ENTRY 23356 20201211 22962335600000001 SUBENT 23356001 20201211 22962335600100001 BIB 11 38 2335600100002 TITLE On the delayed neutron yields of the longer-lived 2335600100003 halogen precursors in thermal neutron fission of 235U 2335600100004 AUTHOR (P.del Marmol,P.Fettweis,D.C.Perricos) 2335600100005 REFERENCE (J,RCA,16,4,1971) 2335600100006 INSTITUTE (2BLGMOL) 2335600100007 FACILITY (REAC,2BLGMOL) BR1 graphite reactor 2335600100008 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Irradiation in the core of BR1 reactor. 2335600100009 INC-SPECT Thermal neutron flux ~2E+11 n/cm2/sec. 2335600100010 ~ 5%% epicadmium neutron contribution. 2335600100011 SAMPLE For I: 2335600100012 50 mg of U-235 ( 90% enrichment) dissolved in 0.8ml 2335600100013 of water containing 1mg I-, 0.1mg IO(4)- and 1mg Br- 2335600100014 carriers, 0.7ml 1 M Na(2)CO(3) and 0.1 ml 131I tracer. 2335600100015 Irradiation usually 20sec, cooling time 15 sec. 2335600100016 For Br: 2335600100017 50mg U-235, 2mg IO(3)-and 5mg BrO(3)- carriers in 2335600100018 solution in 0.7ml water. 2335600100019 15sec irradiation, 10sec cooling, transferred to the 2335600100020 neutron counter 90 to 130 sec after irradiation. 2335600100021 METHOD (CHSEP) Iodine separation based on the CCL(4) 2335600100022 extraction method of I(2) - in about 1 min. 2335600100023 Br(2) extraction in CCl(4). 2335600100024 I-137 activity was measured with respect to the 2335600100025 55.6 sec delayed neutron activity of unseparated U-235 2335600100026 samples, irradiated and measured under the same 2335600100027 conditions. 2335600100028 DETECTOR (HE3SP) Five He-3 counters in paraffin as delayed 2335600100029 neutron detector. Overall efficiency ( defined by 2335600100030 Cf-252 source) - 2.6%. Detector response - see 2335600100031 Fig.2 of RCA,16,4,1971 2335600100032 (GELI) Ge(Li) detector ( 4cm3 , 50 cm3) to measure 2335600100033 403 keV gamma-ray from 87Kr or 456 keV gamma-ray from 2335600100034 137Xe. 2335600100035 Connected with 1024 channel pulse height analyzer. 2335600100036 Absolute efficiency was measured by 137Cs, 22Na, 198Au 2335600100037 sources. 2335600100038 HISTORY (20171113C) M.M. 2335600100039 (20201211U) SD: Correction in Subent 009. 2335600100040 ENDBIB 38 0 2335600100041 NOCOMMON 0 0 2335600100042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2335600199999 SUBENT 23356002 20171113 22682335600200001 BIB 6 11 2335600200002 REACTION ((92-U-235(N,F)53-I-137,DL/CUM,NU)/ 2335600200003 (92-U-235(N,F)35-BR-87,DL/CUM,NU)) 2335600200004 ANALYSIS Result of 6 runs for each isotope. 2335600200005 CORRECTION For saturation and counter efficiency. 2335600200006 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-87,55.6SEC) 55.6+-0.3 sec ( error - twice 2335600200007 standard deviation) measured 2335600200008 (53-I-137,24.7SEC) 24.7+-0.2 sec ( error - twice 2335600200009 standard deviation) measured 2335600200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Twice standard deviation is in text, 2335600200011 divided by 2 by compiler. 2335600200012 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 7 of J.Radiochim.Acta,16,4,1971 2335600200013 ENDBIB 11 0 2335600200014 COMMON 1 3 2335600200015 EN-DUMMY 2335600200016 EV 2335600200017 0.0253 2335600200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2335600200019 DATA 2 1 2335600200020 DATA DATA-ERR 2335600200021 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2335600200022 4.85 0.10 2335600200023 ENDDATA 3 0 2335600200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2335600299999 SUBENT 23356003 20171113 22682335600300001 BIB 5 8 2335600300002 REACTION ((92-U-235(N,F)35-BR-88,DL/CUM,NU)/ 2335600300003 (92-U-235(N,F)35-BR-87,DL/CUM,NU)) 2335600300004 ANALYSIS Result of 8 runs for each isotope. 