ENTRY 23192 20230317 23162319200000001 SUBENT 23192001 20230317 23162319200100001 BIB 16 71 2319200100002 TITLE Measurement of high energy neutron induced cross 2319200100003 sections for chromium. 2319200100004 AUTHOR (S.Sekimoto,T.Utsunomiya,H.Yashima,H.Joto,S.Shibata, 2319200100005 K.Ninomiya, D.Satoh, Y.Iwamoto, T.Omoto, R.Nakagaki, 2319200100006 N.Takahashi, A.Shinohara, T.Shima, M.Hagiwara, 2319200100007 H.Matsumura, K.Nishiizumi, Y.Matsushi, H.Matsuzaki) 2319200100008 REFERENCE (J,KPS,59,1916,2011) 2319200100009 #doi:10.3938/jkps.59.1916 2319200100010 (J,NDS,119,197,2014) same data 2319200100011 INSTITUTE (2JPNKTO) S.Sekimoto,T.Utsunomiya,H.Yashima,H.Joto, 2319200100012 S.Shibata. 2319200100013 (2JPNJAE) K.Ninomiya, D.Satoh, Y.Iwamoto. 2319200100014 (2JPNOSA) T.Omoto,R.Nakagaki,N.Takahashi,A.Shinohara, 2319200100015 T.Shima. 2319200100016 (2JPNKEK) M.Hagiwara,H.Matsumura. 2319200100017 (1USAUCX) K.Nishiizumi. 2319200100018 (2JPNTOK) Y.Matsushi, H.Matsuzaki. 2319200100019 FACILITY (CYCLO,2JPNOSA) N0 beam line in Research Center for 2319200100020 Nuclear Physics, Osaka University. 2319200100021 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Quasi-monoenergetic neutrons. 300 MeV protons.2319200100022 INC-SPECT Neutron spectra measured by TOF at 0 and 30 degrees 2319200100023 respective to the proton beam are on Fig.2 of 2319200100024 J,KPS,59,(2),1916,2011. 2319200100025 The quasi-monoenergetic neutron spectrum obtained by 2319200100026 subtracting the spectrum on 30deg from the one on 0deg.2319200100027 DETECTOR 1(SCIN) Neutron energy spectra were measured by an NE2132319200100028 liquid scintillator placed at 17.10 or 16.13 m from 2319200100029 Li-target at 0 or 30 degrees, respectively. 2319200100030 2(HPGE) HPGe detector for gamma rays measurement. 2319200100031 PART-DET 1(N) 2319200100032 2(G) 2319200100033 SAMPLE Samples were placed at 8.05 or 7.05 m from Li-target at2319200100034 0 or 30 degrees, were irradiated 26 hr or 18 hr, 2319200100035 respectively. 2319200100036 METHOD (ACTIV) Activation. 2319200100037 1(TOF) For neutron beam. 2319200100038 2(GSPEC) Gamma-ray spectrometry of irradiated samples. 2319200100039 ANALYSIS Activation reaction rates R were estimated by the peak 2319200100040 counts of gamma-ray spectra, the peak efficiency of 2319200100041 HPGe detector (calculated by EGS4 code), the self- 2319200100042 absorption of gamma-rays in samples, the beam current 2319200100043 fluctuation during irradiation. 2319200100044 Cross-sections were estimates as: 2319200100045 SIG=(R(0deg)- f*R(30deg))/F, where 2319200100046 f- is factor for the correction in subtraction of 2319200100047 neutron spectrum, 2319200100048 R - reaction rate at given angle, 2319200100049 F- neutron fluence rate per beam current. 2319200100050 CORRECTION For contribution of the low energy tail in the neutron2319200100051 spectrum by subtracting the activities produced in the 2319200100052 samples placed on 30deg from those on 0deg. 2319200100053 For self-absorption in sample by EGS4 code. 2319200100054 For the beam current fluctuation during the irradiation2319200100055 REL-REF (O,,S.Sekimoto+,J,KPS,59,1916,2011) - 2319200100056 Data of 300 MeV proton Cr-0(p,x) presented.2319200100057 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No description of the uncertainties 2319200100058 HISTORY (20130321C) M.M. 2319200100059 Request for the data was sent 25-03-2013 to 2319200100060 Shun Sekimoto sekimoto@rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp . 2319200100061 PRELM ( preliminary) was inserted in STATUS according 2319200100062 to opinion of N.Otsuka (NDS,IAEA), received a 2319200100063 comment from H.Yashima, who communicated with 2319200100064 S.Sekimoto, that data are preliminary (2013-02-07). 2319200100065 (20170921A) SD: Digitized data were added. Request for2319200100066 the data was sent 20-09-2017. Answer was that data 2319200100067 are still under analysis. Data were digitized according2319200100068 EXFOR rules data can be digitized if they published 2319200100069 more than 5 years ago. DECAY-DATA moved to 2319200100070 appropriated Subents. 2319200100071 (20180125A) On. Major revision in 005. 2319200100072 (20230317U) SD: Ref. NDS,119,197 added. 2319200100073 ENDBIB 71 0 2319200100074 COMMON 2 3 2319200100075 EN ERR-DIG 2319200100076 MEV PER-CENT 2319200100077 287. 