ENTRY            23166   20211119                             23052316600000001 
SUBENT        23166001   20211119                             23052316600100001 
BIB                 11         72                                 2316600100002 
TITLE      Neutron activation of natural zinc samples at kT=25 keV2316600100003 
AUTHOR     (R.Reifarth,S.Dababneh, M.Heil, F.Kaeppeler, R.Plag,   2316600100004 
           K.Sonnabend, E.Uberseder)                              2316600100005 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,85,035802,2012) Data tables.                   2316600100006 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.85.035802                        2316600100007 
           (R,INDC(GER)-0053,2021) Revised values of Karlsruhe    2316600100008 
           cross sections.                                        2316600100009 
INSTITUTE  (2GERKFK) F.Kaeppeler                                  2316600100010 
           (2GERFRK) R.Reifarth, R.Plag, K.Sonnabend.             2316600100011 
           (3JORJOR) S.Dababneh,                                  2316600100012 
           (2GERGSI) M.Heil                                       2316600100013 
           (1USANOT) E.Uberseder                                  2316600100014 
REL-REF    (I,,M.Heil+,J,PR/C,77,015808,2008)                     2316600100015 
           Experimental set-up details                            2316600100016 
           (M,,S.Dababneh+,J,NIM/A,517,230,2004)                  2316600100017 
           Details of the simulations and the calibration         2316600100018 
           procedure of clover detector setup.                    2316600100019 
           Four references for decay data:                        2316600100020 
           (R,,E.Browne,J,NDS,111,2425,2010)                      2316600100021 
           (R,,M.Bhat+,J,NDS,90,269,2000)                         2316600100022 
           (R,,K.Abusaleem,J,NDS,112,133,2011)                    2316600100023 
           (R,,X.Huang,J,NDS,110,2533,2009)                       2316600100024 
           (N,,R.Reifarth+,J,NIM/A,608,139,2009) PINO code.       2316600100025 
           (R,12720001,R.L.Macklin,J,NSE,79,265,1981) And private 2316600100026 
            communication.                                        2316600100027 
FACILITY   (VDG,2GERKFK)   3.7 MV Van de Graaff accelerator       2316600100028 
METHOD     (ACTIV)  Four activations with three samples.          2316600100029 
           Run  Sample Irradiation time  Integrated flux x10**13  2316600100030 
           I   Zn-1      174 min         1.12 +- 0.04             2316600100031 
           II  Zn-1     2640 min         14.2 +- 0.5              2316600100032 
           III Zn-2     1182 min         7.4  +- 0.3              2316600100033 
           IV  Zn-3     1242 min         4.9  +- 0.3              2316600100034 
INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Proton beam with an energy of Ep = 1912 keV.   2316600100035 
           30 mu-m thick metallic Li layers evaporated onto       2316600100036 
           water-cooled copper backings.                          2316600100037 
SAMPLE     (30-ZN-64,NAT=0.48268) (48.268+-0.214)%                2316600100038 
           (30-ZN-68,NAT=0.19024) (19.024+-0.082)%                2316600100039 
           (30-ZN-70,NAT=0.00631) (0.631+-0.006)%                 2316600100040 
            Three metallic natural Zn samples:                    2316600100041 
            Zn-1 - 409.19 mg, 12 mm diameter;                     2316600100042 
            Zn-2 - 181.71 mg, 8 mm diameter;                      2316600100043 
            Zn-3 - 800.72 mg, 12 mm diameter.                     2316600100044 
            The samples were sandwiched between 0.03 mm thick gold2316600100045 
            foils of the same diameter, which served as neutron   2316600100046 
            flux monitors. Samples were placed completely inside  2316600100047 
            the neutron cone in contact with the neutron target at2316600100048 
            the position of highest flux.                         2316600100049 
            Relative isotope abundance ratios of samples:         2316600100050 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) Activities of the gold foils were measured with 2316600100051 
           a well calibrated, passively shielded 76 cm3 HPGe      2316600100052 
           detector, with 1.7 keV resolution at 1.33 MeV gamma-ray2316600100053 
           energy and a relative efficiency of 30%.               2316600100054 
             Zn activities were counted with two clover-type HPGe 2316600100055 
           detectors facing each other in close geometry. Each    2316600100056 
           clover detector (Eurisys Measures) consists of four    2316600100057 
           independent n-type Ge crystals in a four-leaf-clover   2316600100058 
           arrangement with 0.2 mm gaps in between. The originally2316600100059 
           cylindrical crystals of 50 mm diameter, 70 mm length;  2316600100060 
           active volume of about 145 cm3 per crystal.            2316600100061 
           (GLASD) Neutron flux was continuously monitored and    2316600100062 
           recorded in time steps of typically 60 s by means of   2316600100063 
           6Li-glass detector at 1 m distance from the target.    2316600100064 
           The individual Ge crystals have resolution of typically2316600100065 
           2.0 keV at 1.33 MeV. At 122 keV, the peak-to-total     2316600100066 
           ratio is about 45 . The efficiency of the clover setup 2316600100067 
           was determined with a set of pointlike calibration     2316600100068 
           sources (22Na, 54Mn, 60Co, 65Zn, 88Y,131Ba, and 137Cs) 2316600100069 
           complemented by a detailed Monte Carlo simulation using2316600100070 
           a full model of the setup - see REL-REF of S.Dababneh+.2316600100071 
HISTORY    (20120802C)  M.M.                                      2316600100072 
           (20211119A) SD: Corrections in all Subents.            2316600100073 
           Subents 011-019 added.                                 2316600100074 
ENDBIB              72          0                                 2316600100075 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2316600100076 
ENDSUBENT           75          0                                 2316600199999 
SUBENT        23166002   20211119                             23052316600200001 
BIB                 12         48                                 2316600200002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,SIG,,SPA)                      2316600200003 
DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-65,243.93D,DG,1115.539,0.5004)                  2316600200004 
            HL 243.93+-0.09 d, Egamma 1115.539+-0.002 keV,        2316600200005 
            intensity 50.04 +- 0.10 %, from REL-REF of E.Browne.  2316600200006 
INC-SPECT   Quasistellar neutron spectrum of kT-25 keV.           2316600200007 
MONITOR    (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198-G,,SIG,,SPA)                  2316600200008 
MONIT-REF  (22099002,W.Ratynski+,J,PR/C,37,595,1988)              2316600200009 
DECAY-MON  (79-AU-198-G,2.69517D,DG,411.80205,0.9562)             2316600200010 
           HL=2.69517+-0.00021 d, Egamma 411.80205+-0.00017 keV,  2316600200011 
           intensity 95.62+-0.06 % , from REL-REF of X.Huang.     2316600200012 
ANALYSIS   The spectrum-integrated 197Au(n,gamma) cross section   2316600200013 
           was obtained by folding the corresponding neutron      2316600200014 
           spectra, which were calculated with the code PINO with 2316600200015 
           the differential 197Au(n,gamma) cross section of       2316600200016 
           R.L.Macklin normalized to the value for kT = 25 keV of 2316600200017 
           W.Ratynski  (see REL-REFs and MONIT-REF).              2316600200018 
CORRECTION Corrections to the measured peak detection efficiency  2316600200019 
           values for the pointlike calibration sources.          2316600200020 
           Correction factors compared to ideal pointlike sources 2316600200021 
           for the clover setup in single mode:                   2316600200022 
           Sample     Kext       Kabs       Ksum                  2316600200023 
            Zn-1      0.9894     0.9877     1.0011                2316600200024 
            Zn-2      0.9956     0.9836     1.0006                2316600200025 
            Zn-3      0.9884     0.9772     0.9978                2316600200026 
           Kext - to the actual diameter of the samples,          2316600200027 
           Kabs - to gamma-ray absorption in the sample,          2316600200028 
           Ksum - to the possible summing of cascade transitions. 2316600200029 
           Gamma detection efficiency - 0.0829                    2316600200030 
FLAG       (1.) Run I.                                            2316600200031 
           (2.) Run II.                                           2316600200032 
           (3.) Run III.                                          2316600200033 
           (4.) Run IV.                                           2316600200034 
            See details in METHOD and SAMPLE in Subent 001.       2316600200035 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316600200036 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316600200037 
           (MONIT-ERR) Uncertainty of Au c-s.                     2316600200038 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty of Au nuclei number.               2316600200039 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty of gamma-ray intensity for Au.     2316600200040 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn-64 nuclei.     2316600200041 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors                2316600200042 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316600200043 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316600200044 
