ENTRY 23266 20230215 23142326600000001 SUBENT 23266001 20230215 23142326600100001 BIB 16 110 2326600100002 TITLE Experimental determination of k0, Q0, factors and 2326600100003 neutron cross-sections for 41 isotopes of interest in 2326600100004 Neutron Activation Analysis. 2326600100005 AUTHOR (F.Farina Arbocco,P.Vermaercke,K.Smits,L.Sneyers, 2326600100006 K.Strijckmans) 2326600100007 REFERENCE (J,JRN,296,931,2013) 2326600100008 #doi:10.1007/s10967-012-2132-0 2326600100009 Also Suppl.materials: 2326600100010 10967-2012-2132-MOESM1-ESM.pdf 2326600100011 Figs. of exp.parameter Ya 2326600100012 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf Table -Q0, ef.res.energy2326600100013 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf Table -SIG, k0 2326600100014 INSTITUTE (2BLGMOL) F.Farina Arbocco,P.Vermaercke,K.Smits, 2326600100015 L.Sneyers. 2326600100016 (2BLGGHT) F.Farina Arbocco,K.Strijckmans. 2326600100017 REL-REF (M,,F.De Corte+,J,AND,85,47,2003) 2326600100018 Activation decay schemes (ADS). k0 method. 2326600100019 Summary of previous k0 measurements up to Dec.2002. 2326600100020 FACILITY (REAC,2BLGMOL) Irradiation channels S84, Y4, X26 and 2326600100021 Cavity at the BR1 reactor at SCK-CEN, Belgium. 2326600100022 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 2326600100023 INC-SPECT Parameters of the neutron spectra: 2326600100024 Channel f a 2326600100025 Y4 38.2+-0.5 0.066+-0.003 2326600100026 S84 16.4+-0.4 -0.003+-0.005 2326600100027 X26 95.+-5. 0.11+-0.01 2326600100028 Cavity 70000. (pure thermal) 2326600100029 f - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to epithermal 2326600100030 flux, 2326600100031 a - slope parameter of the epithermal spectrum 2326600100032 (~1/(E**(1+a)) 2326600100033 SAMPLE Standards were positioned within a 2 cm distance to the2326600100034 nearest comparator along the axis of a cylindrical 2326600100035 polyethylene container (PE rabbit) following a sandwich2326600100036 pattern. Up to 10 samples per rabbit were irradiated on2326600100037 each opportunity. 2326600100038 Replicate samples were positioned inside 1 mm thick 2326600100039 Cd covers and were irradiated on the same irradiation 2326600100040 positions. 2326600100041 Samples providers : 2326600100042 - IRMM - Institute for Reference Materials and 2326600100043 Measurements, 2326600100044 - CBNM - Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements, 2326600100045 - NIST - National Institute of Standards and 2326600100046 Technology, 2326600100047 - Fluka, Alfa Aesar, Googfellow, Dr.Hult, 2326600100048 Sigma-Aldrich. 2326600100049 Au-197 samples ( ultimate comparator): 2326600100050 - Provider - IRMM 2326600100051 Matrix - Foil, Al alloy 2326600100052 Weight,% - 0.1 2326600100053 Average thickness,mm - 0.1 2326600100054 METHOD (ACTIV) The rabbits were irradiated in channels 2326600100055 S84, Y4, X26 and the thermal Cavity at the BR1. 2326600100056 Channel Y4 S84 X26 Cavity 2326600100057 Channel radius 50.mm 40.mm 40.mm 40.mm 2326600100058 Channel length 500.mm 300.mm 300.mm 300.mm 2326600100059 Container radius 11.1mm 10.mm 20.mm 15.mm 2326600100060 Rabbits length 71.mm 53.mm 80.mm 60.mm 2326600100061 Typical irr.time 7 hr 1 or 7hr 3 or 7hr 2 or 4hr 2326600100062 ASSUMED (ASSUM,(79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,RI)/ 2326600100063 (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG)) 2326600100064 - Au-197 data: =5.7 eV (+-14.2.% 2 sigma), 2326600100065 Q0=15.7 (+-3.6% 2 sigma) ; k0=1.00 2326600100066 FCd=0.991, HL=2.695d , Gamma Energy 411.8 keV, 2326600100067 Intensity 95.54% , SIG-0=98.65(9) b . 2326600100068 DETECTOR (HPGE) HPGe detectors equipped with LFC modules for 2326600100069 dead time, pulse pile-up correction. 2326600100070 CORRECTION Epithermal and thermal self-shielding corrections 2326600100071 factors Gt and Ge were obtained through the MATSSF and 2326600100072 the SIGMOID calculation methods, are given in Table 1 2326600100073 of J.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.,296,931,2013. 2326600100074 ERR-ANALYS Maximum expected uncertainty on an induced gamma 2326600100075 specific activity (A) and a Cd ratio (RCd) at 1s 2326600100076 confidence level. RCd uncertainty corresponds to the 2326600100077 quadratic summation of twice the uncertainty reported. 2326600100078 Contributing to Asp Uncertainty (1s),% from : 2326600100079 Reference efficiency 0.5 2326600100080 Efficiency transfer 0.8 2326600100081 COI corrections 0.6 2326600100082 Sample positioning 0.1 2326600100083 Weighting 0.1 2326600100084 Certified elemental content 0.5 2326600100085 Mass losses for spiked standard 0.5 2326600100086 Moisture content of compound 0.1 2326600100087 Pulse pile-ups 0.3 2326600100088 Timing 0.1 2326600100089 Half-life 0.2 2326600100090 Counting statistics 0.3 2326600100091 % Total uncertainty (1s) 1.4 2326600100092 Contributing to RCd Uncertainty (1s),% from : 2326600100093 Sample positioning 0.1 2326600100094 Weighting 0.1 2326600100095 Mass losses for spiked standard 0.5 2326600100096 Pulse pile-ups 0.3 2326600100097 Timing 0.1 2326600100098 Half-life 0.2 2326600100099 Counting statistics 0.3 2326600100100 % Total uncertainty (1s) 0.7 2326600100101 COMMENT Of compiler. 2326600100102 - EN-MIN-NM was taken as Cd cut-off energy 0.55 eV for2326600100103 1 mm Cd-covers ( as mentioned in the article, page 932,2326600100104 J,JRN,296,931,2013 ). 2326600100105 Two sigma uncertainties DATA-ERR and ERR-SYS were 2326600100106 converted into one sigma uncertainty ( divided by 2.) 2326600100107 by compiler. 2326600100108 HISTORY (20141210C) M.M. 2326600100109 (20180202A) M.M. Misprints were corrected in Subents 2326600100110 004,006,011,053,054,068,101,110,116,133 . 2326600100111 (20230215A) SD: Corrections in all Subents. 2326600100112 ENDBIB 110 0 2326600100113 COMMON 2 3 2326600100114 ASSUM ASSUM-ERR 2326600100115 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326600100116 15.7 3.6 2326600100117 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326600100118 ENDSUBENT 117 0 2326600199999 SUBENT 23266002 20230215 23142326600200001 BIB 9 30 2326600200002 REACTION 1((11-NA-23(N,G)11-NA-24,,RI,,AV)// 2326600200003 (11-NA-23(N,G)11-NA-24,,SIG,,AV)) 2326600200004 2((11-NA-23(N,G)11-NA-24,,RI)// 2326600200005 (11-NA-23(N,G)11-NA-24,,SIG)) 2326600200006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326600200007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326600200008 SAMPLE - Provider - Fluka 2326600200009 Matrix - High purity NaCl 2326600200010 Elemental content, % weight - 39.320 2326600200011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326600200012 - Provider - Alfa Aesar 2326600200013 Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326600200014 Elemental content, % weight - 0.1 2326600200015 (11-NA-23,NAT=1.00) 2326600200016 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4,X26. 2326600200017 DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,14.96HR,DG,1368.6,0.99994, 2326600200018 DG,2754.0,0.99855) 2326600200019 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326600200020 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326600200021 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326600200022 channels employed (S84, Y4, X26), when inputting 2326600200023 factors from the literature. 2326600200024 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326600200025 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326600200026 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vector2326600200027 method to be 36.74 eV ( +-8%, 2sigma). 2326600200028 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326600200029 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326600200030 1(DEP,23266003) Directly measured data. 2326600200031 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326600200032 ENDBIB 30 0 2326600200033 COMMON 2 3 2326600200034 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326600200035 EV EV 2326600200036 0.55 0.0253 2326600200037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326600200038 DATA 4 1 2326600200039 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326600200040 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326600200041 0.63 7.5 0.59 2. 2326600200042 ENDDATA 3 0 2326600200043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2326600299999 SUBENT 23266003 20141210 22412326600300001 BIB 7 33 2326600300002 REACTION ((11-NA-23(N,G)11-NA-24,,RI)// 2326600300003 (11-NA-23(N,G)11-NA-24,,SIG)) 2326600300004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326600300005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326600300006 SAMPLE - Provider - Fluka 2326600300007 Matrix - High purity NaCl 2326600300008 Elemental content, % weight - 39.320 2326600300009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326600300010 - Provider - Alfa Aesar 2326600300011 Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326600300012 Elemental content, % weight - 0.1 2326600300013 (11-NA-23,NAT=1.00) 2326600300014 FLAG Measurement at channels: 2326600300015 (1.) S84, 2326600300016 (2.) Y4, 2326600300017 (3.) X26 . 2326600300018 DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,14.96HR,DG,1368.6,0.99994, 2326600300019 DG,2754.0,0.99855) 2326600300020 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326600300021 when inputting effective resonance energy factors2326600300022 from the literature. 2326600300023 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326600300024 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326600300025 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326600300026 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326600300027 epithermal flux for gold, 2326600300028 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy , 2326600300029 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326600300030 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326600300031 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326600300032 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326600300033 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326600300034 (COREL,23266002) Average data . 2326600300035 ENDBIB 33 0 2326600300036 COMMON 2 3 2326600300037 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326600300038 EV EV 2326600300039 0.55 0.0253 2326600300040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326600300041 DATA 9 3 2326600300042 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326600300043 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326600300044 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326600300045 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326600300046 0.59 1.2 1.05 0.9 0.05 0.7 2326600300047 0.85 1.75 1. 2326600300048 0.62 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.45 0.6 2326600300049 0.7 1.4 2. 2326600300050 0.72 4.85 1.4 1.05 0.7 0.55 2326600300051 0.65 2.05 3. 2326600300052 ENDDATA 10 0 2326600300053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 2326600399999 SUBENT 23266004 20230215 23142326600400001 BIB 5 12 2326600400002 REACTION (11-NA-23(N,G)11-NA-24,,SIG,,AV) 2326600400003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section 2326600400004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326600400005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326600400006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326600400007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326600400008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326600400009 observed standard deviation between gamma-lines. 2326600400010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326600400011 (DEP,23266005) Directly measured data. 2326600400012 HISTORY (20180202A) M.M. DATA misprint was corrected 2326600400013 (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326600400014 ENDBIB 12 0 2326600400015 COMMON 1 3 2326600400016 EN 2326600400017 EV 2326600400018 0.0253 2326600400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326600400020 DATA 2 1 2326600400021 DATA DATA-ERR 2326600400022 B B 2326600400023 0.519 0.001 2326600400024 ENDDATA 3 0 2326600400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2326600499999 SUBENT 23266005 20141210 22412326600500001 BIB 8 29 2326600500002 REACTION (11-NA-23(N,G)11-NA-24,,SIG) 2326600500003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326600500004 SAMPLE - Provider - Fluka 2326600500005 Matrix - High purity NaCl 2326600500006 Elemental content, % weight - 39.320 2326600500007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326600500008 - Provider - Alfa Aesar 2326600500009 Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326600500010 Elemental content, % weight - 0.1 2326600500011 (11-NA-23,NAT=1.00) 2326600500012 DECAY-DATA ((1.)11-NA-24,14.96HR,DG,1368.6,0.99994) 2326600500013 reference line 2326600500014 ((2.)11-NA-24,14.96HR,DG,2754.0,0.99855) 2326600500015 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84 . 2326600500016 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326600500017 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326600500018 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326600500019 values. 2326600500020 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326600500021 including decay branching factors). 2326600500022 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326600500023 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326600500024 1368.6 4.71E-2 (+-1.9%) 2326600500025 2754.0 4.72E-2 (+-1.6%) 2326600500026 Effective resonance energy defined by a-vector 2326600500027 method 36.74(8) eV. 2326600500028 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326600500029 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326600500030 (COREL,23266004) Average data 2326600500031 ENDBIB 29 0 2326600500032 COMMON 1 3 2326600500033 EN 2326600500034 EV 2326600500035 0.0253 2326600500036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326600500037 DATA 2 2 2326600500038 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326600500039 B NO-DIM 2326600500040 0.518 1. 2326600500041 0.520 2. 2326600500042 ENDDATA 4 0 2326600500043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2326600599999 SUBENT 23266006 20230215 23142326600600001 BIB 8 20 2326600600002 REACTION ((12-MG-26(N,G)12-MG-27,,RI,,AV)// 2326600600003 (12-MG-26(N,G)12-MG-27,,SIG,,AV)) 2326600600004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326600600005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326600600006 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow 2326600600007 Matrix - Foil 2326600600008 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326600600009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326600600010 (12-MG-26,NAT=0.1101) 11.01+-0.03 % 2326600600011 DECAY-DATA (12-MG-27,9.462MIN,DG,170.7,0.0086, 2326600600012 DG,843.8,0.7180, 2326600600013 DG,1014.4,0.2820) 2326600600014 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 2326600600015 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326600600016 - the classical method. 2326600600017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326600600018 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326600600019 (DEP,23266007) Directly measured data . 2326600600020 HISTORY (20180202A) M.M. DATA misprint was corrected 2326600600021 (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326600600022 ENDBIB 20 0 2326600600023 COMMON 2 3 2326600600024 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326600600025 EV EV 2326600600026 0.55 0.0253 2326600600027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326600600028 DATA 2 1 2326600600029 DATA DATA-ERR 2326600600030 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326600600031 0.46 1.5 2326600600032 ENDDATA 3 0 2326600600033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2326600699999 SUBENT 23266007 20141210 22412326600700001 BIB 7 27 2326600700002 REACTION ((12-MG-26(N,G)12-MG-27,,RI)// 2326600700003 (12-MG-26(N,G)12-MG-27,,SIG)) 2326600700004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326600700005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326600700006 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow 2326600700007 Matrix - Foil 2326600700008 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326600700009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326600700010 (12-MG-26,NAT=0.1101) 11.01+-0.03 % 2326600700011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 2326600700012 DECAY-DATA (12-MG-27,9.462MIN,DG,170.7,0.0086,DG,843.8,0.7180, 2326600700013 DG,1014.4,0.2820) 2326600700014 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326600700015 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326600700016 from the literature. 2326600700017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326600700018 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326600700019 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326600700020 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326600700021 epithermal flux for gold, 2326600700022 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326600700023 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326600700024 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326600700025 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326600700026 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326600700027 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326600700028 (COREL,23266006) Average data . 2326600700029 ENDBIB 27 0 2326600700030 COMMON 2 3 2326600700031 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326600700032 EV EV 2326600700033 0.55 0.0253 2326600700034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326600700035 DATA 8 1 2326600700036 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326600700037 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326600700038 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326600700039 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326600700040 0.46 2.0 1.05 1.0 0.1 0.5 2326600700041 0.55 1.65 2326600700042 ENDDATA 6 0 2326600700043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2326600799999 SUBENT 23266008 20230215 23142326600800001 BIB 5 11 2326600800002 REACTION (12-MG-26(N,G)12-MG-27,,SIG,,AV) 2326600800003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326600800004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326600800005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326600800006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326600800007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326600800008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326600800009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326600800010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326600800011 (DEP,23266009) Directly measured data. 2326600800012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326600800013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326600800014 COMMON 1 3 2326600800015 EN 2326600800016 EV 2326600800017 0.0253 2326600800018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326600800019 DATA 2 1 2326600800020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326600800021 B B 2326600800022 0.03718 0.00016 2326600800023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326600800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326600899999 SUBENT 23266009 20141210 22412326600900001 BIB 8 25 2326600900002 REACTION (12-MG-26(N,G)12-MG-27,,SIG) 2326600900003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326600900004 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow 2326600900005 Matrix - Foil 2326600900006 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326600900007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326600900008 (12-MG-26,NAT=0.1101) 11.01+-0.03 % 2326600900009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)12-MG-27,9.462MIN,DG,170.7,0.0086) 2326600900010 ((2.)12-MG-27,9.462MIN,DG,843.8,0.7180) reference line 2326600900011 ((3.)12-MG-27,9.462MIN,DG,1014.4,0.2820) 2326600900012 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326600900013 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326600900014 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326600900015 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326600900016 values. 2326600900017 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326600900018 including decay branching factors). 2326600900019 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326600900020 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326600900021 170.7 3.02E-6 (+-1.2%) 2326600900022 843.8 2.54E-4 (+-0.8%) 2326600900023 1014.4 9.90E-5 (+-0.7%) 2326600900024 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326600900025 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326600900026 (COREL,23266008) Average data 2326600900027 ENDBIB 25 0 2326600900028 COMMON 1 3 2326600900029 EN 2326600900030 EV 2326600900031 0.0253 2326600900032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326600900033 DATA 2 3 2326600900034 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326600900035 B NO-DIM 2326600900036 0.03709 1. 2326600900037 0.03737 2. 2326600900038 0.03708 3. 2326600900039 ENDDATA 5 0 2326600900040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 2326600999999 SUBENT 23266010 20230215 23142326601000001 BIB 8 17 2326601000002 REACTION ((13-AL-27(N,G)13-AL-28,,RI,,AV)// 2326601000003 (13-AL-27(N,G)13-AL-28,,SIG,,AV)) 2326601000004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326601000005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326601000006 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow IRMM 2326601000007 Matrix - Foil Al allo2326601000008 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326601000009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.015 0.1 2326601000010 (13-AL-27,NAT=1.00) 2326601000011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 2326601000012 DECAY-DATA (13-AL-28,2.2414MIN,DG,1778.9,1.0000) reference line 2326601000013 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326601000014 - the classical method. 2326601000015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326601000016 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326601000017 (DEP,23266011) Directly measured data. 2326601000018 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326601000019 ENDBIB 17 0 2326601000020 COMMON 2 3 2326601000021 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326601000022 EV EV 2326601000023 0.55 0.0253 2326601000024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326601000025 DATA 2 1 2326601000026 DATA DATA-ERR 2326601000027 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326601000028 0.54 1.5 2326601000029 ENDDATA 3 0 2326601000030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2326601099999 SUBENT 23266011 20180202 22682326601100001 BIB 8 27 2326601100002 REACTION ((13-AL-27(N,G)13-AL-28,,RI)// 2326601100003 (13-AL-27(N,G)13-AL-28,,SIG)) 2326601100004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326601100005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326601100006 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow IRMM 2326601100007 Matrix - Foil Al alloys2326601100008 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326601100009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.015 0.1 2326601100010 (13-AL-27,NAT=1.00) 2326601100011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 2326601100012 DECAY-DATA (13-AL-28,2.2414MIN,DG,1778.9,1.0000) reference line 2326601100013 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326601100014 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326601100015 from the literature. 2326601100016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326601100017 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326601100018 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326601100019 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326601100020 epithermal flux for gold, 2326601100021 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326601100022 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326601100023 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326601100024 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326601100025 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326601100026 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326601100027 (COREL,23266010) Average data . 2326601100028 HISTORY (20180202A) M.M. DATA misprint was corrected 2326601100029 ENDBIB 27 0 2326601100030 COMMON 2 3 2326601100031 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326601100032 EV EV 2326601100033 0.55 0.0253 2326601100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326601100035 DATA 8 1 2326601100036 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326601100037 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326601100038 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326601100039 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326601100040 0.54 1.5 1.05 1.0 0.1 0.5 2326601100041 0.55 1.65 2326601100042 ENDDATA 6 0 2326601100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2326601199999 SUBENT 23266012 20230215 23142326601200001 BIB 5 11 2326601200002 REACTION (13-AL-27(N,G)13-AL-28,,SIG,,AV) 2326601200003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326601200004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326601200005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326601200006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326601200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326601200008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326601200009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326601200010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326601200011 (DEP,23266013) Directly measured data. 2326601200012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326601200013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326601200014 COMMON 1 3 2326601200015 EN 2326601200016 EV 2326601200017 0.0253 2326601200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326601200019 DATA 2 1 2326601200020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326601200021 B B 2326601200022 0.2298 0.0023 2326601200023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326601200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326601299999 SUBENT 23266013 20141210 22412326601300001 BIB 8 21 2326601300002 REACTION (13-AL-27(N,G)13-AL-28,,SIG) 2326601300003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326601300004 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow IRMM 2326601300005 Matrix - Foil Al alloys2326601300006 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326601300007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.015 0.1 2326601300008 (13-AL-27,NAT=1.00) 2326601300009 DECAY-DATA (13-AL-28,2.2414MIN,DG,1778.9,1.0000) reference line 2326601300010 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326601300011 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326601300012 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326601300013 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326601300014 values. 2326601300015 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326601300016 including decay branching factors). 2326601300017 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326601300018 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326601300019 1778.9 1.77E-2 (+-2.0%) 2326601300020 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326601300021 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326601300022 (COREL,23266012) Average data 2326601300023 ENDBIB 21 0 2326601300024 COMMON 1 3 2326601300025 EN 2326601300026 EV 2326601300027 0.0253 2326601300028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326601300029 DATA 1 1 2326601300030 DATA 2326601300031 B 2326601300032 0.22981 2326601300033 ENDDATA 3 0 2326601300034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2326601399999 SUBENT 23266014 20230215 23142326601400001 BIB 8 17 2326601400002 REACTION ((17-CL-37(N,G)17-CL-38,,RI,,AV)// 2326601400003 (17-CL-37(N,G)17-CL-38,,SIG,,AV)) 2326601400004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326601400005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326601400006 SAMPLE - Provider - Fluka 2326601400007 Matrix - High purity NaCl 2326601400008 Elemental content, % weight - 60.680 2326601400009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326601400010 (17-CL-37,NAT=0.2424) 24.24+-0.10 % 2326601400011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 2326601400012 DECAY-DATA (17-CL-38-G,37.24MIN,DG,1642.7,0.333,DG,2167.4,0.444) 2326601400013 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326601400014 - the classical method. 2326601400015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326601400016 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326601400017 (DEP,23266015) Directly measured data . 2326601400018 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326601400019 ENDBIB 17 0 2326601400020 COMMON 2 3 2326601400021 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326601400022 EV EV 2326601400023 0.55 0.0253 2326601400024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326601400025 DATA 2 1 2326601400026 DATA DATA-ERR 2326601400027 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326601400028 0.48 1.5 2326601400029 ENDDATA 3 0 2326601400030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2326601499999 SUBENT 23266015 20141210 22412326601500001 BIB 7 26 2326601500002 REACTION ((17-CL-37(N,G)17-CL-38,,RI)// 2326601500003 (17-CL-37(N,G)17-CL-38,,SIG)) 2326601500004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326601500005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326601500006 SAMPLE - Provider - Fluka 2326601500007 Matrix - High purity NaCl 2326601500008 Elemental content, % weight - 60.680 2326601500009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326601500010 (17-CL-37,NAT=0.2424) 24.24+-0.10 % 2326601500011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 2326601500012 DECAY-DATA (17-CL-38-G,37.24MIN,DG,1642.7,0.333,DG,2167.4,0.444) 2326601500013 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326601500014 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326601500015 from the literature. 2326601500016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326601500017 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326601500018 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326601500019 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326601500020 epithermal flux for gold, 2326601500021 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326601500022 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326601500023 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326601500024 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326601500025 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326601500026 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326601500027 (COREL,23266014) Average data . 2326601500028 ENDBIB 26 0 2326601500029 COMMON 2 3 2326601500030 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326601500031 EV EV 2326601500032 0.55 0.0253 2326601500033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326601500034 DATA 8 1 2326601500035 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326601500036 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326601500037 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326601500038 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326601500039 0.48 3.0 1.0 1.05 0.1 0.5 2326601500040 0.55 1.65 2326601500041 ENDDATA 6 0 2326601500042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2326601599999 SUBENT 23266016 20230215 23142326601600001 BIB 5 11 2326601600002 REACTION (17-CL-37(N,G)17-CL-38,,SIG,,AV) 2326601600003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326601600004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326601600005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326601600006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326601600007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326601600008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326601600009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326601600010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326601600011 (DEP,23266017) Directly measured data. 2326601600012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326601600013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326601600014 COMMON 1 3 2326601600015 EN 2326601600016 EV 2326601600017 0.0253 2326601600018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326601600019 DATA 2 1 2326601600020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326601600021 B B 2326601600022 0.412 0.003 2326601600023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326601600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326601699999 SUBENT 23266017 20141210 22412326601700001 BIB 8 23 2326601700002 REACTION (17-CL-37(N,G)17-CL-38,,SIG) 2326601700003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326601700004 SAMPLE - Provider - Fluka 2326601700005 Matrix - High purity NaCl 2326601700006 Elemental content, % weight - 60.680 2326601700007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326601700008 (17-CL-37,NAT=0.2424) 24.24+-0.10 % 2326601700009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)17-CL-38-G,37.24MIN,DG,1642.7,0.333) 2326601700010 ((2.)17-CL-38-G,37.24MIN,DG,2167.4,0.444) 2326601700011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326601700012 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326601700013 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326601700014 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326601700015 values. 2326601700016 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326601700017 including decay branching factors). 2326601700018 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326601700019 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326601700020 1642.7 1.95E-3 (+-1.5%) 2326601700021 2167.4 2.63E-3 (+-1.5%) 2326601700022 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326601700023 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326601700024 (COREL,23266016) Average data 2326601700025 ENDBIB 23 0 2326601700026 COMMON 1 3 2326601700027 EN 2326601700028 EV 2326601700029 0.0253 2326601700030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326601700031 DATA 2 2 2326601700032 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326601700033 B NO-DIM 2326601700034 0.410 1. 2326601700035 0.415 2. 2326601700036 ENDDATA 4 0 2326601700037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2326601799999 SUBENT 23266018 20230215 23142326601800001 BIB 9 27 2326601800002 REACTION 1((21-SC-45(N,G)21-SC-46,,RI,,AV)// 2326601800003 (21-SC-45(N,G)21-SC-46,,SIG,,AV)) 2326601800004 2((21-SC-45(N,G)21-SC-46,,RI)// 2326601800005 (21-SC-45(N,G)21-SC-46,,SIG)) 2326601800006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326601800007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326601800008 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326601800009 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326601800010 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326601800011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326601800012 (21-SC-45,NAT=1.00) 2326601800013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4,X26. 2326601800014 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-46-M,18.75SEC) 2326601800015 (21-SC-46-G,83.8D,DG,889.3,0.99984,DG,1120.5,0.99987) 2326601800016 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326601800017 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326601800018 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326601800019 channels employed (S84, Y4, X26), when inputting Er 2326601800020 factors from the literature. 2326601800021 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326601800022 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326601800023 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326601800024 method to be 0.00 eV. 2326601800025 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326601800026 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326601800027 1(DEP,23266019) Directly measured data . 2326601800028 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326601800029 ENDBIB 27 0 2326601800030 COMMON 2 3 2326601800031 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326601800032 EV EV 2326601800033 0.55 0.0253 2326601800034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326601800035 DATA 4 1 2326601800036 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326601800037 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326601800038 0.45 8. 0.44 1.5 2326601800039 ENDDATA 3 0 2326601800040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 2326601899999 SUBENT 23266019 20141210 22412326601900001 BIB 7 30 2326601900002 REACTION ((21-SC-45(N,G)21-SC-46,,RI)// 2326601900003 (21-SC-45(N,G)21-SC-46,,SIG)) 2326601900004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326601900005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326601900006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326601900007 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326601900008 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326601900009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326601900010 (21-SC-45,NAT=1.00) 2326601900011 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-46-M,18.75SEC) 2326601900012 (21-SC-46-G,83.8D,DG,889.3,0.99984,DG,1120.5,0.99987) 2326601900013 FLAG Measurement at channels: 2326601900014 (1.) S84, 2326601900015 (2.) Y4, 2326601900016 (3.) X26 . 2326601900017 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326601900018 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326601900019 from the literature. 2326601900020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326601900021 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326601900022 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326601900023 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326601900024 epithermal flux for gold, 2326601900025 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326601900026 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326601900027 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326601900028 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326601900029 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326601900030 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326601900031 (COREL,23266018) Average data . 2326601900032 ENDBIB 30 0 2326601900033 COMMON 2 3 2326601900034 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326601900035 EV EV 2326601900036 0.55 0.0253 2326601900037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326601900038 DATA 9 3 2326601900039 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326601900040 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326601900041 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326601900042 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326601900043 0.42 0.3 0.05 1.05 0.0 0.5 2326601900044 0.5 1.25 1. 2326601900045 0.49 0.25 0.25 1.4 0.0 0.6 2326601900046 0.8 1.75 2. 2326601900047 0.50 0.35 1.25 1.8 0.0 0.55 2326601900048 1.0 2.45 3. 2326601900049 ENDDATA 10 0 2326601900050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 2326601999999 SUBENT 23266020 20230215 23142326602000001 BIB 5 11 2326602000002 REACTION (21-SC-45(N,G)21-SC-46,,SIG,,AV) 2326602000003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326602000004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326602000005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326602000006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326602000007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326602000008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326602000009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326602000010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326602000011 (DEP,23266021) Directly measured data. 2326602000012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326602000013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326602000014 COMMON 1 3 2326602000015 EN 2326602000016 EV 2326602000017 0.0253 2326602000018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326602000019 DATA 2 1 2326602000020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326602000021 B B 2326602000022 26.9 0.1 2326602000023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326602000024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326602099999 SUBENT 23266021 20141210 22412326602100001 BIB 8 26 2326602100002 REACTION (21-SC-45(N,G)21-SC-46,,SIG) 2326602100003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326602100004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326602100005 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326602100006 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326602100007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326602100008 (21-SC-45,NAT=1.00) 2326602100009 DECAY-DATA (21-SC-46-M,18.75SEC) 2326602100010 ((1.)21-SC-46-G,83.8D,DG,889.3,0.99984) 2326602100011 ((2.)21-SC-46-G,83.8D,DG,1120.5,0.99987) reference line2326602100012 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326602100013 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326602100014 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326602100015 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326602100016 values. 