ENTRY            23275   20160324                             22492327500000001 
SUBENT        23275001   20160324                             22492327500100001 
BIB                 11         40                                 2327500100002 
TITLE      The beta decay of 9Li to levels in 9Be: a new look.    2327500100003 
AUTHOR     (G.Nyman,R.E.Azuma,P.G.Hansen,B.Jonson,P.O.Larsson,    2327500100004 
           S.Mattsson,A.Richter,K.Riisager,O.Tengblad,            2327500100005 
           K.Wilhelmsen)                                          2327500100006 
INSTITUTE  (2ZZZCER) The ISOLDE Collaboration. K.Riisager.        2327500100007 
           (2SWDCTH) G.Nyman,B.Jonson,P.O.Larsson,S.Mattsson,     2327500100008 
           O.Tengblad,K.Wilhelmsen.                               2327500100009 
           (1CANTOR) R.E.Azuma.                                   2327500100010 
           (2DENAAU) P.G.Hansen.                                  2327500100011 
           (2GERTHD) A.Richter.                                   2327500100012 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,510,189,1990)                                  2327500100013 
FACILITY   (SYNCY,2ZZZCER) ISOLDE facility at CERN                2327500100014 
           synchrocyclotron .                                     2327500100015 
DECAY-DATA (3-LI-9,178.3MSEC)                                     2327500100016 
SAMPLE      Li-9 was produced by bombarding a 13-g/cm2 uranium    2327500100017 
           carbide at 2000 degC with 1.6-microA 600-MeV protons.  2327500100018 
           Li atoms were mass separated online. Li9+ beam of      2327500100019 
           typically 3E+6 at/sec .                                2327500100020 
DETECTOR   (PROPC) Gridded He-3-filled proportional counter in    2327500100021 
           shielding box of paraffin, polyethylene, Cd layers .   2327500100022 
           Detector energy resolution ( FWHM) is 12 keV at        2327500100023 
           thermal energy, increases smoothly to ~20 keV at 1 MeV.2327500100024 
           Used for LI-9 delayed-neutron spectra measurement.     2327500100025 
CORRECTION For energy dependence of detector efficiency.          2327500100026 
           Thermal peak was subtracted.                           2327500100027 
ADD-RES    Energy spectrum of beta-delayed alpha particles from   2327500100028 
           Li-9 on Fig.4.                                         2327500100029 
           Li-9 decay scheme and branching ratios ( Table 2 ) for 2327500100030 
           beta decay of Li-9 to states in Be-9:                  2327500100031 
           E-exc,MeV  Spin&Parity   Wide,keV,   Intensity,%       2327500100032 
           0.0        3/2-                      50+-3             2327500100033 
           1.68       1/2+         217+-0.10    <2                2327500100034 
           2.43       5/2-         0.77+-0.15   30+-3             2327500100035 
           2.78       1/2-         1080+-110    16+-3             2327500100036 
           7.94       (1/2-)       ~1000        <2                2327500100037 
           11.28      (3/2-)       575+-50      1.1+-0.2          2327500100038 
           11.81                   400+-30      2.7+-0.2          2327500100039 
HISTORY    (20160324C) M.M.                                       2327500100040 
            Digitized data were received from consultants of      2327500100041 
            beta-delayed neutron CRP .                            2327500100042 
ENDBIB              40          0                                 2327500100043 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2327500100044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 2327500199999 
SUBENT        23275002   20160324                             22492327500200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 2327500200002 
REACTION   (3-LI-9(0,B-)4-BE-9,,PN/DE,,REL)                       2327500200003 
            Relative beta-delayed neutron spectrum, counts.       2327500200004 
EN-SEC     (E,N) Energy of delayed neutrons.                      2327500200005 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2 of NP/A,510,189,1990 .                   2327500200006 
            Digitized data were received from consultants of      2327500200007 
            beta-delayed neutron CRP .                            2327500200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 2327500200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2327500200010 
DATA                 2         61                                 2327500200011 
E          DATA                                                   2327500200012 
MEV        ARB-UNITS                                              2327500200013 
  1.409E-02  2.076E+03                                            2327500200014 
  2.820E-02  2.831E+03                                            2327500200015 
  3.180E-02  3.257E+03                                            2327500200016 
  4.912E-02  3.672E+03                                            2327500200017 
  5.271E-02  4.182E+03                                            2327500200018 
  7.003E-02  4.668E+03                                            2327500200019 
  8.734E-02  5.211E+03                                            2327500200020 
  9.777E-02  5.759E+03                                            2327500200021 
  9.784E-02  6.115E+03                                            2327500200022 
  1.048E-01  6.625E+03                                            2327500200023 
  1.254E-01  6.623E+03                                            2327500200024 
  1.357E-01  6.427E+03                                            2327500200025 
  1.495E-01  7.031E+03                                            2327500200026 
  1.565E-01  7.541E+03                                            2327500200027 
  1.840E-01  7.769E+03                                            2327500200028 
  2.218E-01  7.766E+03                                            2327500200029 
  2.596E-01  7.763E+03                                            2327500200030 
  2.802E-01  7.236E+03                                            2327500200031 
  3.007E-01  6.745E+03                                            2327500200032 
  3.418E-01  5.861E+03                                            2327500200033 
