ENTRY            23440   20181002                             22722344000000001 
SUBENT        23440001   20181002                             22722344000100001 
BIB                 12        221                                 2344000100002 
TITLE      Neutron-proton differential cross section measurements 2344000100003 
           for En from 28 to 75 MeV                               2344000100004 
AUTHOR     (S.Benck, I.Slypen, V.Corcalciuc, J-P.Meulders)        2344000100005 
INSTITUTE  (2BLGLVN) J.P.Meulders, S.Benck, I.Slypen              2344000100006 
           (3RUMBUC)  V.Corcalciuc                                2344000100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,615,220,1997) Data of Subent 002               2344000100008 
           (J,PMB,44,719,1999)   Data of Subent 003               2344000100009 
           Experimental hydrogen kerma factors for incident       2344000100010 
           neutron energies from 25 to 75 MeV .                   2344000100011 
           Authors:V.Corcalciuc, S.Benck, R.Malu, J.P.Meulders,   2344000100012 
           I.Slypen.                                              2344000100013 
           (J,MED,27,2541,2000)                                   2344000100014 
             Subent 004 data.                                     2344000100015 
            Authors: J.P.Meulders, S.Benck, I.Slypen, V.Corcalciuc2344000100016 
REL-REF    (O,22718001,J.P.Meulders+,J,MED,27,2541,2000)          2344000100017 
             Kerma factors for C .                                2344000100018 
           (O,22724001,J.P.Meulders+,J,MED,27,2541,2000)          2344000100019 
             Kerma factors for O .                                2344000100020 
           . See also ADD-RES.                                    2344000100021 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,2BLGLVN) Fast-neutron-beam facility at the      2344000100022 
           Louvain-la-Neuve Cyclotron, CYCLONE                    2344000100023 
INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) 3 mm thick Li target,                          2344000100024 
           10 muA proton beam current,                            2344000100025 
INC-SPECT   Quasi-monoenergetic neutrons. 10**6 neutrons/cm2.     2344000100026 
           Typical spectrum on Fig.1 .                            2344000100027 
           FWHM about 4 MeV.                                      2344000100028 
           Faraday cup behind Li target as beam monitor.          2344000100029 
           The integral of the recoil proton peak serves as a     2344000100030 
           second monitor.                                        2344000100031 
METHOD     (TOF) Time resolution 0.8 nsec , flight path 3.5 m .   2344000100032 
           (EDE)                                                  2344000100033 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SCIN,CSICR) Four telescopes, each consists of   2344000100034 
            - dE detector - NE102 scintillator of 0.1mm thickness,2344000100035 
            4 cm diameter, with XP2020 photomultiplier,           2344000100036 
            - E detector - 22 mm thick CsI(Tl) crystal of 22 mm   2344000100037 
           thickness, 38.1 mm diameter, with XP2262B              2344000100038 
           photomultiplier.                                       2344000100039 
ADD-RES     .    Table VI of J.Medical Physics,27,2541,2000  :    2344000100040 
                A-150 plastic , elemental mass fraction -         2344000100041 
           H - 0.101327, C-12 - 0.807676, N-14 - 0.036511,        2344000100042 
           O-16 - 0.054486, missing elements - 0.035600 .         2344000100043 
           EN   n,total    elastic      nonelastic n,alpha        2344000100044 
           MEV  FGY*M2     FGY*M2       FGY*M2     FGY*M2         2344000100045 
           62.7 9.28+-0.22 0.172+-0.002  0.54      1.20  +-0.08   2344000100046 
           53.5 9.23+-0.35 0.197+-0.002  0.56      1.24  +-0.11   2344000100047 
           49.0 8.82+-0.29 0.217+-0.002  0.57      1.15  +-0.09   2344000100048 
           45.0 8.50+-0.27 0.242+-0.003  0.56      1.19  +-0.09   2344000100049 
           41.0 8.13+-0.29 0.263+-0.003  0.54      1.23  +-0.10   2344000100050 
           37.5 8.38+-0.32 0.282+-0.003  0.52      1.51  +-0.16   2344000100051 
           34.5 8.39+-0.32 0.301+-0.003  0.49      1.76  +-0.18   2344000100052 
           31.5 8.29+-0.35 0.321+-0.003  0.45      1.80  +-0.18   2344000100053 
           28.5 8.11+-0.34 0.338+-0.004  0.42      1.85  +-0.19   2344000100054 
           26.0 7.79+-0.32 0.374+-0.004  0.39      1.78  +-0.18   2344000100055 
           23.0 7.56+-0.29 0.407+-0.004  0.37      1.71  +-0.18   2344000100056 
           20.0 7.44+-0.28 0.439+-0.006  0.34      1.64  +-0.17   2344000100057 
           18.0 7.04+-0.25 0.44 +-0.02   0.34      1.29  +-0.13   2344000100058 
           15.0 6.42+-0.21 0.49 +-0.03   0.25      0.81  +-0.08   2344000100059 
           12.0 5.78+-0.17 0.44 +-0.03   0.17      0.42  +-0.04   2344000100060 
            9.0 5.09+-0.12 0.36 +-0.02   0.10      0.13  +-0.01   2344000100061 