           (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty.                       2316600200045 
           (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 2.8%                         2316600200046 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tables VII (data), VI (uncertainties) of       2316600200047 
            Phys.Rev.,C85(2012)035802                             2316600200048 
           (SPSDD,23166011) Renormalized.                         2316600200049 
HISTORY    (20211119A) SD: Subent superseded.                     2316600200050 
ENDBIB              48          0                                 2316600200051 
COMMON              12          6                                 2316600200052 
KT-DUMMY   MONIT      MONIT-ERR  ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      2316600200053 
ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      ERR-7      ERR-8      ERR-S      2316600200054 
KEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2316600200055 
   25.      586.       1.5        0.2        1.5        0.1       2316600200057 
  0.06       0.5        0.1        0.2        1.5        0.7      2316600200058 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316600200059 
DATA                 3          4                                 2316600200060 
DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                                        2316600200061 
MB         MB         NO-DIM                                      2316600200062 
   54.5       2.1       1.                                        2316600200063 
   54.7       2.2       2.                                        2316600200064 
   52.7       2.2       3.                                        2316600200065 
   52.6       3.0       4.                                        2316600200066 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 2316600200067 
ENDSUBENT           66          0                                 2316600299999 
SUBENT        23166003   20211119                             23052316600300001 
BIB                  6         21                                 2316600300002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,SIG,,SPA)                      2316600300003 
INC-SPECT   Quasistellar neutron spectrum of kT-25 keV.           2316600300004 
ANALYSIS    Mean value for four runs.                             2316600300005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Error propagation is given in Subent 23166.002 2316600300006 
            Because statistical uncertainties were found to       2316600300007 
           be practically negligible after averaging the results  2316600300008 
           from repeated activations, the final uncertainties are 2316600300009 
           determined by systematic effects.                      2316600300010 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316600300011 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316600300012 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty of Au nuclei number.               2316600300013 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty of gamma-ray intensity for Au.     2316600300014 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn-64 nuclei.     2316600300015 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors                2316600300016 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316600300017 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316600300018 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tables VII (data), VI (uncertainties) of       2316600300019 
            Phys.Rev.,C85(2012)035802                             2316600300020 
           (DEP,23166002) See ANALYSIS.                           2316600300021 
           (SPSDD,23166012) Renormalized.                         2316600300022 
HISTORY    (20211119A) SD: Subent superseded.                     2316600300023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 2316600300024 
COMMON               8          6                                 2316600300025 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      2316600300026 
ERR-7      ERR-8                                                  2316600300027 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               2316600300029 
        0.2        1.5        0.1       0.06        0.5        0.12316600300030 
        0.2        1.5                                            2316600300031 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316600300032 
DATA                 3          1                                 2316600300033 
KT-DUMMY   DATA       ERR-T                                       2316600300034 
KEV        MB         MB                                          2316600300035 
      25.      53.5       1.5                                     2316600300036 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2316600300037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 2316600399999 
SUBENT        23166004   20211119                             23052316600400001 
BIB                 12         48                                 2316600400002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG,,SPA)                    2316600400003 
DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-69-M,13.76HR,DG,438.636,0.948)                  2316600400004 
            HL 13.76+-0.02 h, Egamma 438.636+-0.018 keV,          2316600400005 
             intensity 94.8 +- 0.2 %, from REL-REF of M.Bhat+.    2316600400006 
INC-SPECT   Quasistellar neutron spectrum of kT-25 keV.           2316600400007 
MONITOR    (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198-G,,SIG,,SPA)                  2316600400008 
DECAY-MON  (79-AU-198-G,2.69517D,DG,411.80205,0.9562)             2316600400009 
           HL=2.69517+-0.00021 d, Egamma 411.80205+-0.00017 keV,  2316600400010 
           intensity 95.62+-0.06 % , from REL-REF of X.Huang.     2316600400011 
MONIT-REF  (22099002,W.Ratynski+,J,PR/C,37,595,1988)              2316600400012 
ANALYSIS   The spectrum-integrated 197Au(n,gamma) cross section   2316600400013 
           was obtained by folding the corresponding neutron      2316600400014 
           spectra, which were calculated with the code PINO with 2316600400015 
           the differential 197Au(n,gamma) cross section of       2316600400016 
           R.L.Macklin normalized to the value for kT = 25 keV of 2316600400017 
            W.Ratynski (see REL-REFs and MONIT-REF).              2316600400018 
CORRECTION Corrections to the measured peak detection efficiency  2316600400019 
           values for the pointlike calibration sources.          2316600400020 
           Correction factors compared to ideal pointlike sources 2316600400021 
           for the clover setup in single mode:                   2316600400022 
           Sample     Kext       Kabs       Ksum                  2316600400023 
           Zn-1       0.9901     0.9794     0.999                 2316600400024 
           Zn-2       0.9938     0.9783     0.9991                2316600400025 
           Zn-3       0.9906     0.9592     0.9994                2316600400026 
           Kext - to the actual diameter of the samples,          2316600400027 
           Kabs - to gamma-ray absorption in the sample,          2316600400028 
           Ksum - to the possible summing of cascade transitions. 2316600400029 
           Gamma detection efficiency - 0.1863                    2316600400030 
FLAG       (1.) Run I.                                            2316600400031 
           (2.) Run II.                                           2316600400032 
           (3.) Run III.                                          2316600400033 
           (4.) Run IV.                                           2316600400034 
            See details in METHOD and SAMPLE in Subent 001.       2316600400035 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316600400036 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316600400037 
           (MONIT-ERR) Uncertainty of Au c-s.                     2316600400038 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty of Au nuclei number.               2316600400039 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty of gamma-ray intensity for Au.     2316600400040 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn nuclei.        2316600400041 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors .              2316600400042 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316600400043 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316600400044 
           (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty.                       2316600400045 
           (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 2.8%                         2316600400046 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tables VII (data), VI (uncertainties) of       2316600400047 
            Phys.Rev.,C85(2012)035802                             2316600400048 
           (SPSDD,23166013) Renormalized.                         2316600400049 
HISTORY    (20211119A) SD: Subent superseded.                     2316600400050 
ENDBIB              48          0                                 2316600400051 
COMMON              12          6                                 2316600400052 
KT-DUMMY   MONIT      MONIT-ERR  ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      2316600400053 
ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      ERR-7      ERR-8      ERR-S      2316600400054 
KEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2316600400055 
   25.      586.       1.5        0.2        1.5        0.1       2316600400057 
  0.06       0.4        0.2        0.2        1.5        0.9      2316600400058 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316600400059 
DATA                 3          4                                 2316600400060 
DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                                        2316600400061 
MB         MB         NO-DIM                                      2316600400062 
