ENTRY            23340   20180119                             22602334000000001 
SUBENT        23340001   20170610                             22602334000100001 
BIB                 12         35                                 2334000100002 
TITLE      The total neutron cross section of liquid para-hydrogen2334000100003 
AUTHOR     (M.Celli, N.Rhodes, A.K.Soper, M.Zoppi)                2334000100004 
REFERENCE  (J,JP/CM,11,10229,1999)                                2334000100005 
           J.Phys. Condense Matter                                2334000100006 
INSTITUTE  (2ITYITY) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto 2334000100007 
           di Elettronica Quantistica, Via Panciatichi 56/30,     2334000100008 
           I-50127 Firenze, Italy                                 2334000100009 
           (2UK NIN)                                              2334000100010 
FACILITY   (SYNCH,2UK NIN) ISIS Neutron Facility,                 2334000100011 
INC-SOURCE (SPALL)   Pulsed neutron source, PEARL (Pressure and   2334000100012 
           Engineering Advanced Research Line) beamline.          2334000100013 
METHOD     (TRN) Several runs of 5-6 hours.                       2334000100014 
           Absolute stability of each monitor, taken separately,  2334000100015 
           was checked to be of the order of 2% on a 24-hour      2334000100016 
           timescale; relative stability - ~0.2 %.                2334000100017 
           Temperature stability within 0.2 K.                    2334000100018 
           The background was measured for both experimental      2334000100019 
           configurations (empty and filled cell).                2334000100020 
SAMPLE      Liquid molecular para-hydrogen in Al alloy contailer  2334000100021 
           of 55mm diameter, 2.5 mm thickness, fixed to a copper  2334000100022 
           thermal reservoir. Inside the scattering cell, out of  2334000100023 
           the neutron path, a solid catalyst Cr(2)O(3)- Al(2)O(3)2334000100024 
           was inserted to increase the rate of conversion from   2334000100025 
           ortho- to para-hydrogen. T=16.0 K , the pressure       2334000100026 
           0.3 bar. Estimated composition of 99.96% of            2334000100027 
           para-hydrogen. Sample thickness 2.66 mm .              2334000100028 
            Two vanadium thin foils before and after sample -     2334000100029 
            to monitor the neutron beam.                          2334000100030 
DETECTOR   (GLASD) Li glass scintillators equipped with the       2334000100031 
           photomultipliers. Placed into boron-carbide-based resin2334000100032 
            (10 cm thickness, crispy mix) in an Al box.           2334000100033 
ANALYSIS     CS was calculated by the formula (1) in the ref.     2334000100034 
CORRECTION  The effect of the V on the sample was smaller than    2334000100035 
            10**-4.                                               2334000100036 
HISTORY    (20170610C) M.M.                                       2334000100037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 2334000100038 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2334000100039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 2334000199999 
SUBENT        23340002   20180119                             22602334000200001 
BIB                  4         10                                 2334000200002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(N,TOT),,SIG,,TMP/MSC)                           2334000200003 
            Units are barn/molecule                               2334000200004 
ERR-ANALYS  Quantization errors (one pixel):                      2334000200005 
            scale X - 0.400  %                                    2334000200006 
            scale Y - 0.076 arb.units .                           2334000200007 
           (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty 2334000200008 
STATUS             Request for the data was sent 11.08.2017 to    2334000200009 
           N.Rhodes and M.Zoppi - no reply.                       2334000200010 
           (CURVE) Data are on Fig.6 of JP/CM,11,10229,1999       2334000200011 
HISTORY    (20180119U) On. STATUS: UNOBT -> CURVE;ERR-ANALYS added2334000200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 2334000200013 
COMMON               3          3                                 2334000200014 
TEMP       EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                     2334000200015 
K          PER-CENT   ARB-UNITS                                   2334000200016 
 16.       0.440      0.036                                       2334000200017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2334000200018 
DATA                 3        323                                 2334000200019 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2334000200020 
MILLI-EV   ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                                   2334000200021 
 4.5841     13.507     2.210                                      2334000200022 
 4.6699      9.772     2.210                                      2334000200023 
 4.7580      2.761     2.286                                      2334000200024 
 4.8901      6.724     1.981                                      2334000200025 
 4.9805      8.096     2.210                                      2334000200026 
 5.1201      6.419     2.438                                      2334000200027 
 5.1669      8.248     2.057                                      2334000200028 
 5.2622      10.84     2.133                                      2334000200029 
 5.5104      7.486     1.676                                      2334000200030 
 5.6134      4.362     1.600                                      2334000200031 
 5.8232      5.658     1.524                                      2334000200032 
 6.0411      6.039     1.524                                      2334000200033 
 6.2097      6.801     1.600                                      2334000200034 
 6.4424      6.115     1.524                                      2334000200035 
 6.6220      7.639     1.676                                      2334000200036 