            6.0 4.61+-0.09 0.46 +-0.001  0.09      0.006 +-0.001  2344000100062 
            3.0 4.33+-0.08 0.65 +-0.001  0.12      0.0017+-0.0003 2344000100063 
           EN     n,p          n,d             n,t                2344000100064 
           MEV    FGY*M2       FGY*M2          FGY*M2             2344000100065 
           62.7   6.07+-0.10   1.10  +-0.03    0.20  +-0.01       2344000100066 
           53.5   6.07+-0.15   0.98  +-0.07    0.19  +-0.02       2344000100067 
           49.0   5.84+-0.13   0.87  +-0.05    0.17  +-0.01       2344000100068 
           45.0   5.59+-0.12   0.78  +-0.04    0.139 +-0.013      2344000100069 
           41.0   5.33+-0.12   0.69  +-0.06    0.077 +-0.008      2344000100070 
           37.5   5.43+-0.11   0.58  +-0.04    0.059 +-0.006      2344000100071 
           34.5   5.31+-0.10   0.49  +-0.03    0.044 +-0.005      2344000100072 
           31.5   5.28+-0.13   0.41  +-0.03    0.030 +-0.003      2344000100073 
           28.5   5.20+-0.13   0.28  +-0.02    0.018 +-0.002      2344000100074 
           26.0   5.07+-0.12   0.16  +-0.01    0.009 +-0.001      2344000100075 
           23.0   4.99+-0.11   0.09  +-0.01    0.0016+-0.0001     2344000100076 
           20.0   4.98+-0.10   0.044 +-0.004                      2344000100077 
           18.0   4.95+-0.10   0.019 +-0.002                      2344000100078 
           15.0   4.87+-0.10   0.0030+-0.0004                     2344000100079 
           12.0   4.75+-0.10                                      2344000100080 
            9.0   4.50+-0.09                                      2344000100081 
            6.0   4.06+-0.08                                      2344000100082 
            3.0   3.56+-0.07                                      2344000100083 
           .     Table VII of J.Medical Physics,27,2541,2000  :   2344000100084 
                ICRU-muscle , elemental mass fraction -           2344000100085 
           H - 0.101997, C-12 - 0.124525, N-14 - 0.035434,        2344000100086 
           O-16 - 0.738044, missing elements - 0.011000 .         2344000100087 
           EN   n,total    elastic      nonelastic n,alpha        2344000100088 
           MEV  FGY*M2     FGY*M2       FGY*M2     FGY*M2         2344000100089 
           62.7 8.94+-0.27 0.137+-0.003  0.55      1.01 +-0.11    2344000100090 
           53.5 8.77+-0.44 0.156+-0.003  0.54      1.04 +-0.16    2344000100091 
           49.0 8.52+-0.39 0.175+-0.003  0.52      1.00 +-0.15    2344000100092 
           45.0 8.29+-0.37 0.198+-0.003  0.50      1.02 +-0.14    2344000100093 
           41.0 7.93+-0.35 0.216+-0.004  0.49      1.04 +-0.14    2344000100094 
           37.5 8.10+-0.37 0.227+-0.004  0.48      1.14 +-0.16    2344000100095 
           34.5 7.88+-0.35 0.230+-0.004  0.48      1.14 +-0.15    2344000100096 
           31.5 7.75+-0.36 0.241+-0.004  0.49      1.10 +-0.15    2344000100097 
           28.5 7.48+-0.34 0.251+-0.004  0.50      1.08 +-0.15    2344000100098 
           26.0 7.24+-0.31 0.257+-0.004  0.52      1.05 +-0.14    2344000100099 
           23.0 7.20+-0.29 0.270+-0.004  0.57      1.05 +-0.15    2344000100100 
           20.0 7.00+-0.26 0.276+-0.005  0.56      0.96 +-0.13    2344000100101 
           18.0 6.76+-0.23 0.31 +-0.01   0.56      0.75 +-0.10    2344000100102 
           15.0 6.28+-0.20 0.35 +-0.02   0.42      0.52 +-0.07    2344000100103 
           12.0 5.84+-0.15 0.39 +-0.01   0.33      0.33 +-0.04    2344000100104 
           9.0  5.24+-0.13 0.32 +-0.01   0.23      0.17 +-0.02    2344000100105 
           6.0  4.59+-0.10 0.29 +-0.01   0.16      0.058+-0.009   2344000100106 
           4.0  4.20+-0.09 0.42 +-0.02   0.18      0.017+-0.003   2344000100107 
           EN     n,p          n,d             n,t                2344000100108 
           MEV    FGY*M2       FGY*M2          FGY*M2             2344000100109 
           62.7   6.11+-0.11   0.99  +-0.04    0.15  +-0.01       2344000100110 
           53.5   5.97+-0.17   0.93  +-0.09    0.12  +-0.02       2344000100111 
           49.0   5.86+-0.15   0.84  +-0.08    0.12  +-0.02       2344000100112 
           45.0   5.66+-0.14   0.81  +-0.07    0.096 +-0.013      2344000100113 
           41.0   5.48+-0.14   0.63  +-0.06    0.071 +-0.009      2344000100114 
           37.5   5.58+-0.14   0.62  +-0.06    0.052 +-0.007      2344000100115 
           34.5   5.44+-0.12   0.55  +-0.06    0.041 +-0.006      2344000100116 
           31.5   5.46+-0.15   0.43  +-0.05    0.031 +-0.004      2344000100117 
           28.5   5.30+-0.14   0.33  +-0.05    0.022 +-0.003      2344000100118 
           26.0   5.14+-0.13   0.25  +-0.03    0.015 +-0.002      2344000100119 
           23.0   5.13+-0.12   0.17  +-0.02    0.008 +-0.001      2344000100120 
           20.0   5.10+-0.11   0.11  +-0.01    0.0030+-0.0005     2344000100121 
           18.0   5.06+-0.11   0.07  +-0.01    0.0008+-0.0004     2344000100122 
           15.0   4.96+-0.10   0.030 +-0.004                      2344000100123 
           12.0   4.79+-0.10   0.0034+-0.0004                     2344000100124 
            9.0   4.53+-0.09                                      2344000100125 
