ENTRY 23505 20200118 22852350500000001 SUBENT 23505001 20200118 22852350500100001 BIB 12 38 2350500100002 TITLE Investigation of the 37Ar(n,p)37Cl and 37Ar(n,alpha)34S2350500100003 reactions in the neutron energy range from 10 meV to 2350500100004 100 keV 2350500100005 AUTHOR (G.Goeminne,C.Wagemans, J.Wagemans, O.Serot,M.Loiselet,2350500100006 M.Gaelens) 2350500100007 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,678,11,2000) 2350500100008 INSTITUTE (2BLGGHT,2ZZZGEL,2BLGLVN) 2350500100009 FACILITY (LINAC,2ZZZGEL) Neutron spectrometer GELINA 2350500100010 Burst width 1 nsec at 800 Hz, 10 nsec at 100 Hz. 2350500100011 (CYCLO,2BLGLVN) 30-MeV cyclotron for samples 2350500100012 production. 2350500100013 SAMPLE Samples were made at 30-MeV cyclotron via 2350500100014 Cl-37(p,n)Ar-37 reaction by bombarding NaCl target with2350500100015 30 MeV protons. Ar-37 atoms (ionized 1+) were 2350500100016 implanted in a 20 micron Al foils. Number of Ar-37 2350500100017 atoms was determined at IRMM by detecting 2.62 keV 2350500100018 KX rays with gas-flow proportional counter. 2350500100019 DECAY-DATA (18-AR-37,35.0D) 2350500100020 DETECTOR (IOCH) Frisch-gridded gas (methane 99.999%) flow 2350500100021 ionization chamber - FIC, pressure 1 bar. 2350500100022 Compensated parallel plate ionization chamber - CIC; 2350500100023 working gas methane. 2350500100024 (SIBAR) Almost 2PI-geometry, 100 micron thick, 3000 mm22350500100025 large detector. 2350500100026 METHOD (TOF) 8.3 m flight path. 2350500100027 Energy range 1eV-10keV 10meV-1eV 1eV-70keV 100eV-100keV2350500100028 Frequency,Hz 800 100 800 800 2350500100029 Detector FIC FIC SIBAR CIC 2350500100030 Ar atoms 2.15E+15 2.83E+15 5.00E+15 7.00E+15 2350500100031 Measurement 2350500100032 time, hr 480. 150. 100. 370. 2350500100033 Run by SIBAR was not taken into account at analysis 2350500100034 due to low statistics. 2350500100035 CORRECTION Energy dependent background was determined by black 2350500100036 resonance filters (Al,Rh,Au,Mn,Cd). 2350500100037 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Uncertainty of number of Ar-37 atoms 2350500100038 HISTORY (20190303C) M.M. 2350500100039 (20200118A) SD: Correction on Subent 004. 2350500100040 ENDBIB 38 0 2350500100041 COMMON 1 3 2350500100042 ERR-1 2350500100043 PER-CENT 2350500100044 7. 2350500100045 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2350500100046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 2350500199999 SUBENT 23505002 20190516 22802350500200001 BIB 6 20 2350500200002 REACTION (18-AR-37(N,A)16-S-34,,SIG) 2350500200003 ANALYSIS SIG1(En)=((Y1(En)*N2)/(Y2(En)*N1))*SIG2(En), 2350500200004 1 - Ar-37, 2 - B-10, 2350500200005 Y - counting rates, 2350500200006 N - number of atoms in sample, 2350500200007 SIG2 - B10(n,alpha)Li-7 cross section from ENDF/B-VI. 2350500200008 N1/N2 was determined by normalizing the obtained SIG1 2350500200009 curve to the thermal value of R.Bieber+ . 2350500200010 100 Hz run normalized to thermal value . 2350500200011 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,,SIG) reaction as flux monitor and 2350500200012 for neutron energy scale calibration. 2350500200013 From ENDF/B-VI,version or year is not mentioned in the2350500200014 article. 