2335600300005 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-87,55.6SEC) 55.6+-0.3 sec ( error - twice 2335600300006 standard deviation) measured 2335600300007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Twice standard deviation is in text, 2335600300008 divided by 2 by compiler. 2335600300009 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 7 of J.Radiochim.Acta,16,4,1971 2335600300010 ENDBIB 8 0 2335600300011 COMMON 1 3 2335600300012 EN-DUMMY 2335600300013 EV 2335600300014 0.0253 2335600300015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2335600300016 DATA 2 1 2335600300017 DATA DATA-ERR 2335600300018 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2335600300019 1.7 0.1 2335600300020 ENDDATA 3 0 2335600300021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 2335600399999 SUBENT 23356004 20171113 22682335600400001 BIB 6 18 2335600400002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)35-BR-87,DL/CUM,NU) 2335600400003 87Br delayed neutron yield 2335600400004 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-87,55.6SEC) 55.6+-0.3 sec ( error - twice 2335600400005 standard deviation) measured 2335600400006 METHOD Measured relative to Cf-252 standard source. 2335600400007 REL-REF (A,13700017,G.R.Keepin+,J,PR,107,1044,1957) 2335600400008 (A,13700017,G.R.Keepin+,J,JNE,6,1,1957) 2335600400009 5.2+-0.5 n/10**4fis. 2335600400010 G.R.Keepin+,Physics and Nuclear Kinetics,ch.4, 2335600400011 Addison-Wesley publishing Co., 1965 . 2335600400012 5.8+-0.7 n/10**4fis. 2335600400013 (A,23362002,H.D.Schuessler+,C,69VIENNA,,591,1969) 2335600400014 5.9+-0.9 n/10**4fis. (unseparated sample) 2335600400015 (A,23362003,H.D.Schuessler+,C,69VIENNA,,591,1969) 2335600400016 5.6+-0.3 n/10**4FIS. (separated sample) 2335600400017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in article 2335600400018 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 7 and Table 2 of 2335600400019 J.Radiochim.Acta,16,4,1971 2335600400020 ENDBIB 18 0 2335600400021 COMMON 1 3 2335600400022 EN-DUMMY 2335600400023 EV 2335600400024 0.0253 2335600400025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2335600400026 DATA 2 1 2335600400027 DATA DATA-ERR 2335600400028 PC/FIS PC/FIS 2335600400029 5.8E-2 0.4E-2 2335600400030 ENDDATA 3 0 2335600400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2335600499999 SUBENT 23356005 20171113 22682335600500001 BIB 7 18 2335600500002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,DL/CUM,NU) 2335600500003 Absolute delayed neutron yields from I and Br isotopes2335600500004 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-87,55.6SEC) 55.6+-0.3 sec ( error - twice 2335600500005 standard deviation) measured 2335600500006 (53-I-137,24.7SEC) 24.7+-0.2 sec ( error - twice 2335600500007 standard deviation) measured 2335600500008 MONITOR (92-U-235(N,F)35-BR-87,DL/CUM,NU) 2335600500009 MONIT-REF (23356004,P.del Marmol+,J,RCA,16,4,1971) 2335600500010 Measured at this work. 2335600500011 REL-REF G.R.Keepin+,Physics and Nuclear Kinetics,ch.4, 2335600500012 Addison-Wesley publishing Co., 1965 . 