ENTRY 23467 20230212 23142346700000001 SUBENT 23467001 20230212 23142346700100001 BIB 7 24 2346700100002 TITLE Stellar and thermal neutron capture cross section of 2346700100003 9Be 2346700100004 AUTHOR (A.Wallner,M.Bichler,L.Coquard,I.Dillmann,O.Forstner, 2346700100005 R.Golser,M.Heil,F.Kappeler,W.Kutschera,C.Lederer-Woods,2346700100006 M.Martschini,A.Mengoni,S.Merchel,L.Michlmayr,A.Priller,2346700100007 P.Steier,M.Wiescher) 2346700100008 INSTITUTE (3AULCBR,2AUSVIE,2AUSATI,2GERKFK,2UK EDG,2ZZZCER, 2346700100009 2GERZFK,1USANOT) 2346700100010 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,99,015804,2019) 2346700100011 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.99.015804 2346700100012 METHOD (AMS) The isotope ratios 10Be/9Be measured relative 2346700100013 to a 10Be/9Be standard. The 10Be/9Be isotope ratios 2346700100014 in non-irradiated blanks quantified in a series of 2346700100015 test measurements. 2346700100016 (ACTIV) Neutron fluence determined by 197Au(n,gamma) 2346700100017 and 94Zr(n,gamma)95Zr activation monitors. 2346700100018 ADD-RES (THEO) MACS values were calculated for thermal 2346700100019 energies between kT = 5 to 100 keV using the best fit 2346700100020 to the experimental data of a direct radiative 2346700100021 capture model. 2346700100022 HISTORY (20190225C) VS 2346700100023 (20200909U) SD: Small correction in Subent 002. 2346700100024 (20211202A) SD: Correction in Subent 002. 2346700100025 (20230212A) SD: Correction in Subent 006. 2346700100026 ENDBIB 24 0 2346700100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 2346700100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 2346700199999 SUBENT 23467002 20211202 23052346700200001 BIB 12 42 2346700200002 REACTION (4-BE-9(N,G)4-BE-10,,SIG,,MXW) 2346700200003 FACILITY (VDG,2GERKFK) 2346700200004 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Ep = 1912 keV 2346700200005 INC-SPECT The spectrum integrated over the neutrons emitted 2346700200006 into a forward cone of 120 degree opening angle is 2346700200007 considered as a very good approximation to determine 2346700200008 directly the cross section averaged over a 2346700200009 Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for a thermal energy 2346700200010 of kT = 25 keV (quasi-Maxwell-Boltzmann spectrum). 2346700200011 SAMPLE The samples were thin pellets 6 mm in diameter 2346700200012 pressed from BeO powder. 2346700200013 Sample Mass Thickness intrinsic 10Be content Irr. time 2346700200014 (mg) (mm) 10Be/9Be(10**-14 at/at) (d) 2346700200015 BeO-1 63.0 1.3 1.38 +- 0.06 15.4 2346700200016 BeO-2 67.1 1.4 1.38 +- 0.06 10.4 2346700200017 DETECTOR (HPGE) The induced activities of the Au flux monitor 2346700200018 foils were measured using high-purity germanium 2346700200019 detectors at a distance of 76 +- 1 mm. 2346700200020 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG,,SPA) 2346700200021 The standard value of (620 +- 11) mb at kT = 30 keV 2346700200022 from A. Carlson+,J,NDS,148,143,2018 is normalized to 2346700200023 the experimental neutron spectrum for the 25 keV 2346700200024 quasi-Maxwellian spectrum. 2346700200025 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198-G,2.70D,DG,411.8,0.9558) 2346700200026 FLAG (1.) Sample BeO-1 2346700200027 (2.) Sample BeO-2 2346700200028 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The total uncertainties defined from the 2346700200029 following partial uncertainties: 2346700200030 (ERR-S) AMS atom counting statistics - 2% 2346700200031 (ERR-1) 10Be standard - 3% 2346700200032 (ERR-2) AMS reproducibility - 2% 2346700200033 (ERR-3) 10Be blank - 3% 2346700200034 (ERR-4) mass of the Au sample - 0.3% 2346700200035 (ERR-5) HPGe detector gamma efficiency - 2.0% 2346700200036 (ERR-6) Gamma-ray intensity per decay - 0.12% 2346700200037 (ERR-7,,0.1) Time factors 2346700200038 (ERR-8,,1.5) Gold counts and background 2346700200039 (MONIT-ERR) -1.8% 2346700200040 STATUS (TABLE) Table VIII of Phys.Rev.C99(2019)015804. 