ENTRY            23409   20240406                             23202340900000001 
SUBENT        23409001   20240406                             23202340900100001 
BIB                 15         33                                 2340900100002 
TITLE      10B(n,alpha)7Li and 10B(n,alpha1gamma) cross section   2340900100003 
           data up to 3 MeV                                       2340900100004 
AUTHOR     (R.Bevilacqua,F.-J.Hambsch,M.Vidali,I.Ruskov,L.Lamia)  2340900100005 
INSTITUTE  (2ZZZESS,2ZZZGEL,3BULBLA,2ITYCAT)                      2340900100006 
REFERENCE  (J,EPJ/CS,146,11010,2017)                              2340900100007 
           #doi:10.1051/epjconf/201714611010                      2340900100008 
           (J,NDS,119,104,2014)                                   2340900100009 
           #doi:10.1016/j.nds.2014.08.02                          2340900100010 
FACILITY   (LINAC,2ZZZGEL) Geel Linear Accelerator (GELINA)       2340900100011 
           pulsed neutron time-of- flight (TOF) facility of       2340900100012 
           JRC-IRMM Geel.                                         2340900100013 
           The repetition rate of the pulsed neutron beam 800 Hz. 2340900100014 
INC-SOURCE (PHOTO) Unmoderated beam.                              2340900100015 
DETECTOR   (IOCH) A double Twin Frisch-Grid Ionization Chamber.   2340900100016 
           Two TFGIC have been connected in order to install two  2340900100017 
           boron reaction targets, coupled back-to-back with      2340900100018 
           two 235U reaction targets.                             2340900100019 
MONITOR    (92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)                                   2340900100020 
MONIT-REF  (,A.D.Carlson+,J,NDS,110,3215,2009)                    2340900100021 
SAMPLE     84 mm-diameter deposition of 10B (94% enriched) ,      2340900100022 
           14.5 +-0.8 ug/cm2 and 15.7 +-0.8 ug/cm2 respectively.  2340900100023 
           (5-B-10,ENR=0.94)                                      2340900100024 
           The uranium targets consisted of a 45 mm-diameter      2340900100025 
           deposition of 235UF4 (97.663% enriched)                2340900100026 
           3081 +- 46 ug and 3071 +- 46 ug respectively.          2340900100027 
METHOD     (TOF) 60 m from the neutron production target.         2340900100028 
REL-REF    (M,23052001,F.-J.Hambsch+,J,NSE,156,103,2007)          2340900100029 
           The procedure of the data analysis described.          2340900100030 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. 2340900100031 
STATUS     (UNOBT) Request for numerical data sent on 20.08.2018  2340900100032 
            to F.-J.Hambsch                                       2340900100033 
HISTORY    (20190124C) VS                                         2340900100034 
           (20240406A) VS SUBENTs 003-004 added.                  2340900100035 
ENDBIB              33          0                                 2340900100036 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2340900100037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 2340900199999 
SUBENT        23409002   20240406                             23202340900200001 
BIB                  4          7                                 2340900200002 
REACTION   ((5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG)//                         2340900200003 
           (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG))                           2340900200004 
ANALYSIS   (INTAD) The angular distributions of the alpha0 and    2340900200005 
           alpha1 lines in CM system were fitted with Legendre    2340900200006 
           polynomials up to fourth order.                        2340900200007 
STATUS     (CURVE,,R.Bevilacqua+,J,EPJ/CS,146,11010,2017) Fig 4.  2340900200008 
HISTORY    (20240406A) VS: COMMON moved to subentry 002.          2340900200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 2340900200010 
COMMON               2          3                                 2340900200011 
LVL-NUM-NM LVL-NUM-DN                                             2340900200012 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 2340900200013 
         0.         1.                                            2340900200014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2340900200015 
DATA                 3         54                                 2340900200016 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2340900200017 
MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2340900200018 
       0.18      0.117                                            2340900200019 
       0.22      0.130                                            2340900200020 
       0.27      0.156                                            2340900200021 
       0.32      0.186      0.017                                 2340900200022 
       0.37      0.242      0.022                                 2340900200023 
       0.42      0.312      0.030                                 2340900200024 
       0.47      0.355      0.030                                 2340900200025 
       0.52      0.372      0.035                                 2340900200026 
       0.57      0.411      0.035                                 2340900200027 
       0.62      0.446      0.043                                 2340900200028 
       0.67      0.476      0.043                                 2340900200029 
       0.72      0.528      0.043                                 2340900200030 
       0.77      0.580      0.052                                 2340900200031 
       0.82      0.615      0.052                                 2340900200032 
       0.87      0.680      0.061                                 2340900200033 
       0.92      0.775      0.065                                 2340900200034 
       0.97      0.823      0.069                                 2340900200035 
       1.02      0.961      0.087                                 2340900200036 
       1.03       0.96      0.087                                 2340900200037 
       1.07      1.134      0.104                                 2340900200038 
