ENTRY            23178   20110103                             22302317800000001 
SUBENT        23178001   20110103                             22302317800100001 
BIB                 17         52                                 2317800100002 
AUTHOR     (F.Carrel,M.Agelou,M.Gmar,F.Laine,J.Loridon,J.-L.Ma,   2317800100003 
           C.Passard, B.Poumarede)                                2317800100004 
TITLE      New experimental results on the cumulative yields from 2317800100005 
           thermal fission of U-235 and Pu-239 and from           2317800100006 
           photofission of U-235 and U-238 induced by             2317800100007 
           bremsstrahlung.                                        2317800100008 
REFERENCE  (J,IRE,58,(4),2064,2011) Main reference.               2317800100009 
           #doi:10.1109/TNS.2011.2157169                          2317800100010 
REL-REF    (O,M0841001,F.Carrel+,J,IRE,58,(4),2064,2011)          2317800100011 
            Cumulative yields for photofission of U-235 and U-238 2317800100012 
           (R,,A.C.Nzuruba,J,NIM/A,424,425,1999)                  2317800100013 
            Pa-234m decay data.                                   2317800100014 
INSTITUTE  (2FR CAD)                                              2317800100015 
PART-DET   (DN) Delayed neutrons and                              2317800100016 
           (G)  delayed gamma-rays.                               2317800100017 
FACILITY   (NGEN,2FR CAD) PROMETHEE facility at CEA Cadarache.    2317800100018 
            Pulse duration 500 microsec, frequency 50 Hz.         2317800100019 
INC-SOURCE (D-T)                                                  2317800100020 
INC-SPECT   14-MeV neutrons were moderated by graphite blocks to  2317800100021 
           obtain thermal flux near sample position.              2317800100022 
METHOD     (ACTIV) Total irradiation 30 min.                      2317800100023 
           For detection of delayed neutrons - cooling time at the2317800100024 
           end of each pulse15.46 ms, counting time 4 ms.         2317800100025 
           For delayed gammas - cooling time 60 s.                2317800100026 
SAMPLE     U and Pu samples in metallic form .                    2317800100027 
DETECTOR   (HE3SP) 88 He-3 counters - to detect prompt and delayed2317800100028 
           neutrons.                                              2317800100029 
           Delayed neutron efficiency was computed using different2317800100030 
           methods comparing exp.results (Cf-252,U-235,Pu-239,    2317800100031 
           prompt neutron efficiencies) and simulated values      2317800100032 
             (MCNPX).                                             2317800100033 
           Simulated value for delayed neutron efficiency         2317800100034 
           3.96E-2 ( +-0.57%) for U-235 and Pu-239.               2317800100035 
           (HPGE) Delayed gammas were detected by n-type HPGe     2317800100036 
           detector Canberra GR 3018, relative efficiency 30%,    2317800100037 
           diameter 52 mm, length 46 mm, coupled with digital     2317800100038 
           gamma-ray spectrometer ORTEC DSPECPro.                 2317800100039 
           The absolute gamma efficiencies were determined using  2317800100040 
           the irradiated samples directly by 1001.0keV gamma-line2317800100041 
           of Pa-234m,granddaughter of U-238, to be 7.808E-4 with 2317800100042 
           relative 1 sigma uncertainty 1.51%.                    2317800100043 
DECAY-DATA (91-PA-234-M,,DG,1001.0,0.00835)                       2317800100044 
CORRECTION Dead time correction.                                  2317800100045 
ANALYSIS    Peak area analysis. Net peak areas were extracted     2317800100046 
            using Matlab tools developed by authors.              2317800100047 
            Absolute intensities of delayed gamma-rays were taken 2317800100048 
            mainly from ENDF/B-VI.8 database                      2317800100049 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty of delayed neutron efficiency.     2317800100050 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty in absolute gamma efficiencies.    2317800100051 
           (ERR-T,9.,11.) Total uncertainty, includes ERR-1,ERR-2 2317800100052 
           and statistical uncertainty.                           2317800100053 
HISTORY    (20120104C)  M.M.                                      2317800100054 
ENDBIB              52          0                                 2317800100055 
COMMON               3          3                                 2317800100056 
EN-DUMMY   ERR-1      ERR-2                                       2317800100057 
EV         PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    2317800100058 
0.0253      4.         8.                                         2317800100059 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2317800100060 
ENDSUBENT           59          0                                 2317800199999 