2346700200041 Supersede subentry 22994.002. 2346700200042 HISTORY (20200909U) SD: Small correction in STATUS. 2346700200043 (20211202A) SD: SF8=MXW -> SPA in MONITOR code. 2346700200044 ENDBIB 42 0 2346700200045 COMMON 10 6 2346700200046 KT ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2346700200047 ERR-5 ERR-6 MONIT MONIT-ERR 2346700200048 KEV PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2346700200049 PER-CENT PER-CENT MB MB 2346700200050 25. 2. 3. 2. 3. 0.32346700200051 2. 0.12 640. 11. 2346700200052 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2346700200053 DATA 3 2 2346700200054 DATA ERR-T FLAG 2346700200055 MICRO-B MICRO-B NO-DIM 2346700200056 10.71 0.79 1. 2346700200057 10.32 0.64 2. 2346700200058 ENDDATA 4 0 2346700200059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 2346700299999 SUBENT 23467003 20190226 22792346700300001 BIB 4 10 2346700300002 REACTION (4-BE-9(N,G)4-BE-10,,SIG,,MXW) 2346700300003 ANALYSIS Mean value of BeO-1 and BeO-2 samples measurements. 2346700300004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The total uncertainties of the mean value. 2346700300005 (ERR-S) AMS atom counting statistics - 2% 2346700300006 (ERR-1) 10Be standard - 3% 2346700300007 (ERR-2,1.,3.) AMS reproducibility using detector 2346700300008 "setup a", "setup b" 2346700300009 (ERR-3) 10Be blank - 3% 2346700300010 STATUS (TABLE) Table VIII of Phys.Rev.C99(2019)015804. 2346700300011 (DEP,23467002) BeO-1 and BeO-2 samples data. 2346700300012 ENDBIB 10 0 2346700300013 COMMON 4 3 2346700300014 KT ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-3 2346700300015 KEV PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2346700300016 25. 3. 3. 3. 2346700300017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2346700300018 DATA 2 1 2346700300019 DATA ERR-T 2346700300020 MICRO-B MICRO-B 2346700300021 10.44 0.63 2346700300022 ENDDATA 3 0 2346700300023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 2346700399999 SUBENT 23467004 20190226 22792346700400001 BIB 9 26 2346700400002 REACTION (4-BE-9(N,G)4-BE-10,,SIG,,SPA) 2346700400003 FACILITY (VDG,2GERKFK) The irradiations were carried out at the 2346700400004 Karlsruhe Van de Graaff accelerator. 2346700400005 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Ep = 2284 keV 2346700400006 SAMPLE The sample was thin pellets 6 mm in diameter pressed 2346700400007 from BeO powder. 2346700400008 Sample Mass Thickness intrinsic 10Be content Irr. time 2346700400009 (mg) (mm) 10Be/9Be(10**-14 at/at) (d) 2346700400010 BeO-3 19.4 0.4 0.41 +- 0.13 4.12 2346700400011 MONITOR (79-AU-197(N,G)79-AU-198,,SIG) 2346700400012 DECAY-MON (79-AU-198-G,2.70D,DG,411.8,0.9558) 2346700400013 MONIT-REF (,,3,ENDF/B-VII.1,,2011) 2346700400014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The total uncertainties defined from the 2346700400015 following partial uncertainties: 2346700400016 (ERR-S) AMS atom counting statistics - 8% 2346700400017 (ERR-1) 10Be standard - 3% 2346700400018 (ERR-2) AMS reproducibility - 3% 2346700400019 (ERR-3) 10Be blank - 6% 2346700400020 (ERR-4) mass of the Au sample - 0.3% 2346700400021 (ERR-5) HPGe detector gamma efficiency - 2.0% 2346700400022 (ERR-6) Gamma-ray intensity per decay - 0.12% 2346700400023 (ERR-7,,0.1) Time factors 2346700400024 (ERR-8,,1.5) Gold counts and background 2346700400025 (MONIT-ERR) -1.8% 2346700400026 STATUS (TABLE) Table VIII of Phys.Rev.C99(2019)015804. 2346700400027 (SUPPL,23467007) Neutron source spectrum 2346700400028 ENDBIB 26 0 2346700400029 COMMON 9 6 2346700400030 ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 2346700400031 ERR-6 MONIT MONIT-ERR 2346700400032 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2346700400033 PER-CENT MB MB 2346700400034 8. 