       1.18       1.39       0.13                                 2340900200039 
       1.23       1.58       0.14                                 2340900200040 
       1.29       1.75       0.17                                 2340900200041 
       1.38       1.78       0.17                                 2340900200042 
       1.42       1.87       0.17                                 2340900200043 
       1.47       1.90       0.19                                 2340900200044 
       1.53       2.28       0.22                                 2340900200045 
       1.57       2.52       0.25                                 2340900200046 
       1.66       2.78       0.26                                 2340900200047 
       1.72       2.72       0.25                                 2340900200048 
       1.77       2.67       0.26                                 2340900200049 
       1.81       2.83       0.26                                 2340900200050 
       1.87       2.94       0.28                                 2340900200051 
       1.93       2.93       0.29                                 2340900200052 
       1.96       2.70       0.28                                 2340900200053 
       2.03       2.46       0.26                                 2340900200054 
       2.07       2.58       0.28                                 2340900200055 
       2.13       2.45       0.25                                 2340900200056 
       2.16       2.19       0.25                                 2340900200057 
       2.22       1.94       0.22                                 2340900200058 
       2.28       1.75       0.20                                 2340900200059 
       2.33       1.59       0.19                                 2340900200060 
       2.37       1.43       0.16                                 2340900200061 
       2.42       1.38       0.16                                 2340900200062 
       2.48       1.41       0.17                                 2340900200063 
       2.52       1.46       0.17                                 2340900200064 
       2.63       1.48       0.20                                 2340900200065 
       2.67       1.45       0.20                                 2340900200066 
       2.72       1.70       0.23                                 2340900200067 
       2.78       1.86       0.26                                 2340900200068 
       2.82       1.84       0.25                                 2340900200069 
       2.87       1.78       0.25                                 2340900200070 
       2.91       1.91       0.29                                 2340900200071 
       2.97       1.96       0.29                                 2340900200072 
ENDDATA             56          0                                 2340900200073 
ENDSUBENT           72          0                                 2340900299999 
SUBENT        23409003   20240406                             23202340900300001 
BIB                  3          4                                 2340900300002 
REACTION   (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,PAR,SIG)                            2340900300003 
STATUS     (PRELM)                                                2340900300004 
           (CURVE,,R.Bevilacqua+,J,EPJ/CS,146,11010,2017) Fig 5.  2340900300005 
HISTORY    (20240406C) VS                                         2340900300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 2340900300007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2340900300008 
DATA                 4        107                                 2340900300009 
LVL-NUMB   EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                         2340900300010 
NO-DIM     MEV        B          B                                2340900300011 
         0.       0.17      0.210      0.017                      2340900300012 
         0.       0.22      0.194      0.016                      2340900300013 
         0.       0.28      0.180      0.013                      2340900300014 
         0.       0.32      0.177      0.012                      2340900300015 
         0.       0.37      0.179      0.011                      2340900300016 
         0.       0.42      0.222      0.016                      2340900300017 
         0.       0.48      0.231      0.014                      2340900300018 
         0.       0.52      0.198      0.014                      2340900300019 
         0.       0.57      0.179      0.009                      2340900300020 
         0.       0.62      0.151      0.009                      2340900300021 
         0.       0.72      0.118      0.007                      2340900300022 
         0.       0.77      0.113      0.008                      2340900300023 
         0.       0.82      0.107      0.008                      2340900300024 
         0.       0.87      0.104      0.007                      2340900300025 
         0.       0.92      0.101      0.006                      2340900300026 
         0.       0.97      0.095      0.007                      2340900300027 
         0.       1.13      0.113      0.006                      2340900300028 
         0.       1.18      0.120      0.008                      2340900300029 
         0.       1.23      0.128      0.008                      2340900300030 
         0.       1.27      0.125      0.009                      2340900300031 
         0.       1.32      0.128      0.009                      2340900300032 
         0.       1.38      0.140      0.009                      2340900300033 
         0.       1.42      0.152      0.011                      2340900300034 
         0.       1.47      0.169      0.013                      2340900300035 
         0.       1.52      0.204      0.014                      2340900300036 
         0.       1.57      0.257      0.016                      2340900300037 
         0.       1.62      0.293      0.019                      2340900300038 
         0.       1.67      0.308      0.020                      2340900300039 
         0.       1.73      0.333      0.022                      2340900300040 