            6.0   4.08+-0.08                                      2344000100126 
            4.0   3.59+-0.07                                      2344000100127 
           .     Table VIII of J.Medical Physics,27,2541,2000  :  2344000100128 
                TE-M (tissue equivalent gas mixture based on      2344000100129 
           methane), elemental mass fraction -                    2344000100130 
           H - 0.101869, C-12 - 0.456179, N-14 - 0.035172,        2344000100131 
           O-16 - 0.406780 ;                                      2344000100132 
                TE-P (tissue equivalent gas mixture based on      2344000100133 
           propane), elemental mass fraction -                    2344000100134 
           H - 0.102672, C-12 - 0.568940, N-14 - 0.035022,        2344000100135 
           O-16 - 0.293366 ;                                      2344000100136 
                water, elemental mass fraction -                  2344000100137 
           H - 0.111894, O-16 - 0.293366 ;                        2344000100138 
                Total Kerma factors                               2344000100139 
           EN    TE-M       TE-P         water                    2344000100140 
           MEV   FGY*M2     FGY*M2       FGY*M2                   2344000100141 
           62.7  9.11+-0.25  9.20+-0.24  9.20+-0.28               2344000100142 
           53.5  9.00+-0.40  9.11+-0.38  9.01+-0.46               2344000100143 
           49.0  8.67+-0.34  8.75+-0.32  8.81+-0.41               2344000100144 
           45.0  8.40+-0.32  8.47+-0.30  8.60+-0.39               2344000100145 
           41.0  8.04+-0.32  8.10+-0.31  8.26+-0.36               2344000100146 
           37.5  8.25+-0.35  8.33+-0.34  8.43+-0.39               2344000100147 
           34.5  8.13+-0.34  8.26+-0.33  8.16+-0.36               2344000100148 
           31.5  8.02+-0.36  8.15+-0.35  8.05+-0.37               2344000100149 
           28.5  7.80+-0.34  7.94+-0.34  7.77+-0.35               2344000100150 
           26.0  7.51+-0.31  7.64+-0.32  7.54+-0.31               2344000100151 
           23.0  7.38+-0.29  7.49+-0.29  7.56+-0.30               2344000100152 
           20.0  7.23+-0.27  7.34+-0.27  7.36+-0.26               2344000100153 
           18.0  6.91+-0.24  6.99+-0.25  7.15+-0.23               2344000100154 
           15.0  6.36+-0.20  6.43+-0.21  6.71+-0.20               2344000100155 
           12.0  5.82+-0.16  5.85+-0.16  6.29+-0.16               2344000100156 
            9.0  5.18+-0.13  5.19+-0.13  5.70+-0.14               2344000100157 
            6.0  4.61+-0.10  4.65+-0.09  4.97+-0.11               2344000100158 
            4.0  4.27+-0.09  4.33+-0.08  4.51+-0.10               2344000100159 
           .     Table IX of J,Medical Physics,27,2541,2000  :    2344000100160 
                Skin, elemental mass fraction -                   2344000100161 
           H - 0.100, C-12 - 0.230, N-14 - 0.047, O-16 - 0.623,   2344000100162 
           missing elements - 0.012 ;                             2344000100163 
                brain, elemental mass fraction -                  2344000100164 
           H - 0.108, C-12 - 0.136, N-14 - 0.012, O-16 - 0.743,   2344000100165 
           missing elements - 0.022 ;                             2344000100166 
                fat, elemental mass fraction -                    2344000100167 
           H - 0.116, C-12 - 0.647, N-14 - 0.008, O-16 - 0.229,   2344000100168 
           missing elements - 0.009 ;                             2344000100169 
                intestine, elemental mass fraction -              2344000100170 
           H - 0.100, C-12 - 0.096, N-14 - 0.021, O-16 - 0.783,   2344000100171 
           missing elements - 0.015 ;                             2344000100172 
                kidneys, elemental mass fraction -                2344000100173 
           H - 0.103, C-12 - 0.129, N-14 - 0.027, O-16 - 0.741,   2344000100174 
           missing elements - 0.000 ;                             2344000100175 
                liver, elemental mass fraction -                  2344000100176 
           H - 0.100, C-12 - 0.154, N-14 - 0.030, O-16 - 0.715,   2344000100177 
           missing elements - 0.061 ;                             2344000100178 
                lungs, elemental mass fraction -                  2344000100179 
           H - 0.099, C-12 - 0.104, N-14 - 0.029, O-16 - 0.768,   2344000100180 
           missing elements - 0.033 ;                             2344000100181 
                Total Kerma factors                               2344000100182 
           EN    skin        brain       fat         intestine    2344000100183 
           MEV   FGY*M2      FGY*M2      FGY*M2      FGY*M2       2344000100184 
           62.7  8.93+-0.26  9.15+-0.27  9.68+-0.24  8.86+-0.27   2344000100185 
           53.5  8.78+-0.42  8.98+-0.44  9.62+-0.37  8.67+-0.44   2344000100186 
           49.0  8.50+-0.37  8.74+-0.39  9.27+-0.31  8.43+-0.40   2344000100187 
           45.0  8.25+-0.35  8.51+-0.37  8.98+-0.30  8.20+-0.38   2344000100188 