 6.8703      6.192     1.905                                      2334000200037 
 6.9980      5.277     1.295                                      2334000200038 
 7.2602      4.744     1.295                                      2334000200039 
 7.4629      5.277     1.219                                      2334000200040 
 7.7425      4.744     2.286                                      2334000200041 
 7.8852      7.335     1.143                                      2334000200042 
 8.1805      6.802     1.295                                      2334000200043 
 8.4101      4.363     1.371                                      2334000200044 
 8.5648      7.716     1.448                                      2334000200045 
 8.7247      4.897     1.524                                      2334000200046 
 8.9681      6.192     1.219                                      2334000200047 
 9.2193      4.744     1.371                                      2334000200048 
 9.4771      4.440     1.600                                      2334000200049 
 9.6526      5.049     1.371                                      2334000200050 
 9.9228      4.135     1.829                                      2334000200051 
 10.200      4.821     1.143                                      2334000200052 
 10.485      5.355     1.600                                      2334000200053 
 10.878      2.916     1.219                                      2334000200054 
 11.181      5.431     1.067                                      2334000200055 
 11.389      4.135     1.752                                      2334000200056 
 11.601      2.306     1.066                                      2334000200057 
 12.034      4.898     1.295                                      2334000200058 
 12.372      2.383     0.990                                      2334000200059 
 12.485      3.831     1.066                                      2334000200060 
 12.833      5.889     1.219                                      2334000200061 
 13.072      4.746     1.371                                      2334000200062 
 13.315      3.831     1.219                                      2334000200063 
 13.686      4.746     1.448                                      2334000200064 
 13.813      3.831     1.295                                      2334000200065 
 14.068      5.584     1.219                                      2334000200066 
 14.864      7.337     0.762                                      2334000200067 
 14.866      5.279     1.143                                      2334000200068 
 15.563      7.566     0.685                                      2334000200069 
 15.998      7.032     0.914                                      2334000200070 
 16.444      8.785     0.990                                      2334000200071 
 16.748     11.072     0.914                                      2334000200072 
 16.903      9.776     0.990                                      2334000200073 
 17.374     11.834     1.295                                      2334000200074 
 18.024     12.520     0.838                                      2334000200075 
 18.698     13.283     0.838                                      2334000200076 
 19.397     14.121     1.066                                      2334000200077 
 19.937     16.636     0.990                                      2334000200078 
 19.938     15.188     0.914                                      2334000200079 
 20.875     16.331     1.066                                      2334000200080 
 21.456     18.237     0.990                                      2334000200081 
 22.259     18.694     0.762                                      2334000200082 
 22.880     20.066     0.838                                      2334000200083 
 23.088     22.962     0.762                                      2334000200084 
 24.174     22.734     1.143                                      2334000200085 
 24.395     24.258     0.990                                      2334000200086 
 25.307     25.477     1.066                                      2334000200087 
 25.542     24.106     0.990                                      2334000200088 
 26.255     24.792     1.143                                      2334000200089 
 26.494     27.611     0.990                                      2334000200090 
 27.233     28.831     0.990                                      2334000200091 
 28.253     28.374     1.448                                      2334000200092 
 28.776     29.669     0.990                                      2334000200093 
 29.854     28.984     1.143                                      2334000200094 
 30.686     30.356     0.762                                      2334000200095 
 31.539     34.166     1.066                                      2334000200096 
 31.832     32.490     1.066                                      2334000200097 
 33.019     35.614     1.066                                      2334000200098 
 33.022     33.633     0.914                                      2334000200099 
 33.630     36.910     1.295                                      2334000200100 
 34.568     37.748     1.219                                      2334000200101 
 36.529     36.986     0.990                                      2334000200102 
 37.204     38.358     0.609                                      2334000200103 
 38.243     38.663     0.838                                      2334000200104 
 39.310     39.883     0.838                                      2334000200105 
 40.406     41.178     0.990                                      2334000200106 
 40.777     42.398     0.990                                      2334000200107 
 41.153     42.855     0.762                                      2334000200108 
 42.695     41.941     0.762                                      2334000200109 
 44.289     44.151     1.143                                      2334000200110 
 45.529     42.932     0.838                                      2334000200111 
 46.797     45.218     1.295                                      2334000200112 
 47.662     46.666     1.371                                      2334000200113 
 49.903     46.590     0.990                                      2334000200114 