 3.27       0.13       1.                                         2316600400063 
 3.38       0.14       2.                                         2316600400064 
 3.25       0.14       3.                                         2316600400065 
 3.31       0.19       4.                                         2316600400066 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 2316600400067 
ENDSUBENT           66          0                                 2316600499999 
SUBENT        23166005   20211119                             23052316600500001 
BIB                  6         21                                 2316600500002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG,,SPA)                    2316600500003 
INC-SPECT   Quasistellar neutron spectrum of kT-25 keV.           2316600500004 
ANALYSIS    Mean value for four runs.                             2316600500005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Error propagation is given in Subent 23166.004 2316600500006 
            Because statistical uncertainties were found to       2316600500007 
           be practically negligible after averaging the results  2316600500008 
           from repeated activations, the final uncertainties are 2316600500009 
           determined by systematic effects.                      2316600500010 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316600500011 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316600500012 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty of Au nuclei number.               2316600500013 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty of gamma-ray intensity for Au.     2316600500014 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn nuclei.        2316600500015 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors .              2316600500016 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316600500017 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316600500018 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tables VII (data), VI (uncertainties) of       2316600500019 
            Phys.Rev.,C85(2012)035802                             2316600500020 
           (DEP,23166004) See ANALYSIS.                           2316600500021 
           (SPSDD,23166014) Renormalized.                         2316600500022 
HISTORY    (20211119A) SD: Subent superseded.                     2316600500023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 2316600500024 
COMMON               8          6                                 2316600500025 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      2316600500026 
ERR-7      ERR-8                                                  2316600500027 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               2316600500029 
        0.2        1.5        0.1       0.06        0.4        0.22316600500030 
        0.2        1.5                                            2316600500031 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316600500032 
DATA                 3          1                                 2316600500033 
KT-DUMMY   DATA       ERR-T                                       2316600500034 
KEV        MB         MB                                          2316600500035 
     25.      3.30       0.09                                     2316600500036 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2316600500037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 2316600599999 
SUBENT        23166006   20211119                             23052316600600001 
BIB                 13         55                                 2316600600002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-70(N,G)30-ZN-71-M,,SIG,,SPA)                    2316600600003 
DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-71-M,3.96HR,DG,487.30,0.612)                    2316600600004 
            HL 3.96+-0.05 h, Egamma 487.30 +- 0.04 keV,           2316600600005 
            intensity 61.2 +- 2.3 %, from REL-REF of K.Abusaleem. 2316600600006 
            See also ADD-RES for HL measured in this experiment.  2316600600007 
INC-SPECT   Quasistellar neutron spectrum of kT-25 keV.           2316600600008 
MONITOR    (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198-G,,SIG,,SPA)                  2316600600009 
DECAY-MON  (79-AU-198-G,2.69517D,DG,411.80205,0.9562)             2316600600010 
           HL=2.69517+-0.00021 d, Egamma 411.80205+-0.00017 keV,  2316600600011 
           intensity 95.62+-0.06 % , from REL-REF of X.Huang.     2316600600012 
MONIT-REF  (22099002,W.Ratynski+,J,PR/C,37,595,1988)              2316600600013 
ANALYSIS   The spectrum-integrated 197Au(n,gamma) cross section   2316600600014 
           was obtained by folding the corresponding neutron      2316600600015 
           spectra, which were calculated with the code PINO with 2316600600016 
           the differential 197Au(n,gamma) cross section of       2316600600017 
           R.L.Macklin normalized to the value for kT = 25 keV of 2316600600018 
            W.Ratynski (see REL-REFs and MONIT-REF).              2316600600019 
ADD-RES    (DECAY) New value of Zn-71-m HL was measured in this   2316600600020 
           work from the decay curves of three (386, 487, 620 keV)2316600600021 
           gamma transitions in 71Ga to be 4.125 +-0.007 h.       2316600600022 
           Combining this new result with the values of previous  2316600600023 
           measurements, weighted average of 4.120+-0.007 h was   2316600600024 
           obtained.                                              2316600600025 
CORRECTION Corrections to the measured peak detection efficiency  2316600600026 
           values for the pointlike calibration sources.          2316600600027 
           Correction factors compared to ideal pointlike sources 2316600600028 
           for the clover setup in single mode:                   2316600600029 
           Sample     Kext       Kabs       Ksum                  2316600600030 
            Zn-1      0.9894     0.9877     1.0011                2316600600031 
            Zn-2      0.9956     0.9836     1.0006                2316600600032 
            Zn-3      0.9884     0.9772     0.9978                2316600600033 
           Kext - to the actual diameter of the samples,          2316600600034 
           Kabs - to gamma-ray absorption in the sample,          2316600600035 
           Ksum - to the possible summing of cascade transitions. 2316600600036 
           Gamma detection efficiency - 0.0829 .                  2316600600037 
FLAG       (1.) Run I.                                            2316600600038 
           (2.) Run II.                                           2316600600039 
           (3.) Run III.                                          2316600600040 
           (4.) Run IV.                                           2316600600041 
            See details in METHOD and SAMPLE in Subent 001.       2316600600042 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316600600043 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316600600044 
           (MONIT-ERR) Uncertainty of Au c-s.                     2316600600045 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty of Au nuclei number.               2316600600046 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty of gamma-ray intensity for Au.     2316600600047 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn nuclei.        2316600600048 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors .              2316600600049 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316600600050 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316600600051 
           (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty.                       2316600600052 
           (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 5.1 % .                      2316600600053 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tables VII (data), VI (uncertainties) of       2316600600054 
            Phys.Rev.,C85(2012)035802                             2316600600055 
           (SPSDD,23166015) Renormalized.                         2316600600056 
HISTORY    (20211119A) SD: Subent superseded.                     2316600600057 
ENDBIB              55          0                                 2316600600058 
COMMON              12          6                                 2316600600059 
KT-DUMMY   MONIT      MONIT-ERR  ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      2316600600060 
ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      ERR-7      ERR-8      ERR-S      2316600600061 
KEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2316600600062 
   25.      586.       1.5        0.2        1.5        0.1       2316600600064 
  0.06       0.9        1.3        3.8        2.4        0.8      2316600600065 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316600600066 
DATA                 3          4                                 2316600600067 
DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                                        2316600600068 
MB         MB         NO-DIM                                      2316600600069 
 6.69       0.40       1.                                         2316600600070 
 7.46       0.43       2.                                         2316600600071 
 6.39       0.37       3.                                         2316600600072 
 6.75       0.47       4.                                         2316600600073 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 2316600600074 
ENDSUBENT           73          0                                 2316600699999 
SUBENT        23166007   20211119                             23052316600700001 
BIB                  6         21                                 2316600700002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-70(N,G)30-ZN-71-M,,SIG,,SPA)                    2316600700003 
INC-SPECT   Quasistellar neutron spectrum of kT-25 keV.           2316600700004 
