ENTRY 23520 20190604 22802352000000001 SUBENT 23520001 20190603 22802352000100001 BIB 8 10 2352000100002 TITLE The pile neutron absorption cross sections of bismuth 2352000100003 AUTHOR (D.J.Littler, E.E.Lockett) 2352000100004 REFERENCE (J,PPS/A,66,700,1953) 2352000100005 INSTITUTE (2UK HAR) 2352000100006 FACILITY (REAC,2UK HAR) 2352000100007 COMMENT Of compiler. Incident neutron energy value is not 2352000100008 given in the article, assumed by compiler as 0.0253 eV 2352000100009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Type of uncertainty is not explained in the 2352000100010 article. 2352000100011 HISTORY (20190604C) M.M. 2352000100012 ENDBIB 10 0 2352000100013 NOCOMMON 0 0 2352000100014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 2352000199999 SUBENT 23520002 20190604 22802352000200001 BIB 10 45 2352000200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,G)83-BI-210,,SIG,,SPA) 2352000200003 INC-SPECT Predominantly thermal spectrum of pile neutrons 2352000200004 METHOD Pile oscillator method, G.I.E.E.P. oscillator was 2352000200005 used. 2352000200006 Impurities, ppm (full chemical analysis) in sample 2352000200007 after the pile measurements: 2352000200008 Gd < 0.01 Dy <0.02 Na 2+-0.3 2352000200009 B 0.05+-0.005 Pb 15+-2 Ni 1.5+--0.3 2352000200010 Cd 0.25+-0.025 Zn 8+-1 Sn 1+-0.1 2352000200011 Li <0.1 Sb 5+-0.25 Fe <5 2352000200012 Sm <0.03 Si 5+-0.5 As <1 2352000200013 Eu <0.01 Ca 5+-1 Mn <1 2352000200014 Ag 10+-1 Cu 4+-0.4 Co <1 2352000200015 In <1 Mo 4+-0.2 Cr <0.5 2352000200016 Cl 20+-4 2352000200017 REL-REF (M,,F.C.W.Colmer+,J,NUC,8,3,1951) 2352000200018 (M,,P.Benoist+,J,JPR,12,584,1951) 2352000200019 . A.Langsdorf, Atomic Energy Commission Declassified 2352000200020 Report 3194, 1951 2352000200021 . Littler, Atomics,v.1,P.189,1950 2352000200022 Four refs. for method details. 2352000200023 MONITOR ((MONIT)5-B-0(N,ABS),,SIG) 2352000200024 ASSUMED (ASSUM,7-N-0(N,ABS),,SIG) Used for correction. 2352000200025 COMMENT Of authors. In the pile neutron spectrum the (n,gamma) 2352000200026 CS is much greater than 2352000200027 (n,p) (energy release 0.147+-0.01MeV), 2352000200028 (n,alpha) (energy release 9.23+-0.02 MeV), 2352000200029 (n,2n) (threshold 7.2+0.1MeV) CSs, 2352000200030 (n,p) and (n,alpha) CS were estimated at 3MeV energy 2352000200031 to be of order 3*10**-7 b, 2352000200032 so measured absorption CS is almost identical to 2352000200033 (n,gamma) CS. 2352000200034 CORRECTION For scattering - negligible. 2352000200035 For "slowing down" - measured by heavy water- +0.7 mb 2352000200036 in measured CS. 2352000200037 For allowance of displacement of air by sample at 2352000200038 moving in the center of pile, nitrogen CS was used, 2352000200039 correction 2.6 mb. 2352000200040 For impurities contribution - 6.9+2.4-0.8 mb, 2352000200041 rewritten as 7.7+-1.6 mb. 2352000200042 ADD-RES Raw value of CS obtained in measurement with other 2352000200043 sample(lent by B.B.Kinsey Atomic Energy of Canada,Ltd.)2352000200044 is 34.3 mb (no corrections applied). 2352000200045 STATUS (TABLE) Abstract and text on page 701 of 2352000200046 Proc.Phys.Soc.A,v.66,p.700,1953 2352000200047 ENDBIB 45 0 2352000200048 COMMON 2 3 2352000200049 MONIT ASSUM 2352000200050 B B 2352000200051 710. 1.76 2352000200052 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2352000200053 DATA 3 1 2352000200054 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 2352000200055 EV MB MB 2352000200056 0.0253 30.8 2.2 2352000200057 ENDDATA 3 0 2352000200058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 2352000299999 SUBENT 23520003 20190604 22802352000300001 BIB 10 22 2352000300002 REACTION 1(83-BI-209(N,G)83-BI-210-G,,SIG,,SPA) 2352000300003 2((83-BI-209(N,G)83-BI-210-G,,SIG,,SPA)/ 2352000300004 (11-NA-23(N,G)11-NA-24,,SIG,,SPA)) 2352000300005 MONITOR 1(11-NA-23(N,G)11-NA-24,,SIG,,SPA) 2352000300006 SAMPLE Three Bi discs (~0.4 mg/cm2) on Al. Irradiated with 2352000300007 a sample of sodium carbonate. 2352000300008 INC-SPECT Predominantly thermal spectrum of pile neutrons 2352000300009 METHOD (ACTIV) After irradiation in the G.L.E.E.P., 2352000300010 Na-24 activity was counted by coincidence method of 2352000300011 J.L.Putman, Brit.J.Radiol.,v.23,p.46,1950. 