ENTRY            23427   20230517                             23172342700000001 
SUBENT        23427001   20230517                             23172342700100001 
BIB                 12         54                                 2342700100002 
TITLE      Determination of constants D(E,T) and <Dv>(T) for      2342700100003 
           diffusion of thermal neutrons in H2O, phenylene,       2342700100004 
           ZrH(1,92) and D2O by measurement of scattering angle   2342700100005 
           distribution                                           2342700100006 
           Part II : zirconium hydride and heavy water            2342700100007 
AUTHOR     (S.Kornbichler)                                        2342700100008 
INSTITUTE  (2GERMUN)                                              2342700100009 
REFERENCE  (J,NUK,7,281,1965)   In German                         2342700100010 
           (C,64GENEVA,,763,1964)  In English.                    2342700100011 
            Authors: T.Springer,C.Hofmeyr,S.Kornbicher,H.D.Lemmel 2342700100012 
            Figures for H2O, D2O, ZrH(1.92), polyphenylene        2342700100013 
           (R,JUEL-160-NP,1964)                                   2342700100014 
REL-REF    (M,23422001,H.-D.Lemmel,J,NUK,7,265,1965)              2342700100015 
            Setup, method, analysis details are in Part I .       2342700100016 
            H2O data .  In German .                               2342700100017 
           (N,23426001,C.Hofmeyer,J,NUK,7,286,1965)               2342700100018 
            Benzol, diphenyl, terphenyl data (Part III).          2342700100019 
            In German .                                           2342700100020 
           (N,,T.Springer,J,NUK,6,87,1964) Review of experiments  2342700100021 
            Fig.10 b - D2O data ,                                 2342700100022 
            Fig.10 a - ZrH(1.26), T=20degC in Subent 010 .        2342700100023 
            In German .                                           2342700100024 
FACILITY   (REAC,2GERMUN)                                         2342700100025 
           (SPECC,2GERMUN) Lead crystal spectrometer to obtain    2342700100026 
           monochromatic neutrons.                                2342700100027 
INC-SPECT   Monoenergetic neutrons. dE/E - 5-10% .                2342700100028 
            Intensity at maximum of energy - 2.E+4 /cm2sec,       2342700100029 
            total - 2.E+5 /sec.                                   2342700100030 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Scintillator with multiplier RCA 6655A          2342700100031 
            Li6(I) - crystal detector for neutron registration.   2342700100032 
METHOD     (TRN) Transmission and scattering .                    2342700100033 
CORRECTION  For backgrounds.                                      2342700100034 
            For multiple scattering.                              2342700100035 
            For second-order contamination in the beam - 0.022 eV.2342700100036 
ADD-RES     Table 2 of NUK,7,281,1965                             2342700100037 
           - average cos for heavy water :                        2342700100038 
           En    Temperature  <COS>       Diffusion constant      2342700100039 
           eV       deg C    +-0.01(stat.)  +-0.02 cm (stat.)     2342700100040 
           0.0225    20.       0.126         0.76                 2342700100041 
                    180.       0.124         0.87                 2342700100042 
           0.044     20.       0.086         0.81                 2342700100043 
                    180.       0.094         0.91                 2342700100044 
           0.071     20.       0.153         0.93                 2342700100045 
                    180.       0.153         1.05                 2342700100046 
           0.105     20.       0.171         1.00                 2342700100047 
                    180.       0.171         1.13                 2342700100048 
           Table 4  - for zirconium hydride:                      2342700100049 
           En,eV   <COS> +-0.01(stat)  Diffusion constant,cm      2342700100050 
           0.0255   0.091              0.094 +- 0.002             2342700100051 
           0.044    0.178              0.132 +- 0.004             2342700100052 
           0.071    0.272              0.190 +- 0.007             2342700100053 
           0.105    0.383              0.296 +- 0.010             2342700100054 
HISTORY    (20181030C) M.M.                                       2342700100055 
           (20230517A) SD: Corrections in Subents 004, 005.       2342700100056 
ENDBIB              54          0                                 2342700100057 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2342700100058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 2342700199999 
SUBENT        23427002   20181103                             22722342700200001 
BIB                  5         12                                 2342700200002 
REACTION   (1-H-D2O(N,THS)1-H-D2O,,DA,,RS/TMP)                    2342700200003 
            Differential cross section in form:                   2342700200004 
            (dSIG/dOMEGA)/(SIG/4*PI) dependence from scattering   2342700200005 
            angle, incident neutron energy, sample temperature .  2342700200006 
SAMPLE      Heavy water                                           2342700200007 
COMMENT    Of compiler. For angles > or = 30 deg the data for 20  2342700200008 
           and 180 deg T fully the same in frames of errors (full 2342700200009 
           overlapping on figure) . See Subent .011               2342700200010 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              2342700200011 
           . Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     2342700200012 
           scale X - 0.133 deg, scale Y - 0.0027                  2342700200013 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.1 of J.Nukleonik,7,281,1965                2342700200014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 2342700200015 
COMMON               3          3                                 2342700200016 
EN         ERR-DIG    TEMP                                        2342700200017 
EV         NO-DIM     DEG-C                                       2342700200018 
 0.0225     0.0034     180.                                       2342700200019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2342700200020 
DATA                 3          2                                 2342700200021 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S                                       2342700200022 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2342700200023 
  10.      0.5620     0.0424                                      2342700200024 
  25.      1.3007     0.0371                                      2342700200025 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 2342700200026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 2342700299999 
SUBENT        23427003   20181103                             22722342700300001 
BIB                  5         12                                 2342700300002 