  3.862E-01  4.844E+03                                            2327500200034 
  3.999E-01  4.515E+03                                            2327500200035 
  4.100E-01  3.964E+03                                            2327500200036 
  4.339E-01  3.244E+03                                            2327500200037 
  4.510E-01  3.116E+03                                            2327500200038 
  5.226E-01  1.869E+03                                            2327500200039 
  5.807E-01  1.544E+03                                            2327500200040 
  6.050E-01  1.830E+03                                            2327500200041 
  6.085E-01  1.943E+03                                            2327500200042 
  6.294E-01  2.398E+03                                            2327500200043 
  6.294E-01  2.546E+03                                            2327500200044 
  6.571E-01  2.842E+03                                            2327500200045 
  6.845E-01  2.702E+03                                            2327500200046 
  6.879E-01  2.519E+03                                            2327500200047 
  6.980E-01  2.104E+03                                            2327500200048 
  7.352E-01  1.275E+03                                            2327500200049 
  7.385E-01  1.212E+03                                            2327500200050 
  7.900E-01  1.176E+03                                            2327500200051 
  8.382E-01  1.187E+03                                            2327500200052 
  9.276E-01  1.235E+03                                            2327500200053 
  9.585E-01  1.234E+03                                            2327500200054 
  9.894E-01  1.246E+03                                            2327500200055 
  1.038E+00  1.246E+03                                            2327500200056 
  1.089E+00  1.258E+03                                            2327500200057 
  1.172E+00  1.207E+03                                            2327500200058 
  1.405E+00  8.831E+02                                            2327500200059 
  1.474E+00  8.825E+02                                            2327500200060 
  1.676E+00  6.522E+02                                            2327500200061 
  1.909E+00  4.448E+02                                            2327500200062 
  1.981E+00  4.271E+02                                            2327500200063 
  2.005E+00  4.185E+02                                            2327500200064 
  2.064E+00  3.528E+02                                            2327500200065 
  2.180E+00  2.856E+02                                            2327500200066 
  2.276E+00  2.383E+02                                            2327500200067 
  2.321E+00  2.091E+02                                            2327500200068 
  2.410E+00  1.659E+02                                            2327500200069 
  2.437E+00  1.442E+02                                            2327500200070 
  2.478E+00  1.371E+02                                            2327500200071 
  2.674E+00  9.834E+01                                            2327500200072 
  2.804E+00  8.975E+01                                            2327500200073 
  2.952E+00  8.962E+01                                            2327500200074 
ENDDATA             63          0                                 2327500200075 
ENDSUBENT           74          0                                 2327500299999 
SUBENT        23275003   20160324                             22492327500300001 
BIB                  5         13                                 2327500300002 
REACTION   (3-LI-9(0,B-)4-BE-9,,PN/DE,,REL)                       2327500300003 
            Relative beta-delayed neutrons spectrum, counts.      2327500300004 
EN-SEC     (E,N) Energy of delayed neutrons.                      2327500300005 
ERR-ANALYS (E-ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of scale X ( energy);     2327500300006 
           (ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of scale Y ( data);         2327500300007 
            reflect deviation of scale from linear low.           2327500300008 
              Quantization error (one pixel) :                    2327500300009 
           scale X - 0.0006 MeV ,                                 2327500300010 
           scale Y - 8.3 arb.units .                              2327500300011 
COMMENT    Of compiler M.M. Data on Fig 5 are given as histogram, 2327500300012 
           but digitized as smooth curve because bins of          2327500300013 
           histogram are of low size.                             2327500300014 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.5 of NP/A,510,189,1990 .                   2327500300015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2327500300016 
COMMON               2          3                                 2327500300017 
E-ERR-DIG  ERR-DIG                                                2327500300018 
MEV        ARB-UNITS                                              2327500300019 
0.00066     6.4                                                   2327500300020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2327500300021 
DATA                 2        350                                 2327500300022 
E          DATA                                                   2327500300023 
MEV        ARB-UNITS                                              2327500300024 
0.89254E-03 1049.3                                                2327500300025 
0.31990E-02 1507.4                                                2327500300026 
0.55878E-02 1682.3                                                2327500300027 
0.85503E-02 1982.2                                                2327500300028 
0.11525E-01 2240.5                                                2327500300029 
0.13330E-01 2323.9                                                2327500300030 
0.18203E-01 2349.1                                                2327500300031 
0.20628E-01 2399.2                                                2327500300032 
0.23670E-01 2424.3                                                2327500300033 
0.26681E-01 2557.7                                                2327500300034 
0.32763E-01 2616.3                                                2327500300035 
0.33289E-01 2907.8                                                2327500300036 