2352000300012 Bi discs were kept several weeks (to allow decay of 2352000300013 Bi-210 -> Po-210), then counted in alpha-counter. 2352000300014 DETECTOR Argon-filled 2PI alpha counter 2352000300015 DECAY-DATA (84-PO-210,140.D,A) 2352000300016 (83-BI-210-G,5.D) 2352000300017 RAD-DET (84-PO-210,A) 2352000300018 CORRECTION Alpha-activity of original sample was negligible. 2352000300019 STATUS (TABLE) Text on page 703 of 2352000300020 Proc.Phys.Soc.A,v.66,p.700,1953 2352000300021 This Subent supersedes (as newer publication) 2352000300022 Subent 21362.007 (previously quoted) 2352000300023 (COREL,23520004) Data from beta spectrometry 2352000300024 ENDBIB 22 0 2352000300025 COMMON 1 3 2352000300026 EN-DUMMY 2352000300027 EV 2352000300028 0.0253 2352000300029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2352000300030 DATA 6 1 2352000300031 DATA 1DATA-ERR 1MONIT 1MONIT-ERR 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 22352000300032 MB MB B B NO-DIM NO-DIM 2352000300033 20.5 1.5 0.50 0.015 0.0410 0.0027 2352000300034 ENDDATA 3 0 2352000300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 2352000399999 SUBENT 23520004 20190604 22802352000400001 BIB 9 12 2352000400002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,G)83-BI-210-G,,SIG,,SPA) 2352000400003 MONITOR (11-NA-23(N,G)11-NA-24,,SIG,,SPA) 2352000400004 SAMPLE No information in the article 2352000400005 METHOD (ACTIV) Irradiation in the B.E.P.O 2352000400006 DETECTOR (D4PI) 4PI counter for beta-disintegration rate 2352000400007 detection for Na-24 and Bi-210 2352000400008 DECAY-DATA (83-BI-210-G,5.D,B) 2352000400009 CORRECTION Small correction for Bi sample impurities . 2352000400010 ANALYSIS Mean value of two measurements at B.E.P.O. 2352000400011 STATUS (TABLE) Text on page 703 of 2352000400012 Proc.Phys.Soc.A,v.66,p.700,1953 2352000400013 (COREL,23520003) Data from alpha spectrometry 2352000400014 ENDBIB 12 0 2352000400015 COMMON 1 3 2352000400016 EN-DUMMY 2352000400017 EV 2352000400018 0.0253 2352000400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2352000400020 DATA 4 1 2352000400021 DATA DATA-ERR MONIT MONIT-ERR 2352000400022 MB MB B B 2352000400023 20.4 1.6 0.50 0.015 2352000400024 ENDDATA 3 0 2352000400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 2352000499999 SUBENT 23520005 20190604 22802352000500001 BIB 4 9 2352000500002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,G)83-BI-210-G,,SIG,,SPA) 2352000500003 MONITOR (11-NA-23(N,G)11-NA-24,,SIG,,SPA) 2352000500004 ANALYSIS Final value was obtained from two measurements - 2352000500005 at B.E.P.O. and G.I.E.E.P. , beta and alpha counting, 2352000500006 respectively. 2352000500007 STATUS (TABLE) Abstract and text on page 703 of 2352000500008 Proc.Phys.Soc.A,v.66,p.700,1953 2352000500009 (DEP,23520003) G.I.E.E.P., alpha counting, 2352000500010 (DEP,23520004) B.E.P.O., beta counting 2352000500011 ENDBIB 9 0 2352000500012 COMMON 1 3 2352000500013 EN-DUMMY 2352000500014 EV 2352000500015 0.0253 2352000500016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 2352000500017 DATA 4 1 2352000500018 DATA DATA-ERR MONIT MONIT-ERR 2352000500019 MB MB B B 2352000500020 20.5 1.1 0.50 0.015 2352000500021 ENDDATA 3 0 2352000500022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 2352000599999 SUBENT 23520006 20190604 22802352000600001 BIB 3 8 2352000600002 REACTION (83-BI-209(N,G)83-BI-210-M,,SIG,,SPA) 2352000600003 CS of long-lived alpha-emitting Bi-210 state 2352000600004 production 2352000600005 ANALYSIS Derived as difference of Subent 002 and Subent 003 2352000600006 data. 2352000600007 STATUS (TABLE) Abstract of Proc.Phys.Soc.A,v.66,p.700,1953 2352000600008 (DEP,23520002) BI-209(N,ABS) CS 2352000600009 (DEP,23520005) BI-209(N,G)Bi-210 CS 2352000600010 ENDBIB 8 0 2352000600011 NOCOMMON 0 0 2352000600012 DATA 3 1 2352000600013 EN-DUMMY DATA DATA-ERR 2352000600014 EV MB MB 2352000600015 0.0253 10.3 2.5 2352000600016 ENDDATA 3 0 2352000600017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 2352000699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 2352099999999