REACTION   (1-H-D2O(N,THS)1-H-D2O,,DA,,RS/TMP)                    2342700300003 
            Differential cross section in form:                   2342700300004 
            (dSIG/dOMEGA)/(SIG/4*PI) dependence from scattering   2342700300005 
            angle, incident neutron energy, sample temperature .  2342700300006 
SAMPLE      Heavy water                                           2342700300007 
COMMENT    Of compiler. For angles > or = 20 deg the data for 20  2342700300008 
           and 180 deg T fully the same in frames of errors (full 2342700300009 
           overlapping on figure) . See Subent .012               2342700300010 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              2342700300011 
           . Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     2342700300012 
           scale X - 0.134 deg, scale Y - 0.0027                  2342700300013 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2 of J.Nukleonik,7,281,1965                2342700300014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 2342700300015 
COMMON               4          3                                 2342700300016 
EN         ERR-DIG    ERR-S      TEMP                             2342700300017 
EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM     DEG-C                            2342700300018 
 0.044     0.0030      0.0319     180.                            2342700300019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2342700300020 
DATA                 2          2                                 2342700300021 
ANG        DATA                                                   2342700300022 
ADEG       NO-DIM                                                 2342700300023 
 10.       0.8746                                                 2342700300024 
 15.       1.0865                                                 2342700300025 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 2342700300026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 2342700399999 
SUBENT        23427004   20230517                             23172342700400001 
BIB                  6         13                                 2342700400002 
REACTION   (1-H-D2O(N,THS)1-H-D2O,,DA,,RS/TMP)                    2342700400003 
            Differential cross section in form:                   2342700400004 
            (dSIG/dOMEGA)/(SIG/4*PI) dependence from scattering   2342700400005 
            angle, incident neutron energy, sample temperature .  2342700400006 
SAMPLE      Heavy water                                           2342700400007 
COMMENT    Of compiler. For angles > or = 20 deg the data for 20  2342700400008 
           and 180 deg T fully the same in frames of errors (full 2342700400009 
           overlapping on figure) . See Subent .013               2342700400010 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              2342700400011 
           . Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     2342700400012 
           scale X - 0.134 deg, scale Y - 0.0027                  2342700400013 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.3 of J.Nukleonik,7,281,1965                2342700400014 
HISTORY    (20230517A) SD: Col.TEMP deleted from DATA section.    2342700400015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2342700400016 
COMMON               4          3                                 2342700400017 
EN         ERR-DIG    ERR-S      TEMP                             2342700400018 
EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM     DEG-C                            2342700400019 
 0.071      0.0027     0.0371     180.                            2342700400020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2342700400021 
DATA                 2          2                                 2342700400022 
ANG        DATA                                                   2342700400023 
ADEG       NO-DIM                                                 2342700400024 
        10.     1.1293                                            2342700400025 
        15.     1.8608                                            2342700400026 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 2342700400027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 2342700499999 
SUBENT        23427005   20230517                             23172342700500001 
BIB                  6         13                                 2342700500002 
REACTION   (1-H-D2O(N,THS)1-H-D2O,,DA,,RS/TMP)                    2342700500003 
            Differential cross section in form:                   2342700500004 
            (dSIG/dOMEGA)/(SIG/4*PI) dependence from scattering   2342700500005 
            angle, incident neutron energy, sample temperature .  2342700500006 
SAMPLE      Heavy water                                           2342700500007 
COMMENT    Of compiler. For angles > or = 15 deg the data for 20  2342700500008 
           and 180 deg T fully the same in frames of errors (full 2342700500009 
           overlapping on figure) . See Subent .014               2342700500010 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              2342700500011 
           . Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     2342700500012 
           scale X - 0.133 deg, scale Y - 0.0026                  2342700500013 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.4 of J.Nukleonik,7,281,1965                2342700500014 
HISTORY    (20230517A) SD: Col.TEMP deleted from DATA section.    2342700500015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2342700500016 
COMMON               3          3                                 2342700500017 
EN         ERR-DIG    TEMP                                        2342700500018 
EV         NO-DIM     DEG-C                                       2342700500019 
 0.105     0.0018      180.                                       2342700500020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2342700500021 
DATA                 3          1                                 2342700500022 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S                                       2342700500023 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2342700500024 
        10.     1.3878     0.0370                                 2342700500025 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 2342700500026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 2342700599999 
SUBENT        23427006   20181103                             22722342700600001 
BIB                  4          9                                 2342700600002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-HYD(N,THS)40-ZR-HYD,,DA,,RS)                    2342700600003 
            Differential cross section in form:                   2342700600004 
            (dSIG/dOMEGA)/(SIG/4*PI) dependence from scattering   2342700600005 
            angle, incident neutron energy.                       2342700600006 
SAMPLE      Zirconium hydride ZrH, H concentration 1.92 .         2342700600007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              2342700600008 
           . Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     2342700600009 
           scale X - 0.133 deg, scale Y - 0.0027                  2342700600010 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.9 of J.Nukleonik,7,281,1965                2342700600011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2342700600012 
COMMON               2          3                                 2342700600013 
EN         ERR-DIG                                                2342700600014 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 2342700600015 
 0.0225     0.0022                                                2342700600016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2342700600017 
DATA                 3         33                                 2342700600018 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S                                       2342700600019 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2342700600020 
  10.       1.2705     0.0424                                     2342700600021 
  15.       1.3292     0.0371                                     2342700600022 
  20.       1.3984     0.0424                                     2342700600023 
  25.       1.3722     0.0371                                     2342700600024 
  30.       1.3036     0.0477                                     2342700600025 
  35.       1.3252     0.0318                                     2342700600026 
  40.       1.3096     0.0424                                     2342700600027 
  45.       1.2569     0.0371                                     2342700600028 
  50.       1.1989     0.0318                                     2342700600029 
  55.       1.1145     0.0424                                     2342700600030 
  60.       1.1360     0.0424                                     2342700600031 
  65.       1.0780     0.0477                                     2342700600032 
  70.       1.0890     0.0371                                     2342700600033 
  75.       1.0522     0.0424                                     2342700600034 
  80.       1.0949     0.0318                                     2342700600035 
  85.       1.1642     0.0424                                     2342700600036 
  90.       1.0214     0.0477                                     2342700600037 
  95.       1.0376     0.0371                                     2342700600038 
 100.       0.8418     0.0371                                     2342700600039 
 105.       0.7626     0.0424                                     2342700600040 
 110.       0.8053     0.0424                                     2342700600041 
 115.       0.8269     0.0424                                     2342700600042 
 120.       0.8749     0.0371                                     2342700600043 
 125.       0.9177     0.0371                                     2342700600044 
 130.       0.9233     0.0371                                     2342700600045 
 135.       0.9714     0.0424                                     2342700600046 
 140.       0.8179     0.0424                                     2342700600047 
 145.       0.7281     0.0371                                     2342700600048 
 150.       0.7550     0.0424                                     2342700600049 
 155.       0.8242     0.0424                                     2342700600050 
 160.       0.8935     0.0371                                     2342700600051 
 165.       0.7560     0.0477                                     2342700600052 
 170.       0.7616     0.0424                                     2342700600053 
ENDDATA             35          0                                 2342700600054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 2342700699999 
SUBENT        23427007   20181103                             22722342700700001 
BIB                  4          9                                 2342700700002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-HYD(N,THS)40-ZR-HYD,,DA,,RS)                    2342700700003 
            Differential cross section in form:                   2342700700004 
            (dSIG/dOMEGA)/(SIG/4*PI) dependence from scattering   2342700700005 
            angle, incident neutron energy.                       2342700700006 
SAMPLE      Zirconium hydride ZrH, H concentration 1.92 .         2342700700007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              2342700700008 
           . Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     2342700700009 
           scale X - 0.134 deg, scale Y - 0.0026                  2342700700010 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.10 of J.Nukleonik,7,281,1965               2342700700011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2342700700012 
COMMON               3          3                                 2342700700013 
EN         ERR-S      ERR-DIG                                     2342700700014 
EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2342700700015 
 0.044     0.0316      0.0025                                     2342700700016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2342700700017 
DATA                 2         33                                 2342700700018 
ANG        DATA                                                   2342700700019 
ADEG       NO-DIM                                                 2342700700020 
  10.       1.4972                                                2342700700021 
  15.       1.6181                                                2342700700022 
  20.       1.4970                                                2342700700023 
  25.       1.5284                                                2342700700024 
  30.       1.8020                                                2342700700025 
  35.       1.5756                                                2342700700026 
  40.       1.3439                                                2342700700027 
  45.       1.4175                                                2342700700028 
  50.       1.2858                                                2342700700029 
  55.       1.3594                                                2342700700030 
  60.       1.3698                                                2342700700031 
  65.       1.2434                                                2342700700032 
  70.       1.0591                                                2342700700033 
  75.       1.2221                                                2342700700034 
  80.       1.0273                                                2342700700035 
  85.       0.9167                                                2342700700036 
  90.       0.9271                                                2342700700037 
  95.       0.8849                                                2342700700038 
 100.       0.7953                                                2342700700039 
 105.       0.7900                                                2342700700040 
 110.       0.8635                                                2342700700041 
 115.       0.7740                                                2342700700042 
