ENTRY            23136   20191107                             22832313600000001 
SUBENT        23136001   20191107                             22832313600100001 
BIB                 13         95                                 2313600100002 
TITLE      Neutron total and capture cross section of tungsten    2313600100003 
            isotopes                                              2313600100004 
AUTHOR     (C.Lampoudis, S.Kopecky, P.Schillebeeckx, P.Siegler,   2313600100005 
            K.Guber)                                              2313600100006 
INSTITUTE  (2ZZZGEL,1USAORL)                                      2313600100007 
REFERENCE  (J,KPS,59,1860,2011) ND2010 Conf.Proc. paper #1466     2313600100008 
           (C,2012KNOX,1,(387),2012) - preliminary set of         2313600100009 
            resonance parameters for 183W                         2313600100010 
REL-REF    (I,,M.Flaska+,J,NIM/A,531,392,2004)                    2313600100011 
            Details of GELINA.                                    2313600100012 
           (M,,D.B.Syme,J,NIM,198,357,1982)                       2313600100013 
            Details of black resonances technique.                2313600100014 
           (I,,A.Borella+,J,NIM/A,577,626,2007)                   2313600100015 
            Details of C6D6 detectors.                            2313600100016 
           (M,,R.L.Macklin+,J,NIM,164,213,1979)                   2313600100017 
            Details of capture yield calibration method.          2313600100018 
FACILITY   (LINAC,2ZZZGEL) GELINA at IRMM                         2313600100019 
INC-SOURCE (PHOTO) Electrons generate bremsstrahlung in rotating U2313600100020 
           target - neutrons were mainly produced by gamma,n and  2313600100021 
           gamma,f reactions.                                     2313600100022 
SAMPLE     Isotopically enriched metallic tungsten disks were part2313600100023 
           of the inventory of the ORNL isotope program.          2313600100024 
           For each isotope identical metallic disks were used and2313600100025 
           combined in the experiment to obtain different sample  2313600100026 
           thickness.                                             2313600100027 
            Isotope       Label   Weight     Diameter   Thickness 2313600100028 
                                  (g)        (cm)       (cm)      2313600100029 
           W-182 (93.8%)  1       47.6457    6.6        0.129     2313600100030 
                          2       45.4032    6.6        0.129     2313600100031 
                          3       47.1538    6.6        0.129     2313600100032 
                          4       48.3836    6.6        0.129     2313600100033 
           W-183 (80.9%)  4       45.645     7.1        0.130     2313600100034 
                          1+5     93.6633    7.1        0.285     2313600100035 
           W-184 (94.5%)  1       45.2854    7.061      0.115     2313600100036 
                          4       45.6467    6.94       0.113     2313600100037 
                          5       44.7428    6.786      0.114     2313600100038 
                          6       44.9424    6.835      0.1145    2313600100039 
                          7       43.4668    6.82       0.111     2313600100040 
           W-186 (96.9%)  2       45.4761    6.952      0.109     2313600100041 
                          3       45.8759    6.917      0.110     2313600100042 
                          4       44.7659    6.92       0.109     2313600100043 
METHOD     (TOF)  Different flight path lengths and repetition    2313600100044 
           rates.                                                 2313600100045 
          1(TRN) Transmission measurement.                        2313600100046 
            -1ns pulse width with a repetition rate of 800Hz.     2313600100047 
           Neutron beam was collimated to a 4.5cm diameter at     2313600100048 
           the sample position. Background as a function of TOF   2313600100049 
           can be derived by the 'black resonance' technique.     2313600100050 
            - Shorter flight path of 25m with a 50Hz repetition   2313600100051 
           rate - at low neutron energy part.                     2313600100052 
          2      Capture measurement.                             2313600100053 
           -30m (flight path 15) and 60m (flight path 14), GELINA 2313600100054 
           operating at 800Hz.                                    2313600100055 
           Additional runs using a sample holder, an aluminum     2313600100056 
           canning dummy and Pb-208 sample in the beam in order to2313600100057 
           determine the background originating from the sample   2313600100058 