           41.0  7.89+-0.34  8.16+-0.35  8.62+-0.31  7.85+-0.35   2344000100189 
           37.5  8.07+-0.36  8.34+-0.37  8.88+-0.34  8.01+-0.38   2344000100190 
           34.5  7.88+-0.34  8.12+-0.35  8.84+-0.33  7.77+-0.35   2344000100191 
           31.5  7.76+-0.36  8.01+-0.37  8.76+-0.36  7.64+-0.36   2344000100192 
           28.5  7.50+-0.34  7.74+-0.35  8.57+-0.35  7.37+-0.34   2344000100193 
           26.0  7.24+-0.31  7.50+-0.31  8.28+-0.33  7.12+-0.30   2344000100194 
           23.0  7.17+-0.29  7.47+-0.30  8.12+-0.30  7.09+-0.29   2344000100195 
           20.0  6.99+-0.26  7.28+-0.27  8.00+-0.29  6.89+-0.26   2344000100196 
           18.0  6.72+-0.23  7.04+-0.23  7.64+-0.26  6.65+-0.23   2344000100197 
           15.0  6.22+-0.20  6.56+-0.20  7.06+-0.22  6.18+-0.19   2344000100198 
           12.0  5.74+-0.15  6.11+-0.16  6.46+-0.18  5.75+-0.15   2344000100199 
            9.0  5.13+-0.12  5.50+-0.13  5.76+-0.14  5.16+-0.12   2344000100200 
            6.0  4.52+-0.10  4.83+-0.11  5.18+-0.10  4.51+-0.10   2344000100201 
            4.0  4.16+-0.09  4.41+-0.10  4.80+-0.09  4.13+-0.09   2344000100202 
           EN    kidneys     liver       lungs                    2344000100203 
           MEV   FGY*M2      FGY*M2      FGY*M2                   2344000100204 
           62.7  8.98+-0.27  8.89+-0.27  8.83+-0.27               2344000100205 
           53.5  8.80+-0.44  8.72+-0.44  8.65+-0.44               2344000100206 
           49.0  8.55+-0.39  8.46+-0.39  8.40+-0.40               2344000100207 
           45.0  8.32+-0.37  8.22+-0.37  8.17+-0.37               2344000100208 
           41.0  7.97+-0.35  7.87+-0.35  7.81+-0.35               2344000100209 
           37.5  8.14+-0.37  8.04+-0.37  7.98+-0.37               2344000100210 
           34.5  7.92+-0.35  7.82+-0.35  7.74+-0.35               2344000100211 
           31.5  7.80+-0.36  7.69+-0.36  7.61+-0.36               2344000100212 
           28.5  7.53+-0.34  7.43+-0.34  7.33+-0.34               2344000100213 
           26.0  7.28+-0.31  7.17+-0.31  7.09+-0.30               2344000100214 
           23.0  7.24+-0.29  7.12+-0.29  7.05+-0.29               2344000100215 
           20.0  7.05+-0.26  6.93+-0.26  6.85+-0.26               2344000100216 
           18.0  6.80+-0.23  6.68+-0.23  6.61+-0.23               2344000100217 
           15.0  6.33+-0.20  6.20+-0.20  6.14+-0.19               2344000100218 
           12.0  5.88+-0.15  5.74+-0.15  5.70+-0.15               2344000100219 
            9.0  5.28+-0.13  5.15+-0.12  5.11+-0.12               2344000100220 
            6.0  4.63+-0.10  4.51+-0.10  4.47+-0.10               2344000100221 
            4.0  4.24+-0.10  4.14+-0.09  4.10+-0.09               2344000100222 
HISTORY    (20181002C) M.M.                                       2344000100223 
ENDBIB             221          0                                 2344000100224 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2344000100225 
ENDSUBENT          224          0                                 2344000199999 
SUBENT        23440002   20181002                             22722344000200001 
BIB                  7         38                                 2344000200002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA)                                 2344000200003 
REL-REF    (A,,J.Binstock,J,PR/C,10,19,1974) Theor.parametrisation2344000200004 
           (A,,R.A.Amdt,W,AMDT,1996) Bonn potential prediction    2344000200005 
           (A,,N.S.P.King+,J,PR/C,21,1185,1980)  Exp.             2344000200006 
           (A,22207002,G.Fink+,J,NP/A,518,561,1990)      Exp.     2344000200007 
           (R,,J.Binstock,J,PR/C,10,19,1974)                      2344000200008 
           Data used for fit of total CS .                        2344000200009 
           (M,,I.Slypen+,J,NIM/A,337,431,1994)                    2344000200010 
           (M,,I.Slypen,T,SLYPEN,1995)                            2344000200011 
           (M,,I.Slypen+,J,PR/C,51,1303,1995)                     2344000200012 
            Three rel.refs. for data reduction procedure .        2344000200013 
SAMPLE      Polypropylene target (C3H6)n of 5x5 cm2 surface,      2344000200014 
           1. or 0.5 mm thickness.                                2344000200015 
MONITOR    (1-H-1(N,TOT),,SIG) Total CS used for normalization :  2344000200016 
             En, MeV     CS,mb                                    2344000200017 
             72.8+-2.0   100.                                     2344000200018 
             67.7+-2.0   112.                                     2344000200019 
             62.7+-2.0   124.                                     2344000200020 
             58.5+-2.5   133.                                     2344000200021 
             53.0+-2.2   150.                                     2344000200022 
             49.0+-2.0   168.                                     2344000200023 
             45.0+-2.0   188.                                     2344000200024 
             41.0+-2.0   210.                                     2344000200025 
             37.5+-1.5   234.                                     2344000200026 
