ENTRY            23447   20181208                             22762344700000001 
SUBENT        23447001   20181208                             22762344700100001 
BIB                 14         43                                 2344700100002 
TITLE      First experimental prompt gamma-ray spectra in         2344700100003 
           fast-neutron-induced fission of 238U                   2344700100004 
AUTHOR     (J.-M.Laborie, R.Billnert, G.Belier, A.Oberstedt,      2344700100005 
           S.Oberstedt, J.Taieb)                                  2344700100006 
INSTITUTE  (2FR CAD,2ZZZGEL)                                      2344700100007 
           (3RUMRUM)Extreme Light Infrastructure, Nuclear         2344700100008 
           Physics (ELI-NP), 077125 Bucharest-Magurele, Romania   2344700100009 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,98,054604,2018)                                2344700100010 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.98.054604                        2344700100011 
           (J,EPJ/CS,146,04032,2017)                              2344700100012 
           #doi:10.1051/epjconf/201714604032                      2344700100013 
           Data on graphs                                         2344700100014 
FACILITY   (VDG,2FR CAD) CEA, DAM, DIF Van de Graaff accelerator  2344700100015 
INC-SOURCE (P-T) 3H(p,n) 3He for 0.5-3 MeV neutrons               2344700100016 
           (D-D) 2H(2H,n) 3He for 3-7 MeV neutrons                2344700100017 
           (D-T) 3H(2H,n) 4He for 15-20 MeV neutrons.             2344700100018 
DETECTOR   (BGO) (Bi4Ge3O12) detector 3 in. diam x 6 in. length.  2344700100019 
           P/T ratio 83% at 1 MeV and 36% at 10 MeV. The energy   2344700100020 
           resolution close to 11% at 0.662 MeV. FWHM(%) = axE**b 2344700100021 
           with a = 346 +- 29 and b = 0.517 +- 0.017.             2344700100022 
           (FISCH)                                                2344700100023 
SAMPLE     14 g of 238U, 7 cm diameter, 1.7 mg/cm2 areal density. 2344700100024 
ANALYSIS   (UNFLD) In order to unfold the spectra, the detector   2344700100025 
           response was simulated at different energies with the  2344700100026 
           PENELOPE Monte Carlo code.                             2344700100027 
METHOD     (COINC) Coincidence between the fission events and     2344700100028 
           the gamma rays.                                        2344700100029 
           (TOF) The fission chamber signal was used as the event 2344700100030 
           trigger in the experiment. The gamma-ray detector was  2344700100031 
           placed 1 m away from the fission chamber.              2344700100032 
CORRECTION Time-of-flight spectrum between the fission chamber    2344700100033 
           and the BGO detector was corrected for:                2344700100034 
            - background gamma-ray events                         2344700100035 
            - high-energy prompt fission neutrons (detected via   2344700100036 
           inelastic scattering)                                  2344700100037 
PART-DET   (FF,G)                                                 2344700100038 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) Standard deviation of the incident neutrons   2344700100039 
           (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties                      2344700100040 
           (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainties result from         2344700100041 
            - the simulation of the detector response and the     2344700100042 
           efficiency calibration   - 10-13%                      2344700100043 
            - the number of fission - 3%.                         2344700100044 
HISTORY    (20181208C) VS                                         2344700100045 
ENDBIB              43          0                                 2344700100046 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2344700100047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 2344700199999 
SUBENT        23447002   20181208                             22762344700200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 2344700200002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(N,F)0-G-0,PR,FY/DE)                          2344700200003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table II of Phys.Rev.C98(2018)054604           2344700200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 2344700200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2344700200006 
DATA                 7         88                                 2344700200007 
EN         EN-ERR     E          E-RSL      DATA       ERR-S      2344700200008 
ERR-SYS                                                           2344700200009 
MEV        MEV        KEV        KEV        PD/FIS/MEV PD/FIS/MEV 2344700200010 
PD/FIS/MEV                                                        2344700200011 
        1.6        0.1       128.       35.5        8.6        0.72344700200012 
        1.5                                                       2344700200013 
        1.6        0.1       166.       40.4       10.4        0.62344700200014 
        1.6                                                       2344700200015 
        1.6        0.1       209.       45.4        8.2        0.42344700200016 
        1.3                                                       2344700200017 