0.35097E-01 2982.8                                                2327500300037 
0.39961E-01 3033.0                                                2327500300038 
0.42312E-01 3341.2                                                2327500300039 
0.50759E-01 3658.1                                                2327500300040 
0.51894E-01 3949.6                                                2327500300041 
0.54263E-01 4191.2                                                2327500300042 
0.59716E-01 4316.4                                                2327500300043 
0.61495E-01 4491.3                                                2327500300044 
0.66370E-01 4508.2                                                2327500300045 
0.66963E-01 4566.5                                                2327500300046 
0.69402E-01 4566.7                                                2327500300047 
0.69431E-01 4466.8                                                2327500300048 
0.71208E-01 4650.0                                                2327500300049 
0.72428E-01 4650.1                                                2327500300050 
0.74897E-01 4550.3                                                2327500300051 
0.79164E-01 4558.9                                                2327500300052 
0.79230E-01 4675.4                                                2327500300053 
0.79696E-01 4825.3                                                2327500300054 
0.84571E-01 4842.3                                                2327500300055 
0.85105E-01 5100.4                                                2327500300056 
0.88128E-01 5192.2                                                2327500300057 
0.92393E-01 5209.0                                                2327500300058 
0.93562E-01 5383.9                                                2327500300059 
0.93580E-01 5458.9                                                2327500300060 
0.97781E-01 5559.0                                                2327500300061 
0.97896E-01 5850.4                                                2327500300062 
0.10318     5867.4                                                2327500300063 
0.10352     6042.2                                                2327500300064 
0.10675     6167.3                                                2327500300065 
0.10731     6342.2                                                2327500300066 
0.11333     6609.0                                                2327500300067 
0.11632     6825.6                                                2327500300068 
0.11935     6884.1                                                2327500300069 
0.11995     6917.4                                                2327500300070 
0.12300     6925.9                                                2327500300071 
0.12668     6842.8                                                2327500300072 
0.13037     6759.8                                                2327500300073 
0.13403     6768.3                                                2327500300074 
0.13468     6626.8                                                2327500300075 
0.13834     6610.3                                                2327500300076 
0.13903     6343.9                                                2327500300077 
0.14085     6360.7                                                2327500300078 
0.14142     6502.3                                                2327500300079 
0.14384     6560.7                                                2327500300080 
0.14443     6635.6                                                2327500300081 
0.14848     6727.5                                                2327500300082 
0.14855     6819.0                                                2327500300083 
0.14861     6943.9                                                2327500300084 
0.15225     7010.7                                                2327500300085 
0.15405     7110.8                                                2327500300086 
0.15707     7219.2                                                2327500300087 
0.15826     7344.1                                                2327500300088 
0.15828     7477.3                                                2327500300089 
0.17092     7844.4                                                2327500300090 
0.17211     7944.4                                                2327500300091 
0.17455     7952.8                                                2327500300092 
0.17639     7903.0                                                2327500300093 
0.17641     7853.0                                                2327500300094 
0.17946     7844.8                                                2327500300095 
0.18070     7770.0                                                2327500300096 
0.18497     7761.9                                                2327500300097 
0.18621     7703.7                                                2327500300098 
0.19049     7670.6                                                2327500300099 
0.19536     7679.2                                                2327500300100 
0.19722     7587.7                                                2327500300101 
0.19905     7587.8                                                2327500300102 
0.20143     7787.8                                                2327500300103 
0.20450     7729.6                                                2327500300104 
0.20453     7613.1                                                2327500300105 
0.20759     7579.9                                                2327500300106 
0.20939     7679.9                                                2327500300107 
0.21180     7788.3                                                2327500300108 
0.21606     7821.9                                                2327500300109 
0.22094     7822.1                                                2327500300110 
0.22213     7938.7                                                2327500300111 
0.22761     7955.7                                                2327500300112 
0.22882     7997.4                                                2327500300113 
0.23126     7997.5                                                2327500300114 
0.23190     7897.6                                                2327500300115 
