ENTRY 23362 20171020 22682336200000001 SUBENT 23362001 20171020 22682336200100001 BIB 13 33 2336200100002 REFERENCE (C,69VIENNA,,591,1969) 2336200100003 AUTHOR (H.D.Schuessler,H.Ahrens,H.Folger,H.Franz,W.Grimm, 2336200100004 G.Herrmann,J.V.Kratz,K.L.Kratz) 2336200100005 TITLE Delayed neutron precursors in fission of U-235 by 2336200100006 thermal neutrons 2336200100007 INSTITUTE (2GERMNZ) 2336200100008 FACILITY (REAC,2GERMNZ) 2336200100009 INC-SOURCE (REAC) 2336200100010 INC-SPECT Thermal flux. 2336200100011 SAMPLE - 2cm3 of U solution in polystyrene capsule - at 2336200100012 ion or isotope exchange method. 2336200100013 - Thin film UO(2) deposited on Ai foil - at recoil 2336200100014 reaction method. 2336200100015 - About 1 cm3 of U solution in thin glass capsule - 2336200100016 at method of separation by volatization. 2336200100017 METHOD (CHSEP) Chemical separation by rapid automatic 2336200100018 technique. Chemical steps: 2336200100019 - isotopic or ion exchange with preformed precipitates 2336200100020 (Br,I,Rb,Cs,Sr), min.time 3.0sec, 2336200100021 - extraction into quasi-solid reagents (Y,Zr,Nb), 2336200100022 - volatization as hydrides (As,Se,Sb,Te), separation 2336200100023 time 4-5 sec, 2336200100024 - recoil reactions with methane forming volatile methyl2336200100025 halides (Br,I), separation within 0.5 sec. 2336200100026 PART-DET (N,DG) Neutron decay curves, gamma spectra. 2336200100027 DETECTOR (GELI) Ge(Li)-detectors. For gamma-spectra . 2336200100028 (HE3SP) Six He-3 counting tubes as neutron detector , 2336200100029 an counters for beta rays . 2336200100030 ANALYSIS The absolute yields of Br-88 and I-137 are the basis 2336200100031 for calculating the absolute yields of other precursors2336200100032 whose intensities were measured relative to these 2336200100033 standard nuclides. 2336200100034 HISTORY (20171020C) M.M. 2336200100035 ENDBIB 33 0 2336200100036 NOCOMMON 0 0 2336200100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 2336200199999 SUBENT 23362002 20171020 22682336200200001 BIB 6 11 2336200200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F),DL/GRP,NU,,MXW) 2336200200003 Delayed neutron yield for specific group of half-life 2336200200004 ANALYSIS Unseparated sample was measured and analyzed. 2336200200005 FLAG (1.) these data for 0.6 and 0.2 sec groups, preliminary2336200200006 results. 2336200200007 MISC-COL (MISC) Contribution of non-halogens to the longest 2336200200008 groups 2336200200009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336200200010 article 2336200200011 (MISC-ERR) Absolute error of MISC 2336200200012 STATUS (TABLE) Table III Cconf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336200200013 ENDBIB 11 0 2336200200014 COMMON 1 3 2336200200015 EN-DUMMY 2336200200016 EV 2336200200017 0.0253 2336200200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336200200019 DATA 7 5 2336200200020 GRP-NUM HL DATA DATA-ERR FLAG MISC 2336200200021 MISC-ERR 2336200200022 NO-DIM SEC PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM PER-CENT 2336200200023 PER-CENT 2336200200024 1. 55. 5.9E-2 0.9E-2 0.4 2336200200025 1.0 2336200200026 2. 22. 34.6E-2 1.8E-2 2.3 2336200200027 1.5 2336200200028 3. 6. 31.5E-2 5.4E-2 23. 2336200200029 5. 2336200200030 4. 2. 60.2E-2 7.8E-2 44. 2336200200031 10. 2336200200032 5. 0.6 26.0E-2 10.6E-2 1. 2336200200033 2336200200034 ENDDATA 14 0 2336200200035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2336200299999 SUBENT 23362003 20171020 22682336200300001 BIB 6 26 2336200300002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,DL/CUM,NU) 2336200300003 Delayed neutron yield for specific isotope 2336200300004 DECAY-DATA ((3.)35-BR-87,54.5SEC) 2336200300005 ((4.)35-BR-88,16.3SEC) 2336200300006 ((5.)35-BR-89,4.4SEC) 2336200300007 ((6.)35-BR-90,1.6SEC) 2336200300008 ((7.)35-BR-91,0.5SEC) 2336200300009 ((8.)37-RB-93,6.2SEC) 2336200300010 ((9.)37-RB-94,2.3SEC) 2336200300011 ((10.)39-Y-98,2.3SEC) 2336200300012 ((11.)52-TE-136,20.SEC) 2336200300013 ((12.)52-TE-137,3.5SEC) 2336200300014 ((13.)53-I-137,24.4SEC) 2336200300015 ((14.)53-I-138,6.3SEC) 2336200300016 ((15.)53-I-139,2.0SEC) 2336200300017 ((16.)53-I-140,0.8SEC) 2336200300018 ((17.)53-I-141,0.4SEC) 2336200300019 COMMENT Of authors. For Te-137 data are average of values 2336200300020 from this work, Tomlison and del Marmol . 2336200300021 Of compiler. Data for Se-87,88 are in Subent 023 . 