        1.6        0.1       256.       50.3        7.5        0.32344700200018 
        1.0                                                       2344700200019 
        1.6        0.1       309.       55.3        7.7        0.22344700200020 
        1.0                                                       2344700200021 
        1.6        0.1       367.       60.2        7.2        0.22344700200022 
        0.8                                                       2344700200023 
        1.6        0.1       430.       65.2        8.0        0.22344700200024 
        0.8                                                       2344700200025 
        1.6        0.1       497.       70.1        6.6        0.22344700200026 
        0.7                                                       2344700200027 
        1.6        0.1       570.       75.1        5.8        0.12344700200028 
        0.6                                                       2344700200029 
        1.6        0.1       647.       80.0        5.2        0.12344700200030 
        0.5                                                       2344700200031 
        1.6        0.1       730.       85.0        4.4        0.12344700200032 
        0.5                                                       2344700200033 
        1.6        0.1       817.       85.0        4.3        0.12344700200034 
        0.4                                                       2344700200035 
        1.6        0.1       925.       128.        2.5        0.12344700200036 
        0.3                                                       2344700200037 
        1.6        0.1      1057.       136.       1.94       0.052344700200038 
       0.20                                                       2344700200039 
        1.6        0.1      1198.       145.       1.96       0.052344700200040 
       0.20                                                       2344700200041 
        1.6        0.1      1348.       154.       1.42       0.042344700200042 
       0.15                                                       2344700200043 
        1.6        0.1      1506.       163.       1.04       0.042344700200044 
       0.11                                                       2344700200045 
        1.6        0.1      1673.       172.       0.85       0.032344700200046 
       0.09                                                       2344700200047 
        1.6        0.1      1849.       180.       0.69       0.032344700200048 
       0.07                                                       2344700200049 
        1.6        0.1      2034.       189.       0.59       0.032344700200050 
       0.06                                                       2344700200051 
        1.6        0.1      2228.       198.       0.49       0.022344700200052 
       0.05                                                       2344700200053 
        1.6        0.1      2430.       207.       0.38       0.042344700200054 
       0.02                                                       2344700200055 
        1.6        0.1      2641.       216.       0.30       0.022344700200056 
       0.03                                                       2344700200057 
        1.6        0.1      3032.       578.       0.20       0.012344700200058 
       0.02                                                       2344700200059 
        1.6        0.1      3637.       633.      0.122      0.0072344700200060 
      0.013                                                       2344700200061 
        1.6        0.1      4297.       688.      0.062      0.0052344700200062 
      0.006                                                       2344700200063 
        1.6        0.1      5012.       743.      0.020      0.0042344700200064 
      0.002                                                       2344700200065 
        1.6        0.1      5782.       798.      0.013      0.0032344700200066 
      0.001                                                       2344700200067 
        1.6        0.1      7040.      1760.     0.0067     0.00282344700200068 
     0.0007                                                       2344700200069 
        1.6        0.1      9412.      3053.    0.00098    0.000852344700200070 
    0.00010                                                       2344700200071 
        5.1        0.2       209.       45.4        8.7        0.92344700200072 
        1.3                                                       2344700200073 
        5.1        0.2       256.       50.3        8.8        0.52344700200074 
        1.2                                                       2344700200075 
        5.1        0.2       309.       55.3        8.4        0.42344700200076 
        1.0                                                       2344700200077 
        5.1        0.2       367.       60.2        7.9        0.32344700200078 
        0.9                                                       2344700200079 
        5.1        0.2       430.       65.2        8.1        0.32344700200080 
        0.8                                                       2344700200081 
        5.1        0.2       497.       70.1        6.9        0.22344700200082 
        0.7                                                       2344700200083 
        5.1        0.2       570.       75.1        6.3        0.22344700200084 
        0.7                                                       2344700200085 