2350500200015 ((MONIT2)18-AR-37(N,A)16-S-34,,SIG) At thermal energy. 2350500200016 MONIT-REF ((MONIT2)22427002,R.Bieber+,J,NP/A,647,3,1999) 2350500200017 ERR-ANALYS .Quantization error (1/2 pixel): 2350500200018 scale X - 0.21 % , scale Y - 0.18 % 2350500200019 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2350500200020 article. 2350500200021 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 of Nucl.Phys.A,v.678,p.11,2000 2350500200022 ENDBIB 20 0 2350500200023 COMMON 4 3 2350500200024 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG EN-NRM MONIT2 2350500200025 PER-CENT PER-CENT EV B 2350500200026 0.82 0.39 0.0253 1070. 2350500200027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2350500200028 DATA 3 10 2350500200029 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2350500200030 EV B B 2350500200031 1.243E-02 1.569E+03 2.302E+02 2350500200032 1.514E-02 1.448E+03 2.124E+02 2350500200033 1.880E-02 1.314E+03 1.568E+02 2350500200034 2.379E-02 1.128E+03 1.244E+02 2350500200035 3.185E-02 9.366E+02 7.853E+01 2350500200036 4.386E-02 8.100E+02 7.501E+01 2350500200037 6.451E-02 6.463E+02 7.131E+01 2350500200038 1.053E-01 5.368E+02 5.445E+01 2350500200039 2.034E-01 3.857E+02 4.255E+01 2350500200040 5.727E-01 2.265E+02 3.322E+01 2350500200041 ENDDATA 12 0 2350500200042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 2350500299999 SUBENT 23505003 20190516 22802350500300001 BIB 5 16 2350500300002 REACTION (18-AR-37(N,A)16-S-34,,SIG) 2350500300003 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,,SIG) reaction as flux monitor and 2350500300004 for neutron energy scale calibration. 2350500300005 From ENDF/B-VI,version or year is not mentioned in the2350500300006 article. 2350500300007 ANALYSIS SIG1(En)=((Y1(En)*N2)/(Y2(En)*N1))*SIG2(En), 2350500300008 1 - Ar-37, 2 - B-10, 2350500300009 Y - counting rates, 2350500300010 N - number of atoms in sample, 2350500300011 SIG2 - B10(n,alpha)Li-7 cross section from ENDF/B-VI. 2350500300012 800 Hz run, absolute values. 2350500300013 ERR-ANALYS .Quantization error (1/2 pixel): 2350500300014 scale X - 0.21 % , scale Y - 0.18 % 2350500300015 (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2350500300016 article. 2350500300017 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 of Nucl.Phys.A,v.678,p.11,2000 2350500300018 ENDBIB 16 0 2350500300019 COMMON 2 3 2350500300020 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 2350500300021 PER-CENT PER-CENT 2350500300022 0.82 0.39 2350500300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2350500300024 DATA 3 11 2350500300025 EN DATA DATA-ERR 2350500300026 EV B B 2350500300027 1.086E+00 1.680E+02 2.157E+01 2350500300028 1.468E+00 1.151E+02 1.582E+01 2350500300029 2.099E+00 1.114E+02 1.531E+01 2350500300030 3.328E+00 8.467E+01 1.164E+01 2350500300031 5.745E+00 6.182E+01 7.936E+00 2350500300032 8.773E+00 4.478E+01 6.157E+00 2350500300033 1.328E+01 4.852E+01 6.671E+00 2350500300034 2.009E+01 3.871E+01 5.678E+00 2350500300035 2.793E+01 3.688E+01 5.751E+00 2350500300036 4.775E+01 2.167E+01 2.979E+00 2350500300037 8.012E+01 1.647E+01 2.568E+00 2350500300038 ENDDATA 13 0 2350500300039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 2350500399999 SUBENT 23505004 20200118 22852350500400001 BIB 7 18 2350500400002 REACTION (18-AR-37(N,A)16-S-34,,SIG) 2350500400003 MONITOR (5-B-10(N,A)3-LI-7,,SIG) reaction as flux monitor and 2350500400004 for neutron energy scale calibration. 