             34.5+-1.5   257.                                     2344000200027 
             31.5+-1.5   291.                                     2344000200028 
             29.0+-1.0   318.                                     2344000200029 
           Cross section from fit of exp.data in REL-REF of       2344000200030 
           J.Binstock.                                            2344000200031 
ANALYSIS   Angular distributions were normalized to total CS using2344000200032 
           the integral of the fourth order Legendre fit .        2344000200033 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Includes statistics, uncertainty due to     2344000200034 
           thick target correction and background subtraction.    2344000200035 
           (ERR-1) monitor (n,p) cross sections - 3.%             2344000200036 
           (ERR-2) beam monitoring             - 2.%              2344000200037 
           (ERR-3) solid angle correction      - 1.%              2344000200038 
           (ERR-4) number of nuclei in target  - 1.% .            2344000200039 
STATUS     (TABLE)Table 1 of J.Nucl.Physics,Section A,615,220,19972344000200040 
ENDBIB              38          0                                 2344000200041 
COMMON               4          3                                 2344000200042 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4                            2344000200043 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                         2344000200044 
 3.         2.         1.         1.                              2344000200045 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2344000200046 
DATA                 5         72                                 2344000200047 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR              2344000200048 
MEV        MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                 2344000200049 
 72.8       2.0         40.       8.8        0.6                  2344000200050 
 72.8       2.0         60.       7.3        0.4                  2344000200051 
 72.8       2.0         80.       6.5        0.3                  2344000200052 
 72.8       2.0        100.       6.6        0.2                  2344000200053 
 72.8       2.0        120.       8.3        0.3                  2344000200054 
 72.8       2.0        140.       9.7        0.3                  2344000200055 
 67.7       2.0         40.       9.3        0.4                  2344000200056 
 67.7       2.0         60.       7.2        0.2                  2344000200057 
 67.7       2.0         80.       7.1        0.2                  2344000200058 
 67.7       2.0        100.       7.5        0.2                  2344000200059 
 67.7       2.0        120.       9.1        0.2                  2344000200060 
 67.7       2.0        140.      11.5        0.3                  2344000200061 
 62.7       2.0         40.      10.2        0.3                  2344000200062 
 62.7       2.0         60.       8.6        0.2                  2344000200063 
 62.7       2.0         80.       7.9        0.2                  2344000200064 
 62.7       2.0        100.       8.5        0.2                  2344000200065 
 62.7       2.0        120.       9.9        0.2                  2344000200066 
 62.7       2.0        140.      12.2        0.3                  2344000200067 
 58.5       2.5         40.      12.4        0.5                  2344000200068 
 58.5       2.5         60.       8.6        0.3                  2344000200069 
 58.5       2.5         80.       7.2        0.3                  2344000200070 
 58.5       2.5        100.       8.8        0.3                  2344000200071 
 58.5       2.5        120.      10.4        0.3                  2344000200072 
 58.5       2.5        140.      14.9        0.6                  2344000200073 
 53.0       2.2         40.      13.1        0.6                  2344000200074 
 53.0       2.2         60.      10.8        0.4                  2344000200075 
 53.0       2.2         80.       9.9        0.3                  2344000200076 
 53.0       2.2        100.      10.9        0.4                  2344000200077 
 53.0       2.2        120.      11.7        0.4                  2344000200078 
 53.0       2.2        140.      14.0        0.4                  2344000200079 
 49.0       2.0         40.      14.5        0.9                  2344000200080 
 49.0       2.0         60.      11.8        0.4                  2344000200081 
 49.0       2.0         80.      11.2        0.3                  2344000200082 
 49.0       2.0        100.      12.2        0.2                  2344000200083 
 49.0       2.0        120.      13.4        0.4                  2344000200084 
 49.0       2.0        140.      15.1        0.3                  2344000200085 
 45.0       2.0         40.      16.5        0.6                  2344000200086 
 45.0       2.0         60.      14.0        0.8                  2344000200087 
 45.0       2.0         80.      13.7        0.3                  2344000200088 
 45.0       2.0        100.      13.1        0.3                  2344000200089 