ANALYSIS    Mean value for four runs.                             2316600700005 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Error propagation is given in Subent 23166.006 2316600700006 
            Because statistical uncertainties were found to       2316600700007 
           be practically negligible after averaging the results  2316600700008 
           from repeated activations, the final uncertainties are 2316600700009 
           determined by systematic effects.                      2316600700010 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316600700011 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316600700012 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty of Au nuclei number.               2316600700013 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty of gamma-ray intensity for Au.     2316600700014 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn nuclei.        2316600700015 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors .              2316600700016 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316600700017 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316600700018 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tables VII (data), VI (uncertainties) of       2316600700019 
            Phys.Rev.,C85(2012)035802                             2316600700020 
           (DEP,23166006) See ANALYSIS.                           2316600700021 
           (SPSDD,23166016) Renormalized.                         2316600700022 
HISTORY    (20211119A) SD: Subent superseded.                     2316600700023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 2316600700024 
COMMON               8          6                                 2316600700025 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      2316600700026 
ERR-7      ERR-8                                                  2316600700027 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               2316600700029 
        0.2        1.5        0.1       0.06        0.9        1.32316600700030 
        3.8        2.4                                            2316600700031 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316600700032 
DATA                 3          1                                 2316600700033 
KT-DUMMY   DATA       ERR-T                                       2316600700034 
KEV        MB         MB                                          2316600700035 
   25.      6.79       0.34                                       2316600700036 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2316600700037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 2316600799999 
SUBENT        23166008   20211119                             23052316600800001 
BIB                 11         42                                 2316600800002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-70(N,G)30-ZN-71-G,,SIG,,SPA)                    2316600800003 
            Only run I                                            2316600800004 
DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-71-G,2.45MIN,DG,910.3,0.0784)                   2316600800005 
            HL=2.45+-0.10 min, Egamma 910.3 +-0.1 keV,            2316600800006 
            intensity 7.84 +- 0.64 %, from REL-REF of K.Abusaleem 2316600800007 
INC-SPECT   Quasistellar neutron spectrum of kT-25 keV.           2316600800008 
MONITOR    (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198-G,,SIG,,SPA)                  2316600800009 
DECAY-MON  (79-AU-198-G,2.69517D,DG,411.80205,0.9562)             2316600800010 
           HL=2.69517+-0.00021 D, Egamma 411.80205+-0.00017 keV,  2316600800011 
           intensity 95.62+-0.06 % , from REL-REF of X.Huang.     2316600800012 
MONIT-REF  (22099002,W.Ratynski+,J,PR/C,37,595,1988)              2316600800013 
ANALYSIS   The spectrum-integrated 197Au(n,gamma) cross section   2316600800014 
           was obtained by folding the corresponding neutron      2316600800015 
           spectra, which were calculated with the code PINO with 2316600800016 
           the differential 197Au(n,gamma) cross section of       2316600800017 
           R.L.Macklin normalized to the value for kT = 25 keV of 2316600800018 
            W.Ratynski (see REL-REFs and MONIT-REF).              2316600800019 
CORRECTION Corrections to the measured peak detection efficiency  2316600800020 
           values for the pointlike calibration sources.          2316600800021 
           Correction factors compared to ideal pointlike sources 2316600800022 
           for the clover setup in single mode:                   2316600800023 
           Sample     Kext       Kabs       Ksum                  2316600800024 
            Zn-1      0.9955     0.9847     0.963                 2316600800025 
           Kext - to the actual diameter of the samples,          2316600800026 
           Kabs - to gamma-ray absorption in the sample,          2316600800027 
           Ksum - to the possible summing of cascade transitions. 2316600800028 
           Gamma detection efficiency - 0.1547                    2316600800029 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316600800030 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316600800031 
           (MONIT-ERR) Uncertainty of Au c-s.                     2316600800032 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty of Au nuclei number.               2316600800033 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty of gamma-ray intensity for Au.     2316600800034 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn nuclei.        2316600800035 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors .              2316600800036 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316600800037 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316600800038 
           (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty.                       2316600800039 
           (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 16.%                         2316600800040 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tables VII (data), VI (uncertainties) of       2316600800041 
            Phys.Rev.,C85(2012)035802                             2316600800042 
           (SPSDD,23166017) Renormalized.                         2316600800043 
HISTORY    (20211119A) SD: Subent superseded.                     2316600800044 
ENDBIB              42          0                                 2316600800045 
COMMON              11          6                                 2316600800046 
MONIT      MONIT-ERR  ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      2316600800047 
ERR-5      ERR-6      ERR-7      ERR-8      ERR-S                 2316600800048 
MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2316600800049 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              2316600800050 
       586.        1.5        0.2        1.5        0.1       0.062316600800051 
        0.9        4.0        8.2        2.5        13.           2316600800052 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316600800053 
DATA                 3          1                                 2316600800054 
KT-DUMMY   DATA       ERR-T                                       2316600800055 
KEV        MB         MB                                          2316600800056 
   25.     4.18       0.67                                        2316600800057 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2316600800058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 2316600899999 
SUBENT        23166009   20211119                             23052316600900001 
BIB                  8         33                                 2316600900002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV)                2316600900003 
ADD-RES    Normalization to the present results for kT = 25 keV   2316600900004 
           was done, using data of Z.Y.Bao+:                      2316600900005 
            KT,keV          MACS,mb                               2316600900006 
            5.         123.                                       2316600900007 
           10.         95.9                                       2316600900008 
           15.         78.2                                       2316600900009 
           20.         66.6                                       2316600900010 
           25.         58.6 +- 1.7                                2316600900011 
           30.         52.4 +- 1.7                                2316600900012 
           40.         46.2                                       2316600900013 
           50.         41.7                                       2316600900014 
           60.         39.1                                       2316600900015 
           80.         35.5                                       2316600900016 
           100.        33.7                                       2316600900017 
REL-REF    (R,,Z.Y.Bao+,J,AND,76,70,2000)                         2316600900018 
ANALYSIS    Data were derived from measure c-s - see CORRECTION.  2316600900019 
CORRECTION Correction was done for pure Maxwellian spectrum taking2316600900020 
           into account cutoff at 106 keV; corrections are between2316600900021 
           3% and 5%.                                             2316600900022 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Error propagation is given in Subent 23166.003 2316600900023 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316600900024 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316600900025 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty of Au nuclei number.               2316600900026 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty of gamma-ray intensity for Au.     2316600900027 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn-64 nuclei.     2316600900028 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors                2316600900029 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316600900030 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316600900031 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table VIII of Phys.Rev.,C85(2012)035802        2316600900032 