2326602100017 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326602100018 including decay branching factors). 2326602100019 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326602100020 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326602100021 889.3 1.25E-0 (+-0.4%) 2326602100022 1120.5 1.25E-0 (+-0.4%) 2326602100023 Effective resonance energy defined by a-vector 2326602100024 method 0.00 eV. 2326602100025 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326602100026 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326602100027 (COREL,23266020) Average data 2326602100028 ENDBIB 26 0 2326602100029 COMMON 1 3 2326602100030 EN 2326602100031 EV 2326602100032 0.0253 2326602100033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326602100034 DATA 2 2 2326602100035 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326602100036 B NO-DIM 2326602100037 27.0 1. 2326602100038 26.8 2. 2326602100039 ENDDATA 4 0 2326602100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 2326602199999 SUBENT 23266022 20230215 23142326602200001 BIB 8 17 2326602200002 REACTION ((22-TI-50(N,G)22-TI-51,,RI,,AV)// 2326602200003 (22-TI-50(N,G)22-TI-51,,SIG,,AV)) 2326602200004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326602200005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326602200006 SAMPLE - Provider - CBNM 2326602200007 Matrix - Foil 2326602200008 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326602200009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326602200010 (22-TI-50,NAT=0.0518) 5.18+-0.02 % 2326602200011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 2326602200012 DECAY-DATA (22-TI-51,5.76MIN,DG,320.1,0.9310,DG,928.0,0.0619) 2326602200013 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326602200014 - the classical method. 2326602200015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326602200016 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326602200017 (DEP,23266023) Directly measured data . 2326602200018 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326602200019 ENDBIB 17 0 2326602200020 COMMON 2 3 2326602200021 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326602200022 EV EV 2326602200023 0.55 0.0253 2326602200024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326602200025 DATA 2 1 2326602200026 DATA DATA-ERR 2326602200027 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326602200028 0.52 1.5 2326602200029 ENDDATA 3 0 2326602200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2326602299999 SUBENT 23266023 20141210 22412326602300001 BIB 7 26 2326602300002 REACTION ((22-TI-50(N,G)22-TI-51,,RI)// 2326602300003 (22-TI-50(N,G)22-TI-51,,SIG)) 2326602300004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326602300005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326602300006 SAMPLE - Provider - CBNM 2326602300007 Matrix - Foil 2326602300008 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326602300009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326602300010 (22-TI-50,NAT=0.0518) 5.18+-0.02 % 2326602300011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 2326602300012 DECAY-DATA (22-TI-51,5.76MIN,DG,320.1,0.9310,DG,928.0,0.0619) 2326602300013 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326602300014 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326602300015 from the literature. 2326602300016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326602300017 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326602300018 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326602300019 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326602300020 epithermal flux for gold, 2326602300021 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326602300022 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326602300023 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326602300024 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326602300025 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326602300026 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326602300027 (COREL,23266022) Average data . 2326602300028 ENDBIB 26 0 2326602300029 COMMON 2 3 2326602300030 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326602300031 EV EV 2326602300032 0.55 0.0253 2326602300033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326602300034 DATA 8 1 2326602300035 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326602300036 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326602300037 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326602300038 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326602300039 0.52 1.0 1.05 1.0 0.1 0.5 2326602300040 0.55 1.65 2326602300041 ENDDATA 6 0 2326602300042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2326602399999 SUBENT 23266024 20230215 23142326602400001 BIB 5 11 2326602400002 REACTION (22-TI-50(N,G)22-TI-51,,SIG,,AV) 2326602400003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326602400004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326602400005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326602400006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326602400007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326602400008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326602400009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326602400010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326602400011 (DEP,23266025) Directly measured data. 2326602400012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326602400013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326602400014 COMMON 1 3 2326602400015 EN 2326602400016 EV 2326602400017 0.0253 2326602400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326602400019 DATA 2 1 2326602400020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326602400021 B B 2326602400022 0.1725 0.0046 2326602400023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326602400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326602499999 SUBENT 23266025 20141210 22412326602500001 BIB 8 23 2326602500002 REACTION (22-TI-50(N,G)22-TI-51,,SIG) 2326602500003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326602500004 SAMPLE - Provider - CBNM 2326602500005 Matrix - Foil 2326602500006 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326602500007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326602500008 (22-TI-50,NAT=0.0518) 5.18+-0.02 % 2326602500009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)22-TI-51,5.76MIN,DG,320.1,0.9310) 2326602500010 ((2.)22-TI-51,5.76MIN,DG,928.0,0.0619) 2326602500011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326602500012 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326602500013 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326602500014 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326602500015 values. 2326602500016 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326602500017 including decay branching factors). 2326602500018 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326602500019 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326602500020 320.1 3.70E-4 (+-1.0%) 2326602500021 928.0 2.64E-5 (+-1.5%) 2326602500022 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326602500023 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326602500024 (COREL,23266020) Average data 2326602500025 ENDBIB 23 0 2326602500026 COMMON 1 3 2326602500027 EN 2326602500028 EV 2326602500029 0.0253 2326602500030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326602500031 DATA 2 2 2326602500032 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326602500033 B NO-DIM 2326602500034 0.1757 1. 2326602500035 0.1692 2. 2326602500036 ENDDATA 4 0 2326602500037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2326602599999 SUBENT 23266026 20230215 23142326602600001 BIB 7 16 2326602600002 REACTION ((23-V-51(N,G)23-V-52,,RI,,AV)// 2326602600003 (23-V-51(N,G)23-V-52,,SIG,,AV)) 2326602600004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326602600005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326602600006 SAMPLE - Provider - CBNM 2326602600007 Matrix - Foil 2326602600008 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326602600009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326602600010 (23-V-51,ENR=0.9975) 99.75+-0.04 % 2326602600011 DECAY-DATA (23-V-52,3.75MIN,DG,1434.0,1.000) 2326602600012 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326602600013 - the classical method. 2326602600014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326602600015 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326602600016 (DEP,23266027) Directly measured data . 2326602600017 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326602600018 ENDBIB 16 0 2326602600019 COMMON 2 3 2326602600020 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326602600021 EV EV 2326602600022 0.55 0.0253 2326602600023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326602600024 DATA 2 1 2326602600025 DATA DATA-ERR 2326602600026 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326602600027 0.55 1.5 2326602600028 ENDDATA 3 0 2326602600029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2326602699999 SUBENT 23266027 20141210 22412326602700001 BIB 7 26 2326602700002 REACTION ((23-V-51(N,G)23-V-52,,RI)// 2326602700003 (23-V-51(N,G)23-V-52,,SIG)) 2326602700004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326602700005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326602700006 SAMPLE - Provider - CBNM 2326602700007 Matrix - Foil 2326602700008 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326602700009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326602700010 (23-V-51,ENR=0.9975) 99.75+-0.04 % 2326602700011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 2326602700012 DECAY-DATA (23-V-52,3.75MIN,DG,1434.0,1.000) 2326602700013 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326602700014 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326602700015 from the literature. 2326602700016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326602700017 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326602700018 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326602700019 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326602700020 epithermal flux for gold, 2326602700021 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326602700022 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326602700023 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326602700024 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326602700025 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326602700026 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326602700027 (COREL,23266026) Average data . 2326602700028 ENDBIB 26 0 2326602700029 COMMON 2 3 2326602700030 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326602700031 EV EV 2326602700032 0.55 0.0253 2326602700033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326602700034 DATA 8 1 2326602700035 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326602700036 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326602700037 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326602700038 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326602700039 0.55 2.0 1.05 1.0 0.1 0.5 2326602700040 0.55 1.65 2326602700041 ENDDATA 6 0 2326602700042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2326602799999 SUBENT 23266028 20230215 23142326602800001 BIB 5 11 2326602800002 REACTION (23-V-51(N,G)23-V-52,,SIG,,AV) 2326602800003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326602800004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326602800005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326602800006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326602800007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326602800008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326602800009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326602800010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326602800011 (DEP,23266029) Directly measured data. 2326602800012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326602800013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326602800014 COMMON 1 3 2326602800015 EN 2326602800016 EV 2326602800017 0.0253 2326602800018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326602800019 DATA 2 1 2326602800020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326602800021 B B 2326602800022 4.77 0.05 2326602800023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326602800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326602899999 SUBENT 23266029 20141210 22412326602900001 BIB 8 21 2326602900002 REACTION (23-V-51(N,G)23-V-52,,SIG) 2326602900003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326602900004 SAMPLE - Provider - CBNM 2326602900005 Matrix - Foil 2326602900006 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326602900007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326602900008 (23-V-51,ENR=0.9975) 99.75+-0.04 % 2326602900009 DECAY-DATA (23-V-52,3.75MIN,DG,1434.0,1.000) 2326602900010 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326602900011 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326602900012 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326602900013 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326602900014 values. 2326602900015 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326602900016 including decay branching factors). 2326602900017 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326602900018 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326602900019 31434.0 1.96E-1 (+-1.1%) 2326602900020 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326602900021 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326602900022 (COREL,23266028) Average data 2326602900023 ENDBIB 21 0 2326602900024 COMMON 1 3 2326602900025 EN 2326602900026 EV 2326602900027 0.0253 2326602900028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326602900029 DATA 1 1 2326602900030 DATA 2326602900031 B 2326602900032 4.77 2326602900033 ENDDATA 3 0 2326602900034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2326602999999 SUBENT 23266030 20230215 23142326603000001 BIB 10 31 2326603000002 REACTION 1((25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,RI,,AV)// 2326603000003 (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,SIG,,AV)) 2326603000004 2((25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,RI)// 2326603000005 (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,SIG)) 2326603000006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326603000007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326603000008 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326603000009 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326603000010 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326603000011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326603000012 (25-MN-55,NAT=1.00) 2326603000013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, X26. 2326603000014 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-56,2.579HR,DG,846.8,0.9885,DG,1810.7,0.2690, 2326603000015 DG,2113.1,0.1420) 2326603000016 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326603000017 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326603000018 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326603000019 channels employed (S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326603000020 factors from the literature. 2326603000021 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326603000022 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326603000023 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326603000024 method to be 341.eV ( +-8%, 2sigma). 2326603000025 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326603000026 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 2326603000027 There are misprints in Suppl.material 2326603000028 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf: 2326603000029 Target Mn-54 -> Mn-55, Formed isotope Mn-55 -> Mn-56. 2326603000030 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326603000031 1(DEP,23266031) Directly measured data . 2326603000032 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326603000033 ENDBIB 31 0 2326603000034 COMMON 2 3 2326603000035 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326603000036 EV EV 2326603000037 0.55 0.0253 2326603000038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326603000039 DATA 4 1 2326603000040 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326603000041 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326603000042 1.04 1. 1.03 2. 2326603000043 ENDDATA 3 0 2326603000044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 2326603099999 SUBENT 23266031 20141210 22412326603100001 BIB 7 29 2326603100002 REACTION ((25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,RI)// 2326603100003 (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,SIG)) 2326603100004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326603100005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326603100006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326603100007 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326603100008 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326603100009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326603100010 (25-MN-55,NAT=1.00) 2326603100011 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-56,2.579HR,DG,846.8,0.9885,DG,1810.7,0.2690, 2326603100012 DG,2113.1,0.1420) 2326603100013 FLAG Measurement at channels: 2326603100014 (1.) S84, 2326603100015 (2.) X26 . 2326603100016 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326603100017 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326603100018 from the literature. 2326603100019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326603100020 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326603100021 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326603100022 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326603100023 epithermal flux for gold, 2326603100024 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326603100025 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326603100026 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326603100027 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326603100028 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326603100029 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326603100030 (COREL,23266030) Average data . 2326603100031 ENDBIB 29 0 2326603100032 COMMON 2 3 2326603100033 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326603100034 EV EV 2326603100035 0.55 0.0253 2326603100036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326603100037 DATA 9 2 2326603100038 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326603100039 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326603100040 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326603100041 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326603100042 1.03 1.45 0.9 1.05 0.1 0.6 2326603100043 0.65 1.65 1. 2326603100044 1.06 1.3 1.25 1.65 0.15 0.6 2326603100045 0.65 2.25 2. 2326603100046 ENDDATA 8 0 2326603100047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 2326603199999 SUBENT 23266032 20230215 23142326603200001 BIB 4 10 2326603200002 REACTION (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,SIG,,AV) 2326603200003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326603200004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326603200005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326603200006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326603200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326603200008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326603200009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326603200010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326603200011 (DEP,23266033) Directly measured data. 2326603200012 ENDBIB 10 0 2326603200013 COMMON 1 3 2326603200014 EN 2326603200015 EV 2326603200016 0.0253 2326603200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326603200018 DATA 2 1 2326603200019 DATA DATA-ERR 2326603200020 B B 2326603200021 13.03 0.10 2326603200022 ENDDATA 3 0 2326603200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2326603299999 SUBENT 23266033 20141210 22412326603300001 BIB 8 27 2326603300002 REACTION (25-MN-55(N,G)25-MN-56,,SIG) 2326603300003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326603300004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326603300005 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326603300006 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326603300007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326603300008 (25-MN-55,NAT=1.00) 2326603300009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)25-MN-56,2.579HR,DG,846.8,0.9885) 2326603300010 ((2.)25-MN-56,2.579HR,DG,1810.7,0.2690) 2326603300011 ((3.)25-MN-56,2.579HR,DG,2113.1,0.1420) 2326603300012 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326603300013 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326603300014 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326603300015 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326603300016 values. 2326603300017 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326603300018 including decay branching factors). 2326603300019 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326603300020 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326603300021 846.8 4.94E-1 (+-0.7%) 2326603300022 1810.7 1.32E-1 (+-0.4%) 2326603300023 2113.1 7.04E-2 (+-0.2%) 2326603300024 Effective resonance energy defined by a-vector 2326603300025 method 0.00 eV. 2326603300026 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326603300027 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326603300028 (COREL,23266032) Average data 2326603300029 ENDBIB 27 0 2326603300030 COMMON 1 3 2326603300031 EN 2326603300032 EV 2326603300033 0.0253 2326603300034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326603300035 DATA 2 3 2326603300036 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326603300037 B NO-DIM 2326603300038 13.14 1. 2326603300039 12.93 2. 2326603300040 13.04 3. 2326603300041 ENDDATA 5 0 2326603300042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2326603399999 SUBENT 23266034 20230215 23142326603400001 BIB 9 33 2326603400002 REACTION 1((26-FE-58(N,G)26-FE-59,,RI,,AV)// 2326603400003 (26-FE-58(N,G)26-FE-59,,SIG,,AV)) 2326603400004 2((26-FE-58(N,G)26-FE-59,,RI)// 2326603400005 (26-FE-58(N,G)26-FE-59,,SIG)) 2326603400006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326603400007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326603400008 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326603400009 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326603400010 Elemental content, % weight - 0.2 2326603400011 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326603400012 - Provider - Goodfellow 2326603400013 Matrix - Foil 2326603400014 -Elemental content, % weight - 99.99 2326603400015 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.5 2326603400016 -Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326603400017 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.25 2326603400018 (26-FE-58,NAT=0.00282) 0.282+-0.004 % 2326603400019 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26. 2326603400020 DECAY-DATA (26-FE-59,44.5D,DG,142.7,0.0102,DG,192.3,0.0308, 2326603400021 DG,1099.3,0.5650,DG,1291.6,0.4320) 2326603400022 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326603400023 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326603400024 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326603400025 channels employed (S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326603400026 factors from the literature. 2326603400027 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326603400028 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326603400029 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326603400030 method to be 252.9 eV ( +-18%, 2sigma). 2326603400031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326603400032 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326603400033 1(DEP,23266035) Directly measured data . 2326603400034 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326603400035 ENDBIB 33 0 2326603400036 COMMON 2 3 2326603400037 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326603400038 EV EV 2326603400039 0.55 0.0253 2326603400040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326603400041 DATA 4 1 2326603400042 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326603400043 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326603400044 0.99 2. 0.97 1.5 2326603400045 ENDDATA 3 0 2326603400046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 2326603499999 SUBENT 23266035 20141210 22412326603500001 BIB 7 36 2326603500002 REACTION ((26-FE-58(N,G)26-FE-59,,RI)// 2326603500003 (26-FE-58(N,G)26-FE-59,,SIG)) 2326603500004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326603500005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326603500006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326603500007 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326603500008 Elemental content, % weight - 0.2 2326603500009 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326603500010 - Provider - Goodfellow 2326603500011 Matrix - Foil 2326603500012 -Elemental content, % weight - 99.99 2326603500013 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.5 2326603500014 -Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326603500015 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.25 2326603500016 (26-FE-58,NAT=0.00282) 0.282+-0.004 % 2326603500017 DECAY-DATA (26-FE-59,44.5D,DG,142.7,0.0102,DG,192.3,0.0308, 2326603500018 DG,1099.3,0.5650,DG,1291.6,0.4320) 2326603500019 FLAG Measurement at channels: 2326603500020 (1.) S84, 2326603500021 (2.) Y4, 2326603500022 (3.) X26 . 2326603500023 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326603500024 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326603500025 from the literature. 2326603500026 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326603500027 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326603500028 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326603500029 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326603500030 epithermal flux for gold, 2326603500031 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326603500032 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326603500033 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326603500034 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326603500035 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326603500036 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326603500037 (COREL,23266034) Average data . 2326603500038 ENDBIB 36 0 2326603500039 COMMON 2 3 2326603500040 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326603500041 EV EV 2326603500042 0.55 0.0253 2326603500043 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326603500044 DATA 9 3 2326603500045 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326603500046 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326603500047 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326603500048 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326603500049 0.96 0.5 1.05 1.1 0.1 0.55 2326603500050 0.65 1.75 1. 2326603500051 1.00 0.25 0.65 1.25 0.15 0.55 2326603500052 0.65 1.75 2. 2326603500053 1.01 0.5 2.05 1.6 0.25 0.6 2326603500054 0.7 2.75 3. 2326603500055 ENDDATA 10 0 2326603500056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 2326603599999 SUBENT 23266036 20230215 23142326603600001 BIB 5 11 2326603600002 REACTION (26-FE-58(N,G)26-FE-59,,SIG,,AV) 2326603600003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326603600004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326603600005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326603600006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326603600007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326603600008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326603600009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326603600010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326603600011 (DEP,23266037) Directly measured data. 2326603600012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326603600013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326603600014 COMMON 1 3 2326603600015 EN 2326603600016 EV 2326603600017 0.0253 2326603600018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326603600019 DATA 2 1 2326603600020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326603600021 B B 2326603600022 1.30 0.01 2326603600023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326603600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326603699999 SUBENT 23266037 20141210 22412326603700001 BIB 9 37 2326603700002 REACTION (26-FE-58(N,G)26-FE-59,,SIG) 2326603700003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326603700004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326603700005 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326603700006 Elemental content, % weight - 0.2 2326603700007 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326603700008 - Provider - Goodfellow 2326603700009 Matrix - Foil 2326603700010 -Elemental content, % weight - 99.99 2326603700011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.5 2326603700012 -Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326603700013 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.25 2326603700014 (26-FE-58,NAT=0.00282) 0.282+-0.004 % 2326603700015 DECAY-DATA ((1.)26-FE-59,44.5D,DG,142.7,0.0102) 2326603700016 ((2.)26-FE-59,44.5D,DG,192.3,0.03080) 2326603700017 ((3.)26-FE-59,44.5D,DG,1099.3,0.5650) reference line 2326603700018 ((4.)26-FE-59,44.5D,DG,1291.6,0.4320) 2326603700019 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326603700020 FLAG (5.) C-s measured by 142.7 and 192.3 keV gamma 2326603700021 line are 1.24 and 1.19 b, they were not used in 2326603700022 averaging. 2326603700023 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326603700024 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326603700025 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326603700026 values. 2326603700027 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326603700028 including decay branching factors). 2326603700029 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326603700030 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326603700031 846.8 4.94E-1 (+-0.7%) 2326603700032 1810.7 1.32E-1 (+-0.4%) 2326603700033 2113.1 7.04E-2 (+-0.2%) 2326603700034 Effective resonance energy defined by a-vector 2326603700035 method 0.00 eV. 2326603700036 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326603700037 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326603700038 (COREL,23266036) Average data 2326603700039 ENDBIB 37 0 2326603700040 COMMON 1 3 2326603700041 EN 2326603700042 EV 2326603700043 0.0253 2326603700044 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326603700045 DATA 3 4 2326603700046 DATA DECAY-FLAG FLAG 2326603700047 B NO-DIM NO-DIM 2326603700048 1.24 1. 5. 2326603700049 1.19 2. 5. 2326603700050 1.30 3. 2326603700051 1.29 4. 2326603700052 ENDDATA 6 0 2326603700053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 2326603799999 SUBENT 23266038 20230215 23142326603800001 BIB 8 24 2326603800002 REACTION ((27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60-M,,RI,,AV)// 2326603800003 (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60-M,,SIG,,AV)) 2326603800004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326603800005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326603800006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326603800007 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326603800008 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326603800009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326603800010 (27-CO-59,NAT=1.00) 100.% 2326603800011 METHOD Measurement at channels S84. 2326603800012 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-M,10.47MIN,DG,58.6,0.02036,DG,1332.5,0.00240)2326603800013 10.47+-0.01 MIN 2326603800014 (27-CO-60-G,5.271YR,DG,1173.2,0.99850, 2326603800015 DG,1332.5,0.99983) 2326603800016 5.371+-0.008 yr 2326603800017 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326603800018 - the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326603800019 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326603800020 channels employed (S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326603800021 factors from the literature. 2326603800022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326603800023 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326603800024 1(DEP,23266039) Directly measured data . 2326603800025 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326603800026 ENDBIB 24 0 2326603800027 COMMON 2 3 2326603800028 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326603800029 EV EV 2326603800030 0.55 0.0253 2326603800031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326603800032 DATA 2 1 2326603800033 DATA DATA-ERR 2326603800034 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326603800035 1.97 1.5 2326603800036 ENDDATA 3 0 2326603800037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2326603899999 SUBENT 23266039 20141210 22412326603900001 BIB 7 30 2326603900002 REACTION ((27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60-M,,RI)// 2326603900003 (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60-M,,SIG)) 2326603900004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326603900005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326603900006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326603900007 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326603900008 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326603900009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326603900010 (27-CO-59,NAT=1.00) 100.% 2326603900011 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-M,10.47MIN,DG,58.6,0.02036,DG,1332.5,0.00240)2326603900012 10.47+-0.01 MIN 2326603900013 (27-CO-60-G,5.271YR,DG,1173.2,0.99850, 2326603900014 DG,1332.5,0.99983) 2326603900015 5.371+-0.008 yr 2326603900016 METHOD Measurement at channels S84. 2326603900017 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326603900018 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326603900019 from the literature. 2326603900020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326603900021 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326603900022 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326603900023 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326603900024 epithermal flux for gold, 2326603900025 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326603900026 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326603900027 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326603900028 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326603900029 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326603900030 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326603900031 (COREL,23266038) Average data . 2326603900032 ENDBIB 30 0 2326603900033 COMMON 2 3 2326603900034 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326603900035 EV EV 2326603900036 0.55 0.0253 2326603900037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326603900038 DATA 8 1 2326603900039 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326603900040 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326603900041 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326603900042 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326603900043 1.97 1.5 0.85 1.4 0.1 0.55 2326603900044 0.65 1.85 2326603900045 ENDDATA 6 0 2326603900046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 2326603999999 SUBENT 23266040 20230215 23142326604000001 BIB 6 12 2326604000002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60-M,,SIG,,AV) 2326604000003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326604000004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326604000005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326604000006 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-M,10.47MIN) 2326604000007 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326604000008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326604000009 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326604000010 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326604000011 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326604000012 (DEP,23266041) Directly measured data. 2326604000013 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326604000014 ENDBIB 12 0 2326604000015 COMMON 1 3 2326604000016 EN 2326604000017 EV 2326604000018 0.0253 2326604000019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326604000020 DATA 2 1 2326604000021 DATA DATA-ERR 2326604000022 B B 2326604000023 20.7 0.5 2326604000024 ENDDATA 3 0 2326604000025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2326604099999 SUBENT 23266041 20141210 22412326604100001 BIB 8 27 2326604100002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60-M,,SIG) 2326604100003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326604100004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326604100005 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326604100006 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326604100007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326604100008 (27-CO-59,NAT=1.00) 100.% 2326604100009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)27-CO-60-M,10.47MIN,DG,58.6,0.02036) 2326604100010 ((2.)27-CO-60-M,10.47MIN,DG,1332.5,0.00240) 2326604100011 10.47+-0.01 MIN 2326604100012 (27-CO-60-G,5.271YR,DG,1173.2,0.99850, 2326604100013 DG,1332.5,0.99983) 2326604100014 5.371+-0.008 yr 2326604100015 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326604100016 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326604100017 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326604100018 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326604100019 values. 2326604100020 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326604100021 including decay branching factors). 2326604100022 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326604100023 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326604100024 58.6 1.47E-2 (+-1.2%) 2326604100025 1332.5 1.79E-3 (+-1.4%) 2326604100026 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326604100027 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326604100028 (COREL,23266040) Average data 2326604100029 ENDBIB 27 0 2326604100030 COMMON 1 3 2326604100031 EN 2326604100032 EV 2326604100033 0.0253 2326604100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326604100035 DATA 2 2 2326604100036 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326604100037 B NO-DIM 2326604100038 20.4 1. 2326604100039 21.0 2. 2326604100040 ENDDATA 4 0 2326604100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 2326604199999 SUBENT 23266042 20230215 23142326604200001 BIB 9 29 2326604200002 REACTION 1((27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,RI,,AV)// 2326604200003 (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG,,AV)) 2326604200004 2((27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,RI)// 2326604200005 (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG)) M+G 2326604200006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326604200007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326604200008 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326604200009 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326604200010 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326604200011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326604200012 (27-CO-59,NAT=1.00) 100.