 45.0       2.0        120.      14.7        0.2                  2344000200090 
 45.0       2.0        140.      16.8        0.2                  2344000200091 
 41.0       2.0         40.      17.9        0.8                  2344000200092 
 41.0       2.0         60.      14.7        0.4                  2344000200093 
 41.0       2.0         80.      14.4        0.3                  2344000200094 
 41.0       2.0        100.      14.6        0.2                  2344000200095 
 41.0       2.0        120.      16.2        0.3                  2344000200096 
 41.0       2.0        140.      18.5        0.2                  2344000200097 
 37.5       1.5         40.      18.6        1.5                  2344000200098 
 37.5       1.5         60.      16.2        0.5                  2344000200099 
 37.5       1.5         80.      16.3        0.3                  2344000200100 
 37.5       1.5        100.      17.5        0.3                  2344000200101 
 37.5       1.5        120.      19.1        0.3                  2344000200102 
 37.5       1.5        140.      20.8        0.3                  2344000200103 
 34.5       1.5         40.      20.0        1.4                  2344000200104 
 34.5       1.5         60.      18.8        1.0                  2344000200105 
 34.5       1.5         80.      18.1        0.6                  2344000200106 
 34.5       1.5        100.      19.8        0.3                  2344000200107 
 34.5       1.5        120.      20.8        0.3                  2344000200108 
 34.5       1.5        140.      22.8        0.3                  2344000200109 
 31.5       1.5         40.      21.3        1.2                  2344000200110 
 31.5       1.5         60.      20.9        1.2                  2344000200111 
 31.5       1.5         80.      19.6        0.4                  2344000200112 
 31.5       1.5        100.      23.1        0.3                  2344000200113 
 31.5       1.5        120.      24.4        0.3                  2344000200114 
 31.5       1.5        140.      25.0        0.4                  2344000200115 
 29.0       1.0         40.      25.2        2.8                  2344000200116 
 29.0       1.0         60.      21.7        1.6                  2344000200117 
 29.0       1.0         80.      22.6        0.6                  2344000200118 
 29.0       1.0        100.      25.7        0.5                  2344000200119 
 29.0       1.0        120.      25.2        0.3                  2344000200120 
 29.0       1.0        140.      27.3        0.3                  2344000200121 
ENDDATA             74          0                                 2344000200122 
ENDSUBENT          121          0                                 2344000299999 
SUBENT        23440003   20181002                             22722344000300001 
BIB                  6         62                                 2344000300002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(N,TOT),,KER,,,DERIV)                            2344000300003 
REL-REF    (A,,T.W.Burrows,J,PR/C,7,1306,1973) Exp.data           2344000300004 
           (A,,C.Y.Chih+,J,PR,106,539,1957)   Exp.data            2344000300005 
           Renormalized - agrees.                                 2344000300006 
           (A,,M.A.Behrooz+,J,PMB,26,507,1981)     Theor.         2344000300007 
           (A,,A.H.Wells,J,RR,80,1,1979)           Theor          2344000300008 
           (A,,R.M.White+,J,RPD,44,11,1992)        Theor.         2344000300009 
           (D,,A.V.Sannikov+,J,RPD,60,135,1995)    Theor.         2344000300010 
           (D,,R.H.Bassel+,J,RR,69,210,1977)       Theor.         2344000300011 
           (A,,M.B.Chadwick+,R,LA-UR-98-3482,1998) Theor.         2344000300012 
           (A,,D.J.Brenner,J,PMB,29,437,1984) Parametrisation     2344000300013 
           (R,22207002,G.Fink+,J,NP/A,518,561,1990)               2344000300014 
           (R,,T.W.Burrows,J,PR/C,7,1306,1973)                    2344000300015 
           (R,,T.C.Montgomery+,J,PRL,31,640,1973)                 2344000300016 
           (R,,A.J.Bersbach+,J,PR/D,13,535,1976)                  2344000300017 
           (R,,N.S.P.King+,J,PR/C,21,1185,1980)                   2344000300018 
            Five articles with data of angular distributions used 2344000300019 
           to complete angular distributions (measured by the     2344000300020 
           authors) after re-normalization.                       2344000300021 
           (R,,M.B.Chadwick+,3,ENDF/B-VI.6,,1998)                 2344000300022 
           Mentioned as ICRU report in preparation .              2344000300023 
           Total CS used in analysis.                             2344000300024 
ANALYSIS    Normalization factors f for angular distributions and 2344000300025 
           KHI**2 for the fit of completed angular distributions  2344000300026 
           with five Legendre polynomials:                        2344000300027 
           En,MeV      Reference         En,MeV       f     KHI**22344000300028 
           29.0+-1.0   Fink+ (1990)      27.5+-1.5   0.93   6.3   2344000300029 