 120.       0.7633                                                2342700700043 
 125.       0.6843                                                2342700700044 
 130.       0.7052                                                2342700700045 
 135.       0.6893                                                2342700700046 
 140.       0.6050                                                2342700700047 
 145.       0.6049                                                2342700700048 
 150.       0.5785                                                2342700700049 
 155.       0.6100                                                2342700700050 
 160.       0.6046                                                2342700700051 
 165.       0.6150                                                2342700700052 
 170.       0.5360                                                2342700700053 
ENDDATA             35          0                                 2342700700054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 2342700799999 
SUBENT        23427008   20181103                             22722342700800001 
BIB                  4          9                                 2342700800002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-HYD(N,THS)40-ZR-HYD,,DA,,RS)                    2342700800003 
            Differential cross section in form:                   2342700800004 
            (dSIG/dOMEGA)/(SIG/4*PI) dependence from scattering   2342700800005 
            angle, incident neutron energy.                       2342700800006 
SAMPLE      Zirconium hydride ZrH, H concentration 1.92 .         2342700800007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              2342700800008 
           . Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     2342700800009 
           scale X - 0.132 deg, scale Y - 0.0027                  2342700800010 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.11 of J.Nukleonik,7,281,1965               2342700800011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 2342700800012 
COMMON               3          3                                 2342700800013 
EN         ERR-S      ERR-DIG                                     2342700800014 
EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2342700800015 
 0.071     0.0371      0.0015                                     2342700800016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2342700800017 
DATA                 2         34                                 2342700800018 
ANG        DATA                                                   2342700800019 
ADEG       NO-DIM                                                 2342700800020 
  10.       1.9931                                                2342700800021 
  15.       1.9927                                                2342700800022 
  20.       2.1409                                                2342700800023 
  25.       2.2466                                                2342700800024 
  30.       1.9653                                                2342700800025 
  35.       1.7688                                                2342700800026 
  40.       1.7314                                                2342700800027 
  42.       1.7949                                                2342700800028 
  45.       1.7311                                                2342700800029 
  50.       1.4498                                                2342700800030 
  55.       1.4707                                                2342700800031 
  60.       1.3855                                                2342700800032 
  65.       1.2421                                                2342700800033 
  70.       1.0986                                                2342700800034 
  75.       0.9923                                                2342700800035 
  80.       1.0026                                                2342700800036 
  85.       0.9598                                                2342700800037 
  90.       0.8164                                                2342700800038 
  95.       0.7896                                                2342700800039 
 100.       0.7680                                                2342700800040 
 105.       0.6935                                                2342700800041 
 110.       0.6455                                                2342700800042 
 115.       0.5974                                                2342700800043 
 120.       0.6024                                                2342700800044 
 125.       0.5120                                                2342700800045 
 130.       0.5223                                                2342700800046 
 135.       0.4212                                                2342700800047 
 140.       0.4368                                                2342700800048 
 145.       0.3941                                                2342700800049 
 150.       0.3938                                                2342700800050 
 155.       0.3935                                                2342700800051 
 160.       0.3879                                                2342700800052 
 165.       0.3505                                                2342700800053 
 170.       0.3714                                                2342700800054 
ENDDATA             36          0                                 2342700800055 
ENDSUBENT           54          0                                 2342700899999 
SUBENT        23427009   20181103                             22722342700900001 
BIB                  4         12                                 2342700900002 
REACTION  1(40-ZR-HYD(N,THS)40-ZR-HYD,,DA,,RS)                    2342700900003 
            Sample 1 - total CS * sample thickness error 0.296    2342700900004 
          2(40-ZR-HYD(N,THS)40-ZR-HYD,,DA,,RS)                    2342700900005 
            Sample 2 - total CS * sample thickness error 0.191    2342700900006 
           . Differential cross section in form:                  2342700900007 
            (dSIG/dOMEGA)/(SIG/4*PI) dependence from scattering   2342700900008 
            angle, incident neutron energy.                       2342700900009 
SAMPLE      Zirconium hydride ZrH, H concentration 1.92 .         2342700900010 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              2342700900011 
           . Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     2342700900012 
           scale X - 0.132 deg, scale Y - 0.0026                  2342700900013 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.12 of J.Nukleonik,7,281,1965               2342700900014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 2342700900015 
COMMON               2          3                                 2342700900016 
EN         ERR-DIG                                                2342700900017 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 2342700900018 
 0.105     0.0043                                                 2342700900019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2342700900020 