2350500400005 From ENDF/B-VI,version or year is not mentioned in the2350500400006 article. 2350500400007 ANALYSIS SIG1(En)=((Y1(En)*N2)/(Y2(En)*N1))*SIG2(En), 2350500400008 1 - Ar-37, 2 - B-10, 2350500400009 Y - counting rates, 2350500400010 N - number of atoms in sample, 2350500400011 SIG2 - B10(n,alpha)Li-7 cross section from ENDF/B-VI. 2350500400012 800 Hz run by FIC and CIC, absolute values. 2350500400013 FLAG (1.) Measured by FIC 2350500400014 (2.) Measured by CIC 2350500400015 ERR-ANALYS .Quantization error (1/2 pixel): 2350500400016 scale X - 0.005 keV, scale Y - 0.095 b . 2350500400017 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.5 of Nucl.Phys.A,v.678,p.11,2000 2350500400018 HISTORY (20200118A) SD: Energy units corrected in DATA section 2350500400019 (EV -> KEV). 2350500400020 ENDBIB 18 0 2350500400021 COMMON 2 3 2350500400022 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG 2350500400023 KEV B 2350500400024 0.011 0.14 2350500400025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2350500400026 DATA 3 249 2350500400027 EN DATA FLAG 2350500400028 KEV B NO-DIM 2350500400029 0.114 16.29 1. 2350500400030 0.124 12.30 2. 2350500400031 0.134 9.84 1. 2350500400032 0.134 10.78 2. 2350500400033 0.134 20.84 2. 2350500400034 0.154 7.75 2. 2350500400035 0.184 12.30 2. 2350500400036 0.205 9.65 1. 2350500400037 0.225 11.35 2. 2350500400038 0.255 9.46 1. 2350500400039 0.285 10.78 2. 2350500400040 0.326 8.51 1. 2350500400041 0.356 11.35 2. 2350500400042 0.407 9.08 1. 2350500400043 0.427 10.97 2. 2350500400044 0.528 10.02 2. 2350500400045 0.548 10.02 1. 2350500400046 0.619 20.46 2. 2350500400047 0.649 11.16 2. 2350500400048 0.690 8.13 1. 2350500400049 0.690 10.02 2. 2350500400050 0.740 21.22 2. 2350500400051 0.761 11.35 1. 2350500400052 0.781 7.37 2. 2350500400053 0.811 12.49 2. 2350500400054 0.851 0.54 2. 2350500400055 0.852 10.21 2. 2350500400056 0.852 11.92 1. 2350500400057 0.912 14.20 2. 2350500400058 0.932 10.02 1. 2350500400059 0.942 6.80 2. 2350500400060 0.983 11.73 2. 2350500400061 1.023 16.66 2. 2350500400062 1.034 14.01 1. 2350500400063 1.064 12.68 2. 2350500400064 1.094 24.25 2. 2350500400065 1.104 17.99 1. 2350500400066 1.125 17.61 1. 2350500400067 1.145 32.60 2. 2350500400068 1.155 24.82 1. 2350500400069 1.175 17.99 1. 2350500400070 1.205 18.37 2. 2350500400071 1.206 21.22 1. 2350500400072 1.246 23.30 1. 2350500400073 1.246 36.21 2. 2350500400074 1.266 25.01 1. 2350500400075 1.286 16.28 2. 2350500400076 1.307 30.89 1. 2350500400077 1.307 60.31 2. 2350500400078 1.317 27.48 2. 2350500400079 1.327 40.76 1. 2350500400080 1.327 54.99 2. 2350500400081 1.347 40.00 2. 2350500400082 1.357 38.11 2. 2350500400083 1.368 48.73 1. 2350500400084 1.378 36.78 2. 2350500400085 1.388 47.02 2. 2350500400086 1.408 57.84 1. 2350500400087 1.418 84.97 2. 2350500400088 1.428 80.99 2. 2350500400089 1.449 70.36 2. 2350500400090 1.449 80.04 1. 2350500400091 1.469 101.10 2. 2350500400092 1.479 76.06 1. 2350500400093 1.489 114.01 2. 2350500400094 1.509 84.59 2. 2350500400095 1.520 91.80 1. 2350500400096 1.529 69.41 2. 