                       Fink+ (1990)      30.0+-1.5   1.08         2344000300030 
                       Burrows (1973)    27.2        0.87         2344000300031 
           31.5+-1.5   Fink+ (1990)      30.0+-1.5   0.99   1.9   2344000300032 
           34.5+-1.5   Fink+ (1990)      33.0+-1.5   0.95   2.9   2344000300033 
                       Fink+ (1990)      36.0+-1.5   1.04         2344000300034 
           37.5+-1.5   Fink+ (1990)      36.0+-1.5   0.95   2.2   2344000300035 
           41.0+-2.0   Fink+ (1990)      40.0+-2.0   0.93   1.4   2344000300036 
           45.0+-2.0                                        2.4   2344000300037 
           49.0+-2.0   Fink+(1990)       50.0+-2.0   1.07   2.5   2344000300038 
                       Montgomery+(1973) 50.0        1.01         2344000300039 
           53.0+-2.2                                        0.35  2344000300040 
           58.5+-2.5   Bersbach+ (1976)  58.8+-4.2   1.10   2.0   2344000300041 
           62.7+-2.0   King+ (1980)      63.1        1.05   2.4   2344000300042 
           67.7+-2.0   Bersbach+ (1976)  67.5+-4.5   1.04   1.1   2344000300043 
           72.8+-2.0   Bersbach+ (1976)  67.5+-4.5   0.91   1.7   2344000300044 
           Completed angular distributions were fitted by sum of 52344000300045 
           Legendre polynomials, A0 was kept constant to preserve 2344000300046 
           the total CS = 4*PI*A0 . Total CS from ENDF/B-VI.6     2344000300047 
            Kerma factor k was determined                         2344000300048 
           k=N*2*PI*En*(A0-A1/3)                                  2344000300049 
           A0 and A1 -Legendre polynomials coefficients,          2344000300050 
           En - incident neutron energy in MeV,                   2344000300051 
           N - number of hydrogen atoms per unit mass and factor  2344000300052 
           for transformation of units, N=9.5736E-3 .             2344000300053 
ASSUMED    (ASSUM,1-H-1(N,TOT),,SIG) From  ENDF/B-VI.6            2344000300054 
ERR-ANALYS . Total uncertainty ~4.% includes ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3    2344000300055 
           (ERR-1) monitor total cross section - 3.%              2344000300056 
           (ERR-2) beam monitoring             - 2.%              2344000300057 
           (ERR-3) number of nuclei in target  - 1.% .            2344000300058 
           (DATA-ERR)  One standard deviation, including A0 and A12344000300059 
           uncertainties as result of fit.                        2344000300060 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 2 of J.Phys.in Medicine and Biology,44,  2344000300061 
                              719,1999                            2344000300062 
           (SPSDD,23440004) Newer publication completed by        2344000300063 
           extrapolated data at 26-4 MeV energy range.            2344000300064 
ENDBIB              62          0                                 2344000300065 
COMMON               3          3                                 2344000300066 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3                                       2344000300067 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    2344000300068 
 3.         2.         1.                                         2344000300069 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2344000300070 
DATA                 5         12                                 2344000300071 
EN         EN-RSL-HW  DATA       DATA-ERR   ASSUM                 2344000300072 
MEV        MEV        FGY*M2     PER-CENT   MB                    2344000300073 
 29.0       1.0        45.7       1.0        319.4                2344000300074 
 31.5       1.5        45.0       2.0        289.5                2344000300075 
 34.5       1.5        43.7       1.2        259.2                2344000300076 
 37.5       1.5        43.2       1.3        234.8                2344000300077 
 41.0       2.0        41.5       1.5        211.3                2344000300078 
 45.0       2.0        41.1       1.3        188.9                2344000300079 
 49.0       2.0        41.1       1.2        170.6                2344000300080 
 53.0       2.2        39.9       1.2        155.2                2344000300081 
 58.5       2.5        40.2       1.9        137.8                2344000300082 
 62.7       2.0        39.1       1.4        126.8                2344000300083 
 67.7       2.0        39.2       2.0        115.8                2344000300084 
 72.8       2.0        38.3       1.8        106.3                2344000300085 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 2344000300086 
ENDSUBENT           85          0                                 2344000399999 
SUBENT        23440004   20181002                             22722344000400001 
BIB                  7         33                                 2344000400002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(N,TOT),,KER,,,DERIV)    Kerma factor            2344000400003 
REL-REF    (A,,T.W.Burrows,J,PR/C,7,1306,1973)                    2344000400004 
           (A,,C.Y.Chih+,J,PR,106,539,1957)                       2344000400005 