% 2326604200013 METHOD Measurement at channel S84. 2326604200014 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-M,10.47MIN,DG,1332.5,0.00240) 2326604200015 10.47+-0.01 MIN 2326604200016 (27-CO-60-G,5.271YR,DG,1332.5,0.99983) 2326604200017 5.271+-0.008 yr 2326604200018 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326604200019 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326604200020 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326604200021 channels employed (S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326604200022 factors from the literature. 2326604200023 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326604200024 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326604200025 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326604200026 method to be 109. eV ( +-8%, 2sigma). 2326604200027 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326604200028 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326604200029 1(DEP,23266043) Directly measured data . 2326604200030 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326604200031 ENDBIB 29 0 2326604200032 COMMON 2 3 2326604200033 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326604200034 EV EV 2326604200035 0.55 0.0253 2326604200036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326604200037 DATA 4 1 2326604200038 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326604200039 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326604200040 1.99 1. 1.96 2. 2326604200041 ENDDATA 3 0 2326604200042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2326604299999 SUBENT 23266043 20141210 22412326604300001 BIB 7 32 2326604300002 REACTION ((27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,RI)// 2326604300003 (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG)) M+G 2326604300004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326604300005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326604300006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326604300007 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326604300008 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326604300009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326604300010 (27-CO-59,NAT=1.00) 100.% 2326604300011 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-M,10.47MIN,DG,1332.5,0.00240) 2326604300012 10.47+-0.01 MIN 2326604300013 (27-CO-60-G,5.271YR,DG,1332.5,0.99983) 2326604300014 5.371+-0.008 yr 2326604300015 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326604300016 (1.) S84, 2326604300017 (2.) Y4 2326604300018 (3.) X26 2326604300019 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326604300020 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326604300021 from the literature. 2326604300022 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326604300023 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326604300024 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326604300025 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326604300026 epithermal flux for gold, 2326604300027 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326604300028 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326604300029 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326604300030 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326604300031 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326604300032 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326604300033 (COREL,23266042) Average data . 2326604300034 ENDBIB 32 0 2326604300035 COMMON 2 3 2326604300036 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326604300037 EV EV 2326604300038 0.55 0.0253 2326604300039 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326604300040 DATA 9 3 2326604300041 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326604300042 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326604300043 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326604300044 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326604300045 1.96 0.25 0.85 1.4 0.1 0.55 2326604300046 0.65 1.85 1. 2326604300047 2.01 0.25 0.5 1.2 0.1 0.55 2326604300048 0.65 1.55 2. 2326604300049 1.99 0.25 1.05 1.85 0.15 0.6 2326604300050 0.65 2.3 3. 2326604300051 ENDDATA 10 0 2326604300052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 2326604399999 SUBENT 23266044 20230215 23142326604400001 BIB 5 11 2326604400002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG,,AV) M+G 2326604400003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326604400004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326604400005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326604400006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326604400007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326604400008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326604400009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326604400010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326604400011 (DEP,23266045) Directly measured data. 2326604400012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326604400013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326604400014 COMMON 1 3 2326604400015 EN 2326604400016 EV 2326604400017 0.0253 2326604400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326604400019 DATA 2 1 2326604400020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326604400021 B B 2326604400022 37.15 0.2 2326604400023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326604400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326604499999 SUBENT 23266045 20141210 22412326604500001 BIB 8 27 2326604500002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60,,SIG) M+G 2326604500003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326604500004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326604500005 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326604500006 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326604500007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326604500008 (27-CO-59,NAT=1.00) 100.% 2326604500009 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-M,10.47MIN,DG,58.6,0.2036) 2326604500010 (27-CO-60-M,10.47MIN,DG,1332.5,0.00240) 2326604500011 10.47+-0.01 min 2326604500012 ((1.)27-CO-60-G,5.271YR,DG,1173.2,0.99850) 2326604500013 ((2.)27-CO-60-G,5.271YR,DG,1332.5,0.99983) 2326604500014 5.371+-0.008 yr 2326604500015 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326604500016 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326604500017 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326604500018 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326604500019 values. 2326604500020 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326604500021 including decay branching factors). 2326604500022 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326604500023 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326604500024 1173.2 1.32E+0 (+-0.4%) 2326604500025 1332.5 1.32E+0 (+-0.4%) 2326604500026 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326604500027 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326604500028 (COREL,23266044) Average data 2326604500029 ENDBIB 27 0 2326604500030 COMMON 1 3 2326604500031 EN 2326604500032 EV 2326604500033 0.0253 2326604500034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326604500035 DATA 2 2 2326604500036 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326604500037 B NO-DIM 2326604500038 37.16 1. 2326604500039 37.14 2. 2326604500040 ENDDATA 4 0 2326604500041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 2326604599999 SUBENT 23266046 20230215 23142326604600001 BIB 5 11 2326604600002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60-G,,SIG,,AV) 2326604600003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326604600004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326604600005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326604600006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326604600007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326604600008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326604600009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326604600010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326604600011 (DEP,23266047) Directly measured data. 2326604600012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326604600013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326604600014 COMMON 1 3 2326604600015 EN 2326604600016 EV 2326604600017 0.0253 2326604600018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326604600019 DATA 2 1 2326604600020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326604600021 B B 2326604600022 16.70 0.17 2326604600023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326604600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326604699999 SUBENT 23266047 20141210 22412326604700001 BIB 8 24 2326604700002 REACTION (27-CO-59(N,G)27-CO-60-G,,SIG) 2326604700003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326604700004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326604700005 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326604700006 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326604700007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326604700008 (27-CO-59,NAT=1.00) 100.% 2326604700009 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-60-M,10.47MIN,DG,1332.5,0.00240) 2326604700010 10.47+-0.01 min 2326604700011 (27-CO-60-G,5.271YR,DG,1332.5,0.99983) 2326604700012 5.371+-0.008 yr 2326604700013 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326604700014 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326604700015 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326604700016 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326604700017 values. 2326604700018 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326604700019 including decay branching factors). 2326604700020 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326604700021 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326604700022 1332.5 5.92E-1 (+-0.4%) 2326604700023 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326604700024 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326604700025 (COREL,23266046) Average data 2326604700026 ENDBIB 24 0 2326604700027 COMMON 1 3 2326604700028 EN 2326604700029 EV 2326604700030 0.0253 2326604700031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326604700032 DATA 1 1 2326604700033 DATA 2326604700034 B 2326604700035 16.7 2326604700036 ENDDATA 3 0 2326604700037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2326604799999 SUBENT 23266048 20230215 23142326604800001 BIB 8 18 2326604800002 REACTION ((28-NI-64(N,G)28-NI-65,,RI,,AV)// 2326604800003 (28-NI-64(N,G)28-NI-65,,SIG,,AV)) 2326604800004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326604800005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326604800006 SAMPLE - Provider - CBNM 2326604800007 Matrix - Foil 2326604800008 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326604800009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326604800010 (28-NI-65,NAT=0.009255) 0.9255+-0.0019 % 2326604800011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84. 2326604800012 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-65,2.517HR,DG,366.3,0.0481,DG,1115.5,0.1543, 2326604800013 DG,1481.8,0.2359) 2326604800014 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326604800015 - the classical method. 2326604800016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326604800017 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326604800018 (DEP,23266049) Directly measured data . 2326604800019 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326604800020 ENDBIB 18 0 2326604800021 COMMON 2 3 2326604800022 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326604800023 EV EV 2326604800024 0.55 0.0253 2326604800025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326604800026 DATA 2 1 2326604800027 DATA DATA-ERR 2326604800028 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326604800029 0.46 1.5 2326604800030 ENDDATA 3 0 2326604800031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2326604899999 SUBENT 23266049 20141210 22412326604900001 BIB 7 27 2326604900002 REACTION ((28-NI-64(N,G)28-NI-65,,RI)// 2326604900003 (28-NI-64(N,G)28-NI-65,,SIG)) M+G 2326604900004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326604900005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326604900006 SAMPLE - Provider - CBNM 2326604900007 Matrix - Foil 2326604900008 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326604900009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326604900010 (28-NI-65,NAT=0.009255) 0.9255+-0.0019 % 2326604900011 METHOD Measurement at channels S84. 2326604900012 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-65,2.517HR,DG,366.3,0.0481,DG,1115.5,0.1543, 2326604900013 DG,1481.8,0.2359) 2326604900014 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326604900015 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326604900016 from the literature. 2326604900017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326604900018 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326604900019 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326604900020 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326604900021 epithermal flux for gold, 2326604900022 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326604900023 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326604900024 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326604900025 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326604900026 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326604900027 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326604900028 (COREL,23266048) Average data . 2326604900029 ENDBIB 27 0 2326604900030 COMMON 2 3 2326604900031 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326604900032 EV EV 2326604900033 0.55 0.0253 2326604900034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326604900035 DATA 8 1 2326604900036 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326604900037 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326604900038 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326604900039 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326604900040 0.46 0.5 1.05 1.0 0.1 0.5 2326604900041 0.55 1.65 2326604900042 ENDDATA 6 0 2326604900043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2326604999999 SUBENT 23266050 20230215 23142326605000001 BIB 5 11 2326605000002 REACTION (28-NI-64(N,G)28-NI-65,,SIG,,AV) 2326605000003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326605000004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326605000005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326605000006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326605000007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326605000008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326605000009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326605000010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326605000011 (DEP,23266051) Directly measured data. 2326605000012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326605000013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326605000014 COMMON 1 3 2326605000015 EN 2326605000016 EV 2326605000017 0.0253 2326605000018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326605000019 DATA 2 1 2326605000020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326605000021 B B 2326605000022 1.62 0.01 2326605000023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326605000024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326605099999 SUBENT 23266051 20141210 22412326605100001 BIB 8 25 2326605100002 REACTION (28-NI-64(N,G)28-NI-65,,SIG) 2326605100003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326605100004 SAMPLE - Provider - CBNM 2326605100005 Matrix - Foil 2326605100006 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326605100007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326605100008 (28-NI-65,NAT=0.009255) 0.9255+-0.0019 % 2326605100009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)28-NI-65,2.517HR,DG,366.3,0.0481) 2326605100010 ((2.)28-NI-65,2.517HR,DG,1115.5,0.1543) 2326605100011 ((3.)28-NI-65,2.517HR,DG,1481.8,0.2359) reference line 2326605100012 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326605100013 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326605100014 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326605100015 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326605100016 values. 2326605100017 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326605100018 including decay branching factors). 2326605100019 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326605100020 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326605100021 366.3 2.55E-5 (+-1.1%) 2326605100022 1115.5 8.14E-5 (+-1.0%) 2326605100023 1481.8 1.26E-4 (+-1.3%) 2326605100024 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326605100025 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326605100026 (COREL,23266050) Average data 2326605100027 ENDBIB 25 0 2326605100028 COMMON 1 3 2326605100029 EN 2326605100030 EV 2326605100031 0.0253 2326605100032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326605100033 DATA 2 3 2326605100034 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326605100035 B NO-DIM 2326605100036 1.61 1. 2326605100037 1.60 2. 2326605100038 1.62 3. 2326605100039 ENDDATA 5 0 2326605100040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 2326605199999 SUBENT 23266052 20230215 23142326605200001 BIB 9 34 2326605200002 REACTION 1((29-CU-63(N,G)29-CU-64,,RI,,AV)// 2326605200003 (29-CU-63(N,G)29-CU-64,,SIG,,AV)) 2326605200004 2((29-CU-63(N,G)29-CU-64,,RI)// 2326605200005 (29-CU-63(N,G)29-CU-64,,SIG)) 2326605200006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326605200007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326605200008 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326605200009 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326605200010 Elemental content, % weight - 10. 2326605200011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326605200012 - Provider - Goodfellow 2326605200013 Matrix - Wire 2326605200014 Elemental content, % weight - 99.99 2326605200015 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326605200016 - Provider - CBNM 2326605200017 Matrix - Foil 2326605200018 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326605200019 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326605200020 (29-CU-63,NAT=0.6915) 69.15+-0.15 % 2326605200021 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326605200022 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-64,12.70HR,DG,511.0,0.3500,DG,1345.8,0.00475) 2326605200023 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326605200024 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326605200025 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326605200026 channels employed (S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326605200027 factors from the literature. 2326605200028 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326605200029 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326605200030 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326605200031 method to be 952.eV ( +-12%, 2sigma). 2326605200032 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326605200033 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326605200034 1(DEP,23266053) Directly measured data . 2326605200035 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326605200036 ENDBIB 34 0 2326605200037 COMMON 2 3 2326605200038 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326605200039 EV EV 2326605200040 0.55 0.0253 2326605200041 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326605200042 DATA 4 1 2326605200043 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326605200044 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326605200045 1.11 2.5 1.10 1.5 2326605200046 ENDDATA 3 0 2326605200047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 2326605299999 SUBENT 23266053 20180202 22682326605300001 BIB 8 39 2326605300002 REACTION ((29-CU-63(N,G)29-CU-64,,RI)// 2326605300003 (29-CU-63(N,G)29-CU-64,,SIG)) 2326605300004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326605300005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326605300006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326605300007 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326605300008 Elemental content, % weight - 10. 2326605300009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326605300010 - Provider - Goodfellow 2326605300011 Matrix - Wire 2326605300012 Elemental content, % weight - 99.99 2326605300013 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326605300014 - Provider - CBNM 2326605300015 Matrix - Foil 2326605300016 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326605300017 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326605300018 (29-CU-63,NAT=0.6915) 69.15+-0.15 % 2326605300019 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-64,12.70HR,DG,511.0,0.3500, 2326605300020 DG,1345.8,0.00475) 2326605300021 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326605300022 (1.) S84, 2326605300023 (2.) Y4 2326605300024 (3.) X26 2326605300025 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326605300026 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326605300027 from the literature. 2326605300028 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326605300029 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326605300030 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326605300031 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326605300032 epithermal flux for gold, 2326605300033 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326605300034 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326605300035 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326605300036 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326605300037 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326605300038 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326605300039 (COREL,23266052) Average data . 2326605300040 HISTORY (20180202A) M.M. DATA misprint was corrected 2326605300041 ENDBIB 39 0 2326605300042 COMMON 2 3 2326605300043 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326605300044 EV EV 2326605300045 0.55 0.0253 2326605300046 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326605300047 DATA 9 3 2326605300048 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326605300049 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326605300050 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326605300051 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326605300052 1.12 2.0 1.15 1.05 0.1 0.55 2326605300053 0.6 1.75 1. 2326605300054 1.08 1.5 0.7 1.3 0.1 0.55 2326605300055 0.6 1.7 2. 2326605300056 1.15 2.5 2.3 1.65 0.15 0.6 2326605300057 0.7 3.0 3. 2326605300058 ENDDATA 10 0 2326605300059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 2326605399999 SUBENT 23266054 20230215 23142326605400001 BIB 5 12 2326605400002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,G)29-CU-64,,SIG,,AV) 2326605400003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326605400004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326605400005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326605400006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326605400007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326605400008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326605400009 observed standard deviation between gamma-lines. 2326605400010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326605400011 (DEP,23266055) Directly measured data. 2326605400012 HISTORY (20180202A) M.M. DATA misprint was corrected 2326605400013 (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326605400014 ENDBIB 12 0 2326605400015 COMMON 1 3 2326605400016 EN 2326605400017 EV 2326605400018 0.0253 2326605400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326605400020 DATA 2 1 2326605400021 DATA DATA-ERR 2326605400022 B B 2326605400023 4.52 0.02 2326605400024 ENDDATA 3 0 2326605400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2326605499999 SUBENT 23266055 20141210 22412326605500001 BIB 8 31 2326605500002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,G)29-CU-64,,SIG) 2326605500003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326605500004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326605500005 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326605500006 Elemental content, % weight - 10. 2326605500007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326605500008 - Provider - Goodfellow 2326605500009 Matrix - Wire 2326605500010 Elemental content, % weight - 99.99 2326605500011 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326605500012 - Provider - CBNM 2326605500013 Matrix - Foil 2326605500014 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326605500015 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326605500016 (29-CU-63,NAT=0.6915) 69.15+-0.15 % 2326605500017 DECAY-DATA ((1.)29-CU-64,12.70HR,DG,511.0,0.3500) reference line 2326605500018 ((2.)29-CU-64,12.70HR,DG,1345.8,0.00475) 2326605500019 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326605500020 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326605500021 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326605500022 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326605500023 values. 2326605500024 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326605500025 including decay branching factors). 2326605500026 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326605500027 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326605500028 511.0 3.32E-2 (+-0.1%) 2326605500029 1345.8 4.88E-4 (+-0.2%) 2326605500030 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326605500031 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326605500032 (COREL,23266054) Average data 2326605500033 ENDBIB 31 0 2326605500034 COMMON 1 3 2326605500035 EN 2326605500036 EV 2326605500037 0.0253 2326605500038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326605500039 DATA 2 2 2326605500040 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326605500041 B NO-DIM 2326605500042 4.17 1. 2326605500043 4.52 2. 2326605500044 ENDDATA 4 0 2326605500045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 2326605599999 SUBENT 23266056 20230215 23142326605600001 BIB 8 25 2326605600002 REACTION ((29-CU-65(N,G)29-CU-66,,RI,,AV)// 2326605600003 (29-CU-65(N,G)29-CU-66,,SIG,,AV)) 2326605600004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326605600005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326605600006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326605600007 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326605600008 Elemental content, % weight - 10. 2326605600009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326605600010 - Provider - Goodfellow 2326605600011 Matrix - Wire 2326605600012 Elemental content, % weight - 99.99 2326605600013 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326605600014 - Provider - CBNM 2326605600015 Matrix - Foil 2326605600016 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326605600017 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326605600018 (29-CU-65,NAT=0.3085) 30.85+-0.15 % 2326605600019 METHOD Measurement at channel S84. 2326605600020 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-66,5.12MIN,DG,1039.2,0.0923) 2326605600021 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326605600022 the classical method. 2326605600023 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326605600024 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326605600025 (DEP,23266057) Directly measured data . 2326605600026 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326605600027 ENDBIB 25 0 2326605600028 COMMON 2 3 2326605600029 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326605600030 EV EV 2326605600031 0.55 0.0253 2326605600032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326605600033 DATA 2 1 2326605600034 DATA DATA-ERR 2326605600035 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326605600036 1.01 2. 2326605600037 ENDDATA 3 0 2326605600038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2326605699999 SUBENT 23266057 20141210 22412326605700001 BIB 7 33 2326605700002 REACTION ((29-CU-65(N,G)29-CU-66,,RI)// 2326605700003 (29-CU-65(N,G)29-CU-66,,SIG)) 2326605700004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326605700005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326605700006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326605700007 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326605700008 Elemental content, % weight - 10. 2326605700009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326605700010 - Provider - Goodfellow 2326605700011 Matrix - Wire 2326605700012 Elemental content, % weight - 99.99 2326605700013 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326605700014 - Provider - CBNM 2326605700015 Matrix - Foil 2326605700016 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326605700017 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326605700018 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-66,5.12MIN,DG,1039.2,0.0923) 2326605700019 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 2326605700020 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326605700021 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326605700022 from the literature. 2326605700023 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326605700024 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326605700025 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326605700026 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326605700027 epithermal flux for gold, 2326605700028 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326605700029 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd, 2326605700030 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326605700031 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326605700032 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326605700033 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326605700034 (COREL,23266056) Average data . 2326605700035 ENDBIB 33 0 2326605700036 COMMON 2 3 2326605700037 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326605700038 EV EV 2326605700039 0.55 0.0253 2326605700040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326605700041 DATA 8 1 2326605700042 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326605700043 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326605700044 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326605700045 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326605700046 1.01 0.5 1.15 1.05 0.1 0.5 2326605700047 0.55 1.75 2326605700048 ENDDATA 6 0 2326605700049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2326605799999 SUBENT 23266058 20230215 23142326605800001 BIB 5 11 2326605800002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,G)29-CU-66,,SIG,,AV) 2326605800003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326605800004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326605800005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326605800006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326605800007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326605800008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326605800009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326605800010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326605800011 (DEP,23266059) Directly measured data. 2326605800012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326605800013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326605800014 COMMON 1 3 2326605800015 EN 2326605800016 EV 2326605800017 0.0253 2326605800018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326605800019 DATA 2 1 2326605800020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326605800021 B B 2326605800022 2.06 0.01 2326605800023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326605800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326605899999 SUBENT 23266059 20141210 22412326605900001 BIB 8 29 2326605900002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,G)29-CU-66,,SIG) 2326605900003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326605900004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326605900005 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326605900006 Elemental content, % weight - 10. 2326605900007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326605900008 - Provider - Goodfellow 2326605900009 Matrix - Wire 2326605900010 Elemental content, % weight - 99.99 2326605900011 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326605900012 - Provider - CBNM 2326605900013 Matrix - Foil 2326605900014 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326605900015 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326605900016 (29-CU-65,NAT=0.3085) 30.85+-0.15 % 2326605900017 DECAY-DATA (29-CU-66,5.12MIN,DG,1039.2,0.0923) reference line 2326605900018 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326605900019 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326605900020 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326605900021 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326605900022 values. 2326605900023 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326605900024 including decay branching factors). 2326605900025 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326605900026 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326605900027 1039.2 1.93E-3 (+-1.0%) 2326605900028 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326605900029 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326605900030 (COREL,23266058) Average data 2326605900031 ENDBIB 29 0 2326605900032 COMMON 1 3 2326605900033 EN 2326605900034 EV 2326605900035 0.0253 2326605900036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326605900037 DATA 1 1 2326605900038 DATA 2326605900039 B 2326605900040 2.06 2326605900041 ENDDATA 3 0 2326605900042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2326605999999 SUBENT 23266060 20230215 23142326606000001 BIB 9 26 2326606000002 REACTION 1((30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,RI,,AV)// 2326606000003 (30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,SIG,,AV)) 2326606000004 2((30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,RI)// 2326606000005 (30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,SIG)) 2326606000006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326606000007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326606000008 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow 2326606000009 Matrix - Foil 2326606000010 Elemental content, % weight - 99.95 2326606000011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.025 2326606000012 (30-ZN-64,NAT=0.4917) 49.17+-0.75 % 2326606000013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326606000014 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-65,244.3D,DG,511.0,0.02842,DG,1115.5,0.5022) 2326606000015 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326606000016 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326606000017 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326606000018 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326606000019 factors from the literature. 2326606000020 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326606000021 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326606000022 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326606000023 method to be 2711.eV ( +-14%, 2sigma). 2326606000024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326606000025 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326606000026 1(DEP,23266061) Directly measured data . 2326606000027 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326606000028 ENDBIB 26 0 2326606000029 COMMON 2 3 2326606000030 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326606000031 EV EV 2326606000032 0.55 0.0253 2326606000033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326606000034 DATA 4 1 2326606000035 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326606000036 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326606000037 1.90 2. 1.90 2. 2326606000038 ENDDATA 3 0 2326606000039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2326606099999 SUBENT 23266061 20141210 22412326606100001 BIB 7 29 2326606100002 REACTION ((30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,RI)// 2326606100003 (30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,SIG)) 2326606100004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326606100005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326606100006 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow 2326606100007 Matrix - Foil 2326606100008 Elemental content, % weight - 99.95 2326606100009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.025 2326606100010 (30-ZN-64,NAT=0.4917) 49.17+-0.75 % 2326606100011 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-65,244.3D,DG,511.0,0.02842,DG,1115.5,0.5022) 2326606100012 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326606100013 (1.) S84, 2326606100014 (2.) Y4 2326606100015 (3.) X26 2326606100016 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326606100017 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326606100018 from the literature. 2326606100019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326606100020 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326606100021 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326606100022 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326606100023 epithermal flux for gold, 2326606100024 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326606100025 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326606100026 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326606100027 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326606100028 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326606100029 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326606100030 (COREL,23266060) Average data . 2326606100031 ENDBIB 29 0 2326606100032 COMMON 2 3 2326606100033 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326606100034 EV EV 2326606100035 0.55 0.0253 2326606100036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326606100037 DATA 9 3 2326606100038 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326606100039 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326606100040 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326606100041 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326606100042 1.89 0.55 1.65 1.4 0.4 0.6 2326606100043 0.65 2.35 1. 2326606100044 1.93 1.5 1.0 1.1 0.3 0.55 2326606100045 0.65 1.75 2. 2326606100046 1.85 3.1 1.65 1.8 0.4 0.6 2326606100047 0.65 2.65 3. 2326606100048 ENDDATA 10 0 2326606100049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2326606199999 SUBENT 23266062 20230215 23142326606200001 BIB 5 11 2326606200002 REACTION (30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,SIG,,AV) 2326606200003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326606200004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326606200005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326606200006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326606200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326606200008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326606200009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326606200010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326606200011 (DEP,23266063) Directly measured data. 2326606200012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326606200013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326606200014 COMMON 1 3 2326606200015 EN 2326606200016 EV 2326606200017 0.0253 2326606200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326606200019 DATA 2 1 2326606200020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326606200021 B B 2326606200022 0.717 0.007 2326606200023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326606200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326606299999 SUBENT 23266063 20141210 22412326606300001 BIB 8 23 2326606300002 REACTION (30-ZN-64(N,G)30-ZN-65,,SIG) 2326606300003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326606300004 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow 2326606300005 Matrix - Foil 2326606300006 Elemental content, % weight - 99.95 2326606300007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.025 2326606300008 (30-ZN-64,NAT=0.4917) 49.17+-0.75 % 2326606300009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)30-ZN-65,244.3D,DG,511.0,0.02842) 2326606300010 ((2.)30-ZN-65,244.3D,DG,1115.5,0.5022) 2326606300011 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326606300012 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326606300013 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326606300014 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326606300015 values. 