2336200300022 REL-REF (R,23349001,L.Tomlison+,J,JIN,30,1649,1968) 2336200300023 (R,23350001,L.Tomlison+,J,JIN,30,1995,1968) 2336200300024 (R,,P.del Marmol+,J,JIN,29,273,1967) 2336200300025 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336200300026 article 2336200300027 STATUS (TABLE) Tables III, IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,19692336200300028 ENDBIB 26 0 2336200300029 COMMON 1 3 2336200300030 EN-DUMMY 2336200300031 EV 2336200300032 0.0253 2336200300033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336200300034 DATA 6 15 2336200300035 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR DATA-APRX DECAY-FLAG 2336200300036 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM 2336200300037 35. 87. 5.6E-2 0.3E-2 3. 2336200300038 35. 88. 12.1E-2 1.5E-2 4. 2336200300039 35. 89. 17.7E-2 4.2E-2 5. 2336200300040 35. 90. 14.3E-2 3.5E-2 6. 2336200300041 35. 91. 1.8E-2 0.7E-2 7. 2336200300042 37. 93. 6.6E-2 1.7E-2 8. 2336200300043 37. 94. 16.9E-2 3.5E-2 9. 2336200300044 39. 98. 1.8E-2 0.9E-2 10. 2336200300045 52. 136. 1.2E-2 11. 2336200300046 52. 137. 0.7E-2 12. 2336200300047 53. 137. 21.7E-2 2.6E-2 13. 2336200300048 53. 138. 8.0E-2 1.9E-2 14. 2336200300049 53. 139. 9.9E-2 2.2E-2 15. 2336200300050 53. 140. 6.4E-2 3.5E-2 16. 2336200300051 53. 141. 2.1E-2 0.7E-2 17. 2336200300052 ENDDATA 17 0 2336200300053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 2336200399999 SUBENT 23362004 20171020 22682336200400001 BIB 6 15 2336200400002 REACTION ((92-U-235(N,F)33-AS-85,DL/CUM,NU)+ 2336200400003 (92-U-235(N,F)33-AS-86,DL/CUM,NU)) 2336200400004 Delayed neutron yield for specific As isotopes 2336200400005 ANALYSIS As-85 HL was defined from neutron decay curves to be 2336200400006 ~2.1sec 2336200400007 DECAY-DATA (33-AS-85,2.03SEC) 2336200400008 ADD-RES (DECAY) Half-lives were determined for 2336200400009 As-83 - 13.1+-0.4 sec from gamma-ray spectra' 2336200400010 As-84 - ~5.6sec from gamma-ray spectra, 6.+-1 sec from 2336200400011 gamma-ray spectra for counted Se-84, 2336200400012 As-87 - ~1.sec from neutron decay curve for counted 2336200400013 Br-87 . 2336200400014 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336200400015 article 2336200400016 STATUS (TABLE) Table III of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336200400017 ENDBIB 15 0 2336200400018 COMMON 1 3 2336200400019 EN-DUMMY 2336200400020 EV 2336200400021 0.0253 2336200400022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336200400023 DATA 2 1 2336200400024 DATA DATA-ERR 2336200400025 PC/FIS PC/FIS 2336200400026 7.7E-2 0.8E-2 2336200400027 ENDDATA 3 0 2336200400028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2336200499999 SUBENT 23362005 20171020 22682336200500001 BIB 8 18 2336200500002 REACTION (34-SE-87(0,B-)35-BR-87,,PN) 2336200500003 REL-REF (A,23350003,L.Tomlinson+,J,JIN,30,1995,1968) 2336200500004 < or = 0.8 % 2336200500005 ANALYSIS - Se-87 HL was defined from neutron decay curve to be 2336200500006 5.9+-0.2 sec (for counted Se-87 and Br-87 - the same 2336200500007 value obtained). 2336200500008 - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336200500009 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336200500010 yields of the precursor. 2336200500011 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)34-SE-87,CUM,FY) 2336200500012 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-87,5.9SEC) 2336200500013 ADD-RES (DECAY) Se-86 half-live was determined from gamma-ray 2336200500014 spectra to be 16.7+-0.3 sec . 2336200500015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336200500016 article 2336200500017 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336200500018 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336200500019 (SPSDD,22047006) Superseded by newer publication(1970) 2336200500020 ENDBIB 18 0 2336200500021 COMMON 2 3 2336200500022 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336200500023 EV PC/FIS 2336200500024 0.0253 1.2 2336200500025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336200500026 DATA 2 1 2336200500027 DATA DATA-ERR 2336200500028 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336200500029 0.3E-2 0.1E-2 2336200500030 ENDDATA 3 0 2336200500031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 2336200599999 SUBENT 23362006 20171020 22682336200600001 BIB 6 14 2336200600002 REACTION (34-SE-88(0,B-)35-BR-88,,PN) 2336200600003 ANALYSIS - Se-88 HL was defined from neutron decay curves to be 2336200600004 ~2sec, from neutron decay curve for counted Br-88 - 2336200600005 1.7+-0.5 sec. 2336200600006 - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336200600007 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336200600008 yields of the precursor. 