2335600500013 I-137 : 21.2+-4.5 n/10**4fis. 2335600500014 Br-88 : 16.7+-7.0 n/10**4fis. 2335600500015 (D,23262003,H.D.Schuessler+,C,69VIENNA,,591,1969) 2335600500016 I-137 : 21.7+-2.6 n/10**4fis. 2335600500017 Br-88 : 12.1+-1.5 n/10**4fis. 2335600500018 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in article 2335600500019 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of J.Radiochim.Acta,16,4,1971 2335600500020 ENDBIB 18 0 2335600500021 COMMON 1 3 2335600500022 EN-DUMMY 2335600500023 EV 2335600500024 0.0253 2335600500025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2335600500026 DATA 4 2 2335600500027 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR 2335600500028 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 2335600500029 53. 137. 28.1E-2 2.3E-2 2335600500030 35. 88. 9.9E-2 1.4E-2 2335600500031 ENDDATA 4 0 2335600500032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2335600599999 SUBENT 23356006 20171113 22682335600600001 BIB 6 20 2335600600002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),DL/GRP,NU) 2335600600003 Delayed neutron yield for 2nd group. 2335600600004 ANALYSIS The weak contribution of 0.32+-0.06 n/10**4fis. for 2335600600005 24.9sec 141Cs was taken into account; 2335600600006 possible contribution of 136Te was neglected. 2335600600007 REL-REF (A,13700017,G.R.Keepin+,J,PR,107,1044,1957) 2335600600008 (A,13700017,G.R.Keepin+,J,JNE,6,1,1957) 2335600600009 34.6+-1.8 n/10**4fis. ( two refs.) 2335600600010 G.R.Keepin+,Physics and Nuclear Kinetics,ch.4, 2335600600011 Addison-Wesley publishing Co., 1965 . 2335600600012 37.9+-8.3 n/10**4fis. 2335600600013 (A,23362002,H.D.Schuessler+,C,69VIENNA,,591,1969) 2335600600014 34.6+-1.8 n/10**4fis. 2335600600015 (R,,W.L.Talbert Jr+,J,PR,177,1805,1969) 2335600600016 141Cs (24.9 sec) delayed neutron yield 2335600600017 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)55-CS-141,DL/CUM,NU) 2335600600018 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2335600600019 article. 2335600600020 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 7 and Table 2 of 2335600600021 J.Radiochim.Acta,16,4,1971 2335600600022 ENDBIB 20 0 2335600600023 COMMON 3 3 2335600600024 EN-DUMMY ASSUM ASSUM-ERR 2335600600025 EV PC/FIS PC/FIS 2335600600026 0.0253 0.32E-2 0.06E-2 2335600600027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2335600600028 DATA 3 1 2335600600029 GRP-NUM DATA DATA-ERR 2335600600030 NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS 2335600600031 2. 38.3E-2 3.0E-2 2335600600032 ENDDATA 3 0 2335600600033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 2335600699999 SUBENT 23356007 20171113 22682335600700001 BIB 6 18 2335600700002 REACTION (35-BR-87(0,B-)36-KR-87,,PN) 2335600700003 DECAY-DATA (36-KR-87,76.4MIN,DG,403.,0.597) 59.7+-3.0 % 2335600700004 ANALYSIS Result of 7 measurements. 2335600700005 Calculated from the ratio of neutron activity divided 2335600700006 by the delayed neutron intensity (measured) to the 2335600700007 absolute activity of gamma -ray from the daughter 2335600700008 corrected for growth-decay; activities extrapolated 2335600700009 back to the rare gas separation time. This ratio 2335600700010 yielded the Pn/(1-Pn) . 2335600700011 REL-REF (D,41617002,P.M.Aron+,J,AE,16,368,1964) 2335600700012 (D,41617002,P.M.Aron+,J,SJA,16,447,1964) 2335600700013 Engl.translation of AE,16,368,1964 2335600700014 3.1+-0.6 % 2335600700015 (A,23362007,H.D.Schuessler+,C,69VIENNA,,591,1969) 2335600700016 2.4+-0.1 % ( calculated ) 2335600700017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in article 2335600700018 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 7 and Table 2 of 2335600700019 J.Radiochim.Acta,16,4,1971 2335600700020 ENDBIB 18 0 2335600700021 NOCOMMON 0 0 2335600700022 DATA 2 1 2335600700023 DATA DATA-ERR 2335600700024 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2335600700025 0.021 0.003 2335600700026 ENDDATA 3 0 2335600700027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2335600799999 SUBENT 23356008 20171113 22682335600800001 BIB 6 18 2335600800002 REACTION (53-I-137(0,B-)54-XE-137,,PN) 2335600800003 DECAY-DATA (54-XE-137,3.85MIN,DG,456.,0.31) 31.