DATA                 5         33                                 2342700900021 
ANG        DATA      1ERR-S     1DATA      2ERR-S     2           2342700900022 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                2342700900023 
  10.      2.5277     0.0528      2.4537     0.0581               2342700900024 
  15.      2.5278     0.0581                                      2342700900025 
  20.      2.8819     0.0687                                      2342700900026 
  25.      2.4595     0.0475                                      2342700900027 
  30.      2.2167     0.0581      2.2590     0.0370               2342700900028 
  35.      2.1641     0.0475                                      2342700900029 
  40.      2.1061     0.0370                                      2342700900030 
  45.      1.8686     0.0423                                      2342700900031 
  50.      1.9691     0.0581      2.0167     0.0423               2342700900032 
  55.      1.5309     0.0475                                      2342700900033 
  60.      1.3726     0.0528      1.3198     0.0581               2342700900034 
  65.      1.3305     0.0423                                      2342700900035 
  70.      1.2515     0.0423      1.2832     0.0370               2342700900036 
  75.      1.0932     0.0370                                      2342700900037 
  80.      0.8504     0.0475      0.8821     0.0423               2342700900038 
  85.      0.8136     0.0370                                      2342700900039 
  90.      0.7662     0.0370      0.8032     0.0317               2342700900040 
  95.      0.6872     0.0370                                      2342700900041 
 100.      0.7032     0.0370      0.6609     0.0412               2342700900042 
 105.      0.5766     0.0317                                      2342700900043 
 110.      0.5187     0.0317                                      2342700900044 
 115.      0.5664     0.0370                                      2342700900045 
 120.      0.5190     0.0423      0.4609     0.0528               2342700900046 
 125.      0.4347     0.0317                                      2342700900047 
 130.      0.3450     0.0370      0.3767     0.0317               2342700900048 
 135.      0.3082     0.0370                                      2342700900049 
 140.      0.2556     0.0317      0.2873     0.0264               2342700900050 
 145.      0.2241     0.0317                                      2342700900051 
 150.      0.1978     0.0370      0.2295     0.0264               2342700900052 
 155.      0.2403     0.0317                                      2342700900053 
 160.      0.2193     0.0634                                      2342700900054 
 165.      0.1931     0.0317                                      2342700900055 
 170.      0.2091     0.0370                                      2342700900056 
ENDDATA             35          0                                 2342700900057 
ENDSUBENT           56          0                                 2342700999999 
SUBENT        23427010   20181103                             22722342701000001 
BIB                  4         12                                 2342701000002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-HYD(N,THS)40-ZR-HYD,,DA,,RS)                    2342701000003 
             Differential cross section in form:                  2342701000004 
            (dSIG/dOMEGA)/(SIG/4*PI) dependence from scattering   2342701000005 
            angle, incident neutron energy.                       2342701000006 
SAMPLE      Zirconium hydride ZrH, H concentration 1.26,          2342701000007 
           temperature  20 deg C .                                2342701000008 
ERR-ANALYS  . Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                    2342701000009 
           scale X - 0.12 deg, scale Y - 0.0020 .                 2342701000010 
            ANG-ERR = 4.82 deg, DATA-ERR=0.2128 were digitized    2342701000011 
           from triangle on Fig.10 a                              2342701000012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.10 a of J.Nukleonik,6,87,1964 (REL-REF in  2342701000013 
           Subent 001 - review of experiments)                    2342701000014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 2342701000015 
COMMON               2          3                                 2342701000016 
ANG-ERR-D  ERR-DIG                                                2342701000017 
ADEG       NO-DIM                                                 2342701000018 
 0.10       0.0019                                                2342701000019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2342701000020 
DATA                 3        103                                 2342701000021 
EN         ANG        DATA                                        2342701000022 
EV         ADEG       NO-DIM                                      2342701000023 
 0.044        9.09      1.6224                                    2342701000024 
 0.044       14.63      1.6331                                    2342701000025 
 0.044       19.45      1.6146                                    2342701000026 
 0.044       24.50      1.6397                                    2342701000027 
 0.044       29.47      1.8625                                    2342701000028 
 0.044       34.38      1.6559                                    2342701000029 
 0.044       39.78      1.4301                                    2342701000030 
 0.044       44.58      1.4695                                    2342701000031 
 0.044       49.44      1.3787                                    2342701000032 
 0.044       54.97      1.4087                                    2342701000033 
 0.044       59.54      1.4095                                    2342701000034 
 0.044       64.21      1.2076                                    2342701000035 
 0.044       69.78      1.1459                                    2342701000036 
 0.044       74.55      1.2529                                    2342701000037 
 0.044       79.67      1.1187                                    2342701000038 
 0.044       84.30      1.0037                                    2342701000039 
 0.044       89.85      0.9854                                    2342701000040 
 0.044       94.45      0.9476                                    2342701000041 
 0.044       99.30      0.8617                                    2342701000042 
 0.044      104.36      0.8722                                    2342701000043 
 0.044      109.64      0.9069                                    2342701000044 
 0.044      114.50      0.8354                                    2342701000045 
 0.044      119.56      0.8170                                    2342701000046 
 0.044      125.64      0.7697                                    2342701000047 
 0.044      129.47      0.7560                                    2342701000048 
 0.044      135.54      0.7425                                    2342701000049 
 0.044      139.87      0.6710                                    2342701000050 