SUBENT        23178002   20110103                             22302317800200001 
BIB                  4         36                                 2317800200002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY)                        2317800200003 
             Exp. measured cumulative yields.                     2317800200004 
COMMENT     Yields of Kr-88,Rb-88,Sr-91,Nb-92m were measured      2317800200005 
           after a cooling time 5 hr.                             2317800200006 
            Yields of Sr92 and Sb-130 were measured after         2317800200007 
           cooling time 31 min.                                   2317800200008 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)36-KR-88,,DG,1529.8)                              2317800200009 
           ((2.)36-KR-88,,DG,2392.1)                              2317800200010 
           ((3.)37-RB-88,,DG,898.0)                               2317800200011 
           ((4.)37-RB-88,,DG,1836.0)                              2317800200012 
           ((5.)37-RB-89,,DG,1031.9)                              2317800200013 
           ((6.)37-RB-89,,DG,1248.1)                              2317800200014 
           ((7.)38-SR-91,,DG,749.8)                               2317800200015 
           ((8.)38-SR-91,,DG,1024.3)                              2317800200016 
           ((9.)38-SR-92,2.554HR,DG,1383.9)                       2317800200017 
            2.554hr+-36sec was measured in this experiment.       2317800200018 
           ((10.)38-SR-93,,DG,875.8)                              2317800200019 
           ((11.)38-SR-94,,DG,1427.6)                             2317800200020 
           ((12.)39-Y-94,,DG,918.7)                               2317800200021 
           ((13.)39-Y-95,,DG,954.2)                               2317800200022 
           ((14.)39-Y-95,,DG,2176.0)                              2317800200023 
           ((15.)41-NB-97-M,,DG,743.3)                            2317800200024 
           ((16.)51-SB-130,,DG,793.4)                             2317800200025 
           ((17.)51-SB-130,,DG,839.4)                             2317800200026 
           ((18.)51-SB-131,,DG,943.4)                             2317800200027 
           ((19.)52-TE-133-M,,DG,912.7)                           2317800200028 
           ((20.)53-I-135,,DG,1038.8)                             2317800200029 
           ((21.)53-I-135,,DG,1131.5)                             2317800200030 
           ((22.)53-I-135,,DG,1260.4)                             2317800200031 
           ((23.)53-I-135,,DG,1678.0)                             2317800200032 
           ((24.)53-I-135,,DG,1791.2)                             2317800200033 
           ((25.)54-XE-138,,DG,1768.3)                            2317800200034 
           ((26.)54-XE-138,,DG,2015.8)                            2317800200035 
           ((27.)55-CS-139,,DG,1283.2)                            2317800200036 
           ((28.)56-BA-142,,DG,1078.7)                            2317800200037 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table II of J,IRE,58,(4),2064,2011.            2317800200038 
ENDBIB              36          0                                 2317800200039 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2317800200040 
DATA                 5         28                                 2317800200041 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA       DECAY-FLAG            2317800200042 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PRD/FIS    NO-DIM                2317800200043 
36.        88.                       3.24E-2     1.               2317800200044 
36.        88.                       3.36E-2     2.               2317800200045 
37.        88.                       3.71E-2     3.               2317800200046 
37.        88.                       3.55E-2     4.               2317800200047 
37.        89.                       5.65E-2     5.               2317800200048 
37.        89.                       5.44E-2     6.               2317800200049 
38.        91.                       5.81E-2     7.               2317800200050 
38.        91.                       6.04E-2     8.               2317800200051 
38.        92.                       5.91E-2     9.               2317800200052 
38.        93.                       7.60E-2    10.               2317800200053 
38.        94.                       5.61E-2    11.               2317800200054 
39.        94.                       6.35E-2    12.               2317800200055 
39.        95.                       7.22E-2    13.               2317800200056 
39.        95.                       6.08E-2    14.               2317800200057 
41.        97.        1.             6.49E-2    15.               2317800200058 
51.        130.                      0.60E-2    16.               2317800200059 
51.        130.                      0.59E-2    17.               2317800200060 
51.        131.                      3.05E-2    18.               2317800200061 