2336200600009 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)34-SE-88,CUM,FY) 2336200600010 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-88,2.SEC) 2336200600011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336200600012 article 2336200600013 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336200600014 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336200600015 (SPSDD,22047007) Superseded by newer publication(1970) 2336200600016 ENDBIB 14 0 2336200600017 COMMON 2 3 2336200600018 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336200600019 EV PC/FIS 2336200600020 0.0253 0.8 2336200600021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336200600022 DATA 2 1 2336200600023 DATA DATA-ERR 2336200600024 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336200600025 0.4E-2 0.2E-2 2336200600026 ENDDATA 3 0 2336200600027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2336200699999 SUBENT 23362007 20171020 22682336200700001 BIB 7 16 2336200700002 REACTION (35-BR-87(0,B-)36-KR-87,,PN) 2336200700003 REL-REF (A,41617002,P.M.Aron+,J,SJA,16,447,1964) 2336200700004 Engl.translation of: 2336200700005 (A,41617002,P.M.Aron+,J,AE,16,368,1964) 2336200700006 3.1+-0.6 % 2336200700007 ANALYSIS - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336200700008 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336200700009 yields of the precursor. 2336200700010 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)35-BR-87,CUM,FY) 2336200700011 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-87,54.5SEC) 2336200700012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336200700013 article 2336200700014 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336200700015 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336200700016 (SPSDD,23357009) Superseded by newer publication 2336200700017 1972, in German, data are different. 2336200700018 ENDBIB 16 0 2336200700019 COMMON 2 3 2336200700020 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336200700021 EV PC/FIS 2336200700022 0.0253 2.4 2336200700023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336200700024 DATA 2 1 2336200700025 DATA DATA-ERR 2336200700026 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336200700027 2.4E-2 0.1E-2 2336200700028 ENDDATA 3 0 2336200700029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2336200799999 SUBENT 23362008 20171020 22682336200800001 BIB 7 16 2336200800002 REACTION (35-BR-88(0,B-)36-KR-88,,PN) 2336200800003 REL-REF (A,41617003,P.M.Aron+,J,SJA,16,447,1964) 2336200800004 Engl.translation of: 2336200800005 (A,41617003,P.M.Aron+,J,AE,16,368,1964) 2336200800006 6.0+-1.6 % 2336200800007 ANALYSIS - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336200800008 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336200800009 yields of the precursor. 2336200800010 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)35-BR-88,CUM,FY) 2336200800011 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-88,16.3SEC) 2336200800012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336200800013 article 2336200800014 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336200800015 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336200800016 (SPSDD,23357010) Superseded by newer publication 2336200800017 1972, in German, data are little different. 2336200800018 ENDBIB 16 0 2336200800019 COMMON 2 3 2336200800020 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336200800021 EV PC/FIS 2336200800022 0.0253 3.0 2336200800023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336200800024 DATA 2 1 2336200800025 DATA DATA-ERR 2336200800026 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336200800027 4.0E-2 0.5E-2 2336200800028 ENDDATA 3 0 2336200800029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2336200899999 SUBENT 23362009 20171020 22682336200900001 BIB 7 16 2336200900002 REACTION (35-BR-89(0,B-)36-KR-89,,PN) 2336200900003 REL-REF (A,41617004,P.M.Aron+,J,SJA,16,447,1964) 2336200900004 Engl.translation of: 2336200900005 (A,41617004,P.M.Aron+,J,AE,16,368,1964) 2336200900006 7.+-2. % 2336200900007 ANALYSIS - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336200900008 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336200900009 yields of the precursor. 2336200900010 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)35-BR-89,CUM,FY) 2336200900011 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-89,4.4SEC) 2336200900012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336200900013 article 2336200900014 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336200900015 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336200900016 (SPSDD,23357011) Superseded by newer publication 2336200900017 1972, in German, data are different. 