           (A,,V.Corcalciuc+,J,PMB,44,719,1999)                   2344000400006 
            Chih, 1957 renormalized                               2344000400007 
           (D,,R.H.Bassel+,J,RR,69,210,1977) theor.calculation    2344000400008 
           (A,,M.B.Chadwick+,R,ICRU-63,2000)  theor.calculation   2344000400009 
           (A,,M.B.Chadwick+,J,MED,26,974,1999) theor.calculation 2344000400010 
           #doi:10.1118/1.598601  (misprint in  J.Medical Physics,2344000400011 
           27,2541,2000 - pages 1-18 -> 974  -comment of compiler)2344000400012 
           (A,,V.Corcalciuc+,J,PMB,44,719,1999) parametrization   2344000400013 
           (N,23440003,V.Corcalciuc+,J,PMB,44,719,1999)           2344000400014 
           . Hydrogen kerma factors at 29.0-72.8 MeV              2344000400015 
            from PMB,44,719,1999:                                 2344000400016 
ANALYSIS   Angular distributions were completed by literature data2344000400017 
           in forward and backward angular ranges, then fitted by 2344000400018 
           Legendre polynomials. Kerma factor k was determined    2344000400019 
           k=N*2*PI*En*(A0-A1/3)                                  2344000400020 
           A0 and A1 -Legendre polynomials coefficients,          2344000400021 
           En - incident neutron energy in MeV,                   2344000400022 
           N - number of hydrogen atoms per unit mass and factor  2344000400023 
           for transformation of units, N=9.5736E-3 .             2344000400024 
FLAG       (1.) Extrapolated value                                2344000400025 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)  One sigma confidence level uncertainty     2344000400026 
             (~2.%) including A0 and A1 uncertainties as result   2344000400027 
              of fit.                                             2344000400028 
            Total uncertainty ~4.% includes contributions from:   2344000400029 
           (ERR-1) monitor total cross section - 3.%              2344000400030 
           (ERR-2) beam monitoring             - 2.%              2344000400031 
           (ERR-3) number of nuclei in target  - 1.% .            2344000400032 
COMMENT    Of compiler M.M. EN-RSL values are mentioned as        2344000400033 
           "incident energy beam width" , but is given with +- .  2344000400034 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table III of J.Medical Physics,27,2541,2000    2344000400035 
ENDBIB              33          0                                 2344000400036 
COMMON               3          3                                 2344000400037 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3                                       2344000400038 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    2344000400039 
 3.         2.         1.                                         2344000400040 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 2344000400041 
DATA                 5         21                                 2344000400042 
EN         EN-RSL     DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                  2344000400043 
MEV        MEV        FGY*M2     FGY*M2     NO-DIM                2344000400044 
 72.8       2.0        38.3       0.7                             2344000400045 
 67.7       2.0        39.2       0.8                             2344000400046 
 62.7       2.0        39.1       0.5                             2344000400047 
 58.5       2.5        40.2       0.8                             2344000400048 
 53.0       2.2        39.9       0.5                             2344000400049 
 49.0       2.0        41.1       0.5                             2344000400050 
 45.0       2.0        41.1       0.5                             2344000400051 
 41.0       2.0        41.5       0.6                             2344000400052 
 37.5       1.5        43.2       0.6                             2344000400053 
 34.5       1.5        43.7       0.5                             2344000400054 
 31.5       1.5        45.0       0.9                             2344000400055 
 29.0       1.5        45.7       0.9                             2344000400056 
 26.0       1.5        45.9       0.9        1.                   2344000400057 
 23.0       1.5        47.2       0.9        1.                   2344000400058 
 20.0       1.5        48.1       1.0        1.                   2344000400059 
 18.0       1.5        48.3       1.0        1.                   2344000400060 
 15.0       1.5        48.0       1.0        1.                   2344000400061 
 12.0       1.5        46.9       0.9        1.                   2344000400062 
  9.0       1.5        44.5       0.9        1.                   2344000400063 
  6.0       1.5        40.0       0.8        1.                   2344000400064 
  4.0       1.0        35.2       0.7        1.                   2344000400065 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 2344000400066 
ENDSUBENT           65          0                                 2344000499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 2344099999999