52.        133.       1.             3.74E-2    19.               2317800200062 
53.        135.                      6.41E-2    20.               2317800200063 
53.        135.                      6.54E-2    21.               2317800200064 
53.        135.                      6.38E-2    22.               2317800200065 
53.        135.                      6.29E-2    23.               2317800200066 
53.        135.                      6.11E-2    24.               2317800200067 
54.        130.                      6.54E-2    25.               2317800200068 
54.        130.                      6.37E-2    26.               2317800200069 
55.        139.                      6.59E-2    27.               2317800200070 
56.        142.                      5.80E-2    28.               2317800200071 
ENDDATA             30          0                                 2317800200072 
ENDSUBENT           71          0                                 2317800299999 
SUBENT        23178003   20110103                             22302317800300001 
BIB                  4         23                                 2317800300002 
REACTION   (94-PU-239(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY)                       2317800300003 
             Exp. measured cumulative yields.                     2317800300004 
COMMENT    Yields of Sr92 and Sb-130 were measured after          2317800300005 
           cooling time 31 min.                                   2317800300006 
DECAY-DATA ((1.)36-KR-88,,DG,2392.1)                              2317800300007 
           ((2.)37-RB-89,,DG,1031.9)                              2317800300008 
           ((3.)37-RB-89,,DG,1248.1)                              2317800300009 
           ((4.)38-SR-92,2.554HR,DG,1383.9)                       2317800300010 
            2.554hr+-36sec was measured in this experiment.       2317800300011 
           ((5.)38-SR-93,,DG,875.8)                               2317800300012 
           ((6.)38-SR-94,,DG,1427.6)                              2317800300013 
           ((7.)39-Y-94,,DG,918.7)                                2317800300014 
           ((8.)39-Y-95,,DG,954.2)                                2317800300015 
           ((9.)39-Y-95,,DG,2176.0)                               2317800300016 
           ((10.)51-SB-130,,DG,793.4)                             2317800300017 
           ((11.)51-SB-130,,DG,839.4)                             2317800300018 
           ((12.)51-SB-131,,DG,943.4)                             2317800300019 
           ((13.)52-TE-133-M,,DG,912.7)                           2317800300020 
           ((14.)54-XE-138,,DG,1768.3)                            2317800300021 
           ((15.)54-XE-138,,DG,2015.8)                            2317800300022 
           ((16.)55-CS-139,,DG,1283.2)                            2317800300023 
           ((17.)56-BA-142,,DG,1078.7)                            2317800300024 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table III of J,IRE,58,(4),2064,2011.           2317800300025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 2317800300026 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2317800300027 
DATA                 5         17                                 2317800300028 
ELEMENT    MASS       ISOMER     DATA       DECAY-FLAG            2317800300029 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PRD/FIS    NO-DIM                2317800300030 
36.        88.                       1.29E-2     1.               2317800300031 
37.        89.                       1.93E-2     2.               2317800300032 
37.        89.                       1.83E-2     3.               2317800300033 
38.        92.                       2.87E-2     4.               2317800300034 
38.        93.                       5.30E-2     5.               2317800300035 
38.        94.                       3.42E-2     6.               2317800300036 
39.        94.                       4.13E-2     7.               2317800300037 
39.        95.                       4.86E-2     8.               2317800300038 
39.        95.                       4.26E-2     9.               2317800300039 
51.        130.                      1.01E-2    10.               2317800300040 
51.        130.                      0.92E-2    11.               2317800300041 
51.        131.                      2.79E-2    12.               2317800300042 
52.        133.         1.           4.11E-2    13.               2317800300043 
54.        138.                      4.84E-2    14.               2317800300044 
54.        138.                      5.31E-2    15.               2317800300045 
55.        139.                      7.32E-2    16.               2317800300046 
56.        142.                      4.46E-2    17.               2317800300047 
ENDDATA             19          0                                 2317800300048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 2317800399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 2317899999999