2350500400097 1.550 115.90 2. 2350500400098 1.560 87.06 2. 2350500400099 1.570 120.84 1. 2350500400100 1.580 113.82 2. 2350500400101 1.601 107.74 1. 2350500400102 1.601 119.13 2. 2350500400103 1.631 70.93 2. 2350500400104 1.641 83.46 1. 2350500400105 1.661 61.06 2. 2350500400106 1.661 65.05 2. 2350500400107 1.671 61.82 1. 2350500400108 1.681 42.66 2. 2350500400109 1.681 66.19 2. 2350500400110 1.691 23.68 2. 2350500400111 1.691 68.84 2. 2350500400112 1.711 34.50 2. 2350500400113 1.721 42.47 1. 2350500400114 1.721 45.31 2. 2350500400115 1.752 41.52 2. 2350500400116 1.762 20.27 1. 2350500400117 1.772 13.63 2. 2350500400118 1.792 22.73 2. 2350500400119 1.802 17.80 2. 2350500400120 1.812 8.31 1. 2350500400121 1.822 4.52 2. 2350500400122 1.842 0.53 2. 2350500400123 1.873 5.09 1. 2350500400124 1.893 0.53 2. 2350500400125 1.913 3.38 1. 2350500400126 1.953 0.53 2. 2350500400127 1.953 4.33 2. 2350500400128 1.984 2.24 1. 2350500400129 2.004 4.14 2. 2350500400130 2.034 0.53 2. 2350500400131 2.034 8.69 2. 2350500400132 2.095 0.91 1. 2350500400133 2.135 4.14 2. 2350500400134 2.166 2.05 1. 2350500400135 2.176 7.93 2. 2350500400136 2.196 4.14 2. 2350500400137 2.247 3.95 2. 2350500400138 2.297 3.76 2. 2350500400139 2.307 6.98 1. 2350500400140 2.317 0.34 2. 2350500400141 2.368 11.92 2. 2350500400142 2.378 13.05 1. 2350500400143 2.398 23.30 2. 2350500400144 2.409 14.76 2. 2350500400145 2.449 26.72 2. 2350500400146 2.469 16.47 2. 2350500400147 2.469 36.96 1. 2350500400148 2.479 34.31 2. 2350500400149 2.490 68.46 2. 2350500400150 2.500 31.27 2. 2350500400151 2.530 73.40 2. 2350500400152 2.551 80.23 1. 2350500400153 2.561 60.11 2. 2350500400154 2.612 97.11 2. 2350500400155 2.642 117.04 2. 2350500400156 2.652 92.75 1. 2350500400157 2.672 87.25 2. 2350500400158 2.692 58.59 2. 2350500400159 2.712 54.99 2. 2350500400160 2.733 63.34 1. 2350500400161 2.743 77.57 2. 2350500400162 2.773 47.97 2. 2350500400163 2.813 44.17 2. 2350500400164 2.823 30.51 1. 2350500400165 2.854 34.49 2. 2350500400166 2.884 12.48 2. 2350500400167 2.934 19.12 1. 2350500400168 2.934 25.01 2. 2350500400169 2.975 15.90 2. 2350500400170 3.015 12.67 2. 2350500400171 3.035 11.72 1. 2350500400172 3.066 6.41 2. 2350500400173 3.116 18.74 2. 2350500400174 3.136 18.93 2. 2350500400175 3.146 6.79 1. 2350500400176 3.177 0.34 2. 2350500400177 3.207 18.93 2. 2350500400178 3.258 4.70 1. 2350500400179 3.258 6.22 2. 2350500400180 3.308 12.29 2. 2350500400181 3.349 3.56 2. 2350500400182 3.399 5.84 1. 2350500400183 3.409 3.18 2. 2350500400184 3.470 6.03 2. 2350500400185 3.520 0.34 2. 2350500400186 3.531 3.37 1. 2350500400187 3.581 0.34 2. 2350500400188 3.642 11.72 2. 2350500400189 3.682 2.42 1. 2350500400190 3.713 2.99 2. 2350500400191 3.753 5.84 2. 2350500400192 3.824 1.10 1. 2350500400193 3.824 5.65 2. 2350500400194 3.884 2.80 2. 2350500400195 3.945 5.27 2. 2350500400196 3.986 0.90 1. 2350500400197 4.087 0.52 2. 2350500400198 4.157 2.61 2. 2350500400199 4.178 0.52 1. 2350500400200 4.228 4.70 2. 2350500400201 4.309 0.90 1. 2350500400202 4.309 2.42 2. 2350500400203 4.390 0.71 2. 2350500400204 4.400 2.42 1. 2350500400205 4.461 2.61 2. 2350500400206 4.501 1.28 1. 2350500400207 4.542 2.42 2. 2350500400208 4.602 0.71 1. 2350500400209 4.633 2.42 2. 2350500400210 4.713 0.71 1. 