0.5 2319200100078 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2319200100079 ENDSUBENT 78 0 2319200199999 SUBENT 23192002 20170921 22652319200200001 BIB 4 5 2319200200002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,X)24-CR-49,,SIG) 2319200200003 DECAY-DATA (24-CR-49,42.MIN,DG,91.,0.54) 2319200200004 STATUS (CURVE) Data are on Fig.3a of J,KPS,59,(2),1916,2011. 2319200200005 (PRELM) Preliminary data. 2319200200006 HISTORY (20170921A) SD: Digitized data were added. 2319200200007 ENDBIB 5 0 2319200200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2319200200009 DATA 2 1 2319200200010 DATA DATA-ERR 2319200200011 MB MB 2319200200012 0.47 0.14 2319200200013 ENDDATA 3 0 2319200200014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2319200299999 SUBENT 23192003 20170921 22652319200300001 BIB 4 5 2319200300002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,X)24-CR-48,,SIG) 2319200300003 DECAY-DATA (24-CR-48,21.6HR,DG,305.,0.99) 2319200300004 STATUS (CURVE) Data are on Fig.3b of J,KPS,59,(2),1916,2011. 2319200300005 (PRELM) Preliminary data. 2319200300006 HISTORY (20170921A) SD: Digitized data were added. 2319200300007 ENDBIB 5 0 2319200300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2319200300009 DATA 2 1 2319200300010 DATA DATA-ERR 2319200300011 MB MB 2319200300012 4.45 1.35 2319200300013 ENDDATA 3 0 2319200300014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2319200399999 SUBENT 23192004 20170921 22652319200400001 BIB 4 5 2319200400002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,X)21-SC-48,,SIG) 2319200400003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-48,43.7HR,DG,1038.,0.98) 2319200400004 STATUS (CURVE) Data are on Fig.3c of J,KPS,59,(2),1916,2011. 2319200400005 (PRELM) Preliminary data. 2319200400006 HISTORY (20170921A) SD: Digitized data were added. 2319200400007 ENDBIB 5 0 2319200400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2319200400009 DATA 2 1 2319200400010 DATA DATA-ERR 2319200400011 MB MB 2319200400012 1.75 0.40 2319200400013 ENDDATA 3 0 2319200400014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2319200499999 SUBENT 23192005 20180125 22652319200500001 BIB 5 8 2319200500002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,X)21-SC-44-G,(M),SIG) 2319200500003 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-44-G,3.93HR,DG,1157.,1.00) 2319200500004 ANALYSIS Shun Sekimoto (2018-01-25): 2319200500005 Decay of the 3.93 hr state followed. 2319200500006 STATUS (CURVE) Data are on Fig.3d of J,KPS,59,(2),1916,2011. 2319200500007 (PRELM) Preliminary data. 2319200500008 HISTORY (20170921A) SD: Digitized data were added. 2319200500009 (20180125A) On. REACTION revised. ANALYSIS added. 2319200500010 ENDBIB 8 0 2319200500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2319200500012 DATA 2 1 2319200500013 DATA DATA-ERR 2319200500014 MB MB 2319200500015 9.45 1.70 2319200500016 ENDDATA 3 0 2319200500017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 2319200599999 SUBENT 23192006 20170921 22652319200600001 BIB 4 5 2319200600002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,X)19-K-43,,SIG) 2319200600003 DECAY-DATA (19-K-43,22.4HR,DG,618.,0.80) 2319200600004 STATUS (CURVE) Data are on Fig.3e of J,KPS,59,(2),1916,2011. 2319200600005 (PRELM) Preliminary data. 2319200600006 HISTORY (20170921A) SD: Digitized data were added. 2319200600007 ENDBIB 5 0 2319200600008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2319200600009 DATA 2 1 2319200600010 DATA DATA-ERR 2319200600011 MB MB 2319200600012 1.56 0.30 2319200600013 ENDDATA 3 0 2319200600014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2319200699999 SUBENT 23192007 20170921 22652319200700001 BIB 4 5 2319200700002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,X)19-K-42,,SIG) 2319200700003 DECAY-DATA (19-K-42,12.4HR,DG,1525.,0.18) 2319200700004 STATUS (CURVE) Data are on Fig.3f of J,KPS,59,(2),1916,2011. 2319200700005 (CURVE) Preliminary data. 2319200700006 HISTORY (20170921A) SD: Digitized data were added. 2319200700007 ENDBIB 5 0 2319200700008 NOCOMMON 0 0 2319200700009 DATA 2 1 2319200700010 DATA DATA-ERR 2319200700011 MB MB 2319200700012 4.25 1.33 2319200700013 ENDDATA 3 0 2319200700014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2319200799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 2319299999999