+-3. % 2335600800004 ANALYSIS Result of 5 measurements. 2335600800005 Calculated from the ratio of neutron activity divided 2335600800006 by the delayed neutron intensity (measured) to the 2335600800007 absolute activity of gamma -ray from the daughter 2335600800008 corrected for growth-decay; activities extrapolated 2335600800009 back to the rare gas separation time. This ratio 2335600800010 yielded the Pn/(1-Pn) . 2335600800011 REL-REF (D,41617005,P.M.Aron+,J,AE,16,368,1964) 2335600800012 (D,41617005,P.M.Aron+,J,SJA,16,447,1964) 2335600800013 Engl.translation of AE,16,368,1964 2335600800014 3.0+-0.5 % 2335600800015 (D,23362017,H.D.Schuessler+,C,69VIENNA,,591,1969) 2335600800016 5.2+-0.5 % ( calculated ), 4.7+-1.0 % 2335600800017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in article 2335600800018 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 7 and Table 2 of 2335600800019 J.Radiochim.Acta,16,4,1971 2335600800020 ENDBIB 18 0 2335600800021 NOCOMMON 0 0 2335600800022 DATA 2 1 2335600800023 DATA DATA-ERR 2335600800024 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2335600800025 0.086 0.012 2335600800026 ENDDATA 3 0 2335600800027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2335600899999 SUBENT 23356009 20201211 22962335600900001 BIB 6 10 2335600900002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)53-I-137,CUM,FY) 2335600900003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-137,24.7SEC,DN,,0.086) 2335600900004 Pn value with error is in Subent 008 2335600900005 ANALYSIS Deduced as delayed neutron yield divided by Pn 2335600900006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in article 2335600900007 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 7 of J.Radiochim.Acta,16,4,1971 2335600900008 (DEP,23356008) Pn value 2335600900009 (DEP,23356005) Delayed neutron yield for I-137. 2335600900010 HISTORY (20201211U) SD: DECAY-DATA corrected (missed comma 2335600900011 before intensity added). 2335600900012 ENDBIB 10 0 2335600900013 COMMON 1 3 2335600900014 EN-DUMMY 2335600900015 EV 2335600900016 0.0253 2335600900017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2335600900018 DATA 2 1 2335600900019 DATA DATA-ERR 2335600900020 PC/FIS PC/FIS 2335600900021 3.3 0.5 2335600900022 ENDDATA 3 0 2335600900023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2335600999999 SUBENT 23356010 20171113 22682335601000001 BIB 5 9 2335601000002 REACTION ((92-U-235(N,F)53-I-137,CUM,FY)/ 2335601000003 (92-U-235(N,F)MASS,CHN,FY)) 2335601000004 RESULT (FRCUM) 2335601000005 REL-REF (A,,A.C.Wahl+,C,69VIENNA,,813,1969) 2335601000006 58.+-1. % (calculated by semi-empirical method) 2335601000007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2335601000008 article. 2335601000009 STATUS (TABLE) Text, page 7 of J.Radiochim.Acta,16,4,1971 2335601000010 (DEP,23356009) Fission yield for I-137 2335601000011 ENDBIB 9 0 2335601000012 COMMON 2 3 2335601000013 EN-DUMMY MASS 2335601000014 EV NO-DIM 2335601000015 0.0253 137. 2335601000016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2335601000017 DATA 2 1 2335601000018 DATA DATA-ERR 2335601000019 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2335601000020 0.53 0.09 2335601000021 ENDDATA 3 0 2335601000022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2335601099999 ENDENTRY 10 0 2335699999999