2350500400211 4.825 0.71 1. 2350500400212 4.895 0.71 2. 2350500400213 4.936 0.52 1. 2350500400214 5.057 0.90 1. 2350500400215 5.088 2.42 2. 2350500400216 5.168 0.71 1. 2350500400217 5.290 0.71 1. 2350500400218 5.360 0.71 2. 2350500400219 5.421 0.71 1. 2350500400220 5.492 0.71 2. 2350500400221 5.563 0.71 1. 2350500400222 5.613 0.71 2. 2350500400223 5.704 0.71 1. 2350500400224 5.846 0.71 1. 2350500400225 6.008 0.71 1. 2350500400226 6.058 2.42 2. 2350500400227 6.159 2.23 1. 2350500400228 6.210 2.41 2. 2350500400229 6.311 0.71 1. 2350500400230 6.483 0.71 1. 2350500400231 6.614 2.22 2. 2350500400232 6.675 0.71 1. 2350500400233 6.746 2.03 2. 2350500400234 6.847 0.71 1. 2350500400235 6.907 0.51 2. 2350500400236 7.049 0.70 1. 2350500400237 7.211 0.70 2. 2350500400238 7.251 0.89 1. 2350500400239 7.382 1.84 2. 2350500400240 7.453 0.70 1. 2350500400241 7.514 0.70 2. 2350500400242 7.575 0.70 1. 2350500400243 7.666 0.70 1. 2350500400244 7.726 4.12 2. 2350500400245 7.797 0.70 2. 2350500400246 7.878 0.70 2. 2350500400247 7.898 0.70 1. 2350500400248 7.949 0.70 2. 2350500400249 8.030 0.51 2. 2350500400250 8.100 3.93 2. 2350500400251 8.131 0.70 1. 2350500400252 8.191 0.70 2. 2350500400253 8.262 0.70 2. 2350500400254 8.333 0.51 2. 2350500400255 8.383 0.89 1. 2350500400256 8.434 0.70 2. 2350500400257 8.505 4.11 2. 2350500400258 8.586 0.70 2. 2350500400259 8.646 0.70 1. 2350500400260 8.666 0.89 2. 2350500400261 8.768 0.70 2. 2350500400262 8.859 0.51 2. 2350500400263 8.919 0.70 1. 2350500400264 8.960 0.51 2. 2350500400265 9.041 0.51 2. 2350500400266 9.132 0.51 2. 2350500400267 9.212 0.70 1. 2350500400268 9.222 0.70 2. 2350500400269 9.313 0.51 2. 2350500400270 9.404 0.70 2. 2350500400271 9.516 0.70 2. 2350500400272 9.516 0.70 1. 2350500400273 9.607 0.70 2. 2350500400274 9.708 0.51 2. 2350500400275 9.819 0.69 2. 2350500400276 9.819 0.70 1. 2350500400277 9.910 0.69 2. 2350500400278 ENDDATA 251 0 2350500400279 ENDSUBENT 278 0 2350500499999 SUBENT 23505005 20190516 22802350500500001 BIB 4 12 2350500500002 REACTION 1(18-AR-37(N,0),,EN) 2350500500003 2(18-AR-37(N,0),,J) 2350500500004 3(18-AR-37(N,0),,PTY) 2350500500005 4(18-AR-37(N,EL),,WID) 2350500500006 5(18-AR-37(N,A),,WID) 2350500500007 6(18-AR-37(N,P),,WID) 2350500500008 7(18-AR-37(N,A),,WID/STR) g*Gn*Galpha/Gtotal 2350500500009 ANALYSIS (SLA) Not-interfering Breight-Wigner shapes fit . 2350500500010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2350500500011 article. 2350500500012 STATUS (TABLE) Table 2 of Nucl.Phys.A,v.678,p.11,2000 2350500500013 (DEP,23505004) Measured CS used in fits . 2350500500014 ENDBIB 12 0 2350500500015 NOCOMMON 0 0 2350500500016 DATA 9 4 2350500500017 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2DATA 3DATA 4DATA 52350500500018 DATA 6DATA 7DATA-ERR 7 2350500500019 KEV KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM EV EV 2350500500020 EV EV EV 2350500500021 1.540 0.020 2. +1. 37. 257. 2350500500022 7. 20. 4. 2350500500023 2.630 0.030 2. +1. 57. 209. 2350500500024 4. 26. 5. 2350500500025 21.5 0.2 2350500500026 68. 15. 2350500500027 38.0 0.7 2350500500028 32. 14. 2350500500029 ENDDATA 12 0 2350500500030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 2350500599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 2350599999999