ENTRY 23377 20180724 22692337700000001 SUBENT 23377001 20180716 22692337700100001 BIB 14 38 2337700100002 AUTHOR (A.Letourneau, E.berthoumieux, O.Deruelle, M.Fadil, 2337700100003 G.Fioni, F.Gunsing, F.Marie, L.Perrot, D.Ridikas, 2337700100004 H.Boerner, H.Faust, P.Muttu, G.Simpson,P.Schillebeeckx)2337700100005 TITLE Thermal neutron capture branching ratio of 209Bi using 2337700100006 a gamma-ray technique 2337700100007 REFERENCE (C,2002PRUHON,,734,2002) 2337700100008 INSTITUTE (2FR SAC) A.Letourneau, E.berthoumieux, O.Deruelle, 2337700100009 M.Fadil,G.Fioni,F.Gunsing,F.Marie,L.Perrot,D.Ridikas 2337700100010 (2FR ILL) H.Boerner, H.Faust, P.Muttu, G.Simpson 2337700100011 (2ZZZGEL) P.Schillebeeckx 2337700100012 FACILITY (REAC,2FR ILL) High neutron flux reactor 2337700100013 INC-SOURCE (REAC) Ultra-cold beam facility 2337700100014 INC-SPECT Pure thermal neutron flux of Maxwellian distribution 2337700100015 with a mean temperature 30 deg K, collimated to 2 mm or2337700100016 3.8 mm diameter by 5mm-thick B4C apertures. 2337700100017 SAMPLE 80 mm diameter, 99.99 % of 209Bi, 2 mm thickness, 2337700100018 87.795 g weight sample was places 1 m upstream of the 2337700100019 collimator. 2337700100020 The sample was oriented at 45 deg relative to the 2337700100021 incident neutron beam axis. 2337700100022 NaCl sample enclosed in 0.4 mm thick, 90 mm diameter Al2337700100023 container, was used for absolute normalization via 2337700100024 Cl-35(n,gamma)Cl-36 reaction. 2337700100025 METHOD (GSPEC) On-line gamma-ray spectroscopy . 2337700100026 Energy spectra were measured during 8 hr ( low neutron2337700100027 beam intensity 2.E+6 n/cm2/sec)and 17 hr (high neutron 2337700100028 beam intensity 1.E+9 n/cm2/sec) 2337700100029 DETECTOR (GE) 60 % efficiency Ge detector of EUROBALL with BGO- 2337700100030 anticompton shielding. Placed at 51 cm from the center 2337700100031 of the target. Calibrated by standard 152Eu source and 2337700100032 Cl-35(n,gamma)Cl-36 reaction at the energy range 2337700100033 100-8578 keV . 2337700100034 CORRECTION Self-attenuation in Bi target was measured as a 2337700100035 function of gamma-energy with a set of Ag and Bi-9%Ag 2337700100036 targets. 2337700100037 ERR-ANALYS No information. 2337700100038 STATUS (PRELM) 2337700100039 HISTORY (20180724C) M.M. 2337700100040 ENDBIB 38 0 2337700100041 NOCOMMON 0 0 2337700100042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2337700199999 SUBENT 23377002 20180724 22692337700200001 BIB 4 6 2337700200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,G)83-BI-210,,SIG,,MXW) 2337700200003 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-210-M,3.04E+6YR) 2337700200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mainly related to systematic errors as 2337700200005 effective thickness of Bi and normalization samples. 2337700200006 STATUS (TABLE) Text of Abstract in Conf.Proc. 2337700200007 2002PRUHON,,734,2002 2337700200008 ENDBIB 6 0 2337700200009 COMMON 1 3 2337700200010 EN-DUMMY 2337700200011 EV 2337700200012 0.0253 2337700200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2337700200014 DATA 2 1 2337700200015 DATA DATA-ERR 2337700200016 MB MB 2337700200017 35. 1.75 2337700200018 ENDDATA 3 0 2337700200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 2337700299999 SUBENT 23377003 20180724 22692337700300001 BIB 4 6 2337700300002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,G)83-BI-210-G/M,,SIG/RAT,,MXW) 2337700300003 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-210-M,3.04E+6YR) 2337700300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Main uncertainties from efficiency, 2337700300005 self-attenuation, internal conversion correction. 2337700300006 STATUS (TABLE) Text of Abstract in Conf.Proc. 2337700300007 2002PRUHON,,734,2002 2337700300008 ENDBIB 6 0 2337700300009 COMMON 1 3 2337700300010 EN-DUMMY 2337700300011 EV 2337700300012 0.0253 2337700300013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2337700300014 DATA 2 1 2337700300015 DATA DATA-ERR 2337700300016 NO-DIM NO-DIM 2337700300017 0.51 0.05 2337700300018 ENDDATA 3 0 2337700300019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 2337700399999 SUBENT 23377004 20180724 22692337700400001 BIB 4 10 2337700400002 REACTION 1(83-BI-209(N,G)83-BI-210-G,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV) 2337700400003 2(83-BI-209(N,G)83-BI-210-M,,SIG,,MXW,DERIV) 2337700400004 ANALYSIS Deduced form directly measured total capture CS and 2337700400005 measured branching ratio. 2337700400006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Mainly related to systematic errors as 2337700400007 effective thickness of Bi and normalization samples. 2337700400008 STATUS (TABLE) Text of Abstract in Conf.Proc. 2337700400009 2002PRUHON,,734,2002 2337700400010 (DEP,23377002) Measured CS 2337700400011 (DEP,23377003) Measured branching ratio 2337700400012 ENDBIB 10 0 2337700400013 COMMON 1 3 2337700400014 EN-DUMMY 2337700400015 EV 2337700400016 0.0253 2337700400017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2337700400018 DATA 4 1 2337700400019 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 2337700400020 MB MB MB MB 2337700400021 17.9 2. 17.1 2. 2337700400022 ENDDATA 3 0 2337700400023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2337700499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 2337799999999