0.23372     7914.4                                                2327500300116 
0.23375     7964.4                                                2327500300117 
0.23676     7964.5                                                2327500300118 
0.23857     8031.2                                                2327500300119 
0.23975     8156.2                                                2327500300120 
0.24097     8164.6                                                2327500300121 
0.24224     7998.1                                                2327500300122 
0.24346     7998.2                                                2327500300123 
0.24526     8106.5                                                2327500300124 
0.24769     8115.0                                                2327500300125 
0.25015     8056.8                                                2327500300126 
0.25137     8056.9                                                2327500300127 
0.25139     8165.1                                                2327500300128 
0.25378     8165.3                                                2327500300129 
0.25385     8248.5                                                2327500300130 
0.25681     8240.4                                                2327500300131 
0.25746     8082.2                                                2327500300132 
0.25933     7965.7                                                2327500300133 
0.26178     7915.9                                                2327500300134 
0.26363     7849.4                                                2327500300135 
0.26792     7774.7                                                2327500300136 
0.26859     7574.9                                                2327500300137 
0.27169     7383.6                                                2327500300138 
0.27408     7575.2                                                2327500300139 
0.27594     7475.4                                                2327500300140 
0.27779     7400.6                                                2327500300141 
0.27964     7309.1                                                2327500300142 
0.27971     7100.9                                                2327500300143 
0.28214     7101.1                                                2327500300144 
0.28270     7300.9                                                2327500300145 
0.28576     7242.8                                                2327500300146 
0.28762     7151.3                                                2327500300147 
0.28884     7159.7                                                2327500300148 
0.29004     7201.4                                                2327500300149 
0.29553     7210.0                                                2327500300150 
0.29618     7085.2                                                2327500300151 
0.30110     6943.9                                                2327500300152 
0.30598     6927.5                                                2327500300153 
0.30783     6852.7                                                2327500300154 
0.31151     6794.6                                                2327500300155 
0.31217     6636.4                                                2327500300156 
0.31643     6653.3                                                2327500300157 
0.32072     6586.9                                                2327500300158 
0.32136     6470.4                                                2327500300159 
0.32437     6612.1                                                2327500300160 
0.32562     6503.9                                                2327500300161 
0.32934     6312.6                                                2327500300162 
0.33122     6137.9                                                2327500300163 
0.33363     6254.6                                                2327500300164 
0.33540     6454.5                                                2327500300165 
0.33668     6254.7                                                2327500300166 
0.33794     6096.6                                                2327500300167 
0.34097     6171.7                                                2327500300168 
0.34282     6088.5                                                2327500300169 
0.34652     5972.2                                                2327500300170 
0.34719     5747.4                                                2327500300171 
0.35026     5697.6                                                2327500300172 
0.35271     5647.8                                                2327500300173 
0.35273     5572.9                                                2327500300174 
0.35700     5573.1                                                2327500300175 
0.36253     5448.5                                                2327500300176 
0.36560     5373.7                                                2327500300177 
0.36746     5265.6                                                2327500300178 
0.37168     5432.3                                                2327500300179 
0.37416     5290.9                                                2327500300180 
0.37603     5157.8                                                2327500300181 
0.37731     4974.7                                                2327500300182 
0.38218     4975.0                                                2327500300183 
0.38221     4891.7                                                2327500300184 
0.38711     4833.7                                                2327500300185 
0.39022     4609.0                                                2327500300186 
0.39632     4609.4                                                2327500300187 
0.39678     4359.6                                                2327500300188 
0.40068     4284.9                                                2327500300189 
0.40439     4126.9                                                2327500300190 
0.40806     4102.1                                                2327500300191 
0.41240     3844.2                                                2327500300192 
0.41368     3652.8                                                2327500300193 
0.41674     3619.7                                                2327500300194 