           holder and the scattered neutrons.Black resonance      2313600100059 
           filters were placed in the beam for supplementary      2313600100060 
           background control and B10 slab served as frame overlap2313600100061 
           filter.                                                2313600100062 
           -In a third set of experiments the samples were        2313600100063 
           positioned at flight path 5, at a distance of 10m from 2313600100064 
           the neutron production target. Repetition rate of 50Hz 2313600100065 
           focusing on the thermal energy range of the neutron    2313600100066 
           spectrum.                                              2313600100067 
           -To normalize the capture yield the data obtained for  2313600100068 
           flight paths 14 and 15, several runs having natural    2313600100069 
           iron samples in the neutron beam were performed. The   2313600100070 
           1.15keV resonance in Fe-56 was used for normalization. 2313600100071 
           Additional runs with natural iron and tungsten disks   2313600100072 
           were performed. Silver samples were used for the 50Hz  2313600100073 
           runs at flight path 5 and the normalization factor was 2313600100074 
           deduced after applying the saturated resonance         2313600100075 
           technique.                                             2313600100076 
DETECTOR  1(GLASD) At 50m measuring station,neutrons were detected2313600100077 
           by 0.635-cm-thick Li-6-loaded glass scintillator,viewed2313600100078 
           by one photomultiplier placed outside of the neutron   2313600100079 
           beam, at a distance of 49.33m .                        2313600100080 
          2(SCIN) In the first case two C6D6 detectors,           2313600100081 
           for the longer distance four C6D6 are used to detect   2313600100082 
           the capture gamma rays.                                2313600100083 
           (IOCH) At 80cm prior the detectors' array a B-10 loaded2313600100084 
           ionization chamber served as a flux monitor.           2313600100085 
ANALYSIS   The software code AGS (Analysis of Geel Spectra,       2313600100086 
           C. Bastian et al.. AGS, Computer Code for Uncertainty  2313600100087 
           Propagation in time of flight Cross Section Data,      2313600100088 
           Physor 2006, Vancouver, Canada,2006) was used to reduce2313600100089 
           the data.                                              2313600100090 
STATUS     (UNOBT) Request of data sent 2011-07-22 to C.Lampoudis 2313600100091 
            Christos.Lampoudis@ec.europa.eu - reply 24 Aug 2011:  2313600100092 
            "The data will be available only after been fully     2313600100093 
             analyzed."                                           2313600100094 
HISTORY    (20110722C) M.M.                                       2313600100095 
           (20130110U) On. INC-SOURCE: BRST -> PHOTO              2313600100096 
           (20191107U) SD: Ref. added.                            2313600100097 
ENDBIB              95          0                                 2313600100098 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2313600100099 
ENDSUBENT           98          0                                 2313600199999 
SUBENT        23136002   20110722                             22282313600200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 2313600200002 
REACTION   (74-W-184(N,TOT),,TRN) Transmission.                   2313600200003 
STATUS     (UNOBT) Data are on Figs.1,4 of J,KPS,58,(1466),2011.  2313600200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 2313600200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2313600200006 
NODATA               0          0                                 2313600200007 
ENDSUBENT            6          0                                 2313600299999 
SUBENT        23136003   20130110                             22342313600300001 
BIB                  3          3                                 2313600300002 
REACTION   (74-W-184(N,G)74-W-185,,RYL) Capture yields            2313600300003 
STATUS     (UNOBT) Fig.3 of Kor.Phys.Soc.59(2011)1860             2313600300004 
HISTORY    (20130110A) On. REACTION: ,TRN,,RYL -> ,RYL            2313600300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 2313600300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2313600300007 
NODATA               0          0                                 2313600300008 
ENDSUBENT            7          0                                 2313600399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 2313699999999