ENTRY 23280 20230324 23162328000000001 SUBENT 23280001 20230324 23162328000100001 BIB 16 99 2328000100002 TITLE Neutron induced fission cross sections of 242Pu from 2328000100003 0.3 MeV to 3 MeV. 2328000100004 AUTHOR (P.Salvador-Castineira,T.Brys,R.Eykens,F.-J.Hambsch, 2328000100005 A.Goeoek, A.Moens, S.Oberstedt, G.Sibbens,D.Vanleeuw, 2328000100006 M.Vidali, C.Pretel) 2328000100007 INSTITUTE (2ZZZGEL) P.Salvador-Castineira,T.Brys,R.Eykens, 2328000100008 F.-J.Hambsch,A.Goeoek,A.Moens,S.Oberstedt,G.Sibbens, 2328000100009 D.Vanleeuw,M.Vidali. 2328000100010 (2SPNUPC) P.Salvador-Castineira,C.Pretel 2328000100011 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,92,044606,2015) 2328000100012 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.92.044606 2328000100013 Main reference. Pu-242 data on Figures. 2328000100014 (J,PPRC,64,177,2015) Initial publication. 2328000100015 #doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2015.04.024 2328000100016 Figures for Pu-240,-242, U-238, Np-237 fission C-S. 2328000100017 (J,NDS,119,38,2014) First author F.-J.Hambsch . 2328000100018 Preliminary Pu242 CS on Fig.4 . 2328000100019 (J,NDS,119,55,2014) Prelim.publication on figures. 2328000100020 (J,PPRC,47,150,2013) Prelim.publication on figures. 2328000100021 REL-REF (I,,P.Salvador-Castineira+,J,PR/C,92,014620,2015) 2328000100022 Exp. details. Pu-240 c-s measurement. Entry 23281. 2328000100023 FACILITY (VDG,2ZZZGEL) Van de Graaff accelerator at IRMM. 2328000100024 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) for neutrons 0.3 - 1.8 MeV 2328000100025 (P-T) for neutrons of 1.6 - 3.0 MeV. 2328000100026 INC-SPECT Quasimonoenergetic neutrons. 2328000100027 DETECTOR (FISCH) Twin Frisch-grid ionization chamber TFGIC for 2328000100028 fission fragments detection. 2328000100029 Digital signal processing (DSP) code developed at 2328000100030 JRC-IRMM was used. 2328000100031 Paraffin-B4C layer shielding of the TFGIC was used at 2328000100032 measurement relative to U235(n,f) to avoid neutrons 2328000100033 scattered in the target hall. 2328000100034 SAMPLE Pu-242 sample and reference sample ( Np237,U235,U238) 2328000100035 were placed in TFGIC cathode holder in back-to-back 2328000100036 geometry. 2328000100037 Pu-242 sample was produced by electrodeposition on Al 2328000100038 backing, reference samples - by vacuum deposition on 2328000100039 stainless steel( Np,U235) or transparent (U-238) - 2328000100040 by the target preparation group at JRC-IRMM. 2328000100041 242Pu 2328000100042 Isotope mass,microg 671(0.9%) 2328000100043 Diameter,mm 30(0.1%) 2328000100044 Density,microg/cm2 95.3(0.8%) 2328000100045 Alpha activity 0.0984MBq(0.3%) 2328000100046 Content 238Pu 0.0027%, 239Pu 0.0044%, 2328000100047 240Pu 0.0192%, 241Pu 0.0081% 2328000100048 242Pu 99.9652%, 244Pu 0.0004% 2328000100049 237Np 2328000100050 Isotope mass,microg 390(0.3%) 2328000100051 Diameter,mm 12.7 2328000100052 Density,microg/cm2 308(0.3%) 2328000100053 Alpha activity 0.001MBq(0.1%) 2328000100054 Content,% 237Np 99.8%, 238Pu 0.2% 2328000100055 235U 2328000100056 Isotope mass,microg 584(2%) 2328000100057 Diameter,mm 28 2328000100058 Density,microg/cm2 94.8(2%) 2328000100059 Alpha activity 265.7Bq(2%), with contribution of2328000100060 the 234U and 235U isotopes 2328000100061 Content 235U 99.5%, 234U 0.2%, 2328000100062 236U 0.03%, 238U 0.3% 2328000100063 238U 2328000100064 Isotope mass,microg 577(0.4%) 2328000100065 Diameter,mm 30 2328000100066 Density,microg/cm2 81.7(0.4%) 2328000100067 Alpha activity 7Bq(0.5%) 2328000100068 Content 238U 99.99%, 234U <0.02% 2328000100069 METHOD (PHD) Pulse high distributions. 2328000100070 Ratios of fission cross sections were measured: 2328000100071 Pu-242/Np-237, 2328000100072 Pu-242/U-238 ( renormalized by using U-238/U-235 ), 2328000100073 Pu-242/U-235 . 2328000100074 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG) Primary standard 2328000100075 MONIT-REF (,A.D.Carlson+,J,NDS,110,3215,2009) 2328000100076 (,,3,ENDF/B-VII.1,,2011) 2328000100077 CORRECTION Loss of fission events due to the electronic threshold.2328000100078 Counts due to spontaneous fission: 2328000100079 spon.fis.rate of Pu242 was ~0.5 fis/s, spont.fission 2328000100080 half-life of Pu-242 T1/2,SF = 6.74E+10 yr (1.3%) . 