3. 3. 6. 0.3 2.2346700400035 0.12 142.7 1.4 2346700400036 ENDCOMMON 6 0 2346700400037 DATA 4 1 2346700400038 EN-MEAN EN-RSL-FW DATA ERR-T 2346700400039 KEV KEV MICRO-B MICRO-B 2346700400040 473. 38. 8.4 1.0 2346700400041 ENDDATA 3 0 2346700400042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2346700499999 SUBENT 23467005 20190226 22792346700500001 BIB 11 32 2346700500002 REACTION (4-BE-9(N,G)4-BE-10,,SIG) 2346700500003 FACILITY (REAC,2AUSATI) TRIGA Mark-II reactor at ATI Vienna. 2346700500004 INC-SPECT Well-characterized thermal spectrum. The neutron flux 2346700500005 at the irradiation position about 1 m from the core 2346700500006 was (3.9 +- 0.2) x 10**11 n/cm2s. This position 2346700500007 provides a thermal to epithermal flux ratio of 76. 2346700500008 SAMPLE BeO powder filled into Eppendorf vials 2346700500009 Sample Mass intrinsic 10Be content Irr. time 2346700500010 (mg) 10Be/9Be(10**-14 at/at) (s) 2346700500011 BeO-ATI1 1123 1.38 +- 0.06 550 2346700500012 BeO-ATI2 1180 1.38 +- 0.06 3595 2346700500013 FLAG (1.) Sample BeO-ATI1 2346700500014 (2.) Sample BeO-ATI2 2346700500015 MONITOR (40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,SIG) 2346700500016 MONIT-REF (V1001377,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,,2006) 2346700500017 ASSUMED (ASSUM1,40-ZR-94(N,G)40-ZR-95,,RI) 2346700500018 (ASSUM2,4-BE-9(N,G)4-BE-10,,RI) 2346700500019 REL-REF (R,,S.F.Mughabghab,B,NEUT.RES,,,2006) 94Zr(n,g) and 2346700500020 9Be(n,g) resonance integrals 2346700500021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The total uncertainties defined from the 2346700500022 following partial uncertainties: 2346700500023 (ERR-S) AMS atom counting statistics - 1% 2346700500024 (ERR-1) 10Be standard - 3% 2346700500025 (ERR-2) AMS reproducibility - 2% 2346700500026 (ERR-3) Epithermal correction and geometry - 3% 2346700500027 (ERR-4) Mass of the Zr sample - 0.3% 2346700500028 (ERR-5) HPGe detector gamma efficiency - 2.0% 2346700500029 (ERR-6) Gamma-ray intensity per decay - 0.5% 2346700500030 (ERR-7,,0.1) Time factors 2346700500031 (ERR-8,,1.5) Zr counts and background 2346700500032 (MONIT-ERR) -3.4% 2346700500033 STATUS (TABLE) Table VII of Phys.Rev.C99(2019)015804. 2346700500034 ENDBIB 32 0 2346700500035 COMMON 14 9 2346700500036 EN MONIT MONIT-ERR ASSUM1 ASSUM1-ERR ASSUM2 2346700500037 ASSUM2-ERR ERR-S ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 ERR-4 2346700500038 ERR-5 ERR-6 2346700500039 EV MB MB MB MB MB 2346700500040 MB PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 2346700500041 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2346700500042 0.0253 49.4 1.7 280. 10. 3.82346700500043 0.2 1. 3. 2. 3. 0.3 2346700500044 2. 0.5 2346700500045 ENDCOMMON 9 0 2346700500046 DATA 3 2 2346700500047 DATA ERR-T FLAG 2346700500048 MB MB NO-DIM 2346700500049 8.11 0.54 1. 2346700500050 8.51 0.57 2. 2346700500051 ENDDATA 4 0 2346700500052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 2346700599999 SUBENT 23467006 20230212 23142346700600001 BIB 5 7 2346700600002 REACTION (4-BE-9(N,G)4-BE-10,,SIG,,AV) 2346700600003 ANALYSIS Mean value of BeO-1 and BeO-2 samples measurements. 2346700600004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information of sources of uncertainties. 2346700600005 STATUS (TABLE) Table VII of Phys.Rev.C99(2019)015804. 