2326606300016 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326606300017 including decay branching factors). 2326606300018 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326606300019 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326606300020 511.0 3.20E-4 (+-2.0%) 2326606300021 1115.5 5.66E-3 (+-1.0%) 2326606300022 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326606300023 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326606300024 (COREL,23266062) Average data 2326606300025 ENDBIB 23 0 2326606300026 COMMON 1 3 2326606300027 EN 2326606300028 EV 2326606300029 0.0253 2326606300030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326606300031 DATA 2 2 2326606300032 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326606300033 B NO-DIM 2326606300034 0.717 1. 2326606300035 0.717 2. 2326606300036 ENDDATA 4 0 2326606300037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2326606399999 SUBENT 23266064 20230215 23142326606400001 BIB 9 26 2326606400002 REACTION 1((30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M,,RI,,AV)// 2326606400003 (30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG,,AV)) 2326606400004 2((30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M,,RI)// 2326606400005 (30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG)) 2326606400006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326606400007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326606400008 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow 2326606400009 Matrix - Foil 2326606400010 Elemental content, % weight - 99.95 2326606400011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.025 2326606400012 (30-ZN-68,NAT=0.1845) 18.45+-0.63 % 2326606400013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326606400014 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-69-M,13.76HR,DG,438.6,0.9477) 2326606400015 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326606400016 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326606400017 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326606400018 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326606400019 factors from the literature. 2326606400020 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326606400021 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326606400022 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326606400023 method to be 737.eV ( +-8%, 2sigma). 2326606400024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326606400025 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326606400026 1(DEP,23266065) Directly measured data . 2326606400027 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326606400028 ENDBIB 26 0 2326606400029 COMMON 2 3 2326606400030 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326606400031 EV EV 2326606400032 0.55 0.0253 2326606400033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326606400034 DATA 4 1 2326606400035 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326606400036 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326606400037 3.21 1. 3.24 2. 2326606400038 ENDDATA 3 0 2326606400039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2326606499999 SUBENT 23266065 20141210 22412326606500001 BIB 7 29 2326606500002 REACTION ((30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M,,RI)// 2326606500003 (30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG)) 2326606500004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326606500005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326606500006 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow 2326606500007 Matrix - Foil 2326606500008 Elemental content, % weight - 99.95 2326606500009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.025 2326606500010 (30-ZN-69-M,NAT=0.1845) 18.45+-0.63 % 2326606500011 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-69-M,13.76HR,DG,438.6,0.9477) 2326606500012 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326606500013 (1.) S84, 2326606500014 (2.) Y4 2326606500015 (3.) X26 2326606500016 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326606500017 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326606500018 from the literature. 2326606500019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326606500020 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326606500021 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326606500022 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326606500023 epithermal flux for gold, 2326606500024 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326606500025 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326606500026 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326606500027 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326606500028 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326606500029 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326606500030 (COREL,23266064) Average data . 2326606500031 ENDBIB 29 0 2326606500032 COMMON 2 3 2326606500033 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326606500034 EV EV 2326606500035 0.55 0.0253 2326606500036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326606500037 DATA 9 3 2326606500038 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326606500039 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326606500040 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326606500041 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326606500042 3.24 0.6 1.3 1.55 0.1 0.6 2326606500043 0.65 2.2 1. 2326606500044 3.22 0.35 0.7 1.1 0.1 0.55 2326606500045 0.65 1.65 2. 2326606500046 3.17 2.5 1.35 1.65 0.15 0.6 2326606500047 0.65 2.3 3. 2326606500048 ENDDATA 10 0 2326606500049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2326606599999 SUBENT 23266066 20230215 23142326606600001 BIB 6 12 2326606600002 REACTION (30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG,,AV) 2326606600003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326606600004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326606600005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326606600006 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-69-M,13.76HR) 2326606600007 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326606600008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326606600009 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326606600010 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326606600011 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326606600012 (DEP,23266067) Directly measured data. 2326606600013 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326606600014 ENDBIB 12 0 2326606600015 COMMON 1 3 2326606600016 EN 2326606600017 EV 2326606600018 0.0253 2326606600019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326606600020 DATA 2 1 2326606600021 DATA DATA-ERR 2326606600022 B B 2326606600023 0.071 0.001 2326606600024 ENDDATA 3 0 2326606600025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2326606699999 SUBENT 23266067 20141210 22412326606700001 BIB 8 21 2326606700002 REACTION (30-ZN-68(N,G)30-ZN-69-M,,SIG) 2326606700003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326606700004 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow 2326606700005 Matrix - Foil 2326606700006 Elemental content, % weight - 99.95 2326606700007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.025 2326606700008 (30-ZN-69-M,NAT=0.1845) 18.45+-0.63 % 2326606700009 DECAY-DATA (30-ZN-69-M,13.76HR,DG,438.6,0.9477) 2326606700010 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326606700011 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326606700012 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326606700013 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326606700014 values. 2326606700015 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326606700016 including decay branching factors). 2326606700017 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326606700018 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326606700019 438.6 3.98E-4 (+-2.0%) 2326606700020 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326606700021 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326606700022 (COREL,23266066) Average data 2326606700023 ENDBIB 21 0 2326606700024 COMMON 1 3 2326606700025 EN 2326606700026 EV 2326606700027 0.0253 2326606700028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326606700029 DATA 1 1 2326606700030 DATA 2326606700031 B 2326606700032 0.071 2326606700033 ENDDATA 3 0 2326606700034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2326606799999 SUBENT 23266068 20230215 23142326606800001 BIB 9 48 2326606800002 REACTION 1((31-GA-71(N,G)31-GA-72,,RI,,AV)// 2326606800003 (31-GA-71(N,G)31-GA-72,,SIG,,AV)) 2326606800004 2((31-GA-71(N,G)31-GA-72,,RI)// 2326606800005 (31-GA-71(N,G)31-GA-72,,SIG)) 2326606800006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326606800007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326606800008 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326606800009 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326606800010 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326606800011 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326606800012 (31-GA-71,NAT=0.39892) 39.892+-0.008 % 2326606800013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326606800014 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,289.5,0.00199, 2326606800015 DG,381.7,0.00304, 2326606800016 DG,428.6,0.00216, 2326606800017 DG,600.9,0.05822, 2326606800018 DG,630.0,0.2613, 2326606800019 DG,786.5,0.0334, 2326606800020 DG,810.3,0.02087, 2326606800021 DG,834.1,0.9545, 2326606800022 DG,894.3,0.10136, 2326606800023 DG,970.8,0.01103, 2326606800024 DG,1050.8,0.06991, 2326606800025 DG,1215.1,0.00811, 2326606800026 DG,1230.9,0.01425, 2326606800027 DG,1260.1,0.01169, 2326606800028 DG,1276.8,0.01587, 2326606800029 DG,1464.1,0.03609, 2326606800030 DG,1596.7,0.0439, 2326606800031 DG,1862.0,0.0541, 2326606800032 DG,2201.6,0.2687, 2326606800033 DG,2491.0,0.0773, 2326606800034 DG,2507.7,0.1333) 2326606800035 14.10+-0.02 hr 2326606800036 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326606800037 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326606800038 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326606800039 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326606800040 factors from the literature. 2326606800041 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326606800042 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326606800043 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326606800044 method to be 142.eV ( +-4%, 2sigma). 2326606800045 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326606800046 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326606800047 1(DEP,23266069) Directly measured data . 2326606800048 HISTORY (20180202A) M.M. DATA misprint was corrected 2326606800049 (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326606800050 ENDBIB 48 0 2326606800051 COMMON 2 3 2326606800052 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326606800053 EV EV 2326606800054 0.55 0.0253 2326606800055 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326606800056 DATA 4 1 2326606800057 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326606800058 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326606800059 6.94 0.5 6.89 2. 2326606800060 ENDDATA 3 0 2326606800061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 2326606899999 SUBENT 23266069 20141210 22412326606900001 BIB 7 37 2326606900002 REACTION ((31-GA-71(N,G)31-GA-72,,RI)// 2326606900003 (31-GA-71(N,G)31-GA-72,,SIG)) 2326606900004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326606900005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326606900006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326606900007 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326606900008 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326606900009 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326606900010 (31-GA-71,NAT=0.39892) 39.892+-0.008 % 2326606900011 DECAY-DATA (31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,289.5,0.00199,DG,381.7,0.00304, 2326606900012 DG,428.6,0.00216,DG,600.9,0.05822,DG,630.0,0.2613, 2326606900013 DG,786.5,0.0334,DG,810.3,0.02087,DG,834.1,0.9545, 2326606900014 DG,894.3,0.10136,DG,970.8,0.01103,DG,1050.8,0.06991, 2326606900015 DG,1215.1,0.00811,DG,1230.9,0.01425,DG,1260.1,0.01169, 2326606900016 DG,1276.8,0.01587,DG,1464.1,0.03609,DG,1596.7,0.0439, 2326606900017 DG,1862.0,0.0541,DG,2201.6,0.2687,DG,2491.0,0.0773, 2326606900018 DG,2507.7,0.1333) 2326606900019 14.10+-0.02 hr 2326606900020 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326606900021 (1.) S84, 2326606900022 (2.) Y4 2326606900023 (3.) X26 2326606900024 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326606900025 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326606900026 from the literature. 2326606900027 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326606900028 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326606900029 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326606900030 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326606900031 epithermal flux for gold, 2326606900032 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326606900033 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326606900034 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326606900035 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326606900036 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326606900037 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326606900038 (COREL,23266068) Average data . 2326606900039 ENDBIB 37 0 2326606900040 COMMON 2 3 2326606900041 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326606900042 EV EV 2326606900043 0.55 0.0253 2326606900044 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326606900045 DATA 9 3 2326606900046 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326606900047 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326606900048 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326606900049 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326606900050 6.89 1.4 1.5 1.5 0.05 0.7 2326606900051 0.85 2.4 1. 2326606900052 6.97 1.65 0.7 1.3 0.45 0.6 2326606900053 0.7 1.8 2. 2326606900054 6.94 2.95 1.4 1.35 0.7 0.55 2326606900055 0.65 2.25 3. 2326606900056 ENDDATA 10 0 2326606900057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 2326606999999 SUBENT 23266070 20230215 23142326607000001 BIB 5 11 2326607000002 REACTION (31-GA-71(N,G)31-GA-72,,SIG,,AV) 2326607000003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326607000004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326607000005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326607000006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326607000007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326607000008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326607000009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326607000010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326607000011 (DEP,23266071) Directly measured data. 2326607000012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326607000013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326607000014 COMMON 1 3 2326607000015 EN 2326607000016 EV 2326607000017 0.0253 2326607000018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326607000019 DATA 2 1 2326607000020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326607000021 B B 2326607000022 4.61 0.04 2326607000023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326607000024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326607099999 SUBENT 23266071 20141210 22412326607100001 BIB 8 62 2326607100002 REACTION (31-GA-71(N,G)31-GA-72,,SIG) 2326607100003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326607100004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326607100005 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326607100006 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326607100007 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326607100008 (31-GA-71,NAT=0.39892) 39.892+-0.008 % 2326607100009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,289.5,0.00199) 2326607100010 ((2.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,381.7,0.00304) 2326607100011 ((3.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,428.6,0.00216) 2326607100012 ((4.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,600.9,0.05822) 2326607100013 ((5.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,630.0,0.2613) 2326607100014 ((6.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,786.5,0.0334) 2326607100015 ((7.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,810.3,0.02087) 2326607100016 ((8.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,834.1,0.9545) 2326607100017 ((9.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,894.3,0.10136) 2326607100018 ((10.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,970.8,0.01103) 2326607100019 ((11.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,1050.8,0.06991) 2326607100020 ((12.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,1215.1,0.00811) 2326607100021 ((13.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,1230.9,0.01425) 2326607100022 ((14.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,1260.1,0.01169) 2326607100023 ((15.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,1276.8,0.01587) 2326607100024 ((16.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,1464.1,0.03609) 2326607100025 ((17.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,1596.7,0.0439) 2326607100026 ((18.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,1862.0,0.0541) 2326607100027 ((19.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,2201.6,0.2687) 2326607100028 ((20.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,2491.0,0.0773) 2326607100029 ((21.)31-GA-72,14.10HR,DG,2507.7,0.1333) 2326607100030 14.10+-0.02 hr 2326607100031 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326607100032 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326607100033 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326607100034 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326607100035 values. 2326607100036 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326607100037 including decay branching factors). 2326607100038 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326607100039 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326607100040 289.5 1.09E-4 (+-2.3%) 2326607100041 381.7 1.65E-4 (+-0.7%) 2326607100042 428.6 1.17E-4 (+-2.6%) 2326607100043 600.9 3.18E-3 (+-1.4%) 2326607100044 630.0 1.45E-2 (+-0.8%) 2326607100045 786.5 1.84E-3 (+-1.3%) 2326607100046 810.3 1.15E-3 (+-1.2%) 2326607100047 834.1 5.26E-2 (+-0.6%) 2326607100048 894.3 5.57E-3 (+-1.2%) 2326607100049 970.8 6.10E-4 (+-0.4%) 2326607100050 1050.8 3.85E-3 (+-0.6%) 2326607100051 1215.1 4.44E-4 (+-2.1%) 2326607100052 1230.9 7.95E-4 (+-2.4%) 2326607100053 1260.1 6.37E-4 (+-1.5%) 2326607100054 1276.8 8.84E-4 (+-0.8%) 2326607100055 1464.1 2.01E-3 (+-0.7%) 2326607100056 1596.7 2.42E-3 (+-0.3%) 2326607100057 1862.0 3.01E-3 (+-0.6%) 2326607100058 2201.6 1.50E-2 (+-0.7%) 2326607100059 2491.0 4.28E-3 (+-0.3%) 2326607100060 2507.7 7.43E-3 (+-0.4%) 2326607100061 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326607100062 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326607100063 (COREL,23266067) Average data 2326607100064 ENDBIB 62 0 2326607100065 COMMON 1 3 2326607100066 EN 2326607100067 EV 2326607100068 0.0253 2326607100069 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326607100070 DATA 2 21 2326607100071 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326607100072 B NO-DIM 2326607100073 4.58 1. 2326607100074 4.55 2. 2326607100075 4.55 3. 2326607100076 4.57 4. 2326607100077 4.64 5. 2326607100078 4.60 6. 2326607100079 4.60 7. 2326607100080 4.61 8. 2326607100081 4.60 9. 2326607100082 4.63 10. 2326607100083 4.61 11. 2326607100084 4.58 12. 2326607100085 4.67 13. 2326607100086 4.56 14. 2326607100087 4.66 15. 2326607100088 4.66 16. 2326607100089 4.62 17. 2326607100090 4.65 18. 2326607100091 4.68 19. 2326607100092 4.63 20. 2326607100093 4.66 21. 2326607100094 ENDDATA 23 0 2326607100095 ENDSUBENT 94 0 2326607199999 SUBENT 23266072 20230215 23142326607200001 BIB 9 33 2326607200002 REACTION 1((33-AS-75(N,G)33-AS-76,,RI,,AV)// 2326607200003 (33-AS-75(N,G)33-AS-76,,SIG,,AV)) 2326607200004 2((33-AS-75(N,G)33-AS-76,,RI)// 2326607200005 (33-AS-75(N,G)33-AS-76,,SIG)) 2326607200006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326607200007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326607200008 SAMPLE - Provider - Alfa Aesar 2326607200009 Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326607200010 Elemental content, % weight - 0.1 2326607200011 Average sample thickness, mm - 1.5 2326607200012 - Provider - NIST 2326607200013 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326607200014 (33-AS-75,NAT=1.00) 2326607200015 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326607200016 DECAY-DATA (33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,559.1,0.45,DG,563.2,0.012, 2326607200017 DG,571.5,0.0014,DG,657.1,0.062,DG,665.3,0.004, 2326607200018 DG,740.1,0.00117,DG,771.7,0.00122,DG,867.6,0.00131, 2326607200019 DG,1212.9,0.0144,DG,1228.5,0.0122,DG,1439.1,0.00279, 2326607200020 DG,1216.1,0.0342,DG,2096.3,0.0055,DG,1129.9,0.00126, 2326607200021 DG,1453.6,0.00108,DG,1787.7,0.00293) 2326607200022 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326607200023 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326607200024 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326607200025 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326607200026 factors from the literature. 2326607200027 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326607200028 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326607200029 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326607200030 method to be 121.eV ( +-6%, 2sigma). 2326607200031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326607200032 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326607200033 1(DEP,23266073) Directly measured data . 2326607200034 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326607200035 ENDBIB 33 0 2326607200036 COMMON 2 3 2326607200037 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326607200038 EV EV 2326607200039 0.55 0.0253 2326607200040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326607200041 DATA 4 1 2326607200042 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326607200043 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326607200044 15.0 1. 15.1 2. 2326607200045 ENDDATA 3 0 2326607200046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 2326607299999 SUBENT 23266073 20141210 22412326607300001 BIB 7 36 2326607300002 REACTION ((33-AS-75(N,G)33-AS-76,,RI)// 2326607300003 (33-AS-75(N,G)33-AS-76,,SIG)) 2326607300004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326607300005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326607300006 SAMPLE - Provider - Alfa Aesar 2326607300007 Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326607300008 Elemental content, % weight - 0.1 2326607300009 Average sample thickness, mm - 1.5 2326607300010 - Provider - NIST 2326607300011 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326607300012 (33-AS-75,NAT=1.00) 2326607300013 DECAY-DATA (33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,559.1,0.45,DG,563.2,0.012, 2326607300014 DG,571.5,0.0014,DG,657.1,0.062,DG,665.3,0.004, 2326607300015 DG,740.1,0.00117,DG,771.7,0.00122,DG,867.6,0.00131, 2326607300016 DG,1212.9,0.0144,DG,1228.5,0.0122,DG,1439.1,0.00279, 2326607300017 DG,1216.1,0.0342,DG,2096.3,0.0055,DG,1129.9,0.00126, 2326607300018 DG,1453.6,0.00108,DG,1787.7,0.00293) 2326607300019 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326607300020 (1.) S84, 2326607300021 (2.) Y4 2326607300022 (3.) X26 2326607300023 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326607300024 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326607300025 from the literature. 2326607300026 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326607300027 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326607300028 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326607300029 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326607300030 epithermal flux for gold, 2326607300031 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326607300032 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326607300033 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326607300034 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326607300035 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326607300036 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326607300037 (COREL,23266072) Average data . 2326607300038 ENDBIB 36 0 2326607300039 COMMON 2 3 2326607300040 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326607300041 EV EV 2326607300042 0.55 0.0253 2326607300043 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326607300044 DATA 9 3 2326607300045 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326607300046 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326607300047 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326607300048 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326607300049 15.0 0.15 1.4 1.5 0.15 1.0 2326607300050 1.2 2.6 1. 2326607300051 15.1 0.25 1.0 1.3 0.9 0.65 2326607300052 0.8 2.15 2. 2326607300053 14.8 2.05 1.3 1.3 1.1 0.55 2326607300054 0.7 2.3 3. 2326607300055 ENDDATA 10 0 2326607300056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 2326607399999 SUBENT 23266074 20230215 23142326607400001 BIB 5 11 2326607400002 REACTION (33-AS-75(N,G)33-AS-76,,SIG,,AV) 2326607400003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326607400004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326607400005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326607400006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326607400007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326607400008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326607400009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326607400010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326607400011 (DEP,23266075) Directly measured data. 2326607400012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326607400013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326607400014 COMMON 1 3 2326607400015 EN 2326607400016 EV 2326607400017 0.0253 2326607400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326607400019 DATA 2 1 2326607400020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326607400021 B B 2326607400022 3.84 0.11 2326607400023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326607400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326607499999 SUBENT 23266075 20141210 22412326607500001 BIB 8 53 2326607500002 REACTION (33-AS-75(N,G)33-AS-76,,SIG) 2326607500003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326607500004 SAMPLE - Provider - Alfa Aesar 2326607500005 Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326607500006 Elemental content, % weight - 0.1 2326607500007 Average sample thickness, mm - 1.5 2326607500008 - Provider - NIST 2326607500009 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326607500010 (33-AS-75,NAT=1.00) 2326607500011 DECAY-DATA ((1.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,559.1,0.45) 2326607500012 ((2.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,563.2,0.012) 2326607500013 ((3.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,571.5,0.0014) 2326607500014 ((4.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,657.1,0.062) 2326607500015 ((5.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,665.3,0.004) 2326607500016 ((6.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,740.1,0.00117) 2326607500017 ((7.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,771.7,0.00122) 2326607500018 ((8.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,867.6,0.00131) 2326607500019 ((9.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,1212.9,0.0144) 2326607500020 ((10.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,1228.5,0.0122) 2326607500021 ((11.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,1439.1,0.00279) 2326607500022 ((12.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,1216.1,0.0342) 2326607500023 ((13.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,2096.3,0.0055) 2326607500024 ((14.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,1129.9,0.00126) 2326607500025 ((15.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,1453.6,0.00108) 2326607500026 ((16.)33-AS-76,26.24HR,DG,1787.7,0.00293) 2326607500027 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326607500028 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326607500029 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326607500030 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326607500031 values. 2326607500032 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326607500033 including decay branching factors). 2326607500034 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326607500035 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326607500036 559.1 4.86E-2 (+-0.3%) 2326607500037 563.2 1.33E-3 (+-1.3%) 2326607500038 571.5 1.51E-4 (+-1.8%) 2326607500039 657.1 6.75E-3 (+-0.1%) 2326607500040 665.3 4.62E-4 (+-0.7%) 2326607500041 740.1 1.28E-4 (+-1.0%) 2326607500042 771.7 1.24E-4 (+-1.1%) 2326607500043 867.6 1.40E-4 (+-1.6%) 2326607500044 1212.9 1.54E-3 (+-0.9%) 2326607500045 1228.5 1.28E-3 (+-0.9%) 2326607500046 1439.1 2.96E-4 (+-1.1%) 2326607500047 1216.1 3.66E-3 (+-0.9%) 2326607500048 2096.3 6.05E-4 (+-1.2%) 2326607500049 1129.9 1.39E-4 (+-1.6%) 2326607500050 1453.6 1.15E-4 (+-0.8%) 2326607500051 1787.7 3.12E-4 (+-1.4%) 2326607500052 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326607500053 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326607500054 (COREL,23266074) Average data 2326607500055 ENDBIB 53 0 2326607500056 COMMON 1 3 2326607500057 EN 2326607500058 EV 2326607500059 0.0253 2326607500060 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326607500061 DATA 2 16 2326607500062 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326607500063 B NO-DIM 2326607500064 3.88 1. 2326607500065 3.99 2. 2326607500066 3.87 3. 2326607500067 3.90 4. 2326607500068 4.14 5. 2326607500069 3.91 6. 2326607500070 3.66 7. 2326607500071 3.83 8. 2326607500072 3.85 9. 2326607500073 3.76 10. 2326607500074 3.80 11. 2326607500075 3.84 12. 2326607500076 3.94 13. 2326607500077 3.95 14. 2326607500078 3.81 15. 2326607500079 3.82 16. 2326607500080 ENDDATA 18 0 2326607500081 ENDSUBENT 80 0 2326607599999 SUBENT 23266076 20230215 23142326607600001 BIB 8 22 2326607600002 REACTION ((35-BR-81(N,G)35-BR-82,,RI,,AV)// 2326607600003 (35-BR-81(N,G)35-BR-82,,SIG,,AV)) 2326607600004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326607600005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326607600006 SAMPLE - Provider - Alfa Aesar 2326607600007 - Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326607600008 Elemental content, % weight - 0.1 2326607600009 Average sample thickness, mm - 1.5 2326607600010 - Matrix - High purity KBrO(32326607600011 Elemental content, % weight - 47.847 2326607600012 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326607600013 (35-BR-81,NAT=0.4931) 2326607600014 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4 . 2326607600015 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-82-G,35.30HR,DG,554.3,0.7110,DG,619.1,0.4350, 2326607600016 DG,698.4,0.2830,DG,776.5,0.8340,DG,827.8,0.2400, 2326607600017 DG,1044.0,0.2830,DG,1317.5,0.2680,DG,1474.9,0.1660) 2326607600018 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326607600019 - the classical method. 2326607600020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326607600021 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326607600022 (DEP,23266077) Directly measured data . 2326607600023 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326607600024 ENDBIB 22 0 2326607600025 COMMON 2 3 2326607600026 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326607600027 EV EV 2326607600028 0.55 0.0253 2326607600029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326607600030 DATA 2 1 2326607600031 DATA DATA-ERR 2326607600032 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326607600033 19.3 1.5 2326607600034 ENDDATA 3 0 2326607600035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2326607699999 SUBENT 23266077 20141210 22412326607700001 BIB 7 31 2326607700002 REACTION ((35-BR-81(N,G)35-BR-82,,RI)// 2326607700003 (35-BR-81(N,G)35-BR-82,,SIG)) 2326607700004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326607700005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326607700006 SAMPLE - Provider - Alfa Aesar 2326607700007 - Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326607700008 Elemental content, % weight - 0.1 2326607700009 Average sample thickness, mm - 1.5 2326607700010 - Matrix - High purity KBrO(32326607700011 Elemental content, % weight - 47.847 2326607700012 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326607700013 (35-BR-81,NAT=0.4931) 2326607700014 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-82-G,35.30HR,DG,554.3,0.7110,DG,619.1,0.4350, 2326607700015 DG,698.4,0.2830,DG,776.5,0.8340,DG,827.8,0.2400, 2326607700016 DG,1044.0,0.2830,DG,1317.5,0.2680,DG,1474.9,0.1660) 2326607700017 METHOD Measurement at channel Y4. 2326607700018 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326607700019 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326607700020 from the literature. 2326607700021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326607700022 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326607700023 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326607700024 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326607700025 epithermal flux for gold, 2326607700026 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326607700027 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326607700028 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326607700029 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326607700030 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326607700031 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326607700032 (COREL,23266076) Average data . 2326607700033 ENDBIB 31 0 2326607700034 COMMON 2 3 2326607700035 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326607700036 EV EV 2326607700037 0.55 0.0253 2326607700038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326607700039 DATA 8 1 2326607700040 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326607700041 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326607700042 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326607700043 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326607700044 19.3 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.1 0.65 2326607700045 0.55 1.7 2326607700046 ENDDATA 6 0 2326607700047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 2326607799999 SUBENT 23266078 20230215 23142326607800001 BIB 5 11 2326607800002 REACTION (35-BR-81(N,G)35-BR-82,,SIG,,AV) M+G 2326607800003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326607800004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326607800005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326607800006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326607800007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326607800008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326607800009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326607800010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326607800011 (DEP,23266079) Directly measured data. 2326607800012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326607800013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326607800014 COMMON 1 3 2326607800015 EN 2326607800016 EV 2326607800017 0.0253 2326607800018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326607800019 DATA 2 1 2326607800020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326607800021 B B 2326607800022 2.59 0.03 2326607800023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326607800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326607899999 SUBENT 23266079 20141210 22412326607900001 BIB 8 39 2326607900002 REACTION (35-BR-81(N,G)35-BR-82,,SIG) M+G 2326607900003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326607900004 SAMPLE - Provider - Alfa Aesar 2326607900005 - Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326607900006 Elemental content, % weight - 0.1 2326607900007 Average sample thickness, mm - 1.5 2326607900008 - Matrix - High purity KBrO(32326607900009 Elemental content, % weight - 47.847 2326607900010 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326607900011 (35-BR-81,NAT=0.4931) 2326607900012 DECAY-DATA ((1.)35-BR-82-G,35.30HR,DG,554.3,0.7110) 2326607900013 ((2.)35-BR-82-G,35.30HR,DG,619.1,0.4350) 2326607900014 ((3.)35-BR-82-G,35.30HR,DG,698.4,0.2830) 2326607900015 ((4.)35-BR-82-G,35.30HR,DG,776.5,0.8340) 2326607900016 ((5.)35-BR-82-G,35.30HR,DG,827.8,0.2400) 2326607900017 ((6.)35-BR-82-G,35.30HR,DG,1044.0,0.2830) 2326607900018 ((7.)35-BR-82-G,35.30HR,DG,1317.5,0.2680) 2326607900019 ((8.)35-BR-82-G,35.30HR,DG,1474.9,0.1660) 2326607900020 (35-BR-82-M,6.13MIN) 2326607900021 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84 . 2326607900022 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326607900023 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326607900024 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326607900025 values. 2326607900026 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326607900027 including decay branching factors). 2326607900028 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326607900029 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326607900030 554.3 2.39E-2 (+-0.9%) 2326607900031 619.1 1.46E-2 (+-1.2%) 2326607900032 698.4 9.44E-3 (+-0.8%) 2326607900033 776.5 2.80E-2 (+-1.6%) 2326607900034 827.8 8.03E-3 (+-1.6%) 2326607900035 1044.0 9.19E-3 (+-1.0%) 2326607900036 1317.5 9.04E-3 (+-1.2%) 2326607900037 1474.9 5.52E-3 (+-1.8%) 2326607900038 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326607900039 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326607900040 (COREL,23266078) Average data 2326607900041 ENDBIB 39 0 2326607900042 COMMON 1 3 2326607900043 EN 2326607900044 EV 2326607900045 0.0253 2326607900046 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326607900047 DATA 2 8 2326607900048 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326607900049 B NO-DIM 2326607900050 2.60 1. 2326607900051 2.60 2. 2326607900052 2.59 3. 2326607900053 2.60 4. 2326607900054 2.60 5. 2326607900055 2.52 6. 2326607900056 2.61 7. 2326607900057 2.58 8. 2326607900058 ENDDATA 10 0 2326607900059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 2326607999999 SUBENT 23266080 20230215 23142326608000001 BIB 8 18 2326608000002 REACTION ((37-RB-85(N,G)37-RB-86,,RI,,AV)// 2326608000003 (37-RB-85(N,G)37-RB-86,,SIG,,AV)) 2326608000004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326608000005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326608000006 SAMPLE - Provider - NIST 2326608000007 - Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326608000008 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326608000009 Average sample thickness, mm - 1.5 2326608000010 (37-RB-85,NAT=0.7217) 2326608000011 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4 . 2326608000012 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-86-G,18.63D,DG,1077.0,0.0864) 2326608000013 (37-RB-86-M,1.02MIN) 2326608000014 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326608000015 - the classical method. 