0.42038     3661.5                                                2327500300195 
0.42162     3595.0                                                2327500300196 
0.42227     3470.1                                                2327500300197 
0.42654     3453.7                                                2327500300198 
0.42718     3353.8                                                2327500300199 
0.43084     3345.7                                                2327500300200 
0.43578     3146.1                                                2327500300201 
0.44124     3246.3                                                2327500300202 
0.44372     3121.6                                                2327500300203 
0.44679     3055.1                                                2327500300204 
0.44928     2863.7                                                2327500300205 
0.45660     2855.8                                                2327500300206 
0.45969     2739.4                                                2327500300207 
0.46335     2714.6                                                2327500300208 
0.46888     2581.7                                                2327500300209 
0.47255     2556.9                                                2327500300210 
0.47383     2348.8                                                2327500300211 
0.47685     2440.6                                                2327500300212 
0.48054     2357.5                                                2327500300213 
0.48664     2341.2                                                2327500300214 
0.49035     2183.2                                                2327500300215 
0.49710     2025.4                                                2327500300216 
0.50076     2025.6                                                2327500300217 
0.50379     2100.7                                                2327500300218 
0.50994     1942.8                                                2327500300219 
0.51242     1801.4                                                2327500300220 
0.51484     1851.5                                                2327500300221 
0.51793     1710.1                                                2327500300222 
0.51970     1918.4                                                2327500300223 
0.52217     1818.6                                                2327500300224 
0.52649     1644.0                                                2327500300225 
0.52830     1710.7                                                2327500300226 
0.53257     1702.6                                                2327500300227 
0.53322     1586.1                                                2327500300228 
0.53564     1636.1                                                2327500300229 
0.54052     1644.7                                                2327500300230 
0.54483     1511.8                                                2327500300231 
0.55030     1578.7                                                2327500300232 
0.55459     1495.6                                                2327500300233 
0.56434     1521.1                                                2327500300234 
0.56739     1546.3                                                2327500300235 
0.57167     1504.9                                                2327500300236 
0.57471     1538.3                                                2327500300237 
0.57717     1446.9                                                2327500300238 
0.58080     1547.0                                                2327500300239 
0.58326     1505.5                                                2327500300240 
0.58692     1505.7                                                2327500300241 
0.58994     1605.8                                                2327500300242 
0.59363     1472.8                                                2327500300243 
0.59604     1597.8                                                2327500300244 
0.60153     1598.1                                                2327500300245 
0.60159     1673.0                                                2327500300246 
0.60577     1681.6                                                2327500300247 
0.60635     1789.9                                                2327500300248 
0.61123     1806.8                                                2327500300249 
0.61490     1757.0                                                2327500300250 
0.61610     1840.3                                                2327500300251 
0.62096     1898.9                                                2327500300252 
0.62120     2023.7                                                2327500300253 
0.62393     2157.2                                                2327500300254 
0.62696     2240.6                                                2327500300255 
0.62876     2332.3                                                2327500300256 
0.63302     2365.8                                                2327500300257 
0.63359     2507.4                                                2327500300258 
0.64026     2624.3                                                2327500300259 
0.64328     2732.7                                                2327500300260 
0.64690     2566.4                                                2327500300261 
0.64692     2824.5                                                2327500300262 
0.65180     2824.8                                                2327500300263 
0.65425     2783.3                                                2327500300264 
0.65543     2908.2                                                2327500300265 
0.65847     2933.4                                                2327500300266 
0.66154     2875.3                                                2327500300267 
0.66643     2833.9                                                2327500300268 
0.66941     3092.2                                                2327500300269 
0.67253     2834.2                                                2327500300270 
0.67560     2759.5                                                2327500300271 
0.67686     2618.0                                                2327500300272 
0.67989     2684.7                                                2327500300273 