 50.825     47.886     1.143                                      2334000200115 
 53.218     46.362     1.448                                      2334000200116 
 54.701     48.267     1.295                                      2334000200117 
 56.225     50.172     1.600                                      2334000200118 
 56.740     51.849     1.371                                      2334000200119 
 57.799     49.258     1.447                                      2334000200120 
 59.961     49.944     0.990                                      2334000200121 
 61.629     52.840     1.219                                      2334000200122 
 62.782     49.182     1.295                                      2334000200123 
 63.357     50.782     1.219                                      2334000200124 
 64.530     51.468     1.295                                      2334000200125 
 66.327     53.526     1.295                                      2334000200126 
 68.187     51.773     1.295                                      2334000200127 
 69.446     53.374     1.371                                      2334000200128 
 70.742     50.935     1.295                                      2334000200129 
 72.710     53.755     1.295                                      2334000200130 
 74.056     54.441     1.371                                      2334000200131 
 75.436     52.459     1.524                                      2334000200132 
 76.125     54.670     1.295                                      2334000200133 
 78.984     52.155     1.143                                      2334000200134 
 79.719     50.554     1.524                                      2334000200135 
 81.944     51.240     1.524                                      2334000200136 
 82.693     53.222     1.371                                      2334000200137 
 86.589     51.012     1.448                                      2334000200138 
 89.832     50.783     1.295                                      2334000200139 
 94.055     50.860     2.362                                      2334000200140 
 95.803     49.869     1.600                                      2334000200141 
 97.575     51.012     1.066                                      2334000200142 
 100.30     52.460     1.295                                      2334000200143 
 103.11     49.945     1.829                                      2334000200144 
 106.00     48.498     1.752                                      2334000200145 
 106.96     51.317     1.448                                      2334000200146 
 109.97     48.574     1.524                                      2334000200147 
 113.03     50.555     1.371                                      2334000200148 
 114.08     49.031     0.762                                      2334000200149 
 117.28     47.050     0.838                                      2334000200150 
 118.37     46.440     0.762                                      2334000200151 
 121.69     44.383     1.524                                      2334000200152 
 125.07     47.355     1.143                                      2334000200153 
 129.74     48.651     1.371                                      2334000200154 
 130.96     46.212     1.371                                      2334000200155 
 132.18     44.230     1.219                                      2334000200156 
 134.63     43.164     1.676                                      2334000200157 
 140.96     43.316     1.752                                      2334000200158 
 147.59     43.469     1.371                                      2334000200159 
 147.60     42.249     1.448                                      2334000200160 
 153.11     44.307     1.676                                      2334000200161 
 157.40     42.021     1.448                                      2334000200162 
 160.32     42.554     1.295                                      2334000200163 
 163.27     44.993     1.295                                      2334000200164 
 167.83     45.908     1.371                                      2334000200165 
 172.55     42.859     1.371                                      2334000200166 
 183.99     44.460     1.295                                      2334000200167 
 192.66     42.326     1.676                                      2334000200168 
 196.21     45.756     1.448                                      2334000200169 
 198.04     43.774     1.143                                      2334000200170 
 205.45     44.003     1.143                                      2334000200171 
 209.24     45.985     1.371                                      2334000200172 
 213.14     43.622     1.905                                      2334000200173 
 221.12     43.927     1.524                                      2334000200174 
 227.28     46.061     1.295                                      2334000200175 
 237.97     45.071     1.371                                      2334000200176 
 242.40     44.156     1.752                                      2334000200177 
 246.87     45.604     1.752                                      2334000200178 
 253.77     46.138     1.448                                      2334000200179 
 258.49     45.147     1.600                                      2334000200180 
 263.25     48.043     1.371                                      2334000200181 
 268.14     46.748     1.219                                      2334000200182 
 275.65     45.528     1.600                                      2334000200183 
 283.33     47.891     1.295                                      2334000200184 
 296.68     45.452     1.524                                      2334000200185 
 299.40     47.053     1.448                                      2334000200186 
 304.98     44.766     1.448                                      2334000200187 
 325.21     47.205     1.524                                      2334000200188 
 334.30     46.596     1.219                                      2334000200189 
 346.81     46.901     1.676                                      2334000200190 
 353.27     45.224     1.600                                      2334000200191 
 366.48     46.367     1.600                                      2334000200192 