2326608000016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326608000017 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326608000018 (DEP,23266081) Directly measured data . 2326608000019 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326608000020 ENDBIB 18 0 2326608000021 COMMON 2 3 2326608000022 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326608000023 EV EV 2326608000024 0.55 0.0253 2326608000025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326608000026 DATA 2 1 2326608000027 DATA DATA-ERR 2326608000028 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326608000029 14.4 1.5 2326608000030 ENDDATA 3 0 2326608000031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2326608099999 SUBENT 23266081 20141210 22412326608100001 BIB 7 27 2326608100002 REACTION ((37-RB-85(N,G)37-RB-86,,RI)// 2326608100003 (37-RB-85(N,G)37-RB-86,,SIG)) 2326608100004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326608100005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326608100006 SAMPLE - Provider - NIST 2326608100007 - Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326608100008 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326608100009 Average sample thickness, mm - 1.5 2326608100010 (37-RB-85,NAT=0.7217) 2326608100011 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-86-G,18.63D,DG,1077.0,0.0864) 2326608100012 (37-RB-86-M,1.02MIN) 2326608100013 METHOD Measurement at channel Y4. 2326608100014 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326608100015 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326608100016 from the literature. 2326608100017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326608100018 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326608100019 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326608100020 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326608100021 epithermal flux for gold, 2326608100022 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326608100023 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326608100024 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326608100025 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326608100026 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326608100027 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326608100028 (COREL,23266080) Average data . 2326608100029 ENDBIB 27 0 2326608100030 COMMON 2 3 2326608100031 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326608100032 EV EV 2326608100033 0.55 0.0253 2326608100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326608100035 DATA 8 1 2326608100036 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326608100037 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326608100038 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326608100039 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326608100040 14.4 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.1 0.65 2326608100041 0.55 1.6 2326608100042 ENDDATA 6 0 2326608100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2326608199999 SUBENT 23266082 20230215 23142326608200001 BIB 5 11 2326608200002 REACTION (37-RB-85(N,G)37-RB-86,,SIG,,AV) M+G 2326608200003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326608200004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326608200005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326608200006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326608200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326608200008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326608200009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326608200010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326608200011 (DEP,23266083) Directly measured data. 2326608200012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326608200013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326608200014 COMMON 1 3 2326608200015 EN 2326608200016 EV 2326608200017 0.0253 2326608200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326608200019 DATA 2 1 2326608200020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326608200021 B B 2326608200022 0.521 0.005 2326608200023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326608200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326608299999 SUBENT 23266083 20141210 22412326608300001 BIB 8 22 2326608300002 REACTION (37-RB-85(N,G)37-RB-86,,SIG) 2326608300003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326608300004 SAMPLE - Provider - NIST 2326608300005 - Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326608300006 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326608300007 Average sample thickness, mm - 1.5 2326608300008 (37-RB-87,NAT=0.7217) 2326608300009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)37-RB-86-G,18.63D,DG,1077.0,0.0864) reference line2326608300010 (37-RB-86-M,1.02MIN) 2326608300011 METHOD Measurement at channel Y4/Cavity . 2326608300012 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326608300013 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326608300014 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326608300015 values. 2326608300016 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326608300017 including decay branching factors). 2326608300018 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326608300019 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326608300020 1077.0 7.94E-4 (+-0.7%) 2326608300021 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326608300022 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326608300023 (COREL,23266082) Average data 2326608300024 ENDBIB 22 0 2326608300025 COMMON 1 3 2326608300026 EN 2326608300027 EV 2326608300028 0.0253 2326608300029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326608300030 DATA 2 1 2326608300031 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326608300032 B NO-DIM 2326608300033 0.521 1. 2326608300034 ENDDATA 3 0 2326608300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2326608399999 SUBENT 23266084 20230215 23142326608400001 BIB 8 18 2326608400002 REACTION ((37-RB-87(N,G)37-RB-88,,RI,,AV)// 2326608400003 (37-RB-87(N,G)37-RB-88,,SIG,,AV)) 2326608400004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326608400005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326608400006 SAMPLE - Provider - NIST 2326608400007 - Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326608400008 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326608400009 Average sample thickness, mm - 1.5 2326608400010 (37-RB-87,NAT=0.2783) 2326608400011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326608400012 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-88,17.78MIN,DG,898.0,0.1468,DG,1382.5,0.00781, 2326608400013 DG,1836.0,0.2273,DG,2677.9,0.02123) 2326608400014 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326608400015 - the classical method. 2326608400016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326608400017 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326608400018 (DEP,23266085) Directly measured data . 2326608400019 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326608400020 ENDBIB 18 0 2326608400021 COMMON 2 3 2326608400022 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326608400023 EV EV 2326608400024 0.55 0.0253 2326608400025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326608400026 DATA 2 1 2326608400027 DATA DATA-ERR 2326608400028 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326608400029 25.9 2. 2326608400030 ENDDATA 3 0 2326608400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2326608499999 SUBENT 23266085 20141210 22412326608500001 BIB 7 27 2326608500002 REACTION ((37-RB-87(N,G)37-RB-88,,RI)// 2326608500003 (37-RB-87(N,G)37-RB-88,,SIG)) 2326608500004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326608500005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326608500006 SAMPLE - Provider - NIST 2326608500007 - Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326608500008 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326608500009 Average sample thickness, mm - 1.5 2326608500010 (37-RB-87,NAT=0.2783) 2326608500011 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-88,17.78MIN,DG,898.0,0.1468,DG,1382.5,0.00781, 2326608500012 DG,1836.0,0.2273,DG,2677.9,0.02123) 2326608500013 METHOD Measurement at channel S84. 2326608500014 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326608500015 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326608500016 from the literature. 2326608500017 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326608500018 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326608500019 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326608500020 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326608500021 epithermal flux for gold, 2326608500022 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326608500023 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326608500024 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326608500025 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326608500026 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326608500027 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326608500028 (COREL,23266084) Average data . 2326608500029 ENDBIB 27 0 2326608500030 COMMON 2 3 2326608500031 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326608500032 EV EV 2326608500033 0.55 0.0253 2326608500034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326608500035 DATA 8 1 2326608500036 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326608500037 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326608500038 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326608500039 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326608500040 25.9 1.0 1.0 1.5 0.1 0.65 2326608500041 0.55 2.0 2326608500042 ENDDATA 6 0 2326608500043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2326608599999 SUBENT 23266086 20230215 23142326608600001 BIB 5 11 2326608600002 REACTION (37-RB-87(N,G)37-RB-88,,SIG,,AV) 2326608600003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326608600004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326608600005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326608600006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326608600007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326608600008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326608600009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326608600010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326608600011 (DEP,23266087) Directly measured data. 2326608600012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326608600013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326608600014 COMMON 1 3 2326608600015 EN 2326608600016 EV 2326608600017 0.0253 2326608600018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326608600019 DATA 2 1 2326608600020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326608600021 B B 2326608600022 0.094 0.003 2326608600023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326608600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326608699999 SUBENT 23266087 20141210 22412326608700001 BIB 8 27 2326608700002 REACTION (37-RB-87(N,G)37-RB-88,,SIG) 2326608700003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326608700004 SAMPLE - Provider - NIST 2326608700005 - Matrix - Liquid on paper 2326608700006 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326608700007 Average sample thickness, mm - 1.5 2326608700008 (37-RB-87,NAT=0.2783) 2326608700009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)37-RB-88,17.78MIN,DG,898.0,0.1468) 2326608700010 ((2.)37-RB-88,17.78MIN,DG,1382.5,0.00781) 2326608700011 ((3.)37-RB-88,17.78MIN,DG,1836.0,0.2273) reference line2326608700012 ((4.)37-RB-88,17.78MIN,DG,2677.9,0.02123) 2326608700013 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326608700014 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326608700015 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326608700016 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326608700017 values. 2326608700018 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326608700019 including decay branching factors). 2326608700020 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326608700021 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326608700022 898.0 9.42E-5 (+-0.5%) 2326608700023 1382.5 4.82E-6 (+-1.5%) 2326608700024 1836.0 1.48E-4 (+-0.6%) 2326608700025 2677.9 1.40E-5 (+-0.8%) 2326608700026 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326608700027 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326608700028 (COREL,23266086) Average data 2326608700029 ENDBIB 27 0 2326608700030 COMMON 1 3 2326608700031 EN 2326608700032 EV 2326608700033 0.0253 2326608700034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326608700035 DATA 2 4 2326608700036 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326608700037 B NO-DIM 2326608700038 0.0943 1. 2326608700039 0.0907 2. 2326608700040 0.0957 3. 2326608700041 0.0969 4. 2326608700042 ENDDATA 6 0 2326608700043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2326608799999 SUBENT 23266088 20230215 23142326608800001 BIB 8 17 2326608800002 REACTION ((39-Y-89(N,G)39-Y-90-M,,RI,,AV)// 2326608800003 (39-Y-89(N,G)39-Y-90-M,,SIG,,AV)) 2326608800004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326608800005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326608800006 SAMPLE - Provider - Dr.Hult 2326608800007 - Matrix - Foil 2326608800008 Elemental content, % weight - 99.3 2326608800009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326608800010 (39-Y-89,NAT=1.00) 2326608800011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326608800012 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-90-M,3.19HR,DG,202.5,0.9730,DG,479.5,0.9074) 2326608800013 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326608800014 - the classical method. 2326608800015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326608800016 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326608800017 (DEP,23266089) Directly measured data . 2326608800018 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326608800019 ENDBIB 17 0 2326608800020 COMMON 2 3 2326608800021 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326608800022 EV EV 2326608800023 0.55 0.0253 2326608800024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326608800025 DATA 2 1 2326608800026 DATA DATA-ERR 2326608800027 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326608800028 4.08 1.5 2326608800029 ENDDATA 3 0 2326608800030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2326608899999 SUBENT 23266089 20141210 22412326608900001 BIB 7 26 2326608900002 REACTION ((39-Y-89(N,G)39-Y-90-M,,RI)// 2326608900003 (39-Y-89(N,G)39-Y-90-M,,SIG)) 2326608900004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326608900005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326608900006 SAMPLE - Provider - Dr.Hult 2326608900007 - Matrix - Foil 2326608900008 Elemental content, % weight - 99.3 2326608900009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326608900010 (39-Y-89,NAT=1.00) 2326608900011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326608900012 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-90-M,3.19HR,DG,202.5,0.9730,DG,479.5,0.9074) 2326608900013 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326608900014 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326608900015 from the literature. 2326608900016 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326608900017 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326608900018 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326608900019 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326608900020 epithermal flux for gold, 2326608900021 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326608900022 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326608900023 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326608900024 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326608900025 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326608900026 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326608900027 (COREL,23266088) Average data . 2326608900028 ENDBIB 26 0 2326608900029 COMMON 2 3 2326608900030 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326608900031 EV EV 2326608900032 0.55 0.0253 2326608900033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326608900034 DATA 8 1 2326608900035 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326608900036 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326608900037 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326608900038 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326608900039 4.08 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.15 0.6 2326608900040 0.55 1.65 2326608900041 ENDDATA 6 0 2326608900042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2326608999999 SUBENT 23266090 20230215 23142326609000001 BIB 6 12 2326609000002 REACTION (39-Y-89(N,G)39-Y-90-M,,SIG,,AV) 2326609000003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326609000004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326609000005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326609000006 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-90-M,3.19HR) 2326609000007 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326609000008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326609000009 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326609000010 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326609000011 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326609000012 (DEP,23266091) Directly measured data. 2326609000013 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326609000014 ENDBIB 12 0 2326609000015 COMMON 1 3 2326609000016 EN 2326609000017 EV 2326609000018 0.0253 2326609000019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326609000020 DATA 2 1 2326609000021 DATA DATA-ERR 2326609000022 B B 2326609000023 0.00107 0.00001 2326609000024 ENDDATA 3 0 2326609000025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2326609099999 SUBENT 23266091 20141210 22412326609100001 BIB 8 23 2326609100002 REACTION (39-Y-89(N,G)39-Y-90-M,,SIG) 2326609100003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326609100004 SAMPLE - Provider - Dr.Hult 2326609100005 - Matrix - Foil 2326609100006 Elemental content, % weight - 99.3 2326609100007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326609100008 (39-Y-89,NAT=1.00) 2326609100009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)39-Y-90-M,3.19HR,DG,202.5,0.9730) 2326609100010 ((2.)39-Y-90-M,3.19HR,DG,479.5,0.9074) 2326609100011 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326609100012 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326609100013 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326609100014 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326609100015 values. 2326609100016 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326609100017 including decay branching factors). 2326609100018 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326609100019 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326609100020 202.5 2.45E-5 (+-0.5%) 2326609100021 479.5 2.26E-5 (+-0.5%) 2326609100022 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326609100023 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326609100024 (COREL,23266090) Average data 2326609100025 ENDBIB 23 0 2326609100026 COMMON 1 3 2326609100027 EN 2326609100028 EV 2326609100029 0.0253 2326609100030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326609100031 DATA 2 2 2326609100032 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326609100033 B NO-DIM 2326609100034 0.00107 1. 2326609100035 0.00106 2. 2326609100036 ENDDATA 4 0 2326609100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2326609199999 SUBENT 23266092 20230215 23142326609200001 BIB 9 29 2326609200002 REACTION 1((40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,RI,,AV)// 2326609200003 (40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,SIG,,AV)) 2326609200004 2((40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,RI)// 2326609200005 (40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,SIG)) 2326609200006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326609200007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326609200008 SAMPLE - Provider - Alfa Aesar 2326609200009 Matrix - Foil 2326609200010 Elemental content, % weight - 99.8 2326609200011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.127 2326609200012 (40-ZR-94,NAT=0.1738) 2326609200013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326609200014 DECAY-DATA (40-ZR-95,64.03D,DG,724.2,0.44270,DG,756.7,0.54380) 2326609200015 64.03+-0.06 d 2326609200016 (41-NB-95-G,34.99D,DG,765.8,0.99808) 34.99+-0.03 d 2326609200017 (41-NB-95-M,3.61D) 3.61+-0.03 d 2326609200018 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326609200019 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326609200020 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326609200021 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326609200022 factors from the literature. 2326609200023 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326609200024 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326609200025 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326609200026 method to be 6261.eV ( +-9%, 2sigma). 2326609200027 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326609200028 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326609200029 1(DEP,23266093) Directly measured data . 2326609200030 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326609200031 ENDBIB 29 0 2326609200032 COMMON 2 3 2326609200033 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326609200034 EV EV 2326609200035 0.55 0.0253 2326609200036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326609200037 DATA 4 1 2326609200038 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326609200039 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326609200040 5.02 0.5 5.02 2.5 2326609200041 ENDDATA 3 0 2326609200042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2326609299999 SUBENT 23266093 20141210 22412326609300001 BIB 7 32 2326609300002 REACTION ((40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,RI)// 2326609300003 (40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,SIG)) 2326609300004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326609300005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326609300006 SAMPLE - Provider - Alfa Aesar 2326609300007 Matrix - Foil 2326609300008 Elemental content, % weight - 99.8 2326609300009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.127 2326609300010 (40-ZR-94,NAT=0.1738) 2326609300011 DECAY-DATA (40-ZR-95,64.03D,DG,724.2,0.44270,DG,756.7,0.54380) 2326609300012 64.03+-0.06 d 2326609300013 (41-NB-95-G,34.99D,DG,765.8,0.99808) 34.99+-0.03 d 2326609300014 (41-NB-95-M,3.61D) 3.61+-0.03 d 2326609300015 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326609300016 (1.) S84, 2326609300017 (2.) Y4 2326609300018 (3.) X26 2326609300019 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326609300020 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326609300021 from the literature. 2326609300022 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326609300023 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326609300024 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326609300025 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326609300026 epithermal flux for gold, 2326609300027 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326609300028 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326609300029 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326609300030 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326609300031 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326609300032 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326609300033 (COREL,23266092) Average data . 2326609300034 ENDBIB 32 0 2326609300035 COMMON 2 3 2326609300036 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326609300037 EV EV 2326609300038 0.55 0.0253 2326609300039 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326609300040 DATA 9 3 2326609300041 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326609300042 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326609300043 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326609300044 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326609300045 4.98 1.25 2.05 1.5 0.25 0.75 2326609300046 0.8 2.8 1. 2326609300047 5.06 0.9 1.7 1.35 0.4 0.6 2326609300048 0.7 2.4 2. 2326609300049 4.99 1.65 2.0 1.35 0.8 0.55 2326609300050 0.6 2.65 3. 2326609300051 ENDDATA 10 0 2326609300052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 2326609399999 SUBENT 23266094 20230215 23142326609400001 BIB 5 11 2326609400002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,SIG,,AV) 2326609400003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326609400004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326609400005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326609400006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326609400007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326609400008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326609400009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326609400010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326609400011 (DEP,23266095) Directly measured data. 2326609400012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326609400013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326609400014 COMMON 1 3 2326609400015 EN 2326609400016 EV 2326609400017 0.0253 2326609400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326609400019 DATA 2 1 2326609400020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326609400021 B B 2326609400022 0.0517 0.0003 2326609400023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326609400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326609499999 SUBENT 23266095 20141210 22412326609500001 BIB 9 38 2326609500002 REACTION (40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,SIG) 2326609500003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326609500004 SAMPLE - Provider - Alfa Aesar 2326609500005 Matrix - Foil 2326609500006 Elemental content, % weight - 99.8 2326609500007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.127 2326609500008 (40-ZR-94,NAT=0.1738) 2326609500009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)40-ZR-95,64.03D,DG,724.2,0.44270) 2326609500010 ((2.)40-ZR-95,64.03D,DG,756.7,0.54380) 2326609500011 64.03+-0.06 d 2326609500012 ((3.)41-NB-95-G,34.99D,DG,765.8,0.99808) 34.99+-0.03 d 2326609500013 (41-NB-95-M,3.61D) 3.61+-0.03 d 2326609500014 REL-REF (A,,F.De Corte,T,DECORTE,1987) 2326609500015 The k0-standardization method: a move to the 2326609500016 optimization of neutron activation analysis. 2326609500017 Aggregate Thesis, Gent University, Belgium ( old 2326609500018 measurement, 765.8 keV gamma was used). 2326609500019 Value of c-s 0.0495 b - on base of old ADS. 2326609500020 New data for ADS from: 2326609500021 CEA - Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel (2012) 2326609500022 Recommended Data. 2326609500023 http://www.nucleide.org/DDEP WG/DDEPdata.htm. 2326609500024 Accessed 2 Feb 2012. 2326609500025 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326609500026 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326609500027 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326609500028 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326609500029 values. 2326609500030 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326609500031 including decay branching factors). 2326609500032 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326609500033 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326609500034 724.2 9.08E-5 (+-0.5%) 2326609500035 756.7 1.13E-4 (+-0.5%) 2326609500036 765.8 2.24E-6 (+-0.4%) 2326609500037 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326609500038 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326609500039 (COREL,23266094) Average data 2326609500040 ENDBIB 38 0 2326609500041 COMMON 1 3 2326609500042 EN 2326609500043 EV 2326609500044 0.0253 2326609500045 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326609500046 DATA 2 3 2326609500047 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326609500048 B NO-DIM 2326609500049 0.0515 1. 2326609500050 0.0520 2. 2326609500051 0.0515 3. 2326609500052 ENDDATA 5 0 2326609500053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 2326609599999 SUBENT 23266096 20230215 23142326609600001 BIB 8 21 2326609600002 REACTION ((41-NB-93(N,G)41-NB-94-M,,RI,,AV)// 2326609600003 (41-NB-93(N,G)41-NB-94-M,,SIG,,AV)) 2326609600004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326609600005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326609600006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326609600007 - Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326609600008 Elemental content, % weight - 10. 2326609600009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326609600010 - Provider - CBNM 2326609600011 - Matrix - Foil 2326609600012 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326609600013 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.022; 0.0762 2326609600014 (41-NB-93,NAT=1.00) 2326609600015 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326609600016 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-94-M,6.26MIN,DG,871.0,0.0050) 2326609600017 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326609600018 - the classical method. 2326609600019 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326609600020 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326609600021 (DEP,23266097) Directly measured data . 2326609600022 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326609600023 ENDBIB 21 0 2326609600024 COMMON 2 3 2326609600025 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326609600026 EV EV 2326609600027 0.55 0.0253 2326609600028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326609600029 DATA 2 1 2326609600030 DATA DATA-ERR 2326609600031 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326609600032 7.28 1.5 2326609600033 ENDDATA 3 0 2326609600034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2326609699999 SUBENT 23266097 20141210 22412326609700001 BIB 7 30 2326609700002 REACTION ((41-NB-93(N,G)41-NB-94-M,,RI)// 2326609700003 (41-NB-93(N,G)41-NB-94-M,,SIG)) 2326609700004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326609700005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326609700006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326609700007 - Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326609700008 Elemental content, % weight - 10. 2326609700009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326609700010 - Provider - CBNM 2326609700011 - Matrix - Foil 2326609700012 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326609700013 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.022; 0.0762 2326609700014 (41-NB-93,NAT=1.00) 2326609700015 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326609700016 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-94-M,6.26MIN,DG,871.0,0.0050) 2326609700017 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326609700018 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326609700019 from the literature. 2326609700020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326609700021 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326609700022 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326609700023 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326609700024 epithermal flux for gold, 2326609700025 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326609700026 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326609700027 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326609700028 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326609700029 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326609700030 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326609700031 (COREL,23266096) Average data . 2326609700032 ENDBIB 30 0 2326609700033 COMMON 2 3 2326609700034 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326609700035 EV EV 2326609700036 0.55 0.0253 2326609700037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326609700038 DATA 8 1 2326609700039 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326609700040 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326609700041 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326609700042 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326609700043 7.28 2.0 1.05 1.0 0.1 0.55 2326609700044 0.55 1.65 2326609700045 ENDDATA 6 0 2326609700046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 2326609799999 SUBENT 23266098 20230215 23142326609800001 BIB 5 11 2326609800002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,G)41-NB-94-M,,SIG,,AV) 2326609800003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326609800004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326609800005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326609800006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326609800007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326609800008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326609800009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326609800010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326609800011 (DEP,23266099) Directly measured data. 2326609800012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326609800013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326609800014 COMMON 1 3 2326609800015 EN 2326609800016 EV 2326609800017 0.0253 2326609800018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326609800019 DATA 2 1 2326609800020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326609800021 B B 2326609800022 0.853 0.008 2326609800023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326609800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326609899999 SUBENT 23266099 20141210 22412326609900001 BIB 8 25 2326609900002 REACTION (41-NB-93(N,G)41-NB-94-M,,SIG) 2326609900003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326609900004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326609900005 - Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326609900006 Elemental content, % weight - 10. 2326609900007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326609900008 - Provider - CBNM 2326609900009 - Matrix - Foil 2326609900010 Elemental content, % weight - >99.99 2326609900011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.022; 0.0762 2326609900012 (41-NB-93,NAT=1.00) 2326609900013 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-94-M,6.26MIN,DG,871.0,0.0050) reference line 2326609900014 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326609900015 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326609900016 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326609900017 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326609900018 values. 2326609900019 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326609900020 including decay branching factors). 2326609900021 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326609900022 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326609900023 871.0 9.59E-5 (+-0.4%) 2326609900024 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326609900025 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326609900026 (COREL,23266098) Average data 2326609900027 ENDBIB 25 0 2326609900028 COMMON 1 3 2326609900029 EN 2326609900030 EV 2326609900031 0.0253 2326609900032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326609900033 DATA 1 1 2326609900034 DATA 2326609900035 B 2326609900036 0.853 2326609900037 ENDDATA 3 0 2326609900038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2326609999999 SUBENT 23266100 20230215 23142326610000001 BIB 9 28 2326610000002 REACTION 1((42-MO-98(N,G)42-MO-99,,RI,,AV)// 2326610000003 (42-MO-98(N,G)42-MO-99,,SIG,,AV)) 2326610000004 2((42-MO-98(N,G)42-MO-99,,RI)// 2326610000005 (42-MO-98(N,G)42-MO-99,,SIG)) 2326610000006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326610000007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326610000008 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow 2326610000009 Matrix - Foil 2326610000010 Elemental content, % weight - 99.9 2326610000011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.025 2326610000012 (42-MO-98,NAT=0.2439) 24.39+-0.37 % 2326610000013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326610000014 DECAY-DATA (42-MO-99,2.748D,DG,181.0,0.0601,DG,366.4,0.119, 2326610000015 DG,739.0,0.1212,DG,777.0,0.0428) 2326610000016 (43-TC-99-M,6.01HR,DG,140.5,0.885) 2326610000017 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326610000018 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326610000019 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326610000020 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326610000021 factors from the literature. 2326610000022 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326610000023 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326610000024 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326610000025 method to be 262.eV ( +-9%, 2sigma). 2326610000026 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326610000027 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326610000028 1(DEP,23266101) Directly measured data . 2326610000029 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326610000030 ENDBIB 28 0 2326610000031 COMMON 2 3 2326610000032 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326610000033 EV EV 2326610000034 0.55 0.0253 2326610000035 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326610000036 DATA 4 1 2326610000037 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326610000038 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326610000039 54.0 4. 54.8 3. 2326610000040 ENDDATA 3 0 2326610000041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 2326610099999 SUBENT 23266101 20180202 22682326610100001 BIB 8 34 2326610100002 REACTION ((42-MO-98(N,G)42-MO-99,,RI)// 2326610100003 (42-MO-98(N,G)42-MO-99,,SIG)) 2326610100004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326610100005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326610100006 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow 2326610100007 Matrix - Foil 2326610100008 Elemental content, % weight - 99.9 2326610100009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.025 2326610100010 (42-MO-98,NAT=0.2439) 24.39+-0.37 % 2326610100011 DECAY-DATA (42-MO-99,2.748D,DG,181.0,0.0601, 2326610100012 DG,366.4,0.119, 2326610100013 DG,739.0,0.1212, 2326610100014 DG,777.0,0.0428) 2326610100015 (43-TC-99-M,6.01HR,DG,140.5,0.885) 2326610100016 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326610100017 (1.) S84, 2326610100018 (2.) Y4, 2326610100019 (3.) X26 2326610100020 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326610100021 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326610100022 from the literature. 2326610100023 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326610100024 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326610100025 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326610100026 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326610100027 epithermal flux for gold, 2326610100028 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326610100029 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326610100030 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326610100031 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326610100032 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326610100033 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326610100034 (COREL,23266100) Average data . 2326610100035 HISTORY (20180202A) M.M. DATA misprint was corrected 2326610100036 ENDBIB 34 0 2326610100037 COMMON 2 3 2326610100038 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326610100039 EV EV 2326610100040 0.55 0.0253 2326610100041 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326610100042 DATA 9 3 2326610100043 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326610100044 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326610100045 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326610100046 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326610100047 54.5 2.9 2.0 1.75 0.25 0.85 2326610100048 1.3 3.1 1. 2326610100049 56.0 1.05 1.3 1.65 0.45 0.65 2326610100050 1.1 2.5 2. 2326610100051 50.9 0.55 1.9 1.55 0.65 0.7 2326610100052 1.05 2.85 3. 