 1383. 6.87E-01 5.60E-02 2313401900031 1472. 7.79E-01 5.84E-02 2313401900032 1571. 7.77E-01 5.76E-02 2313401900033 1680. 7.53E-01 5.62E-02 2313401900034 1800. 6.82E-01 5.03E-02 2313401900035 1934. 9.04E-01 6.36E-02 2313401900036 2084. 1.02E+00 7.09E-02 2313401900037 ENDDATA 18 0 2313401900038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2313401999999 ENDENTRY 19 0 2313499999999