 0.044      144.93      0.6719                                    2342701000051 
 0.044      149.52      0.6390                                    2342701000052 
 0.044      154.57      0.6544                                    2342701000053 
 0.044      159.40      0.6504                                    2342701000054 
 0.044      164.95      0.6224                                    2342701000055 
 0.044      169.76      0.6522                                    2342701000056 
 0.071       10.34      2.1388                                    2342701000057 
 0.071       14.15      2.1734                                    2342701000058 
 0.071       19.19      2.2081                                    2342701000059 
 0.071       21.75      2.4112                                    2342701000060 
 0.071       24.19      2.3441                                    2342701000061 
 0.071       29.67      1.9542                                    2342701000062 
 0.071       34.50      1.9116                                    2342701000063 
 0.071       39.35      1.8401                                    2342701000064 
 0.071       41.97      1.9081                                    2342701000065 
 0.071       44.66      1.8362                                    2342701000066 
 0.071       49.60      1.5669                                    2342701000067 
 0.071       52.27      1.5240                                    2342701000068 
 0.071       54.66      1.5630                                    2342701000069 
 0.071       57.06      1.5875                                    2342701000070 
 0.071       60.01      1.4578                                    2342701000071 
 0.071       64.40      1.3331                                    2342701000072 
 0.071       69.76      1.1942                                    2342701000073 
 0.071       74.62      1.0985                                    2342701000074 
 0.071       79.69      1.0753                                    2342701000075 
 0.071       84.80      0.9652                                    2342701000076 
 0.071       88.94      0.8695                                    2342701000077 
 0.071       94.49      0.8415                                    2342701000078 
 0.071       99.33      0.8086                                    2342701000079 
 0.071      104.18      0.7419                                    2342701000080 
 0.071      109.49      0.7042                                    2342701000081 
 0.071      114.59      0.6135                                    2342701000082 
 0.071      119.40      0.6336                                    2342701000083 
 0.071      124.74      0.5622                                    2342701000084 
 0.071      129.80      0.5631                                    2342701000085 
 0.071      134.64      0.5061                                    2342701000086 
 0.071      139.94      0.5118                                    2342701000087 
 0.071      144.54      0.4548                                    2342701000088 
 0.071      149.85      0.4412                                    2342701000089 
 0.071      154.42      0.4517                                    2342701000090 
 0.071      159.73      0.4430                                    2342701000091 
 0.071      164.79      0.4294                                    2342701000092 
 0.071      169.85      0.4303                                    2342701000093 
 0.105        8.62      2.6887                                    2342701000094 
 0.105       14.17      2.6559                                    2342701000095 
 0.105       19.09      2.9897                                    2342701000096 
 0.105       23.56      2.6817                                    2342701000097 
 0.105       28.76      2.3738                                    2342701000098 
 0.105       33.86      2.2782                                    2342701000099 
 0.105       39.19      2.2164                                    2342701000100 
 0.105       44.35      1.9809                                    2342701000101 
 0.105       49.62      2.0446                                    2342701000102 
 0.105       54.86      1.6499                                    2342701000103 
 0.105       60.74      1.4386                                    2342701000104 
 0.105       64.60      1.4104                                    2342701000105 
 0.105       69.71      1.3051                                    2342701000106 
 0.105       74.84      1.1468                                    2342701000107 
 0.105       79.76      0.9306                                    2342701000108 
 0.105       85.09      0.8640                                    2342701000109 
 0.105       89.67      0.8455                                    2342701000110 
 0.105       94.31      0.7160                                    2342701000111 
 0.105      100.10      0.7074                                    2342701000112 
 0.105      104.72      0.6021                                    2342701000113 
 0.105      109.79      0.5740                                    2342701000114 
 0.105      114.15      0.5362                                    2342701000115 
 0.105      119.46      0.5082                                    2342701000116 
 0.105      124.31      0.4463                                    2342701000117 
 0.105      129.16      0.3748                                    2342701000118 
 0.105      134.47      0.3468                                    2342701000119 
 0.105      139.55      0.2946                                    2342701000120 
 0.105      144.62      0.2811                                    2342701000121 
 0.105      149.45      0.2482                                    2342701000122 
 0.105      154.75      0.2587                                    2342701000123 
 0.105      159.82      0.2355                                    2342701000124 
 0.105      164.65      0.2171                                    2342701000125 
 0.105      169.94      0.2277                                    2342701000126 
ENDDATA            105          0                                 2342701000127 
ENDSUBENT          126          0                                 2342701099999 
SUBENT        23427011   20181103                             22722342701100001 
BIB                  6         14                                 2342701100002 
REACTION   (1-H-D2O(N,THS)1-H-D2O,,DA,,RS)                        2342701100003 
            Differential cross section in form:                   2342701100004 
            (dSIG/dOMEGA)/(SIG/4*PI) dependence from scattering   2342701100005 
            angle, incident neutron energy.                       2342701100006 
            Sample temperature 20 deg C .                         2342701100007 
SAMPLE      Heavy water                                           2342701100008 
FLAG       (1.) It's not clear, is this point for 20 or 180 deg.  2342701100009 
COMMENT    Of compiler. For angles > or = 30 deg the data for 20  2342701100010 
           and 180 deg T fully the same in frames of errors (full 2342701100011 