2326610100053 ENDDATA 10 0 2326610100054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 2326610199999 SUBENT 23266102 20230215 23142326610200001 BIB 5 11 2326610200002 REACTION (42-MO-98(N,G)42-MO-99,,SIG,,AV) 2326610200003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326610200004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326610200005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326610200006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326610200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326610200008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326610200009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326610200010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326610200011 (DEP,23266103) Directly measured data. 2326610200012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326610200013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326610200014 COMMON 1 3 2326610200015 EN 2326610200016 EV 2326610200017 0.0253 2326610200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326610200019 DATA 2 1 2326610200020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326610200021 B B 2326610200022 0.128 0.002 2326610200023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326610200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326610299999 SUBENT 23266103 20141210 22412326610300001 BIB 8 29 2326610300002 REACTION (42-MO-98(N,G)42-MO-99,,SIG) 2326610300003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326610300004 SAMPLE - Provider - Goodfellow 2326610300005 Matrix - Foil 2326610300006 Elemental content, % weight - 99.9 2326610300007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.025 2326610300008 (42-MO-98,NAT=0.2439) 24.39+-0.37 % 2326610300009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)42-MO-99,2.748D,DG,181.0,0.0601) 2326610300010 ((2.)42-MO-99,2.748D,DG,366.4,0.119) 2326610300011 ((3.)42-MO-99,2.748D,DG,739.0,0.1212) reference line 2326610300012 ((4.)42-MO-99,2.748D,DG,777.0,0.0428) 2326610300013 ((5.)43-TC-99-M,6.01HR,DG,140.5,0.885) 2326610300014 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326610300015 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326610300016 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326610300017 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326610300018 values. 2326610300019 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326610300020 including decay branching factors). 2326610300021 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326610300022 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326610300023 181.0 4.16E-5 (+-0.8%) 2326610300024 366.4 8.07E-6 (+-0.5%) 2326610300025 739.0 8.20E-6 (+-0.9%) 2326610300026 777.0 2.86E-5 (+-0.1%) 2326610300027 140.5 5.29E-4 (+-0.2%) 2326610300028 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326610300029 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326610300030 (COREL,23266102) Average data 2326610300031 ENDBIB 29 0 2326610300032 COMMON 1 3 2326610300033 EN 2326610300034 EV 2326610300035 0.0253 2326610300036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326610300037 DATA 2 5 2326610300038 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326610300039 B NO-DIM 2326610300040 0.130 1. 2326610300041 0.127 2. 2326610300042 0.127 3. 2326610300043 0.126 4. 2326610300044 0.128 5. 2326610300045 ENDDATA 7 0 2326610300046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 2326610399999 SUBENT 23266104 20230215 23142326610400001 BIB 8 22 2326610400002 REACTION ((47-AG-107(N,G)47-AG-108,,RI,,AV)// 2326610400003 (47-AG-107(N,G)47-AG-108,,SIG,,AV)) 2326610400004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326610400005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326610400006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326610400007 - Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326610400008 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326610400009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326610400010 - Provider - Goodfellow 2326610400011 - Matrix - Wire 2326610400012 Elemental content, % weight - 99.9 2326610400013 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326610400014 (47-AG-107,NAT=0.51839) 51.839+-0.008 % 2326610400015 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-108-G,2.37MIN,DG,434.0,0.0050,DG,618.9,0.0026, 2326610400016 DG,633.0,0.0174) 2326610400017 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326610400018 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326610400019 - the classical method. 2326610400020 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326610400021 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326610400022 (DEP,23266105) Directly measured data . 2326610400023 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326610400024 ENDBIB 22 0 2326610400025 COMMON 2 3 2326610400026 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326610400027 EV EV 2326610400028 0.55 0.0253 2326610400029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326610400030 DATA 2 1 2326610400031 DATA DATA-ERR 2326610400032 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326610400033 2.72 1.5 2326610400034 ENDDATA 3 0 2326610400035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2326610499999 SUBENT 23266105 20141210 22412326610500001 BIB 7 31 2326610500002 REACTION ((47-AG-107(N,G)47-AG-108,,RI)// 2326610500003 (47-AG-107(N,G)47-AG-108,,SIG)) 2326610500004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326610500005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326610500006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326610500007 - Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326610500008 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326610500009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326610500010 - Provider - Goodfellow 2326610500011 - Matrix - Wire 2326610500012 Elemental content, % weight - 99.9 2326610500013 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326610500014 (47-AG-107,NAT=0.51839) 51.839+-0.008 % 2326610500015 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-108-G,2.37MIN,DG,434.0,0.0050,DG,618.9,0.0026, 2326610500016 DG,633.0,0.0174) 2326610500017 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326610500018 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326610500019 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326610500020 from the literature. 2326610500021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326610500022 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326610500023 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326610500024 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326610500025 epithermal flux for gold, 2326610500026 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326610500027 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326610500028 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326610500029 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326610500030 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326610500031 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326610500032 (COREL,23266104) Average data . 2326610500033 ENDBIB 31 0 2326610500034 COMMON 2 3 2326610500035 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326610500036 EV EV 2326610500037 0.55 0.0253 2326610500038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326610500039 DATA 8 1 2326610500040 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326610500041 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326610500042 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326610500043 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326610500044 2.72 1.0 1.05 1.0 0.1 0.55 2326610500045 0.55 1.65 2326610500046 ENDDATA 6 0 2326610500047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 2326610599999 SUBENT 23266106 20230215 23142326610600001 BIB 5 11 2326610600002 REACTION (47-AG-107(N,G)47-AG-108,,SIG,,AV) 2326610600003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326610600004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326610600005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326610600006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326610600007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326610600008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326610600009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326610600010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326610600011 (DEP,23266107) Directly measured data. 2326610600012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326610600013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326610600014 COMMON 1 3 2326610600015 EN 2326610600016 EV 2326610600017 0.0253 2326610600018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326610600019 DATA 2 1 2326610600020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326610600021 B B 2326610600022 34.3 0.9 2326610600023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326610600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326610699999 SUBENT 23266107 20141210 22412326610700001 BIB 8 30 2326610700002 REACTION (47-AG-107(N,G)47-AG-108,,SIG) 2326610700003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326610700004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326610700005 - Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326610700006 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326610700007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326610700008 - Provider - Goodfellow 2326610700009 - Matrix - Wire 2326610700010 Elemental content, % weight - 99.9 2326610700011 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326610700012 (47-AG-107,NAT=0.51839) 51.839+-0.008 % 2326610700013 DECAY-DATA ((1.)47-AG-108-G,2.37MIN,DG,434.0,0.0050) 2326610700014 ((2.)47-AG-108-G,2.37MIN,DG,618.9,0.0026) 2326610700015 ((3.)47-AG-108-G,2.37MIN,DG,633.0,0.0174) 2326610700016 reference line 2326610700017 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326610700018 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326610700019 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326610700020 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326610700021 values. 2326610700022 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326610700023 including decay branching factors). 2326610700024 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326610700025 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326610700026 434.0 1.68E-3 (+-1.0%) 2326610700027 618.9 9.22E-4 (+-1.0%) 2326610700028 633.0 6.05E-3 (+-0.9%) 2326610700029 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326610700030 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326610700031 (COREL,23266106) Average data 2326610700032 ENDBIB 30 0 2326610700033 COMMON 1 3 2326610700034 EN 2326610700035 EV 2326610700036 0.0253 2326610700037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326610700038 DATA 2 3 2326610700039 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326610700040 B NO-DIM 2326610700041 33.5 1. 2326610700042 35.2 2. 2326610700043 34.2 3. 2326610700044 ENDDATA 5 0 2326610700045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 2326610799999 SUBENT 23266108 20230215 23142326610800001 BIB 9 31 2326610800002 REACTION 1((56-BA-130(N,G)56-BA-131,,RI)// 2326610800003 (56-BA-130(N,G)56-BA-131,,SIG)) 2326610800004 2((56-BA-130(N,G)56-BA-131,,RI)// 2326610800005 (56-BA-130(N,G)56-BA-131,,SIG)) 2326610800006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326610800007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326610800008 SAMPLE - Provider - Sigma-Aldrich 2326610800009 Matrix - High purity BaO 2326610800010 Elemental content, % weight - 89.565 2326610800011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326610800012 (56-BA-130,NAT=0.00106) 0.106+-0.001 % 2326610800013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326610800014 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN,DG,123.8,0.2980,DG,133.6,0.0218, 2326610800015 DG,216.1,0.2040,DG,239.6,0.0250,DG,249.4,0.0296, 2326610800016 DG,373.2,0.1440,DG,404.0,0.0134,DG,486.5,0.0215, 2326610800017 DG,496.3,0.4800,DG,585.0,0.0122,DG,620.1,0.0147, 2326610800018 DG,1047.6,0.0134) 2326610800019 (56-BA-131-G,11.50D) 2326610800020 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326610800021 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326610800022 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326610800023 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326610800024 factors from the literature. 2326610800025 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326610800026 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326610800027 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326610800028 method to be 58.0 eV ( +-5%, 2sigma). 2326610800029 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326610800030 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326610800031 1(DEP,23266109) Directly measured data . 2326610800032 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326610800033 ENDBIB 31 0 2326610800034 COMMON 2 3 2326610800035 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326610800036 EV EV 2326610800037 0.55 0.0253 2326610800038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326610800039 DATA 4 1 2326610800040 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326610800041 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326610800042 20.7 3. 21.0 2. 2326610800043 ENDDATA 3 0 2326610800044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 2326610899999 SUBENT 23266109 20141210 22412326610900001 BIB 7 34 2326610900002 REACTION ((56-BA-130(N,G)56-BA-131,,RI)// 2326610900003 (56-BA-130(N,G)56-BA-131,,SIG)) 2326610900004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326610900005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326610900006 SAMPLE - Provider - Sigma-Aldrich 2326610900007 Matrix - High purity BaO 2326610900008 Elemental content, % weight - 89.565 2326610900009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326610900010 (56-BA-130,NAT=0.00106) 0.106+-0.001 % 2326610900011 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN,DG,123.8,0.2980,DG,133.6,0.0218, 2326610900012 DG,216.1,0.2040,DG,239.6,0.0250,DG,249.4,0.0296, 2326610900013 DG,373.2,0.1440,DG,404.0,0.0134,DG,486.5,0.0215, 2326610900014 DG,496.3,0.4800,DG,585.0,0.0122,DG,620.1,0.0147, 2326610900015 DG,1047.6,0.0134) 2326610900016 (56-BA-131-G,11.50D) 2326610900017 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326610900018 (1.) S84, 2326610900019 (2.) Y4, 2326610900020 (3.) X26 2326610900021 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326610900022 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326610900023 from the literature. 2326610900024 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326610900025 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326610900026 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326610900027 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326610900028 epithermal flux for gold, 2326610900029 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326610900030 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326610900031 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326610900032 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326610900033 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326610900034 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326610900035 (COREL,23266108) Average data . 2326610900036 ENDBIB 34 0 2326610900037 COMMON 2 3 2326610900038 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326610900039 EV EV 2326610900040 0.55 0.0253 2326610900041 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326610900042 DATA 9 3 2326610900043 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326610900044 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326610900045 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326610900046 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326610900047 20.1 0.6 0.9 1.25 0.0 0.55 2326610900048 1.1 1.95 1. 2326610900049 21.4 0.5 0.35 1.1 0.05 0.6 2326610900050 0.6 1.45 2. 2326610900051 20.1 0.6 0.8 1.3 0.1 0.65 2326610900052 0.5 1.75 3. 2326610900053 ENDDATA 10 0 2326610900054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 2326610999999 SUBENT 23266110 20230215 23142326611000001 BIB 5 12 2326611000002 REACTION (56-BA-130(N,G)56-BA-131,,SIG,,AV) M+G 2326611000003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326611000004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326611000005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326611000006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326611000007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326611000008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326611000009 observed standard deviation between gamma-lines. 2326611000010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326611000011 (DEP,23266111) Directly measured data. 2326611000012 HISTORY (20180202A) M.M. DATA misprint was corrected 2326611000013 (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326611000014 ENDBIB 12 0 2326611000015 COMMON 1 3 2326611000016 EN 2326611000017 EV 2326611000018 0.0253 2326611000019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326611000020 DATA 2 1 2326611000021 DATA DATA-ERR 2326611000022 B B 2326611000023 8.00 0.19 2326611000024 ENDDATA 3 0 2326611000025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2326611099999 SUBENT 23266111 20141210 22412326611100001 BIB 8 45 2326611100002 REACTION (56-BA-130(N,G)56-BA-131,,SIG) 2326611100003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326611100004 SAMPLE - Provider - Sigma-Aldrich 2326611100005 Matrix - High purity BaO 2326611100006 Elemental content, % weight - 89.565 2326611100007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326611100008 (56-BA-130,NAT=0.00106) 0.106+-0.001 % 2326611100009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN,DG,123.8,0.2980) 2326611100010 ((2.)56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN,DG,133.6,0.0218) 2326611100011 ((3.)56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN,DG,216.1,0.2040) 2326611100012 ((4.)56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN,DG,239.6,0.0250) 2326611100013 ((5.)56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN,DG,249.4,0.0296) 2326611100014 ((6.)56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN,DG,373.2,0.1440) 2326611100015 ((7.)56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN,DG,404.0,0.0134) 2326611100016 ((8.)56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN,DG,486.5,0.0215) 2326611100017 ((9.)56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN,DG,496.3,0.4800) 2326611100018 reference line. 2326611100019 ((10.)56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN,DG,585.0,0.0122) 2326611100020 ((11.)56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN,DG,620.1,0.0147) 2326611100021 ((12.)56-BA-131-M,14.6MIN,DG,1047.6,0.0134) 2326611100022 (56-BA-131-G,11.50D) 2326611100023 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326611100024 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326611100025 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326611100026 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326611100027 values. 2326611100028 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326611100029 including decay branching factors). 2326611100030 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326611100031 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326611100032 123.8 3.94E-5 (+-0.2%) 2326611100033 133.6 2.97E-6 (+-0.4%) 2326611100034 216.1 2.59E-5 (+-1.2%) 2326611100035 239.6 3.23E-5 (+-0.7%) 2326611100036 249.4 3.69E-4 (+-1.6%) 2326611100037 373.2 1.82E-5 (+-1.2%) 2326611100038 404.0 1.73E-6 (+-1.3%) 2326611100039 486.5 2.78E-6 (+-1.3%) 2326611100040 496.3 6.15E-5 (+-1.0%) 2326611100041 585.0 1.61E-6 (+-0.9%) 2326611100042 620.1 1.88E-6 (+-0.8%) 2326611100043 1047.6 1.72E-6 (+-1.1%) 2326611100044 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326611100045 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326611100046 (COREL,23266110) Average data 2326611100047 ENDBIB 45 0 2326611100048 COMMON 1 3 2326611100049 EN 2326611100050 EV 2326611100051 0.0253 2326611100052 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326611100053 DATA 2 12 2326611100054 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326611100055 B NO-DIM 2326611100056 8.19 1. 2326611100057 8.44 2. 2326611100058 7.89 3. 2326611100059 8.00 4. 2326611100060 7.72 5. 2326611100061 7.82 6. 2326611100062 7.97 7. 2326611100063 8.04 8. 2326611100064 7.94 9. 2326611100065 8.13 10. 2326611100066 7.92 11. 2326611100067 7.97 12. 2326611100068 ENDDATA 14 0 2326611100069 ENDSUBENT 68 0 2326611199999 SUBENT 23266112 20230215 23142326611200001 BIB 9 26 2326611200002 REACTION 1((56-BA-132(N,G)56-BA-133-M,,RI)// 2326611200003 (56-BA-132(N,G)56-BA-133-M,,SIG)) 2326611200004 2((56-BA-132(N,G)56-BA-133-M,,RI)// 2326611200005 (56-BA-132(N,G)56-BA-133-M,,SIG)) 2326611200006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326611200007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326611200008 SAMPLE - Provider - Sigma-Aldrich 2326611200009 Matrix - High purity BaO 2326611200010 Elemental content, % weight - 89.565 2326611200011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326611200012 (56-BA-132,NAT=0.00101) 0.101+-0.001 % 2326611200013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326611200014 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-133-M,38.9HR,DG,275.9,0.1769) 2326611200015 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326611200016 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326611200017 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326611200018 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326611200019 factors from the literature. 2326611200020 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326611200021 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326611200022 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326611200023 method to be 322. eV ( +-4%, 2sigma). 2326611200024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326611200025 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326611200026 1(DEP,23266113) Directly measured data . 2326611200027 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326611200028 ENDBIB 26 0 2326611200029 COMMON 2 3 2326611200030 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326611200031 EV EV 2326611200032 0.55 0.0253 2326611200033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326611200034 DATA 4 1 2326611200035 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326611200036 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326611200037 4.6 4.5 4.8 2. 2326611200038 ENDDATA 3 0 2326611200039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2326611299999 SUBENT 23266113 20141210 22412326611300001 BIB 7 29 2326611300002 REACTION ((56-BA-132(N,G)56-BA-133-M,,RI)// 2326611300003 (56-BA-132(N,G)56-BA-133-M,,SIG)) 2326611300004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326611300005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326611300006 SAMPLE - Provider - Sigma-Aldrich 2326611300007 Matrix - High purity BaO 2326611300008 Elemental content, % weight - 89.565 2326611300009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326611300010 (56-BA-132,NAT=0.00101) 0.101+-0.001 % 2326611300011 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-133-M,38.9HR,DG,275.9,0.1769) 2326611300012 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326611300013 (1.) S84, 2326611300014 (2.) Y4, 2326611300015 (3.) X26 2326611300016 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326611300017 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326611300018 from the literature. 2326611300019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326611300020 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326611300021 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326611300022 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326611300023 epithermal flux for gold, 2326611300024 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326611300025 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326611300026 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326611300027 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326611300028 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326611300029 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326611300030 (COREL,23266112) Average data . 2326611300031 ENDBIB 29 0 2326611300032 COMMON 2 3 2326611300033 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326611300034 EV EV 2326611300035 0.55 0.0253 2326611300036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326611300037 DATA 9 3 2326611300038 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326611300039 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326611300040 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326611300041 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326611300042 5.0 0.5 0.9 1.25 0.0 0.55 2326611300043 1.1 1.95 1. 2326611300044 4.4 0.5 0.35 1.1 0.05 0.6 2326611300045 0.6 1.45 2. 2326611300046 4.7 0.5 0.8 1.3 0.1 0.65 2326611300047 0.5 1.75 3. 2326611300048 ENDDATA 10 0 2326611300049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2326611399999 SUBENT 23266114 20230215 23142326611400001 BIB 5 11 2326611400002 REACTION (56-BA-132(N,G)56-BA-133-M,,SIG,,AV) 2326611400003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326611400004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326611400005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326611400006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326611400007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326611400008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326611400009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326611400010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326611400011 (DEP,23266115) Directly measured data. 2326611400012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326611400013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326611400014 COMMON 1 3 2326611400015 EN 2326611400016 EV 2326611400017 0.0253 2326611400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326611400019 DATA 2 1 2326611400020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326611400021 B B 2326611400022 0.75 0.01 2326611400023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326611400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326611499999 SUBENT 23266115 20141210 22412326611500001 BIB 8 21 2326611500002 REACTION (56-BA-132(N,G)56-BA-133-M,,SIG) 2326611500003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326611500004 SAMPLE - Provider - Sigma-Aldrich 2326611500005 Matrix - High purity BaO 2326611500006 Elemental content, % weight - 89.565 2326611500007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326611500008 (56-BA-132,NAT=0.00101) 0.101+-0.001 % 2326611500009 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-133-M,38.9HR,DG,275.9,0.1769) 2326611500010 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326611500011 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326611500012 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326611500013 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326611500014 values. 2326611500015 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326611500016 including decay branching factors). 2326611500017 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326611500018 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326611500019 275.9 2.04E-6 (+-0.7%) 2326611500020 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326611500021 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326611500022 (COREL,23266114) Average data 2326611500023 ENDBIB 21 0 2326611500024 COMMON 1 3 2326611500025 EN 2326611500026 EV 2326611500027 0.0253 2326611500028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326611500029 DATA 1 1 2326611500030 DATA 2326611500031 B 2326611500032 0.75 2326611500033 ENDDATA 3 0 2326611500034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2326611599999 SUBENT 23266116 20230215 23142326611600001 BIB 9 26 2326611600002 REACTION 1((56-BA-134(N,G)56-BA-135-M,,RI)// 2326611600003 (56-BA-134(N,G)56-BA-135-M,,SIG)) 2326611600004 2((56-BA-134(N,G)56-BA-135-M,,RI)// 2326611600005 (56-BA-134(N,G)56-BA-135-M,,SIG)) 2326611600006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326611600007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326611600008 SAMPLE - Provider - Sigma-Aldrich 2326611600009 Matrix - High purity BaO 2326611600010 Elemental content, % weight - 89.565 2326611600011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326611600012 (56-BA-134,NAT=0.02417) 2.417+-0.018 % 2326611600013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326611600014 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-135-M,28.7HR,DG,268.3,0.1600) 2326611600015 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326611600016 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326611600017 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326611600018 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326611600019 factors from the literature. 2326611600020 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326611600021 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326611600022 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326611600023 method to be 4247.eV ( +-10%, 2sigma). 2326611600024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326611600025 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326611600026 1(DEP,23266117) Directly measured data . 2326611600027 HISTORY (20180202A) M.M. DATA misprint was corrected 2326611600028 ENDBIB 26 0 2326611600029 COMMON 2 3 2326611600030 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326611600031 EV EV 2326611600032 0.55 0.0253 2326611600033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326611600034 DATA 4 1 2326611600035 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326611600036 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326611600037 51.6 3.5 50.7 3.5 2326611600038 ENDDATA 3 0 2326611600039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2326611699999 SUBENT 23266117 20141210 22412326611700001 BIB 7 29 2326611700002 REACTION ((56-BA-134(N,G)56-BA-135-M,,RI)// 2326611700003 (56-BA-134(N,G)56-BA-135-M,,SIG)) 2326611700004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326611700005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326611700006 SAMPLE - Provider - Sigma-Aldrich 2326611700007 Matrix - High purity BaO 2326611700008 Elemental content, % weight - 89.565 2326611700009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326611700010 (56-BA-134,NAT=0.02417) 2.417+-0.018 % 2326611700011 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-135-M,28.7HR,DG,268.3,0.1600) 2326611700012 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326611700013 (1.) S84, 2326611700014 (2.) Y4, 2326611700015 (3.) X26 2326611700016 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326611700017 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326611700018 from the literature. 2326611700019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326611700020 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326611700021 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326611700022 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326611700023 epithermal flux for gold, 2326611700024 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326611700025 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326611700026 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326611700027 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326611700028 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326611700029 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326611700030 (COREL,23266116) Average data . 2326611700031 ENDBIB 29 0 2326611700032 COMMON 2 3 2326611700033 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326611700034 EV EV 2326611700035 0.55 0.0253 2326611700036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326611700037 DATA 9 3 2326611700038 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326611700039 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326611700040 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326611700041 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326611700042 52.4 0.5 2.0 1.5 0.25 0.8 2326611700043 1.25 2.9 1. 2326611700044 49.6 0.5 1.35 1.6 0.35 0.65 2326611700045 1.1 2.5 2. 2326611700046 53.5 0.5 1.8 1.65 0.45 0.7 2326611700047 1.05 2.8 3. 2326611700048 ENDDATA 10 0 2326611700049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2326611799999 SUBENT 23266118 20230215 23142326611800001 BIB 5 11 2326611800002 REACTION (56-BA-134(N,G)56-BA-135-M,,SIG,,AV) 2326611800003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326611800004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326611800005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326611800006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326611800007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326611800008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326611800009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326611800010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326611800011 (DEP,23266119) Directly measured data. 2326611800012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326611800013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326611800014 COMMON 1 3 2326611800015 EN 2326611800016 EV 2326611800017 0.0253 2326611800018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326611800019 DATA 2 1 2326611800020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326611800021 B B 2326611800022 0.059 0.001 2326611800023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326611800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326611899999 SUBENT 23266119 20141210 22412326611900001 BIB 8 21 2326611900002 REACTION (56-BA-134(N,G)56-BA-135-M,,SIG) 2326611900003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326611900004 SAMPLE - Provider - Sigma-Aldrich 2326611900005 Matrix - High purity BaO 2326611900006 Elemental content, % weight - 89.565 2326611900007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326611900008 (56-BA-134,NAT=0.02417) 2.417+-0.018 % 2326611900009 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-135-M,28.7HR,DG,268.3,0.1600) 2326611900010 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326611900011 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326611900012 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326611900013 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326611900014 values. 2326611900015 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326611900016 including decay branching factors). 2326611900017 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326611900018 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326611900019 268.3 3.47E-6 (+-0.3%) 2326611900020 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326611900021 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326611900022 (COREL,23266118) Average data 2326611900023 ENDBIB 21 0 2326611900024 COMMON 1 3 2326611900025 EN 2326611900026 EV 2326611900027 0.0253 2326611900028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326611900029 DATA 1 1 2326611900030 DATA 2326611900031 B 2326611900032 0.059 2326611900033 ENDDATA 3 0 2326611900034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 2326611999999 SUBENT 23266120 20230215 23142326612000001 BIB 10 30 2326612000002 REACTION 1((56-BA-138(N,G)56-BA-139,,RI,,AV)// 2326612000003 (56-BA-138(N,G)56-BA-139,,SIG,,AV)) 2326612000004 2((56-BA-138(N,G)56-BA-139,,RI)// 2326612000005 (56-BA-138(N,G)56-BA-139,,SIG)) 2326612000006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326612000007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326612000008 SAMPLE - Provider - Sigma-Aldrich 2326612000009 Matrix - High purity BaO 2326612000010 Elemental content, % weight - 89.565 2326612000011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326612000012 (56-BA-138,NAT=0.71698) 71.698+-0.042 % 2326612000013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326612000014 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-139,83.06MIN,DG,165.9,0.2376,DG,1420.5,0.00261) 2326612000015 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326612000016 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326612000017 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326612000018 channels employed (S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326612000019 factors from the literature. 2326612000020 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326612000021 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326612000022 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326612000023 method to be 1323778 eV ( +-50%, 2sigma). 2326612000024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326612000025 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326612000026 1(DEP,23266121) Directly measured data . 2326612000027 COMMENT Of compiler M.M. 2326612000028 DATA 2 uncertainty in Suppl.Material is given as 29% 2326612000029 - looks like to much, if take into account the 2326612000030 uncertainties given in Subent 117. 2326612000031 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326612000032 ENDBIB 30 0 2326612000033 COMMON 2 3 2326612000034 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326612000035 EV EV 2326612000036 0.55 0.0253 2326612000037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326612000038 DATA 4 1 2326612000039 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326612000040 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326612000041 1.04 14.5 1.20 2.5 2326612000042 ENDDATA 3 0 2326612000043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2326612099999 SUBENT 23266121 20141210 22412326612100001 BIB 7 28 2326612100002 REACTION ((56-BA-138(N,G)56-BA-139,,RI)// 2326612100003 (56-BA-138(N,G)56-BA-139,,SIG)) 2326612100004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326612100005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326612100006 SAMPLE - Provider - Sigma-Aldrich 2326612100007 Matrix - High purity BaO 2326612100008 Elemental content, % weight - 89.565 2326612100009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326612100010 (56-BA-138,NAT=0.71698) 71.698+-0.042 % 2326612100011 DECAY-DATA (56-BA-139,83.06MIN,DG,165.9,0.2376,DG,1420.5,0.00261) 2326612100012 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326612100013 (1.) S84, 2326612100014 (2.) X26 2326612100015 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326612100016 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326612100017 from the literature. 2326612100018 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326612100019 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326612100020 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326612100021 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326612100022 epithermal flux for gold, 2326612100023 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326612100024 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326612100025 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326612100026 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326612100027 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326612100028 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326612100029 (COREL,23266120) Average data . 2326612100030 ENDBIB 28 0 2326612100031 COMMON 2 3 2326612100032 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326612100033 EV EV 2326612100034 0.55 0.0253 2326612100035 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326612100036 DATA 9 2 2326612100037 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326612100038 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326612100039 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326612100040 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326612100041 1.20 0.5 0.65 1.25 0.25 0.55 2326612100042 1.1 1.9 1. 2326612100043 0.90 0.5 0.6 1.3 0.6 0.65 2326612100044 0.5 1.75 2. 