2336200900018 ENDBIB 16 0 2336200900019 COMMON 2 3 2336200900020 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336200900021 EV PC/FIS 2336200900022 0.0253 2.7 2336200900023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336200900024 DATA 2 1 2336200900025 DATA DATA-ERR 2336200900026 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336200900027 6.7E-2 1.6E-2 2336200900028 ENDDATA 3 0 2336200900029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2336200999999 SUBENT 23362010 20171020 22682336201000001 BIB 6 12 2336201000002 REACTION (35-BR-90(0,B-)36-KR-90,,PN) 2336201000003 ANALYSIS - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336201000004 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336201000005 yields of the precursor. 2336201000006 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)35-BR-90,CUM,FY) 2336201000007 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-90,1.6SEC) 2336201000008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336201000009 article 2336201000010 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336201000011 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336201000012 (SPSDD,23357012) Superseded by newer publication 2336201000013 1972, in German, data are little different. 2336201000014 ENDBIB 12 0 2336201000015 COMMON 2 3 2336201000016 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336201000017 EV PC/FIS 2336201000018 0.0253 1.4 2336201000019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336201000020 DATA 2 1 2336201000021 DATA DATA-ERR 2336201000022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336201000023 10.4E-2 2.5E-2 2336201000024 ENDDATA 3 0 2336201000025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2336201099999 SUBENT 23362011 20171020 22682336201100001 BIB 6 12 2336201100002 REACTION (35-BR-91(0,B-)36-KR-91,,PN) 2336201100003 ANALYSIS Br-91 HL was defined from neutron decay curves to be 2336201100004 ~0.5sec. 2336201100005 - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336201100006 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336201100007 yields of the precursor. 2336201100008 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)35-BR-91,CUM,FY) 2336201100009 DECAY-DATA (35-BR-91,0.5SEC) 2336201100010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336201100011 article 2336201100012 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336201100013 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336201100014 ENDBIB 12 0 2336201100015 COMMON 2 3 2336201100016 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336201100017 EV PC/FIS 2336201100018 0.0253 0.4 2336201100019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336201100020 DATA 2 1 2336201100021 DATA DATA-ERR 2336201100022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336201100023 4.5E-2 1.8E-2 2336201100024 ENDDATA 3 0 2336201100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2336201199999 SUBENT 23362012 20171020 22682336201200001 BIB 7 19 2336201200002 REACTION (37-RB-93(0,B-)38-SR-93,,PN) 2336201200003 REL-REF (A,23360003,I.Amarel+,J,JIN,31,577,1969) 1.43+-0.18 % 2336201200004 (A,,S.Amiel+,C,67VIENNA,,115,1967) 2.6+-0.4 % 2336201200005 (A,,W.L.Talbert Jr+,J,PR,177,1805,1969) 1.59+-0.29 % 2336201200006 (R,,I.Chaumont+,W,CHAUMONT,1969) Mentioned in the 2336201200007 article as "to be published" 2336201200008 ANALYSIS Rb-93 HL was defined from neutron decay curve to be 2336201200009 ~5.9 sec 2336201200010 - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336201200011 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336201200012 yields of the precursor. 2336201200013 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)37-RB-93,CUM,FY) From I.Chamont+ 2336201200014 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-93,6.2SEC) 2336201200015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336201200016 article 2336201200017 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336201200018 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336201200019 (SPSDD,23357013) Superseded by newer publication 2336201200020 1972, in German, data are little different. 