 376.73     45.682     1.143                                      2334000200193 
 394.44     45.987     1.219                                      2334000200194 
 401.72     47.816     1.600                                      2334000200195 
 405.50     43.853     1.524                                      2334000200196 
 420.67     44.767     1.676                                      2334000200197 
 436.42     44.310     1.524                                      2334000200198 
 452.76     44.539     1.752                                      2334000200199 
 461.25     39.890     1.829                                      2334000200200 
 465.46     42.177     1.752                                      2334000200201 
 482.84     44.311     1.600                                      2334000200202 
 491.86     41.415     1.829                                      2334000200203 
 496.37     42.863     1.905                                      2334000200204 
 514.89     45.454     1.752                                      2334000200205 
 529.34     42.634     1.752                                      2334000200206 
 534.20     43.930     1.676                                      2334000200207 
 544.15     42.329     1.829                                      2334000200208 
 559.27     45.911     1.600                                      2334000200209 
 569.73     42.330     1.676                                      2334000200210 
 585.64     42.787     1.600                                      2334000200211 
 596.48     43.473     1.600                                      2334000200212 
 613.25     40.120     1.829                                      2334000200213 
 630.33     41.949     1.600                                      2334000200214 
 636.20     40.120     1.905                                      2334000200215 
 647.84     45.607     1.676                                      2334000200216 
 659.96     42.178     1.752                                      2334000200217 
 678.43     41.187     1.829                                      2334000200218 
 690.90     44.998     1.676                                      2334000200219 
 710.23     44.464     1.829                                      2334000200220 
 710.36     40.196     1.905                                      2334000200221 
 736.79     45.074     1.752                                      2334000200222 
 750.56     42.102     1.829                                      2334000200223 
 778.61     43.474     1.752                                      2334000200224 
 778.65     42.407     1.067                                      2334000200225 
 800.35     44.084     1.752                                      2334000200226 
 807.88     40.197     1.981                                      2334000200227 
 830.43     40.807     1.981                                      2334000200228 
 838.22     37.606     1.905                                      2334000200229 
 877.43     42.712     1.752                                      2334000200230 
 918.73     41.417     1.829                                      2334000200231 
 927.03     45.684     1.829                                      2334000200232 
 970.81     41.112     1.981                                      2334000200233 
 1016.4     41.341     2.896                                      2334000200234 
 1044.8     43.170     1.829                                      2334000200235 
 1074.2     39.131     2.133                                      2334000200236 
 1104.1     41.722     1.981                                      2334000200237 
 1134.7     45.075     1.981                                      2334000200238 
 1188.2     43.551     1.905                                      2334000200239 
 1221.6     40.198     2.133                                      2334000200240 
 1244.1     42.789     2.057                                      2334000200241 
 1290.7     42.027     2.057                                      2334000200242 
 1326.8     41.646     2.210                                      2334000200243 
 1351.3     42.561     1.905                                      2334000200244 
 1389.1     43.094     1.981                                      2334000200245 
 1415.0     39.894     2.210                                      2334000200246 
 1441.2     40.351     2.057                                      2334000200247 
 1467.7     44.390     2.134                                      2334000200248 
 1523.0     39.513     2.134                                      2334000200249 
 1537.0     40.885     2.210                                      2334000200250 
 1639.0     42.028     2.286                                      2334000200251 
 1716.1     40.504     2.743                                      2334000200252 
 1731.7     44.696     2.133                                      2334000200253 
 1763.8     44.010     2.210                                      2334000200254 
 1830.0     42.867     1.981                                      2334000200255 
 1864.3     37.913     2.133                                      2334000200256 
 1933.6     43.172     2.057                                      2334000200257 
 1970.0     38.142     2.057                                      2334000200258 
 2043.4     41.343     2.057                                      2334000200259 
 2081.2     41.953     2.057                                      2334000200260 
 2159.1     42.181     2.057                                      2334000200261 
 2179.5     38.066     2.133                                      2334000200262 
 2261.1     37.456     2.210                                      2334000200263 
 2302.2     45.840     2.057                                      2334000200264 
 2366.8     43.630     1.829                                      2334000200265 
 2455.5     42.334     2.210                                      2334000200266 
 2523.9     44.544     2.057                                      2334000200267 
 2547.7     40.429     2.210                                      2334000200268 
 2619.0     39.591     1.981                                      2334000200269 