           (DEP,23166003)                                         2316600900033 
           (SPSDD,23166018) Renormalized.                         2316600900034 
HISTORY    (20211119A) SD: Subent superseded.                     2316600900035 
ENDBIB              33          0                                 2316600900036 
COMMON               8          6                                 2316600900037 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      2316600900038 
ERR-7      ERR-8                                                  2316600900039 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               2316600900041 
        0.2        1.5        0.1       0.06        0.5        0.12316600900042 
        0.2        1.5                                            2316600900043 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316600900044 
DATA                 3          1                                 2316600900045 
KT         DATA       ERR-T                                       2316600900046 
KEV        MB         MB                                          2316600900047 
   25.         58.6      1.7                                      2316600900048 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2316600900049 
ENDSUBENT           48          0                                 2316600999999 
SUBENT        23166010   20211119                             23052316601000001 
BIB                  8         29                                 2316601000002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-70(N,G)30-ZN-71,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV)                2316601000003 
ADD-RES    Normalization to the present results for kT = 25 keV   2316601000004 
           was done, using data of Z.Y.Bao+:                      2316601000005 
              5.        28.4                                      2316601000006 
             10.        18.9                                      2316601000007 
             15.        14.9                                      2316601000008 
             20.        13.1                                      2316601000009 
             25.        11.7 +- 0.8                               2316601000010 
             30.        10.7 +- 0.8                               2316601000011 
             40.        9.3                                       2316601000012 
             50.        8.4                                       2316601000013 
             60.        7.7                                       2316601000014 
             80.        6.8                                       2316601000015 
             100.       6.2                                       2316601000016 
REL-REF    (R,,Z.Y.Bao+,J,AND,76,70,2000)                         2316601000017 
ANALYSIS    Data were derived from measure c-s - see CORRECTION.  2316601000018 
CORRECTION Correction was done for pure Maxwellian spectrum taking2316601000019 
           into account cutoff at 106 keV; corrections are between2316601000020 
           3% and 5%.                                             2316601000021 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Error propagation is given in Subents 007,008  2316601000022 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316601000023 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316601000024 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty of Au nuclei number.               2316601000025 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty of gamma-ray intensity for Au.     2316601000026 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn nuclei.        2316601000027 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table VIII of Phys.Rev.,C85(2012)035802        2316601000028 
           (DEP,23166007)                                         2316601000029 
           (DEP,23166008)                                         2316601000030 
HISTORY    (20211119C) SD                                         2316601000031 
ENDBIB              29          0                                 2316601000032 
COMMON               5          3                                 2316601000033 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5                 2316601000034 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              2316601000035 
        0.2        1.5        0.1       0.06        0.9           2316601000036 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2316601000037 
DATA                 3          1                                 2316601000038 
KT         DATA       ERR-T                                       2316601000039 
KEV        MB         MB                                          2316601000040 
   25.        11.7       0.8                                      2316601000041 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2316601000042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 2316601099999 
SUBENT        23166011   20211119                             23052316601100001 
BIB                 12         29                                 2316601100002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,SIG,,SPA)                      2316601100003 
DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-65,243.93D,DG,1115.539,0.5004)                  2316601100004 
            HL 243.93+-0.09 d, Egamma 1115.539+-0.002 keV,        2316601100005 
            intensity 50.04 +- 0.10 %, from REL-REF of E.Browne.  2316601100006 
INC-SPECT   Quasistellar neutron spectrum of kT-25 keV.           2316601100007 
MONITOR    (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198-G,,SIG,,SPA)                  2316601100008 
DECAY-MON  (79-AU-198-G,3881.0MIN,DG,411.80,0.9558)               2316601100009 
MONIT-REF  (,R.Reifarth+,J,EPJ/P,133,424,2018)                    2316601100010 
ANALYSIS   Cross section value in Subent 23166.002 is             2316601100011 
           renormalized for new gold cross section.               2316601100012 
            Measured quantity at kT=25 keV: cross section ratio   2316601100013 
                                     64Zn/197Au = 0.0915+-0.0040  2316601100014 
CORRECTION  Correction for revised gold standard: 622.7/586 =1.0622316601100015 
FLAG       (1.) Run I.                                            2316601100016 
           (2.) Run II.                                           2316601100017 
           (3.) Run III.                                          2316601100018 
           (4.) Run IV.                                           2316601100019 
            See details in METHOD and SAMPLE in Subent 001.       2316601100020 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316601100021 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316601100022 
           (MONIT-ERR) Uncertainty of Au c-s.                     2316601100023 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn-64 nuclei.     2316601100024 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors .              2316601100025 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316601100026 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316601100027 
           (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty.                       2316601100028 
           (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              2316601100029 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.339 of INDC(GER)-0053               2316601100030 
HISTORY    (20211119C) SD                                         2316601100031 
ENDBIB              29          0                                 2316601100032 
COMMON              10          6                                 2316601100033 
KT-DUMMY   MONIT      MONIT-ERR  ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-5      2316601100034 
ERR-6      ERR-7      ERR-8      ERR-S                            2316601100035 
KEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2316601100036 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2316601100037 
        25.      622.7        1.0        0.2        1.5        0.52316601100038 
        0.1        0.2        1.5        0.7                      2316601100039 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316601100040 
DATA                 3          4                                 2316601100041 
DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                                        2316601100042 
MB         MB         NO-DIM                                      2316601100043 
   57.9       2.1       1.                                        2316601100044 
   58.1       2.2       2.                                        2316601100045 
   56.0       2.3       3.                                        2316601100046 
   55.9       3.1       4.                                        2316601100047 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 2316601100048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 2316601199999 
SUBENT        23166012   20211119                             23052316601200001 
BIB                  7         24                                 2316601200002 
REACTION  1((30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,SIG,,SPA)/                    2316601200003 
           (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,SPA))                   2316601200004 
          2(30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,SIG,,SPA)                      2316601200005 
INC-SPECT   Quasistellar neutron spectrum of kT-25 keV.           2316601200006 
ANALYSIS    Mean value for four runs.                             2316601200007 
            Cross section value in Subent 23166.003 is            2316601200008 
           renormalized for new gold cross section                2316601200009 
CORRECTION  Correction for revised gold standard: 622.7/586 =1.0622316601200010 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Error propagation is given in Subent 23166.003 2316601200011 