2336201200021 ENDBIB 19 0 2336201200022 COMMON 2 3 2336201200023 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336201200024 EV PC/FIS 2336201200025 0.0253 2.97 2336201200026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336201200027 DATA 2 1 2336201200028 DATA DATA-ERR 2336201200029 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336201200030 2.2E-2 0.6E-2 2336201200031 ENDDATA 3 0 2336201200032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 2336201299999 SUBENT 23362013 20171020 22682336201300001 BIB 7 15 2336201300002 REACTION (37-RB-94(0,B-)38-SR-94,,PN) 2336201300003 REL-REF (A,23360013,I.Amarel+,J,JIN,31,577,1969) 11.25+-1.46 % 2336201300004 ANALYSIS Rb-94 HL was defined from neutron decay curves to be 2336201300005 ~2.3sec. 2336201300006 - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336201300007 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336201300008 yields of the precursor. 2336201300009 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)37-RB-94,CUM,FY) 2336201300010 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-94,2.3SEC) 2336201300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336201300012 article 2336201300013 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336201300014 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336201300015 (SPSDD,23357014) Superseded by newer publication 2336201300016 1972, in German, data are little different. 2336201300017 ENDBIB 15 0 2336201300018 COMMON 2 3 2336201300019 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336201300020 EV PC/FIS 2336201300021 0.0253 1.52 2336201300022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336201300023 DATA 2 1 2336201300024 DATA DATA-ERR 2336201300025 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336201300026 11.1E-2 2.3E-2 2336201300027 ENDDATA 3 0 2336201300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2336201399999 SUBENT 23362014 20171020 22682336201400001 BIB 6 10 2336201400002 REACTION (39-Y-98(0,B-)40-ZR-98,,PN) 2336201400003 ANALYSIS - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336201400004 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336201400005 yields of the precursor. 2336201400006 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)39-Y-98,CUM,FY) 2336201400007 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-98,2.3SEC) 2336201400008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336201400009 article 2336201400010 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336201400011 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336201400012 ENDBIB 10 0 2336201400013 COMMON 2 3 2336201400014 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336201400015 EV PC/FIS 2336201400016 0.0253 2.4 2336201400017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336201400018 DATA 2 1 2336201400019 DATA DATA-ERR 2336201400020 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336201400021 0.7E-2 0.4E-2 2336201400022 ENDDATA 3 0 2336201400023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2336201499999 SUBENT 23362015 20171020 22682336201500001 BIB 6 12 2336201500002 REACTION (52-TE-136(0,B-)53-I-136,,PN) 2336201500003 ANALYSIS Te-136 HL was defined by gamma-ray spectra to be 2336201500004 20.9+-0.5 sec. 2336201500005 - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336201500006 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336201500007 yields of the precursor. 2336201500008 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)52-TE-136,CUM,FY) 2336201500009 DECAY-DATA (52-TE-136,20.SEC) 2336201500010 ADD-RES Te-135 HL was determined from gamma-ray spectra to be 2336201500011 16.6+-0.9 sec 2336201500012 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336201500013 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336201500014 ENDBIB 12 0 2336201500015 COMMON 2 3 2336201500016 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336201500017 EV PC/FIS 2336201500018 0.0253 2.2 2336201500019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336201500020 DATA 1 1 2336201500021 DATA-APRX 2336201500022 NO-DIM 2336201500023 0.5E-2 2336201500024 ENDDATA 3 0 2336201500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2336201599999 SUBENT 23362016 20171020 22682336201600001 BIB 5 11 2336201600002 REACTION (52-TE-137(0,B-)53-I-137,,PN) 2336201600003 ANALYSIS Te-137 HL was defined from neutron decay curves and 2336201600004 gamma-ray spectra to be ~3.5sec, from neutron decay 2336201600005 curve for counted I-137 - 3.5+-0.5 sec. 2336201600006 - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336201600007 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336201600008 yields of the precursor. 