 2742.3     38.219     2.057                                      2334000200270 
 2818.6     40.658     2.057                                      2334000200271 
 2819.1     36.847     2.133                                      2334000200272 
 2897.4     40.506     1.905                                      2334000200273 
 3006.1     38.524     2.210                                      2334000200274 
 3061.8     39.134     1.981                                      2334000200275 
 3147.0     42.106     2.057                                      2334000200276 
 3235.2     40.277     2.133                                      2334000200277 
 3356.4     39.744     2.133                                      2334000200278 
 3450.4     38.296     1.981                                      2334000200279 
 3514.7     36.086     2.286                                      2334000200280 
 3612.0     42.183     2.057                                      2334000200281 
 3714.0     35.400     2.210                                      2334000200282 
 3817.3     38.449     2.286                                      2334000200283 
 3960.1     39.211     2.057                                      2334000200284 
 4069.7     45.003     2.133                                      2334000200285 
 4184.3     40.735     2.286                                      2334000200286 
 4380.8     41.498     2.133                                      2334000200287 
 4461.7     43.632     1.981                                      2334000200288 
 4628.9     42.565     2.286                                      2334000200289 
 4758.0     43.708     2.057                                      2334000200290 
 4937.2     39.059     2.133                                      2334000200291 
 5121.8     39.898     2.057                                      2334000200292 
 5313.4     40.584     2.057                                      2334000200293 
 5462.2     39.441     2.133                                      2334000200294 
 5666.7     39.364     2.286                                      2334000200295 
 5878.2     41.651     1.981                                      2334000200296 
 6098.3     41.803     1.981                                      2334000200297 
 6269.2     40.051     2.057                                      2334000200298 
 6502.6     44.547     3.582                                      2334000200299 
 6810.3     37.841     2.819                                      2334000200300 
 7128.9     42.947     2.057                                      2334000200301 
 7394.9     45.691     2.133                                      2334000200302 
 7673.8     39.670     2.210                                      2334000200303 
 8032.5     45.462     2.057                                      2334000200304 
 8412.2     39.747     2.286                                      2334000200305 
 8807.4     40.509     1.905                                      2334000200306 
 9135.8     43.862     2.057                                      2334000200307 
 9567.3     39.061     2.210                                      2334000200308 
 10016.     41.729     2.057                                      2334000200309 
 10583.     42.948     2.057                                      2334000200310 
 11081.     42.339     2.057                                      2334000200311 
 11818.     41.120     2.133                                      2334000200312 
 12261.     38.528     2.057                                      2334000200313 
 12835.     43.711     2.133                                      2334000200314 
 13563.     42.797     1.981                                      2334000200315 
 14200.     43.559     2.057                                      2334000200316 
 15146.     39.825     2.133                                      2334000200317 
 16301.     39.444     2.133                                      2334000200318 
 17069.     38.529     2.133                                      2334000200319 
 18199.     42.264     2.057                                      2334000200320 
 19408.     43.103     2.286                                      2334000200321 
 20884.     47.523     2.438                                      2334000200322 
 22480.     44.018     2.286                                      2334000200323 
 23982.     36.473     2.210                                      2334000200324 
 25804.     42.265     2.133                                      2334000200325 
 28029.     42.037     2.057                                      2334000200326 
 30165.     43.333     2.057                                      2334000200327 
 33376.     41.809     2.133                                      2334000200328 
 36256.     40.208     2.515                                      2334000200329 
 39735.     45.925     2.133                                      2334000200330 
 43971.     40.743     2.286                                      2334000200331 
 48644.     42.343     2.210                                      2334000200332 
 53828.     38.000     2.210                                      2334000200333 
 60644.     43.106     2.362                                      2334000200334 
 68338.     43.183     2.362                                      2334000200335 
 77735.     38.534     2.514                                      2334000200336 
 89215.     40.364     2.438                                      2334000200337 
0.10336E+06 35.791     2.667                                      2334000200338 
0.12084E+06 36.173     2.743                                      2334000200339 
0.14387E+06 39.222     2.896                                      2334000200340 
0.17447E+06 41.661     2.438                                      2334000200341 
0.21554E+06 40.138     3.277                                      2334000200342 
0.27120E+06 39.986     3.734                                      2334000200343 
0.35400E+06 39.911     3.582                                      2334000200344 
ENDDATA            325          0                                 2334000200345 
ENDSUBENT          344          0                                 2334000299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 2334099999999