            Because statistical uncertainties were found to       2316601200012 
           be practically negligible after averaging the results  2316601200013 
           from repeated activations, the final uncertainties are 2316601200014 
           determined by systematic effects.                      2316601200015 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316601200016 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316601200017 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty of Au nuclei number.               2316601200018 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty of gamma-ray intensity for Au.     2316601200019 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn-64 nuclei.     2316601200020 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors                2316601200021 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316601200022 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316601200023 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.340 of INDC(GER)-0053               2316601200024 
           (DEP,23166002) See ANALYSIS.                           2316601200025 
HISTORY    (20211119C) SD                                         2316601200026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 2316601200027 
COMMON               8          6                                 2316601200028 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      2316601200029 
ERR-7      ERR-8                                                  2316601200030 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               2316601200032 
        0.2        1.5        0.1       0.06        0.5        0.12316601200033 
        0.2        1.5                                            2316601200034 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316601200035 
DATA                 5          1                                 2316601200036 
KT-DUMMY   DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2ERR-T     2           2316601200037 
KEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB                    2316601200038 
   25.         0.0913    0.0026      56.8       1.5               2316601200039 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2316601200040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 2316601299999 
SUBENT        23166013   20211119                             23052316601300001 
BIB                 12         29                                 2316601300002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG,,SPA)                    2316601300003 
DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-69-M,13.76HR,DG,438.636,0.948)                  2316601300004 
            HL=13.76+-0.02 h, Egamma 438.636+-0.018 keV,          2316601300005 
             intensity 94.8 +- 0.2 %, from REL-REF of M.Bhat+.    2316601300006 
INC-SPECT   Quasistellar neutron spectrum of kT-25 keV.           2316601300007 
MONITOR    (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198-G,,SIG,,SPA)                  2316601300008 
DECAY-MON  (79-AU-198-G,3881.0MIN,DG,411.80,0.9558)               2316601300009 
MONIT-REF  (,R.Reifarth+,J,EPJ/P,133,424,2018)                    2316601300010 
ANALYSIS   Cross section value in Subent 23166.004 is             2316601300011 
           renormalized for new gold cross section                2316601300012 
            Measured quantity at kT=25 keV: cross section ratio   2316601300013 
                         (68Zn(ng)68Zn-m)/197Au = 0.00583+-0.0026 2316601300014 
CORRECTION  Correction for revised gold standard: 622.7/586 =1.0622316601300015 
FLAG       (1.) Run I.                                            2316601300016 
           (2.) Run II.                                           2316601300017 
           (3.) Run III.                                          2316601300018 
           (4.) Run IV.                                           2316601300019 
            See details in METHOD and SAMPLE in Subent 001.       2316601300020 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316601300021 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316601300022 
           (MONIT-ERR) Uncertainty of Au c-s.                     2316601300023 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn nuclei.        2316601300024 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors .              2316601300025 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316601300026 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316601300027 
           (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty.                       2316601300028 
           (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              2316601300029 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.341 of INDC(GER)-0053               2316601300030 
HISTORY    (20211119C) SD                                         2316601300031 
ENDBIB              29          0                                 2316601300032 
COMMON              10          6                                 2316601300033 
KT-DUMMY   MONIT      MONIT-ERR  ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-5      2316601300034 
ERR-6      ERR-7      ERR-8      ERR-S                            2316601300035 
KEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2316601300036 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2316601300037 
        25.      622.7        1.0        0.2        1.5        0.42316601300038 
        0.2        0.2        1.5        0.9                      2316601300039 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316601300040 
DATA                 3          4                                 2316601300041 
DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                                        2316601300042 
MB         MB         NO-DIM                                      2316601300043 
 3.58       0.13       1.                                         2316601300044 
 3.59       0.14       2.                                         2316601300045 
 3.45       0.14       3.                                         2316601300046 
 3.52       0.20       4.                                         2316601300047 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 2316601300048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 2316601399999 
SUBENT        23166014   20211119                             23052316601400001 
BIB                  7         26                                 2316601400002 
REACTION  1((30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG,,SPA)/                  2316601400003 
           (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,SPA))                   2316601400004 
          2(30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG,,SPA)                    2316601400005 
INC-SPECT   Quasistellar neutron spectrum of kT-25 keV.           2316601400006 
CORRECTION  Correction for revised gold standard: 622.7/586 =1.0622316601400007 
ANALYSIS    Mean value for four runs.                             2316601400008 
            Measured quantity at kT=25 keV: cross section ratio   2316601400009 
                       (68Zn(ng)68Zn-m)/197Au = 0.00563+-0.00015  2316601400010 
            Cross section value in Subent 23166.005 is            2316601400011 
           renormalized for new gold cross section                2316601400012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Error propagation is given in Subent 23166.005 2316601400013 
            Because statistical uncertainties were found to       2316601400014 
           be practically negligible after averaging the results  2316601400015 
           from repeated activations, the final uncertainties are 2316601400016 
           determined by systematic effects.                      2316601400017 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316601400018 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316601400019 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty of Au nuclei number.               2316601400020 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty of gamma-ray intensity for Au.     2316601400021 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn nuclei.        2316601400022 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors                2316601400023 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316601400024 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316601400025 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.342 of INDC(GER)-0053               2316601400026 
           (DEP,23166004) See ANALYSIS.                           2316601400027 
HISTORY    (20211119C) SD                                         2316601400028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 2316601400029 
COMMON               8          6                                 2316601400030 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      2316601400031 
ERR-7      ERR-8                                                  2316601400032 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               2316601400034 
        0.2        1.5        0.1       0.06        0.4        0.22316601400035 
        0.2        1.5                                            2316601400036 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316601400037 
DATA                 5          1                                 2316601400038 
KT-DUMMY   DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2ERR-T     2           2316601400039 
KEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB                    2316601400040 
   25.        0.00563     0.00015     3.50       0.09             2316601400041 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2316601400042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 2316601499999 
SUBENT        23166015   20211119                             23052316601500001 
BIB                 13         36                                 2316601500002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-70(N,G)30-ZN-71-M,,SIG,,SPA)                    2316601500003 
DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-71-M,3.96HR,DG,487.30,0.612)                    2316601500004 
            HL 3.96+-0.05 h, Egamma 487.30 +- 0.04 keV,           2316601500005 
            intensity 61.2 +- 2.3%, from REL-REF of K.Abusaleem.  2316601500006 
            See also ADD-RES for HL measured in this experiment.  2316601500007 
INC-SPECT   Quasistellar neutron spectrum of kT=25 keV.           2316601500008 
MONITOR    (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198-G,,SIG,,SPA)                  2316601500009 
DECAY-MON  (79-AU-198-G,3881.0MIN,DG,411.80,0.9558)               2316601500010 
MONIT-REF  (,R.Reifarth+,J,EPJ/P,133,424,2018)                    2316601500011 
ANALYSIS   Cross section value in Subent 23166.006 is             2316601500012 
           renormalized for new gold cross section                2316601500013 
            Measured quantity at kT=25 keV: cross section ratio   2316601500014 
                        (70Zn(ng)71Zn-m)/197Au = 0.01164+-0.00072 2316601500015 
ADD-RES    (DECAY) New value of Zn-71-m HL was measured in this   2316601500016 
           work from the decay curves of three (386, 487, 620 keV)2316601500017 
           gamma transitions in 71Ga to be 4.125 +-0.007 h.       2316601500018 
           Combining this new result with the values of previous  2316601500019 
           measurements, weighted average of 4.120+-0.007 h was   2316601500020 
           obtained                                               2316601500021 
CORRECTION  Correction for revised gold standard: 622.7/586 =1.0622316601500022 
FLAG       (1.) Run I.                                            2316601500023 
           (2.) Run II.                                           2316601500024 
           (3.) Run III.                                          2316601500025 
           (4.) Run IV.                                           2316601500026 
            See details in METHOD and SAMPLE in Subent 001.       2316601500027 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316601500028 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316601500029 
           (MONIT-ERR) Uncertainty of Au c-s.                     2316601500030 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn nuclei.        2316601500031 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors .              2316601500032 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316601500033 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316601500034 
           (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty.                       2316601500035 
           (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              2316601500036 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.343 of INDC(GER)-0053               2316601500037 
HISTORY    (20211119C) SD                                         2316601500038 
ENDBIB              36          0                                 2316601500039 
COMMON              10          6                                 2316601500040 
KT-DUMMY   MONIT      MONIT-ERR  ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-5      2316601500041 
ERR-6      ERR-7      ERR-8      ERR-S                            2316601500042 
KEV        MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2316601500043 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2316601500044 
        25.      622.7        1.0        0.2        1.5        0.92316601500045 
        1.3        3.8        2.4        0.8                      2316601500046 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316601500047 
DATA                 3          4                                 2316601500048 
DATA       ERR-T      FLAG                                        2316601500049 
MB         MB         NO-DIM                                      2316601500050 
   7.10       0.40       1.                                       2316601500051 
   7.92       0.43       2.                                       2316601500052 
   6.79       0.37       3.                                       2316601500053 
   7.17       0.47       4.                                       2316601500054 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 2316601500055 
ENDSUBENT           54          0                                 2316601599999 
SUBENT        23166016   20211119                             23052316601600001 
BIB                  7         26                                 2316601600002 
REACTION  1((30-ZN-70(N,G)30-ZN-71-M,,SIG,,SPA)/                  2316601600003 
           (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,SPA))                   2316601600004 
          2(30-ZN-70(N,G)30-ZN-71-M,,SIG,,SPA)                    2316601600005 
INC-SPECT   Quasistellar neutron spectrum of kT-25 keV.           2316601600006 
ANALYSIS    Mean value for four runs.                             2316601600007 
            Measured quantity at kT=25 keV: cross section ratio   2316601600008 
                       70Zn(ng)71Zn-m)/197Au = 0.01159+-0.00058   2316601600009 
            Cross section value in Subent 23166.007 is            2316601600010 
           renormalized for new gold cross section                2316601600011 
CORRECTION  Correction for revised gold standard: 622.7/586 =1.0622316601600012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Error propagation is given in Subent 23166.006 2316601600013 
            Because statistical uncertainties were found to       2316601600014 
           be practically negligible after averaging the results  2316601600015 
           from repeated activations, the final uncertainties are 2316601600016 
           determined by systematic effects.                      2316601600017 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316601600018 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316601600019 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty of Au nuclei number.               2316601600020 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty of gamma-ray intensity for Au.     2316601600021 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn nuclei.        2316601600022 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors .              2316601600023 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316601600024 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316601600025 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.344 of INDC(GER)-0053               2316601600026 
           (DEP,23166006) See ANALYSIS.                           2316601600027 
HISTORY    (20211119C) SD                                         2316601600028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 2316601600029 
COMMON               8          6                                 2316601600030 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      2316601600031 
ERR-7      ERR-8                                                  2316601600032 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               2316601600034 
        0.2        1.5        0.1       0.06        0.9        1.32316601600035 
        3.8        2.4                                            2316601600036 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316601600037 
DATA                 5          1                                 2316601600038 
KT-DUMMY   DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2ERR-T     2           2316601600039 
KEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB                    2316601600040 
   25.       0.01159     0.00058   7.21       0.35                2316601600041 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2316601600042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 2316601699999 
SUBENT        23166017   20211119                             23052316601700001 
BIB                 11         27                                 2316601700002 
REACTION  1((30-ZN-70(N,G)30-ZN-71-G,,SIG,,SPA)/                  2316601700003 
           (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,SPA))                   2316601700004 
          2(30-ZN-70(N,G)30-ZN-71-G,,SIG,,SPA)                    2316601700005 
            Only run I                                            2316601700006 
DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-71-G,2.45MIN,DG,910.3,0.0784)                   2316601700007 
            HL=2.45+-0.10 min, Egamma=910.3 +-0.1 keV,            2316601700008 
            intensity 7.84 +- 0.64 %, from REL-REF of K.Abusaleem 2316601700009 
INC-SPECT   Quasistellar neutron spectrum of kT-25 keV.           2316601700010 
MONITOR    (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198-G,,SIG,,SPA)                  2316601700011 
DECAY-MON  (79-AU-198-G,3881.0MIN,DG,411.80,0.9558)               2316601700012 
MONIT-REF  (,R.Reifarth+,J,EPJ/P,133,424,2018)                    2316601700013 
ANALYSIS   Cross section value in Subent 23166.008 is             2316601700014 
           renormalized for new gold cross section                2316601700015 
            Measured quantity at kT=25 keV: cross section ratio   2316601700016 
                       (70Zn(ng)71Zn-g)/197Au = 0.00713+-0.00011  2316601700017 
CORRECTION  Correction for revised gold standard: 622.7/586 =1.0622316601700018 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316601700019 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316601700020 
           (MONIT-ERR) Uncertainty of Au c-s.                     2316601700021 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn nuclei.        2316601700022 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors .              2316601700023 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316601700024 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316601700025 
           (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty.                       2316601700026 