2346700600006 (DEP,23467005) BeO-ATI1 and BeO-ATI1 samples data. 2346700600007 HISTORY (20230212A) SD: SF1=Zr-94 -> Be-9; SF4=Zr-95 -> Be-10; 2346700600008 SF8=AV added to REACTION code. 2346700600009 ENDBIB 7 0 2346700600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 2346700600011 DATA 3 1 2346700600012 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2346700600013 EV MB MB 2346700600014 0.0253 8.31 0.52 2346700600015 ENDDATA 3 0 2346700600016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 2346700699999 SUBENT 23467007 20190705 22792346700700001 BIB 2 128 2346700700002 SUPPL-INF (INCSP) Neutron spectrum 2346700700003 Col. 1: Incident neutron energy (keV) 2346700700004 Col. 2: Neutron spectrum (arb. units) 2346700700005 --------------------------- 2346700700006 343.4 0.000 2346700700007 345.9 0.010 2346700700008 349.0 0.050 2346700700009 351.3 0.060 2346700700010 354.3 0.109 2346700700011 357.6 0.179 2346700700012 359.4 0.179 2346700700013 362.2 0.288 2346700700014 364.0 0.298 2346700700015 365.3 0.367 2346700700016 369.3 0.437 2346700700017 369.8 0.496 2346700700018 371.1 0.496 2346700700019 373.4 0.575 2346700700020 381.6 0.923 2346700700021 383.1 0.923 2346700700022 386.1 1.081 2346700700023 387.9 1.081 2346700700024 389.2 1.171 2346700700025 390.2 1.171 2346700700026 391.2 1.280 2346700700027 392.0 1.250 2346700700028 395.0 1.399 2346700700029 395.8 1.399 2346700700030 397.8 1.538 2346700700031 399.9 1.577 2346700700032 401.1 1.567 2346700700033 401.9 1.677 2346700700034 404.2 1.746 2346700700035 405.0 1.746 2346700700036 406.0 1.825 2346700700037 407.5 1.825 2346700700038 409.0 1.935 2346700700039 409.8 1.935 2346700700040 411.1 2.004 2346700700041 412.8 2.063 2346700700042 413.9 2.054 2346700700043 417.9 2.192 2346700700044 419.0 2.192 2346700700045 421.8 2.391 2346700700046 422.8 2.391 2346700700047 423.8 2.421 2346700700048 425.1 2.421 2346700700049 426.8 2.480 2346700700050 429.9 2.639 2346700700051 431.2 2.639 2346700700052 433.7 2.688 2346700700053 435.0 2.748 2346700700054 436.3 2.758 2346700700055 438.3 2.847 2346700700056 439.1 2.847 2346700700057 440.1 2.917 2346700700058 442.9 2.996 2346700700059 444.1 2.976 2346700700060 445.2 3.046 2346700700061 446.2 3.046 2346700700062 450.0 3.214 2346700700063 451.0 3.204 2346700700064 452.3 3.244 2346700700065 454.1 3.333 2346700700066 455.1 3.333 2346700700067 456.1 3.304 2346700700068 457.9 3.452 2346700700069 458.9 3.373 2346700700070 460.2 3.562 2346700700071 462.0 3.502 2346700700072 463.0 3.641 2346700700073 464.0 3.591 2346700700074 465.3 3.631 2346700700075 466.0 3.601 2346700700076 466.8 3.700 2346700700077 468.8 3.750 2346700700078 470.1 3.730 2346700700079 472.1 3.869 2346700700080 473.9 3.869 2346700700081 476.2 3.958 2346700700082 477.0 3.958 2346700700083 478.8 4.028 2346700700084 480.0 4.097 2346700700085 481.0 4.038 2346700700086 482.1 4.127 2346700700087 483.8 4.127 2346700700088 485.1 4.276 2346700700089 486.1 4.266 2346700700090 487.9 4.315 2346700700091 488.9 4.306 2346700700092 490.2 4.395 2346700700093 491.2 4.425 2346700700094 492.5 4.514 2346700700095 494.8 4.554 2346700700096 496.1 4.623 2346700700097 497.1 4.563 2346700700098 502.4 4.782 2346700700099 502.9 4.871 2346700700100 503.9 4.831 2346700700101 505.0 4.950 2346700700102 506.0 4.931 2346700700103 507.5 5.000 2346700700104 509.0 4.802 2346700700105 511.1 4.712 2346700700106 511.8 4.643 2346700700107 513.1 4.613 2346700700108 514.9 4.345 2346700700109 517.2 4.216 2346700700110 517.9 4.077 2346700700111 523.0 3.571 2346700700112 525.1 3.462 2346700700113 526.8 3.204 2346700700114 528.9 3.085 2346700700115 529.9 2.867 2346700700116 533.0 2.629 2346700700117 536.3 2.321 2346700700118 537.8 2.083 2346700700119 538.8 2.034 2346700700120 542.1 1.716 2346700700121 545.9 1.210 2346700700122 546.9 1.161 2346700700123 550.0 0.734 2346700700124 551.0 0.655 2346700700125 553.6 0.327 2346700700126 556.9 0.069 2346700700127 558.7 0.020 2346700700128 STATUS (CURVE) Scanned from Fig. 3 lower panel, 2346700700129 Phys.Rev.C99(2019)015804 2346700700130 ENDBIB 128 0 2346700700131 NOCOMMON 0 0 2346700700132 NODATA 0 0 2346700700133 ENDSUBENT 132 0 2346700799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 2346799999999