ENTRY 23429 20180920 22722342900000001 SUBENT 23429001 20180919 22722342900100001 BIB 13 51 2342900100002 TITLE Measurement of the spin dependent neutron-proton total2342900100003 cross section differences deltaSIGMA-T and deltaSIGMA-L2342900100004 between 0.63 and 1.08 GeV 2342900100005 AUTHOR (F.Lehar, A.De Lesquen, L.Van Rossum, P.Chaumette, 2342900100006 J.Deregel, J.Fabre, M.De Mali, J.M.Fontaine, D.Legrand,2342900100007 F.Perrot, J.Ball, C.D.Lac, P.Bach, G.Gaillard, R.Hess, 2342900100008 Ph.Sormani, V.Ghazikhanian, C.A.Whitten, R.Peschina, 2342900100009 E.Rossle) 2342900100010 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,189,241,1987) 2342900100011 INSTITUTE (2FR SAC) F.Lehar, A.De Lesquen, L.Van Rossum, 2342900100012 P.Chaumette, J.Deregel, J.Fabre, M.De Mali,J.M.Fontain,2342900100013 D.Legrand, F.Perrot, J.Ball, C.D.Lac 2342900100014 (2SWTGVE) P.Bach, G.Gaillard, R.Hess, Ph.Sormani 2342900100015 (1USACLA) V.Ghazikhanian, C.A.Whitten 2342900100016 (2GERFRB) R.Pescina, E.Rossle 2342900100017 FACILITY (SYNCH,2FR SAC) SATURNE II 2342900100018 INC-SOURCE (POLNS,D-BE) Polarized beam of quasi-monochromatic 2342900100019 neutrons produced by break-up of vector-polarized 2342900100020 deuterons on a 20 cm thick Be target. Beam spot at 2342900100021 sample position 20 mm diameter. 2342900100022 (POLTR) Polarized proton sample 2342900100023 INC-SPECT Beam intensity ~3.*10**+5 neutrons/burst for 0.63 GeV,2342900100024 (2.-3.)*10**+6 neutrons/burst for other energies. 2342900100025 DETECTOR (SCIN) S- beam monitor, T-transmission detector. 2342900100026 Veto counters S3A and T3a of 150 mm diameter, 3mm 2342900100027 thickness, 2342900100028 S1 and S2 scintillators of the same diameter, 2342900100029 T1 and T2 counters of 80 mm diameter, 2mm thickness. 2342900100030 Neutron detection efficiency ~1.3% for S, 1.8% for T . 2342900100031 Solid angle subtended by transmission detector at the 2342900100032 center of target 0.6 - 2.5 msr, corresponding to 2342900100033 Lab.angle 0.8 - 1.6 degree. 2342900100034 Probability 5.E-3 for two beam neutrons within the 2342900100035 counter resolving time 20nsec. 2342900100036 Probability of missing a count in the transmission 2342900100037 detector 1.5E-6 . 2342900100038 METHOD (TRN) Neutron transmission on proton target. 2342900100039 Total number of counts in transmission counter 2342900100040 0.5E+8 for deltaSIGMA-T at 0.63 GeV, 2342900100041 ~1.6E+8 for other measurements. 2342900100042 SAMPLE Saclay frozen spin polarized proton target (PPT) . 2342900100043 Pentanol of 35 mm thick, 40 mm wide, 49 mm high . 2342900100044 CORRECTION No correction for the finite solid angle, 2342900100045 no correction for effects due to the low energy tail 2342900100046 of the neutron beam spectrum. 2342900100047 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error 2342900100048 (ERR-SYS) Systematical error includes uncertainties: 2342900100049 on beam and target polarization, 2342900100050 on hydrogen content in the target, 2342900100051 an estimate of the residual error due to misalignments 2342900100052 HISTORY (20180920C) M.M. 2342900100053 ENDBIB 51 0 2342900100054 COMMON 3 3 2342900100055 POL-BM POL-BM-ERR POL-TR 2342900100056 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM 2342900100057 0.52 0.02 0.85 2342900100058 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2342900100059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 2342900199999 SUBENT 23429002 20180920 22722342900200001 BIB 2 4 2342900200002 REACTION (1-H-1(N,TOT),TRS,SIG,,DSP/FCT) 2342900200003 deltaSIGMA-T 2342900200004 Cross section difference divided by 2 2342900200005 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Phys. Letters,Sect.B,189,241,1987 2342900200006 ENDBIB 4 0 2342900200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 2342900200008 DATA 4 4 2342900200009 EN DATA ERR-S ERR-SYS 2342900200010 GEV MB MB MB 2342900200011 0.63 -4.45 2.28 0.31 2342900200012 0.88 -2.99 2.05 0.21 2342900200013 0.98 -4.51 1.45 0.33 2342900200014 1.08 -1.33 1.47 0.20 2342900200015 ENDDATA 6 0 2342900200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 2342900299999 SUBENT 23429003 20180920 22722342900300001 BIB 2 3 2342900300002 REACTION (1-H-1(N,TOT),LON,SIG,,DSP) 2342900300003 deltaSIGMA-L 2342900300004 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of J.Phys. Letters,Sect.B,189,241,1987 2342900300005 ENDBIB 3 0 2342900300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 2342900300007 DATA 4 4 2342900300008 EN DATA ERR-S ERR-SYS 2342900300009 GEV MB MB MB 2342900300010 0.63 5.62 1.27 0.54 2342900300011 0.88 12.51 3.53 0.73 2342900300012 0.98 10.41 2.62 0.62 2342900300013 1.08 5.60 2.60 0.35 2342900300014 ENDDATA 6 0 2342900300015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 2342900399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 2342999999999