        5.1        0.2       647.       80.0        5.1        0.52344700200086 
        0.1                                                       2344700200087 
        5.1        0.2       730.       85.0        4.7        0.12344700200088 
        0.5                                                       2344700200089 
        5.1        0.2       817.       85.0        4.0        0.12344700200090 
        0.4                                                       2344700200091 
        5.1        0.2       925.       128.        2.5        0.12344700200092 
        0.3                                                       2344700200093 
        5.1        0.2      1057.       136.        2.1        0.12344700200094 
        0.2                                                       2344700200095 
        5.1        0.2      1198.       145.       1.91       0.072344700200096 
       0.20                                                       2344700200097 
        5.1        0.2      1348.       154.       1.35       0.042344700200098 
       0.14                                                       2344700200099 
        5.1        0.2      1506.       163.       1.04       0.042344700200100 
       0.11                                                       2344700200101 
        5.1        0.2      1673.       172.       0.83       0.042344700200102 
       0.09                                                       2344700200103 
        5.1        0.2      1849.       180.       0.67       0.032344700200104 
       0.07                                                       2344700200105 
        5.1        0.2      2034.       189.       0.55       0.032344700200106 
       0.06                                                       2344700200107 
        5.1        0.2      2228.       198.       0.48       0.032344700200108 
       0.05                                                       2344700200109 
        5.1        0.2      2430.       207.       0.35       0.022344700200110 
       0.04                                                       2344700200111 
        5.1        0.2      2641.       216.       0.31       0.022344700200112 
       0.03                                                       2344700200113 
        5.1        0.2      3032.       578.       0.18       0.012344700200114 
       0.02                                                       2344700200115 
        5.1        0.2      3637.       633.      0.093      0.0062344700200116 
      0.010                                                       2344700200117 
        5.1        0.2      4297.       688.      0.047      0.0042344700200118 
      0.005                                                       2344700200119 
        5.1        0.2      5012.       743.      0.018      0.0022344700200120 
      0.002                                                       2344700200121 
        5.1        0.2      5782.       798.      0.012      0.0022344700200122 
      0.001                                                       2344700200123 
        5.1        0.2      7040.      1760.     0.0026     0.00062344700200124 
     0.0003                                                       2344700200125 
       15.0        0.6       128.       35.5       10.6        1.02344700200126 
        1.6                                                       2344700200127 
       15.0        0.6       166.       40.4       12.1        0.82344700200128 
        1.8                                                       2344700200129 
       15.0        0.6       209.       45.4        8.1        0.62344700200130 
        1.2                                                       2344700200131 
       15.0        0.6       256.       50.3        5.6        0.32344700200132 
        0.6                                                       2344700200133 
       15.0        0.6       309.       55.3        6.0        0.42344700200134 
        0.7                                                       2344700200135 
       15.0        0.6       367.       60.2        5.6        0.32344700200136 
        0.6                                                       2344700200137 
       15.0        0.6       430.       65.2        7.0        0.32344700200138 
        0.7                                                       2344700200139 
       15.0        0.6       497.       70.1        6.4        0.32344700200140 
        0.7                                                       2344700200141 
       15.0        0.6       570.       75.1        5.8        0.22344700200142 
        0.6                                                       2344700200143 
       15.0        0.6       647.       80.0        5.7        0.22344700200144 
        0.6                                                       2344700200145 
       15.0        0.6       730.       85.0        5.1        0.22344700200146 
        0.5                                                       2344700200147 
       15.0        0.6       817.       85.0        4.8        0.22344700200148 
        0.5                                                       2344700200149 
       15.0        0.6       925.       128.        3.6        0.22344700200150 
        0.4                                                       2344700200151 
       15.0        0.6      1057.       136.        2.5        0.12344700200152 
        0.3                                                       2344700200153 