2328000100081 Self-absorption and geometrical efficiency. 2328000100082 Neutron spectrum, sample inhomogeneity and solid angle.2328000100083 Corrections due to the excited state of the 7Li(p,n)7Be2328000100084 reaction. 2328000100085 Due to the down-scattered neutrons. 2328000100086 The neutron background was studied by means of MCNP 2328000100087 simulations. 2328000100088 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical 0.5% 2328000100089 (ERR-1,,1.3) Counts SF <1.3% 2328000100090 (ERR-2) 242Pu mass 0.9% 2328000100091 (ERR-4,1.5,2.) 235U mass 1.5%-2% 2328000100092 (ERR-6) Efficiency 1% 2328000100093 (ERR-7) Sample purity 0.001% 2328000100094 (ERR-8,,0.2) Correction of neutron spectrum <0.2% 2328000100095 (ERR-9) MCNP correction of thermalized flux (ratio) 2328000100096 (ERR-10,,0.8) 235U standard <0.8% 2328000100097 (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 2328000100098 HISTORY (20151226C) M.M. Data request was sent 17.03.2016 2328000100099 (20160401R) Data were received from F.-K.Hambsch 2328000100100 (20230324U) SD: Ref. PPRC,47,150 added. 2328000100101 ENDBIB 99 0 2328000100102 COMMON 5 3 2328000100103 ERR-S ERR-2 ERR-6 ERR-7 ERR-9 2328000100104 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2328000100105 0.5 0.9 1. 0.001 0.5 2328000100106 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2328000100107 ENDSUBENT 106 0 2328000199999 SUBENT 23280002 20151226 22482328000200001 BIB 4 7 2328000200002 REACTION (94-PU-242(N,F),,SIG) 2328000200003 MONITOR (93-NP-237(N,F),,SIG) 2328000200004 Secondary standard. Benchmarked using U235(n,f). 2328000200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-11,2.2,4.) 237Np ENDF evaluation 2.2% to 4%. 2328000200006 (ERR-3) 237Np mass 0.3% 2328000200007 STATUS (TABLE) From author 2328000200008 Data are on Fig.4 of PR/C,92,044606,2015 2328000200009 ENDBIB 7 0 2328000200010 COMMON 1 3 2328000200011 ERR-3 2328000200012 PER-CENT 2328000200013 0.3 2328000200014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2328000200015 DATA 4 22 2328000200016 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 2328000200017 MEV MEV B B 2328000200018 0.30000 0.046500 0.06417410 0.003834887 2328000200019 0.50000 0.040000 0.2251655 0.01061927 2328000200020 0.69900 0.037000 0.5695855 0.03267098 2328000200021 0.80000 0.035500 0.8309445 0.04083389 2328000200022 0.90000 0.034500 1.076297 0.04775567 2328000200023 0.90000 0.018000 1.096402 0.05372997 2328000200024 0.95000 0.023000 1.235936 0.04942618 2328000200025 1.00000 0.021500 1.214303 0.04984309 2328000200026 1.00000 0.017500 1.309000 0.05406962 2328000200027 1.05000 0.020500 1.349414 0.05019186 2328000200028 1.10000 0.032000 1.376400 0.05007414 2328000200029 1.10000 0.021000 1.360379 0.04941637 2328000200030 1.15000 0.021500 1.377182 0.05077958 2328000200031 1.20000 0.031000 1.385690 0.05075696 2328000200032 1.30000 0.030500 1.318403 0.04484475 2328000200033 1.40000 0.019000 1.333769 0.04747260 2328000200034 1.50000 0.028500 1.335821 0.04416400 2328000200035 1.60000 0.028000 1.347550 0.04453932 2328000200036 1.60000 0.014500 1.341191 0.05729537 2328000200037 1.60000 0.036000 1.343099 0.04399508 2328000200038 1.70000 0.027500 1.331369 0.04426081 2328000200039 1.80000 0.027000 1.343947 0.04468351 2328000200040 ENDDATA 24 0 2328000200041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 2328000299999 SUBENT 23280003 20151226 22482328000300001 BIB 4 7 2328000300002 REACTION (94-PU-242(N,F),,SIG) 2328000300003 MONITOR (92-U-238(N,F),,SIG) 2328000300004 Secondary standard. Benchmarked using U235(n,f). 