2326612100045 ENDDATA 8 0 2326612100046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 2326612199999 SUBENT 23266122 20230215 23142326612200001 BIB 5 11 2326612200002 REACTION (56-BA-138(N,G)56-BA-139,,SIG,,AV) 2326612200003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326612200004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326612200005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326612200006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326612200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326612200008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326612200009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326612200010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326612200011 (DEP,23266123) Directly measured data. 2326612200012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326612200013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326612200014 COMMON 1 3 2326612200015 EN 2326612200016 EV 2326612200017 0.0253 2326612200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326612200019 DATA 2 1 2326612200020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326612200021 B B 2326612200022 0.403 0.001 2326612200023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326612200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326612299999 SUBENT 23266123 20141210 22412326612300001 BIB 8 23 2326612300002 REACTION (56-BA-138(N,G)56-BA-139,,SIG) 2326612300003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326612300004 SAMPLE - Provider - Sigma-Aldrich 2326612300005 Matrix - High purity BaO 2326612300006 Elemental content, % weight - 89.565 2326612300007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326612300008 (56-BA-138,NAT=0.71698) 71.698+-0.042 % 2326612300009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)56-BA-139,83.06MIN,DG,165.9,0.2376) 2326612300010 ((2.)56-BA-139,83.06MIN,DG,1420.5,0.00261) 2326612300011 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326612300012 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326612300013 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326612300014 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326612300015 values. 2326612300016 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326612300017 including decay branching factors). 2326612300018 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326612300019 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326612300020 165.9 1.05E-3 (+-1.0%) 2326612300021 1420.5 1.15E-5 (+-0.6%) 2326612300022 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326612300023 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326612300024 (COREL,23266122) Average data 2326612300025 ENDBIB 23 0 2326612300026 COMMON 1 3 2326612300027 EN 2326612300028 EV 2326612300029 0.0253 2326612300030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326612300031 DATA 2 2 2326612300032 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326612300033 B NO-DIM 2326612300034 0.403 1. 2326612300035 0.402 2. 2326612300036 ENDDATA 4 0 2326612300037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2326612399999 SUBENT 23266124 20230215 23142326612400001 BIB 9 29 2326612400002 REACTION 1((57-LA-139(N,G)57-LA-140,,RI,,AV)// 2326612400003 (57-LA-139(N,G)57-LA-140,,SIG,,AV)) 2326612400004 2((57-LA-139(N,G)57-LA-140,,RI)// 2326612400005 (57-LA-139(N,G)57-LA-140,,SIG)) 2326612400006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326612400007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326612400008 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326612400009 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326612400010 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326612400011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326612400012 (57-LA-139,NAT=0.99911) 99.911+-0.001 % 2326612400013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326612400014 DECAY-DATA (57-LA-140,1.6786D,DG,328.8,0.208,DG,423.5,0.02995, 2326612400015 DG,487.0,0.461,DG,751.6,0.04392,DG,815.8,0.2372, 2326612400016 DG,867.8,0.0558,DG,919.6,0.0273,DG,925.2,0.0704, 2326612400017 DG,1596.2,0.954) 2326612400018 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326612400019 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326612400020 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326612400021 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326612400022 factors from the literature. 2326612400023 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326612400024 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326612400025 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326612400026 method to be 67.3 eV ( +-5%, 2sigma). 2326612400027 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326612400028 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326612400029 1(DEP,23266125) Directly measured data . 2326612400030 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326612400031 ENDBIB 29 0 2326612400032 COMMON 2 3 2326612400033 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326612400034 EV EV 2326612400035 0.55 0.0253 2326612400036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326612400037 DATA 4 1 2326612400038 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326612400039 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326612400040 1.16 1. 1.15 2. 2326612400041 ENDDATA 3 0 2326612400042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2326612499999 SUBENT 23266125 20141210 22412326612500001 BIB 7 32 2326612500002 REACTION ((57-LA-139(N,G)57-LA-140,,RI)// 2326612500003 (57-LA-139(N,G)57-LA-140,,SIG)) 2326612500004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326612500005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326612500006 SAMPLE - Provider - Sigma-Aldrich 2326612500007 Matrix - High purity BaO 2326612500008 Elemental content, % weight - 89.565 2326612500009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326612500010 (57-LA-139,NAT=0.99911) 99.911+-0.001 % 2326612500011 DECAY-DATA (57-LA-140,1.6786D,DG,328.8,0.208,DG,423.5,0.02995, 2326612500012 DG,487.0,0.461,DG,751.6,0.04392,DG,815.8,0.2372, 2326612500013 DG,867.8,0.0558,DG,919.6,0.0273,DG,925.2,0.0704, 2326612500014 DG,1596.2,0.954) 2326612500015 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326612500016 (1.) S84, 2326612500017 (2.) Y4, 2326612500018 (3.) X26 2326612500019 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326612500020 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326612500021 from the literature. 2326612500022 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326612500023 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326612500024 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326612500025 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326612500026 epithermal flux for gold, 2326612500027 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326612500028 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326612500029 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326612500030 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326612500031 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326612500032 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326612500033 (COREL,23266124) Average data . 2326612500034 ENDBIB 32 0 2326612500035 COMMON 2 3 2326612500036 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326612500037 EV EV 2326612500038 0.55 0.0253 2326612500039 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326612500040 DATA 9 3 2326612500041 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326612500042 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326612500043 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326612500044 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326612500045 1.16 0.75 0.8 1.1 0.1 0.55 2326612500046 0.65 1.6 1. 2326612500047 1.15 1.95 0.55 1.35 0.1 0.55 2326612500048 0.65 1.7 2. 2326612500049 1.17 0.85 1.15 1.7 0.15 0.6 2326612500050 0.7 2.25 3. 2326612500051 ENDDATA 10 0 2326612500052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 2326612599999 SUBENT 23266126 20230215 23142326612600001 BIB 5 11 2326612600002 REACTION (57-LA-139(N,G)57-LA-140,,SIG,,AV) 2326612600003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326612600004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326612600005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326612600006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326612600007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326612600008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326612600009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326612600010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326612600011 (DEP,23266127) Directly measured data. 2326612600012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326612600013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326612600014 COMMON 1 3 2326612600015 EN 2326612600016 EV 2326612600017 0.0253 2326612600018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326612600019 DATA 2 1 2326612600020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326612600021 B B 2326612600022 9.25 0.04 2326612600023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326612600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326612699999 SUBENT 23266127 20141210 22412326612700001 BIB 8 37 2326612700002 REACTION (57-LA-139(N,G)57-LA-140,,SIG) 2326612700003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326612700004 SAMPLE - Provider - Sigma-Aldrich 2326612700005 Matrix - High purity BaO 2326612700006 Elemental content, % weight - 89.565 2326612700007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.15 2326612700008 (57-LA-139,NAT=0.99911) 99.911+-0.001 % 2326612700009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)57-LA-140,1.6786D,DG,328.8,0.208) 2326612700010 ((2.)57-LA-140,1.6786D,DG,423.5,0.02995) 2326612700011 ((3.)57-LA-140,1.6786D,DG,487.0,0.461) reference line 2326612700012 ((4.)57-LA-140,1.6786D,DG,751.6,0.04392) 2326612700013 ((5.)57-LA-140,1.6786D,DG,815.8,0.2372) 2326612700014 ((6.)57-LA-140,1.6786D,DG,867.8,0.0558) 2326612700015 ((7.)57-LA-140,1.6786D,DG,919.6,0.0273) 2326612700016 ((8.)57-LA-140,1.6786D,DG,925.2,0.0704) 2326612700017 ((9.)57-LA-140,1.6786D,DG,1596.2,0.954) 2326612700018 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326612700019 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326612700020 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326612700021 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326612700022 values. 2326612700023 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326612700024 including decay branching factors). 2326612700025 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326612700026 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326612700027 328.8 2.88E-2 (+-1.1%) 2326612700028 423.5 4.16E-3 (+-1.4%) 2326612700029 487.0 6.35E-2 (+-0.1%) 2326612700030 751.6 6.12E-3 (+-1.6%) 2326612700031 815.8 3.29E-2 (+-1.0%) 2326612700032 867.8 7.78E-3 (+-0.5%) 2326612700033 919.6 3.78E-3 (+-0.7%) 2326612700034 925.2 9.83E-3 (+-0.7%) 2326612700035 1596.2 1.33E-1 (+-0.4%) 2326612700036 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326612700037 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326612700038 (COREL,23266126) Average data 2326612700039 ENDBIB 37 0 2326612700040 COMMON 1 3 2326612700041 EN 2326612700042 EV 2326612700043 0.0253 2326612700044 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326612700045 DATA 2 9 2326612700046 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326612700047 B NO-DIM 2326612700048 9.22 1. 2326612700049 9.23 2. 2326612700050 9.16 3. 2326612700051 9.27 4. 2326612700052 9.24 5. 2326612700053 9.27 6. 2326612700054 9.22 7. 2326612700055 9.29 8. 2326612700056 9.30 9. 2326612700057 ENDDATA 11 0 2326612700058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 2326612799999 SUBENT 23266128 20230215 23142326612800001 BIB 9 27 2326612800002 REACTION 1((59-PR-141(N,G)59-PR-142,,RI,,AV)// 2326612800003 (59-PR-141(N,G)59-PR-142,,SIG,,AV)) 2326612800004 2((59-PR-141(N,G)59-PR-142,,RI)// 2326612800005 (59-PR-141(N,G)59-PR-142,,SIG)) 2326612800006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326612800007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326612800008 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326612800009 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326612800010 Elemental content, % weight - 1.25 2326612800011 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326612800012 (59-PR-141,NAT=1.00) 2326612800013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326612800014 DECAY-DATA (59-PR-142-G,19.12HR,DG,1575.6,0.037) 2326612800015 (59-PR-142-M,14.6MIN) 2326612800016 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326612800017 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326612800018 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326612800019 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326612800020 factors from the literature. 2326612800021 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326612800022 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326612800023 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326612800024 method to be 123. eV ( +-9%, 2sigma). 2326612800025 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326612800026 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326612800027 1(DEP,23266129) Directly measured data . 2326612800028 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326612800029 ENDBIB 27 0 2326612800030 COMMON 2 3 2326612800031 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326612800032 EV EV 2326612800033 0.55 0.0253 2326612800034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326612800035 DATA 4 1 2326612800036 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326612800037 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326612800038 1.41 2.5 1.37 2. 2326612800039 ENDDATA 3 0 2326612800040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 2326612899999 SUBENT 23266129 20141210 22412326612900001 BIB 7 30 2326612900002 REACTION ((59-PR-141(N,G)59-PR-142,,RI)// 2326612900003 (59-PR-141(N,G)59-PR-142,,SIG)) 2326612900004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326612900005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326612900006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326612900007 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326612900008 Elemental content, % weight - 1.25 2326612900009 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326612900010 (59-PR-141,NAT=1.00) 2326612900011 DECAY-DATA (59-PR-142-G,19.12HR,DG,1575.6,0.037) 2326612900012 (59-PR-142-M,14.6MIN) 2326612900013 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326612900014 (1.) S84, 2326612900015 (2.) Y4, 2326612900016 (3.) X26 2326612900017 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326612900018 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326612900019 from the literature. 2326612900020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326612900021 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326612900022 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326612900023 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326612900024 epithermal flux for gold, 2326612900025 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326612900026 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326612900027 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326612900028 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326612900029 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326612900030 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326612900031 (COREL,23266128) Average data . 2326612900032 ENDBIB 30 0 2326612900033 COMMON 2 3 2326612900034 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326612900035 EV EV 2326612900036 0.55 0.0253 2326612900037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326612900038 DATA 9 3 2326612900039 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326612900040 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326612900041 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326612900042 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326612900043 1.36 0.55 1.2 1.4 0.0 0.55 2326612900044 0.65 2.05 1. 2326612900045 1.43 1.8 0.45 1.0 0.0 0.55 2326612900046 0.65 1.4 2. 2326612900047 1.46 3.0 1.15 2.5 0.05 0.6 2326612900048 0.7 2.9 3. 2326612900049 ENDDATA 10 0 2326612900050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 2326612999999 SUBENT 23266130 20230215 23142326613000001 BIB 5 11 2326613000002 REACTION (59-PR-141(N,G)59-PR-142,,SIG,,AV) M+G 2326613000003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326613000004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326613000005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326613000006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326613000007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326613000008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326613000009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326613000010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326613000011 (DEP,23266131) Directly measured data. 2326613000012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326613000013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326613000014 COMMON 1 3 2326613000015 EN 2326613000016 EV 2326613000017 0.0253 2326613000018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326613000019 DATA 2 1 2326613000020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326613000021 B B 2326613000022 11.3 0.1 2326613000023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326613000024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326613099999 SUBENT 23266131 20141210 22412326613100001 BIB 8 22 2326613100002 REACTION (59-PR-141(N,G)59-PR-142,,SIG) M+G 2326613100003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326613100004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326613100005 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326613100006 Elemental content, % weight - 1.25 2326613100007 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326613100008 (59-PR-141,NAT=1.00) 2326613100009 DECAY-DATA (59-PR-142-G,19.12HR,DG,1575.6,0.037) 2326613100010 (59-PR-142-M,14.6MIN) 2326613100011 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326613100012 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326613100013 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326613100014 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326613100015 values. 2326613100016 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326613100017 including decay branching factors). 2326613100018 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326613100019 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326613100020 1575.6 6.19E-3 (+-0.5%) 2326613100021 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326613100022 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326613100023 (COREL,23266130) Average data 2326613100024 ENDBIB 22 0 2326613100025 COMMON 1 3 2326613100026 EN 2326613100027 EV 2326613100028 0.0253 2326613100029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326613100030 DATA 1 1 2326613100031 DATA 2326613100032 B 2326613100033 11.3 2326613100034 ENDDATA 3 0 2326613100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2326613199999 SUBENT 23266132 20230215 23142326613200001 BIB 9 27 2326613200002 REACTION 1((62-SM-152(N,G)62-SM-153,,RI,,AV)// 2326613200003 (62-SM-152(N,G)62-SM-153,,SIG,,AV)) 2326613200004 2((62-SM-152(N,G)62-SM-153,,RI)// 2326613200005 (62-SM-152(N,G)62-SM-153,,SIG)) 2326613200006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326613200007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326613200008 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326613200009 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326613200010 Elemental content, % weight - 0.008 2326613200011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.37 2326613200012 (62-SM-152,NAT=0.2675) 26.75+-0.16 % 2326613200013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326613200014 DECAY-DATA (62-SM-153,1.9375D,DG,69.7,0.04691,DG,97.4,0.00779, 2326613200015 DG,103.2,0.2919) 2326613200016 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326613200017 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326613200018 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326613200019 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326613200020 factors from the literature. 2326613200021 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326613200022 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326613200023 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326613200024 method to be 8.48 eV ( +-9%, 2sigma). 2326613200025 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326613200026 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326613200027 2(DEP,23266133) Directly measured data . 2326613200028 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326613200029 ENDBIB 27 0 2326613200030 COMMON 2 3 2326613200031 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326613200032 EV EV 2326613200033 0.55 0.0253 2326613200034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326613200035 DATA 4 1 2326613200036 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326613200037 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326613200038 14.6 1.5 14.7 2. 2326613200039 ENDDATA 3 0 2326613200040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 2326613299999 SUBENT 23266133 20180202 22682326613300001 BIB 8 32 2326613300002 REACTION ((62-SM-152(N,G)62-SM-153,,RI)// 2326613300003 (62-SM-152(N,G)62-SM-153,,SIG)) 2326613300004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326613300005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326613300006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326613300007 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326613300008 Elemental content, % weight - 0.008 2326613300009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.37 2326613300010 (62-SM-152,NAT=0.2675) 26.75+-0.16 % 2326613300011 DECAY-DATA (62-SM-153,1.9375D,DG,69.7,0.04691, 2326613300012 DG,97.4,0.00779, 2326613300013 DG,103.2,0.2919) 2326613300014 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326613300015 (1.) S84, 2326613300016 (2.) Y4, 2326613300017 (3.) X26 2326613300018 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326613300019 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326613300020 from the literature. 2326613300021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326613300022 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326613300023 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326613300024 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326613300025 epithermal flux for gold, 2326613300026 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326613300027 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326613300028 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326613300029 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326613300030 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326613300031 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326613300032 (COREL,23266132) Average data . 2326613300033 HISTORY (20180202A) M.M. DATA misprint was corrected 2326613300034 ENDBIB 32 0 2326613300035 COMMON 2 3 2326613300036 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326613300037 EV EV 2326613300038 0.55 0.0253 2326613300039 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326613300040 DATA 9 3 2326613300041 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326613300042 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326613300043 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326613300044 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326613300045 14.8 0.3 0.05 1.5 0.0 1.0 2326613300046 1.15 2.15 1. 2326613300047 14.3 0.25 0.6 0.95 0.05 0.65 2326613300048 0.8 1.5 2. 2326613300049 14.8 0.75 0.05 1.5 0.05 0.65 2326613300050 0.7 1.75 3. 2326613300051 ENDDATA 10 0 2326613300052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 2326613399999 SUBENT 23266134 20230215 23142326613400001 BIB 5 11 2326613400002 REACTION (62-SM-152(N,G)62-SM-153,,SIG,,AV) 2326613400003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326613400004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326613400005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326613400006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326613400007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326613400008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326613400009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326613400010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326613400011 (DEP,23266135) Directly measured data. 2326613400012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326613400013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326613400014 COMMON 1 3 2326613400015 EN 2326613400016 EV 2326613400017 0.0253 2326613400018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326613400019 DATA 2 1 2326613400020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326613400021 B B 2326613400022 207. 1. 2326613400023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326613400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326613499999 SUBENT 23266135 20141210 22412326613500001 BIB 9 26 2326613500002 REACTION (62-SM-152(N,G)62-SM-153,,SIG) 2326613500003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326613500004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326613500005 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326613500006 Elemental content, % weight - 0.008 2326613500007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.37 2326613500008 (62-SM-152,NAT=0.2675) 26.75+-0.16 % 2326613500009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)62-SM-153,1.9375D,DG,69.7,0.04691) 2326613500010 ((2.)62-SM-153,1.9375D,DG,97.4,0.00779) 2326613500011 ((3.)62-SM-153,1.9375D,DG,103.2,0.2919) reference line 2326613500012 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326613500013 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326613500014 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326613500015 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326613500016 values. 2326613500017 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326613500018 including decay branching factors). 2326613500019 FLAG (4.) Data were measured but were not used in averaging.2326613500020 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326613500021 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326613500022 69.7 3.59E-2 (+-0.8%) 2326613500023 97.4 6.80E-3 (+-1.7%) 2326613500024 103.2 2.25E-1 (+-0.3%) 2326613500025 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326613500026 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326613500027 (COREL,23266134) Average data 2326613500028 ENDBIB 26 0 2326613500029 COMMON 1 3 2326613500030 EN 2326613500031 EV 2326613500032 0.0253 2326613500033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326613500034 DATA 3 3 2326613500035 DATA DECAY-FLAG FLAG 2326613500036 B NO-DIM NO-DIM 2326613500037 206. 1. 2326613500038 235. 2. 4. 2326613500039 207. 3. 2326613500040 ENDDATA 5 0 2326613500041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 2326613599999 SUBENT 23266136 20230215 23142326613600001 BIB 8 18 2326613600002 REACTION ((65-TB-159(N,G)65-TB-160,,RI,,AV)// 2326613600003 (65-TB-159(N,G)65-TB-160,,SIG,,AV)) 2326613600004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326613600005 Matrix - Ingot,Al alloy 2326613600006 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326613600007 Average sample thickness, mm - 3. 2326613600008 (65-TB-159,NAT=1.00) 2326613600009 METHOD Measurement at channel Y4. 2326613600010 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-160,72.3D,DG,86.8,0.132,DG,197.0,0.0518, 2326613600011 DG,215.6,0.0402,DG,298.6,0.2610,DG,879.4,0.3010, 2326613600012 DG,962.3,0.0981,DG,1178.0,0.1490,DG,1199.9,0.0238, 2326613600013 DG,1271.9,0.0744,DG,1312.1,0.0286) 2326613600014 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326613600015 - the classical method. 2326613600016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326613600017 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326613600018 (DEP,23266137) Directly measured data . 2326613600019 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326613600020 ENDBIB 18 0 2326613600021 COMMON 2 3 2326613600022 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326613600023 EV EV 2326613600024 0.55 0.0253 2326613600025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326613600026 DATA 2 1 2326613600027 DATA DATA-ERR 2326613600028 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326613600029 18.2 1.5 2326613600030 ENDDATA 3 0 2326613600031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2326613699999 SUBENT 23266137 20141210 22412326613700001 BIB 7 29 2326613700002 REACTION ((65-TB-159(N,G)65-TB-160,,RI)// 2326613700003 (65-TB-159(N,G)65-TB-160,,SIG)) 2326613700004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326613700005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326613700006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326613700007 Matrix - Ingot,Al alloy 2326613700008 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326613700009 Average sample thickness, mm - 3. 2326613700010 (65-TB-159,NAT=1.00) 2326613700011 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-160,72.3D,DG,86.8,0.132,DG,197.0,0.0518, 2326613700012 DG,215.6,0.0402,DG,298.6,0.2610,DG,879.4,0.3010, 2326613700013 DG,962.3,0.0981,DG,1178.0,0.1490,DG,1199.9,0.0238, 2326613700014 DG,1271.9,0.0744,DG,1312.1,0.0286) 2326613700015 METHOD Measurement at channel Y4. 2326613700016 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326613700017 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326613700018 from the literature. 2326613700019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326613700020 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326613700021 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326613700022 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326613700023 epithermal flux for gold, 2326613700024 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326613700025 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326613700026 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326613700027 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326613700028 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326613700029 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326613700030 (COREL,23266136) Average data . 2326613700031 ENDBIB 29 0 2326613700032 COMMON 2 3 2326613700033 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326613700034 EV EV 2326613700035 0.55 0.0253 2326613700036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326613700037 DATA 8 1 2326613700038 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326613700039 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326613700040 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326613700041 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326613700042 18.2 2.0 0.75 1.25 0.1 0.75 2326613700043 0.55 1.75 2326613700044 ENDDATA 6 0 2326613700045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 2326613799999 SUBENT 23266138 20230215 23142326613800001 BIB 5 11 2326613800002 REACTION (65-TB-159(N,G)65-TB-160,,SIG,,AV) 2326613800003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326613800004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326613800005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326613800006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326613800007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326613800008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326613800009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326613800010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326613800011 (DEP,23266139) Directly measured data. 2326613800012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326613800013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326613800014 COMMON 1 3 2326613800015 EN 2326613800016 EV 2326613800017 0.0253 2326613800018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326613800019 DATA 2 1 2326613800020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326613800021 B B 2326613800022 23.9 0.2 2326613800023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326613800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326613899999 SUBENT 23266139 20141210 22412326613900001 BIB 8 39 2326613900002 REACTION (65-TB-159(N,G)65-TB-160,,SIG) 2326613900003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326613900004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326613900005 Matrix - Ingot,Al alloy 2326613900006 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326613900007 Average sample thickness, mm - 3. 2326613900008 (65-TB-159,NAT=1.00) 2326613900009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)65-TB-160,72.3D,DG,86.8,0.132) 2326613900010 ((2.)65-TB-160,72.3D,DG,197.0,0.0518) 2326613900011 ((3.)65-TB-160,72.3D,DG,215.6,0.0402) 2326613900012 ((4.)65-TB-160,72.3D,DG,298.6,0.2610) 2326613900013 ((5.)65-TB-160,72.3D,DG,879.4,0.3010) 2326613900014 ((6.)65-TB-160,72.3D,DG,962.3,0.0981) 2326613900015 ((7.)65-TB-160,72.3D,DG,1178.0,0.1490) 2326613900016 ((8.)65-TB-160,72.3D,DG,1199.9,0.0238) 2326613900017 ((9.)65-TB-160,72.3D,DG,1271.9,0.0744) 2326613900018 ((10.)65-TB-160,72.3D,DG,1312.1,0.0286) 2326613900019 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity. 2326613900020 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326613900021 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326613900022 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326613900023 values. 2326613900024 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326613900025 including decay branching factors). 2326613900026 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326613900027 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326613900028 86.8 4.18E-2 (+-0.6%) 2326613900029 197.0 1.62E-2 (+-1.0%) 2326613900030 215.6 1.28E-2 (+-0.7%) 2326613900031 298.6 8.26E-2 (+-0.8%) 2326613900032 879.4 9.45E-2 (+-0.7%) 2326613900033 962.3 3.05E-2 (+-0.7%) 2326613900034 1178.0 4.71E-2 (+-0.6%) 2326613900035 1199.9 7.43E-3 (+-0.8%) 2326613900036 1271.9 2.36E-2 (+-0.7%) 2326613900037 1312.1 8.97E-3 (+-0.7%) 2326613900038 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326613900039 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326613900040 (COREL,23266138) Average data 2326613900041 ENDBIB 39 0 2326613900042 COMMON 1 3 2326613900043 EN 2326613900044 EV 2326613900045 0.0253 2326613900046 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326613900047 DATA 2 10 2326613900048 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326613900049 B NO-DIM 2326613900050 24.1 1. 2326613900051 23.8 2. 2326613900052 24.2 3. 2326613900053 24.1 4. 2326613900054 23.9 5. 2326613900055 23.6 6. 2326613900056 24.0 7. 2326613900057 23.7 8. 2326613900058 24.1 9. 2326613900059 23.9 10. 2326613900060 ENDDATA 12 0 2326613900061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 2326613999999 SUBENT 23266140 20230215 23142326614000001 BIB 8 26 2326614000002 REACTION 1((67-HO-165(N,G)67-HO-166,,RI,,AV)// 2326614000003 (67-HO-165(N,G)67-HO-166,,SIG,,AV)) 2326614000004 2((67-HO-165(N,G)67-HO-166,,RI)// 2326614000005 (67-HO-165(N,G)67-HO-166,,SIG)) 2326614000006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326614000007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326614000008 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326614000009 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326614000010 Elemental content, % weight - 5. 2326614000011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326614000012 (67-HO-165,NAT=1.00) 2326614000013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326614000014 DECAY-DATA (67-HO-166-G,26.83HR,DG,80.6,0.0656,DG,1379.4,0.0092, 2326614000015 DG,1581.9,0.0018,DG,1662.5,0.0012) 2326614000016 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326614000017 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326614000018 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326614000019 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326614000020 factors from the literature. 2326614000021 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326614000022 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326614000023 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326614000024 method to be 15.2 eV ( +-11%, 2sigma). 2326614000025 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326614000026 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326614000027 1(DEP,23266141) Directly measured data . 2326614000028 ENDBIB 26 0 2326614000029 COMMON 2 3 2326614000030 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326614000031 EV EV 2326614000032 0.55 0.0253 2326614000033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326614000034 DATA 4 1 2326614000035 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326614000036 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326614000037 11.2 2.5 11.3 2. 2326614000038 ENDDATA 3 0 2326614000039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2326614099999 SUBENT 23266141 20141210 22412326614100001 BIB 7 30 2326614100002 REACTION ((67-HO-165(N,G)67-HO-166,,RI)// 2326614100003 (67-HO-165(N,G)67-HO-166,,SIG)) 2326614100004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326614100005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326614100006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326614100007 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326614100008 Elemental content, % weight - 5. 2326614100009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326614100010 (67-HO-165,NAT=1.00) 2326614100011 DECAY-DATA (67-HO-166-G,26.83HR,DG,80.6,0.0656,DG,1379.4,0.0092, 2326614100012 DG,1581.9,0.0018,DG,1662.5,0.0012) 2326614100013 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326614100014 (1.) S84, 2326614100015 (2.) Y4, 2326614100016 (3.) X26 2326614100017 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326614100018 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326614100019 from the literature. 2326614100020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326614100021 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326614100022 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326614100023 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326614100024 epithermal flux for gold, 2326614100025 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326614100026 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd, 2326614100027 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326614100028 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326614100029 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326614100030 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326614100031 (COREL,23266140) Average data . 2326614100032 ENDBIB 30 0 2326614100033 COMMON 2 3 2326614100034 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326614100035 EV EV 2326614100036 0.55 0.0253 2326614100037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326614100038 DATA 9 3 2326614100039 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326614100040 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326614100041 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326614100042 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326614100043 11.5 1.1 0.7 1.5 0.0 2.0 2326614100044 1.2 2.85 1. 2326614100045 10.8 0.55 0.15 1.4 0.0 1.5 2326614100046 0.65 2.15 2. 2326614100047 11.3 0.75 0.6 1.35 0.1 1.2 2326614100048 0.6 2.0 3. 2326614100049 ENDDATA 10 0 2326614100050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 2326614199999 SUBENT 23266142 20230215 23142326614200001 BIB 5 11 2326614200002 REACTION (67-HO-165(N,G)67-HO-166,,SIG,,AV) 2326614200003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326614200004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326614200005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326614200006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326614200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326614200008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326614200009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326614200010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326614200011 (DEP,23266143) Directly measured data. 2326614200012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326614200013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326614200014 COMMON 1 3 2326614200015 EN 2326614200016 EV 2326614200017 0.0253 2326614200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326614200019 DATA 2 1 2326614200020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326614200021 B B 2326614200022 60.9 0.8 2326614200023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326614200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326614299999 SUBENT 23266143 20141210 22412326614300001 BIB 8 27 2326614300002 REACTION (67-HO-165(N,G)67-HO-166,,SIG) 2326614300003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326614300004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326614300005 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326614300006 Elemental content, % weight - 5. 