2336201600009 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)52-TE-137,CUM,FY) 2336201600010 DECAY-DATA (52-TE-137,3.5SEC) 2336201600011 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc.69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336201600012 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336201600013 ENDBIB 11 0 2336201600014 COMMON 2 3 2336201600015 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336201600016 EV PC/FIS 2336201600017 0.0253 1.2 2336201600018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336201600019 DATA 1 1 2336201600020 DATA-APRX 2336201600021 NO-DIM 2336201600022 0.5E-2 2336201600023 ENDDATA 3 0 2336201600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 2336201699999 SUBENT 23362017 20171020 22682336201700001 BIB 7 17 2336201700002 REACTION (53-I-137(0,B-)54-XE-137,,PN) 2336201700003 REL-REF (D,41617005,P.M.Aron+,J,SJA,16,447,1964) 2336201700004 Engl.translation of: 2336201700005 (D,41617005,P.M.Aron+,J,AE,16,368,1964) 2336201700006 3.+-0.5 % 2336201700007 ANALYSIS - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336201700008 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336201700009 yields of the precursor. 2336201700010 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)53-I-137,CUM,FY) 2336201700011 DECAY-DATA (53-I-137,24.4SEC) 2336201700012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336201700013 article 2336201700014 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336201700015 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336201700016 (COREL,23362018) Direct measurement 2336201700017 (SPSDD,23357016) Newer publication (1972, in German), 2336201700018 data valuse are the same 2336201700019 ENDBIB 17 0 2336201700020 COMMON 2 3 2336201700021 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336201700022 EV PC/FIS 2336201700023 0.0253 4.2 2336201700024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336201700025 DATA 2 1 2336201700026 DATA DATA-ERR 2336201700027 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336201700028 5.2E-2 0.5E-2 2336201700029 ENDDATA 3 0 2336201700030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2336201799999 SUBENT 23362018 20171020 22682336201800001 BIB 6 11 2336201800002 REACTION (53-I-137(0,B-)54-XE-137,,PN) 2336201800003 REL-REF (A,41617005,P.M.Aron+,J,SJA,16,447,1964) 2336201800004 Engl.translation of: 2336201800005 (A,41617005,P.M.Aron+,J,AE,16,368,1964) 2336201800006 3.+-0.5 % 2336201800007 ANALYSIS Direct measurement. 2336201800008 DECAY-DATA (53-I-137,24.4SEC) 2336201800009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336201800010 article 2336201800011 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336201800012 (COREL,23362017) Indirect measurement . 2336201800013 ENDBIB 11 0 2336201800014 NOCOMMON 0 0 2336201800015 DATA 2 1 2336201800016 DATA DATA-ERR 2336201800017 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336201800018 4.7E-2 1.0E-2 2336201800019 ENDDATA 3 0 2336201800020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 2336201899999 SUBENT 23362019 20171020 22682336201900001 BIB 7 16 2336201900002 REACTION (53-I-138(0,B-)54-XE-138,,PN) 2336201900003 REL-REF (A,41617006,P.M.Aron+,J,SJA,16,447,1964) 2336201900004 Engl.translation of: 2336201900005 (A,41617006,P.M.Aron+,J,AE,16,368,1964) 2336201900006 2.0+-0.5 % 2336201900007 ANALYSIS - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336201900008 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336201900009 yields of the precursor. 2336201900010 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)53-I-138,CUM,FY) 2336201900011 DECAY-DATA (53-I-138,6.3SEC) 2336201900012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336201900013 article 2336201900014 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336201900015 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336201900016 (SPSDD,23357017) Superseded by newer publication 2336201900017 1972, in German, data value little different 2336201900018 ENDBIB 16 0 2336201900019 COMMON 2 3 2336201900020 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336201900021 EV PC/FIS 2336201900022 0.0253 2.4 2336201900023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336201900024 DATA 2 1 2336201900025 DATA DATA-ERR 2336201900026 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336201900027 3.3E-2 0.8E-2 2336201900028 ENDDATA 3 0 2336201900029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 2336201999999 SUBENT 23362020 20171020 22682336202000001 BIB 6 12 2336202000002 REACTION (53-I-139(0,B-)54-XE-139,,PN) 2336202000003 ANALYSIS - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336202000004 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336202000005 yields of the precursor. 