ENTRY 23314 20230315 23152331400000001 SUBENT 23314001 20230315 23152331400100001 BIB 12 46 2331400100002 AUTHOR (A.Chebboubi, G.Kessedjian, O.Litaize, O.Serot,H.Faust,2331400100003 D.Bernard, A.Blanc, U.Koester,O.Meplan,P.Mutti,C.Sage) 2331400100004 TITLE Kinetic energy dependence of fission fragment isomeric 2331400100005 ratios for spherical nuclei 132Sn 2331400100006 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,775,190,2017) 2331400100007 #doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2017.10.067 2331400100008 (J,EPJ/CS,111,08003,2016) 2331400100009 #doi:10.1051/epjconf/201611108003 2331400100010 Isomeric ratio measurements with the ILL LOHENGRIN 2331400100011 spectrometer. 2331400100012 INSTITUTE (2FR GRE) A.Chebboubi,G.Kessedjian,O.Meplan,C.Sage 2331400100013 (2FR CAD) O.Litaize,O.Serot,D.Bernard 2331400100014 (2FR ILL) H.Faust,A.Blanc,U.Koester,P.Mutti 2331400100015 REL-REF (I,,P.Armbruster+,J,NIM,139,213,1976) 2331400100016 LOHENGRIN spectrometer . 2331400100017 (I,,G.Fioni+,J,NIM/A,332,175,1993) 2331400100018 Refocusing magnet details. 2331400100019 FACILITY (REAC,2FR ILL) The high-flux reactor 2331400100020 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 2331400100021 INC-SPECT Thermal neutron flux of ~5*10**14 n/cm2/s 2331400100022 METHOD Separation of the produced fission fragments 2331400100023 according to their ratios mass A over ionic charge q 2331400100024 and kinetic energy Ek over ionic charge. 2331400100025 (COINC) Ion-gated gamma spectra recorded within a time 2331400100026 gate of about 10xTisomer1/2 after an IC signal. 2331400100027 Beamcut method - measurements when beam is on and off; 2331400100028 the combination of two measurements permits to 2331400100029 determine the feeding from both states. 2331400100030 (GSPEC) 2331400100031 SAMPLE The fission target of 91 ug/cm2 235U is covered by a 2331400100032 sputtered Ta layer of 195 ug/cm2 to reduce the 2331400100033 self-sputtering of the actinide target. 2331400100034 DETECTOR (SPEC) LOHENGRIN mass spectrometer 2331400100035 (IOCH) An ionization chamber to detect the incoming 2331400100036 ions before being implanted into an aluminum foil. 2331400100037 (HPGE) Two clover detectors consisting of four 2331400100038 high purity Ge crystals, placed at the focal position 2331400100039 of the spectrometer. 2331400100040 HISTORY (20161101C) M.M. 2331400100041 (20181012A) SD: REACTION code updated in Subent 002. 2331400100042 (20230315A) VS. Main reference Phys.Lett.B775(2017)190 2331400100043 added. 2331400100044 Subentry 002 deleted. The data for the 235U(nth,f) 2331400100045 reaction are reported in EPJ Web Conf.111(2016)08003. 2331400100046 Confirmed by A.Chebboubi. 2331400100047 Subentry 004 added. 2331400100048 ENDBIB 46 0 2331400100049 NOCOMMON 0 0 2331400100050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 2331400199999 NOSUBENT 23314002 20230315 23152331400200001 SUBENT 23314003 20230315 23152331400300001 BIB 7 18 2331400300002 REACTION (50-SN-132(0,0),,SCO) 2331400300003 Spin cutoff parameter 2331400300004 ANALYSIS Spin cutoff was extracted from isomeric ratio 2331400300005 REL-REF GEF code is described in 2331400300006 K.-H Schmidt+, Tech. Rep. NEA Data Bank (2014) 2331400300007 (N,,O.Litaize+,J,PR/C,82,054616,2010) 2331400300008 Gamma de-excitation code FIFRELIN, used to determine 2331400300009 spin-cutoff of nucleus. 2331400300010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in 2331400300011 the article. 2331400300012 ADD-RES (COMP) Spin cut-off: 2331400300013 GEF code - 7.1+-0.2 2331400300014 Madland-England a - 7.5+-0.5 2331400300015 Madland-England b - 2.6+-0.1 2331400300016 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of EPJ/CS,111,08003,2016 2331400300017 (DEP,23314004) 2331400300018 HISTORY (20230315A) Status dependent corrected to 004 because 2331400300019 Subentry 002 was deleted. 2331400300020 ENDBIB 18 0 2331400300021 NOCOMMON 0 0 2331400300022 DATA 2 1 2331400300023 DATA DATA-ERR 2331400300024 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2331400300025 4.7 0.2 2331400300026 ENDDATA 3 0 2331400300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2331400399999 SUBENT 23314004 20230315 23152331400400001 BIB 6 19 2331400400002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)50-SN-132-L/T,IND,FY/RAT) 2331400400003 L/G+L isomeric ratio. 2331400400004 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-132-L,2.03MICROSEC,DG,132.3,0.62657, 2331400400005 DG,299.2,0.96544, 2331400400006 DG,374.3,0.842) 2331400400007 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Isomeric ratio determined by the Batemen 2331400400008 equation. Corrected for the decay losses during the 2331400400009 flight time through the 23 m long spectrometer. 2331400400010 ERR-ANALYS Total Monte Carlo propagation of uncertainties was 2331400400011 applied. All independent parameters used in the 2331400400012 analysis were sampled simultaneously. The correlation 2331400400013 matrix reveals the weight of the systematic 2331400400014 uncertainty compared to the standard deviation of 2331400400015 each measurement. 2331400400016 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty 2331400400017 (ERR-T) Total uncertainty including the correlation 2331400400018 terms. 2331400400019 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Phys.Lett.B775(2017)190. 2331400400020 HISTORY (20230315C) VS. 2331400400021 ENDBIB 19 0 2331400400022 COMMON 1 3 2331400400023 EN-DUMMY 2331400400024 EV 2331400400025 0.0253 2331400400026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2331400400027 DATA 3 1 2331400400028 DATA ERR-T ERR-S 2331400400029 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2331400400030 0.0541 0.0074 0.0058 2331400400031 ENDDATA 3 0 2331400400032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2331400499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2331499999999