0.68232     2726.5                                                2327500300274 
0.68481     2560.1                                                2327500300275 
0.68849     2493.7                                                2327500300276 
0.69158     2352.3                                                2327500300277 
0.69402     2344.1                                                2327500300278 
0.69405     2235.9                                                2327500300279 
0.69896     2127.9                                                2327500300280 
0.69960     2036.4                                                2327500300281 
0.70328     1970.0                                                2327500300282 
0.70455     1811.8                                                2327500300283 
0.71003     1828.8                                                2327500300284 
0.71190     1687.3                                                2327500300285 
0.71557     1645.9                                                2327500300286 
0.71803     1571.1                                                2327500300287 
0.71932     1338.0                                                2327500300288 
0.72725     1338.5                                                2327500300289 
0.73338     1238.9                                                2327500300290 
0.73641     1305.7                                                2327500300291 
0.74070     1239.3                                                2327500300292 
0.74252     1264.4                                                2327500300293 
0.74680     1239.6                                                2327500300294 
0.75048     1148.2                                                2327500300295 
0.75353     1165.0                                                2327500300296 
0.75718     1181.9                                                2327500300297 
0.75964     1140.4                                                2327500300298 
0.76082     1248.7                                                2327500300299 
0.76757     1115.8                                                2327500300300 
0.77183     1157.7                                                2327500300301 
0.77488     1157.9                                                2327500300302 
0.77855     1124.8                                                2327500300303 
0.78036     1174.8                                                2327500300304 
0.78828     1208.6                                                2327500300305 
0.79135     1142.1                                                2327500300306 
0.79254     1267.1                                                2327500300307 
0.79441     1117.3                                                2327500300308 
0.79851     1101.0                                                2327500300309 
0.79988     1184.2                                                2327500300310 
0.80293     1167.7                                                2327500300311 
0.80536     1209.5                                                2327500300312 
0.81027     1109.8                                                2327500300313 
0.81271     1118.3                                                2327500300314 
0.81635     1176.8                                                2327500300315 
0.81820     1118.6                                                2327500300316 
0.82058     1301.9                                                2327500300317 
0.82303     1268.7                                                2327500300318 
0.82609     1243.9                                                2327500300319 
0.82732     1194.0                                                2327500300320 
0.83220     1202.6                                                2327500300321 
0.83650     1102.9                                                2327500300322 
0.84016     1103.1                                                2327500300323 
0.84198     1144.9                                                2327500300324 
0.84564     1145.1                                                2327500300325 
0.84623     1211.7                                                2327500300326 
0.85110     1220.3                                                2327500300327 
0.85661     1154.0                                                2327500300328 
0.85784     1112.4                                                2327500300329 
0.85967     1112.5                                                2327500300330 
0.86087     1204.2                                                2327500300331 
0.86392     1179.4                                                2327500300332 
0.86759     1171.2                                                2327500300333 
0.86945     1054.8                                                2327500300334 
0.87064     1163.1                                                2327500300335 
0.87367     1221.5                                                2327500300336 
0.87733     1221.7                                                2327500300337 
0.87915     1271.8                                                2327500300338 
0.88344     1188.7                                                2327500300339 
0.88649     1180.6                                                2327500300340 
0.88770     1214.0                                                2327500300341 
0.88953     1205.7                                                2327500300342 
0.89200     1122.6                                                2327500300343 
0.89564     1189.4                                                2327500300344 
0.89931     1148.0                                                2327500300345 
0.90112     1223.0                                                2327500300346 
0.90661     1231.6                                                2327500300347 
0.90904     1265.1                                                2327500300348 
0.91087     1248.5                                                2327500300349 
0.91334     1148.7                                                2327500300350 
0.91760     1173.9                                                2327500300351 
0.92066     1149.1                                                2327500300352 