2336202000006 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)53-I-139,CUM,FY) 2336202000007 DECAY-DATA (53-I-139,2.0SEC) 2336202000008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336202000009 article 2336202000010 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336202000011 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336202000012 (SPSDD,23357018) Superseded by newer publication 2336202000013 1972, in German, data are little different. 2336202000014 ENDBIB 12 0 2336202000015 COMMON 2 3 2336202000016 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336202000017 EV PC/FIS 2336202000018 0.0253 1.1 2336202000019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336202000020 DATA 2 1 2336202000021 DATA DATA-ERR 2336202000022 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336202000023 9.1E-2 2.0E-2 2336202000024 ENDDATA 3 0 2336202000025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2336202099999 SUBENT 23362021 20171020 22682336202100001 BIB 6 14 2336202100002 REACTION (53-I-140(0,B-)54-XE-140,,PN) 2336202100003 ANALYSIS I-140 HL was defined from neutron decay curves to be 2336202100004 0.8+-0.2 sec . 2336202100005 - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336202100006 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336202100007 yields of the precursor. 2336202100008 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)53-I-140,CUM,FY) 2336202100009 DECAY-DATA (53-I-140,0.8SEC) 2336202100010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336202100011 article 2336202100012 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336202100013 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336202100014 (SPSDD,23357019) Superseded by newer publication 2336202100015 1972, in German, data are different. 2336202100016 ENDBIB 14 0 2336202100017 COMMON 2 3 2336202100018 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336202100019 EV PC/FIS 2336202100020 0.0253 0.2 2336202100021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336202100022 DATA 2 1 2336202100023 DATA DATA-ERR 2336202100024 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336202100025 34.E-2 18.E-2 2336202100026 ENDDATA 3 0 2336202100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 2336202199999 SUBENT 23362022 20171020 22682336202200001 BIB 6 12 2336202200002 REACTION (53-I-141(0,B-)54-XE-141,,PN) 2336202200003 ANALYSIS I-141 HL was defined from neutron decay curves to be 2336202200004 ~0.4 sec . 2336202200005 - Neutron emission probabilities were derived by 2336202200006 dividing the neutron yields by the cumulative fission 2336202200007 yields of the precursor. 2336202200008 ASSUMED (ASSUM,92-U-235(N,F)53-I-141,CUM,FY) 2336202200009 DECAY-DATA (53-I-141,0.4SEC) 2336202200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336202200011 article 2336202200012 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,1969 2336202200013 (DEP,23362003) Delayed neutron yield . 2336202200014 ENDBIB 12 0 2336202200015 COMMON 2 3 2336202200016 EN-NRM ASSUM 2336202200017 EV PC/FIS 2336202200018 0.0253 0.02 2336202200019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336202200020 DATA 3 1 2336202200021 DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR 2336202200022 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2336202200023 90.E-2 10.E-2 30.E-2 2336202200024 ENDDATA 3 0 2336202200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2336202299999 SUBENT 23362023 20171020 22682336202300001 BIB 6 14 2336202300002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,DL/CUM,NU) 2336202300003 Delayed neutron yield for specific isotope 2336202300004 DECAY-DATA ((1.)34-SE-87,5.9SEC) 2336202300005 ((2.)34-SE-88,2.SEC) 2336202300006 COMMENT Of compiler. Data for other isotope frpm this table are2336202300007 in Subent 003. 2336202300008 from this work, Tomlison and del Marmol . 2336202300009 REL-REF (R,23349001,L.Tomlison+,J,JIN,30,1649,1968) 2336202300010 (R,23350001,L.Tomlison+,J,JIN,30,1995,1968) 2336202300011 (R,,P.del Marmol+,J,JIN,29,273,1967) 2336202300012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of error is not explained in the 2336202300013 article 2336202300014 STATUS (TABLE) Tables III, IV of Conf.Proc. 69VIENNA,,591,19692336202300015 (SPSDD,22047003) Superseded by 22047.003 2336202300016 ENDBIB 14 0 2336202300017 COMMON 1 3 2336202300018 EN-DUMMY 2336202300019 EV 2336202300020 0.0253 2336202300021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2336202300022 DATA 5 2 2336202300023 ELEMENT MASS DATA DATA-ERR DECAY-FLAG 2336202300024 NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS PC/FIS NO-DIM 2336202300025 34. 87. 0.34E-2 0.11E-2 1. 2336202300026 34. 88. 0.32E-2 0.16E-2 2. 2336202300027 ENDDATA 4 0 2336202300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2336202399999 ENDENTRY 23 0 2336299999999