         0.       1.77      0.342      0.023                      2340900300041 
         0.       1.83      0.349      0.024                      2340900300042 
         0.       1.87      0.367      0.025                      2340900300043 
         0.       1.93      0.349      0.026                      2340900300044 
         0.       1.97      0.295      0.021                      2340900300045 
         0.       2.03      0.250      0.019                      2340900300046 
         0.       2.07      0.244      0.018                      2340900300047 
         0.       2.13      0.234      0.017                      2340900300048 
         0.       2.17      0.227      0.018                      2340900300049 
         0.       2.23      0.197      0.016                      2340900300050 
         0.       2.27      0.168      0.013                      2340900300051 
         0.       2.33      0.163      0.014                      2340900300052 
         0.       2.37      0.146      0.011                      2340900300053 
         0.       2.42      0.133      0.013                      2340900300054 
         0.       2.48      0.133      0.013                      2340900300055 
         0.       2.52      0.129      0.012                      2340900300056 
         0.       2.58      0.132      0.011                      2340900300057 
         0.       2.62      0.149      0.014                      2340900300058 
         0.       2.68      0.159      0.015                      2340900300059 
         0.       2.72      0.156      0.014                      2340900300060 
         0.       2.78      0.151      0.015                      2340900300061 
         0.       2.82      0.151      0.013                      2340900300062 
         0.       2.87      0.146      0.014                      2340900300063 
         0.       2.92      0.145      0.015                      2340900300064 
         0.       2.97      0.135      0.014                      2340900300065 
         0.       3.12      0.111      0.012                      2340900300066 
         1.       0.17      1.796      0.120                      2340900300067 
         1.       0.22      1.490      0.092                      2340900300068 
         1.       0.27      1.166      0.077                      2340900300069 
         1.       0.32      0.947      0.068                      2340900300070 
         1.       0.67      0.263      0.014                      2340900300071 
         1.       0.72      0.226      0.014                      2340900300072 
         1.       0.77      0.196      0.012                      2340900300073 
         1.       0.82      0.176      0.012                      2340900300074 
         1.       0.87      0.155      0.010                      2340900300075 
         1.       0.92      0.130      0.007                      2340900300076 
         1.       0.97      0.116      0.008                      2340900300077 
         1.       1.02      0.108      0.012                      2340900300078 
         1.       1.08      0.099      0.007                      2340900300079 
         1.       1.13      0.090      0.006                      2340900300080 
         1.       1.18      0.086      0.006                      2340900300081 
         1.       1.22      0.081      0.006                      2340900300082 
         1.       1.28      0.072      0.005                      2340900300083 
         1.       1.32      0.074      0.005                      2340900300084 
         1.       1.38      0.078      0.005                      2340900300085 
         1.       1.42      0.082      0.006                      2340900300086 
         1.       1.48      0.089      0.006                      2340900300087 
         1.       1.53      0.089      0.007                      2340900300088 
         1.       1.58      0.102      0.006                      2340900300089 
         1.       1.62      0.110      0.009                      2340900300090 
         1.       1.68      0.110      0.007                      2340900300091 
         1.       1.73      0.122      0.008                      2340900300092 
         1.       1.78      0.127      0.008                      2340900300093 
         1.       1.83      0.123      0.009                      2340900300094 
         1.       1.87      0.125      0.010                      2340900300095 
         1.       1.92      0.119      0.009                      2340900300096 
         1.       1.98      0.109      0.008                      2340900300097 
         1.       2.03      0.102      0.008                      2340900300098 
         1.       2.07      0.094      0.008                      2340900300099 
         1.       2.12      0.095      0.008                      2340900300100 
         1.       2.18      0.104      0.008                      2340900300101 
         1.       2.23      0.102      0.008                      2340900300102 
         1.       2.27      0.096      0.008                      2340900300103 
         1.       2.32      0.102      0.009                      2340900300104 
         1.       2.37      0.101      0.009                      2340900300105 
         1.       2.43      0.097      0.008                      2340900300106 
         1.       2.47      0.095      0.009                      2340900300107 
         1.       2.52      0.088      0.008                      2340900300108 
         1.       2.57      0.087      0.008                      2340900300109 
         1.       2.62      0.101      0.010                      2340900300110 
         1.       2.67      0.110      0.010                      2340900300111 
         1.       2.72      0.093      0.010                      2340900300112 
         1.       2.77      0.082      0.009                      2340900300113 
         1.       2.82      0.082      0.009                      2340900300114 
         1.       2.87      0.082      0.009                      2340900300115 
         1.       2.92      0.076      0.008                      2340900300116 
         1.       2.97      0.069      0.008                      2340900300117 