       15.0        0.6      1198.       145.        2.3        0.12344700200154 
        0.2                                                       2344700200155 
       15.0        0.6      1348.       154.        1.9        0.12344700200156 
        0.2                                                       2344700200157 
       15.0        0.6      1506.       163.        1.6        0.12344700200158 
        0.2                                                       2344700200159 
       15.0        0.6      1673.       172.       1.31       0.082344700200160 
       0.14                                                       2344700200161 
       15.0        0.6      1849.       180.       0.96       0.082344700200162 
       0.10                                                       2344700200163 
       15.0        0.6      2034.       189.       0.77       0.062344700200164 
       0.08                                                       2344700200165 
       15.0        0.6      2228.       198.       0.72       0.072344700200166 
       0.07                                                       2344700200167 
       15.0        0.6      2430.       207.       0.62       0.062344700200168 
       0.07                                                       2344700200169 
       15.0        0.6      2641.       216.       0.53       0.062344700200170 
       0.06                                                       2344700200171 
       15.0        0.6      3032.       578.       0.33       0.032344700200172 
       0.03                                                       2344700200173 
       15.0        0.6      3637.       633.       0.26      0.0262344700200174 
      0.027                                                       2344700200175 
       15.0        0.6      4297.       688.       0.14      0.0232344700200176 
      0.014                                                       2344700200177 
       15.0        0.6      5012.       743.      0.105      0.0202344700200178 
      0.011                                                       2344700200179 
       15.0        0.6      5782.       798.      0.065      0.0182344700200180 
      0.007                                                       2344700200181 
       15.0        0.6      6836.      1330.      0.045      0.0122344700200182 
      0.005                                                       2344700200183 
       15.0        0.6      8288.      1579.      0.019      0.0082344700200184 
      0.002                                                       2344700200185 
       15.0        0.6     10026.      1904.     0.0082     0.00452344700200186 
     0.0009                                                       2344700200187 
ENDDATA            180          0                                 2344700200188 
ENDSUBENT          187          0                                 2344700299999 
SUBENT        23447003   20181209                             22762344700300001 
BIB                  2          2                                 2344700300002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(N,F)0-G-0,PR/PAR,FY)                         2344700300003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table III of Phys.Rev.C98(2018)054604          2344700300004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 2344700300005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2344700300006 
DATA                 6          5                                 2344700300007 
EN         EN-ERR     E-MIN      DATA       ERR-S      ERR-SYS    2344700300008 
MEV        MEV        MEV        PRD/FIS    PRD/FIS    PRD/FIS    2344700300009 
       1.6        0.1       0.11      7.05       0.10      0.72   2344700300010 
       1.6        0.1       0.19      6.32       0.04      0.64   2344700300011 
       5.1        0.2       0.19      6.50       0.07      0.70   2344700300012 
      15.0        0.6       0.11      8.12       0.12      0.83   2344700300013 
      15.0        0.6       0.19      7.26       0.12      0.74   2344700300014 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2344700300015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 2344700399999 
SUBENT        23447004   20181209                             22762344700400001 
BIB                  2          2                                 2344700400002 
REACTION   (92-U-238(N,F)0-G-0,PR/PAR,KE)                         2344700400003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table III of Phys.Rev.C98(2018)054604          2344700400004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 2344700400005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 2344700400006 
DATA                 6          5                                 2344700400007 
EN         EN-ERR     E-MIN      DATA       ERR-S      ERR-SYS    2344700400008 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV        2344700400009 
       1.6        0.1       0.11      0.84       0.01      0.03   2344700400010 
       1.6        0.1       0.19      0.92       0.01      0.03   2344700400011 
       5.1        0.2       0.19      0.86       0.02      0.03   2344700400012 
      15.0        0.6       0.11      1.12       0.04      0.03   2344700400013 
      15.0        0.6       0.19      1.23       0.05      0.04   2344700400014 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 2344700400015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 2344700499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 2344799999999