2326614300007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326614300008 (67-HO-165,NAT=1.00) 2326614300009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)67-HO-166-G,26.83HR,DG,80.6,0.0656) reference line2326614300010 ((2.)67-HO-166-G,26.83HR,DG,1379.4,0.0092) 2326614300011 ((3.)67-HO-166-G,26.83HR,DG,1581.9,0.0018) 2326614300012 ((4.)67-HO-166-G,26.83HR,DG,1662.5,0.0012) 2326614300013 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326614300014 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326614300015 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326614300016 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326614300017 values. 2326614300018 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326614300019 including decay branching factors). 2326614300020 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326614300021 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326614300022 80.6 5.13E-2 (+-0.7%) 2326614300023 1379.4 7.06E-3 (+-0.4%) 2326614300024 1581.9 1.41E-3 (+-0.8%) 2326614300025 1662.5 9.06e-4 (+-1.3%) 2326614300026 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326614300027 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326614300028 (COREL,23266142) Average data 2326614300029 ENDBIB 27 0 2326614300030 COMMON 1 3 2326614300031 EN 2326614300032 EV 2326614300033 0.0253 2326614300034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326614300035 DATA 2 4 2326614300036 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326614300037 B NO-DIM 2326614300038 61.7 1. 2326614300039 60.4 2. 2326614300040 61.3 3. 2326614300041 60.0 4. 2326614300042 ENDDATA 6 0 2326614300043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 2326614399999 SUBENT 23266144 20230215 23142326614400001 BIB 9 26 2326614400002 REACTION 1((75-RE-185(N,G)75-RE-186,,RI,,AV)// 2326614400003 (75-RE-185(N,G)75-RE-186,,SIG,,AV)) 2326614400004 2((75-RE-185(N,G)75-RE-186,,RI)// 2326614400005 (75-RE-185(N,G)75-RE-186,,SIG)) 2326614400006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326614400007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326614400008 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326614400009 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326614400010 Elemental content, % weight - 0.118 2326614400011 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326614400012 (75-RE-185,NAT=0.3740) 37.40+-0.02 % 2326614400013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326614400014 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-186-G,3.718D,DG,122.6,0.00603,DG,137.2,0.09420) 2326614400015 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326614400016 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326614400017 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326614400018 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326614400019 factors from the literature. 2326614400020 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326614400021 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326614400022 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326614400023 method to be 3.55 eV ( +-3%, 2sigma). 2326614400024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326614400025 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326614400026 1(DEP,23266145) Directly measured data . 2326614400027 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326614400028 ENDBIB 26 0 2326614400029 COMMON 2 3 2326614400030 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326614400031 EV EV 2326614400032 0.55 0.0253 2326614400033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326614400034 DATA 4 1 2326614400035 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326614400036 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326614400037 14.6 0.5 14.6 2.5 2326614400038 ENDDATA 3 0 2326614400039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2326614499999 SUBENT 23266145 20141210 22412326614500001 BIB 7 29 2326614500002 REACTION ((75-RE-185(N,G)75-RE-186,,RI)// 2326614500003 (75-RE-185(N,G)75-RE-186,,SIG)) 2326614500004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326614500005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326614500006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326614500007 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326614500008 Elemental content, % weight - 0.118 2326614500009 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326614500010 (75-RE-185,NAT=0.3740) 37.40+-0.02 % 2326614500011 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-186-G,3.718D,DG,122.6,0.00603,DG,137.2,0.09420) 2326614500012 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326614500013 (1.) S84, 2326614500014 (2.) Y4, 2326614500015 (3.) X26 2326614500016 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326614500017 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326614500018 from the literature. 2326614500019 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326614500020 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326614500021 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326614500022 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326614500023 epithermal flux for gold, 2326614500024 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326614500025 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd, 2326614500026 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326614500027 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326614500028 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326614500029 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326614500030 (COREL,23266144) Average data . 2326614500031 ENDBIB 29 0 2326614500032 COMMON 2 3 2326614500033 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326614500034 EV EV 2326614500035 0.55 0.0253 2326614500036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326614500037 DATA 9 3 2326614500038 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326614500039 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326614500040 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326614500041 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326614500042 14.6 1.0 0.85 1.5 0.0 1.95 2326614500043 1.15 2.85 1. 2326614500044 14.6 0.65 0.75 1.3 0.1 1.4 2326614500045 0.8 2.2 2. 2326614500046 14.5 0.45 0.4 1.3 0.2 1.15 2326614500047 0.7 1.9 3. 2326614500048 ENDDATA 10 0 2326614500049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2326614599999 SUBENT 23266146 20230215 23142326614600001 BIB 5 11 2326614600002 REACTION (75-RE-185(N,G)75-RE-186,,SIG,,AV) 2326614600003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326614600004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326614600005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326614600006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326614600007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326614600008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326614600009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326614600010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326614600011 (DEP,23266147) Directly measured data. 2326614600012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326614600013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326614600014 COMMON 1 3 2326614600015 EN 2326614600016 EV 2326614600017 0.0253 2326614600018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326614600019 DATA 2 1 2326614600020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326614600021 B B 2326614600022 111.6 1.1 2326614600023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326614600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326614699999 SUBENT 23266147 20141210 22412326614700001 BIB 8 24 2326614700002 REACTION (75-RE-185(N,G)75-RE-186,,SIG) 2326614700003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326614700004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326614700005 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326614700006 Elemental content, % weight - 0.118 2326614700007 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326614700008 (75-RE-185,NAT=0.3740) 37.40+-0.02 % 2326614700009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)75-RE-186-G,3.718D,DG,122.6,0.00603) 2326614700010 ((2.)75-RE-186-G,3.718D,DG,137.2,0.09420) 2326614700011 reference line 2326614700012 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326614700013 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326614700014 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326614700015 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326614700016 values. 2326614700017 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326614700018 including decay branching factors). 2326614700019 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326614700020 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326614700021 122.6 2.83E-3 (+-0.3%) 2326614700022 137.24 4.48E-2 (+-0.2%) 2326614700023 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326614700024 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326614700025 (COREL,23266146) Average data 2326614700026 ENDBIB 24 0 2326614700027 COMMON 1 3 2326614700028 EN 2326614700029 EV 2326614700030 0.0253 2326614700031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326614700032 DATA 2 2 2326614700033 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326614700034 B NO-DIM 2326614700035 110.9 1. 2326614700036 112.4 2. 2326614700037 ENDDATA 4 0 2326614700038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 2326614799999 SUBENT 23266148 20230215 23142326614800001 BIB 8 17 2326614800002 REACTION ((75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188-M,,RI,,AV)// 2326614800003 (75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188-M,,SIG,,AV)) 2326614800004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326614800005 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326614800006 Elemental content, % weight - 0.118 2326614800007 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326614800008 (75-RE-187,NAT=0.6260) 62.60+-0.02 % 2326614800009 METHOD Measurement at channel S84. 2326614800010 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-188-M,18.59MIN,DG,92.4,0.051,DG,106.0,0.108) 2326614800011 18.59+-0.04 min. 2326614800012 (75-RE-188-G,17.01HR) 2326614800013 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326614800014 - the classical method. 2326614800015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326614800016 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326614800017 (DEP,23266149) Directly measured data . 2326614800018 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326614800019 ENDBIB 17 0 2326614800020 COMMON 2 3 2326614800021 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326614800022 EV EV 2326614800023 0.55 0.0253 2326614800024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326614800025 DATA 2 1 2326614800026 DATA DATA-ERR 2326614800027 NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326614800028 4.54 1. 2326614800029 ENDDATA 3 0 2326614800030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2326614899999 SUBENT 23266149 20141210 22412326614900001 BIB 7 28 2326614900002 REACTION ((75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188-M,,RI)// 2326614900003 (75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188-M,,SIG)) 2326614900004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326614900005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326614900006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326614900007 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326614900008 Elemental content, % weight - 0.118 2326614900009 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326614900010 (75-RE-187,NAT=0.6260) 62.60+-0.02 % 2326614900011 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-188-M,18.59MIN,DG,92.4,0.051,DG,106.0,0.108) 2326614900012 18.59+-0.04 min. 2326614900013 (75-RE-188-G,17.01HR) 2326614900014 METHOD Measurement at channel S84. 2326614900015 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326614900016 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326614900017 from the literature. 2326614900018 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326614900019 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326614900020 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326614900021 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326614900022 epithermal flux for gold, 2326614900023 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326614900024 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326614900025 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326614900026 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326614900027 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326614900028 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326614900029 (COREL,23266148) Average data . 2326614900030 ENDBIB 28 0 2326614900031 COMMON 2 3 2326614900032 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326614900033 EV EV 2326614900034 0.55 0.0253 2326614900035 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326614900036 DATA 8 1 2326614900037 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326614900038 ERR-5 ERR-SYS 2326614900039 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326614900040 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326614900041 4.54 3.0 0.55 1.5 0.0 0.65 2326614900042 0.75 1.9 2326614900043 ENDDATA 6 0 2326614900044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 2326614999999 SUBENT 23266150 20230215 23142326615000001 BIB 5 11 2326615000002 REACTION (75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188-M,,SIG,,AV) 2326615000003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326615000004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326615000005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326615000006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326615000007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326615000008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326615000009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326615000010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326615000011 (DEP,23266151) Directly measured data. 2326615000012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326615000013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326615000014 COMMON 1 3 2326615000015 EN 2326615000016 EV 2326615000017 0.0253 2326615000018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326615000019 DATA 2 1 2326615000020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326615000021 B B 2326615000022 2.06 0.03 2326615000023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326615000024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326615099999 SUBENT 23266151 20141210 22412326615100001 BIB 8 25 2326615100002 REACTION (75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188-M,,SIG) 2326615100003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326615100004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326615100005 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326615100006 Elemental content, % weight - 0.118 2326615100007 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326615100008 (75-RE-187,NAT=0.6260) 62.60+-0.02 % 2326615100009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)75-RE-188-M,18.59MIN,DG,92.4,0.051) 2326615100010 ((2.)75-RE-188-M,18.59MIN,DG,106.0,0.108)reference line2326615100011 18.59+-0.04 min. 2326615100012 (75-RE-188-G,17.01HR) 2326615100013 METHOD Measurement at channel S84 . 2326615100014 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326615100015 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326615100016 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326615100017 values. 2326615100018 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326615100019 including decay branching factors). 2326615100020 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326615100021 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326615100022 92.4 7.43E-4 (+-1.2%) 2326615100023 106.04 1.54E-3 (+-1.5%) 2326615100024 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326615100025 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326615100026 (COREL,23266150) Average data 2326615100027 ENDBIB 25 0 2326615100028 COMMON 1 3 2326615100029 EN 2326615100030 EV 2326615100031 0.0253 2326615100032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326615100033 DATA 2 2 2326615100034 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326615100035 B NO-DIM 2326615100036 2.09 1. 2326615100037 2.04 2. 2326615100038 ENDDATA 4 0 2326615100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2326615199999 SUBENT 23266152 20230215 23142326615200001 BIB 9 28 2326615200002 REACTION 1((75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188,,RI,,AV)// 2326615200003 (75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188,,SIG,,AV)) 2326615200004 2((75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188,,RI)// 2326615200005 (75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188,,SIG)) 2326615200006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326615200007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326615200008 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326615200009 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326615200010 Elemental content, % weight - 0.118 2326615200011 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326615200012 (75-RE-187,NAT=0.6260) 62.60+-0.02 % 2326615200013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326615200014 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,155.0,0.1520,DG,478.0,0.0102, 2326615200015 DG,633.0,0.0128,DG,635.0,0.00148,DG,829.5,0.0041, 2326615200016 DG,931.3,0.0055) 2326615200017 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326615200018 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326615200019 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326615200020 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326615200021 factors from the literature. 2326615200022 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326615200023 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326615200024 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326615200025 method to be 70.2 eV ( +-3%, 2sigma). 2326615200026 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326615200027 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326615200028 1(DEP,23266154) Directly measured data . 2326615200029 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326615200030 ENDBIB 28 0 2326615200031 COMMON 2 3 2326615200032 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326615200033 EV EV 2326615200034 0.55 0.0253 2326615200035 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326615200036 DATA 4 1 2326615200037 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326615200038 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326615200039 4.19 2.5 4.33 2. 2326615200040 ENDDATA 3 0 2326615200041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 2326615299999 SUBENT 23266153 20141210 22412326615300001 BIB 7 27 2326615300002 REACTION 1((75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188,,RI)// 2326615300003 (75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188,,SIG)) 2326615300004 2((75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188,,RI)// 2326615300005 (75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188,,SIG)) 2326615300006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326615300007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326615300008 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326615300009 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326615300010 Elemental content, % weight - 0.118 2326615300011 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326615300012 (75-RE-187,NAT=0.6260) 62.60+-0.02 % 2326615300013 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326615300014 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,155.0,0.1520,DG,478.0,0.0102, 2326615300015 DG,633.0,0.0128,DG,635.0,0.00148,DG,829.5,0.0041, 2326615300016 DG,931.3,0.0055) 2326615300017 (75-RE-188-M,18.59MIN,DG,92.4,0.051,DG,106.0,0.108) 2326615300018 18.59+-0.04 min. 2326615300019 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was calculated from Re-188 (ADS IV/B) and2326615300020 Re-188m ( ADS I) results by 2326615300021 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326615300022 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326615300023 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326615300024 factors from the literature. 2326615300025 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326615300026 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326615300027 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326615300028 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326615300029 ENDBIB 27 0 2326615300030 COMMON 2 3 2326615300031 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326615300032 EV EV 2326615300033 0.55 0.0253 2326615300034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326615300035 DATA 4 1 2326615300036 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326615300037 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326615300038 4.18 2.5 4.32 2. 2326615300039 ENDDATA 3 0 2326615300040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 2326615399999 SUBENT 23266154 20141210 22412326615400001 BIB 7 31 2326615400002 REACTION ((75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188,,RI)// 2326615400003 (75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188,,SIG)) 2326615400004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326615400005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326615400006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326615400007 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326615400008 Elemental content, % weight - 0.118 2326615400009 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326615400010 (75-RE-187,NAT=0.6260) 62.60+-0.02 % 2326615400011 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,155.0,0.1520,DG,478.0,0.0102, 2326615400012 DG,633.0,0.0128,DG,635.0,0.00148,DG,829.5,0.0041, 2326615400013 DG,931.3,0.0055) 2326615400014 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326615400015 (1.) S84, 2326615400016 (2.) Y4, 2326615400017 (3.) X26 2326615400018 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326615400019 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326615400020 from the literature. 2326615400021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326615400022 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326615400023 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326615400024 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326615400025 epithermal flux for gold, 2326615400026 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326615400027 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326615400028 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326615400029 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326615400030 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326615400031 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326615400032 (COREL,23266152) Average data . 2326615400033 ENDBIB 31 0 2326615400034 COMMON 2 3 2326615400035 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326615400036 EV EV 2326615400037 0.55 0.0253 2326615400038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326615400039 DATA 9 3 2326615400040 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326615400041 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326615400042 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326615400043 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326615400044 4.34 0.8 0.55 1.5 0.0 0.65 2326615400045 0.75 1.9 1. 2326615400046 4.17 0.85 0.15 1.3 0.1 0.55 2326615400047 0.65 1.6 2. 2326615400048 4.07 1.0 1.05 1.35 0.2 0.55 2326615400049 0.65 1.9 3. 2326615400050 ENDDATA 10 0 2326615400051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 2326615499999 SUBENT 23266155 20230215 23142326615500001 BIB 5 12 2326615500002 REACTION (75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188,,SIG,,AV) 2326615500003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326615500004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326615500005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326615500006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326615500007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326615500008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326615500009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326615500010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326615500011 (DEP,23266156) Directly measured data at S84 only. 2326615500012 (DEP,23266157) Directly measure data at all channels. 2326615500013 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326615500014 ENDBIB 12 0 2326615500015 COMMON 1 3 2326615500016 EN 2326615500017 EV 2326615500018 0.0253 2326615500019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326615500020 DATA 2 1 2326615500021 DATA DATA-ERR 2326615500022 B B 2326615500023 74.6 1.4 2326615500024 ENDDATA 3 0 2326615500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2326615599999 SUBENT 23266156 20141210 22412326615600001 BIB 9 33 2326615600002 REACTION (75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188,,SIG) 2326615600003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326615600004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326615600005 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326615600006 Elemental content, % weight - 0.118 2326615600007 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326615600008 (75-RE-187,NAT=0.6260) 62.60+-0.02 % 2326615600009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,155.0,0.1520) 2326615600010 reference line . 2326615600011 ((2.)75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,478.0,0.0102) 2326615600012 ((3.)75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,633.0,0.0128) 2326615600013 ((4.)75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,635.0,0.00148) 2326615600014 ((5.)75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,829.5,0.0041) 2326615600015 ((6.)75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,931.3,0.0055) 2326615600016 METHOD Measurement at channel S84. 2326615600017 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326615600018 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326615600019 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326615600020 values. 2326615600021 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326615600022 including decay branching factors). 2326615600023 FLAG (7.) Data were measured but were not used in averaging.2326615600024 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326615600025 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326615600026 155.0 7.79E-2 (+-0.8%) 2326615600027 478.0 5.29E-3 (+-1.3%) 2326615600028 633.0 6.81E-3 (+-1.6%) 2326615600029 635.0 8.10E-4 2326615600030 829.5 2.22E-3 2326615600031 931.3 2.91E-3 2326615600032 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326615600033 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326615600034 (COREL,23266155) Average data 2326615600035 ENDBIB 33 0 2326615600036 COMMON 1 3 2326615600037 EN 2326615600038 EV 2326615600039 0.0253 2326615600040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326615600041 DATA 3 6 2326615600042 DATA DECAY-FLAG FLAG 2326615600043 B NO-DIM NO-DIM 2326615600044 73.4 1. 2326615600045 74.2 2. 2326615600046 76.2 3. 2326615600047 78.4 4. 7. 2326615600048 77.6 5. 7. 2326615600049 75.9 6. 7. 2326615600050 ENDDATA 8 0 2326615600051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 2326615699999 SUBENT 23266157 20141210 22412326615700001 BIB 8 31 2326615700002 REACTION (75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188,,SIG) 2326615700003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326615700004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326615700005 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326615700006 Elemental content, % weight - 0.118 2326615700007 Average sample thickness, mm - 1. 2326615700008 (75-RE-187,NAT=0.6260) 62.60+-0.02 % 2326615700009 DECAY-DATA ((1.)75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,155.0,0.1520)reference line2326615700010 ((2.)75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,478.0,0.0102) 2326615700011 ((3.)75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,633.0,0.0128) 2326615700012 ((4.)75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,635.0,0.00148) 2326615700013 ((5.)75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,829.5,0.0041) 2326615700014 ((6.)75-RE-188-G,17.01HR,DG,931.3,0.0055) 2326615700015 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326615700016 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326615700017 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326615700018 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326615700019 values. 2326615700020 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326615700021 including decay branching factors). 2326615700022 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326615700023 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326615700024 155.0 8.01E-2 (+-1.4%) 2326615700025 478.0 5.43E-3 (+-0.7%) 2326615700026 633.0 6.99E-3 (+-1.5%) 2326615700027 635.0 8.32E-4 (+-2.0%) 2326615700028 829.5 2.28E-3 (+-1.1%) 2326615700029 931.3 2.99E-3 (+-1.0%) 2326615700030 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326615700031 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326615700032 (COREL,23266155) Average data 2326615700033 ENDBIB 31 0 2326615700034 COMMON 1 3 2326615700035 EN 2326615700036 EV 2326615700037 0.0253 2326615700038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326615700039 DATA 2 6 2326615700040 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326615700041 B NO-DIM 2326615700042 73.4 1. 2326615700043 74.2 2. 2326615700044 76.1 3. 2326615700045 78.3 4. 2326615700046 77.6 5. 2326615700047 75.9 6. 2326615700048 ENDDATA 8 0 2326615700049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 2326615799999 SUBENT 23266158 20141210 22412326615800001 BIB 5 10 2326615800002 REACTION (75-RE-187(N,G)75-RE-188-M/G,,SIG/RAT,,,DERIV) 2326615800003 Isomeric ratio M/G. 2326615800004 DECAY-DATA (75-RE-188-G,17.01HR) 2326615800005 (75-RE-188-M,18.59MIN) 2326615800006 18.59+-0.04 min. 2326615800007 ANALYSIS Derived from measured cross sections.. 2326615800008 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty not given. 2326615800009 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326615800010 (DEP,23266150) M cross-section 2326615800011 (DEP,23266155) M+G cross-section 2326615800012 ENDBIB 10 0 2326615800013 COMMON 1 3 2326615800014 EN 2326615800015 EV 2326615800016 0.0253 2326615800017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326615800018 DATA 1 1 2326615800019 DATA 2326615800020 NO-DIM 2326615800021 0.028 2326615800022 ENDDATA 3 0 2326615800023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2326615899999 SUBENT 23266159 20230215 23142326615900001 BIB 9 35 2326615900002 REACTION 1((74-W-186(N,G)74-W-187,,RI,,AV)// 2326615900003 (74-W-186(N,G)74-W-187,,SIG,,AV)) 2326615900004 2((74-W-186(N,G)74-W-187,,RI)// 2326615900005 (74-W-186(N,G)74-W-187,,SIG)) 2326615900006 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326615900007 neutron activation cross-section) 2326615900008 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326615900009 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326615900010 - Elemental content, % weight - 0.01 2326615900011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.37 2326615900012 - Elemental content, % weight - 0.2 2326615900013 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.5 2326615900014 - Provider - CBNM 2326615900015 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326615900016 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326615900017 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326615900018 (74-W-186,NAT=0.2843) 28.43+-0.19 % 2326615900019 METHOD Measurement at channels S84, Y4, X26 . 2326615900020 DECAY-DATA (74-W-187,23.72HR,DG,134.2,0.1036,DG,479.6,0.2660, 2326615900021 DG,551.5,0.0614,DG,618.3,0.0757,DG,625.5,0.0131, 2326615900022 DG,685.5,0.3320,DG,772.9,0.0502) 2326615900023 23.72+-0.06 hr . 2326615900024 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by 2326615900025 1- the classical method: through the weighted mean and 2326615900026 observed standard deviation of the 3 irradiation 2326615900027 channels employed (Y4, S84, X26), when inputting Er 2326615900028 factors from the literature. 2326615900029 2- the a-vector method: through the parameters 2326615900030 (m, b) --> determination of the value as well. 2326615900031 ADD-RES Effective resonance Energy was defined by a-vect2326615900032 method to be 22.1 eV ( +-3%, 2sigma). 2326615900033 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326615900034 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326615900035 1(DEP,23266160) Directly measured data . 2326615900036 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326615900037 ENDBIB 35 0 2326615900038 COMMON 2 3 2326615900039 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326615900040 EV EV 2326615900041 0.55 0.0253 2326615900042 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326615900043 DATA 4 1 2326615900044 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2326615900045 NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM PER-CENT 2326615900046 13.8 0.5 13.8 2. 2326615900047 ENDDATA 3 0 2326615900048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 2326615999999 SUBENT 23266160 20141210 22412326616000001 BIB 7 38 2326616000002 REACTION ((74-W-186(N,G)74-W-187,,RI)// 2326616000003 (74-W-186(N,G)74-W-187,,SIG)) 2326616000004 Q0 value (ratio of resonance integral to thermal 2326616000005 neutron activation cross-section) 2326616000006 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326616000007 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326616000008 - Elemental content, % weight - 0.01 2326616000009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.37 2326616000010 - Elemental content, % weight - 0.2 2326616000011 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.5 2326616000012 - Provider - CBNM 2326616000013 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326616000014 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326616000015 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326616000016 (74-W-186,NAT=0.2843) 28.43+-0.19 % 2326616000017 DECAY-DATA (74-W-187,23.72HR,DG,134.2,0.1036,DG,479.6,0.2660, 2326616000018 DG,551.5,0.0614,DG,618.3,0.0757,DG,625.5,0.0131, 2326616000019 DG,685.5,0.3320,DG,772.9,0.0502) 2326616000020 23.72+-0.06 hr . 2326616000021 FLAG Measurement at channels 2326616000022 (1.) S84, 2326616000023 (2.) Y4, 2326616000024 (3.) X26 2326616000025 ANALYSIS The Q0 factor was determined by the classical method 2326616000026 when inputting effective resonance energy factors 2326616000027 from the literature. 2326616000028 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) One sigma uncertainty, includes 2326616000029 uncertainties ( 1 sigma) from: 2326616000030 (ERR-1) alpha factor, 2326616000031 (ERR-2) f,Au - ratio of the thermal neutron flux to 2326616000032 epithermal flux for gold, 2326616000033 (ERR-3) effective resonance energy Er, 2326616000034 (ERR-4) Cd transmission factor FCd 2326616000035 (ERR-5) A/ACd -ratio of induced gamma activities, 2326616000036 bare and Cd-covered sample. 2326616000037 (ERR-S) Standard deviation. 2326616000038 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM2-ESM.pdf 2326616000039 (COREL,23266159) Average data . 2326616000040 ENDBIB 38 0 2326616000041 COMMON 2 3 2326616000042 EN-MIN-NM EN-DN 2326616000043 EV EV 2326616000044 0.55 0.0253 2326616000045 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326616000046 DATA 9 3 2326616000047 DATA ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2326616000048 ERR-5 ERR-SYS FLAG 2326616000049 NO-DIM PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2326616000050 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 2326616000051 13.9 0.85 0.7 1.5 0.0 2.0 2326616000052 1.2 2.85 1. 2326616000053 13.7 0.55 0.15 1.4 0.0 1.5 2326616000054 0.65 2.15 2. 2326616000055 13.8 0.2 0.6 1.35 0.1 1.2 2326616000056 0.6 2.0 3. 2326616000057 ENDDATA 10 0 2326616000058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 2326616099999 SUBENT 23266161 20230215 23142326616100001 BIB 5 11 2326616100002 REACTION (74-W-186(N,G)74-W-187,,SIG,,AV) 2326616100003 SIG-0 - the average thermal neutron cross-section . 2326616100004 for neutrons at an average energy of E0=25.3 meV 2326616100005 or velocity v0=2200 m/s. 2326616100006 ANALYSIS Derived from directly measured data. 2326616100007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) One sigma uncertainty. 2326616100008 Uncertainty on exp. SIG-0 value comes from to the 2326616100009 observed SD between gamma-lines. 2326616100010 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326616100011 (DEP,23266162) Directly measured data. 2326616100012 HISTORY (20230215A) SD: SF8=AV added to REACTION codes. 2326616100013 ENDBIB 11 0 2326616100014 COMMON 1 3 2326616100015 EN 2326616100016 EV 2326616100017 0.0253 2326616100018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326616100019 DATA 2 1 2326616100020 DATA DATA-ERR 2326616100021 B B 2326616100022 34.9 0.2 2326616100023 ENDDATA 3 0 2326616100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2326616199999 SUBENT 23266162 20141210 22412326616200001 BIB 8 40 2326616200002 REACTION (74-W-186(N,G)74-W-187,,SIG) 2326616200003 Directly measured thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 2326616200004 SAMPLE - Provider - IRMM 2326616200005 Matrix - Wire,Al alloy 2326616200006 - Elemental content, % weight - 0.01 2326616200007 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.37 2326616200008 - Elemental content, % weight - 0.2 2326616200009 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.5 2326616200010 - Provider - CBNM 2326616200011 Matrix - Foil,Al alloy 2326616200012 Elemental content, % weight - 1. 2326616200013 Average sample thickness, mm - 0.1 2326616200014 (74-W-186,NAT=0.2843) 28.43+-0.19 % 2326616200015 DECAY-DATA ((1.)74-W-187,23.72HR,DG,134.2,0.1036) 2326616200016 ((2.)74-W-187,23.72HR,DG,479.6,0.2660) 2326616200017 ((3.)74-W-187,23.72HR,DG,551.5,0.0614) 2326616200018 ((4.)74-W-187,23.72HR,DG,618.3,0.0757) 2326616200019 ((5.)74-W-187,23.72HR,DG,625.5,0.0131) 2326616200020 ((6.)74-W-187,23.72HR,DG,685.5,0.3320) reference line 2326616200021 ((7.)74-W-187,23.72HR,DG,772.9,0.0502) 2326616200022 23.72+-0.06 hr . 2326616200023 METHOD Measurement at channels Y4/Cavity, S84, X26 . 2326616200024 ANALYSIS An thermal neutron cross-section SIG-0 was 2326616200025 extrapolated with aid of the k0-definition, atomic 2326616200026 weight, isotopic composition, the gamma intensities 2326616200027 values. 2326616200028 Defined according to their ADS(activation decay scheme,2326616200029 including decay branching factors). 2326616200030 ADD-RES Measured k0-values with one-sigma uncertainty 2326616200031 E-gamma,keV k0, no-dim.(uncertainty,%) 2326616200032 134.2 1.17E-2 (+-0.2%) 2326616200033 479.6 3.02E-2 (+-0.8%) 2326616200034 551.5 6.92E-3 (+-1.0%) 2326616200035 618.3 8.58E-3 (+-0.9%) 2326616200036 625.5 1.48E-3 (+-1.2%) 2326616200037 685.5 3.71E-2 (+-0.8%) 2326616200038 772.9 5.65E-3 (+-1.6%) 2326616200039 ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty is not given. 2326616200040 STATUS (TABLE) Suppl.material 10967-2012-2132-MOESM3-ESM.pdf 2326616200041 (COREL,23266161) Average data 2326616200042 ENDBIB 40 0 2326616200043 COMMON 1 3 2326616200044 EN 2326616200045 EV 2326616200046 0.0253 2326616200047 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2326616200048 DATA 2 7 2326616200049 DATA DECAY-FLAG 2326616200050 B NO-DIM 2326616200051 34.8 1. 2326616200052 35.1 2. 2326616200053 34.9 3. 2326616200054 35.1 4. 2326616200055 34.8 5. 2326616200056 34.6 6. 2326616200057 34.8 7. 2326616200058 ENDDATA 9 0 2326616200059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 2326616299999 ENDENTRY 162 0 2326699999999