           overlapping on figure) .                               2342701100012 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              2342701100013 
           . Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     2342701100014 
           scale X - 0.133 deg, scale Y - 0.0027                  2342701100015 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.1 of J.Nukleonik,7,281,1965                2342701100016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 2342701100017 
COMMON               2          3                                 2342701100018 
EN         ERR-DIG                                                2342701100019 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 2342701100020 
 0.0225     0.0034                                                2342701100021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2342701100022 
DATA                 4         19                                 2342701100023 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S      FLAG                             2342701100024 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           2342701100025 
  10.      0.3873     0.0318                                      2342701100026 
  15.      0.6194     0.0477      1.                              2342701100027 
  20.      0.7137     0.0265                                      2342701100028 
  25.      1.0040     0.0424                                      2342701100029 
  30.      1.6597     0.0371                                      2342701100030 
  35.      2.2783     0.0424                                      2342701100031 
  40.      2.1185     0.0477                                      2342701100032 
  45.      1.7150     0.0318                                      2342701100033 
  50.      1.2956     0.0265                                      2342701100034 
  60.      1.0975     0.0371                                      2342701100035 
  70.      1.1221     0.0265                                      2342701100036 
  80.      1.0299     0.0265                                      2342701100037 
  90.      0.9699     0.0318                                      2342701100038 
 100.      0.8036     0.0265                                      2342701100039 
 110.      0.7539     0.0317                                      2342701100040 
 120.      0.7572     0.0318                                      2342701100041 
 130.      0.7921     0.0318                                      2342701100042 
 140.      0.8060     0.0318                                      2342701100043 
 150.      0.8411     0.0265                                      2342701100044 
ENDDATA             21          0                                 2342701100045 
ENDSUBENT           44          0                                 2342701199999 
SUBENT        23427012   20181103                             22722342701200001 
BIB                  5         13                                 2342701200002 
REACTION   (1-H-D2O(N,THS)1-H-D2O,,DA,,RS)                        2342701200003 
            Differential cross section in form:                   2342701200004 
            (dSIG/dOMEGA)/(SIG/4*PI) dependence from scattering   2342701200005 
            angle, incident neutron energy.                       2342701200006 
            Sample temperature 20 deg C .                         2342701200007 
SAMPLE      Heavy water                                           2342701200008 
COMMENT    Of compiler. For angles > or = 20 deg the data for 20  2342701200009 
           and 180 deg T fully the same in frames of errors (full 2342701200010 
           overlapping on figure) .                               2342701200011 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              2342701200012 
           . Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     2342701200013 
           scale X - 0.134 deg, scale Y - 0.0027                  2342701200014 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2 of J.Nukleonik,7,281,1965                2342701200015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2342701200016 
COMMON               3          3                                 2342701200017 
EN         ERR-DIG    ERR-S                                       2342701200018 
EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2342701200019 
 0.044     0.0030      0.0319                                     2342701200020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2342701200021 
DATA                 2         21                                 2342701200022 
ANG        DATA                                                   2342701200023 
ADEG       NO-DIM                                                 2342701200024 
  10.       0.5034                                                2342701200025 
  15.       0.7949                                                2342701200026 
  20.       1.6749                                                2342701200027 
  25.       2.3799                                                2342701200028 
  30.       1.7541                                                2342701200029 
  35.       1.4623                                                2342701200030 
  40.       1.2766                                                2342701200031 
  45.       1.1280                                                2342701200032 
  50.       1.1649                                                2342701200033 
  60.       0.9844                                                2342701200034 
  70.       0.9045                                                2342701200035 
  80.       0.9679                                                2342701200036 
  90.       0.9994                                                2342701200037 
 100.       1.0415                                                2342701200038 
 110.       1.0094                                                2342701200039 
 120.       0.9614                                                2342701200040 
 130.       0.8974                                                2342701200041 
 140.       0.8388                                                2342701200042 
 150.       0.7961                                                2342701200043 
 160.       0.7905                                                2342701200044 
 170.       0.7902                                                2342701200045 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 2342701200046 
ENDSUBENT           45          0                                 2342701299999 
SUBENT        23427013   20181103                             22722342701300001 
BIB                  5         13                                 2342701300002 
REACTION   (1-H-D2O(N,THS)1-H-D2O,,DA,,RS)                        2342701300003 
            Differential cross section in form:                   2342701300004 
            (dSIG/dOMEGA)/(SIG/4*PI) dependence from scattering   2342701300005 
            angle, incident neutron energy.                       2342701300006 
            Sample temperature 20 deg C .                         2342701300007 