0.92734     1249.4                                                2327500300353 
0.93100     1241.3                                                2327500300354 
0.93286     1149.8                                                2327500300355 
0.93895     1166.8                                                2327500300356 
0.94262     1150.3                                                2327500300357 
0.94444     1158.7                                                2327500300358 
0.94502     1267.0                                                2327500300359 
0.94627     1158.8                                                2327500300360 
0.95420     1159.3                                                2327500300361 
0.95965     1317.8                                                2327500300362 
0.95970     1142.9                                                2327500300363 
0.96516     1218.2                                                2327500300364 
0.96885     1118.4                                                2327500300365 
0.97188     1201.9                                                2327500300366 
0.97493     1202.0                                                2327500300367 
0.97735     1277.1                                                2327500300368 
0.97980     1235.6                                                2327500300369 
0.98285     1235.8                                                2327500300370 
0.98589     1269.2                                                2327500300371 
0.98713     1202.7                                                2327500300372 
0.99139     1211.2                                                2327500300373 
0.99508     1103.2                                                2327500300374 
ENDDATA            352          0                                 2327500300375 
ENDSUBENT          374          0                                 2327500399999 
SUBENT        23275004   20160324                             22492327500400001 
BIB                  6         15                                 2327500400002 
REACTION   (3-LI-9(0,B-)4-BE-9,,PN/DE,,REL)                       2327500400003 
            Relative beta-delayed neutron spectrum, counts.       2327500400004 
            Region around 682 keV peak corresponds to             2327500400005 
           Be-9 5/2- -> Be-8-G transition.                        2327500400006 
EN-SEC     (E,N) Energy of delayed neutrons.                      2327500400007 
ERR-ANALYS (E-ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of scale X ( energy);     2327500400008 
           (ERR-DIG) Digitizing error of scale Y ( data);         2327500400009 
            reflect deviation of scale from linear low.           2327500400010 
              Quantization error (one pixel) :                    2327500400011 
           scale X - 0.0003 MeV ,                                 2327500400012 
           scale Y - 0.361 arb.units .                            2327500400013 
CORRECTION  For background.                                       2327500400014 
COMMENT    Of authors. Peak is broadened by recoil and            2327500400015 
           polarization effects.                                  2327500400016 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.5,insert, circles, of NP/A,510,189,1990 .  2327500400017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 2327500400018 
COMMON               2          3                                 2327500400019 
E-ERR-DIG  ERR-DIG                                                2327500400020 
MEV        ARB-UNITS                                              2327500400021 
0.00044     0.434                                                 2327500400022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2327500400023 
DATA                 2         26                                 2327500400024 
E          DATA                                                   2327500400025 
MEV        ARB-UNITS                                              2327500400026 
0.61709      6.370                                                2327500400027 
0.62230     12.902                                                2327500400028 
0.62755     11.131                                                2327500400029 
0.63205     19.463                                                2327500400030 
0.63693     21.300                                                2327500400031 
0.64317     31.088                                                2327500400032 
0.64767     38.338                                                2327500400033 
0.65252     44.867                                                2327500400034 
0.65704     49.229                                                2327500400035 
0.66264     48.543                                                2327500400036 
0.66752     51.824                                                2327500400037 
0.67202     58.352                                                2327500400038 
0.67692     57.301                                                2327500400039 
0.68215     60.584                                                2327500400040 
0.68708     54.478                                                2327500400041 
0.69165     50.898                                                2327500400042 
0.69758     52.380                                                2327500400043 
0.70147     45.907                                                2327500400044 
0.70745     39.087                                                2327500400045 
0.71273     32.984                                                2327500400046 
0.71767     26.156                                                2327500400047 
0.72191     18.602                                                2327500400048 
0.72716     17.915                                                2327500400049 
0.73244     12.894                                                2327500400050 
0.73702      6.065                                                2327500400051 
0.74159      1.762                                                2327500400052 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 2327500400053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 2327500499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 2327599999999