           (ERR-T) Total uncertainty                              2316601700027 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.345 of INDC(GER)-0053               2316601700028 
HISTORY    (20211119C) SD                                         2316601700029 
ENDBIB              27          0                                 2316601700030 
COMMON               9          6                                 2316601700031 
MONIT      MONIT-ERR  ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-5      ERR-6      2316601700032 
ERR-7      ERR-8      ERR-S                                       2316601700033 
MB         PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   2316601700034 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    2316601700035 
      622.7        1.0        0.2        1.5        0.9        4.02316601700036 
        8.2        2.5        13.                                 2316601700037 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316601700038 
DATA                 5          1                                 2316601700039 
KT-DUMMY   DATA      1ERR-T     1DATA      2ERR-T     2           2316601700040 
KEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB                    2316601700041 
   25.        0.00713    0.00011    4.44       0.71               2316601700042 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2316601700043 
ENDSUBENT           42          0                                 2316601799999 
SUBENT        23166018   20211119                             23052316601800001 
BIB                  8         36                                 2316601800002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV)                2316601800003 
CORRECTION  Correction for revised gold standard: 622.7/586 =1.0622316601800004 
ADD-RES    Normalization to the present results for kT = 25 keV   2316601800005 
           was done, using data of Z.Y.Bao+:                      2316601800006 
            KT,keV          MACS,mb                               2316601800007 
            5.         123.                                       2316601800008 
           10.         95.9                                       2316601800009 
           15.         78.2                                       2316601800010 
           20.         66.6                                       2316601800011 
           25.         58.6 +- 1.7                                2316601800012 
           30.         52.4 +- 1.7                                2316601800013 
           40.         46.2                                       2316601800014 
           50.         41.7                                       2316601800015 
           60.         39.1                                       2316601800016 
           80.         35.5                                       2316601800017 
           100.        33.7                                       2316601800018 
REL-REF    (R,,Z.Y.Bao+,J,AND,76,70,2000)                         2316601800019 
ANALYSIS    Data were derived from measure c-s - see CORRECTION.  2316601800020 
            Cross section value in Subent 23166.009 is            2316601800021 
           renormalized for new gold cross section                2316601800022 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Error propagation is given in Subent 23166.009 2316601800023 
            Because statistical uncertainties were found to       2316601800024 
           be practically negligible after averaging the results  2316601800025 
           from repeated activations, the final uncertainties are 2316601800026 
           determined by systematic effects.                      2316601800027 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316601800028 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316601800029 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty of Au nuclei number.               2316601800030 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty of gamma-ray intensity for Au.     2316601800031 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn-64 nuclei.     2316601800032 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors                2316601800033 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316601800034 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316601800035 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.346 of INDC(GER)-0053               2316601800036 
           (DEP,23166003) See ANALYSIS.                           2316601800037 
HISTORY    (20211119C) SD                                         2316601800038 
ENDBIB              36          0                                 2316601800039 
COMMON               8          6                                 2316601800040 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      2316601800041 
ERR-7      ERR-8                                                  2316601800042 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               2316601800044 
        0.2        1.5        0.1       0.06        0.5        0.12316601800045 
        0.2        1.5                                            2316601800046 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316601800047 
DATA                 3          1                                 2316601800048 
KT         DATA       ERR-T                                       2316601800049 
KEV        MB         MB                                          2316601800050 
  25.           62.2         1.7                                  2316601800051 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2316601800052 
ENDSUBENT           51          0                                 2316601899999 
SUBENT        23166019   20211119                             23052316601900001 
BIB                  8         36                                 2316601900002 
REACTION   (30-ZN-70(N,G)30-ZN-71,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV)                2316601900003 
ADD-RES    Normalization to the present results for kT = 25 keV   2316601900004 
           was done, using data of Z.Y.Bao+:                      2316601900005 
              5.        28.4                                      2316601900006 
             10.        18.9                                      2316601900007 
             15.        14.9                                      2316601900008 
             20.        13.1                                      2316601900009 
             25.        11.7 +- 0.8                               2316601900010 
             30.        10.7 +- 0.8                               2316601900011 
             40.        9.3                                       2316601900012 
             50.        8.4                                       2316601900013 
             60.        7.7                                       2316601900014 
             80.        6.8                                       2316601900015 
             100.       6.2                                       2316601900016 
REL-REF    (R,,Z.Y.Bao+,J,AND,76,70,2000)                         2316601900017 
ANALYSIS    Data were derived from measure c-s - see CORRECTION.  2316601900018 
            Cross section value in Subent 23166.010 is            2316601900019 
           renormalized for new gold cross section                2316601900020 
CORRECTION  Correction for revised gold standard: 622.7/586 =1.0622316601900021 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Error propagation is given in Subent 23166.010 2316601900022 
            Because statistical uncertainties were found to       2316601900023 
           be practically negligible after averaging the results  2316601900024 
           from repeated activations, the final uncertainties are 2316601900025 
           determined by systematic effects.                      2316601900026 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to self-absorption.            2316601900027 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to detector efficiency.        2316601900028 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty of Au nuclei number.               2316601900029 
           (ERR-4) Uncertainty of gamma-ray intensity for Au.     2316601900030 
           (ERR-5) Uncertainty due to number of Zn nuclei.        2316601900031 
           (ERR-6) Uncertainty due to time factors .              2316601900032 
           (ERR-7) Uncertainty due to gamma-ray intensity for Zn. 2316601900033 
           (ERR-8) Uncertainty due to time integrated flux.       2316601900034 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table on p.347 of INDC(GER)-0053               2316601900035 
           (DEP,23166007)                                         2316601900036 
           (DEP,23166008)                                         2316601900037 
HISTORY    (20211119C) SD                                         2316601900038 
ENDBIB              36          0                                 2316601900039 
COMMON               8          6                                 2316601900040 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      ERR-6      2316601900041 
ERR-7      ERR-8                                                  2316601900042 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               2316601900044 
        0.2        1.5        0.1       0.06        0.9        1.32316601900045 
        3.8        2.4                                            2316601900046 
ENDCOMMON            6          0                                 2316601900047 
DATA                 3          1                                 2316601900048 
KT         DATA       ERR-T                                       2316601900049 
KEV        MB         MB                                          2316601900050 
    25.        12.4       0.8                                     2316601900051 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2316601900052 
ENDSUBENT           51          0                                 2316601999999 
ENDENTRY            19          0                                 2316699999999