SAMPLE      Heavy water                                           2342701300008 
COMMENT    Of compiler. For angles > or = 20 deg the data for 20  2342701300009 
           and 180 deg T fully the same in frames of errors (full 2342701300010 
           overlapping on figure) .                               2342701300011 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              2342701300012 
           . Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     2342701300013 
           scale X - 0.134 deg, scale Y - 0.0027                  2342701300014 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.3 of J.Nukleonik,7,281,1965                2342701300015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2342701300016 
COMMON               3          3                                 2342701300017 
EN         ERR-DIG    ERR-S                                       2342701300018 
EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2342701300019 
 0.071      0.0027     0.0371                                     2342701300020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2342701300021 
DATA                 2         21                                 2342701300022 
ANG        DATA                                                   2342701300023 
ADEG       NO-DIM                                                 2342701300024 
   10.      0.8380                                                2342701300025 
   15.      1.7707                                                2342701300026 
   20.      2.4809                                                2342701300027 
   25.      1.7453                                                2342701300028 
   30.      1.3380                                                2342701300029 
   35.      1.3175                                                2342701300030 
   40.      1.3286                                                2342701300031 
   45.      1.1384                                                2342701300032 
   50.      1.1284                                                2342701300033 
   60.      1.1455                                                2342701300034 
   70.      1.2101                                                2342701300035 
   80.      1.2006                                                2342701300036 
   90.      1.1117                                                2342701300037 
  100.      0.9804                                                2342701300038 
  110.      0.8544                                                2342701300039 
  120.      0.7443                                                2342701300040 
  130.      0.6871                                                2342701300041 
  140.      0.6406                                                2342701300042 
  150.      0.5940                                                2342701300043 
  160.      0.5687                                                2342701300044 
  170.      0.5698                                                2342701300045 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 2342701300046 
ENDSUBENT           45          0                                 2342701399999 
SUBENT        23427014   20181103                             22722342701400001 
BIB                  5         13                                 2342701400002 
REACTION   (1-H-D2O(N,THS)1-H-D2O,,DA,,RS)                        2342701400003 
            Differential cross section in form:                   2342701400004 
            (dSIG/dOMEGA)/(SIG/4*PI) dependence from scattering   2342701400005 
            angle, incident neutron energy.                       2342701400006 
            Sample temperature 20 deg C .                         2342701400007 
SAMPLE      Heavy water                                           2342701400008 
COMMENT    Of compiler. For angles > or = 15 deg the data for 20  2342701400009 
           and 180 deg T fully the same in frames of errors (full 2342701400010 
           overlapping on figure) .                               2342701400011 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              2342701400012 
           . Quantization errors (1/2 pixel):                     2342701400013 
           scale X - 0.133 deg, scale Y - 0.0026                  2342701400014 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.4 of J.Nukleonik,7,281,1965                2342701400015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 2342701400016 
COMMON               2          3                                 2342701400017 
EN         ERR-DIG                                                2342701400018 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 2342701400019 
 0.105     0.0018                                                 2342701400020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2342701400021 
DATA                 3         22                                 2342701400022 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S                                       2342701400023 
ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      2342701400024 
   10.      1.0601     0.0476                                     2342701400025 
   15.      2.2548     0.0370                                     2342701400026 
   17.      2.5456     0.0529                                     2342701400027 
   20.      2.1811     0.0423                                     2342701400028 
   25.      1.5893     0.0476                                     2342701400029 
   30.      1.4362     0.0370                                     2342701400030 
   35.      1.4681     0.0370                                     2342701400031 
   40.      1.3098     0.0370                                     2342701400032 
   45.      1.1567     0.0423                                     2342701400033 
   50.      1.2151     0.0423                                     2342701400034 
   60.      1.3582     0.0370                                     2342701400035 
   70.      1.3005     0.0423                                     2342701400036 
   80.      1.2533     0.0423                                     2342701400037 
   90.      0.9789     0.0423                                     2342701400038 
  100.      0.8419     0.0317                                     2342701400039 
  110.      0.7630     0.0317                                     2342701400040 
  120.      0.7370     0.0370                                     2342701400041 
  130.      0.6846     0.0317                                     2342701400042 
  140.      0.6956     0.0317                                     2342701400043 
  150.      0.7013     0.0317                                     2342701400044 
  160.      0.7017     0.0317                                     2342701400045 
  170.      0.6757     0.0423                                     2342701400046 
ENDDATA             24          0                                 2342701400047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 2342701499999 
ENDENTRY            14          0                                 2342799999999