         1.       3.12      0.073      0.009                      2340900300118 
ENDDATA            109          0                                 2340900300119 
ENDSUBENT          118          0                                 2340900399999 
SUBENT        23409004   20240406                             23202340900400001 
BIB                  4          7                                 2340900400002 
REACTION   (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,,SIG)                               2340900400003 
ANALYSIS   The total cross section is obtained from the sum of    2340900400004 
           the partial alpha0 and alpha1 cross sections.          2340900400005 
STATUS     (PRELM)                                                2340900400006 
           (DEP,23409003) partial cross sections.                 2340900400007 
           (CURVE,,R.Bevilacqua+,J,EPJ/CS,146,11010,2017) Fig 6.  2340900400008 
HISTORY    (20240406C) VS                                         2340900400009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 2340900400010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2340900400011 
DATA                 3         57                                 2340900400012 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    2340900400013 
MEV        B          B                                           2340900400014 
       0.16      2.014      0.194                                 2340900400015 
       0.22      1.706      0.199                                 2340900400016 
       0.27      1.343      0.130                                 2340900400017 
       0.32      1.138      0.110                                 2340900400018 
       0.37      0.912      0.107                                 2340900400019 
       0.42      0.929      0.071                                 2340900400020 
       0.47      0.879      0.067                                 2340900400021 
       0.53      0.731      0.056                                 2340900400022 
       0.57      0.619      0.047                                 2340900400023 
       0.67      0.384      0.027                                 2340900400024 
       0.72      0.344      0.030                                 2340900400025 
       0.77      0.308      0.030                                 2340900400026 
       0.82      0.281      0.021                                 2340900400027 
       0.88      0.261      0.027                                 2340900400028 
       0.92      0.229      0.020                                 2340900400029 
       0.97      0.213      0.022                                 2340900400030 
       1.02      0.213      0.019                                 2340900400031 
       1.07      0.209      0.018                                 2340900400032 
       1.12      0.205      0.021                                 2340900400033 
       1.16      0.205      0.021                                 2340900400034 
       1.22      0.209      0.018                                 2340900400035 
       1.27      0.198      0.017                                 2340900400036 
       1.32      0.201      0.018                                 2340900400037 
       1.37      0.221      0.023                                 2340900400038 
       1.42      0.233      0.021                                 2340900400039 
       1.47      0.261      0.027                                 2340900400040 
       1.52      0.291      0.026                                 2340900400041 
       1.57      0.356      0.034                                 2340900400042 
       1.62      0.398      0.035                                 2340900400043 
       1.67      0.421      0.044                                 2340900400044 
       1.72      0.453      0.040                                 2340900400045 
       1.77      0.470      0.049                                 2340900400046 
       1.82      0.470      0.041                                 2340900400047 
       1.87      0.497      0.060                                 2340900400048 
       1.92      0.470      0.057                                 2340900400049 
       1.97      0.398      0.035                                 2340900400050 
       2.02      0.350      0.037                                 2340900400051 
       2.07      0.337      0.033                                 2340900400052 
       2.12      0.331      0.040                                 2340900400053 
       2.18      0.331      0.035                                 2340900400054 
       2.22      0.296      0.036                                 2340900400055 
       2.27      0.265      0.026                                 2340900400056 
       2.32      0.265      0.028                                 2340900400057 
       2.37      0.247      0.029                                 2340900400058 
       2.42      0.229      0.028                                 2340900400059 
       2.47      0.229      0.028                                 2340900400060 
       2.52      0.217      0.026                                 2340900400061 
       2.57      0.221      0.027                                 2340900400062 
       2.62      0.251      0.029                                 2340900400063 
       2.67      0.270      0.037                                 2340900400064 
       2.72      0.247      0.030                                 2340900400065 
       2.77      0.233      0.032                                 2340900400066 
       2.82      0.233      0.032                                 2340900400067 
       2.87      0.229      0.032                                 2340900400068 
       2.92      0.225      0.031                                 2340900400069 
       2.97      0.205      0.033                                 2340900400070 
       3.12      0.184      0.033                                 2340900400071 
ENDDATA             59          0                                 2340900400072 
ENDSUBENT           71          0                                 2340900499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 2340999999999