2328000300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-12) 238U standard 0.7% 2328000300006 (ERR-5) 238U mass 0.5% 2328000300007 STATUS (TABLE) From author 2328000300008 Data are on Fig.4 of PR/C,92,044606,2015 2328000300009 ENDBIB 7 0 2328000300010 COMMON 2 3 2328000300011 ERR-12 ERR-5 2328000300012 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2328000300013 0.7 0.5 2328000300014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2328000300015 DATA 4 10 2328000300016 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 2328000300017 MEV MEV B B 2328000300018 1.600000 0.08700000 1.334361 0.03324959 2328000300019 1.700000 0.08500000 1.341442 0.03375137 2328000300020 1.800000 0.08250000 1.354618 0.03474807 2328000300021 1.900000 0.08000000 1.391845 0.03586983 2328000300022 2.000000 0.07800000 1.420137 0.03713207 2328000300023 2.200000 0.07400000 1.377791 0.03614947 2328000300024 2.400000 0.07100000 1.385526 0.03685876 2328000300025 2.600000 0.06800000 1.424230 0.03818007 2328000300026 2.800000 0.06500000 1.434743 0.03851673 2328000300027 3.000000 0.06250000 1.468687 0.04443340 2328000300028 ENDDATA 12 0 2328000300029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2328000399999 SUBENT 23280004 20151226 22482328000400001 BIB 2 3 2328000400002 REACTION (94-PU-242(N,F),,SIG) 2328000400003 STATUS (TABLE) From author 2328000400004 Data are on Fig.4 of PR/C,92,044606,2015 2328000400005 ENDBIB 3 0 2328000400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 2328000400007 DATA 4 9 2328000400008 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 2328000400009 MEV MEV B B 2328000400010 0.500000 0.05400000 0.2389925 0.004821599 2328000400011 0.900000 0.04600000 1.079022 0.02276572 2328000400012 1.100000 0.04300000 1.385913 0.02808228 2328000400013 1.500000 0.03800000 1.375719 0.02693880 2328000400014 1.800000 0.03600000 1.406194 0.02848322 2328000400015 1.800000 0.09000000 1.460394 0.02782387 2328000400016 2.000000 0.08500000 1.499299 0.02896204 2328000400017 2.500000 0.07500000 1.458655 0.02829045 2328000400018 2.800000 0.07100000 1.464287 0.02862846 2328000400019 ENDDATA 11 0 2328000400020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2328000499999 SUBENT 23280005 20151226 22482328000500001 BIB 3 8 2328000500002 REACTION (94-PU-242(N,F),,SIG) 2328000500003 ANALYSIS Weighted average was calculated for all subsets of 2328000500004 data. 2328000500005 STATUS (TABLE) From author 2328000500006 Data are on Fig.5 of PR/C,92,044606,2015 2328000500007 (DEP,23280002) Measurement relative to Np-237 2328000500008 (DEP,23280003) Measurement relative to U-238 2328000500009 (DEP,23280004) Measurement relative to U-235 2328000500010 ENDBIB 8 0 2328000500011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2328000500012 DATA 4 25 2328000500013 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T 2328000500014 MEV MEV B B 2328000500015 0.3000000 0.04650000 0.06400000 0.003000000 2328000500016 0.5000000 0.05400000 0.2370690 0.01000000 2328000500017 0.6990000 0.03700000 0.5700000 0.03000000 2328000500018 0.8000000 0.03550000 0.8090000 0.04000000 2328000500019 0.9000000 0.04600000 1.080397 0.05000000 2328000500020 0.9500000 0.02300000 1.236000 0.04000000 2328000500021 1.000000 0.01750000 1.309000 0.05000000 2328000500022 1.050000 0.02050000 1.349000 0.05000000 2328000500023 1.100000 0.04300000 1.380255 0.05000000 2328000500024 1.150000 0.02150000 1.377000 0.05000000 2328000500025 1.200000 0.03100000 1.386000 0.05000000 2328000500026 1.300000 0.03050000 1.318000 0.04000000 2328000500027 1.400000 0.02900000 1.334000 0.04000000 2328000500028 1.500000 0.03800000 1.368000 0.04000000 2328000500029 1.600000 0.08700000 1.340220 0.05000000 2328000500030 1.700000 0.08500000 1.337400 0.04000000 2328000500031 1.800000 0.09000000 1.411876 0.04000000 2328000500032 1.900000 0.08000000 1.452923 0.03000000 2328000500033 2.000000 0.08500000 1.474692 0.03000000 2328000500034 2.200000 0.07400000 1.459000 0.03000000 2328000500035 2.400000 0.07100000 1.442077 0.03000000 2328000500036 2.500000 0.07500000 1.432000 0.02000000 2328000500037 2.600000 0.06800000 1.448231 0.03000000 2328000500038 2.800000 0.07100000 1.455077 0.03000000 2328000500039 3.000000 0.06250000 1.465000 0.04000000 2328000500040 ENDDATA 27 0 2328000500041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 2328000599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 2328099999999